The anadan taternai, Bwmav!hl, Jan. l, 17 BithUards of Thanks, Coming Events Articles for Sale { Eel Wan-te-,d 1 WorkW'Vanteci Auction Salies Auctin Sls uton Sale ~AGNELL- Don 1anid Pa, To Tyronie and surround I There will be a dance in WATER for sale and deliver- BABysITTER, Tle p h o n el pjLUMBING reair ad ltr WEEKLY ' ~ ,- L uto ae rvt sae toa-ing communities - Thank Solina Hall, Saturday,,January eil Cail Cliff Pethick 623-2313. 6.23 -78 90. 'i-1 ion hnW2-71 '*valker - U 3bedoomapatme.,Aro in the rrival3 of ti ir son yott very much for t he gen- 13. Raymond Avery's Orch- __ 29-tf - - .OC SAL ES ' Pently ~~ee willis> are hanpey toian- LIVESTOCK Auctioneers - Evaluators PniniAeOhwt be 'Meioria Hositalon Sn- Gri ad Irne Gllivr, NwtonilleHall anes.Furniture and Appli- inowavil area. Phone full tîme. Experienced. Ple -ase DuOrono - Evey hurs 7:36 p.m. Bood HsaeSes Hal27alStetOswa da,lDcmbr3st1r d21Dance, NwovleHl ne.Paddy's Market, Hamp- 236.21'hn 2-86 eln oss ate wnFrPoesoa evc a hrdy aur la gadarents are Mr. and M4rÀ.___ Saturday, January 20. Ad- ton, 263i-2241. 26-tfpoef2329; Jam s Wl i, C utc, a d A sn ee t a k y u b a] msin $.0 vrybody STUD EB K R Srie L A I G la y he o r A ae, o nd ylridayCali'e, See, Le. Chne o P eSEVE lLPServiDein rom uie, re lieortc, ndAsiweekly.yute isio 1.0 ecentral Sch-ool rea.a yhme laecalfrRid utoee sCd Pro- ,R. 1, BOW AYVfieao fezrars o) 1r. ai-nd Mrs. TdBgnil, jwho remebrdm hl wloe -andused paSrts.,,GrhaesPhneaflr 633 1 2ý fRthrRnfrmaio 63378prito 2-t LElric tve cninna ~omav11.Special tha%ýnks was in the hospital and sineceEuchePatNetnvleiaae1-1-23872r5tf-. 4 21~16-263j-2117Isingle bdocsoa hiS to D5. 1Sylvester and -Hub- coming home. Your thought- Hall, Friday, January 12, 8:15. ATTENTION - P or t a b n-'lEYEIENCDfloral desïgn- --- __- , 1 il I- _ 38-tf colorTVchtefedsi, 1-ardanth nurses of the fulness brightened my days. Ladies bring lunch. Ev\ery.» construction heaters for rent. er. Apply Flowers Fby akvi l bbstAito sale Of furniture __ dressercet( rwrlv 987511 r anKig .,Phoe 23335.days or 'vnIs.Rfr nces n satvinl sctinalchetAr matternitystaff 1 Ida Dem-psey,'Blackstock. body welcome. 2-1 Wro. P. Johnston,98511omaKnE. lnei hc Glset __ ___ -987-5143. 51-4 _21i eurd hn 2-40 c hinsa P, ethk's Auc- Dance_ mle in___ 2nllio Shec, Coidon1oneUCTION SALE fedsie ice uhad COLEL-Buc ati len-2-mDnce b aevl e CordyJn - Jsof Enniskillen, on Satur- chromesieneigmcie or27 a re plased to announice We would lîke tb thank the mnt al audyJnSTY$2F00lpersheet s 1" x 4' x EM Ap .ANETf o helpHAVE your Paperhanging pan d cay evening, January 20 for Grisi Mill Auction Barn drape,194b-nhetuk tn birth of their daughter nurses on Paediatrics for their andThe.CMuntryFayAas. 8',(o $200 pe Brnheet is iIiated AppLy .Nder,,sonPantnedncbcte roe- heetate of Mrs. F. rugiteevisonantiue rdio llmiLyýnne, 6 i1b5. 