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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 3

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NEWTONVILLE Mc: a c. Hacvy ue i Mc. Grtie owe spenit!guess Urt M, and Mca. Jim1 len crîvd hre Satrdcay Christmas with M.ndMrs.1 Adams. riro aifonian Jrevsit- Neil O'Connell and familY,ý Mr. and Mca.ý T.bnaso ng1 Mci. and Mrs.WilfredCooug.and Thmilv, Mc. nd a .F., Pade ad thr elive-. Mr. and Mns. Bill Coulson 1Henders;on anid Carol., Mca. M1 arapuiu it nassd dsughtec, Oshawa, wece Marie Trim, Mr. asud Mca. Day ith Mes. Dýaisy Pae, ,,itSunday viaitors with Mrs. H. Boss Bron nd amlyw(e- 3omanvilla, Trim. Christmas dinner guts ith-, Satrda evnig vsitrs Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit, iVir.nsud Mcs. Clin-t BroV'ui1 with Mc. and Mrs. redHe- Joanne suPiý Tu ni.sd iî,Nwate -erson aud Crol vee M.rucF Greeu wAere Chistmas iSudau cahiers with Mrs.' RndMcaBey bndeso )su iDa dinn)er gueSti with Mr'Ague- Bucley were Mr. and, ~lane su M. Bia Mecaf, udMca. Bill Fowlec sud tMc-s. Robert Bucley, Toconto,ý -il orf omavle familv, Oshawa. Mr-.aud. Mrs. lion Burley,- Mr, Aud M.j;in Adams With Mr. sud Mrs. Jackl Newcastle, Mr. sud Mca.>' w,7jee dînrner es, Saturday. Kimbal sud June, Lakeshore,!Bruce Burley sud Scotty,i ith Mr. asud Mcas Gecaid were Mcr. sud Mrs. Don Bright Bracebcidge, Mr. sud Mr,. dam inTorntoasd fail]y, Oshawa, Mr. and Harvay Bnrley, Tina sud Tra-' RevT .1.. Snielgrove's Su- Mrsý. Roger Peel aud fsmily, cey, Enuismore, Mr. Keith a'ly motriring opic was "Is Ncwcaie, Miss Diane Kimi- Buc]ey, Waterloo, Mr, sud tIhistmlasa spectacle or s hall, Cobourg. Mr. sud Mca. Mcs. Harold Bnrley sud Doug,, reveatin?" phasizing +.be Bill Kimbaîl and Viaki, Mc. Bridgenorth. Latr sGod performs won- aud Mrs. Bob Kimbali sud Mr. and Mrs. Don Viukle fierful thînge,, for us, thst we family. aud Mca. A. Bnrley spenti ar ncaýpable of doing for Witb Mc. sud Mrs. Boyd Christmnas with Mr. sud Mca. ousle.The choir sang Harria sud famly were Mr. E. McEwen sud family ut 'Careo Tha eJoyv'. sud Mcs. A. Green sud Mc. Peterborough. Mcsuaid Ma Clarence Far- Elali Alford of Westport. The Caudlelight Service lu ino sd Karen off Gatineau Mc, George bendersýon, Port our chucch, Sunday evening, acia!hr aturdpay to Hope, with Mca. Mary Wade Was again a moat enjoyable sped heweked IthMi, u_ Gan.eveut, snd al those who ar- piva Farwsu c egFalîs. Mc. sud Mca. Hugh Staple- canged aud produced til,, as Other iito)rs onchI "-1,ristms ton sud Carol, Mc. sud Mca. weli as the performeca, are Dayiucliude!d TMc, dMa Frank- Stapleton sud babe, to bc congcatnlated on~ their l~ar FarowDowuvje , Mc with M udMs, John For-~ efforts. Openîug with the sudr McJm Fiarrow sdrser rn.Suuday Sehool Procession, faîiBomnvien sd Mr With Mc. sud Mci. C. b. uext came the Junior gicla sud , M cs.Ke Brignail, New- Lane were Mr. sud Mca. bac- witjh their caudies "Lit for cati.ry Lane, Owen Sound, Mc. theý Saviour," Christmas car-1 and Mca. Chas, Gray sud ois, with June Kimbalat the Sgirl, Ocono, Barry Lana, organ, Scriptural and othr Now Availaible ~Mc. aud Mcs. Bill Lane sud readings, accordion sud gui-1 Sgirls, Port Hope. lac selections by Evelyn sud Mc. sud Mca. Wm. Wassell, Donald Stacay. The Gift 0f- for bastings, with Mc. sud Mca. ferîng was led by) Carol Heu- Bob Wassell sud famiiy. derson sud Cacol Stapleton. ý1Festive,: