LAH CK-25 Yearý; Ago- The Jurnor B.H.-S , Girl.qaketball Tean coached by Mrs. Agnes Lewvis, - deetdPort Pe.rry 2ý27 wih eggy lDippeli scoring _ J2 points. Othier scores were Margaret Campbell, - defeted Port Perry 2- with Jacqueline Hyland. B3 an eaiBeslin top scorers. The Jr. oy defeated e nia I s j e Se t r a a asNe w Pot Prry in a close 16-14 game with Hon, Moorcraftc ea t r tlhe leading scorer. Senior Boys lost 29-21 to -Port ig ý1.a Perry ithuý1 Bil. Rundie and Buckspan leading the I U ES nI a B...scoring in a losing cause. L e~ a k a oGceis. f From GM -_0_asAo Fe ol' Abr aakn fte Montreal:- General Motors FLAHBCK 1 YersAgo- redColc' beofrt sman, king of eSunday, Januar.y.7th proved of Canada'% new snillcar, foi shot wvith 1- seconds remaining enablcd the towlicgon farms a kig 0 to be another goo night for the Pontiac Astre lias a place Hoteles bu ie bb Coroation 3-33 n Tow boxving onWedneçlay iglitBowmanville. The Junior o oo tteMnra n ioii leCrnto '1:ïi on when, lie put together games Eagles hosted Markham and tfier t he MA t ri i- LegeBasketball, Tuesday evening.ý Fred scor- of 3,40-274-211 for a nice 825 came out of the game ahead tenational utoSalon as a cd J13' poîits, Don M1vlriin nine for Hotelers, Dan triple. This gave Albert a by a score of 7-. specialty of the General Mo- Sý î dWlmnsxfrCrntoFrt big 275 avecrage for top spot, h i us o omn tors exhibit at Place Bona- Seo 4 E ilmn i fr oonton irt a real nice start for the New- Th i usfrBwa-vnture, January 11-21. e.,ed1cliigscorer e ig cd cight, tonville star, ville were Paul Forsey and Te schcruee Ieading corer, BonfKihgMax Johinson. Forsey picked lie Astre, introduccd in Bofb Wl seven for Stephen Fuiels, Gary Bur- fMousrley Fs Etcher her 0f th ee goals and Johinson 3 January 1973 by General MO- fa-u Rn Fts-Echr-a assists. Gien Rice, Brian tors of Canada to meet the ies 10, Týed Faircy cigbt forMQcns in bhe 793 (281-298), Maurice An- ~~ Grubb and Doug Crougli picc- gowng desire for a Cana- scond4 gakie won b)- bbe Fuelers 32-23. nac t, the pride of Orono, 784 cd up a goal and assist each. dian-ýbulit small car, is, as- (287), Murray Tiglie 770 (281),~ Randy Aile n got another goal, sembled at General Motors INuNsLIDutch" Halimance 764tinga e assisted by iRolly Simpson and car plant at Ste. Therese, W IN E R - he I.O O. ,0lo en e N g t ae (2 5 2 ), J h L f ma 7 7 B ruce Skelton. G otd B ennett Q ueb c. It w ill be sold by Lodge, Sportsmnani Draw, made on Dcmber (315), Jack Bond 755 (259),as ikdu w sit. ota-uc elr cos 3ltat, Centenial flall, was won by J. .Wilamson, ikPret71(0) rs ~i a odt e Scott Canada. The littie car fea- 7248 Emnerson Ave., Oshawa, holder of ticket No. .578. dn o et73adte~~~h M ugs aki h n-p turcs. engineering excellence, hil îgegm f34 AI~and still hitting liard even packaging, styling and time- t t t t tvery nice effort by Cob. Mau- " toul lics utbkfrohncss. It bas been tliorough]y NÙsiCe -GESTURE - efoite bb art of bNew - icate Mrhard7232 (), Pat nUSel an operation on lis arm. tested under a variety of Can- casie- owanilc it gni i Nwcste urph 723 (20), lornel k Rumor lias it that Rick adian drivt'ng conditions - '15hde ca>ptain of bbe Newcastle beani lc723 18), Cd lee 0'l Shackleton will lic back witli most recently at GM of Con- psneda card bnURobbic Green, wbo broke bis (271), Gord Wilcox 702 (296),, us before too long which wili ada's permanent cold weather mc i a prcvious Nc-wcasbie - Bowmanville game. Hector Ballantine had a 318 bc well appreciatcd. tcýsting facilities at Kapus- Scoring for Markliam were kasing, Ontario. Thie card was sincd by al