Theu CaainBats~n owmezvilhe, Jan. 2. 1§7 BitsEngagement in Memoriam,, Coming Events Articles for Sale NtcHelp, Wanted Work Wanted Real EstaiefrSl r-Bruce. andBaba Mr dMm Francis Lee; CALVER-In cherished ipe1e Solîna Hall Boardl will hold OIL space heater. 62,3-50 18. Ret"Bob" Bryant, formn- 1ELP for dairy farm. Phone o-rok o (ne Ftzgrad) reBwmarjvile,' are 'hanny to mory of a dear hurbard, fath- their arnual meeting on Sat- _ 1 qrl f IJ-!Mar Fa'ma Don Hrvrooahaks9 & SonOtoanouceth brh nnune heenaemntofer gadfthr nda one- rd~,Jauay6th at 8r. NWTrsadrm,83~~lne noi mloymen a v Bllackù 4(ustomu Builder of Fine Homes s.on Davîd B L ruce, 9 thieîr only daughter, Sandra fui friend, Frank L. Calver, Please bring cards and lunhone,,O es and.1* fJnar i, 93 adw ïeilst nineiran "m'VNPAIIN oZ8., on Dlcrue Margaret, to Michae1 Colon who returned to bis Creator, <_1_4 1 __---_ wi[I not be-l responsible for EATH Cars ie it x ero earsat e O WN P~ ý2, t MoraHsCabisno fsAm a anay2 91.--WTRfr sale atui deiver-any purchaes made by hirn perience fo rçsh i ft work. elling.Yonaeil-wcn Old Tymey bante,1TyroTonailameBEDR-OMeHOME :e~saeMr. and 'r.Caihil l of Brantford, MarrigeAdaceadl29t Eqinpment CO.[Home. 2-55 - tatk laeFbuayv-0bby Burton anid The Not-___'~ e avn -1 723-676 or 623-2301 Neiet a new hom u hr totk lc eray2nd "Corne',cul SE untr adApl___HUEEPIGhle- 880 as?"e nvsîen andi lVLrsz. Bruc F i t goehChurch Sonie day, er-iaps, we will ern Nomads. $3-Û.00PSD uniueRn pe ~ewtov~l1s 14*1-11 uÈderstand ____ 'c yý.q Marke4, nHamp For ,or shApy ea ia Nurin. JCKB RGSS ert mesatatveBae _____Wheni we mreet again in that Dog TrainingClse witih tonl, 263-2241. 26-tf __VilaN________t he tt _________1".-___ JACHomB63-311.1-1Willowdale modla3be- I~-onan Hathr eception, better land,. Oshawa Obedience soca RACKS, for 'L/ -ton t-ruc!_k,2 HOUSE, heatd igSre OIL BTIRNERS - FURNACES ro enyo orltat -Lovingly remembereti by al tion. Next, classes Start Jan. ar f nwiesat us oaio.Poe63764,WIRKi i ndpartreetNED oundato oint$, toh-i> are hy a r. niM aereM-C S.3d o nfrainPoe 14" andi 15". 987-495-.1--ll ~14im,1hîtwork. Ap)ply PLUMBING REPAIRS Yo nsaesmuhs830 e hearivi f hi G will he pleaseti to receive 728-0794 _50-4_Tonca- Savea _____ ___ ChmplainRestauiranrltele- PHONE HAMPTON over conventioa uidn tt icae. ls.134 11-ïPds at the Canadian Legion COOK - WESTLAKE--ln fond- STUDEBAKER Srie e FURNISHED bachelor apart phone 623-4111, B 'avle 6-11ieto~ fynonalt Myo aiHosmtCllatal5pm wavil,2325 nHall-, 12 York Street North, andi loving memorv of a dear MONSTER BINGO and useti parts. Grahiaml's ment a atr5p m.,1î o maviefbl o.ytr ~r Dc.Ot. routiLindsay, on Saturday, Januarv father anti grandfather Francis Garage. 