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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 6

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6The Canadiîan Statesman, Bowmanville, Jan, 10, 1973 Ili th, VO Ji Re Recreaition Re TYKE HOCKEY goal was scored by Jimmy, the finat gam, ou Dec. Hogarth. the -Amoniicauis defeated ATOM HOCKEY Rem,ýets by a,3-2 score. lu the Atom game played ou Amecricauîs' goals were Thiurs., Dec. 28th, the Frauk's esd by Brad Clemoens witb Vsriety' defeated the Fargos: sdRay Br ooks oane. The by a 2-0 score. The Varity's! sets' goals w,.-ee cored by goals were scored by Ranldy' igbu Hlouton su!d Steplhen Han thorn sud Todd Hooperi ini.1 while MîLke Jozkoaki had aonc the seconld conteat, the assiaf. Theshutout wssi credif- lrs defeated the Iýndiaus cd to Brook Cole, i 3-1 score. The Ste-eler' ln the firaf gamo played ou s wýerec scored by BRandy Sat., Dec. 3tb, the Hoyals doy, Jef Vyscfjt asud defeated the Bruins by an 8-0 vKearuiey., The Indiaus' count. The Royala' goals were __________________scoedby Breutou Thompsou, two, Kenueth Hoy two, Dansl Peobles one goal sud two as- FInsured it ONLY sits, Teddy Wifhcrspoon one goal sud one assiat, Trry Iast wee-k!" Withorspoon sud Robert Davey eue goal each wbile Paul Coruish sud Kevin Goddard each had two assista, Iu the second gamo, the Tigers defeated the Bisons by a 5-1 score. The Tigors' goals iwero scored by Darrell Joues wjth two sud anc assist, Wayne PortrDouglas Dilliug sud . .. .. ..John Thiele one goal echl wb-ile Jamie Raasas had two aqssistaf, Patrick Brinklow sund Wilfred Thiele anc assiat esch. "'e ' The Bisons' loue goal waa "~scored by Terry Riggers sud Scott lPatersou assisting. Iu the third couteat, the Clippers defeated the Rama by a close 2-1 score. The Clip- §pers' goals 'wero acored by e Bria Caufield sud Raudy Heu- Sning while Joffrcy Canfield an' sd Brad Rockîn each had anc assiat. The Ram' oly goal wss sconed by Tom Houe. Ini the fourth game of the r the bs ceur, î_' too day fleic Kinen defeated the to aue.Cali ja.mes Seala b)y a 4-2 -score. The Kijns- ranîce Ageuiy Limited now mca goals were scorod by ideuat luuraceto cavwer Ritali Whyto with two, Danuy your risîka, McMulleu anc sud throo as- sit s, Eddie 'Lott one goal while Tony Tran had twa as- siata. The Seals' goals, were scored by Jetf Sallows. ré PEE WEE HOCKEY ~me Isuan In the first P.ec Wee gm d f Fri., Dec, 29th,, the Wngs ~gen~ Li ite defcated ftho Bruina by s 5-4 score. The Wiugs' goals were 24 Kjng Stý. ., Box 100 scored by Leonard White wîth four while Raudly Owens had ~OWMANILLEONTAR oanc. Art Bons, Douglas Brooks, ôUGLAS SU. JAM1ES Paul Osborne sud Russel Officc 623-568 ,yM- Wilby ecd had one assist. ssienc 63-523 ,,~,,,/ The Bruin' goals were. scored by Allan Brunt with threc, Glen Ferrill anc while Ste-1 ,ýýphon Larmer sud Gro Homes ES and RENTALS 2'-24W - NEW and USED MODELS FOR1 RENTAILS e CONFIRM REUFSERV-ATIONS EARLY SPECIAL, MONTHIlY RATES AVAILABLE FOR FURTHER iNFORMATION, CALL 623-5269 after 5 m ORMAN S. TRIPP 232 L IBE R TY S T. N, BOWMAN VILLE Corporation of The, Town of Bowmanville NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the pro- pose;d c1losing of the original Road Altowance beýrtwceen original Township lots 8 andi 9 in the First Conyccein of the. Town of Bowman- ville,rung southerly from Highway Num- ber Twoý (King Street) tel the Soper Creek