bbe Newcastlc ea single game, Jack Lander 306,sa ititoadTt- Teewl b h eua members, Don a gne86,L 298,Pipl et-, a adMDnld1cd. two-door coupe, the two-door lakeg 286, La3,Rry pe a24n MTlie Eagles looked very Safari wagon, the two-doo'- t t t t t Greg Coucli 273, Ray Van ~nice in their new sweaters Hthakcueadtevr CUB 3'00 WINNERS -No. 24 1Ms.C. Moron N.Meer 272, Hon Etcher 266:oaeb hlVolsHa- satile ankcel anndispeaver- t N.Glen Edmondson 265, Lo, oae yPi olsHa-stl ae a ndslya 12 abBttnhw o. 17 vidPottr;NO. 101 Stainton 263, Mike M.vlurphy . ing. the "Auto '73". NoirmaBal No. 251LD.Muir 262, Steve eOke 26i, There wcre also a couple Witi a whecliase of M~ Next week onîy single games of new banners at the arena loches, an overall length où, 27 a d ve wl lc ised i o cheer the Eagles o n. 172 2 lches and a coupe curb 1 THE E RE AN C RNI AL - bci g cl the paper. The fans only nmb rd weight of 2278 pounds, ticl tbrugou Otaioths incr Hrear sme Mutton Sliell had higli 297 which is a small crowd Astre ta generally the saine, ofbb(,c doser ones: Ja . 12-21 Owen Sound Winter single team score 1347 while for the tcam is winnîng sirze as other economy cars Colvl ii ýKthnrÎfnefsJn 2 Ken's Men's Wear ht 3475 for games and have a gond hold but offers significant differ- Cania, an 0 itbne WnercsJa. 2 higli triple.,~' on third place so should have ences. 28Focln alsWinter Carnivai; Jan. 26-28 Iat Week - 2nd S~erda1e somre more fans out to cheer It is ncarly twelvc loches MinVden Winbcýr Carniv al, Jan. 26-28 Port Sbanley Averages (3 games) te n uthv entclonger ,and over four IncheaF Winbr Caniva, Ja, 26-28 St. Catharines Win- Abi Samran 275, Mor-ley Et-zr ete itkp imwiîe hncm oeg as cher 265, Maur6-8ice A.PriceEdwrdnnaert 01 home. fit lis plenty of p. assenge bèrCaniai Jn.2628 icon Pine dwrd 262, Murray Tigie 257, Russ Eagles play Port Hope on roomn and trunli space, Its lovî Intý"er Carnlival, Jan- 26-Feb. 4 Muaskoka Winber Ilalîman 255, John Luffman .. January 11, so) lets sec if wecenr fgaîyadwd Carnivai F'eb. 2-4 Bewdiey Winitcr Carnivai, 253, Jack Bond 252, Dick Per- dongtad fahesrowman-.v trea d helps the Astre liug thc Fcb, 3,-10 BrmtnWinter Carnival, Feb. 2-16 fect 251, Bob Kenit 245, Maur- vile c Eagles on an road in frceway drivîng. KýingatoÀn Winter Carnival, Feb. 3-11 Welland ice Ra rds 244 ins - - This Sunday, Jan. 14- Bagles Astre's excellent handli-ng cas W Pns ts host Sutton Rangera. Sec you Is due to a specially designedý WinerCanial Pb.9711 Co'ilingwood W inter- Ken's Men's Paul Forscey Scores Hat-Tricli, t tic arena. front sseso n telg feat, Fol, Î,9-11 Barrie Wintcr Carnivai, Pcb. 15-« i War --- 3 4 3475 3 ---- --- - - system htgvs iicr 18 ia araFes Wintcr Festvl hc. 16-18 1ader nering a bi lit y, responsiveý YSouind W ib 'iî er Carnival, cb. 1-2.5 bcay ury&Lv 2 1 3231 2 # or tig %ue on long trips. A new VV UV CaI k - LJIIrIYu tor tilored breklngs- RestI.G.Aurant31mteco includes standard frontý WiteamF, ý24-125 Port Cariing Winter Fiank's 3diseSickr'-.C tî fI Cania. o acmpce it fOnaioWnter Varicty 2 1 3166Ii er21fl lCeuomputer-seecoted ull(011i lito nai i Mutton Sheil 1 233 j* springs ai, each wheel. plus Canvas wie obb insero Ids1yn Dykstra's substantiel body sound Tourism, Travol Servico BanP , 00Bea t, Fn 1 37 coring "for Bowmanivillc in In the second game agaînat wnaiting for the trip to Port cning give a smootli, quiet' Tornto orphoo 46-95-408 Nels Osborne the recent Silver Stick iiTou- orold, Don Farrow le-d the Huron. ride. t t t nance ---2- 3318 nament <ai B1rama]eoertepoint parade with tiree goalis Tic Bowmenvill, o squýýadaretre'sla