Lisa B. Samuel Bradford L.1,Savage I. -Bruce Simpson Dennis A. H. Smaler Thomasg E. Spry J. Brian tino DailH. St'u-rock Keith Swan trinJ.TierLemns May . omlinsýon' John .1 TVandenberg Jacqueline Vancergaast ArnnVsr Douglas D. Vîvian Michael J. Wto Waltr S. Wueeszzyki MIES, AUXILIARY %ADAN LEGION 0C BANII178 [ota i tvltde t , o ctîe hîghesit nglish and wo egistered ila Year 5 nanville High School. Presentecd by Mrs. H1. Brown, Pr-esideit MUTTSIC AWARDS ýd ta the stuclents obtaining iighest staninýg in music. Year 1i----- Madelinie Merkley Lionettes Club Presented by Mrs. . ,Wallis, Presidien t Y ear 2 ------ --- - --- --- - - ------- Je nifer - Rehder Ye-ar 3 - --- --- -------- M rln King ]ENVIRONMTENTAL SCIENCE PRIZEIS iwards are made to the students la ear 1, 2, 3 and 4 ining the highest standing in Env.,ironmenitrl Science. Year 1 - obert Strike Donor: Vanstone Flaur and Feed Miil Year2------ Derek Lobb Danai-: Brook<dale-Kïngýsmav usre Yecar 3 - -- -----Nancy Taylojr Dolior: Glea Rae Dairy Year 4-------- -------John VanIdcnberg Doriori- !-tham Fariners' County Co,-operati-ve CATHOLI WOMEN,1'S LEA LE METCALF Metcaîf dii-c ursdlay, Dcm 2, t Daytol-lï a.The decraseci 97 Caiborni- St. was ti- dauigl-; e Mri-, nd Mrs. ,en. r Flva bSnowdea of tih MIS. STAFFORD BROS; LTD, .Decier -Illb MON QUW DX Pl FUE and ST lead of Canad~a Ltd. Presented by M, W Spr'ague8 FOME ECONOMICS ts in Yearýs 1, 2, 3 and 4 obtaýining hr ighieit ing ila Homne Economrics. ear ---------------- ------ - - Baaa-eni- .Year 2 ----------- ----- --- K athy Pollitt Year ---- ------ - - Jili Clvilýle ----------------4 -- -- Deborah Grahamn rLadies' Auxiliary to The Royal Cnda Legion Awarded to the students with hlighes3t stafdîng in Year 3 EnliJsh. Winners: First - Nancy Taylor Second - Pearce Wlcox MIEN'S CANADI%AN CLUB PRËFIZES- twret the students %witlh highesýt st'andinig in Y--ear 2 History. Wintaers- Girl - Jennifer Riehder Boy- Chris Jones DRAMVA AWARDS Awaqrded to the studenits who have shown most promise in Dramatics. Wililnners Carol Wigcht Suzanne.Bryson Bonnie Morrison Awarded to the student -ihgetntnding ia Year 4 Mathematics. Donor: Honeywell Contris Ltd. Wnner: Annette Bosgra Presented by Mi-. D. Gilhoaly SENIORZ LAW PRI'ZE Awardled by Bowmanville Meers of thI Nrtubeladand Durhamn Law Associationi to thie senior student who obtiained the highest mnarks in, Senior Lw Wirnner: Valerie Btwl Presented by), Mr. L. C. 'Mason Awarded to ithe .students in Yeajrs 1, 2 anýd 3 obtainling hi ghest standing -in Industrial Ar ts. WiarYear 1 BaryHooper Danior: McCregor Hlardware WinrYear 2 - Stephieriodmrh Donor: Lanider Hardwvare Winner ear 3 -... rd Kooy Danor: Canadfiani Tire Corp. Assoc. Store NORTHIUMBERLAND A/%ND DURHAM COUNTY BO0ARD 0F EDUCATION PRIZES Wlinner Year 1i------ ------------------ ----- Barbara H nn g W iner Year 2 ---------....