l 4and nSatsanBowçMmM1e, Dec. 13, 1972 A -ut20 MIbe~~o the da" vvas sung, songs by -Rose- SUPPer g',-t,Sndvw't-h Netonvîý.'ll-S,talkvullle Bowl- mary Eardlex,1 Emily Wassall, Mr. andM, Doug Rowe and xrjg LeaguLe he11 ld thir Christ- Mchelline Harris, auccordioi family, Newcýastle, mý1asPary at he home of selections by Evelyn Stacey Ron. Hendlerson aýpent the Mr.Drthy Stark Stark- and vocal solos by iV.Irs. Jim weekend with Terry Miles at ~vlleCrn Tuesýday igt Caswell, accompanied by Mrs. Norwood. Mn and Ms. C.'M.jonles IL. Hallowell, Our new Deputy Sunday supper guests with 'vmnnid y r. Rev Mr. K. Entwisle, a Mr. and Mrs, C, H. Lane were Robrnsn, atnddthe f neîghbor of the Birds, brougbit Mr. and Mns. Bruce Leuty, rlof t1he lat- te lBuh, geetigis. Mr. and Mrs. Bird Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. gonsnla o Ms iniewere called forward, Marie M. Jones, ~amr iiati- Buh unenral Prosek presenting the latter Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen HO, ellle .last Wed - with a corsage and Mrs. Agnes were among those atitending a n~say ffrnon.Burley read the address. stress- shower at the homie of Mn, Mr. -and rsFe 1-1nder- ing the importance of their and Mrs. M. BbnoSujn. eonatenlel heBel Tele- hobby, this sanctuary, in this day evening, for Býid 1Hobinson phoe CrîsmasPary, rî~age.of violence and wanton and his brîde-to-be. day nîght, at chae. destruction of ,our environ- Seven ables eein pay ment. Presentation of a purse '~t he ard art inCom- of money was made by other T R N mmniyHalFîdynight, members of the committee, Y O E wîmth tee ines figh Mrs. A. Prosek, C. Stapleton, 1,ay Ms Tin; lw ldyR. Bruce and H. Stapleton. Sunday r-orning the White Bereic Mlilan h~hlar' Mr. Bird made a fitting neply, Gift Service was highligbted Joe Jlisen low an, Gannet invitîng ail to feel free to iby our Ladies Choir and lead- ,Zealand, 05 draw, Mrs. A. visit their sarctuary, aften er Mis. Gondyn Brent. Super- M.il 1 a r. which luncheon' was served, intendert Tom Pleasance as- Fiday nighit supper guests and an hour of.square danc- sisted Rev. ýR C. Hopkinà. wmith Mrs. àMary Wade wene mng enîjoyed, Mis. Murray Yeo read the .Mrs. Edîth Burirowvs of Agir- Tey. Snelgrove s Sunday Christmas Striry, Dawn Van- court: Mrs. Fine Goulding, mornîng topic xvas "The Iml' eyk, Jennîfer Yeri and Susan 'DownSvlew an?"i Mrs. Gladys poniranci nfBie reading". Pleasance read the scriptures, :Bickle of Osh-ii-aa. 1He cted many, cases in which The White Gît ts will be sent Mr. and Ms Phil Gilrner, passages of scipture have tol, Orilla Home. laine Kî nild Kenny were brought comifort and encour- Club 49 held their Chrisýt-, ,Saf tur day gh dner guests agement, and, piayed an im- mas panty last week by goinig .wth Mn. and Ms, F. Gilmer portant -part in changing the out tri dinner and retunning ,~dSundicay dinner guests with lves of the readers. The back tri the new CE. Wing for Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Clysdale choir sang "God Rest Ya, a social get-together. at Or-ono. Y Merry Gentlemen'. Approp- Dense Rowe, Bowmanville, VLîs:tors wîth Mr. and Mrs. riste Christmas decorations, spent the weekend with the EFd.w. Saturday evening, the work of two local ladies, IWoodley family. înicluded r3i. and] Mrs. Ben did much tri improve the ap- Mrs. Arthur Younigman ne- Hoyý, end1aliss Dle Imlach pearance of the interior rfIturned home from hospîtal andýý:Mr an-d Ms Don Vînkie. our churrb, ilast Saturday after an ripera- Mn. and Mrs. B.13 G. Ingoldls- MU.r.3udl Jones of Edmonl- tion. îl -,y an amîwr isîltorsl"on clid tri Ottawa On a Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Runidle Satudyît rLWdebsnsÀtp pn tewc-and Matthaw, Bowmanville, iAnd GrantL, enfd with his mother, Mrs. spent Sunday with bis parents, Mebas f hî rnuntyBeas Jones. Mr. and Mrs. John Rundia. ahndil the c al hall, Local people atteuding the, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vsnayk Satnda nght De.l in an Cbarterways Christmas Party, and Mn. and Mrs. Stan Hodg- cxr io f god ii ad ap- Saturday night, in Newcastle son of Bowmanville wene vrecditi for' Mr. and -7Mns. Communîty Hall, included: Sundayavngdiargct Jek B 1irdc, whsevild life Mn. and Mrs. E. Webster, M. Mr. anMrPu Tay ~acur ufrdetnieand Mns. Hugh Stapleton, Mr.ofM.ad rsPulVny daîag troughi fineP, this Faîl. sud Mrs. L. Boisvert, Mr. andanfmiypirtatedg -Rev . Sneclgnova summadit Mrs. M. Samis, Mn. and Mrs. the Christmas 'Pageant. :llD whe1n, on býeiing chlon Bn Tompkius, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgZe Ail- te gpe-ak, h emned"he a opkmjs, Mr. sud Mns ..dread and Mr. aud Mrs. Wal- ~ngaystîks i i omor-V. 1PFrosck.tanraý,hm wene Sunday dinne Fn o ko smbdycns" unaupeluests ,itb gu-est,-,of Mr.,sud Mrs. . E. *Chnstms ~rol wee ang n. ud rs.Don Stapieton Griffui, (Oshawa. by ~ ~ ~ ~ T th onerst hîewr M.a Mrs, Arie SelI-1X ~eopl assmble, andMr, ig, ort Hoe; Miss Karen m loyd Cveal ctd sth S i nd Mîr. Naîl Stapleton, MAPLIE GROVE fohowig rogaid'OCan Mr. eeRo wa a actMah Go Cubi andf ledes ouhld lîka Výo thank1 ail theopia who weut downc fotri thebowlng nes on Wed-c Thank You n Mna, Buban, tMrs, Ma-e ucoea, De. 6th r heMpa-ee ;o , DaeyMissDon- 1 Sh ad'ýýir1ey Wr;oocl. Mn. 1 1SHTO TIIANK ALL THE VOTERS Dick Woodi. We would also lîike to thauk the manager 0FDARLI1NGTON'ý TOWNSHIP FOR THEIR froni Liberty Bowl for hav- ing us al thara, The boys SUPPORT ON DEC. 4th. Sure thriught it was funny when the bot coffae wat al on his pants. 