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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1972, p. 3

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MWovies Conti"nuet iîtho ut a Theatïýre., Bow,?manv!lle r e s id e n anville Public Librar y haen't been able to seIlcIle8 To date, the llotary 'club SImo li',as screened two mvîsin! intown since the Royal the BHS auditorium, the latest1 Theatre closed down 1hrce one being 'Funny Girl" with eaaago. Now, huwever, !Barhra Stî'cisand, that was! thregop have picked up 'shown on Friday last. The the gauntiet and are makin ,g series will continue afteri films available on a regular !Christmas. basis, the Rotary Club, a Film1 This comîîg Munday, Dec Clubi t BHS, sud the Bow- î8rSh, the recetly formed BHS Film Club will present Visit the :, the second in a series cf six 1 fi-~ lmiimnghts. Two films are ' being offered. One is theex 0tyIe s i'ýcellent National Film Board i production called "Helicopter' c'i .5r 'Canada'. This movie enjoyed ~iio pgreat popular success when it ahoppewas showu at, Fxp< '67 lu Montreal. The other film the Specializing in: BHS Club has lined up for perms - Cl9r8 Monday is called "Whon Clairol M î ,gý Cornedy Was King". Il featumes Latest Cutting, Techniques many cf the great comics cf the past, including Charlie PHTONE 623-5455 Chaplai, B us t er Keaton, 37 Kng S. WLaurel and Hardy, Fatty Ar- Bowmanville buckle and Bon Tuipini ~ The high school club oper- Canadtian Famnily Meal Plan for Weiglat Watchers It's ours alone.,,make it ypursi Fo)r informnationta joîn, cali (416) 789-767641,1 or write Weigit Watchers of Ontario Limited 491 Lawrence Ave. Wesv:, Toronto 0fo CU4rstrncts FREE DAILY DELIVERY E OWMANVILLE * OSHAWA * WHITBY ~ Your Personal Florisi aItem on a membership basis.1 Aýnyone la eligilile te join andI thie ates are most rosser able I (At wemks eut te legsathan, $1 per showiug). On Salumday morning, Dec. 16, tie Bowmanviile Libramyý is sereening several cf the l16mm shorts frem tie sub- scription film library. This film subecription was purcias- cd for the Library by ,the Kîwanis Club sud there are always sevcral new films on 'baud each month. The price hore le even btter - it's free. There may aise be an added extra at the Saturdsy ecreen- ing. Tic winuor cf the e- cent 8mm amateur filmfesti- va]. lu Oshaws may brng aleng hie fi, which la caîl- ed "Nigilmare". AUl tha be- glns at the Library at 1000 an Satuî'day, Dec. 16. So, whcneede a theatre? The niovie are alive and well lin Bowmau.ville anyway. MAPLE GROVE The Sucday School will put on a Christmas pogratmafler Sundlay scicol sud the, churcli service on Sunday, Dec,. l7bi. The niembers cf the congre- gation are invited teo come down te the basemeintsud hoar the chuîdren, alec bthc parents cf 'the childmen are iuvlted te corme and sec the pregrani, The mauiy friLinds cf Mr-s. Fred R. Steveus iare oryte bear she lein Me\fmorîaal Hos- pital under tic doctnr'o care. We ail wish hem a speedy e- covr'ry. Mr. sud Mos. S'am Van Camp, Misses Lori sud Lis VanCamp, Mre. Roy Van~ Camp, Base Lice, Mr. sud Mme. Gersld McDonsld, Osh- awa, were Sunday dinner t gueste wti the formem's dau- t glter asud husband, Mm, and dý Mme. Charlie Hynes, Base C Lice. The gathering was in houer of Mm. Sam VanCamp's el birtiday.N The WJ. sud U.C.W. met Sc Iu the Ciristisu Eduicaiton L Hall for our annua'L lPot Luck VI Supper wti 22 members sud Il visitors preseut. Mabel c: Greenhani, president cf W.I., welcomed evemycue, aud alter supper con'ducted their busi- ness meeting. Presideut cf IJ.C.W., Flor- once