tt.s ight-wihver- IP5 Cola i 232 92>- i Ciriaý.tmas h!olidaysxvre -and two assista. Gererd Mor- tr sislgtwih vr - -4ll VUTE N1 , 3 I ROWIîNG -OinC ig35I a otie rigme ofe lv ol,-rsnedHiiBi id two in iLindsay on t th e nad 7l edcam four-cylinder en- piroing ike opy'Vou won't finid thie word . uciI235 isnlsad , yiarn togo1raiwîîcnle onùf aur ortc2t ane e.TeNri mrcn spî of f rient --in a dictionary.I'sbencindI eve ssista), Dussel-cdorp (one as- 1 an htee ay Wee touirnameýnt. Ther uýi)DLi niemet efr- by thsZeoedt erin:nectn adLubr O3355 0 sist), Eym,ýian ad Stevens,' .1,ussldorp and1Bc!rnt Badour first gamne will bho at 7:00 ,, anc, needa cf Canadien dri- akhî. h sor i ea udesoo ad -Badour. , Gerard Morrison pick- Tom Eyman coilected e pais: Stur,îdey egainst ind "sa,,vers, whuîe gIvlgimr 1av navigtioncd u four assista, Tlin But-ocf assista, Godfrey, Steývena, their second geme will -te fuc ecnomy and 10womv, appreiate by hosewho hve ben ~volvd in RflIIUI E' insawF% and Ed Visser one Ed and Hon Visser elso col lcea-40;pm oodn c! ms cec(,1 lecting assista. cAIuailccMiton bi team Qf trnprainadth-e priiati ohpltR iatr ast4ie~, ntic third and final imat' rn a i at r s d f oqh c m eii e n l ha 5 ~ eld scoreless in the firt per- joging witha purposo is a great way te keep in Team Pt.Legu d. In tie second period Brad shape.r cndiavansý are the world's foremoat cx- Maple Groe 3 Bwln Godfrey cmie ihMr perts, and those Who have settlcd in this country are Hi C'a -- _-_---_-- -- 3 Standings as of Jan. 3rd rison and Dusseldorp te, give c ft W l Iq .* Rurais -. 2 Top 10 Averages Bnwmanville a 1-0 lead. Don Cagl epnil orgttg the bail1 rolling, there Salem --- ------ 2 Merg Geddes 182, John Farrow struck again for Bo--ý1Î a-re now actiVe chaplters il, eight pr,,ovinces;. Toronto Russels Geddes, Wes Martin, Rose manville witi e goal, assiatT ou OreerincCubprsien, ac edes, says Enniskillen ------ - 1 Vess 180, Ray Venasse 179, coming from Scott Stevens "lVIostaeintespr frfn n7rlxtin I1u Tyrone ----- ---- --- O L e i g h Sommerscales 172, In tic third pcrind McKey, meet we ave our e o veryone, from rookies t H L illgh Sinl 7 Gwcn Sommerscales 161, Jhîm scored Milton's loac me ker1 old0pros. TRrosaardca--e--w-fare---ad-ther---e---g---Tiple 78 G'ddes 160, Sam Hitchings during e goal meui sorembie. al-E- way-arersand hereare Rgh Tiple160, Sharon Hitchens 159. Farrow, notcied his secondý clnc tgdfor thieir b-enefit where they're instruct- ýD. Taylor --- ------- 707 Higli Single goal of tic geme set up by Ed1 cd ho0W to puIt 1their beat foot forward - and in the TOP 10 AVERAGES Ladies-Marg Geddcs 260; Visser and Gerard Morrisoi.i righti direction. There arc ne barriers at cither endý D. Taylor 236--men------ Hitc-ena--232. Brad Godfrey rounded out thel W. Coombea 2 iliTil scorîng laie in tic period witi of thec age scale. An 5-er-l wornan took part last ý'W. Craîg ---- - 227 Marg Geddcs-625, Sam Hut- Wayne Whitcmnan and Brian year and beesajunor classification for pre-teens. jG,. Shackleton 221 chiens 625. Dennis assisting.-li i a m Orienteering is a-gea.'t famnily sport, which is cvi- J. Coombes- 219 Teasa Standing Tic H. L. Wood teem wcre' den b th fcttha hîf hemeber ae fmae.C. Goodman----. 210 Teani pis. pleying in their own classificai-: Ondertbille ad failof tse e rail euasts. ,Laird -----. - 209 No, 3 - ---- - 38 tien in tuis tournament ian-d Op o sve aeal ethsist'B. Brown - . 209 Nn. 2------- 35 were very impressive in thc Yo'lld find fe.(W pastimYýes requiring lesrnonetary C. Mills ..- - 208 No. 1.