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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 3

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I r Tracie Lynin, sisters îsanl Seymour, vwho w Thyare çdaughtller s o Paul,i CI one-1 The Crai wîl tn .vMr and jxMi', e reri nack- jeton, Osheawe, on Christmas Day. Mi'. nd- Mrs. -Bruce Leisman ai f amily, Asliburn; Mr. anti Mrs. W. Cras'g, Miss Miltiurt Phillip, Town-i, we.re Chisrias Day guests of Mr'. and Mrs. Doug Reyinolis. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bob Craig ani famlilyV, iVsaMarln-,Buîttery, oqshewa, wvere with M. anti Mrs. Sa Buttery forChit ards anti Tammyý, -Misses Ruisy Lane ai-i Dor-een Richards of Day isitors witis Mri' ni. MI'. anti Ms.JhCorses Coomn-besa anti famnily attentCiet tlie Comises faily 'vgetisrinlg et tise homne of M£,', iMrs. RPowletii dCoombea. Mi'. andt Mrs. Ron Welsh anti f aily v Belleville; Mi. '. ant M\rs. LryWelsh, Towni'. atiMs Dan VWelsh ati Tra- Leslie Welsis on, Chrisîrnas' Mrs. Lelie Weli ani Mi. 011eMatien re wîh i. anldti > Mi.Don lsi '. anti Mrs. L'eslie We--lsh wereChst mas Daiy aupper geOaCf Mr. anti MArs. Hon WesbBeleville. We wresorry toheer that Mi'. antci Mrs. John Runal hat tiemiafortune t0 lose thepir borne by fie. Mi'. anti Mus. KenShche Shackleton anti Mi'. Billhek leton were New' ersgct Of Mr,. anti Mrs. Br"-uce Stainl- tonl, Osha-wa. Mi%'. ani -rS. Herb1 Craig a'ni familyv, Jeneltvîle, wr vitih Mr. and Mr. oua ev '69 '70 '70 '69 '69 '71 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM 4-DR. HARDTOP Just like new, Lic, 66082A VOLKSWAGEN 2-DR. .DELUJXE Power luedependiable eCconomrY, ,i.vý 37i2941A CHRYSLER NEWPORT e4-DR. FIARDT< FORD GALAXIE 500 2-DR. HARDTOP FAIRLANE 2-DR. HARD'TOP Rei rety -8 atomtiewithrdo lic. 303974 FORD LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGON Mol% POPLar wagon in istory. Lie.39040X PINTO Tle ret itieca m- ord. Grabber. Blue, 1sed.Lc 05-15N $>-11,, Coming soon - '69 Road-Runner 383 4-spoeci '69 '69 VOLKSWAGEN 2-drF. automlatic. Lic, A1484 $1, l969 CADILLAC COUPE DE, VILLE 2-DR. HARDTOP By appoiniment, 1,Lic. 462120Acduvl i SALE!l TELEPHONE ONE 0F OUR COURTEOUS SALES ST'AFF FOR FURTH _R INFORMATION ON THESE BEAUTIFULj RECONDITIONED AUTOMOBILE. 623-4481 21'ING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE "WhreFriendly People Méet Literary adian Statesman 'mers Rec Mrs. W. J. Cou1lter of Alis- ington A\damr,;arantifmi, 71n, I. enmc1jrsýý Bob Knox, Lkeoe ewate ar c anti lleof NipawÎn, Mi nd is. 1c,[ILnn A., wone guess of Mr,. and wr mngtednnQget r'.Chas-. Knox during the or M'. ati r.Ramn sveSeason1. 1 L.unn, Seýndira and Susa"n of Miss Dvreen Winter of-To- Oshawa on Chistmcas Day, o spetlWstweek Wth bher uMrad Mrs. os. Morton rntM'. and Mrs. Clif f Ms aiy o In r nd ,,i nterý1.Ms.C7ordonMrtnw 1edn iss MerlePower, Miss 'ner guecsts of i. anc1 Mr1s. :aze Pawer, Mr. Haroldi 1 Tom ,urnr fBwavl lower M0 Ohawa; Miss Cath-, on StrtaD--embe)r 2,3rt. ne Pouer and Mn .John M'. and MIi' egSttn on orz f Toranto; Mr'. anýIj Mill and MVs. endyG Ira. Jams PowerCraig, ati onDait er Crit Earvk anit i Trvor of Hampton msEedne usao r e rp Christmas dinner guests ati Misjyý. JijmjGrIay and familyj * Mr. atM rs. Gordon Pow- c Ylvrtn Y on Box,ýing Day. Mc'. and Mrfs. R.P. Bxe Mrv. Wm7. S. Mloffat spent ant chiltiren, ýManiMrs. AIt weeis wàItdM. and Mrs. Ca.Armnstsong