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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 15

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Russeý,# Ilelivers- 50 Yers ;,5 Mailman RkUSSELL GRIFFIN HAD TO CLIMB A SNOWBANK To get this piece of mail through -Times Staff Photo (Intendeti for last week) h- by ob Spne Way. About balf of the familles The wish for a very Happy O1aaaTini aStaff 1rbe jMi. Gî'iffn ll be 75 in -90 Who hiveti on tbe route la 1923 New Year is extondeti by To oatpeolea bter days but he intontis to keep are the saine people he la dol- your Correspondent to the Toin),t COI(! lttri5!right on dlivcring mail. ivering mail to, today, Etiltor anti staff of this cx- aomtlln yu juat put intO! "It used to be easier to get Wbilo the route has changeti cellent "weekly" andi our a[, aiilo ani t il Pat the mailboxes tbreugh thejvery little in 50 years, the mailmaylclptos at tsdetiatona ayor two 1stiowdrifts when I useti a horse,. has. The New Year's messages lae..but anme of the lhorses causýed1"Ia those days, everybotiy fo oenrGnrlRl T0Rus i rffin nf Ennis- probloma," saiti Mr. Griffia usedt 1 get a, paper but there anti Michener anti Prime Min- kilieni, a letter us acballenge. during an on-the-route inter-lweren't ton many lettcrs," sailli ster Pierre E. Trutieau were itý is is . iciobt make surevie. !Mr. Griffa,. "Tbere la a lot Of loadeti with patriotism anti tht Iterls delivereti, if its1 ln the eai'iy 1920s, his par-lwhat wo call junk mail today encouragement with special esia ionl Enniakillen. lents useti to help out by tieliv- - advortisements anti other, mention ni our "littlilt" prov- For nal 50 years, be fbas oering the mail part time. ýhantinuts." uacè, P.E.I., in its centenniai beendrîungup ana-dnwn the! One day, bis fathor sufferoti One of tbe handouts theycebauoaIiyar aid ideroada nio the area ~three broken riba when thelwere deîivering the day a Christmas Bela have tolled thmnughZ.ý muti anti snow anti horse su ddenly broke inoso Times reporter accompaniedti. silence for another year, rab. î~~~~iram the buggy. That samoîthom on their route was on btwdin ei otnet H-,e ust 0make the trip Mare flippoti the buggy an-ilivestock. The GrifEas tiitn' istm~a dclera h edpro- Wiha horse and cutter-in win- other day while bis moîheribave enough leaflets to cover îook place chuwsrcbwetd er- , and whea the horse was driving. !the 81 familles so they caro- in tbis aounti as eported iouidna't gel througb a sn11w- A car provides morc pro-Ifully sorteti them out to make anotber columa lstas ee nuti ;banik, ho0 would pull the cutterteto frm tewn anisreahoth faeron asaps-rsmsnuil itetio frm te wnd ndiur eah o th famer onwasa.quiet home wetit<g in throgh imshf.. .cnît, aîîhough it is barder tolthe moute would gel one. ovening candlelight when Miss oa19â64 Pontiac cau ries iget close enough to ail the mail 1Most ni the f amilles on the Phyllis Marshall anti Mr. Dan Mvr. Giffa ii bfllis wif e Lua b9xes after a f air size snnw _route are farm familles, al- Harte-Maxwell of London, onp tbecir route thlrnugh Ennîils- storm,.ho said. Ithougb there are two doctors Ont., wero unileti in marriage of BomniljM.Gifawl rv ptanti a number of businessmen. aI the home nf the, brides Me lnow th ni roda ikethebox, slowly case the carî.Mr. Griffin pointeti nut spots brnther andi sister-in-1aw, Mr. a fI~erknos iscrna.Ani itnth snnwbank, anti Mrs. on the moati were ho had been l anti Mrs. Murray Marshall. ho enps wat am nd nnwGrifinwill reach out nf -tho stuck on past