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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 6

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ACKSTOCK -1 gxouip to, !l thelrïnstlias "on Sunday. Ilywenc Mrand AMns. Noti ly su- OnChrima ,lr. aiid Mr,.- Montons and fa-mily, Osha' vle o Dusmonalougwii n.and On ChrstmaSDyM.a h birfi- fre. BBe esiPey (7and famnily Mre. LodWihtwere hosi't ganizrd joincd otlaer relatives t a fo tic Wrigit Fam ily gel!-er- ompet gaie inaDuniana. Ag. ýongratË- Cinistinas company witfi Crsiasge of Mr. ani Mrs, J.A.Jhso weneMs.rs Allan Beaoock sud ]Bu Md Mrbc Fenga Avery, Donna Marie werc M, nsd Mrs. Brueý famnily sund Clle, Doneen Tremib- Bepcock and boys. Caessrci le hume lay o., TiJlbury, Thiey aIl di- Mr-.'Oive Beacock and M.l W i unered witlh M'n.T and Mn;s. Ernie, . Wiife, Port Perry, AAr in Kelti Johisfon and famlily nt sud _Mrs. Guniýsianan S. Dr Bellevile. gra, Tornno vu W nsd Mrs. Sfusrt DornellMn. sud Mrs. Ralpi Lai. cent ir-1 aed su u amiPy of Charlton speut rmer, Johni, David sud-id Pas ler fncd1 everal days -a c4aieis were ChWmtras Day guess, nemi e cf oms. Mn sud Mn, and relaLves. ti errparents , lwc1u. zm c ivi3 - jet of Mn,, aud Eber Snowden, Countice ï\,Lautgiln sud Cinistnaais dinuer ne ucet Ciristfias tiey Mr. sud MnrHareyGrahari lyý gathering af sud fuimlly were Ms Court Mn.. sud Mns. ncy Grham, MNrs. Eecg Boun Gue-s tinclucIdddey, -Pon-tPenny, Mndud Mn s. Harod Muc enald Kelly sud grl.Suî faailyý, Mn. -'oy per guesewmee Mn,"sudM sud Mrs. Keit Fnank HUkn, M nsd M lfamily, Mr. aind Roný Hoskin and boys, M. an' ý'sylar, Ennkil- Mns. Bob Fletcher and family Mrs. loyd SIe- t. sud Mns.Glenn Lai -T, aydon. erj, Douglas anu-d Craig za- Mawood wMc- tpe aiyga henig Chi ris t 1s a1)Mn lou. famluly larie pSt Ed Lawso su nd Mary's ares durnug ticwe ,lton. Cafiy Burnie of ,'Louloi 2mec Ferguon, spent tie Christmnas weekenc àSitunda,.y cl iher maunt, Mrs. VeN%7 HflI. Bailey. On Suunday fihey vs nE n VasCamp cd Aue Oliv emHcny Ma ase hol day is Bruce of Jauefvillc. a %nend froua ICiistnas Day guets0 1Mn.su Mrs. Neil B-alle: By MeLaugi- Howard s"d Tuafa Lnne weLÉ e , nsd Ms ieEva ParnAMn. and N mi-d _Kanen, Mn. Roy Corden., Mrs. Velva Bai. od MeLaugilin. ey sud Cptiy Burnul. sud Kelly, N.s Mr. ansd M s RaphlorLa ns atte ed fie im, John, Davd d W Pail AVchasel Streuge MN/f nsd Mrs. lenn Lau-m-e enryl Asiton at Dou and Criat ended, -iiicýd Chure-h o ae alygierng n sember 23. Tic Saturay at fie Iho0fM dance wps ield sud Mrs. -Hanvey eowe MeLauilin Mn. ud Ms. Grald ïKelly weddiug. ns.sd famly speut fwo day r. and 11 ti h ieek atic bor.ne. AndC l fa rily,1 "Tof hue parePntsjMr.sund Ms Chn)-istinas William KelyBobcayecn. is Day wPih Mný. Denn.is R.omeinil set LII ~ ~ i FegsnC sia uS uywitil Rcv. sud rls. Johiln iïuciil Of Ott;wýawsRe. siMn. lpRoai. s a duo", ns svsio.olMs aoUtîlng her Gla ýic vs