1-416-26.1-8M72. 2-f_23791____11--1Mi AiresYonr m e" ihoi$ ansae-r ni6, 2 .ta 5 n.m. on the occasion R. (jack) Cook Who passeti THURS»AY - 7A45 p.m. 23775.Mal___es enýt 1ItchEl Bo-o hi 0hWdin rnl wyJnay7 95 as puo y1970 24 H.P, TWIN C3l - GIRL Friday for Retail SalesiP.O. Box 43 -Bowmianvillf down. We'll helwt ot arOlympicrSkidoo, good con: A.ARTMENT entral, fritieuposition.ansd havedtyOsnawa________S____b____g30-tsgageoarrangeentavaud laut andc Mn- ni -C say eIwse nllwneflmtie nigad saw io otal diion. ,Phionse6-10, antistove, Aduits only. Tels- experience, Apply 10 Ativer- 3-l ageailal ito'Frutl flecli, Osaw.-cia1 52-2* mother, Idia May (Avery) JUBIIEE PAVILON - ______________--phne62-30. 4-t isr 38wlhc'mpet <e ' Dotr E. D'. Hlub- phone 623-3a3et0a1y,.sjiA WA ennats-tAi r etalsPlon titike Sylvester anti '3thelBROADLOOM r38-ih opl_ d-__dtal Po theMatrniy S af r. anti Mrs. Harniy Hughes, January, 27, 1971L Ends of Rails. Reti vales 10 ACRES of orchard, mostîy coTeCnda tts BN arecelbrtin Tey ho asi o lve it WODV*EIr aea Tee-man, P.O. Box 19o, Bownian- RAT NchinR-' Boranvîlleddiclbtng Theyus who p ay iv ihWODI to $18.95 per yard.. On saýl e pears, Newcastle ae es TI TAiNK Bar LumbrpStoe ant ____________ herFotet Wttin An.. usdy yda.COMMUNITY CENTRE $495 per yard.Fatoy road- phions_987-4881. 1 *SETville.eve Lmb Tewilbe pleas- What God hias given Hse rdo utayu ers versary Mý. .e'1Nb1rleBINGeO loamdDestri utlofst81 Rich' TWO beR BINGOaINSTALLATION pick up a r. EAE ~eath ed a welorUeFriati nk I t does o tek s athe NEXT MONDAY ot t , shw.Paesiabefryug TexasUîl Comnpanyl Il R. 6, BOWMANVILLE HOME CATALOUol 111 s aI12 Fvan StreetIntangile love ~nds 57i5522 ithan hîilt. 623-2612 WANTS MAN OVER 40 FOR NO SUINDAY CALLS $10,lcourwtfoo onritiay ,- 1,1-January sth, 19ý73.I-Ever remembered b)y their RDAN-WYES.fetS, l iti aMset Fri--1_____- -1 e * e> a gootiman who 63-20ai'ua ormoe 51Rssl-Da igi is3* lovedti oes, Dorsen. anti Frank R_____-____al_____Lill* a years,82 Thrnclif e I _____ Westlks ani famîy. î1~ tur, Antiques anid Apne.ONE hbedroom aPartment Jn nake short auto tri i.W5_______1t 1Lestake 'ndddails MarketHAWAHampt)oBwanîlpr i va t e e-are wiligta nay top earnings, Osaw (orsry fThe family of Mr. anti Mrs. -it 6324. __ 2f ,tranc, prking. Telephione rl$5,000 n belostihusant ofAs Robertsan invite relatives GRAY-In iovîng memaory of -- ~-- __-- 6346.12 ~ ± er~ a±r etn - &7htiar fatherOf anti friend eb join us at -home our dear parents' Mother, Prenatal Classes for Bow- BEDROOM suie, opl-11-- - r top mn in 0u ther parts OIL BIURNER AND U t , (s.JaCk Mun- at Darlington Park, R.R. 2, Florence, Jan., 4, 1972, Fath- manville anti District, Tues- tiing suite-, 9-plece, chester- OEbdomaatet o- fCnd rwecpinlFURINACE INSTALLATION I5 ~wnarr 1,11 atAreBownanvileon Saturtiay, si', Milton, Dec. 10. 