Crydermian, thien toek charge sund the miueof the -November meeting weme ead sud approved. Joan Russelîl, treasumer, presented tic fin- sutcial report, alec a report froni the Live, Love Comjmit- tee who have cheosen, Rev, sud Mmes. Colwell, Brazil, sud Aberta, to eceive our cou- tributions, froni our, Mission sund Service Fund. She aise thauked tbe U.C.W. fer their donation cf Song Býoksz for the Junior Choir, Tt was- de- cided te make s donatiou te tie Building Fund. We agreed te supply food for the Stra- thaven sud Beau Villa Christ- mas Party ou December l3th. The offering was eceived sud cotributions miade te the Birthday Box. The president auuounced there would be au executive meeting on Janu-% amy 9th, 1973 at 2 p.m. lu the Christian Educatien Hall. 'We ail joined Iu siuging Christ- mas carole with Florence Cryderman leading and Edua 'Laird at the piano. The worship service was opcued with our pianiet, Edua, playing "Away lu a Manger." Myrtle Bradley, Audrey Hummie and Margaret Brooks couducbed the Christ- mas Worship Service. Our visitera froni Solîna present- cd an amnusing skit sud oaci oue told us wbat Christmas ealy meant te them. After thsnking cur visitera, the pre- sident (,ciesýed the meeting .Marrited in Triniy Unite d Mr. and Mme, Robert Everett Harnesm Standards of white carna- music was by Mr. ArthuO iered sllk_ illusion veil, and tons formed the setting for Coilison. she carried ar asad bridai tie November 18, 1972 wed- Given in oaraeb e oqe f wit ifji 'murns, ding, in Trinity Uimit e d father, the bide w-vore aPloe-scort redC roses and 'baby's Church, Bowmanville, of Kar- ly traditional gown cf peau breathl. n Edith Davis, dtaughter of d' Ange lacedesigned with ,aý The bridiat Pten-dants were [r, and Mrs. John T. Davis, 'four tier bouffant skirt, bas-,Ms Jackely,ýn D'avis, maid of nd Robert Everett l{arness, eue waistline, mandairin col- hlonor, and th1e bridesmaids on cf Mr. and Mrs. Evereit lar, and long, lily îpoJit Mi'r. Wayne Barrett, sisters L.Harness, ,all of Bowmau- sleevei. The headpiece was a ofd the bride, Miss Louise lIT1e. forward profile cf lace Ptud Buirke, cousin cf the bride, Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th., satin bow tipped wlth seedI Newmarket, Miss Diane Har- ffîciated and the wedding poamîs, which held a four ess, groomn's sister, and Miss WiId Dreamis of the Poli'icians Dec. 10, 1972. Orono, Ont., ,Dear Sir: Tirere are politicians, pupular and sîncere in tircir duty as such in semving tire people wici tirey represent. Otirers are tire vemy opposite. Tirey look aflter their own ambitions and desimes fimet, tire people lasb. Tis iras been proven by tire people in tire 1972 election retumne, As a conservative I am not tint blind I can't sec Ibrougir some cf tire errors of some politicians of todny. Les' Frost tumucd over tire reins bf 0John Robarts with a balnnced budget.. Bifi Davis joined tire fold, forced consolidat - ed scirools on tire people and put tire province in deit, billions of dollars. Iu 1913, Dr. Tillcy rebired in Dur- ham as inspecter. Col. Suider took over, and ire tried bo have consolidated scirools put tirmougirtiren, but tire people rebeli- ed strongly. Ontario iad tire beet educational sysbsem.in tire wirole of Canada, andth ie U.S. but tirese creatures wanted to copy tire States and what have we got? When you sec these small children waiting for buscs, aItirhe end cf side roade in al types cf weatier, ligirtiy clad, and an unforeseeu future, il makes you won- der many tirings. At the lime of tire convent!iiofr leadershrip, Davis was afraid