I'.5 DflAW -- winner at the Junior "C" game on Suday was Art Renniick, coach of the Junior C's, wimilng $20. Hieather Moore of MeGregor Hardware wffon the l1uckyý programme draw of $5. t t t t t EVENT RUNNERS-UP - in the Whitby Major Mjixed l3onspiel last week were Dan MeConneli and Bill Greshamn, Whitby;> George Bates, Osh- awaçc and Roy Trudeau, Bowmanville. t t t t SCORING FAS-Robe. Ormiston scored four .goals in a, game aigainst Oshawa Sports Villa which B3owmanville won 3-3. Terry Sarginson scored his second five goalI game of the seas, i 0- ost Aj.i? \,Both of these sharp-shooters are on the West- ern Electric Minor Banitam teamn. KELLY FIRED -) Leoniard "Red" Kelly was fired Saturday as coach of Pittsbuîrghi Penguins, N.H.L. and repflaced by Ken Schiinkel, the duhi's veteran right-winger. Schinkel too1k a confident hold ori the coaching reins Saturday to lead bis tea t a 3-1 victory over Los Angeles Kingý- in Pitsurh.Editor's Note - if e1 was fired becaulise the teamn wasn't ini first place, then thiere hà,s to be a fewv coaches wondering. WINS MIEET - Rick Clarke of Barrie won his third successive Boschi Invitational snowmobile race at Mosport, Sunday agaînst tough competition frdm Ontarjo, Quebec and the United States. Clarke was ehallenged for a time by Jim Adema, the Belmont, Mich, ace wvho wvon the Kawartha Cup last week in Peterborough. Bt Adema's machine blew a belt andi put him out of the race. That left second spot to Dave C'rossmian of ParryI Sound. Don Boothby of Dwight was third. The three-day Mosport mneet, whichl began Friday with speeti trials, was sanctioneti by the OSRF. Next wýeekend t he racing is at Owen Sound. t t t t t RAT TRICKS - by Ted Puk in Markham on Saturday which Bowmanville won 5-4 and to Danny Cox on Monday in Oshawa, Bownianville winning 6-5. Both are niembers of Knapp's Major Bantanis. Knu7pps BuInumson Comehuck Wlin 6'me Score Three in1# Third Bo-wm-aniville scored three unasweed goals in the third perioci for 'a comeback .5-4 vlctory, over the Markhal-4 Major Bantai last Wednes-' dapy I,/atMakhamn. Ted iPukl got thie visitors off ,te A good start byscoring twe g zoals i l tefirst period. Bický Scott assistect on the firast goal and Kirk Kemip on ,the seecond. Bowmianville tenrelaxed bit and soonn found tne m irped in the sýcond (1per- -dd.Marham erehit with miner penalties andic things lojoked b 'righter for Bowmnan- v il1 >BliBt lth(- puck didn't bounjcerlrght and Markham scord tw ahrthadedgoals te take ,a 4-2 lepad at the end - f theseod Knapp's Bantains showed where týhe- powerwa in the lird as, they outplayed Mark- ham and scored Ibree goais. 'B Ileaniamn, unassisted, Ted Puk with bis third of the nlight assited by Ian Wilcox, onrd Paul Sobil unassisted, were the maýrksmen lan this prd.Ted Trudeau and Lenjny Chappeli shared the eaqltenldîng duties, Knapp'3 TewingMa \Ljor Ban- tais are leas0 tehave Jin Peters Ihelpinig witb ý the coï-chtlg dihes. Jin brings experience ite cth cub s he was aplayr wih IheOsh- On) Sundla'y rnng at nowvmanville Arenia, Mark- PHLVOWLES flEATING SPECIALIST PHONE 623-7591 '24 HOUE qSERVICE,ý K- Air CondiinItla insv' - Central e Window n ts - Clire R eta & - gudget Tei Avallable SEEY US AT OUR - NEW LO ham were to have played ai return gaine, but apparently decided not te come when four of their players took M1. The local club didn't learn of thîs until at the lait minute they phoned to find eut why the visitors