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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 5

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Cobines Drop Close Game To Bacrot etsonDec. 19 Dale Powveill& Cathie Wriglti -ecsl - On Tuesday, Dec. 19, the- N and O Com- bines pae against the Ban- crf esin Newcastle andi came' ontHe losers in a close, highscoinggamne. The 'final Tom Mrtin scoredi the first Combine oalwth assists go- jing to Doug an id FRob)inRick- ard1, Thir second(- goal was ,coredrbd Robin1Rchardoo paýsses fr'om Tom) Martin and Býob Tnnat. The Jets an- swvered withtw goals in the first ,period, mnaking the score at ;Iie etin ofthat pcriod bcd JmeWrigýbt started the secon pero()of by scoring unasisrdputingNewcastle in ý th ladat3-2. Jets soon lied the )pscore and for the ret f the gamo it, was a real battic, t-see who would be T1 iýRndy.Tennant scored the fiext goal oni assists from Rob Rusi ard Jamie Wright. Tet,ý coe Combines answered witha gal rom Brian Black aýssished by BIl Waear. Their nexnîgoal xva ;coreýd by Rob Ru1sscdil asistepd by Jamri' Wrý-ifh, rmaking the score 6 to 4. Hwvr the Jets over- oerdthe, Combines befor'e the enid cf the ,period tb score the imecs, makîng tbe score Each heam scored three iin the final period. The~ Cmiegoals were scored by TomMartinà. assists to Glenn Mupyand Robin Rickard. Bill Wagar1L got their second with a-,ssiý7ss going ho Ken Part fridgeu anid Randy Tennant. DenCox, scored on, assishs from R ob Russell and Jamie Newcashle journeyed 10 Bob- cycnon Friday, Dec. 22, Wmr. P. JOh nton1 Gs-Motor 011 -Fuel OMIS and Greasei NowAviae for Fs"ive Season At Y'our Door -or- GI enRae~ Dairy only to be defeated 7 to 5. bines put uoi a good fight un- The Bobcaygeon Ti-Cats tii the end oif the game, but were off to a good start early only succeedeýd in scoring two in the game by scoring the more goals. The) goals were f irst goal, The Combines scor- scored by Rob Ruisseli and ed near the end of the first Jamie Wright. Th-e assists period. The goal was scored went to Bob Tennant, Ken by Glenn Murphy, assisted by Partriýdge, Glen Murphy and Doug Rickard. Tom Martin.,, The Ti-Cats overpowered Tefnl e agn- the Combines in the second Newcastle five and Bobcay- pcriod by scoring five goals. go ee. Newcastle tried-to corne backgensvn but onily managed to score Combine goalie, Roy Ver- t.wo goals. Glen Murphy scor- burgh deserves credit for good cd unassisted and Rob Russell performance in nets through- scored, assisted by Ken Part- out both games. ridge and Randy Tennant. Remember - the home games In the final period the Ti- are on Tuesday nights at 8 Cats scored their final goal. p.m., Please corne and support for the cvening. The Com- your Junior "D" team. 71 tewca st/e So ciL1-an.1dfiPersonal Newcastlc Cpi, and iVrs. Ross Embley and Sandra of Trenton, Ont., visihed with relatives and friends in tbe village over the Chrisshmas holiday, enjoying Christmas dinner along with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walton, Newcastle, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walton and family. Messrs. Stan Cobbledick and Bll Wright recenth 'y left New- castle tb enjoy the warmn air and suashine in Florida. Mr. and MVrs. Robt. Shearer and family were'hoshs Christ- mas Day when Mrs. Jenny -annah, Oshawa, and'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MacLean, Bow- manvillo, joined them