of AMlan Lawrence winning, whicir iewod have, if it iradn't been for iris clos-e friend Darcy turning iris votes andI sup- port over te Davis, at tire last minute, nicely armanged. "Ill remember yôu Darcy, sort cf way" but Darcy iras irad a conlflîct cf interest. A delogation fronri Clamke Ratepay- cers Incorporated askcd for an interview witi Mr. McKeotîgi. He demanded in a letter blinI enly four attend but whirer wc arrix cd, our M.P.P, was tirere, and ~ooksof Inee A." 1PublicLira Ncw -p,,,iodic ais - Popular ScecThe Consumer Re- No'Available ~ Now~for e' Festive Season Ia At Your Doorw -or-- At Your Store - Nou-Alcohli¶cDrink! Phone 623__5444 tire chairman of the Planning B3oard of Clarke. ,Our demands were, an investigation and freeze on tire purchase of such land. "Agriculture". A proper engineer, capable cf planning, which we got later. through a lawyer that tire govemnment fcared andI aise a new Reeve and plan- nîng consultant. 'Cavan irad much tire came exper- jence witir White Rock Estate, and ne help from the govermiment. Now, between real estate and spec- ulators, most of tirese, properties are gowing weeds iustead of grain. Next we have Davis and McKeough trying te force Regional, Govermnent, down our neoks tint iras ceet millions new te even plan, let alone billions te be able te adI- minister, if anything like our educa- tional systemn. Every tinre a govemument takes anybhing away from tire people, they pay through the noies inter. Do we want to become anotirrward of tire City of Toronto? Davis now says ire will pay 75% of our tax dollars, for a transport system for Toronto. Anotirer vote catching idea. Perhaps more euh- stantial donations from big business, like .$50,000.00. Ontario je in debt billions of dollars now, Wircre are we going, spending and borrowing? Doe Ontario, or Durham, want to be caught sleeping, with these wild dreames of tirese men, witirout a figirt or any otirer county? Le't evemy County C n h ie province c, f Ontario join forces ,and;,put a stop to tire domination cf trisý man Bill Davis.' Sincerely, W. C. Evans. Ed's Note: One portion o-f tis letter lias been deleted in the, intereetUe of "Pence at Chrristmas" sud the posibîlity of tire rcmarks being landerous or libelous. ports. Books cf special intemeet:t Portrait cf a Perîodi-Ac-(I lection of Netman Photogmaýpis 1856-1915,, rýcording9 bbic mnyI lacets cf Canadian life Lduiîng Ibis paniod. Mealtimoie ianual for, bbcr Agod sud Handîoappcd - aui sutioribstive guidie camyi permit ticge sd issabiedý bo live actve, Ief-sufficient livas. Caaouvolumes i su ad 2. My Paris, by 1Maur-Iice he valier. Piotegrapisbyfai cd photographer Robent Dois- peau. StIl a Nicol by;Eic Nî,1col, bbc largeat sud f nie'st col- lection cf Eric Nico5's satire Ciaie Fsrqiam;ou's isor cf Canada by Don Haî'onj. A. furbouse view of Ibis coîmun- try's paît. A Lion Called Cistian iby Anthony ançi Rudal, curo- totainirg acceunt of a uinique experiment in animal hc- haviour. The Odesesa File by -Fm"d onick Forsyth, autior cf Theý- Day of tic Jackal, The Dragon Emprpse ý by Marina Warnrn the life aid tinies of Tz'u Hel, 13-98 Empress Dowager cf' China, Albemb's Victoria by T. Wbittlaý The second nlovel cf Tyler- Wiittle's tmîlogy cf Queeu Victoria., Alec, two suercial Christ- mas filmis fer the obsîdmen, Howdy Doody's Christmas andI bhe Chistmas Cracker. Here ~only until January il. _ Carol. Jackm-ran, rBow-an-ITIr-e Canadian -Statesmiaii, Bowmanv4ll1e, DEfle 7, ~2 iville, -who wore formai gowns of burgundy velvet skirts, Park Street and Base Line). as well as addîtîonalchra ,plnk chiffon bodîces, trîmmed l with lace sud rosebuds. Wear- I addition, approval was for installation,dretyas îng pnk rses u thi o- given te add four new park- sistance, pay 'phone, on cascad ro es inng sc iglits at the hockey amena distance andno-ra sev feurs, they carried cs at a a cost cof $4.31 each per ices. cf pale pink carnations andmci. pink Bridesmaids roses. Bell Canada1. Increase' Cour cil decîded teusnda1 Bost man was Mr. Rick Bell Telepj-hone Compauy letter te the Associadtri oc Forsey, Bowmanville, T he has fiied two applications Mncpltc fOtn e ushers weme Messrs. Wayne wîth thc CTC for rate increas- nuesn thal ofs thîs ra.e Barrett, Newcastle, Phlîip es in 1973 snd 1974.,nraoo oai ftcTws Hamueis,' brother cf the1 The 1973 applicatiori'would cf Bowmanvîlle. groom. Surrey, B.C., Wayne mnean an increase cf l5c pceri- -- Paeden sud. Brad, Adams, mccli te an individual 'csî-1 Bowmanville. The ring hearerldouce subircriber, plus semei Rent a Car foi, was Master John Haruess, the 1ong distance increases and a A DAY OR WEEKEND groom's brother, Bowmau 1501/,mnreass1e in service charg- i .sk for Rse ville. es ' tobotter refleot the 'cccl COUNTY the Nightingale (Ceenniil Th- secondaPn1icationi Temple, the brides'- mother equalos te about 6,25% foiý 623-2586- chose a forma] gown c f hol tie sanie residence cvistumrer, Pink pleated chiffon aî,ndvworc a corsage of white carnmation: ý roses. The grcemn's mother 't i nIror5 t ic l wcme a formi gown cf pick W ' U eI an'er'ls chiffon and a corsage cf, whie crnaion an pik. A fcllow who once picked a wiiming horse by accide t Bounity roses, For the wedding ýtrip t and couldn't give up the hobit of trying agaîn, toolk an atite Niagara Falls, Onlarlo, bbc 110011 off te goitethie races. bride chose a rmuet su d broxvn braev,"htodiecapna paut suit ensemble wîth ai, Gosh, 1 hope - rakee, etl rorsage cf yellow :sud muet they left the office together, "I sure sieed tise soneyY?.- 'munis with Woburn bow. The bride la a seorotary atI CLOTHES CARE HINT. St. Marys Cemnent Ce., anc fitsdgiehv utugato1s arcBis the groom is emp]oyed at Customn Glass Ltd., Newcastllo ments frequçntly and remnember drycleaning removes dîrt and grime. Cou c iCourtice Secondary Scebool Draina Clu1 Io n i presents "THE SOUND 0F MUSIC" I Highiights Decembr 14h - 15h - 1.6th Au expenditureocf $6415 B was annr .'. . -1 street lighting along several towu etreets. 'Tic biggesb im-. p rovemeuts will be on Liberty Street (ot Base Lice Road), Concession Street sud Wcl- lingten Street bO Meamue Ave, sud on Duke Street (betweeu cO4S84 KING ST,., 2352 "We Specialize In Shirt Launderilg"ý Ie > eÏ] 13OUIRJOIS - ON THE W1ND Cologne - .98,- $4,50 Gift Sets - $3.00 - $7.00 FABERGE - MUSIC Cologne - $2.50 - $4.00 Gif t Sets - $5,50 CHANEL No. 5 CologIines and Perfumne- 4.50 - $1750 <Gift Sets - $7,50 - $14,00 YARDLE'Y - SPRINC- FLOWERS Colognes - $1.50, $3.50 Gift Sets - $2.25 - $8.75 YARDLEY - 13LACK LAB3EL Soap - Afber Sirave - Cologne Gifi Sets - $2,75 - $8.'50 EGO Dru 5 KING ST. WEST MEI SEE AND BUY OUR NEW FASHION TONES RUBBER BACRED 100% NYLON CARPET FOR ANTYWHERE IN THE HOME FIVE BEAUTIFUL COLORS SUGG. RETAIL $6.95 ---------- AN»D DON'T FORGET RUBBER BACKED OR PLAIN Sq. Yt- Sq. Yd Use Yoiir "CHARGEX'" 95 KING ST. W. 6324 OMNUL ALL COLORS, *..Y LLOYD'S * AM/FM PMuýltîilex ...... * RoIIabom~t Cart *Hoadpl'ines3 *TwoRerd *Deluxe Record Player MANY MORb" ýE CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 PAMS CREST HARDWARE LTD, Phone 623-5408 36 KING ST. ES BOWMANVILLE

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