'Thank y ýou. Wa 1 WILL ENDEAVOR TO DO MY BEST TO wo)uld also bike tr iltauk the Bocwmsnvilhe fine depalrtmcut SERVE Y 'OU. anir Chief Mn. J. Hayman forn the aa-fety talk anri film nj Dec lth , 'This was good, edu-1 cainfor the boys Thsnk v rsn.Brooks, MkeDakuin, Mery ( riMisa d H appy Mrs Doyle, Mr. Bubar forý Ne Y arVhan illness or nmly meýnt stnikas, a famil y can't a4ffrird even small Christma7 g;ffS. But The Salvation Army, iXe rn cari sec tr it i that here ar e ML..Ofl W e r warnm ciothes and toys for tha chldran and a holiday dînu an Celebral'ed Their Graham John and Gordon Ennest Fry,s braied their finst birthday on October 7th,1 J. A. Fry, Mn. and Mrs. L. Bail and pnoudg G. Graharn, ail o, ]3owmanville. __ A "Double Fetue"ws Tha pr o g r ar planned racantly for the folks with Mns, 0. C ., Asi in oun eommuuity aund was hittiug as chairmar attended by an audience ing, a few remnark which filled the Commuuity quastiug everyrir Hlall tri overflowing.,,The first singing '"Now Ist performance was tri bonor a Peridically the local popular maideri andi herj performers weref fiance, viz. Sheryl Ashton andj by Mn. Ross Ashi( [Michael Streuga whose up- camera, The prett comng weclding is the 23nd anri boutomnienes of December. sigori by a-locali Mesdames Ruth Senc, it, 'Mrs. Velma Gri, Donothy SarVeima Gif Chnistmras arrnange fin and Marg,,aret Ashton coui- banced the other I venl a committea to ora ions pnovided by Ina this clabration, and chose men's FellowshîpG Mnr. Murray Marshall as the A deliclous lune genial Master rit Ceremonias. cd a i eny pleasai The MC, lutarjecteri most andi incInded] a t:ý appropriate jokes as ha in- cî'cam aud cake ,by triducad tbe progr.am num- lert,paent , M bers which included thnee Ra ibo.One pieasing piano solos, (a) "Lit-!the bseefitMr:sý tla Spring Song" by Ssr ton whiýîs çcouvaie Wer,(b) "Tha pinig but oft pueumil Son" y Bnian MGl,()hatws on a r cal olo "haSound oritMu- idan for a":dL o bic hy Mrs. Ruth Stengar Our rrou Suri with Miss Elva Onchard as ing ail noadsled t( accompanis8t. Humonous reari- bineri S S. sud chi ings, "Uricle H-enry's Arivice tri bniiig a congrega fon a Succfl Marriage' filieri the sanctua aIso 'il am a Christmas Trea" capscity. S.S. Sup( were given by Mrs. Joiyce Edigar. Wright joine Virtue, Our male quartet, ýC. Hripkins in the Messs J. Siemon, E. WrIght assist with the andi 0. C. Ashton, with their Service. The Jr.c nîdiculous parody of the Val- pied the choir al low Rise rit Taxas creatad thein leader Mca. some fun as thay sang witb at tha priano. A bug their numbar reducari Vo a dicorated sud, 11gb trio, as ona tenon, Mn. Ross mas trac gave the Ashton, was given tha privi- s a- tveatmr lage tri sit îvith bis family Tyro boys'2 grriupa along with the guast couple' providad lsud set up ln the audicnce. Iy trac, sd the A corsage sud boutoîînier" gfirls' riup and i ware pinnari on Sheryl idn ad acontingho Michael by Ruth Staugrai-sud ing rm oins' Dorothy Sharp, then tha cou- ftlowen ýanrangamai pie ware escortad tri tha stagesar. ý, by tha maIe trio. A witty sud The !onan pi claver adrereaswas composeri hnatnmusic v sud rend by Mrs. Shirley donc 1-y Ms.'Shi Marshall. The special couple shiaW.CorlScriî ncceîvad a gîft of bronze 'col- iog