Season WitÏh Mr.eaud Ms.'S. Lau- vocal solos by Frmilyr Wassehil c 9tr we Mr andMcs.a.nsd Michelene bris, duelt _At _Yniur Door Jack Chacd sud girls, Now- by Penny Webster udJuu-ire castle, Mc, sud Mca, C. Nicb Kimball, and of ure s - or ols, Gloria sud Donald, Poct sing-song by thie Sn Brîtain, sebool, with finally, theBan At ou StreRav. T. Sueigrove accom- diction by Rev. T. Suelroe. panied Rev. sud Mrs, R. Nor-__ 1ýman to Niagara Falls to spend d > Christmas with Mca. J, Suel- i:DA grove. K N A Mr. sud Mca. Jim Webster, M.dm c aln A- Toronto, -spent the holiday rantsd Mc , a irlnd Cath GeCn Re Dairy "-i KigSW. wiun sMc, and ivrs. E. Webster and Penny, Mc. sud Mca, Bd Rowe sud Tiffany wece with Mr. sud Mca. Bert Triol. With Mc. sud Mca. Ray Tompkins sud famuly wcra Mr. sud Mes. Lloyd Clyadale, Oýouo, sud Mc, sud Mca. Bert Tompkins. Mr. sud Mca. C. M. Joues and Mca. Bas Jouas witb Mr. aud Mca, Bud Joues, lu Bd- mouton. Mc. aud Mca. F. Gilmer were Suuday evening dioner guasts with Mc. sud Mca. Jini Gilmar sud family, Port Hope, sud with the latter on Boxiug Day were dinnar guesta wlth Mc. sud Mca. Raymoud Gilmar sud famiiy at lshlingtou. Mc, sud Mrs. Don Adamis and famuly, Bramalea, wecej, ,overnight sud Christmas Day -Married in Orono United Cburch MVr. ani Miss , Saily Jane Staples, laughter of Mc. sud Mca, Donald Stapleaý, Oro(no, ha- came the bride of Mcr. Kirk Alau Sccibrier, son of Mc. sudc Mrca Sccihuer, Cuba, New vista iitthirant~, Yo' rk, in Ocono United1 Chu rch ther aitMrsjorSsýturday, September l6th. Lana Bucwash of Co)bourg o Tececetmony was pecfocmed Wadueday.Thayalso cal1d1y ieverend Basil Long. A ou- Mr. sud TMca. Milton Wal- piiuogamof tradîtional wed- lac at Preclous Conrnas, d n usic wass fetv Mca. Wm. Mercar was takan layedý by Mrs. Stella Mîocton. to Bowmauvilie hospital ou "iu Fielda of Green" sud Wednesday. "Caim las the Night" were Mc. lialph Kennedy, who0 suug by the maie quartet of bas beau lu hospital with ,au, Mc. Glen Allun, McMerrclîl injuced kuas reaultiug from s aBrowvn, Mr, Jack Aluin sud Mc. fail on the ice, expects t0, ha Donald Staples. home foc Christmas. I iven in macciage by hec Christmas Entetalumeuts father the bride woce a wbite bave beau the ordar of the orgauza gown of hiec own de-I timas lu iKendal._ Mondlay evaniug the Brow- nies put on thaîr Christmas /M4iss Wvestern 1 coucert at Keudal Scbaol. Tuesday evauing the sehool concert prasautad by Gradesi 1-4 wass bld lu the school: auditorium to a packed roo-m of parents sud spactators. On Wednesday eveuiug the mambars of Kandai Women's Institute went ont foc thair Christmas dînner pacty ut the Dutcb Oven Restaurant. aigu, au. oid fashioued rufled plid, tcimmed witb ruffîpa of apron skict itb chiapean , acougiughamn toppad by a bodicegahee Aftec the ceremo-ny a ce- to a ruffle at the ueck. beHýrce>TIio-n was beld ou the lawui 1pictusa h fat of the anemuat the home of the bride. Dm.