for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gar- wood, Beaconsfichd,, Quebec: their daughtcr Terry Lynne of Carîton Uiýversify, Ottawa; Miss Marion'Fisher, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle and Alyssa, Alliston; Miss Juditb Powell, Port, Hope; Miss Elizabeth Pearce and Mr. Teddy Walton of Newcastle, enjoyed Christmas Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pow- ell and family. Mr. and MVrs. L. Martin, Oshawa, enjuyed Christmas dinnor with their family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rogerson. Dennis and Lori. Mr. and Mrs. John E. James, Susanneý andI Tommy, Loaside, -with ber mothor, Mrs. Irene Roberts and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lonnard. ELIZABETH VULLE On Wednesday, Dec. l3hh, ducted by the Sunday School the Garden Hill Church Wo- on Dec. lth. Mrs. B. Gray men eldtherý astgenralwas the leader. Mrs. Kellogg monheh teii lat enealhad the welcome. C.G.I.T., meeting of 1972 at Garden girls played and' sang.ý The Hill church ah 10:30 ara., fol- c0oir consisted of the older lowed by a pot luck, dinair Sunday School chldren and The devotional part of tihe some of the, reguhar choir. meeting was taken by Unit 3, Mr,, B. Cook and Mrs. W, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. N. Aikon had the beginners in Bristow coniducted Ibis part.1 one group, and Miss Mary- Garden Hihl unit had the pro- aice White bad the junior gram. Mrs. M. Gardiner, Mrs. chass. Ail groups sang separ- B. Gray, Mrs. K. Longyc'sr ateîy, and Mrs. F. Gardiner put on Mran Ms.H Qunil a skit about St. Peter meeting M.adMs .QatîI church members ah the Pearîy attended the Warden's dinner Gates. Mrs.- Ken Trew, presi- 1 ah Greenwood Towers on dent, presided over bbc busi- Tuesdy ndght. nicss part. Mrs. W. Banisteri Mrs. John Dekoker spent read the minutes for this ast Wednesday nigbt with Mr.ý meeting in the absence of and Mrs. H. Thickson and Mrs. H. Whitc, the secretary. went back bo Oshawa in the~ Next year we plan to have morning ho beach, more executive meetings and Rev. Ramjiit was withh not so many «eneral mccl hlast Sunday. îogs. Te frt exctv1 On Sunday cvenlng tIe mecrtiag will bc at Mrs. M. Sunday Scbool bor-re had their GrnrsJan. 24th. pot luck supper and Cbýrist- M1rs.-M. hîteisàah Prini- rmas Irce. cessý Margaret Hospital, Tor- Several attended theu funl- Onho, 110,A, ral of the late Cocul Bebt'o Mrs, H. Shieppard is home' ast week in Port 1Hopt'. again. Mr. Morris is home The bowling teams met onl 1Iîso. Tbursday evening as usual. i On Tuesday afternoon Our The weather lias been mak-: unit of the Gardon Hill Unit- ing tbe ski-dooing, a poor cld Church Women behd their pashtimo bbe hast few days. December meeting ah Mr. and Iws vrooa b f Mrs. R. Beathy's home. About Tws vroea h f ten members atended. Presi- fice and Our readers a very dent Mrs. B. Wbe cher pro sid- Merry Christmas and a Happyl ed, Mrs. M. MeAlister had New Year. prepared an excellent Christ- mas devoional program. Thc 0 minutes were read by Mýrs.W Banister la the absence o (Ffow in Mn., H. White. Most nf the' officers from ast year were, Do ember 22nd put in again for another year.1 Ladies - High single, M.~ Since Mrs. Wheeler is ha Or-1 Heath 326; bigh triple, M.,1 ono most of the time, we put1 Heath 723 (208, 326, 189). Mrs. M. McAllisher ia ho heip ,Mon - Higb single, A. De mitý if she was absent. We Jagger 325'; bigh triple, R. plan h ave Mrs. K. Trcw, Wcstlake 725 (234, 244, 247), social co (nvenýor, trade with -M. Dahin 72ý2 (251, 253, 218). MI . H. WbihH. the secrehary, Team Standings as8 Mrs. Wblite is unable h t- tend aiilmeetings. Churcb al Pins Pts,. endairs wýere dîshnîbuhed aýnJ G. Couch ..18841 s)5 money sent ho the generýal A. Bonsma . 