1 oz, on kindness, Dr. John Rundie for apier cleounchry Hitsâ4. $0ctc Br, e tonv SmthCo Lt.,2- sol. CalI Vne 2336.from Toronto.. Sale a wý,ardroe ielaehae January 4'th at Memuorial Hos- care, frientis, neighbors aud 2per couple. Lunch served. ___Ae-- leci pital Bwanile Grand- relatives for ,cards, gifle and -____2 BROADLOO-M- Deep lux- EX'PERIENCED'table saw0 TRwîsbrc,3" ie ine.2-2 Saudy an. 13 fdheanmiclnou àaet re ir. andMrs, Ere equir~isdrin n's stay Valentine Euchre Card Party urieus shag, many celors, 9 x ratýor. Wages according to1 Ward's Wl Borîng. Tele- Stra,~ rils ieftlsz o ovelMr. r.Hwr n eoîHsia. on Tuesday, February 13th, 12 size. Regular $149.95, on ahilîty and exporiene. Fo', springs32-n0d0maîtresses (like ;ucar nd gre--at-grandmoth- John, Carolyn snd 8 p.m. sharp, St. JosephsHal sale $99.95. Hurry! Factory interview caîl 983-9171._2-1iphne 32-230.:0prsenttiv Hall,.. ___________________ arry ,ýL. Wade, Telephoieie BOB and FRANK e pi.Tri er Mrs. Ethiel Preston. 2-1 Bryan Bruce. 2~1 127 Lberty Street South.Bmdom Dîrburs 81 NeureThAtiesdHue-ch.MesKgAton ______ _____ cd pizes.Lunc. Adi-Rîchmond St. W., Oshawa PERSON euràfer dairy 987-4531. 16-tf ST LE N hold Effects of Mrs. George eo udCrag,75-71 GRFFN Pt ndFedI oobe-Te aui c te ic ocpie c. A 2i-1 ai56-52 26farm, good heated house sup-- TPEO _____ re ome-hefml fthS C 552 --- --- 5- plied, Reply in writing, giv- SNOW plowing, modern equip- Smnith, Milli:Street, Newceastle- _____________ thakfly anounice the ar- late Reg, Coombes would like Osaa w4oyVn EED -A PRESSURE SYSTEM? ing references, te Richard Van mnt, 'tracter, sncwblcwer AUCTI ONEERS Mason & Risch Piano, 3-pc rival (cf Terrie-An Sýamantha bo thank everyone for fierai QuartetwilJ entertain ai the SUMP PUMPS Camp, Blackstock. __ 2-1 and front-end loader. Calli Specializing in ail types of chaiser5etiqsuierocrsiDn-~ Real saefrSl run FiaDecember 29, 1972 tflutes, cards, leers, te- Royal Caniadian Legion Dance REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES RLAL aue ay 2Hoad33548 e AESan STTE atiPhyfe eoffee table, cof-- ORON wosery tre ~t emril osîtl.A iter Dhone caîls anti the many acis on Jaary 20, 1973. Admis- RLALmýue ay 2-58 50-87 phonle Newcastle 95'7-4767 fe n u îh als lo ero oe anr on ~or Gary sud Larry, Many of kîntinese shown in the loss sien $3 pr -coupTle. Door andi HARVEY PARTNER psîtt oer rtwochîlreu(eueI o Newouvleor6-253 amps, gate - îeg drop - lesioff larg] ice ai 8-21 te pDre. ert and An- of a loved one. Many thank1s1 spot pî ___ 2-2 Ooo9350 -Znt 42 pcshoe, i my home. WTR el brdordij-I.,22 ________saf. _____emLdgths woOrn 93526- eît 460North cuti Bowmianville. Cal cd. Canada Drilling Company, 16table, .3-pce, kitdhen set, ______ fos-1,sud aternity staff.ata Jerusaleni Lotige, those wh 41-tf 623-2867 after 5:30 p.mi. 2-1 Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re- frost-free '2-door fridge, Mof- Two trynn omhm an sd Gideon's Socieby. 