B The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, Nov, t, 1972 623-3303ý FLSBC 25 Years, Ago - - B.H,4S. ruigby teamI defceed Whitby at Alexandra Par, Oshawa, 8-6 in the finalgameindJ thus retained the Rotary Cluib trophy for another year. Memnbers oif the team were flying wing Reynolds, halves Coombes, Mioorcraft, fullback DeGeer, quarterback Cattran, snap Buck- span, insides Tuerk, Gallagher, Middles Tamblyn, His, outsides M\1off-att, Knox. t t t t VLASHBACKM -10 Years Ago - Jack Reid waâs elected President of the Men's Town Softball Leagule with Bruce Cole vice-president and Tùm Pearsoni secretary-t reasurer at the league banquet and dance at the Lions Centre on Saturday. Ken Nicks presented individual trophies to the win- niing Ken's Men's Wear team: Bruce Cole, John Fowler, B3ob MVarjerrison, Ted Bird, Don Bag- nieil, John Twvist, John Bird, Dave WIerry, Don PBisho1p, Johin Jam-es, Curt Vanstonie, F'at Corneli Tiff BOWMANVILLE BASEBALL, ASSOC. - will hold their next mreeting'at the old Town Hall, Tues- da.y evcning (Nov. 7thi) at 7:30, This organization, w7orking in close co-o-peration with the Recreation Department under Bud Fanning, are hopeful of a good turnout. Any past coaches, mhanagers, umpires or interested basebail persons are invited to drop in and; become a part of this Association, by offering their views and questions. Contact Jimn Clarke for further in-formation. î ît t I WVIN GýOOJ3YEAR GOLF TOURNAMENT- Bowmnvile's olf ing team consisting of Jiggs, Cowlinig, Emserson EJI'llis, Doug WVilson, Jimi Adams, Pauil Chant, Jack Bond, Dave Kin.,, AI Gorrie and Pete Landry defeated the Colling- wood team in a, two gaine points to count series. Next year'sz event will be a three way confronta- 1 tion with Owen Sound also taking part.1 A?ýTTEND CL1INIC- The following girls from the- Orono Figure Skating Club attended the Amateur Coaàches; ClinIc in Aj-ax Saturday, October 21. Patti Lunn, M1ýarcia Lîoweryý, Joanne MYercer and Merridy Williams received thir Juinior Coaches Badge. This National Skating test programi bas been endors- ed by professionial figuire skaters, hocke-y players, ,pend skaters and athletic récréation directors, as an exellent program in basic skating instruction fýor beginners cof ail ages. The successful coaching candfi- dates wxili retuin(to their sk-ating club to aýssist in the coaching of beginners, judlge their tests, and gener- ally assist in thie administraition of the porm PORT HOPEl PANTHERS' COACHES - for the coming "eason willbe Ken Medhurst and Rick Austin, t t t t BIKE PATHIS SOUGHT- A pla n for a systemn of bicycle paths parallellinig Canadian highways was presented to government officiais Thursday by a Pollution Probe officiai who cýycled to Ottawa from Toronto. Norm aiko executive director of the Scarb)orough Poll1ution Probe, gave the brief to Lloyd _'arI-w' Liberal IVP for Ottawa West in the last Parliament. t t t t SNOWMOILE RACING SHOW - Kýawartkga fur, l"ternationals officiais have set Jan. 68 as the date-, for the 1973 event. The event, sanction- ed by the O-ntario Snowm-nobile Racing Federa- ion, 'will be staged at Morrow Park. Up for corn- petition will be thie Xawartha Cup for the top -male driverandt te Molson's Award for the top female racer. The 1973 event is expected to offer Ite argestpueev. To date, the prize moneyv stands ai: $3M,500. Festivities wiII begin Jan, 5 with registration of drivers at the Holiday Inin, foliowved by