- tacai as decoýrated it nec wss later aerved to the amayýIl organza cosebud. Sha gests in the banquet room at .caýried a bouquet ofwhtth New Dutcb Oven. ross sd haby'ýs het. Thc mother of the bride ce- The bride ia teddb ceived the guesta in a floor the maid of boniourc, Misa lengtb, gowu 0of chiffon. The Paddy Newman, St. Caýtbh- mother of the groom woce a armnansd by briies aaidciasM iss chiffon gowu of floral prnted rMargaret Philipa, Tooutno; design, aiso floor leugth. MiLss Maucean Tighie, Tocouto; The hast man wss Mr. Dan- Mis.s Linda Tennaut, Bwa-nia Rober, Gcastocf, Belfast, ville, sud Miss Nada Sea-New York, The ushars wece ov ic, Niagara alla; jnor .Mc. Russell Grastocf, Belfast, bcidesmaid, sister of thle ibride, New York; Mc. Rober, Ricb, ýMiss Jane Staples. Die ut- Belmout, New York, sud Mc. itenidan-ts woce ruffledc taffeta Jim Young, Rochestec, New dress,.es of macoon sund piuk Yock; Mr. David Forastar, Orono sund Mc. Paul Staples, R iding Princess Mr~. Roy.Forrester actad as the Master of Ceremonies aud Mc. Alan Strike gave the oat to the bride. The coupla willcesida in Cumberland, Maryland. A kîtchen showec ivas giv- en by Mca. Peggy Sawyer at bacr home. A miclapl- alinwer was also held by Mvissi The Caniadian Statesman, flown Kathy Mîddleton and Miss Wendy Mercer. Mrs. Auna1ý Strike gave a dinner party. A su Rd Mrs. Bob Morton u get-together with the groom Mari-" lyn iu their new hous;e. was also heid by friends of the Mrs. Oscar Adams of Bow- bride from Bowmanvlle- nanville, Patty Turner and Photo Courtesy Orono Times. her girl friend of Oshawa were Supper guests of Mrs. Gea. Morton, and atter, al Mt attended St, Saviour's Angli- can Sunday School concert O R O N %i un on Friday evening e. 5h Mvr,;. Howard Linton with Dr. and Mca, Keith Taylorý,Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allený Nancy and Bonnie of Bramp- and sons over Christmas. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mr and Mrs. 0. M. J. Fa- Chatterton, Carol and David gan of Markham were over- wece Christmas Sunday din- night guests of her parents, uer guests of Mrs. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper Chattrton.after attending the Mo'ore- Warrant Officer Philip Tro- Osborne wedding in Triity fîmuk, Mrs. Trofimuk, Mary- United Church, Bowmanvile, aune, Michael, Michelle and on Saturday evening. Melanie of Uplands, Ottawta, Miss Susan Balil of Toronto were house guests of Mr. and with her parents from Satur.. Mrs, Jim Bruton sud Clifford day to Thursday of this week. Jr., over the Chrlstmnas week- Congratul a t 1 o n s to 1%r, end. Bruce McArthur of Oshawa, Mr. Leonard Fleuryof ot- husband of the former Shir- tawa with Mc. and Mrs. Roy ley Hardy of Orono, on beiug Wintec and Robbin over the elected an alderman for the Christmas weekeud. City of Oshawa in the receut Mr. and Mrs. H{oward Hbd- elections. gins of London visited, her Mrs, A. Harris of iBow-tnain- aunt, Mrs. Wm, H. Robinson, ville, Mr, and Mrs. Doug. on Thursday evening of last bird of Whitby, Mr. and Mrc. week. Bihl Sears of Scarborough, Christnmas Day guestr, of Mrs, Gen, Morton, Mr. asud Mc. and Mrs. Ken Bail were. Mr. Gordon Wslker and dau- ghter of Wiilowdale, Mr. and Mcs. Bruce W. Meccer and son Kenny of Hampton, Miss Susan Balil of Toronto, Mc, ard Mcs. Laverne Patterson. Mr, and Mca, Wallace Bou- ghen of Newtonville were ce- cent Sunday dinrer guests of ,Mr. and Mrs. Adami Stec, Somnerville Drive. CPI. snd Mca. NaîT Wood aud sons Shaun and Munni of1 Oakville mpent the weekeud over Christmas with Mr. and Mca. Roy Baccabali. Cpi, red from Uplands tawtf~ o >Z Downsview and is residing lu Oakviile. Also Mr. sud Mca. Willis Barrabail, Greg- and Lesley were Christmas Sun- day dinner guests. Mr. and Mri. bora ce Bast wera among the guesta of Mr. aud Mrs. Wayne L. Hooey, Jili and Paul, Toronto, on Christmas