2-lý1- -- preseutative Harry L. Wade, Audticn sale. private estate, fat range, .5 (8 x 10) carpets, iOonfubdrmels ______ HURDAY- 745 .m. SAVE up to 60% ou brand TEXAS Oil Company needs Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf propcrty cf Mrs. Lester, 50 cane beuch sud chalir, foot- baths, ludyre.bod SIM~SN-Gar sud ay M husbud su I wuld Sensord byname broadloom. We guaran- man over 40 for short trips. Adelaide.Street East, Osha- stool, cit sud mattress, 4-pce. loom. aae oaeio x -p1- e uto .n) aresaa inr o bll tee we wen't be underselci. surreunding B o w mn a n ville, FREE pickup sud del îvcry on wa, te behelc ai Stirtevant's bedreom suite,, mantle and tra lareeltedlo.A- arEva f t1heir snJason SprouIll, nurses, staff, friends JUBILE PAVILION Bodem Dsrbtr,81WieS .Dccsn re. ac.Lcne ehntilcti oHa a, tuda, aHallSre, opo lr, cad aeuum canirsn47g vnn Gbiithr,7lbe l ozs.. on sud relatives for the wonder- O S H A W A oihr dtbendh 30-tf Richmond St. W., Oshawa. Southwcstcrn, Petroleum, Box sud regisiereci apprentice.. l3th at 1 p.m.: Mvodern and 4cmn stands, bedding, sonall ---2-t mo.r-ralsita l, BowanvMele. b me whndeindMesortlHsnWOVE Phone 576-5,522. 4414 789. Ft. Worth, Tex. 2-1 Trewin F a rm Equipment, antique furniture - French applances, mirrors, candie- PRIVAT ae-cnrlBw tY CENTRE BROnDLOOM - RemuantsOD-I.WAllîs-Chalmers Sales & Serv- Provincial Chesterfieldi suite holders, jardinieres, kiîck- imanvilllrebikhm 'Thou ganipretsare Mr. Pilaià, Bowmanville. Mny COMMIUNIT CNR BOAL M Renat- RESPONSIBýLE mrrni man ice, Blackstock 986-4283. -2-2 1go odto) niu1kak.vss ikecutcvrdwt imumsd sd rDu Smenat thanke.i BNG Ends cf Rolîs. Retail values fo_______toran go odiinatiu ncs vss ikl lcvr ar. d M1rrs. James Qnunn, n eca Cook INGO te$1895 per yard. On sale frharntman outdoor xcanti wing-back chairs, Duncan with longs, dishes, glass (De- ing, dobecrglrelt ail f Oono..21 Cahm nt ~* NEXT MONDAY 1$4.95 per yard, Factory Broati-hadmnwrluecng AL G. OSBORNE Phyte cuti tables, antique Pression, Nippon), kitchen six hdroorcnblu ________Chatham,____Ont. ~for rent-free house locateti CAcomie hm ulx u _______ 745 p.m. om Distributors, 81 Rîch-ua-Bacsck Wrt a-Ca et-Uhleytbl. what-not, antique desk, iieeds, tables, drapes, tCareSPhe62-01 Fothcomn 56522_ woulti lîkie to thank al REDBARN -WAN ST. ut t . saa hn iculars to Ativertiser 340, c/o secrctary desk, tea wagon, set Tlk e;edgaohn,4t Fr -rnq iyfinsand relatives for _____22. 4-14 'The Canadian Statesmnan, P.O. Professionaily Cleaned of dinning rooni chairs, round exen yoke, aise 1963 Mercury -____ my fcis thirrid ettrflw SH,-AViA DRESSERS,-B-eds, C-hester- Box 190, Bowmanvillc. 2-1 FREE ESTIMATIiS dinîng rooni table, showcase, Pickup (34-ton), good; 1969 LV Ihe-an i card, lette rsfoers fels llkns fUedFwing baskets, 3-pce. bedrooni Suc-Prince, Poiaroid a n d Mr. ud rs. ThomasA ntngiAe-, ugmyreePhone__________ 21tf iede ahkîti c Ilet Frni rquret fr iifleO1rooUUmt2-sui.tedoo ,suteacmeareuîmet, ol eui stav in ___ --ia. pciltirAntiques sud AppIiances. CO1VPTROLLER rqsuierengof o Ihauks th rz ethospita. SeialtdtoBy Pdd' Market, Hampton, Curvply Wood Products, Oro-, BOWMANVILLE sewing machine, night tables, mient, box trailer, dual Ski- DO\V A M N arogtep-rH ' rsR.l 