and j providing for the sale'thereof to the a1buting owners. NOTICE I15 HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Co>rporation of the Town of Bowmanville wilI et i ts ret-ular Couincil meeting to be helti on Mon- day, the 5th day of February, 1973, at the Council Chamblers iin the Municipal Building on Church Street, in the Town of Bowmanville at 8:00 p.m. or anytivie thereafter will consider passing a by- law o stop up anti close that part of the original allowbvancfe for roa-d Iying between Township lots 8 and 9 ini the ,First 'Concession of the Town of Bowmanvill rning southerly from Highway No, É, (King Street) to Soper Creek for a distance of aproimaely1450 feet. NTI,0TCE I5 ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the CouncilÀ of the Co)rporation of the Town of Bow- manville proposes at the same mîeeting by the aforesaiti by-law tLe authorize the sale of the said stoppeti up parts, of, the original rond allowance te the abu1tting frowniers, The proposeti by-law andi plan showing the lads affetd may be seen ini my office at the Town Hiall, 40 Temaperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontarjo. The Council will hear in person, or by his or lier cotisel, agent or solicitor, ny person who dlaims that his or her lands will be prejudîcially affeeteti by the saiti by;-Iawv andi who applies to be h-earti. .XTED this 8th day or Januoary, 1973. Joseph J.Mýcîlroy, A.M.C.T. rnissions, and the ususi $100 a tow rd f rnae il for nourB e h a y .j church, as well as one fn, the , E n o u p Girl Guides to cover cost of expenses for their Hloee A ~~v I ews ~~s:nted the program, assisted 6O hved i by Mrs. Gertie Rowe and Mrs. Wlidrn Sharp each had one assist, iA. Milligan, with Scripture On Thursday,-Dcme Èhlrn 1 u the second ganie the readings and Christmas. art- 28, Mr. and Mrs. George Wad- Since coming tc Frank's Varief y crew defeat- idles whilo June KîmrbalilOnl deli celebrated their 6th M -vr. and Mrs. W ed the County Chrysler Beav- piano, Penny Webster with Weddiug Anniversary-. pflayed a veryý acfi ors by a 6-2 score, The Var- guitar, provided seasonal The couple's weddint-g teek ý-the cemmnuuity. Miety's goals were scored by mnusic and these two, w-ith place on Christmas Day, De- i.s one of the Senio ateynolds two, Gary Guth- Carol Heuderson and Carlcme 5b 92at ig the United Churcb, rie two, Jef Payne one goal Stapleton, sang several enjey- noon, when Gladys Muriellof the Odd Fello\x and one assist,' Andy Jarvis able Christmas songs. Roll Anderson, daughter of Mr. andfl ange Lodges. Mr one goal while Brian White, Caîl was answered by 19 memn- Mrs. P. M. Anderson of VWest b as been a past p Doug Patterson, Douglas Hoy bers as well as by our minis- Lake (near Picton) was unit- the Wemen's Miss and Neil Blackburn each'had ter and the four young ladies ed ln marriage te George ciety, the UritedC one assist. The Beavers' goals helping wîth the program. Scott Waddell of Orono, son mien, and a forr wxere scored by Dale Vîvian of Mr. and Mrs. James Wad- member of the Uni andt Carl Smith while Dale deli. The Reverend H. Spence Choir. She taugh O'Neil, Ronald Brown ,and LONG SÀULT of Bloomfield performed the Sunday School fo Stepen aybrry achhadmarriage ceremony assisfed b years. otephea Mabery achha the Reverend J. A, McKeen Mr. Waddell is la the first gaine of Sat. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker and of Orono. years of sge aud Dec. 30th, the Rangers sud gitla, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helene Waddell of deli is 81. Hawks battled fa a 2-2 tie. TChe Kith Goble and boys, Black- Orono was the bridesmaid and Guesta were re Rangers' goals wore scored.by stock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Victor Walker, thon attend- their four daughte Paul Fice sud Douglas Pickeîl Baker aud Pain, Burkefon, sud ing Knox CollQge <who later The U.C.W. cate whileKerry Davis, Thomas Mr. sud Mrs. John Baker sud became fhe Revereud 'Victor anuîveraary celebi Kennedy, Carlo Zeppiere and boys were Sunday guests of Walker of Bethany, now re- the girls that ' Peter Whyte each had one Mr, sud Mrs. G. Baker, cele- siding iu Belleville) was tho guesta were: Dol assist. The Hawks' goals were bratiug Tem's bîrfbday sud a groomaman. and Janice McC scored by Steven, Colo snd belafed New Year's. When first married, they Demmia, Marie Hai TimthyBya. wileJosph r.and Mrs. Wmn Joshn, lived at Orono, moviug te hie laucock, and g TimthyBym wil Joepsonr Bethany te make their home son Gordon Barre Nowlan, Rick Cayley and Miss Linda Johnson sud Mr- here in 1938. Mr. Waddell Robby Tonnant each had one Norman Stiles, Blackstock; owued n prtda lc assist, Mra. Fletcher sud Mr. John t d apan ope rean te N w y e In the second game, the Johnson, Oshawa,, were Sun- tvilappntlauetren f ew tpe Blades edged the Leafs by s day guesta of Mr. sud Mrs. Tbey have four daughters:2% 2-1 score. The Blades' goals Bort Johnson. Mrs. Ted Woodyard (Agnes~ ria were scored by Richard Osb- Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy Mrs. Bruce Hancock (Mar orne and Pote Nemiaz wbile sud Trevor were Friday even- garef), beth of Orono: Mr. Glenn Miller had two assista. ing gucats of Mr. sud Mrs. Gordon- Smth (Ennice) of,' l Th e Leaf s' goal was scored by Don Stephenson, Orono. 1 Coîýborue, Mrs. Mol. McýGeeJ? Iate-s Cameron Gordon, assisted .by Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, R.R. 1, (Betty) of Greenbauk. Their Roduey Dewell sud Chuck Bowmauville, wasas Sundav ouly son, Flying Officer Ai- The new five-ye Babich. luncheon guest sud Mr. sud fred Waddell, was killed lu once plates have bi BANTAM $IOCKEY Mr. F.0. Smith, Bowman- action with the R.C.A.F. in since Dec. lat and In the firat game of Sat., ville, were Suuday supper 1944. There are 15 grand- te a represeutative Dec. 30tb, the Cuba defeated gists of the Smiths. ___ children sud 28 great grand- Electric on Tempeor the Flyers by a 3-0 score. The___ Cub' goals were scored by Chris Marchant wth two sud Hlîs Jhdotwoneassist ad h GIRI"" AIMI S Glenha J ob ssonewhl a idl Evers one. Iu the second gamie, tbe Pan- a 6-3 sef Ted he Panthrs' E G ta de3froeT he Kines1GbA goals wr scored by Don Childs four, Romeo Zeppleri7 IGS.ES O M N IL eue sud Doug Hutouoner 7KN T ATO M N IL while AlIan Spencer had anc asst sud Paul Dunham two. The Kinsmon goals were scor- O E U D Y ed by Tim Joues, Ronnie Dus- seldrp ad Jhn Smplolusfor your shopping convenience whîle Tony Willansansd Joey Burus each hfad two, assista. MIDGET HOCKEY Thle Cemnets defeated the -ii Caunucks by a 6-1 score lu s gaine playedî on Sat., Dec. 30th. The Cornets' goals were scor- ed by John Turner two, Bob Shacklet on two asud oee ssiat, Rusty McQuaid one goal sud three assista, Joe Bennett two goasa, Brian Head one assiat. The Canuck<s' goals wore scor- eçl by Lloyd Devries, anc, goal tSP....