MMlahniwere Mn. s.,FiaFA ve;n- sud Mýrs.udasd NMrF, R.f of. Mn.'ud osayailofOsiwMn erford sud sud Edwar McMaho ,hl'ord of sudMn . BinGaPuy pool; sud [Mn. audMurRandy ors s rugfled cfNTllFounain ne, Dan- cpekiraf i Chilsaswith ~t eing Mn su Ms, CelgtunClinr l;ue st srfaMu ai c tn S na r-, ahm AMn, and Ms.Carl Smith! Su,., 0'!. spfn f aistaaDay wf n -. Camer-un! a d M il orms WsF. Theflads'golswee coedLaige nea0sit each. Thehdi w asisandl POaO cW, Gla iMr ad oneI gol anld John Castie twio, hieGnneescrdby cWlim Dec tieT~s~ ocey oal an oe asis, BianPeer oom "slndDouglas two assists, Marc Bssn, tMatnJm auire aud lke a alrwieGa gae nTus, eauy ik p oegal AlnanRiad Oshorne anid DleRada ocke each had lone haqd one'a'ssist. inhth agers Wcý_ and hie tven asnste, aul PeWe oke ay n oa ah whi asît1Tuthe finalM[gltga e h Carinas btticl o a3-al te, ookhadtwoasssts Rady 1rathe first gamne played onïaesJhao uc ne ass«st.hl the first game of Sa.caucks defeated the, Mt. Roy- 1 The Brangers' goals were Cuscor- Lake one. The Seals were led Moiu, De.,th 1oayKsTeCndas olswr e.2r h lesdfatdash - cr.TeCn nOed by Steven Tompson w-ith by Albert Vandergaast With vcpe 3 h isd"' twoï, aild St,ýeenCrruthrstw , Mark Roblerts and Scott eetdth onyCryirsoedb hi illoughby the uslaies by a 3-ý1 score. The uk'gaswr crdb ts ersby i32esorehTh se Jdy os on gol sd lyes' oas wre cord y 9Gorg sBwe n the Doug or- hl obi ouo a Klyoegalec.BinKings' goa-ýýl er'escored by1 neasisccdiwhîe aréPu mPasn it w o, Larry Sbeeruone goal ndoneas - threef -assistsi Te arinls-Siosckd p woasSsi.Scit oloctton galan VusgKeinWolly ac ei oe hie1etrandra sstTo Wolersu Ba gol wr soedb MryThe firstgamne of Sat., Dc n sit et hea n a n si on ekSde auA - mroega hl o id Erwu ith tw,,o and Gary 23dite Marianna Tigers de- Leonard Hne1onehgopal adi. l te nl PeeCWYegamebema ad Jas, Bl 0ackA ne reitta nd Rick 1i ndlia(tl bOwens one wieAllai Heu- feated the Rams by a 5-0 score.Peter BA os a oasst lc rn'sVr etyce e-ass andi.ThaHkes'golsto ssss udJ e eT ona ering, Bradley FmraseIal David Tio Tigers' goal-, were scored and JmyMupyone. lie fcated the Bruis hy a 7-2were scored hy DannyWalker asit7hpMyRyas ol SHasclck eýs'lac hdmoe assist. y Doug Dillg with two Beavrs' goals wnesced hy cot. 1,e Varicty's goals assistd by Keith Sesetu and er sord y Gordon1Kowv- r. a icsecndenouner te gal sd to sssts Brr Sephen MaUyherry and Cr ere sc.ored hyDouglaslHoy , Jerry Ri.aski adDave McGregor wihile r Steelers defeMtcçl the Hornets Wh'leelcr oine goal and twýO aSmiti WithiCiael BuLtton- tWO goals and one assist, Dou-- -lutefnlBna gmRikMKTryEdard 1oý hy'a 4-0 slocr. The Steee rRs itDarril Joues and Pat-shaw pickig up one assist. nie Prouftwo goals, Pat Rey-4 Jthe Kinmen defe a th AICenandJoerHu h dwcasis g,os vweýrescorecl by DrCw rico Brinkow oe goal aud lu fie gamie played on Fr- nolds i -ongo aluad onie ussist,.avs y a 7-1score. The[each. 