1cwvjr t De.PeeroniBn-263te-t B2 94. ________26-tf ne. Mu#t be capable cf staff ____ 3-tf large quantity cf wl-owl doo trailer, hall rsck <olt sud aot- -nre laei 10 annionc oit, Taylor aniBeibly anti the- ___-- ___ ______- supervision, preparation of ------- broadloom, 3-pce. antique bcd- gooti), writing desk, Skil saw, 3 BID O MH M fotcmigmrraecfter uss nistf f nesie-T1-a sdhy.PoeBEDROOM suite, compiete; monthly finaucial statements DnBok ~ reeni suite, crystal lamp f ix- ehain saw, radial arm 5aw, daugter Jon KrenAun, Gare anti 3WS of the Ottawa iafter 7:30 p.m., 725-2613. -1 diuing suite, 9-piece; chester- DudhavBsomocossug&xpo-n tutres, silver tes service, set of drill press, 34 iu. drill, rabbit Need anwhm hr teMaicm. R._1, Vod on ncHospl al U untr niApi feld suite, ail Burma teak- lence lu mauufdcturing. Caîl Custem Builder of Fine Homes Johnson dishes. rugs, kitchen cages sud lots more. Plait o! cashTe netgt e iThe mra_ge tci take rîsce Din Ppr 21sces. Paddy's Market. Hamp- wood, new. Must scli. Sacri-M Rotstein 486-6161 Toron- Specialists i Intenior sud appliauces, bedtiing, lineh,,te attend, sud dress wsrm. Beaveroms Welshi Jnay27, 1 973, at 4 p.mi. bion23-21 26-tf fc.Poe125913-t . 2-2 Exterior Repairs snd Remod- dîshes, huundreds of other Trs-Cs re h trcieBae Hamto Uittihu-bc hefa1uuiy Of lthe laie Mrs.GOD !- -INDOOR -OTO- Hev __eling. You namte it - we eau articles. Ternis cash, No re- iAnctioneers Willewaemof1 a3bd i 1*Carl 'Wlbur wish ta express G Dused Colonial or other rubb OUTDOOevn Riho- Nrvy umerland durao OBFr rreom beauty on lotKiganAl ___________________their sirncere thanks te rdla-strong diuiug rooni chairs. be baksevn rigtol rad osuduram i!FooreEsiaeClirsre.MlsKBg utOn- & FRANK STAPLETON fudte o e 920 bie nifrientis for floral Cail 987-4507.2- ors, 9' x 12', only $35.95. Fac- C2e676ornty Boardnd atge 75-1412-i 2-1 You lea aesmnhs$30 Enqa gemirie -, t tîuedntin-ecsiy IN atd Wl s ahtory Broadloom Distributors, CA RE T A K E R 72-16o 63201eratCrag,257 !0f yur ch onieoudmsgs t r I antimoe. lPne cashct81 Richmndi S. W., Oshawa, Applications wiIl be receiv- 4.* -------oves'cneton]bidn vrMrs.hocGeondgessagszub cfv Longon c.letPhonie 576-5522. 44-14 eti by the undersignuetntil B RGSotice______ -methode fyuonalt Rmnc orelyc (wA Lon-, 0f symipath,,;,Specral thankslI691-5111 Tiorto -anytîme. JACK BURGESS__ oic ________Tou ryb be esa' ishante announce the F,-,ta doct1ors sud staff cf Thîrd ______________12 w aearonSr-FIAJN.1,17 UNR UNCS. Your oe ih ny$0 ___ _.j_____ ____Mer cee Man as weil as Oil fer for the position of Caretaker, OL CLANE - FortnUdwnRe'l elAwChmot gugniutcf eryonest Fcor, MlI-eniorial Hota, Ntic- your bouse. 24 hours - 7 tisys. 12-hr. week, at Shaw's Publie gage arneet u ax riau edet o n To. ntias b Mlts-u1ro ____1oie987-5111 or 987-5143, Wm. Sehool. i 1LUMBING REI'AIRS Tw fBw avlee eal hn PotFuneralHome for kinti anti Dr. Wm. Rudlisud Dr. Wm.JhsoNwste h Good knowledge of school PHONE HAMPTON rd Mrs.Sii Tavîngcf akeefficient servic. 