-- --- Jennifer Rehnder Winner Year 3 - -- --------- Pearce Wilcox WinrYear l4-________- ------ AnnetteBosgra KINSMEN CLUB AWARDS Thoina .GETheKnsn Club Awards are made to th(-, twa, studeats ývith_ Entraner-ta University Certificate - John D. I diag iniYa 2 Latin, the highest àVertýe in Year 4'eam a iii ll ue of the 'y L " ~1~V ~seph's Csentchear. ach student is ta hae qua fied orth seph' C ýý-IrchSecondai-y cbool tG raduat)in D lom a ited by Mrs-. ., Payne Wnnra First - Annette Basgra___ Second - Br-ian i on Winaer: Na icy Symons Presented byMs ___- -fo-ni, nd a brother, Elwvood Rundle (Florence) of C fntre- A - 0f Cion.towaetr-L The funeral vas hedfian Mi-. P iciested at the V M.N C A A R 1 Ethe Marris (ueaICae n C. Ta'w n Funeral Chapel Mrs. May Johans, Sunset Mi-. an4i Salturday, Decemb-er 9,th ithwhere the service was held in Ladge, Bowmanville; Mr. and 1gi-enddavi [n, f\e great-ifornia: Mrs, Patrick Leddy P1alîbeareriS wcLeeMsr.Cclment was iiathe BowmanVile Oshawa-, Mr-.and Mrs. Eeith Smithe. ,en, orle sister-, Mrs. (Brenda>, Bowmnanville, and Beg, Rex. WltrBob Cesoeteryý. Rev. J. M. Siith Gable and bays, Blackstock; Mi-. ai- Cý,aldmp(da) f regory 0f isisosug.Naie in Pst an-yAeckHe-ofcitd- nd Mrs. Bruce Baker and anild M yg leandon biato gandhîdre alo urvve anandCaera S i a Contributions ta the Can- Pamn, Burketon; i-. and Mrs. nier R-f Snaowýden of Maplej The dec2eased rested at th-e termient wslaBwmIileada Cancer Society wou)tld John- Baker and boys wr aeH ewspre-deceased Nitctt-Elit uiliC, eey nt dauglter, Mai- Home Bomnile rha mogt euiu lrlbe ap-preciated. Christmans supper guests 0fI Mî-i-., ritdat'itýr, ýa1-ýom, owyanijl wth mog he tL______ loalMi-. and Mîvrs. G. Baker. îsh, Shan brother, AlJan. Funieral Mass in St, Joseph's ibuts rcevednttstng a iss Jean Johnson, Mi-. U. Tyrone;l i-ivice wias helýd in Romnan Cetboic Church Baw-lthe esteem inwhchjewa JA S METRO ARYCII Bep, Mi-s. Fletcher- and Mr,' and Mis of the M\clntoshi- manville. at 10 o'clock ,on lheld wr-e unes ,firm sitaria . Joh Ù'!na[aHomne, Osh- Thuirsday nmarning, December Hydro Cnaia(2ginCo- Foilowing an illness o o h n Jal non0shawa M-,Hanmpton JodyDceierlth ate Mhll ffcat-oreA..&-.. o 1adwes hedahoelri-ed la adMrs. Wmn. Johnson, Miss guests o 14t, aibr eluli e'tcia- ori,-A-, AM.No 91ý Os1haw endea H ospuito Linda Johnson ad ml%. N.Ca-sb Rev, L. W, ed atthe Puni-rai Mý1ass and ithe RC.M.-P atr yGeceera H 92picktck Chit-lon Mi. citwi iter-IFather Heffernan for the Dcmemah 97 tlsBastc Chit M.F owavleCen-gaeid ryr.Inemn fJLjameifs Metra Arycli, 76. asDay guests of r. and _Mi-.and wa i Bwmnvl]e ere- GERG W LY YLýE E Br n Vska1z Bk:Mrs. Bei-t Jahnson. te ter. ollwig n ilnss f wvinaAsna, the son of _Mi-, and. Mi-& W.Va ýk Sa'phie 1I Fol1ý%Nykolai i(and Elena (Sym- attended the Varey f mi masupp ýx g andcsanisLari-y 1Palîbearers werec Messrs, iand ,a haîf ye [lite deajtb uk rclhewsane-Christmasparty held Satur- rs. G E Mletcalf, Edigar, Paul Lapradc.e, exneth c cure fGereWs1ypoeno eer1Mti- o-day evening