1964, day. Januarv 9th. 7:30 to 9-.30 felti suite, al Burmna teali- pletely furnisheti,- reasonable, earpiil". Contact euüs,ers 24 HOUR .eLAe n antate0fM rJauary fth,,1973, froni 1-4:30 Your life ils love anti labor, p.m., helti aI the Nurses' Resi- wooti, new. Must seii. Saýcri- 'APP1y after 5 P-rn-. b 31 K-ing a.ýround -Bowinanvîîle. Air mailE egnc Srve .n.anti 6-10 p. on the Your love for yýour familY tience of Memorial Hospital, fics. Plhons 1-241-5971. 31-tf St Easu'.1 S. E. DIOKERSON, PrIl 4 Lbry , Bwanil et niNi uta,~cson of their twenty-fifth true, Bownianville. Anyone inter- Sotwstf eroem 14 ietyS.B id Christn Slts tiidîn sayBest You gave of your hpe-t for- al ett atnin pes uIbeOR - OUTDOOR-Heàvy ONE bedrooni apartmnt BSutwetruPer'nn weson11rlynease. 1-i of us, 'plione Halitîurton-Kawartha rubr beck, seven briglit col- adult building. avaîlable ~o 8,F.WRH E. Poe6373 owaviefrer-_______________What mnorec-,oulianAnd, Pine Rîige District Health ors, 9' x 12', only $35.95. Fac- $105. Peter Kowai Jr_,el 4-tf 234 King St. E., omnli Fihiu-ray aI 2 o'iocc Crs fThns ar1eor - e- Ui 2-51 13tory Broatiloom Dstrîbutors, toi', 623-2453. - ATRCIEBRGT6339 il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a BonavleCm-____________ skD~8 îhot RONO -Two bedrooni apart- DEPENDABLE DARLINGTON 81 Ac,, PHqgh a11 loaton 1 Otaia Wewatût-i ke ta tlank the With whci e'Il neyer Phn576-5522. 44-1 4 ment, heat, hytiro, fridge and u'naan inhis meni- ommuities af Tyrans, Belli- part, Articles for_ Sale YES, we have aur awn Serv- ,stove inclutiet. Available SHORTrcDaî ibit Put1ý- : ýeti -d Lgg S we rec e Wehavei you i ar eurts. ONE 197-Ô CAPRI-317 Moto- iîce MVan as well as Oîl fornow. Oel 983-5658. 1-4 POSli-S r sk at duletaie, 50 ryour bouse. 24 hours - 7 tiays. FEHYteoaeiat iu-CO Brick, Block, Stone lon ti alne hisnr Larry anti Sharon Cox. Satl misser-tiby James, best offer. Cal786-2236 after 987-5111 or 987-514»3,Wmn Juncdcrte n ea-CINES&FRELCS ton0f 15 nti35 27 00 Ev -*Kennedyî, Thora, Joyce anti 7p, .1* Jitolnstori, Newcastle. ' 1-8cd two betirooni farm duplex for CLCEaf&eteACSree. ocaei ilsf â ____ _grand_____ a1etr1aPhne623t276 Terns. Ca]] ihTu13ky mar-il1lsia, it-gatchltiren11'-____ ---- _______ __ within tawn limits. Aduitse62-16 Juct" ~'enetia, anury3, e oult i lke ta ±hank the____ ATTENTION _P art able BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Harti preferreti. Phone 623-2479. Shift Work - Ail Beneftts 4___ ~aHat n ie 9rt Einshllnconmunity, the HIIBBARD InT loving me- construction heaters for rent, Twist, in beautiful tiark green. 1-2*-- - - -. 