trips. "Some of The immediale familles andi 'e sd1 tua hem loo assencrs viadow, fip Up the the 'farmers have come out aonme intimate frientis attend- EATHE £HE fr ndcaion the box withapwitb thïeir tractors 10 pull me ed., Congratulations andi boat pouker anti place the mail in- nut." The front of one of the wisbes 10 Ibis happy couple. en rYi he Gri n gtupla anide, imail boxes was frosen shut so The weatherman seema de- fie moniiing teychck e The car la slowly esseti backiMrs. Griffan bangeti aI it with terminoti to provitie the worst west!her, - it, baýs a major if- on the dirt oati anti the Grifhp*pokePr, thOn lifleti Il up. kinti of weather for, Sundaya fect o n wbaC it of a dayil fins heati for the next stop. 1 "My poker cornes la handy wit'h no exception last Sun- wlbefor them nd on ho,,i 1iw Oflen, the car cannt get1wiizh these nid boxes." day. The brave ones venturoti ion iit w i hm1,- cover close enough 10 the mailhox, They tieliver the mail six anti attendeti morning wnr- Iheinr 20 i-mile ue anti Mrs, Griffan or her buis- days a week, weather permit- ahip 10 hear a wonderful mes- When lM!. Gifastrei the bandti wl clinub nul, flouniderjiung sage from our minister- an inte( in ]),1923. h i 13 ailles through the drifts antidrop, thel,'Back whoîî I was using a epilogue to Cbristmas- en- Co coeMi1or the famýïill!es mail int the box. lhorse anti we got a bati storm, titleti "The Word Became nanm n i the amallermais Tbe Griffins alan pick Up anme ni the remote homes Flesh". Mr. Ray Ashton pre- waa kt in mail boxes we. re mail fromn the boxes andt akeïdidn'î get mail for a couple of siet at the organ. Misa thep sideroada onctt iti back 10 the post office in weeks," saiti Mr. Griffan "Now Betty Wright was la charge of thconesos u oae John S]emon's Gemerai Store I use my car as a plow if the the Junior Congregation. The ihese mor reote farma bal,-ve in the Village ni Enniskillea.lmatis haven't heen ploweti anti Suaday School essioni began mail deieeitlheir lane- 81 STOPS it la a couple niftiays at the wiIh the opening llworship la the capable careni Mm. anti There are 31 homes on the mOat that tbc homes are cut r.EgnTyo niMs T:efaCa o oute nous. Wben Mr. Griffa Off from Imail. Lind hr ttepao A DAY ORWEEN starteti teivering mail nearly Then, suddoenîy, a travelling oaSapaItepao forRaeý50yeas ao,-her wee 7, pobiems developeti. New Year's Eve dinner "The route has't changeti "We may ho lan trouble bore" guesta at O. C. Ashtnn's were COUNTY on much but there are aeiew saiti Mr. Griffan as ho turned Mrs. Keitb Wortien andi Rich- CHRSLE~DOGE TD.new homes," saiti the rural-OntnoOne ni the snow covereti ard, Bowmanville R.R. 2; Miss 623-586postman. "A uunber ni aew sidoroatis. Thome were n tire- Kareni MeMullan, Mr. Chas. housea are being builtit ow." itacks on the mati, intiicaîiag Ahb-ia, Oshawa. ________________________________________ n one else be at tricti it, but Mr, anti Mrs. Q. C. Ashtoa PETRB ROU H IWA ISlie careiuhly etigeti the Pontiae were among the 40 mremrbera iOF-'TE.BCJOUG KIW NIS1 1far enougb down the sitieroati ni the Ashton Clan Who gath- to drop mail at several boxes ereti for a family dinner party fm d&thon turneti arounti andi inch- at the home nof Mr. andi Mra. ed bck t th concsqin. Maroli E. Ashton. Musical USUC ,ýFE STI1VAL FOR THE BIRDS changewere part nite a' 'C' A One ni the mnailboxes had program. j wooden pegs cnvering ils pn A ri 4 '4 19 3ing. "The pega are to koep the à starlings out," explaineti Mra. PONT VPOOLf Gîiffin. "They get la anti make Flina1 