la Haydon Corn- 0 er vis i and Ewai.t Wr-.Rai-, Ted YinGen edeLel hs F83rd arat Me-25 yai's, retiring la 1965, aanet munity Centre and Chrîst.mas then halil ____Bei-t Stapleton)i and Doit" tmarial Ho(,spitalj, Bowmanille arebr0 isaRa mornîag were breakfast guests Mi-. andl Leddy. ~On Friday-, Dcme t, 1 s hrcOhw of Mr. and Mrs. John Vaateyk and Jam J. COOPERAmiong the mony, lovely; 1972. Thie son ofi ti- Mýi-.tewih wsmridfi and family, Tyrone, and slip- Mivrs. -Kel ph ooer aed66floral tributes, evidenýce of;and Mrs. Thomaiýs Le-e w~tscn limtn, gut~ pi-r guests of Mn. aldlra I akso edc away udd- l the esteem ia which the de- l borianad ,duicatI-d at Lind-:11, t Dr' Hmt- rold DeMille, Bawmanville. Hall and Dc~r~ ceased was hleld, wýýere those1 say, and hiad d as a sec- - Cowry Dois.Paiate Mrs. J. C. Clarke iad Mi-. Clemeas. cidin, Clfri rmteBo avleLoston Iman with the Canadien iiPreviously residing la New- end Mrs. F. 0. Srnith were Mrs. joli of the late Wil :Club; K'imrbrleyv Clark, Cai- Pa c'fi c Railway. Mi. Lee wvasestalie ad Oshawa i a Sunday guests, Mi-. iad Mis. Mi-. and -foi-nia, and the Aluni!As-iai-iber of St., Joseph'Sbe a residhlat of Bowman- Lloyd Rai-mer, R.R. i, Bow..11fr. G Tenny (Rhodes) scain oot.Cu'lý--mnilwr hita u-1 formier Iris M oit~Trno hrh Ille for a year and threemevl-wreCrsmsup brlaSuriiy On Julie 21,1920,lhe mim onhsiM-.Archwa p-e P- uiassari n rBoxiag DayHAP and recJvdbr DNE .- ULY -e agrtHcsa ceeasedI b- y a son Mike Ai-ych 1 1 ýDANIL LýS. 1FOL surv iv lm aýs wlas ,a son >ind (is suirvived by his wife, îEn1glend. fa 192Frcsto egltrMs.soJhAiyhBarf; a hei-marliled AMn. Residhlnta of Boiwmanqville Gorg efed(Rl>ad str, JlM r Stancrhlbia, pir who p,-deceas- were shocked ta hi-ar of the Mr1retRsot Mr) eln;fVe gr SandchdiaI O P P , ~e hd -rid-c itsuddea death by cieto ihtgdhrnend a lad n i-i-atgranidchildr pr -iee ton, ai-Daniel Lewis Simmnons Dud-,broher Cadýies Leeof and- o~ne rat gas lheld OlTeNwat-f h andhi-or frnQv-hi-, aged 63, on Thu-sclay, syfunrunashecl-n ecemba ied onThe 1-naro etachmen 'passing rE ancl foi- mo-Dc. 71h, 1972 la Bowmnan-!Mna, eebeDih reronte V eiris uairai Chic-Ponil a- cap si-enyeas iii, elwlt R!v.Jon Rmaik betweea Dec. lth and One I i- t--it. tuin and educerued li o-teMrrsnnnlCep cnutn hesrie e-Dec. -16th, 197*2, investigate-4 the i-icm elehiri-ie i-bornte thi- son of Samutil D wt Fnra as l i.baies eieM34s.Jhn motor vehicle accidents b, etla ti i Lticaondh- alad Jessie DudleY, hi- was Josr,ýph's R]oim'InCahc Zabtidsky,, Kari Dubyna M. whichi 12 pi-isons wer- inJur-~ Also ther home. Ski- wasaman don Fi-b. 151, 1932 to Churcli, !wihRv Fi? onk shw;E. -an d six pensons chai-gi-cl pi-oPerty the PiRman Cath-MlrCak- Mra hoHcsa fiitig a nd Phullip Nesbîtt, wt rvn fin-sl o~fua i i and wa ala e cli-ciasi-d hlmlath- au Pahearers Lwenand PeillipVivian, Ne- ynection. hi Gi-oranC . f hi yar M-.Dule ad Lenry Lee,GayHcsnTo Lakeport Cemitry ws As nisiae