ant i cilti rani Moffat and sons o ofa PMtiorug, In anti Mr. aul'Barclay 'a. MiV1.1nti rs.R. Mr. antdMs.Nor- i wrcje Christmas esteF of Mr. anti Mrs. tt and chiltiren of 1Mr0t. C. Maartense y\ of Caman Borden. ['ijocc Tyrreli of spent the 'Christmas, with AMrs. C. B. i visited othier rela- aest Hammciiwith Mr' Doniald Hmmanti erI Christm as. Mrs. Lloyd Cl adiale sfs 0[f-Mr. anti Mrs. ~sisanti femily of , ri . oy Brasl 'righ1t uests lasU of his Sister Ms oiilt f Maple! rm Wannan visiteti 1re. Rosa Wennen antid 3elvleover theý .LTD. Citizens meet- b)" T, January 415 T-'. I.O.O.F. Hall. ive 1178 of the iRoyal Canadian Legion presented 'c ice Day Zijterary Awarcts last TurdaDec e pitued below. Left to right, Stewart Smit or Essay;Cty CoulterP-, 16, Second Prize, Sei 16; Second Pxize, Se-nior Poem; Therese Brov or Poem; (Ail four of thiese studcents atter School.) Ed Ma'ijer, Legýioni President; Cynthia .Second Prize .Ju-nior Poemn; Barr-y Van Casi' Dr. anti M, .Rog- Mrs. C. H. Lne of ewton- n and tiaugliter vijlle for Chriistmnas. zmhAiss fGreens- ~prDriveSauriaJan. tir, anti Mrs. Paul st 9 arn., by the Orono vonto. SigmaC antiTyro groupa r,. Jim ohsol ia] 983-5716for further ln- ra. Vernon AJhn-fomion. risborou1gIs, Mrs. L.ý r onto Ms.Rch a .fo Osaad Mur PONTYPOOL tkinson cf Whit-ý r. ant iMrs James MTrs. Hazel Bowinsreturneti dwring te ise FesI- ome f.,rom hoispitailalet week: Ant isla crrentlysAying wth' rs.Cha le Gry, erdaughter, lMrs. Jim TMc- anmld SHOP YOUR CAR BARN MILK 15 PROCESSED AND PACKAGED, UNDER MRY BARN LABEL BY * .. GIlen rDciiry Ltd. ININE PIECES ;I.CHICKEN --- 7 Days IV. 0~ 1 rice for 4-$1,5ea. 20 pu. for 4 -$62e. $99 N 1881 Silverplie 2 "0 pc. for 4 - .5 ùa ..... $29,95 Rose ConnsunijtySties hee20 pc. for 4 - 1L,0O ea, ----- -$24,95 v.¶JQiUIIId Baroque h Lace PSTAINL KI NO ST. Pe. set for 4 -$.5ea. $99 Belaetisymptbyle ex- tenii toa Mrs. Reïnie whose sitrpasseti awa in miti- Decemnber, PnyolPark Boarti anti tI)ce Chamber- of Commerceý matile plans at a recent meet- inlg ta holti a SnA)ýomoilel SaLfarion, Saturday-, Jani. 20Vb.ý Tickets are now o n sale anti are ta be solt iInatvne We arecgatita isear thant -RQti Porteýr, after utncdergoiingi suirgery In Toronto Generalý HTosDptal, s no,,% eut of inten-I Mie care and 1lapi'ogresing Out of tqwn vi-sito)re wh1 theif Cea . anD)ams duringý tiehliday season w,,ere M/r.1 enti Mrs. Dave Mfolner anti f'amily anti1 MVrs. -rait of ElizabE Branforti. year-o. 'WestGerman, ba hs be ng- whih bis aun-t Eik antiE.GocrKs graulaonsta -Mr. anti Jacque's Oppers MA marriet InlaDpeember.ý oppers formel y livetiÉ-la las. .ani Mrs. MTartin DIwyer, iael ant iJimmy-, spent al dayýs tiuring tise past with relatives ln Dur-1 ýe Reiti femnily have rnov-ý ito Petercborougis anti 1 1 MrLs. o Gaynor ant ly bave imoveti into tis home.i îotheir home In î,tise vil-1 bas changet i Senis. We( réaenti tat BEt Grant prbedtise bhome cfl EiDA S I 39.95e sterling Patterns SAVE 20% ON OPEN STOCK Prelude Royal Drish Angel-ique Joani of Arc Valencia Pine Spray ESS 1847 ROGERS BROS. MTR Si LVER PLATE NGS 25% pueceSAVINGS on15 piece ~n~s place R$14,0)ua $69 s ee'es £c 1SALEM Mi'. anti Mrs. Dougli a-d f amri'iy spent the inasý hOlitays in Fias Mr, anti Mrs. Jolil Mri. and iMrs, Bian J. ['orontio;Mi'. and :n Twist, Oshea, wei-c- masl Siiflx ,YlA fi and IvIua, .rvuas nîuli-New- ý castie, Lest Saturtiay even-inig they