was dncby th mri card tableansd chairs set wîth Supt. E. _Wrnî prsuionu hahaîf of the lu the payrs iJ commu1ýnltyi by Dor-othy Sharp inimr1ialestnyt sud Waynie Bnkttr, \1 na. Glarlys-i Aý Shanyl sud Mika axpressed the stiry, "Whst,,f the"ir asporEnciitirin ftr'- e ry- T-he 'ipebounri ic thing donc ton thani sud ex- laarupd froni the,î teuýded au inivitation tri ail tri11Y rit four sud visit thani in thair uew home Buddv the rosli i lu Tor onto, 'Yhe Trio ascort- our gifts-rt love, cd the happy couple tri thein cnt, abîlity sud tir seats in the audience tri the The Scripture rci( siuging by ailtrit "For They rend by thrae boys Anc Jolhy Gririr Fehiriws". *Bcckatt's chais,, a The scana changari for the lassons wera (at) Gc second avent, wîf h the stage Jesus, by Dale fM props altered ri rm white rnb- Wisae nons itis brin-bedeckad chairs tri two Jesus, Johni Avery chairs with ýChristmas reri God's gft of loveï briws. The chairman Murray tri us, by Rosa Lca, Marshal sud bis loveiy wita speciai musical si Shirley playdad snaw noie, rit "Away Iu A Ma much tri thair completa sur- sung by the Jr. cho prisa, as they bacame theanathcmn. centra cf attraction. Rev. 'Hopkins cxr The Murrays were eccrrtari Gift rittenîngsansd tri the stage by the Trio wbo eut appeals, also again sang more versas writ- arnrouncamrents. Us! tan by ouaerit its members, Warry sud Keith1 O. C. Ash ton, with Mns, E. ceîved the special Wright at the piano playing gifts for needy rali tri the tune ot "So Long, It's rit a halrimilion dc Beeau Grird triKnow You" Little M,,a.ugrsg wlith avaryrine icining lu the stad thair anna chorusPstsund Wayne Bec- raiseri for thi by ket pseteri tha coupla ers sud Mrs, E. Wr wlth aPncr@tty corage sd la.Miss Bavrnie, boujtonîcr A riucî l ane- presenteri tha $265 well acdinsa written b, Mm, S. treasurar Mn, F. Drapr -as rend by Wayne whri gnaciousýly aLc Beckatt, Elearior suri Grant ganerous money; Werny gv the comrmuuity The two large gift tf ritcrd tabla sud c i.hairs wera hesped with set ini y ioweied uhi-Gifts trim the oyr tary, xit litti enn Bec- they prrice;ssd ir kett gvn a gift rit twrilit- around Vthe chuncu ti raeipicturas for ea"ýh their gitt i gotr oif thea wce Marshall daug-,h- capper ilat the 0 tans, Andrea aud Cariaý, Barrie Homnes; sud, With tîme tri regaïjin itir nm's Aid Agucî1 ususi calm cipsrShir- Hop)e. ley sud Murray gebr ief Thae uuîîgrcegatio speeches rit appreciaýtiin sud' pateri in the Rasp an invitation toi evienyone 19thnm *lovai y spenri a holiday - witb theni lu hymus, Vianda of thaîir nîew homne in Barton, tion were spoken b, Nova Scotia By the way, VWigbt tri ail whri S-h.iey,. a native girl, has ýi ervr d expre riinned lu our comu'unit, wlsbes for iVrs, mor cfhanYoiung mar-nîe1d complate recive lite i Mu'vlrray wbo is s Nova T'Ple Begînners 'n Scotîsu Now they have de- classes retireri-tri cýed tl nrii-tîn IMuil rom îi thaîn tefp brate the