W---'.va e- byrsd- nCbourg andf Coi- r onto; Leonard 'Connýror, Jygi-ni-rai occurrences of ",hci3 are as f es and n soiMr5.1 borne previously. MIcC'abe, ti-brghknBE A Y 1 was break, eniter i-ad the . A fo Retired three years from Carrigan, Oshiawa and Dývid1 3thet,1 wlf dmaA c - thi-Min Ontario Hyd-ro where hi-ws r Kemptvilli-. AmngtheIn weekead hockey, Betb- plainit, 2 disurbaces, r sure [RY ON emrploy1ed as Chuf-f Ai-ia Clerk,ý many beautiul lorl ofer- any deteated Utica with a into o-n1 ~~U TY hi- was also a pi-mrber of St. ings were ones fi-rn, 7ited scoreof 4' ta 2. 1ethany I o eeCnonLma oca-c Pau'sUni icl huchBo- C-a afOnani ad R iauStÉE holding the hi-ad ia fi-st M -. Chai-les Smith, Mi-r. Ari-mlj-,entFe-cl REMIULM manv Re n Royal1 Canadian Group, Ottawa BraniLan- pac.tagýe, and Mrs. Leonard fi-- loi-k, Ste RE IMLegion Branches iin Bowmian- t-murent wns in St. N rllria's placGe.Sric er f oe EL Ol L ville and Coîbarne ad Col-ICi-met-y, Ensoe The annuel White Gift Ser- Mnytok) s nd piïzes vrîous 1 OV 11L borne Lodige -Na. 91, A.F. , vice was hi-Id la the Bethaay were given, includling gif bta nIpir0ximatc TM.BRCEWILLIAM Iq.NCH Unit-cl Church an Sunday, tho ho lhad cejebrated On, satI Servng l Word We TwoDecember 17, wilb Reverend birthdays since the orgartiza- Of si ~ wth he idlnd egien, Amrcani etSea yMot-,Gardon offîcieting. Si-verni of tion began la September. The aloýeIref the Stormont, Dunldas and ai-s, Whitby, enld foiir i-y Qfîthe S-ndeay Scihool pupils took oldest lady senior citizen thsIle Osha, Glengarr.y Hglndrand DevTer-el1iMolors, Wbitby,Iparl the ahuri-b serivice. Mrs. Stra'ng; aldhlat g-Ie eroccu the lack Watclh of Canada la Bruce William Pýiýh cii-c l Ater thei service, theU.C. manMi-.1l. Jakemran; grandci- i-e ai-e 1r th ni-l igdm and Tuesday at t li-(,Dr. J 0. Ruddy W servi-c a higlit lunch-an ta math-ir witb mast grandcthilcl-1 Thji tp Europe. At time cof disclierge Gea-l Hospital. ' He-lived t la ,inattendanci- aad a i-in, Mrs Stioagz: ucky i-up i-olniint i- had atteai-cl the renk 0f et l1ii Dunlaýs St , -,Whiîîy. Chritaoat olwdfrpc.,e eSaDes wouîcýv l k Bor Ocol erýý 920 nthe Simay School childn-n. ichair pizec Bei-lia 'TYer en Surviving are twa,- sons, Newc7(asýticlei-wîe son 0f, Sr. Citizons' Party furlbest awa, rs. Ashci-oft, On Dec John, Ottawa: Gardon, Btir-ItIi- laIe Mi-. aaO Ni-s. Non-d he'ort-ili cosstto iag-ton; a daugiter, Jane manPinchi. Hi- ,as mariled SenCty-,1 an Godn tar end ,ithe irtbdy cosê t (Tr-ancis), Van NysCali- Ita Huby - Are ,1 n la hit-SiarCizssaclw taahitmsN-.Dee, ¶ERS RES ULTS COUNT! iiaiet fWulyfo 4iVle Restaurant Hîgh- ad afle thodnai- 62 Hi wsa utii-o '.wilh 4a ite festive trmm- Lila Kerr-,ad bigh gentie-- 62 Mak' Ulîd lu-c, asa ina.The scodcourse cn a n o yL i c 381~~~a swmin nsul t h sîist'it ofa cl-coi-ahi-ciake Gill. TIe, higlist numbcr o Sici By'Clbl shaý- aici cii--arn cnal-cl by the b i- b anida -,as won by Chai-- frcars, aadManvers