atended tise Twièst f ar-i iop gatisenng aItSe home cf MVi'. ai-d Mrs. Fred Twvist cf! WIlitby. Mn'.ant i Ms. John ingisoral anti fily, Zion, anti Mi'.anti Mrs. Bob Blackburn, So1ina,ý wýere Chrisinmas guesta cf AMI:. anti Mr.F.Blacklisuin. M' 'anti Mr.F. 1Blackb)urn as Mr.Genlackburn antifan îly, Kempîvilale.Ms. Blaak-, bu"rn enetior a twowwk, anti Mia. RMck Noyves antdiJeff,, Bowsanvile,-nii. Bever-1 ley Parsons, Auroca, w'ere CIhrisirmas guesta cýf Mr'. anti Mrus. Meýtthew Marchant. Mi'f. Beyerley Parsons rernained for i'. antiMr.Jïim arnln w%1iowilbe mav-ing lt ta Mianti Muis. RosaCampýi- bell, L1ndsay-, %were Setrdayý evýening gustaof i. anti Muis.Bih llenant iattentIedt *h dIetance et Ballydufi' Comy Mi'. antiV s fave rstn Kevin ai Bnne spn Ciristimes wîth relatives in-i Texas, Thsey fewfrom al ton Io Dalleis on Suntiay anti eturne i hoe early Fritey, monn.Mr,.anti Mrs. Harryý Preston cf BethA)nyý also eni- joyeti tise figlistant inhliday w1itlis1eur daugitersWDin-J fred anti Merlan, Who bath live in Texeý,s with their famn- illes, . New ý7Yeer'i deniccs hedtism tise area wero el; Bellytiuff ComnuntyHall on Saturtiay, evening anti in Pontypooli MComrnunity Centre on Newj YersEve. Bathi halls wereý fRiedti bcepacity, AMueQa Baltufwas provitieti by Dave M1Vasters anti Les Fair-ý hurat wltis MorIon Davis- caîl- e r, ïa Pantypoal, niqc wes mi(' tie"op~Little Bit Local resitient peenlyl Floridaqare M'.anti Mrs. Gordon Kirk, i'. anti MIrs. Hfarry Vnirne niM' atMs.Rapis Sharpe. Mar B 'a a ni1milv'ere -Mvii -. va Il recently, le Grave, wvright ?P.S., Second Prize, Junior Essay; Bill-, Franci, ,Caright P.S., Firat[ Prize, Juinior Essay; and HI-. Brown, Lgin ranîchi Citizensipl Chairman. Absent fromn this picture is Elaine Stade, a 1,3-year-old student aýt Newcastle Public School,wh won first prize in the Junior Poetry divisionj-. The winners in each category atiivance to th1-e Zone Level'contes't. The LeIgion, extenids its thanka to Mrs. Coverly and Mr. amiltani of Caurt 'ice S.S. and Mr. Solbil andt1\Mr., Kel f Bowmanville H.S., whaý acteti as the judges for -the contest. Firsi' Birthday Manvers Council News withi the Reeve avyMl Theseaalary cf t[ise Fire Chilief of thse Town'Iship ofMavs was; set Pat $300,plus 12C perý milfrtrp ot 0f tise Townis p t tendfire rmeet- n apictoswssett ry Ie, J'an, 2', 1973- $15 retaifor n, 'lersoC $20 DOforthe19243 seaso, the O1ntario Hdr toseur a2n EasementIov-r Lot , Conceýýss-in2, 1or-tiseHtr towers tY pass over. A $500 dposi mut b mYade by-,al sbiid1 e foýýre tlie 'TLownusbip consýu].tng engneers Wilbe employed' ytise Township ta muke aý) at'ud"y ncfOtheproupo.sed lyc of ths udiiin Thse $2500 Saooti Es-ý tate( Water ystm sikn 1funti winetd in Vuicoa anrd reTrsCaG.C, ifor a fie ear perid, m on aac- cumuilate basis et 7~ n teres TheMavrTonhpRt Clross soc iety wegatdt use of tie Tnshjp IIhalmfe JE charge for their annuel meetiang to be, heltci onFrer ary l3th, 1973, TIe nw atsfor et1c the ownsip o Maners all Silpp Cleaners C A vwoman whîo iibaia boar;diag bouse we aharpeaed fr(m lfour te frive timesa a weekz sh;Farjpener wasked why ase ied ber knive a ibr womian wiprd Wlit'a eheaper it] mneat." CLOTHES CARIE INT:, Home je &ngl ageron, only by experbts 9avoid e ANNUI 8 4 n4 KING SI ~rn~n We Spec HAPPY Lait Il v Julie with Mr. and 1 ' IrMoqmi -------------

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