the Kawartha tup dance at the Bavarian Beer Gardens to be staged iii the manu- facturer's building. OSEF rules will be in effect anXd a copy may be obtained from OSRF, 5419 Marksbuiry Rond, Pickering. Fersons requesting further information about the Kawartha Cup In- ternations5 are asked to cal 742-2772 in Peter- bojrough or 749-15655 in Toronto. t t T i t HIOCKEY ROU.ND-UP Junior "C" Red Eagles defeat.ed by Cobourg Sunday night hiere 4-3, McGre-. gor Drugs M\Idgets defeated Oshawa Kinsmen Ban- tas -2, Wed., 1t'he 25th, Westerni Electric Miner Bantaim %,were dcIeped -by Port Perry 6-5, on Sun- day Wetr lectrie defeated Whitby 4-1 Ini Port Hop'o Friday Knap ý's Major Bantams defeated Port Hope 2-0. On Saturday ini Bowmnvî-lle, Pres- ton IMajor Novie lost to -Bay "rýidges 3-1, Cosumer?; Gaqs Mites and Coburgplayed te a 3-3 rdraw. irbEMIEMIBERi th,- "Redi Raiders" g«ala party this Saturday, Nov. 4fh at Centennial Hall. Corne and talk over old finies, gamies played andi renew aqantne with the Breslin teams. OSIRAWAMIGT - wllpaBomnîe J. &M. sports Auïthori7edk Dealer for Kawa"iAki Mo0torcycles - PolarisSowole OROINO - PHTONE eM1835810 A. FEW A-iUSîED S-NOWMOBILES tLEFT TUINE-UPS $7-50 plus PARTS ed in the last 1,5 seconds of Hock y Cauait at renaplay, taking a pass fromj Cosmes C sHo k y Caut1i rn WAayne Whitemnan. Trent Mooci scored bath thirè,1 periodt ol Mllites Me Id o 30%m Cfflàfor Oshawa. -ýBritt Mpplipy I Mits eId toweit th lotein galfor 3-3 Journeying to Cobourg con riathe H. L. Wood Trais- On Saturday evnigat the otrphmpdtehm Mîvem-orial Arena, the Bowmjîaf--! Pesqd13-0. r1 ed by f lra ýville Consumners' Gas Mitesj Godifrey and Scott Stevn :hosted Ithe Cobourg Mites nd , . with.fou ol aC,the a 33 teo rn..p..ayBovîonv3-le quadihad easy bth espaydt i pckings. lIon Visser, Gan- Bowmanville scored firsi, in 'r .u...sseldorp, Brian Dennris add- the initial period, the markis . . . . p..e kingles a p i. Assîfi niani being Rîcky Erwin, the Pikn-ii)a ar sif a8sists on the play going taoi*»wn aBen aJu ~Gr llyHogarth atnd. Joe Nîhîli 'k'.4. Dusseldorp 3, Don Farrow 2 ~ ~:ii'~". 'eui WaneWiterain 1, C.erardi Cobourg scored ta tie thei-ip. ~ ~ ~ M ron ,DnStie1 scor e cn er ,B Brian i Friser regstered the manville went ahead 2-1 oat a <ut-iitn.siri go. a............og. saves whlen called upan, Coming back ta Bowma;n- set up by defencemran Chrns .h............l~vlefrahm none Dyck. The Cobourg Mite ~~the Vllfo-alsbtrimed teWit- scoed ta, again tic the %Coufl .,' b aad42 Ini the third period th e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lkBanoeethsor Consumes'Gas crewwen...........................................n lin othedfilst sanz aha 32o agalbgoal ........... a~sed by Gerard Mqorrinon. Plain, the assist on -the oli, ........Mar nptteTasotr gOing ta Logan. Cobourg scor -aed20mnte ae sit i~j: ~~ ~. d hy ai ndWaneWhite- ed ta tic the score. P.. ..in-~ tough luck arouind the Cobourg I« Thep Bownville lead wa-Ls net missing innumnerable scor- iuigte!eceto itmhokygn nMndyeeig eal nrae o3-0 an a point! iiopportunities. The boys K ei otc ihtebad n a frn rmcet .shont by Tom -iEyma-jn after tak- ingaayenof ca painsc ritncgI M hcornerad wspasfei-outm, hfropari lwill have ta show a littlc îmorcn unl as-u r hustie in checking if they are ,anid having difficl breathîng. So), the amnbulance wýas called anidlhe was Baiin. ta have a succssful season. 