10 Acresn, Knaîl Oý theC'&11. ur, the Tyro boysI mory of a tier busbanti fath- WWîo. P. Johnston, 987-5111 or Normal cast $180. On sale ONn Be Trainsti PasI trop- st'eam v. îth hu hre is,,,, rlan.11ah ur fin 1 ter anti grantifatlher, Benjamin 97 l4ý 81- R19îFcyBodmon Dis-.,stairs, al services, $125; im- For ap tetcal! and Dopnli Na shw Prdut frHubliert who passetiua TRFAMeies1 tributors,81RcmnStW.a tirer ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aa of olle MrsOSc- aly Pne Prdues1s"Jnury4rd'198.Oshawa. Plions 576-5522. mediate possession. Close tmSrvceClb eaut liul oi ie Swetia),Csss"E lvl ît ie a8 200prset rs ii4-4shopping. Phions 623-7264., i-ppiance Servi16c000eTrns 'al tcybath of asw1 avetramEnsktîlln1 s utfv er g tta '~îo an eînle, -- -- 4-14- ii uthmn omecil udDosî Btti Va (M11. rrySirley, Antirea WhenesGoidc 11aisti you away, 7A6-2244. ___48-tf KOOL Enterprises - The Bolfus-e - -- -- -- -- - etheron), arart1 anti Caria urhal. -1*i'To the Gardien af --I:- of Gibson Appliances, Pana- ONE betirooni baes e ie n t Rfizeain-Ml o ~rn Vancsy, bath aIIt is true thet they say ONE Sears 13 cu. ft. Caltispot sanie Entertainnient Centre, epîmnfiieat lvM trInPho ETSR 2lAce Atia Ms.R is' s fir hanl taymvHe takes aniv the best. refrigerutor, excellent con- anti Eureku Vacuum Clean- 1private entrance, free park- 1-1ys 6z3-5774 XKentiai Ufilis ae.1s-± ýd)c 9ý,,-_ niIdl iesai neil -Ever remembereti by wifs dtiton, 6 monis aid; one 30" ers. For refrigerator service ing. Telephone afler 6 p.m., - Nights - 623-3177 viw 7lagMoou rt Ifred, bah f er-bs for foencartifs, Pearl, sans anti grentichiltiren. Moffet range, ans Viking eaul Kool Enterprises 623-3221. 623-2888. -W Vatc Lander Hardware decoraî ci .Anistael alajeffre, p-Ireti- ' )Dane cals anti vsits ecîv -1 automatie washer in gooti 47-If- -* WokW ne 'Anti 37 getgrni peîayHspital antisuiesre-na i adr1 hushanti , Ailier, 1*B DOM-Hid ws,îomlssrta omn AI ou aehnigat -tf Cal Bih Sutherad spBRODLOO ýeofde gýl'ije valbe auryltintn oeb tePoe123 Acres, Streu, anti ira rothrs. a rs Zur, Hulriai t, 1972. 7ýyjan 1RAOM .- -Deep lux- at re.Rglrpc o For enquiries Plions Toronto sioal. -C,11 Vince, 623-3568. illt Mce Fnrl er adr urseatisufanTh mn191 hae'?.w dy.rlus sliag, rmany colons, 9 x 9 4 12 $19,9,onsuie$0,5 223-0710. 52-2* 1-4* BOB BEE«RLnS Pond, Vîew &ntsa fa ss-iceonthesilili lor. y ay 12 size. ReIigular $149,95, o nun bagi.Fcoy-17EGNS.ECAT.Lre ot FrnaySl u .. Venr owe. - Iv nwa er iclesais$9e9.Hurry! Factory Bi'oadloorn Dsrbtr,81 ENNISKILLEýN-PRrIïy îurn- WE spc37iz ELreaiNta T.