occasfon of Mn. anél! the weekeud with Misses eral tri attend the iAntrdduc- Mrs. Hopkins' 40tb weddiug[ Janet sur i Lnda Sharpý MissItry meeting Dec. l2th aýý Pý,id yanuîvarsary, Flowa s, gîfttiPauliue Beckett speut the:, mnyCuchV ea ~ Fist Bith aysd mauy esrds fromnthe two weeedwth h'er grandpar-Nornany Mcnîz i rrte Treincluriiu2 s Christ- Goync, utc, whîle thei Oseve priate w'e mias ceutrapiece tram Ennis- parent. ailciirlcria Chnîstucas ltaken. Mriucy was -voteri tri killen C.G.I.T. Happy Gang' party ai Camohilliord. the Oshawa Meu's Hristel anri. sud their leaders, maria thisi Mn. and MsCecil ilu, the' U.C.W. Bunsary Funud. special day more' mi fui for'Mapie r Co, were visitonsý Clothîug for the Hostel la tIn '1. ~ ~ ~ ~or criuplaerot the manie. onS ca vevibca M. abroîîght tri the Jauuany Receut vi'iitors wîtb M r n.duriMnL. Staii,îriu . meeting at Mms. Jrihn SI-- ýin Mr, 0 C.Ashon c.r M.s, . -r. ndmrin's. Plans werc marie f'- sud rsavO. aC tOttawa r Mv A. Piîr, Mmaaiidoi refîshmcnts for our C.GI ., .. .......Mnr. avîriFaucott, Ottaun, Cacrcgg hr iondas uri Li'î,folrwing Vespen ýService. Our Mn.San Pukhcst Ahbun, a~a ms, vc Mrida ge'i.sPresbytenial allocation ' Miss Karen McMu\illari, Mr. o rit Mnsd Mns. Ted Werry $50itrhafnwddenl au ri M,.Gary Down, Mn. Mr. and ills. Mlirrsy Mairnt- e aa.Ms ril Chas. Ashton, Mn. sud Mirs. 'hall Anea ari Caris wr're Ashton volunteaerd ta pur- Keith Viorden andi hLlri Suruday driiîi'îr nucats of Mr. chaso a coat rack suri bout Richard, Oshawa. 1 nid Mm. Llo.yd Avery sud ri mys for the basement A Mn. ey. eal, Vaçoucr, cvî ]VJpleGnsv. 'ecial cripy rotthe uewHymn, spent froni Thun-day rif lst Mn, ud iVr.If Fhowe arîdBook is tri ha nurchasar fr weck tri Sunriay îvith Mr. snîri farnclx'wcneSu îîray attrihe orgn. Mns. Ted Werry sud fsnsily. inoon visitors nt Mrnduri M.. Alaoyrscailsg. Friday lait week Mn. andý Koith W il, oui, Port Penn. ioug with Ms. aHarvey Mrg, Mmi. T. Warry sud famJu]yannsd Suiiy suppc- r guests )f Cil] nt thr. piano. Mmi. Fanl Mn; Bey. Vesl ia br eeîg Mrn.dsuri s. Norman Howe, Tei aatr xeln dinnar with Mnlasud Mrsgae F.oWhitllen W. Wemny. u,ý. ',Metng Christmassreadings. Mr. sud Mmi. Ted Viermy MN.Keith hVcGillpreîidui',l AIl enjoyrd a dlcr suri family, Mr, Bey Veahe frth rhistali, meeting oi Christmas lunch aud s a f anu rM. Ken Martin hari Sot- the U ýCW. hoiri at the home exchange. Donatirins of gno, urday cvauing dinner xviffbrit1[s.'f.,couîarr i .,airitou, snd cries weme neceiveri for a Mn..suri Mrs. Bruce Reid, ripoisr'ri wth tihe pocim ,M-, wortby causa. Bowmanvilhe, in lionor rif Lea Clîisti-ua,, Vush". Miss Fîva Ain Verrys bînthday aud Orchard conuctari the Dc- Faut s Car for Mn. sud' Mmi. Ted Vierry's votional, usiig asiber themne A DAY OIR WEEKFND i6tb weddiug auuiversary. St. Luke'.s Christmas StorryUT Couiauiaîou!Re .Hikiiu- rn ai'iCHRYSLER-DODGE LT!