2-1 D. Keane (Den1tal, Sur-geone> BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Hard oearetaking procedure sud '263-2151 N TC O~T If! 'NES BYNRHYa 7335 _1-borueMrigta- wish to snnouic~e the re- Twist, ln beautiful tiark green. eleaning methode, abiity t Mail Atidres ~or cri eyu ers I lc uteSrn. 2 The fmiyof the laie Mis. opeuing of their offices ai 22 Normal cest $180. On sale work from. verbal sud writ- PO o 3-Bwaiil opro hI epo ananaydgi h ovýev .~YÂar1ages their sîncere thanks antiap-Cal1 6231-5790. 2-2 tributors, 81 Richmiondti S. W., gel along with other.- oe owavll nes such dog bas been liceneed aud roi- ik PSnwBEV. preîsto 1ta1iltheir rel-- - - shw.Phone 576-5522. 'Please apply lu writing, sdat- trt ne yLw e 79oHh oroaino h ownHmE] AAOUo nag cf Ly ne ill , ag rh- .'ves, 4i e n i n ig b r b v s o . K x o b _1 4 n g qualifications asud ex eri- - F R N K BI I N o dB w u ile , sud subN. j67 t9 tef the C op rvi ions o ! ShecTon $pn1.0m o e th0,0 h~ ' 4cr~~~ cMranim.Lortih b eautfulfloal trîb- - - -- OR icesd protecionrience, teliephone number ani Wilia ues dnaton t Har ati ORESbordi- bo stlleagigmoisture, fie ddress, to M., A. 3MacLeoti, ____ M. ReiyTrou-to, to Telephone'against aig ieTrenching ni6oqh o e niteCIlSepat elr ___ Deni, orubson, of Mr Cancer Fundls. cpirde, wo1rds0 esual ae mitnneis au, etBsnesAmnstao u S AKProtection'Ade, snd has on a collar te which le affixeti a dog _______ 8Ti rs. Jhn ennisc, Tyro Yn matyanih nyate 87409Nccatl.__ _46tflasbuy Kaiser Aluminum.Teaue, o umeritdINSTALLATION tag issuet for the current year for the said dtog. FRSL tcok place on Fnbai-ddsy ee~c itnees shown ta us lu 1APPALOOISA At, sti, Roet- Building Proýdcct.e frnm Suad Durham County Board of R.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE193dglcnearnwaaiaeaniayb bli2l a S, I'I ýrgrc 1, bÏ.th loss ofa lovîig ,wife, Month- el's 'ui', -65924. Breeti preme Window anti Door Pro- Educatien, Box 470, D'Agcy NO SUNDAY CALLS The 17 llcne r o vial n Myh ~anChrc, Trato 2= r ntigatmter pca o cnomtocolos' anti ducts (Oshawa) Lti., 1730 St. North, Cobourg, Octane AlonFuneral Homerç, Hah 723-9843. Local agent, LorneFo-.1tfiucSretBoaiile Dettseîreekah Lotige, Shionh -U. Wanted Aluin 623-3871. 49-7Fo Rent193Lc ce HAYES, 3Maron-At the tDr .W atitabbEtocoreatirCrawford 'Heating 93 iene .~staff of Bowmanviile Hos- DEAD anti Crippleti Farm PhiT1 t5 ~ ON ed,rooni apartmeut. BeD rcaeFe ur'152371 ,T, 0,Rutidy Hopia, îb,,pîtal2-1 'Stock. Margwili Fus' Fanm, '-S "'-'N - Pone 2_2451. 2-1* OIL BURNER AND .MYustLB Puchaed y 13FKenrStuE, owmn15 ý) Jry py3r-d, 17,Mazrson ____263-2721. Licence 364-C-72. U O$3-0AARMN- eta, rdeFURNACE INSTALLATION Bo137ile ONE nf har- Hays, dear mohe Te lycfthe$aeMr005tfanAti laedtenly. Tide-24 HOUR Neodig shal runaai large aud no perses shall permit a IFTM ~ cfFrak, ornoo jack 'lJean Mundy -wîsý,h to sîncerely Peiinegneedhms hoe6330 ~ 4-fSrietog ownet by him te rue et large lu the Townuf ow! ileOPPRUIYbcnepr ~emsîle;Mrsi. Walter _Bea_ýth lank al friends