- sraiimtstruh oîg aI tittîs; Baritu n h sven awayBroatiloan isrbuoSi 81Richmondi St. WY., Oshauwa.isýheti, twolbetirooni apurt-santiaierpooing baeir tsrUmiStreeaîn a tly woot lan , dalfo 2? deliet. i îes rintaaninegibr dtwihOIl56-52.526'FR inrust - :eîo taineti; aduits preferreti. Tels- pin 2-79 0 rssure Systems gente-mn's re trao fs de -aNew57-5522an52- Ëepuirs eing campi. Oly2 iesfr3 ______ orcuti, loresgiîs alir lhir ies , ta hre -plione 263-3868. 12 oSrviceand Esilut bighyytomley v for___WitoutrEE A RESUR SYTEMeagins a Ingmastu rs, tirs -- _____an Etîats -fC kintinessýes ant1 ii vîsîtsbth te a, bni I SUPPUP jfinentie, lost valuje, letLREone antwobedrooRiwslis boreti, 30' tue, a'-. PlperîslkeIian buyKase Aumnui patmeîs cnîaîy octeiard's Weli Boring. Tels- Cî 2-61 are adt îdFsi' 8 E'urb tret nannîe ospîtali ani a i fate, REPAIS TO LL MA E uilding FProduets ,ýfrorni Su-if -cnaet,sijtuhe for lios3t-00 ersnaie3.t 5,0.0 ens alP vile, n Studay hoe. peielIhaksta Dr. But noeiory lorever r ecui'8ls 5reeWîndow a, nt iDOor Pro- ycung or eldeIrly couple. Tels(- llarry L., Wade, Teleplione - ---- ---eo r 0,172 ilin .. utie ni îstfoaHbiAat.VEY 'PARNT ues(Ohir> 98773-lin453451.2 97451 -1-t AV S1 ArsBmmnile r. Wîfe aIathe ute excellent cre7nia anti femîy. i-i 41-tf623-83.Lca get Lm SATOS3-eiroi o-SNOW piowîng, modern e quip-HgmyNoZ E.ýa Kendy1ier____________me____n, ,tractai', snowblower Pl.H1a1i aI DnadBoma- Buti ntiLynn O- - Aluin 623-3871. 49-7 liause avaîlable immetiateiy. ti lode. ulumbîng, Crnr ioer'.Idalf te 1Nele(r.1-y1 'YANDl-lna t;niory oI SAVE up ta 6q0% /on branti Nicesarea, close ta tiown town. l t Ne1_iipo, rt.Se-Ou îneeihnk1nda- rncsLsa lntri wo neme brotiloani. We guaran- SAVINGS Stove, fritige, washsr anti dry- anytîie. Howardi Brome and Electriccrl anency. 1/2 milstnlita intusscti unk a ýr-way Jaany 4 81h, Iee won't bs untiersalti. er inclutiet. Plions 623-4234. 63-54.OMMERCIAL,0000 Trns helt i he ickrecîFtiorit neiglibors,. fints1972. Save a bundie et Faetory UP TO $3,00 ___ 45-tf WATER meuls bareti or dtiîi- BCOMMERCIAL Home, Pictan on ani relatives For îuîesr syni- ton ae Ili tay we useti to Broatiloorn Distrîbutors, 81 INDUSTRIAL and Bomuie,!îgt.E at 2 1 o~k ntr ath, befiautiful floraltrl- sae Richmondi St, W., Oshawa, Precision engineered homes, TWO-bedroom, upstairs epert- cd. Canada Driling Company, EINTALCnmecal enwioati Ceî îrery(utes a t oations; ta B, -But ln aur bert yu are Plions 576-5522. 44-14 ereeted on yoiir foundation: ment, close tb dawnîown Pbons Oshawa 576-6004. Re- RSIENIA oercialhocainn creslNursng Hme ani stff aways here -- 0 to hoos fro or ustoni shopping, churebes, etc., lieat- Pi'Ssentalive Harry L. Wade, FE SIAE doctor or law ofc.Ol for tliis cars anti kntne';lTe gales arI mery will designed. Mortz*gg aîi land 'd, $100 montliy. Aduits, Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf RR.I 500Gdin Marart Jan- t Rv.V.Panon fo ls an nye clse Plions aller 6:30, 623-3585 or eoi. availability. Get aIl Uic facts. 