Red Cross, les S mi.h b leenhceyl the la-ý The heid table coasisted The next Seior Citizensý IL i LE LUINE SRVtC[dustialhc Icagu"e fae1o o Ms.Jean AguMrs.I mreting wihI hi- on Januiarv MUIPLELySTING Scd Belle Smith,1N-.Bo1o 3dad ...c14ao 1w Real Estate Board H- ybi îfMrý. DGe r is.Witshow 5sîlde c ýrf is Ireent tn, I anc daught-r Ju at ihomeo; Rvee and N-.FcoPeafini ora I-a SERVICE j .0siawa & District jfnc rohe R ý l of Gala,- Anchi-acoa ,,A sh -c r ra f t, Rt. Citizea-s' paiaiewill wEla and -ne s ~r2 Ir. C. Rever-ndCiGarnsweitihy, Bm. madle, B.H.S. CounMn BRUiCE ÇCOLWELL TROPflY Doniated by Mr. Brumc ol*l1 to the student wh7o won the Annual Twvo-mil43 Cross CouintgLy Rate. Winnepr: Laird Brown j Presented btr Mr, Brucee Colwell MTArýË AWARP Donatedi by Mýr. J. Marrt the player contri*butiing most ta Senior Football - 19Î2. Winner:. Elroy Trimble Presen'ed by John Lathanague FOOTBALL 4COMMITTEE AWARD Present.ed to the best Liriemen of the Year in Football - 1972 Senior - Winner: John iLaÉhangue Presen.ted, by Rick Coniahan Junior - Wininer: John T4imble Pre3ented 1,y Rick Simmonl HBO0PER AWAED Doniated by Mi. A. Elooper t(, the pLayer'çotributing most to Junior Football - 192. Winner: Tom Wreggit, . ~Piresented by Mr. F. Varga ».A.A,,BASKETBALL AI¶TARD Presented to the Playvcr contributing most to Senioýr Bse al Winner: Alan Murdo(h Prýesented by Mr. Bru~ce Bail BIG B 4WARDS Wîinners: Girls: Patti 6olmer, Brenda Lïýinon. Evangel.Iine Merkley, Ann Visse-r Anwnined by Ms. M. C. Miontpetit P'esentedï by Mrs S. Tho~mpson Boys: Stever Billett, Rick nhn Micha1el Corneli, Barry Driper, Archie, Graham, John Lathangueý, Steven Parker, 4Jlan Short, 'Daniel Sturrock, Douglas Vivian SCREEGH OWL CtrPS Awarde.e to the Editor of the 1971-72 Screech Owl Mary Tomlinsoi Presented by Mr. C. C1airlpe Awarded to tie Assistant Ediitor of the 1971-72 Screrch Oml Caroline How;,rd Presented by Mr, C. Clarke SCREECH OWL PLAQUES Award!d to the Ad\vertising Director of the 1971-72 Screech 0Owl Marilyn Synonis Presented by Mr, C. Clârke Awarded 'or the greatest contribution ta the success of the 1971-72 Screech Owl -Mr-s.M. Je5ery Presented bY M- C. Clar-ke DRIVER EDUCATION TROPHY Fa]! clsst- Brian StaintoaWntrCls Gr Svr Donated by Co-operators Insuranice A7ssociation of Guelph 'SlECONUttRY SUHOOL ITONOUR GRADUATION D)IPLOMAF5 Joyce E. Allen J.Brno Lander M-venidy R. Bate Rodnley C. Leurglais Barbara J. Beckett Luan-ine YE .,Laergne Patricia L. Bell DulsA, Lewri2 j '7 h Bouwmeester Richard P. LlJoy J(ith A. Britton Suza-nne A,; Lvcas Sisan E. Burgess S. AnnMp orrjs Paggy L. Clark Simon Mutizelani- W'. Diane Cowle David H. A. Orndston -Paul R. Crago -Gregory K. Pl'amer Ana M. Cuthbrrsori Mary J. Pai-ker Steven J. Duno Ian D. Peter- Janice M. Ellio;tt Catherinle M. Poste John A. Etcherc Kenneth L, Rowe Dennis L. F-rpncîs; Charles R. stevens: Patricia D. (libson Donald G. Sylvestr Nancy E. Gilchrist Nanicy M. Symons