anti neîgh- Ar7ticles for Sale erectedi on yeur foundalion. aEmergency 0 f bcbsiesseto(dru anime), Oshawa;ý deaýr ider bars forîhe loveiy floral trib-- 40 te choose fremn or customn ONE bedrooni aparîmneut, 141 Liberty. S., Bowmanville atay ie oeeo ( igetbosl nesate of kinduese anti 1970 TT Ski-Dec, ,$350; 966designeti. Mertgage anti 1andiheateti, 26 King E., Apply Phone 623-7534 A dog chaI! bie tiemedti le eietlarge ivhen itlsleoff the tIhe tow ibry tso onmantaanti$250ibur DriewnF-2196 MikeabOrbonneet 102thKîng W. 4-tf properly o! the owner ant i se colunder the control o! a cern- a amli tr u htatm- ~haa;Mr. rvilie Oshonb o rtis 1O1'd1of! syirpathy bu Iheir Mustangb$250.Pho0e2263-2649 ~Eaîic),Bwmnvll;Rus- bec cf a rdeas' wife, beloved -__________--honeiRAbliY. Gl ilTHEYfae 2*petent persen, by meaisoo a loishnet more than 10 feet lu aven. Eclettre e selonKeirn:thelae, oterani g-anmthen. A 3011TOE reasonable, gooti 723-3558 or vieil Beaver Lum- HEATED, 2-hedrooni, up D RLNLOAYngh Mabplel speca 0nkyul Rv oscniin.Poecairs aparîment. Adulte ouiy *. M. McILROYgth Mrs Olive Robbioiuomsndi ý. Pone623-5063. BWMNIL on Prus nti Heber iDawn. Gracie for i- 2-mh1nt ber for a Home Catalogue Available Jauuary 15th, Tele- M SN YCekAmesrlr FR,7 cecoet ~-Fauy evie a hii uaffection, Rev. Genry BnowuGNRA$1cnî uomîcs.00. 7-tf phone 987-4539. 2-1 M SO RYTown 2.1 BRICK home sud 2 larg Tau qL, aua1ry 6bb iAl, the of -Pine Ridige Schooi, anti ah washiug machine, Cali 6 te 9, iiOADÏLOOM -. Harti twistONE bedroom, sparint, Brick, B.lock~, Stone barne Hme, 15 Kîng S reel t tîne wte urayeand pca- 623-5435. -__2-1 specisi purcaecftepgodcnral, $110 manthly, heatiug VHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES FrRn OSat OSo OS saw.inte-rmneut ovasde Ihanks also te bbc Mantha TWO0 older type Suow Cruis- anti green. Regular price for includeti; immediate occu- For RenSamuL Ace 2376 emey.2-1 Gratin of St. -John's Churchi, ens, 16 txin, gootichape. 9 x 12 $169.95, on sale'$109,95. pancy. Cali 983-9165. 2-tf Phone 623-2176 JamesRbno -6339 ____Pine Rige School Employee, Hampton 263-2387. 2-1 Genuine bargaîn. Factony FRESHLY deçorabeti anti heat- 9tJae ,l J1esthe Royal Caustilan Legion Branch ONE CA23 ac nti~white Bnoatiloom Dictrîbulors, 81 cd two bcdroom fanm duplexMaynuh--7628 CAIR, Jm Ei-t o-48 einDat aucnoetlvsoecletRichmond-ti.StW.,Oshawa. wilhin town limite. Adulte Ref rigeratîonBanrPsnt-2325 potPenS2iy ommutyHec-78, Leg'uin at eaguelconsitoellvsoecletCal576-5522. 52-6 preftŽnred. Phone 623-2479. - -m -- p~a n utay auay7ldes'.uîir t h oalcniin. Phone 987-4953. 1-*andti IAN ElsieSecr -6335 1~3,JaeaEhMans blov- Caroadian Legien, -sud the __________2-1 SNOWMOBJILE~TRE-~i-n~SrieBIySecr 6379 eoufat f the laie Ada -Flyîng Dutchman Motor Inn. SKIDOO-1-hp, 970lubedrooni apanîmeut Ayj-"- Serice. 