1whieele utbyc-wmebes Joh Lthnue ad n jL1angtoni. Atrtreat- fin the lthird peiad Don Bria Rudy an KenY ment:in ositlhe was allowedto lreturu home, appariely nv one the wrefor Frro li te sebro Woodard shared the goaltend-, a .martthre-way l Vpassingl in hr5frBowmianville. er '_____________i ___IPla, Stevens and God>frèy, in orea-vls r______ __________ iissistin.H Pauil Brown and Bowmanîll's ext O. H A ob Znieihscored for League game wî-ll be plaieciCommercail League e:d ant the Peter Camrpbell Mem-_____Whitby lote ini the thirdped anal ink n Por Hop onés Brown ]et up knowing they satali night, Nov 4th, hd h gm i hebg. Britt 5:45 n i M4%ilurphy fillied the nets forl ~Iftfterf IIIaFflfw1w ownianvleplaying a stead'y Brooks' Owv urvow ..I S_ Iu Lce U igare, imakïing somne good stops ,whe'nneelesarv.' ia If N o M I extlhome gorme for- the FRUDAY NICHI Walter. rank's Nip utton's H.L W alte . F ani( 1 I n à wil1 be at 4 p.m. on Saituýrday, ENov. 4ti, l'art Hope thevi- MIX D itors. Se you there! ih Single H. Selleck High Triple - L. Rcad HtIghAvg. -L. -Richardts Men High Single - C. Mtton - igh Triple - G. Wilcax Hligh Av'. - D. Reynoldis Top 10 Averages qD, Reynolds - M. Richard------ E. Brock-- D. Orme G. Wilcox ------------ - 1M , Etcher - - ----------- R. Sefleck.........-- L, Smnale -------------- G. Piper --------- (0F Bowlinig October 2tb Ladies - Hlgh Single, N Williamî 29"; High 'Triple, N. Willianims 699, (165, 299, 235).- Men - Highl Single, B. Smith 16; Hîgh Triple, B. Smiti 877 (275, 316, 286). Team Staniding-s G. Couch------ 24597 50 A. Van) Goor 23 37-0 43 B. Smnith .... -'23139 35 A. Bonsina.---23 131 3 R,ý Vanderbcrg --22384 32 P. Murphy - 23332 29 WV. Pierîmna 22"548 22 L. Waodcock 22440 22 M. Alldread ------22398 22 P. Patter - --------- 22363 17 J. Luffmnan - 19234 10ý Charter-ways Mixe>d Top Ten ý Les Smnala 204, -Rosie Vc- nasse 180, Mang Ged1des 1'79,,' Ray Venasse 178, John G'eddcs 175, Wes Martin 170, Lcigh SaMMerscales 168', Jim Ged- des 111, Samn Hitchens 160, Bill Stewart 159. HlhSingles - Men, Les Smale 274; L ad ies, Pcgg9y Stewart 9236. High Triples - Mca, Les, Srmale; Rosie Vnasse 5,93, Team Standings ý Teamy No. 4, 14 pts.; Teami No. 1, 14 pts.; Team No, 2, 13 pte.;, Teami No. 3, 7 pli. Foundry Bowling, Pins Pts. Team No,. 4 21093 i, Team No. 5....2 0,704 il Team No. 3 --21,'73 lL Team No.- 1 -20,32,4 1 Team N ýo,2? -2 0,5307 9 Tcam Nao, 5 '20C,284 Hligh Single:ý Ladies,,, A. Adj- ai ?23., Mcar, O, EKnapp 20 H.lgh Triple: Ladies, A, Ad-ý ams 627, Mc, O. jKnapp 660.ý Over 220 Gamnes: A. Adamiý 223, G, Simpson 23:3, 226, 0. Knapp 270, A. Cole 238, S. Adaïns 250, J. Bridger 235, Averages 20)aind aven: B. Pannrer 217, R. Goodl 213, N. Cowle 206, 'D. Snowden 20l"! B.Adamt '201, S, Adam.s 201. :New ville- Sýtarkvillei, Top 1A Averageýý Marlene Stacey 20r2, ae SWoods 196, Marg MvacDonýi-aldi 196, Joyce Stacey 194, Doris: Tamnpkinsý 192, Darothyv Staniki 19,Grace Farrow 182, Janle SMeKeen 180, Lyn1daWluhn 17,Ma ri nm 178. f1igh eingle, Olive H-eaider- son 258; high average, Marlei Stacey '292; high triple, -Doris Tompkins 644. G-aines Won STweety irs 2 by Jim Clarke Bcy Hughes and. Alex wiserali age h lsr fouri,-pinýt display (a goal and maa rker, Bathi netmrinders,i th-reeasst)poed Walte-r Vinice Vanstone(rak) and Franfk PReal Estate ta teîr Curt Vanstone toiled mnag-i 5-4 7 i ctorL)1,y over M uttton' S nificenmtly duiring d Ia ,well- Shieli, i Sunday mrnig1splayved contest. Curt had per- openler. In-,thle 1late affair, hapsi a sglightly