7Kesrnctiy wthalilfour wiile Wilfred Thile one amsst.The day, Decn 2ndthe LafsanidGary Gufiie und Bin u Whte insmoen ýere led by Stepheni ulMichaeý,l Glass picked l'pr two Ramns' goal w-as scorecd hy Tomi Goodyear Rfangers bsttled to ose goal wh1-ile Jeif Paync, Hogarti with three, Ti m Joue asist. Hue, a 3-Il tie. Tic Leas« goals Kevin Joinso and Douglas t wogoals sud one assisf, Joey * i i i, lun the firsu gamue of Thurs., lu ie second Atom gane, were scorcd byý, Martfis Gruy- Pïaso had ose assisft. TheBrsoega udoeass, jM. Dec. 21sf tie Amnericaiis edged [ihe Kiuism-eu und tic Ropais ters tw, ihLlanahe uneBruie'gals we rcornd h'y David Brown oue goal while n tic Blades by a 3-2 score. lierbattled fo a 3-3 draw. The wievmONi a a s lnFriisu enl m one uslup onSm bAmwKeriangoalswere scord Kbnmu goals wer emoed ist. Tie !!ngens'goals vene[PînniUs wie BanDo)yîchae po aussd Toniy Whi1las 1ESR TWA bBnad Clemns wtitw adyStep heu auieos oa cored by.,-Pote Whyte wih to asit. n asitcai Chiis ýMoffatt ose. wiile DIair ndose assist- Daua Severn wMche yc oewie Bailtam Hoey geokey 110 NOYOUR I4ONEY ryl Muller spd Ray rooks sdDau MMluos oaF, dyDaiPaul Fice ardclu the first gamne of Mo, lu the First Mde aie 1OFOWIE OME e_ ach ha ose asist. The whîe Ritch Whyte lad two Douglas PickellsdCro e.lt tcChaenac yd o o. e lfie Af PU1ITMA lades' goals were scored by assseEddie Lott and S-ott Zýeppicee nue uesist eachi. th? eO Pthe hya 4-scoe Cm u nd Gon, eralsbaflhed ;IAN Ï4OWJr PQcK dTiimi Prestos ose goâansd oie Houper ose ssist ecd. Tiec ýin fie sond couf est tie Tic Cub'golen coeà0 -iltcleCoe1 sssaud john VanderWeen Royals' goals were scone yHwk efed tic WiuVgs by Ay(Gln Joinson iwif h two,golwresoe hyJn or- galBetolToepon Eii w, an ý-4 counit. Theic Hawks'Rob Psy e ad Bob Shautz Turnerwiti two, Bobl Shac-1 Tic ecod gme w tc Pul ornsi se, hil Keis oal wce sore bySteve ose 9go acdi wil'"Dog Hut- kîton oe goal aud one sssit, 1 Indiais sudFore fers baffle to!Goodard c bid two iassiss udCoe iti tice, Joseph lNw- fon and Chuc Javmespick Bris H aioe assisf. T!icý "ma s seeedanihbt Robert Dav7ey ose assisf In fwo aud John Labatt two, up ose assist 'lie Pantiçrs' jGaeerlsgoalswcresconed gostener maiugsoe of-lintie third torn gaine, wiile Rick Csyly, CuntTIrm- goailvas scored by Don Cidb iir im n'oe goal standing saves. TieInans' Franks Varicfy defeaed ic ble sud Tirr Byam i ad ose luti e gamne plsyed on Tues., anoe ausiÉ, Pu11o=1su d goaltendervwas isu Rudd"Q yippe by a 5-0 score. Tie assiýst esci sud Dean Ruther,- Dec. l9fh fIe Benuef et Paving Garyý Thiele ose goalwil hie fe F rss' gonlie WaS Vaniety's goals Xere sod %yfrd one goal sud ose asssfBeavere defe ated f he irsBch wema a s -alul Aains. Brooke Bain iti fwo udci Woings'gosîs ere cored hy an,8-Oscore. ic Be aasisf dl Aom HckeyMikeJozski twu udRsdan oad Wv iite sudQuounen eldh FakLac iiTtie coufeef laynd on