1l c00per> dean father cf Jean We are especîaliy grateful ta K-O,1 ý, 90 no ano Rai pino omriladDmsi George Wnsr of al the friende sudneighbore excellent chape; '73 pates. I N SU R A N C nunon osti. hoOýti fComria u Dmsi (Mrs. acuv h Iiki fr- h oine Pje$25 hne 2-21.'ruiesofee ho n63-2351Refrigerallon - MiIk Coolers do~aatre~fWidor, Ted cf Oan- andt tall cancenner rthe ON2E pals' merlspowder lbËine CiC2361 Dasoeygr aeh2 ~ s 623-5U774~ -ninglon, Brîe(Mre. George Mary acte aof kintinee- tee tines flanc parois, uncuffed, __ w-eioo prm uLnde coner !23îp31nAve, Seles)cfCoiîg oot at nunieous te mention nd- neyer Ornu: size 28. Cal l. -col, Jce ois . îbe f vît!Iuav - but for which wc 623-2040 after 4. 2-if A D EI omuil,$0mnhyrH rw r Bownanîil, l hi 9st esn ar met ratful Ou sicer 171 OTOSKI-~- -Availabie immedialely. Tele- and- ELECTRIC ~'~~~andi Base Line, Bowmauville 'Enanilinli;9ý; ,,pr r gaell Orsicre171MTOSIMS18, 634 cc, TVT 'ER phone 623-7,651. 2-1 1I ~V EIR" uealse--vicc waz hFli etai hank. 2-1 elcbnic etant, speedometer, TONE bedrooi a artSeutEl t'ne Chaýnciof I\ Dernmot- tachonfieter, ouiy 325 miles. and ANTadmitONEbuiding. Carentin O3 igS EeBwav PaaaePort Prî,OP aIn Memoriam_________$800 or hest offer. Cali Phonobui623-3950tralor9623-3111ER Wcd-:nestisy,, Jauuary tha 623-2309 after p.m. --2-1 INSTALLED AT pen month. Available now. B BEERSon 2 prr, ni. Intnent Neetieban BROWN-In 'loving memcry LCTOOE-a-srn Low Rates Peler Kowal Jr., Realtor, 137 ELGIN ST. ~enbr.2-1 of a dean wife, moîher antiLCRHMECpsrn 623-2453.- 21 Plumbing - Heating- APARMN IT:Rai grumohî te, h A-F sterco combination, ALSO SPEC.IAL ON fn D-* ** for hg e.Rsoai -_---____oheEte, h A MFM ENNISKILLEN-Pantly - ~EID, Eva Mse-Sutidenly at cd awayý Jaauary, 7, 1969. $325; crib, canniage anti other ishd, wo bedrooni spart- PrsueSsm * *ncs.Cîofi. bREMID, a Hspla, ow Gd ecCerhoeilws bbyacesoxrs-cetqtpnl enqecndfonsl-enessWurek antepaire - p3 CES:wl bdo WeSnt ]oesby Wire u1 oieI - 84at ord 5000 diesel witb NoSra orins 250 1,Lgtbu,4- leader, Cockehutt 1600 gas. AlesF N UTHA pa Uîrg o 2 4trC - 7 166FLC2 IL EstimG UTates Apîctonto mllo Phone 23-711 Os'123-5500 Ce-nlu, in Aicn uexcellent condition, Fin- ROTORS INSTALLED .MOTOR INN Free E- 725-2649te _________________ ition, Cal 63762. 2-1aucing aalbe rwnPhone 623-3373 Afer eusLaraegcl] Faner quimnA sCa-UFVF-ClrdAnas -Phtone 623-2277 ToLreHryCui S'EE THE IUSED CAR en aeM&Srice ck.. Apte, anti Homes Pre-wired FARM -six ïiý-O0_ use - 1-4 Fe dîeÇnerïgMrgg~~7Vemn 6379 Sstock 98-4283. 2-2rE l;PAIRS pletely remodelleti, bain suit- -Free-- esBarosi 76-25 goots) m~1eaposusît in DVETISEENT -'t~.' Wermatihi~Gitaanteti ble or brses soîb c Kes GElCAS TODX FistMortaaeuHaueck 983515 tial on ,pave1ri a, 30 minutes FOR OLD APPLIANCES rst Second, or Third otacc; pnîe eI Sx amles 25ic, OR OL APL .%CES rriqed ir1Nr 1j-,qIle .1A nt -24 -2ý> , xpe 10.MalOte' PG TRETRUHPhone 6puyti 9T A T E -S M A N B0i~91, aniubon§Ont. 1-522-1 LSS1'IE NS wrîli.gei Ente iarison - ~et -8 c-ubrCa., vetîer34,' /oTh Cn E5 I sw 7720 8TATES91A L, AMLTN'Manager aiuSaemn .,Box j L A S S I FI1ED iCn W Cochraine 8568 elyAdrOl39 __ 3-f 9, orn~li,2-2, PMONS 623-3303 , FOR CLASSIFIEDI Tuesday, 4:030 p.m.