~ aud Tom Wooluer one- goal z1 _ sud one assiat. Joe Gueat ance, *. . .~ goal while Gary Reid had two assistsansd Tom Wreggtt one eA FUVRE Oc ASOfe ___________TANGCteRYSTALS 7 NE WTON VILLE (Intndt~ forMa1 t wek) Newtonville UCW's christ- imas meetinig ,was held ia the Suanday School hall a week ago and President Bea Jones opened -with a welcç>me to ail,ý and the hymn "Corne Ail Ye Faithful" . Minutes of l.ast meeting were read by Seere- tary Acey Farrýow, the finan- cil report given by Treas- urer Mary Vinkie, and that of the Special Accoujnt by Violet Gilmer. The comnrttee report- ed that the cuphoard for the minister's room is in the prog- ress of being made, with a lock on the drawers to. ensure saf e keeping of the Communion supplies. Instead of the usual exchange of gifts, a special collection was taken up, to be used for providing the inmates at Miss Darling's Rest Home, with Christmas gifts and the President and Mrs. Mary Jones agreed to look after this. There was a splendid response to the request for the bale of articles for the Indian, Heserve, about 146 ibs, of good used clothing have been sent. A report was heard from the Sunshine Com- mittee; also the good news that ail the officers have agreed to keep their various position for another year. Old Christmas cards are requested for our next meeting, to be forward- ed to the Leprosy Colony in Africa. Donations were voted overseas relief, an Increase in our givinga to service and Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 36Y2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St, cor. of Hlorsey St. Phono 623-5509 office Hous: By appointment De ntal DR. ANGUS M. BiLAIR, D.D.S. 26 Frank Street, Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 D.m, including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.DS. 75 Kir-, St, E. Bowmanville Office eours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Suniday Office Phone-- 623-5790.) DR. WILLIAM1 KENT, D.D.S. Professional Bldg. 222 King St, E, -iSite J.08 ;Office Pfours: Weekdiays 9 - 5 Telephone 1623-7349 lif(, Auto.Hom 67 king E,., Suite 2A IGA BEEF STEW 2~ 9 AViUM-RMUSNROOM, CHICKEN NOMDIE, CHKICIN R OR VEGETABLE sERF FANCY SOUP MGA KETCHUP RASp3PR R P\,YnmrABR ICA JAR wm fl IGA VEGETABLE OIL DAINTY;INSANT (4 VAREIS> FRIED RICE KRAFI DlNNERINEESEL T4.27* 63' ~37, *AIN BARREI. FABRIC SOFTENER , 790 TOILET SOAP ORMO IGA- PINK24 F rPLASTIC BOTTLE LIQUIO DETERGENT 3P, MILOGO S C R.FLA KES ibox 35, OATM EAL I FVAE 39' ,1 F0OD PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., THRU SAT., JAN., 10- 1 3th WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES re C elebjrate', Anniversary' eo Bethauy, eý'r sud Mrs. Clarence Rowau n Lddell haveo poured tes, sud iu theeen tive part lu ing Mes. Frank White audc Mr. Waddell Mrs. Henry Jakeman poured >r Eiders in the tes. The lovely six-tien ia member weddiug cake arrangementi va and Or- was dconated by Mrs. Jack a. Wsddell Brigbt afI Rtaglan. president of Amongl the lovely giff a that nonary Se- were received were a haro- Ihurch Wo- mered aluminum tny framj men valued the UC.W. sud a preseuation iI ited Church of money frem the family\. A 1 if lu the telegram wa'ýs received f'rom ir over 20 Australis, sent by 'Banney Mean, their son's observer i gnow 88 in the Air Force; telephene Mrs. Wad- conîgratulations were