>. Dr. aud Mmi. ClamrkVieriy, tri the Evsuîtý,eaism Progmam Elizabeth sud Peter. Etobi- for Catiadiî,n Chuces nowu 2-28 coke, Mn. snd Mmi. Gary p' Key '73.i Ask for Rae Hanewich, Oshawa, wae Paed r ruainar-k ___________ Suuday dinrier guests ît t hein parents, Mrn.dsuriMs.'ý un Thursday, Dec. 7th. Mas-~ tans Dale anri Robent Pa'iroa, Miis Julie Goyua, Oshawaý Miss Shanrin Bruce, BowT- i~ Mauville, Master Jamesi Av-l. amy, Misses Audrce: sud Carl, Marshalatteuded a sbinthdc'yi panýty along with their motli-l sons cf Mr. and Mmi. Ralph Fry, cale- anVuihleiMs en 1972, Gnandparents are Mn, and Mnrs. Beckett suri Mastcr Seottr, gneat-randpareu'ts are Mn. and Mmi, Rekkem Newcastle, celebmate thair birthdays at the home of_____ i Misses Penny aud Pauline tý chhe at Shows You ('are Beckett, h t~f Mn. asud Mrs. L. Staintoný The Gift that Always PleaseS! visited r. nd suri . Tom Hockiu sud baby Clint at' iy Q /t,!a4t Elmsvale, asricaiheri on hi icoutinucrii-till raipant. Wtis utile pan-j daughtar Doris at Barrie o shton pinicb- sonal efrauces ha, addriaria Tueîuday lait weck. ca m nd ui v- touch rit humor. Ha statari cx-' Mn. sud Mmc. Ray Va for ail (ccasoffs ýks sud ne- change rit gittsi h bgnter, not Meerandsri amiiy, Mr n. suri from $3.50 to $25.00 te join in rosi givîug. The Visa man's VMrs. Hamman Haassansrid ffta t ta a--l frf7u the Hour". gitti are rare today but not ily, Bowmpnvilia, were vii- Pef tgin or îopa, or su.-i, frgi stage sud se lu Jesus' tume ou carth V omi at Mn, aud Mmi. Keith a"wy rn home-crimiug, for Farter, Christmas, floridlîghtad with golri trom ilndia, frauk- McGill's. nývrayadBrhafrcnrtltos on's movie inceuse trorni Persa sud Mm. anduri m. L.Staintîîn Auines eor s re Binthafr coga.îî.aouSy ty coriages myrh fnom Amabla. Our were Satumday visitons o- rit .m bsn eio tr ieig...yu'a wera de- greatoît gift tri Grdiri h ur- sud Mmi. Davidi Staluton. Cri. youm sentiments bettar with a7Fancy Gift Basket claver, art- selves, our minister concluded.j bourg.i by Dvkstra's! iffin, wba,-se Some Christ mas churcb Mr. anduri Mn Ivan Sharp i Gaily decorated sud pscked with choice, lusccius ýement au- avants are (1) The snnual iid family. Mr. Bey Veale,] ri raiotdwtstat-apigcnetos~ hali decoma- C.G.1.T. Vesper suri Gaudie Miss Penny Beckett were frisuitsr imoed wpretseve sudgohec taoncy, theVo-Lightiug Service at 7:30)p,. dinrier gueaýts of Mr. sud Mr.--. iioup. Dec, l7tb. A mosi cordial lu- Tari Warrv aud fnmihy. Afta ' fooris ...yrur Basket is s chaary sud "re- ch concludr- vitstiîîu is extenderi tri vemy- dinîser, Mr. suri M s. 