623-41 - ALGOBRN Orono 786-2471 Mcob, GenralHopîll n frtîg essge th MDer-j We missyu oe hn SUR CEPhono RAY NORTHEY ut -51ALGOS RN Qeemer 9l7 17,mot-Panab aker :FuraiHEome unone tpknaLws". J.1-1 T LUi_________ 33-tf 10 Acres, Leskar cbi'it IlBa1_ - foIhirkînnes-trinPar ià,h tndelve.nt1tis723-3558 or visit Beaver Lum ROOMS TO RENT by Month 'Ca~rpet -Uphlstery 3btron ,n at rc hem 73rd yeaRtuly recent braemn.regret 9Q] ber for a Homoe aaou eeiin-Bt -Sua PoeinlyCcnlDRY VSALL Splitleve!, 2 car aaeoa 1bfs aI Aber 1uti,. Clara ani Wes PearcereIlalveyuwl ee "' " 0. 7îIdo oI RRETMTS16'32'. po,,ny sei ak ifher oi r.Babr f _ ýor__e _______ 54______-FLINGdIJTCHMPoBl Trnis.Oeil Pt Yeo ______51_-4Phon 6232002POELSTRA shap.Terfeve.7350 Ms-s.l PurieJoesTe ùl.y ai île.laIe Clan- -Satifly mssei y iathen aii - - - -2 ni1, Rettah ec ic- ih xressstr.i- esokFo aeANDREWS MOTOR INN Poe63 0 'Vie________xprss___l________Fr SÏePhono 623-3373 .BOWMANVILLE C NRCIG ofc iiir t. lit F uinler ai sncere thankLs anti apprecia- 1__- -. 1ORSSbadd -bx tll, TV 39-tf 31-tf O TATN fieBulig omnil ru ntynoon. Fun - 1lion ta relatives,_____ ___ DrywaadJHS nloiemmoy0 TW R l l asteri n inegboS for curtis, floral a tier mollies anti grand- reusonuble rate. Teleplione _ _ rwnu ig aý h î.c1îti egrnîsat oain ati mîeMuiJln.il987-4039 Newcastle. 46-If and ANTENNAS For Rent Txuedad Oniy $69,000o.00.Tens Churci. nerent ntaria Bleart anti Cancer pusseci awuy suddenly January APPALOQIA et slnd, Roeltel's INSTALLED ATCa Fourth i Stre, Bwm2îl m, -le Cer.1- Funtis anti many other acîs 41h; 1972, Stinny, T-65924. Brief for con- T 1 e Acoustici nqesm ealeiurr ______oaIkintiness showa us during Thougli the smile is gane formation, calai' anti dis- .Liow Rotes 1ro or lgnSeol -A MninalBa-the sutitien'bs af a tisar hlis- forever position. 986-5180. 1-1 ALSO SPERCIALON. Spray Ceilings Bmavhe Vr ag btrci anti, futher antri grTantfather. Andi ler lian-ti ws cannaI- master bedrioorn.vth'sa "f.- ll, -on-Tues-1Special l thanks ta riRev. J. C. i toucl;CrsfrSleh±u Sses NFree Estirnates living .rooir, 2btos îay2d,17. lu Jînon laiUniteti Obuircli 511mPhveonmey -~'-~623-2006 This bnmEisnl eydsr Pee uî SelaWnen r.W G .GrnVneare 9 64 1i - T ON Ford itmuck, g o o i " ~-Phone 623-2277 abus ursa. On]y$5900. 1 îge.Rssn tantid ltshAteso u-0f1te oe e loJvrt oniiobest ofe.Pions r 23518q-4Cali Kay Brama. ris uneal Ca rlBns 1i mci 8-04.1i_____ Stone Bouse, Neioule 'vic anTusiyH- er memory is7 aur keepske '66 P-ËONTIA -or ein - À2-t LEIc~Real Estate frSale $mil00.budo ipi Trîiei Bo - oui' Wewouid lîke to express ,ith irhiel.m'ii neyer pDart, 6 automati-, -P.S., good con- ISTV IAIfu Ii mLenze etLya orsrýc bnsanti ap- Goti las lierin Bis keepîng, dition. Plione 987-237.. 