heavier work Bros uertst posted ir load ovýer the 60 minute grind.1 first tr-iumphIn thï ,ree StartLs, By far the most noticeablei deailing Spencer's Real Estateifigure oun the ice was Gary ýa 4-1 Setba-ck. l'he two Real Wilsoni who has seldom put Estate spanisored cIlub)s have together a more effýctive(, two- ideticl 2niarlks, ta share wav hjunký of hockey. Greon, top spt fter jit tj hree weeks Harness and B ob 1-1e 1 lmw e of pifay. ather StandCou]tS for the Walter ini Sundîay1'.s 9 a.rn. match, Frank flock. Mtanschoice it tOook an openet goal at had ta beu"uck" Hghes, 1:6byv Frankc's Bob -1Rm- along with WoleranýdWs- esi ta give, the Real Estalte man. Thie lasers pickýed up crowd their in It miade the four of ithe game's six minorl score 5-3. alhoug Muton's penaltie-s. Hýughe-swrpe up ting,-s1 Brook's Supejrtest, limiited ltai ith only' 10 seconds remnain- just four -goal,]s inl theirfit ing. David Genand lHarnîestwo lasses dilled homie that cech snipedJ a pair of goals ma-y finth second gamie: Sfor thie winneirs, with Wilson wîth Spencert's Real Estate,l adcding a lanae marker. Brian p,ýosting a 4-1 recision. Thle Hlugh es, R-,i ck Waool1n e Ë, twa teamis were even at 11 folloiwing 2?0 minutes, 1but the SulPrtIest gang co n trolled thi ngs over the last t w o per-iods, Steve Bur-ns notch-ý ed b-is third of the season, wiha two-goal ,ict. Brycé A,%dams and -fjohr Adams su-p-ý plied singles while Kimn Rog- ers hit for Spncr' nc m arker. Th e lasers wer ej tagged withfive of six penal-1 t iies, Alng wvith1, Bu, ns, gaalle Grant Wrighýt appeare in playoËf f frm, wil-TuIly" Thomýpion also was effectivel for, Brooksý. Spencer's recev-1 ed top efforts fromn Rogers, and Ken Vicwhowa teste (-d rglryby thle swift Brooks' shioaters. Brookýs' newý,- est miemberý is Scoitt Burgess,ý ed B arry Whiem1a. Theý league executive decision wTas maefoiloingtS u n d a y's' actioni. In- the openerr, 9 a.m. sp,ýnuer's and Walter Frtan ký meitet, while Brooks' and MWut-ý ton's tangle at 10:15. Early Goals by Cobourg Plus Several Penalties Leave Eagles Short I Goal iCobourg dominated the Juniior C gm on Sunday night to defeat the Red Eagles by a score of 4 to 3. Frora the start oM the game, Rw m;ianviïle had troul oe getting! organized anid clearing the- puck ut of Ltheirown en.ý F'irally, Cobourg scored at 13:37 to take a ý1-0 lead, Thé score remiained ti way untl17 of the second whnTerry. Lewis of Co- bouirg pike p a loose puck and put. it past Stu-irroc-k for the s-econid Cbuggoal. PHIL VOWLES HEATING SPECIALIST PHONE 623-7591 24 IIOUR SERVICE Oul, Gag & ElAectric Furnace & Air Condition Installa- fions - Centrale) Window Llnits - Clare Hecla& FindIoey Equflient Fre" Estimates Budget Terms Available 1Bowmanvllle then decid ta change their tactics -vwný Smith received an necs sary penalty forrogng this allowed Cobourg to take a 3 taO lead, 'lhiswath first of five penalties wichn Bowmanville receivedc, all in the second period. For about one moinute ini the second, Bowmanville hwç the type of hockey which11 they a re capable of. Doug, Crough- took a paiss from- Max Joh-nson and ealyput Bw mavleon) the sheet. Sc ondcs latesr, Doug agajintook .a pass, from MxadRick Shackelton, ta score, mnaking il 3 ta 2,. Thinrgs got a;qlittie ruhfor: Bowmanvýille when C roumgh took' an obviaus boardinig penalty and Burg-esi folowed, for high sÉicking. evn Bowmanville twa nxin shiort. The rest of the perliod wasý quiet except for