433 72 treasuýry. Lunch was served. A. Van Goor 46433 6i9 Chnrch serxt 1 'vcs wt're con-1B, Smith _ 46135 67 R. Vanderberg-- 46363 65 P. Murphy ---- 46289 59 Rent a Car for L. Wffoodcock--45064 59, A DAY OR, WEEKEND M. Aldread v-44.50 52, 4.sk for Rae ..1 P. Pother _ . 45188 48ý COUNTY W. Pie-r.4ma .-44603 41 CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. D.Luffan - 39220 2 623-2586 'The seond acheduhe wil ~4'4~lSHESOBJTUARY MRS. JOHN E. LEISHMAN Fohowing a lengthy ihîness, dceath occurred Sunday, De- cember 17, 1972, ah Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, of Eva Mitchell,beoewio of the hahe John E. Leishn, wbo predeceased bier Decem- BornatahNewtoavýiÀhe, dr- ccasýed was a dauighiter of e laeGeorge and RuRLhh Mit- cbllh. She received bJ-er Plui ic School training iha Newton- ville, High School in New-1 casthe, and lator atended Ah- bort Coihege, Belleville !or several yrars, ' graduahing la Z... R. Art .,nd Expression. Deceasedi bad always bcený an active member in women's Nk' organizations of the United Church and ah lime of death 4 ,~ was member of Northminster United Church, Oshawa. Mrs. Leishman is survivedý by hwo sisters, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Bowmanville, and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono. The funoral service was beld from Norhhcutl, Elliott Home, -Bowmanville, ah 2 p.m. December l9th, 1972. Ea- irsfrom ho mbmenb Lang Vaulh, Orono, ris Rev. C. R. Newton and Rev. Wý C. Smith, Oshawa, con- E' duched the service. 1 u L Paibearers were Messrs. Lance Morrison, Toronto; r Glenin Tuirney-, Gordon Mar- SALON 'tin, Bowmnanvîhle1 GlnnTam- >blyn, Otw~Mcaland, Murray akr BOWMAN VILLE ville, hzeh1 (EUY 4 LC ANPAGEL (Chojck FUI0 J'NEPRK ER (t 0 h '~n FORIE Mice PI PARKER, 3LICEDJANE PARKER, PLAIN ORvEDE ViCH BREAD LOAVES- SAVE 24c) of Fruits & Nuis) (4-lb slab $2.79 JANE PARKER, TWJN ORt .e75< pQ sl.I45 Snowf lake Rolis 3 pkgs of 12$10 Beauty with the Crumbs on Top!) JANE PARKER, BREAD ~~~Ie* Pie ie 59< Pumpernce 6oo 3 JANEl PARKER, PLAIN R EEE full 8", 24-oz pe --9< Bread Jew,ih Rye 16 oz ioa àIJ3 Dessert et Down to EarthPre) JANE PArý.<ER, RYE OR hLACK e large si7e cake ý49< H ea rth Breacd 1 o i 5 I HOLIDAY FIXIN'S! j DON'T MISS THESE! JANIE PARKERB ea 24oos VICK'S JA'NE PARKER COhSyu Stufin ixViGOROUS & WlfNEY JANE PARKER 8opg39<BkrCfe Bread Crur1bs l-î 31< Drive Detergent Slb box$16 ASSORTED CO)LOURS GILEN RAE DAIRY Kleenex DINNER NAPIS pk9 oIr 4046 CHOCOLATE CAFE ROYALE, DA1RK OR MýItK CHOCOLATE DIESTVE Péeek Frean Coie(W ~ I< 9 ~ BLUE, PINK, WHITE, YEILOW, 3-PLY quart J T I carton , T oîlâiuei lsSeueensbury pkg of 4 !s AFP, WHITE, PINK, YELtOW Facial Tissue APBRAND, HEAVY DLJTY ASSORTED CREAMS 14.OZ, SHORTCAKE 15-OZý, DIGESTIVE 15-OZ T19d e kng sïz SALADA, ORANGE FPEKOE TI llTea Bags box0 BAG JANE PARKER - OVER 2/3 FRUIT& NUIS Fruit Cake ïe 5-1 bbox$ 6 of 120 bacs~ 4 3-lb ring$3 5 THANK YOU FOR YOU& PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR. FROM ALL 0F US ATs A&P ALL PRMCS SHOWN MH THIS AD CUARANTEED EFFCTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30th,172 êpý 2 E N mit U P

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