l Etry Closîng Date nesîs by tearîng up the mail." Mer huabanti saiti ho ia a We are glati to hear that arural postman simply because Bill Allan la progressing iav- Janu ry 131, 1973 h ie the job. "l ain't' an orably aiter surgery la Rosa easyjobbutitaysregular," Memorial Hospital, Lindisay. P.0. Bx41 Peterborough rsaid Mrs. Griffan.1 Several from the area at- _______________________________________ They have delivereti the tendeti the Kawartha Cup __________________ - nowmobile Races la Peter- 1 bnmnugh ovor the weekend. They enjoyeti the races but Iame home resembling human eAKz-X .£ A S1PEClIAL OFFER WITH ALL CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS O VER $5.00 - RECEIVE FREE One Pair of Chopstiecks FFREXPIRES JANIJARY 31st, 1973 Wh"lether you dine at home or at Lotus Gardens, our delicious food will assure yo)u anci you-l riily of a pleasant experion ce. ~ilo Tele hopi fka"FOR FAST SERVICF * movoentfi Tefniurth "The two lower rcends imuaI ho even, that la; tone mruat not protrutie ovrtle other," anti Ule ther "the Iwo chostiks usI he hot Lo he sraume .Take-Out or Home Delivery PHONE 6)23-3473 6lardens RESTAURANT u ce cubes. A family gatbering -waa holti at the home ni Mr. anti Mrs. Raipb Porter on Saturday ev- coing, the occasion bcbng Cathy's 111h birthday., On Wednosday, guests at the Rusk homo were Joan Nichol anti Len Tistiale ni Toronto. Suntiay visitors were Keith Devla anti Peggy Crawford ni Peterborough. Dale Hylanti ni Kingston bas been homo for the past twn weeks wiIb hem mother anti iamily. We bear that since New Year's, Dale bas been wearing an extra pîcce oi jewellery- on the 3rd finger ni ber leit banti. Con- gratulations Dale anti Larry! Mr. anti Mrs. Et Vanhaver- beke'are spending thus week la Acapulco, Mexico, a lovely plaie to be, in, this frîgli weathor. This arn. (mon.) tomperaturo la Ponlypool reati -20 tiegrees, Eýight table of cuchro we playet in aBallyduffCom- munity Hall on Priday aight. Winners were Mrs. Geralti McGill, Sandra Fallis, Wilireti Begbgs anti Stanley Wright, Kevîn Preston won the "Lucky Cup" prise. Mr. anti Mrs. Andy Sutch Sr. are prosently holidaying ia Ploritia, Pontypool U.C.W. la holding its firat card party ni the season la the Pontypool Com- niunîty Contfre on Fritiay even- inig. Thr ladies hpe bq - Mrs MaelBowýins us stav-! îng, ih.iweekwith bner tiaugh-j teI, rs V;i4uýa Hylanti. 1 The CRtiadian Siatesmari E wmanville, Jan. 10i, 197315 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Par- eron Oshawa, Mr. and M 4s. signation of Mr. Glen W'y Sro1w, Port Hspê, were Sundayl Larry Welsh, Bowmanvile two new trusteèa wwère e t visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. were Sunday supper guests o df T rste ôr17 Geo, Knox antd family. Mr. anti Mrs. Tom Baker. Mr WTh ltramtéshor 11û' Mrt Miss Carol Knox, London, Miss Catherine Baker at- Clarece Bp _ray, Mr. RssK ý spent the weekend at home tended a birthday partv for satz, Mr. Bill Marris andTi Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox. Miss Angela Locke, Bowman- Chas, Langmaid, A vote cf A speedy recovery la wish- ville. thpnks was tended th,* ed for Mr. Harvey Yellowlees Wayne Leger, Oshawa, was Board for thelr serviesaré w ho is a patient ln Oshawa a Sunday guest of Larry C y- dpreti in the paat year , urých Hospital. tierman { was serveti in the lower hali î 1_Mr. and Mrs Bruce Tink Sunday afternoon caller7 after whîch Mr. andiM~ were Sunclay dinner guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Everett Rors Ko. SAtz gavé out gcll of Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebene- Cryderman were MVr. Ken prizes to the couple havilg zer. MeMinn and Robbie, Oshawva, theîr w dding anntversa-rl Mr.ant Ma. rat DwnandI suppor guesta were Mr. nearest Jan. 9th-, whleh w». and mîl, Suderant, wee ad Ms. Bruce Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Langi ; Saturdy visitors with Mr. and Hampton. to the man who shôppéd yéég. Mrs.