Michael J. Gilhooly A. Kay Terpstra Sheila M. Goodmnurphy Mary -M. Tighep Leslie J. Gossen Barbar-a E. Vanstoine. Brenda L, Rai-ris Debra A. Walker Heidi M. Iliggon David H. Watsoa Judith L. Hogg Susan L. Whitehead Diane D. Hopkins Carol L. Wight Dennis P. Kowal Kathleen Woln.ilk ~Tol.fe mncement SQUAIMIFPRIZE Ilhe Siquairrize is-,awarrded ta the siltudnt with bigln5't standing in YerZFrnh Wirner: Diane IHopkins Preseated b7y Mrs-.A. Krakenbr JOLLIFFE V PIE The Jolliffe Prize in Meayo the late LieultennRnald Jollife is awarded ta th e stdent wh highec-st îItandhir- in Yea.r 5Hîtà Wianpr: Suzanne Luicas Presented b1-y Mr., G. f~e HAROLD LONGWOERTRMMHA COASI Thie Scoiarshp is awarded ta pupil of Year 5 for gý-e-al p,ýioftieticy. The candidate must includ3eLai and Freiichl. fanai-s: Mrs, and the late Mr. H. E. Lnwotin rmeiyoýry7 of their son, the late Harold FY, Longworti, iwho 3eIve4pasý Moderns teaýcher and r~ugby coach at Boýwn"anille Hîgh SehaoI. Winniers: Fii-st - Heidi Higgon 'Seco-nd - B1ar:baraý, Vawtaneý ROTARY CLUB P RIZE The Rotary Club Prize is lo de tUte s1tudent w~Itii. ighest standing in Year 5 sujcsicudr is lass Vd3 in at least live of those -iubicctl;, Winne: Nanicy Symons Pres;entetl by Mi-. W. M. Wýi13on ; Prresg The Lions Club Prize is awarded ta the sýtudelnt with lligàhest - sanding ia Year 5 Mteais Winner: Diane IHoplin,-,Presented I-w i-. C. lMcDonâlid;r, This award is madp e t asudn for proficiency in Year 5 Pyis Winuema Ralph uwesr Brandon Lâ4«Idegý The McGrer Prîze i s aaddta the -stu:ent -witbh hgliest standing ini Year 5 Latini and Englisýh. Winneur: NaýncySmosPrcesented by -Mr. R. Sheririm Donors: Miss Hlen amd Mrs, A. IM-cGrcgor Thns pize is awarded ta the 5studenýt wîth high st d-ri Year 5 Bîoloy. Wînne. Kathleen WoJiý,ik Presented-c by Mi-. KnQx enry HOS"IN AWARD The IHoskln Awar'd iS aaýrded ta the student wt ihs staniiing in Ye-ar 5 Eni-glish. Wînner: -ýsuzanne LucasPrste by Mi-. M. Xelly ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION SCIIOLARSRIP Thîs Schasp is aw,,arded tae studlent vvith highest. staicndg la Year 5,. Winer: Nancy Sjnions Presenited by Mr. E. Majer, Pr& detk GOODYEAR TRE& RURBER COMPA-NY SC LInceU This Scholarshp iAawarded ta pupinlaYcar- 5 for geneTal profcency. These candidte must, include Mqthemi-iati!2s a;nd Science, Winners: ii-st - Brenda HarrinsSecod 0 alh owmepe THE ILOUIS W. DIPPELLMMRILShOLRH, Thîs chlarsip is aaredin inmr o -tilate L '. W, 1Yùjýpe1 who was principal et BwinvleHi g h Sohl firn 299tr 196L cAwarded ta the stude-nt wîth hîglient Ftanding lan t'e>r 5 Chemitry and either Biology or Physics, Wînar: .Brenda Rairis Presented by Mrs.L. W.Dïiel - ONTARIO 8CIJ 1 iA 5 Ralp Bawrneste, BrndaHarris, Diane apin Brandon Lander, Suzaiine Luas, Nancy Symons. . VALICfl Tfl.VADlfWn'St *d to the. rJ. io î E. Ellis L, Frontsý ne J. Gîbsn ~J, Gilchrist ah L.Gras L. Hetherinigton Jy M. Hobbs (ow 'Vard rualnP sy Lane L. Little MiV