Day. Mr .and Mrs. Howard Sta-0V platon of Oshawa and John Robinson wili apend part of the Festive Season, with Mr, and Mrs. Everett Staplaton Iu Plorida. * Congratulations to Mr. andj Mca. Geo. Waddahl of Bethany and formecly or Orono, who are celabrating thair 60tb Aillw'A NVi Waddiug Auinivecsary and B 1 1 1A V L are holding,, Open bouse on 'rhursday afteruoon and ev- ELS auing, Dec, 21th, 1972.D.LELI Mrs. Gao. Morton, Mc. and S54 KING ST. W. Mcs. Gordon Morton were Christmas Day guests of Mr. ranvýîlle, Dec, 21, 17 Mrs.lion Harris. Richard and-jr Kim were Christmas dtrnsr guests Saturday evening oA Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harý aris, Doug and Charles,, At St. Savjour's Anglican, Church, Orono, Christmas Eye, sevcson Sunday, 24th of tDecember at il arn. Choral1 service for the combined con- gregations of Orono and St. GeOrge'e, Newcastle, foilowed by refreshments ln the chui ch ha2Ml- At 7 pm. Choral Eu- chariut, Mrs. R. R. Waddell has heen a patient in thé BoIv- manville Memorial Hospital. Kirby United Church heid their Christmas Concert on Saturday evening, Dec, l6th, -"A Very Happy New Year"t Perms -colorg Clairol Wsgs Latest Vuttsng Techniques PH-ONE 623-5455 37 King St. W. Bowmanville LE' CLEANERS E& STAFF BOWMANVILLE AÂ e : us For the fourth year in a row, Miss Kimn Coty, R.R. 2Bowmanville, recently joiued in the Christmas spirit of riding ini the Bowmanville Sauta Claus Parade. She is shown riding her own pleasure horse named Kelly. Kim also shows horses for a hobby during summer at the local fairs, five points in Oshawa and Picov Downs, Pickering. This year she received seven tro- phies, one hammered aluminum tray, and a cooling blauket. Also in cibbons she acquired 18 ficsts, five seconds, six thirds, one fourth and one seveuth. She has shown for Mr. J. Jarvis, Bowmanville; Mr. Jarvis Sr., Oshawa aud Mr. W. Wickett, Oshawa. One of ber proudest moments of the season was when she won the big trophy for the second year in a row from Orono Fair on a P.O.A. .ponynamedJolly Roger. ___ ~Chaferwys Hold Christmas LDantîce At Newcastle Hall The Drivers sud Mechanica I Diape McMann, Bowmsuvillei Association of Charterways sud Harvey Metcalfa, Oa-1- Co. Ltd., Bowmauvllle, heMdaa o h tidoe h their annuai Christmas Danceawontatidu.Te Dec. 9tb in the Newcastle doo0r prize was wou by Mc. Comamuuity Hall and Mca. Nesring of Oshawa, About 200 people filled the sud the Botîla Draw, beld hiall to dance to the music of amongst the employaes of "TaC o u n t c y Swingers." Charterways Bowma v 111e,, Special guesta of the evaning was w~on by Harold Peret. wece Mr. Bruce Lester of Duciug the eveuing, Slim the Nocthumberland-Durham Badour, a member of "Theý County School Board, Mr. sud Couutcy Swingers", dcew the Mcc. Lloyd Domiar, Tcaffic lucky tickýets on The D sud M manager of Chactecways Tair- Association Beaf sud Pork onto, sud Mc. sud -Mca. Ken Dcaw. Ficat prize of the Beef Ronald, Chactarwàya Toronto. want to Mes. Raya Kinsman, Duriug the eveuiug, spot R.R, 1, Enuishilian.1 Second dauces wara held, witb Dale prize of the Pock weut to Mc. Foran, Bowmanville sud Ray Bugene Pravost, of R.R. 2,ý Tomipkins, Naw,ýtouvile, wiu- Whitby. 1iugte i ou,-. Sharon To fiuio'riýi te vni sud orri Hithens Bow a ivalycoldpltlucwa mrauville wou tha e ond, sd enjoycnd by ail11

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