---- -------- --- 2 7 1/ wey they handled tice pposi-, TH E A LI outl11ay. MlembýFershý.,ip in the Toronto club costs $3 and D. McDonald 208 No. 4 ---- 19½/2 tien. They are now anxieusly only a to e foc s chrged te enter a meet. Sneakors Cmme or~~~ jgighosnaCOIrapas costing about $5 are C m ecial League th olycqp entrquisites, The purpose of cern- - - i petti n sto omplote the 11/9 te six-mile courseiiin RAÂT TRICK 1'LAUDITS - to Pial Sobil, of Kniapp's Towing Major B.antams wh(p scofretd lis three aces in an exhibition gane idurù)ng thec holidays against aniOshawa Maor Bantýami team, Bowmanville winning by a score of 8-1. t t t1- .t t TOURNAMENTS - Bowmanville had three il Star teams competing in tournaments over the week.- end but unfortunately, while turning in good per- formances, none were able to corne back wT.iems of the events. Teams taking part were: Consuirnersc' Gasi Mites - defeated in thie chamnpionship ga-me 5-3 b Ajax; H. L. Wood Pee Weec Majors deleated 1 in thý,e champio-nship gaine by Bay Ridges;, Preston Majo)r Novice defeated in the championshaip game 5-0 by Bay Ridges. t t t t t ONTARIO HOCKEY ASSOCIATION - Coa,,cli- ing Clinic Scheduile for the months of January and February 1.973. This Iist is incomý-plete and imore clinics wilI be- added to the schedle a-, January and February progress. January 7, 1:00ý p.m. Madoc; January 10, 7:00 p.m. Niagara on the Lake; January 13, 2:00 p.m. Kingston; Jan- uary 14, 10:30 Weston; January 15, 6:30 p.xn, Upper Canada College; January 20, 1:00 Carlisle; January 21, 10:30 H1 br Jan- uary 28, Cedar H-ili. -February 4, Brockville; February 6, 6:00 p.m., Stratford; Febirry 11, 1:00, Parry Sonné. FOUR HAT TRICK'S - and also scoihis 3-O0L goal so far this seasor- is the record çchalked up byý, Terry Sarginson of W'estern Electric Minor B-antýams. Nice shooting. t t t t t 5-0DRAW - at the Jutnior"C gm on Sunday, was won by Barbiara Smidh, f6 Simpson Ave. who won .$16.50. The lck polgrammivie, draw was not claimed. SEE US AT OUR N EW LOCA-!tT ION on Hlwy. 115 - ne.Xt È lak HgîSho The one youk have- read about is boe cnowv. Sec- the 19731 POLARIS COLT at $645u p,10h1 J. &KM.Sports AubhoizedDealer l'or Kawasaki Mtoorcycies -Polaris nwoie A EWA-i USED NWOILSLP TUNE-UFS$75pisPAT INCLUDING FULL CARDGAEFO$30 ually controlled P12Y and cirn h ia 0mnts SPECIALslelled Mutton's goalie Curi out Burns ceuglt it rc, vIt $60Gne SPCA PECIAL Vanstone tiroughliut. h-'was -h~ iii î4i and isti geais cf tic Lino ff~icils1Ahi" -rose _ eason and as ad an A G e !C n d n $150 $,Q00 AME GMES ~ Spencer buncli. Bottoni laA ffcas Ac,*, ýtic thîrd, Brooks out- G -% n aa $5To io$10,0 po r iie and Al Junkin called lyscored the losers 4-2. They $3p$5,0t -ipealtiEs%, ihotili te icle 6-3, wti less than eiglt FulCr 500,09 fil Cari, EACu iners. Ken) Velici in tie minutes te go, but WValter, _________ iner'cage lied one of ha Fianis flammed home two ___________n See It For co i,,H, average Is now N their final telly et 19:09, butý Br'and New 1973 Holiday Ford aÉ' nitP.7 oprdt f L hl rooks ieid on to cdaim thieir A Vince Vanston! fWetrsecond win in four contesta, A Frenis, wlio owns a 300 evc itiWle Fai.EarI McQueecn or 2,000 Cash mr.TsSnefrtpaeWlo rw EARY BRD Shae te Wait) GME ~ TicSpecercrod pt awil le on ticeline when RayLatnguej, greetetwo-way game together 180 KING E. Spencers (7-4-1) taký ie onLahag STAT AT 7:30 P.M. o udy with nearly vr- BWAVLE ros(--)e ai RS o oa B-3USES AT THDO fu eeig tî eeL), HN 63562 peinsgme ii0ro SALESMAGE Spencrs av-tepedM- DnMLcin-DnPli cgoicrd-2. 1 i te rso tons four time , witi e fen-P la fegoe ahe rn 4 hastîc 24-7cdge in go lai- 1-)actMtos(--) I