1-1'* UNC onro ipo v.T soeyan on oesoehuepu 5arsmt riaitian ta aIl tiose mho We bave hem in aur heurts. _________________home_î mhue l th Aut~~ BILE 'IV~and Base Line, Bowmauville in Orono, fu bedrouîns, 1/ spiing-fet streaiGoibr oniunity Nurs- son Bill, dultr-i arTPbliludyrobot-Asing $60,000.0l ei u 7Il oonoWlslyencrtsatreebrs-Lvngiyremmbretby1 SlesSSOIVEIIFIsent lo ' oni, garage. Lacatet an Sx- Outishoora. onSuda, ecni agHoe:li battil floral Betty aniltdgran)dcliildreiî *EEKLT rBTWAE 1 BTRU Dtra large mcli Ireet lot. Ask- 192,Wilim Jultributes ai donations Irani Heather, Harlow, Alex, 1 T'TT'hI-îne IT7 EATER i&'i $29,900î ~ wiîî ternis, 983- 16 Acres, KendulHiî unStee rooinrlaivsfietineiglibors, anti Ian. L-IVESTOQCK_______SALES___ ____ SALESds,1- ýINo-amnsfiixoth OuuvW 5427 evenings, 42-tf New 3 betiroanfipue ,-ar Darfthiýnc1 WIu t Durhami County Sales Arena 1 (JuIl ellcetrie lieut. 2lits fnt - ra, Dona;ld adnatiîeMsr of Transpor- LAWSON-In lovimng ieniai'y Orno - Every Thurs.,:30 wpm.T * m gmeveAlhian1acs Donaldanti Pul, Knnedy aut, cu_ïrborougli,1ThMas Edm-unti Laiso maluves Sheep, etc. Cbarbie j*Ision. Asking ol 4,0 0 eusheti n ie oi- uring oi' mreent bersave- pussidamay v-Decemr 3OhReid, Auctioneer andC Pro- lour ESSO Service Dealer NR E-* ooN teni.1Oil oyFauer ai Clin, Bammen- 1ment in the ioss of a dtsar) 1qGq. GItens.-IC Ecuque Funen Anrhngeni Hespit " 'We Seuvi Phono 6 Diiso Sret Tyèhii~uliycanaprt- 51 lvti s imsPtINOu mantes. WMu puy cash o 100x 150 lest. Ak After 9:00 p. sai hsèi diesessa ur -oa-u. v1ytae-,mde.Plionser.olecti s anc nd lI Completed in Privacy of Your Home io 00Akng -nL-User$500 domiii Dans Found - 6336 No ling T o aîîy, a.I-lasrmmbrttagi 69)1-5111 Toronto - anylîrne. tohave rjQý,aelereaes $000 tr ia-ac atigrntion, _______ ___ RWIbNo Application too Simall or Osoa-/I.try3le-iyrwn -2-15 -netli aI oftoma, ateal starterl rrMîbie -6.375 utimacnie Maeouil-lime.rWe erciiDEAat rippl Fu an mme re'r Free Advice CÇncerxnýg Mortcggs irmelhoeAsig e1 nansy 'n 33 2 HYGIENTO Su ies(ub, 6322. iece14C-2iREPAIS Loyd Atchison -75-3-'71l uOidshoorn - 6328 ingteeplan nube. oots) imauitipaîpic i5-îî IVerkmnnhin laaued First, Second, or Third Mortgaes Aanion --72-35 BhSuhrlnt 63.,0 ai Arrngemets BV. Distrbutors Limitdlin sealetien elape ith WOULD lîke transortation Alpie oSVEVnMnyEwnJen 2-12AdrlPen6336 D-p."A"% pl'reslia-. Six apes2e [...Course on Mnday antidlI~OMeMDnli - 6331 om Wteu~- 7340 49-tV - Boxh one H623t5n.2Ont. 1-52 Pieuse P23-396233740, 11"L - as-t FOR CLASSIFIED, Tuesday, 4:,30 pwim. r 8-À, iý