- John Knox. Mr. anti Mrs. Chas., Lang- tra, r1oral6; Misses Jane Hîlls anti Nancy maiti anti Paye were Sun d h ole fte uk u Traviss speat the weekenti visitors with .Mr. andi Mrs Mr.fra ie h E M Art with Miss Anne His, Tor- Orville Luan anti family wearing this year'sCIhr Lt~ae onto. The annual meeting of tmi gift, Mr. Burney Hooey; e~ Mr. anti Mrs. Everett Spires-Peterborough. the lady who recêivetdn were Sunday supper guesta of Solina Community Hall was lingerie, at Christmaà, M#ý ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Mr. anti Mrs. Larry Spires belti on Saturday night, JanPalLah goituéW anti familv. th.' Mr. Wes. Hillýs was a enjoyeti by ail present. Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Bray vory capable chairman anti ho Mr. anti Mrs, Don Tpéylft anti family spent the week- thanketi everyone very sin- anti family v1sited on Sui1cwy ,~.endi in St. Catharines anti aI- cerely for their help during with Mr .and MrsA . A M-9 tended. a family gathering the past year, The minutes of ernethy, Manilla. býonoring the latter's mother's asat year's meeting were reati Shelley Cook, ChRthkrn, LULA GRIFFIN DROPS O0FF THE MAIL 75th birtbtiay, by Secretary-Treasurer Mr. spont a few days with Mr, At oeofthemai boxs te cr ctildgetn >earMr. J. C. Smales, Laura Don Taylor. Varlous business anti Mrs. Frank Westla.kÉ Md At oe ofthe ail oxe thecar ouldget earLee, Martha, Marie and Cam- was discusseti. Due to the re- family._______ mail together siace 1940. "The oltior familles roally appreciate them," saiti John Siemon, tbc proprietor of the Enniskillen Gencral Store. "They just tion't ivup wben the roatis are blocked but, try_ to geltbrougb. - "I don't tbink you will finti a btter mailman ini Ontario." i.NNISKILLEN W w. w. ta. w ai ce mi a ait mi 'rycable today b-ee t e differen Your child's personality and întellectual development are deteriminedb nnyti .ChUldrenis toys, boc:lta and of course, television, aff affect his overail development. Today, children's boys are so realistic and niechanized, they leave littie for the child's imagination. hI.n any caseas, loys and doils do andi say such remarkable things, they leave a chilti with an. inferior feeling - simply because liee cannot do al Ihose wonderful things 100. The key then is participation. Participation where the child eau show himi.f that lie is capable of accomplishmeat. Little successes each day give your child the confidence hie neetis to assure ant active role i. life. Many children's television shows discourage active participation. The two educational teievision. networks carrieti over cable TV, olier progressive prograins that encourage expression and participation. - Programs sucli as "The Electrue Company", "The Polka Dot Door" andi "Sesamie Sre can aIlcnriuet your chiides developrnent. Cable TV can lie installed ini your home for only 4.95 per niontli wïth an installatLion cbg of 9.95, Extr~a sets anid FM receivers cost only 1.00 per month. Cail Today. CALL TODAY OSHNA 579-2232 WMITBY 668-9331 BOWqMANVI LLE 623-2506 cable t

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