Cobourg's fi nal goa.1 Hackewisethe Ithird l r laod was best. iMany fast rush-1 es bath ways added tath ie excitement of Cloe al arxound -the net. The sýpeed of RSAENTaLS 22' -2'-27' MODELS NEW AND DEMONSTRATORS FOR iRENTALS plOOK NOW vFOR PEARLIY '1971 FOR FURTHER INFORMNATION CALL, O1;lAN S, RP 22LBETSTN. BWNVLL ISimpson and Fre will be tgreantlyappreciat--d t bis year along with the steady defens- 'f Byron Holmnes.k One of the higlîights of the' perlod came after aBomn ville goal by Shackeilton from, RPire and Crough.Boa- ville relaxed, for A second. ai- iowed a Cobourg rush Mthrougf îta Sturrock wlio after stop0- 1pinýg the finIL shot, lait sight aof the puck only ta have Wt end le an top of the net he- ihlmn. Ithle finalminteBow- imanville pulledter goalie ýto try f or the tie, but onýlyl m!îanaged ta geltwùo shots n net. T-1hîs armchair coach fees Bowanvllecana go places If! thepy stick ta hockey. Theoy are a lte unorganized now and are taking samne chcap penalites, but P.tils stIl aryj ini the season; watch out when they start ta click. Pfee Weines Wini Three Games ( lnne Osaaon !Wednesda, Octobher 25th, the , 4-L, Woodi Tranýuspor ters clabber-d fthe S, S Pool by a scoreof 7-i. Th Transport ers, playing thieir1 b'est gamne ta date hiad good puck control, maving the puck out of thejir awn end well and! finishing olffmnost tof their plays. Bawýmaniville tool aý 2-O lead byr the end o( the ist period, Bradi Godlfrey scaning fromi Tim- Buttonshaw and RikBain,an Scott Stevens: scoring unassistedf. Grave Sutton szcored earlyi ini the secon!d period for Osha-l wa, narroing the gap ta 2-1 Godfrey tallied liiisecond goal unasstd, added two more goals Rik Bain rm9 Godcfrey ,anid Bnianl Denlnis ndc Don Faýrrow scored uin- for, Oshawa in he atesta.ges, of thel(-priod m aki ng the sUore- 5-2 at the end of the second. DInd thtirid peliad BRrent Baarput the lo al aed p-~sapin hmea P a isý tram -"Brad Godfrecy wohad won t'e fac(e-off dee-p ,i Osila- Liberty Belles Oecber 2t Bradlcyv 14077 16 Laand------------14948 1 colvilie .- - . 145,58 15 ~oet----- ---- 14380 15a --- -x-------- - -14151 1 5 KGrkton------ - - 13971 14l E{ostmn -13840 1.3 Stephiens.- -- --- i3837 12 Bon O-il13722 0 Cooriibes - -139-6 q9 sheha-,n ..-13292 -, 6 D ad s on- 13436 4 H-igh Single, 266 AnuEBo ns: Eigh Double, 484 (234, 2,50) Oclores }XonoPâacki. Top 10 Averages C. Roberîs 2 -11, -W. Coombes 904, J. Chant 203, Marlon 3thson 198, A. -Boni 196, F. 1,and 196, M. Lane 196, F. Bradley 194, -M. fHorsîman 192, B., Stephens 192. Niglit Hawks oct. 2 Higli single A. D.ykîtr - - Higb Triple -- 6 A. Dykstra 701' TEAM STANDINGS A,, Dykstr'a ----- 21,562 20½ C. Bruce - - ---- 21,305 19 A, Burgeiss-------21,245 18 J.Rae --- ----- 20,423 14 D . o g d e n --- - - -2 1 ,0 5 2 1 3 1½ 2 AVERAGES C., Bruce------- -------- - -205 BA r- --- --- -------- -20M D, Ogden- --- - -------- -- 192' 'K. Campbell.------- ------191 SB. Smithi --1-----9---- 1--- K. RaIston ý -- --- 188 A., Lorusso--- --- -- 18 m S. Carter - - ----- -- - 184 A, urgesi-------8 Mf. Trrimble -------- - 182 623- 330 $9,40 SPECIAL IF YOUR C4,R HAS 241,000 MIILES R*3 OVER YOU NEEDOU$94 Automatic Transmission Special W1EyWILL . 4.Intal ras.pa 2. Clean trans, fiter gasket Parts andi Labour All Included RmRý ýffl ffl mmmmmo*EW 166, KING ST. E. sports-model snow- mlobile you Cali buy. Where it meets the S; ground., if's tough. Where it <1xý j meets you, it's' -. smjooth. moto-ski CvM).k intd 623-3396 Ounset IRoad - Bwrativillr, 623262 This is the sports machine that's unFleaten iÎn the 400 înd 440 grass drag races. 