Twes,BYA M In fie gamne pyd on Thur s. Ha 01r1os. 1Brook Cote wS Jmsoega udoe55siforgasajoe sit eeDc. th the M- Ryaseg-NIÉIG&HETN of Dec. 21sf, tcFar1go)s cdoubil oci iý1 credited ifi fie s1hutouf. Scoitf 1 linol osegoal sndrtIK5 tuoega sd fo dic eP.R.S, hy a 4-3scr h, fimsoremonIthe Seaus wif hsanlu ifhne final Afom game Bousose goal iile Didasists, JiunSaglso, od1li MU Royale'Woalswer Id I ODIJNN 4e -4 il. Tic ,Fargos er ldGr a im's IGA Bruins defeated Gatheilpicked up une sssis.MihelsdRcyCossecoe hy oro Kwasi by -Kevin isbcs wifi fire fie Bisons by a clome 1-0 scoI c. T1fiefirsfg aineof Saf., ponti iacilwile Johîn ni itwo), SeiJacýksonoseiIgasnI TRN, NAI 1goals wlAJason Joinson asd TheBruine' gal was smcr)e e.23d 1fie cl es dceafed had tire »assss, David Dol- unoe assie, Rsdy Philip Poe 6-25 Mak alcNIicLean caI had fwo Ïby JohnI)lissotneffe asisted hy the Canadias hy a 6-20 oe.ns TmtvDyc K sudPefeoegwol ic Rici MicKpee ___________ Il 'n~1 77 -, 4 n n 4 - - . e n - n n n - *4 n R A H S I Gt KING ST. EASTl- BOWMIANVJLLE fQr your shopping convceince r,4 Orders 40MW DILIVERY i. 623-3703 - BOWILANVILLE to 1 AeM. srways Co. Ltd. erly Buriey Bus Lines Ltd, ANNOUNCE Ised DiaIIy Scheduile E JAN" 8th, 1973 betw,np.i B0WMANVILLF OSHAWA WHÎIT8Y ýATION (401 & UBrock St.) Y T-TfSPITALlS and Oshal Bans g, Mn. s, Wsl- b Bige- Christ- n Mon- aud Mns. ORANÇP PLAVORAO IGA #RYS1AL~ I~A ~HOI~E PEACH HALVES FANCY CREAM STYLE ~ ~27 -ATOKLY CORN2M 35, STOKELYPEASm235J iANUTUT R'Y11 MA P/1w F! mHciu M, COFFEE -29t CREAM HAM RINMSE SHAM POO 7 IBRYLCREEM lu-OL 8 5F-O.AE ROS(3L T 1N iii 93* MAG ZSALýAAOAG EO BNSPCO2 A TU BAA GS M$lie1 >9 Chartered Accounitant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmainville Phone 6331 _ WILLIA31 C. AL B.CQmmi. ClatrdAccounitant i36½/, King St. E, Oshawa Teahorne 7254653 -Chi op ractic CIwlropractor J 15 Elgin S9', Co or. Oey St-! ýOffice 1nrs: By potmn DR. AN BSM LAIU JR,S. 26 PraffizStreetf,Bwavil (nea DomnionStore) Office hours: 9;'30 a.m. to 9 tm BANA b LIQUIO LACHCIC~L2 IGA BLUE POWDIERFD D E TER'G0 ENTlll- l PO(YA RlG89 APPEFOD FODSVER10f WAXD PPER :~69' SEAS IT ~29- ;ýGA AU.l PS FLOUR 39L BLACK DIAMAOND PROCESS DANISH CREAN CHEESE DIEZS J .UST MADE (PROM CONCEN FRATEl BUR BONNET 100 VGETAW LEOIL .MARGARINE I 64 il oz. DUL PX88' LBI SWEE1 & juicy 2 Df99 FLAVORFUL GRRTrCNDAN. G' c~39 FOOD PRIM1SEFFECTiV4 WED.n TURU SAT., JAN.,3,45,06 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LMIT QUANTITIES "M l t.npeotro soiinydo flt ek P onir .<o Dirntor-~ nnn,, AKine[1ii, pphp;esw , nt, j ~i, ! [Up.f DANISH 1RiNG 279 WAU(ER'5S CHOCOLATEFCIIIP EIROSEE CONCNTRAZ. DRIN BORILAND CHOICE CUT' GREEN BEANS POTATOES I cou FISH STIX te. W 29' 945 IGA îd~ FACE LE ROYAI.E (AS T O COLORS> FACIAL ~ i TI$SUE~ I MGA SMALL SHELL(OR SLBOW TUNA 70z, Tin 49C N ~ FLORI.DA TANGELOS 1 sj

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