received frem Mrs. Doris (Driveel wceived by Dawkius, Arizona, sud Mes. es. Cy Foikea, Montreal. One snred to the dozen beautiful red roses were )rations sud aIse received from the Miil- 'served the brook Legien. bbie, Cathy Mauy fnieudsand neighbors Gee, Susan wene present at the tes lu aucock, Deb- houer of the happy couple, reat grand- including their bridesmaid, ett. Iu týhe Misa HelenoWaddell,__Orone. newprice id for Li"cnsce Slow Sa- Far ssîr car lic !whone the plates are beiug~ been on sale 'seld, close te 700 had been sold d, according by st Tbunsday. That's a lit- Sof Higgon's fle better than last yean at the sunce Street, same time, but it's really ouly Bus Season The Ladies' Section- of t1ie H RN V Bowmauvil]e Curling Club is1 A V Y baving a veny successful aud!~,,,,,D D M pleasant yean se fan. Wc have1ooRT E 64 members sud are curni ing ORONO 983-5206 Tuesday morniug and Tubes ýÉS5 OUOE HEAT SERVIC9, day sud Thursday afternoous. ICRAFT PROCESS VELVETTA CHEESE M.APLE t EAMPROCESS CHEESE SLICES 89' D$RUSSEL SPROUTS M85 CINNAMON OR --NEY PULL A-PARTS SARA LEE SUR$PIS TUSAsOeS O 691. REGULAR 0R HARO TO NOED HAIIsPIAT PROTEIN 21 UR«nN PEARLDROPS ,j1TI59m "AREAL BREAKFASTTRk'EAT" FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS RED OR WHIE PRODCF F-US'A FLAVORFUL BROCCOU B UNCH39 PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. No.1 GRADE FRESH CARMAE FACII ONTARIO - CANADA FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES ~3-1b BAG49 MFG. PREPRicED) ABC P()wAr)FJD ) $1.49 4-Mb King Size Box RAISIN PIE 4 9#Ie P O A IS T M A S E R o KAISER ROLLS2 751 M.OUMCS ER, !Î QA'KSELO RNES4 adrop in the bucket wvhon you Sorne of our rinks have c"1 conaider that 9.500 Plates wîlliled at Oshawa Curling C be sold la town by the end of 0Osahaw a Golf, Annann&ý February deadline. Whiby, snd Lindsay. We hý_d The new plates are the type la good day with the BusinePFs with the replacoable sticker. Girls in their Novemnber If you buy plates for your car 1 'Speil, and in December, en- bhis year you keep them for joyed a Christmas Party with five years, merely changing 'curling in the' morning, fol- the sticker for the :Year at re- lowed by luncheon and Santa newal fîme. Claus. The new licehceplates havel There are three events ot a ýnew price too, and, naturally, n terest coming up thi-s imonth. it'a higher than lat year. For On) Jan. 15, he fistond of instance if you're--buying plates the provincial p 1 a y d o w n s for an eight cylinder automo- takea place at the Peterbor - bile you'll be paying $40 thîs cugh Curling Club, with onei year, compared wýith $35 in of aur rinksentered. On Jan. 1972. 22nd, our Club sponsors a The representative at Hig- 7-yr. Filly Bonspeil to wbicli gon's Electrie said that ai-l ettr r oi eore -thughtheplaes re n sleAnd on Jan. 29th, the Senior for tbree montha, the majority Ladies' playdowns will ho of people wait until the last nkvycd at Port Perry Curling couple of weeks to purchase Clib. them. An additional three or f~our part-tîme staff will be hired te meet the rush, but if you insiat on waiting until the last few days you can ex- pect te lice up and wait. So why not save everyone, in- WERE T/HI cBOYS1WH0 cluding yourself, a lot of in- PUEFORM THAT FEA1, convenience and buy your /(UXK HO plates early this year? 8RINC/NHEVT7 Lady' Curlers Are Enjoying 1

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