14 Modeis,- to choose frorn-. $55ta14. NO DOWN PAYMENT - until the smnQw fliesi 40"mmwmm M-- SPORTALK BADMNIO - s beThg paed eyTusa andf Thuarsday in the General Proeroni -of thie Orono Public School. Activities ivi this sporyt are open te anlyone wishinig te Play fromi sevenî o'clocýk te 10 occkPuri. AthoughBdito has> juqit started there lias been a good turýnout. Birds are supplied by the Club with each person paying 25 cents te play eachn-ight. Mlinor Hockey rrGels New Execuitive Team The Bowmanvile Minor NoviceMinor Robert Pool, Hockey Assaciation bas elect- NoviceMajor- Preston Transg- cd iti new executive for 1972- part, Pee Wce Minor - Hamnp-. 1973. ýtan ardens, Pa-e Wee Major- They are as follows: H. L. Wood Transport, Býantam-( 'President, Keith Saketn;Mnor - eern ru Electvic, Paît President, Jimn Farraw: atmMjr .W np FiIt 'Vice President, Bob Towing9. Wright;Second Vie PeidnTem, Cchles and-" Manag- ýTonViser:Secrcta'ry-Treas es - Mies - Brian purdv, urer, Don-, Welsh; Contact !M/an, P'Archie" Cross eneicox Ralh Omison.Novce aj r -Jim Schultz, DIRECTORS: Barb Button- Ron Cees Pee WmeeMinon shawv, Lytna Patter, Jimi Cr)- Gr akr ee we Majo. yderman, Doug Kenm, Paul DonBdorGenrryMorrisan;, Sohil, -Ron, Wells. Dickl Dennis, ata inr-"Buclk" Jan- Lloydy Broome, Don Ho1garth. ack, Don Hgrh Bantlam Sponsors ar e sed as fal Major -.JohnFowler. George lows: Mites - COnfsumeraS' Gai, Sa inur. _______ "Western ElectrUc!s Win4-1Over hib the Bomanville Weste nd Jerrî Leddy asise y, Elcctric MiorBatam lsIBamrL ,Liv\ingston a wldc aaenae ta the Port' An ionounable i on Pirmy Canadian Tire Full msbh en ta ihe( line of Bcntans a mra Aena. John is, linJukjaician Affer Port Ferry wen t:Arty1 ,ýPreston. Although hv ahead 1-O, Terry Sarginsan deg trouble iig the net si cored on a solo eff orttatiýaifar his sasn hey have th-je score n-ear Ille end of the limnited the oppositin ta tirst period. tla the secànd , r fwgoal wththeilrfinle Jerry JohasiFtçan assisted by fore hekig Sam Elliott and John Ho- rNexI home game will le garth, andJohnBoarth ram nainst Ajax on Wadnesday, Jerry Lcddy offset anc h -y Nov 8Ith, aI 8:30 p.Corne Port Perry ta put Bowmnan-out and support the boys._ 1Ville ahead by 3-2. la1 thefinal penriod, due ta sinme wobblyv goal-tenIding ar1di pon defeasive wrBw manvile were aipped 6-1. The lastItwo wcoring plays for western Electric -woe lDe er Ormiston tram Jelrry Sagn- son, and Sanginson tfram 0- Sst«.pa On Suniday, Oct. 291h, Il wsadifment stary, as i Western Eleccic played by fan their fnetgame of tha scason, downing Whty A Minor Bantams 4-1. This Was a solid eam cf- fart with fine goaltcndingp a tram TîtimVanstonie and Mikl AIY/,"sT4of~~ Gasick. This miamked the firsi lime ,- wehae efnaaîed Whi-Foex for ,$0AMOPAYM.K by in the paît two easns Bow7manvillc openeri tce scanlng acar the Mnd of the 'ÇYX first Perlod on a, goal by- Ro- bnt Ommîton assisted hy>1 JrI Sam lîlît.Afler Wib hl lieWd thescore carlylh fne second pcniad, John Hogamth \XI Service scored what prov-ed ta be thi wirnc, wýi theicasitgaing18KNGE aPgainta Sam Elliot. 10 IG la the final period, Wcst-ý BO WM1ANVTLLE Prn Electiel tooIk change 'with! somie aggressivc forercek PHONE 623-5662 ing1 and rcally outhit thec Doni McLachlan - Dou Plaiu ýWhltby cluïb. The finalto gols- were scomed bhy Temry Nobes wil,