'T "d cere"G - usa.ful aud charminghy, dec-m nt avening coua, (2) On Dec. 24th tisa Verry. Raiph and Drinnsaou rtaainhdhm ogate h cnat re ,reat rfit ce Christmas Servies wiîî take Miss Linda Sharp took Mr oe- agithtalyspae -aif ,the brida- plaie at the reguiar nîorniug Bey Veala te the airport o'ý0 tiLOua - a gif t that alwayr esoes - a g a ýnu ri M. houri of both eorîgregations mturo home tri Vncuver f htSOSyucn!Iu hr oen o regret ivas rit Funiskillan andi Tyrcua, ter spending five waeks at eau rýndouato oday? Jea'n Ash- with speciai umusic by riur Quiabac duceti his wrk rceng froni choirs. (3) Annusi Christ- Mn, and Mmi. Wilbur Toms, nils. Sincene rmas Eva Caril Service for riur Mmi. Flossia GGraham, Black- alt rirpeey pastora chargeiill h hîristock, ivena Morday suipper vem'!y, Jean! Tyrc -- burch at 7:30 p.m. guests at Mn. sud Mns. F. R. wade tri or- Dec feigTyo'.y 24th, witb the ritaingTslri's tan" day b f toi' tihe woiid's uaedy people, Mr. S. ls.csey, HamPtoui,7 îN_ ncday morti- Rcv. suri Mn, Hopkins Mn. sud Mns. Driug Ashton, F O A K T W ~MNiL othe corn- wercecîntertainîcri at thea home Bowmsuvilla, werc Suuday 1 uncis serviraerit their cousins, Mm. sud Mmi. guesti with Mr. sud Mmi. H. 1 atirin which Lougman, Toiroutoi, with a Ashstrin, U1 ar tri its1 irivcly diriner party tri cela- Miss Penny Becktt Spent. cd Bev. R. e pulpit tri White Git choir accu- lecova with G. Briwmsu ige, brightly ted Christ-ý sud lAdersv p th lve its ai 1 1 ' relude it vas capablyvý irlcy Man ptume rcad se Jr. choir ýgt leadingl i beruua shtongve Is a t., ringreciation] Dîxrnina-1 theur riogl1 rnasnng rit mriney, tai-,:k nme. dngi wcra s rit Wayne hase 1Bible od's gîft rit VIrGîli, (b) tri Baby r, suri (c) suil talants urbester. A augr"was riir as jhair ,plilud these mareia rg- gave tise1 1shens ' J. McGil iv-' cuveirpk il projet thaî er - . igbt's card y Stacuný, tri M.aud L. Vicamu raepteri thir donation. receptacler the Visita ing foîkis ia circle Inhi sud Ai prti fapprecia-- bv Surit.F lad inu1tlin va_-ers.iriné mn cens- raes whena famine are. AI RiA IT'S S0 EASY! YOU JUST DRIVE UP, ROLL DOWe,.N'YOUR WINDOW, ANC GIVE YOUR ORDER. THEN YOURGRC- lES ANC YOUR CHANGE ARRIVE AND YOU'RE ON YOüUR WAY. THIS WEEK'S SE L PURE, DELICIOUS ORANGE JUICE 32 oz. size only c 69e SIZE POTATO CHIPS (Limit one per customer) 0111Y ENRICHED WHITE DAIRY BARN BREAD Off er good until Dec, 7, 1972 - ouly Here's wh'atyou can buy at Daîry Barni Stores'. " Pure Orange Juice " Delicimus Cottage *xtaRich Ice Creami *Fresir Milk *Rich Creams *Nutritiones Yogurt *Creamery Butter *Thick Sour Cream *Flavourful Cheese *Farin Fresh Eggs *Maple Leaf Bacon *Fia vour Packed Meats Tasty Hamburg Patties *uc aayWieners *Flash Frozen Fried Chicken SHome Style Baked Gooda Vitamîn Esriched Bread Crispy Potato Chips " Popular Brand Soft Drinks * Popular Brand Cigarettes *126 Colour Film AIRY BAR BONUS COUPON FePAWAGE 0F 8 HAMBURG BUNSj jWher you buy I1lb, packag e et HAMBURG PATTIESj WITH THuS COUPON atI Olier Good 'Lil Dec, 11i ONE PER CUSTOMERj please enter my naine in jyour draw for two tickets ta Maple Leal Home1 Gaine. (No Pîurchase Necessary), NAME ------- TELEPHONE FREF PRAWto b4 drawn Friday, Decernber 22nd O1pen SevenDaqyg'a UNSPRE c- ý 215 KiNG ST, EAST 0F LIBERTY. 7la.m. to 'llpm BOWMANVILLE im-