hadn't appeared. The defult wlll give the loeal two peints. They held a twe. b our oractice te fi eut the time, 1End thcy known earlier, they mîght haive been qbIe Ite arane nexhibition gaine. This Studa nornng, t.hey play In Port Perry at a tour- nament, then on te the play- off s. St. Josepl-'s Mixed Bowling League Januýary l4th Te-am Standings Team Captain Pts, Pins 3. Bill Holroyd 12 .5639 8. Marlon Vanstone 10 5932 4. George Charland 9 57 60 L. Tirn Fair ------ 7 5179 7. dýeerge Gibbs 7 -5431 9, Les Hunt 5 535ý')4 5. A]Ln Mebean --- 4 4î,44 6, Mik e Kennedy_ 2 5494 Ladcies - H4igh triple, Jean [Iolroyd 629; hIigh single, Jean Hohroy>ýd '69. Mecn - _High tiJple, Bill Roi- ery 73 high single, Jack OVe'r 200 23-0,Jim Fair 251-235, Mike Kennmedy 24&,, Frances Campoa 245, Les Hunt 240, Doris Jeffreys 237, Martin Miolloy 236, Grant Hardy 235, [sajbel Laprade 235, Betty Ch;irlandi2.30, DarylSemner- scaýles 221, Lionel Hickey 221- 212, -Molly Heorstman 221-212t, Doris Holreyd 212, Frances Ells 211, Stu Chishelm 210, Allen MeLean 210-209. CATION on Hwy. 115 - niext te, Clarke High School Phone 987-4887 The one yeno have read about is here now. Sec- the 1973 POLARIS COLT at 965Kp/ 0 1 im ,fl,, J. &KM.sports AutoriedDealer fer Kawaaki otocycls -Polaris Snowmobiles' OROINO - PHONE 987-4887 A FEWI A-1 USE» NWO!E LEFT TUNEUFS$7.50 -plus PARTS Hampton Gardens Miînor Pee Wee Ail-Stars Pose for'Cameraman These young hockey players are mnembers of the Hampton Dennis Sobil; back row, Coach Gary Walker, Kenny Cowle, lDeant Gardens sponsored Mînor Pee Wee All Stars who have been doing Holmes, Paul Cascagnette, Bill Wright, Kevin Ward, Murry Ruddy, well in their league gamnes and tournamnents. Team members include, John Stewart, Jim Hogarth, Scott Clifton, Manager Barney Holmes. front row, lef t to righlt, Tramner John Hogarth, Scott Sellers, Greg Unfortunately, Mr. Huisman, the sponsor, was unable to be présent Brunt, Kevin. Gibson, Eddie Sallows, Wayde Preston, Steven Frank, when the picture was taken. scored tVhem 5-1 to make Ithe final score 10-7. ell iA alas KS uv,,,",n îe>Offensively, seven goals1 plus the defence beîng contin-1 W in ne, o.>ýýýeO neuously caught out of position Three bowlers hit the 800 jln ihqetoal ol mark \,i-th John Carter lead- by David Goheen siouffvilie ame back and'Jeff Legere. itedfea lcnrbtdt hs ing the wvay. John had games m i * . before the opening stanza wasi Stouffville clicked on three dfet of 271-340-249 for 860. , h h eJuveniles, stili waitinglover were leading 2-1, goals to complete the gaine.O the brighter side, Terry for this schedule. AQ Ine o h lyff obgnpa-l the second, Andrew Mac- Bowmanville had other scor Srisncm pwt i Osborne hit 854 and hdgmse jxo audyngt kenzie scored from Grant ing opportunities but were scn iega efrac of 273-258-321. Young Bo They were unable to muster Luxton and Dennis Livingstone, unable to make the puck go of the season and now has 35.j Glanillehad is bst eforta scorig St.el-as Ajax rr the only Bowmanville goal, into the net. The scoring pot-Thotescrswre ob this season, 802. 1Bob hddeetd1 h SMry leent u tufil eea oeta ri ut needs ert Ormiston and Bon Jukic, gmso 25-6-7.îý'eRedmen 7-0.bu tuvlewr aetonilshri jt Assists went to Jerry Johnston gams o 25-26-27. Ncefil the Bowmanville net with an assist. and John Hogarth two each, bowling, Bob. I was a scoreless first per- three goals. The Midgets will meet Osh- with singles by Eddie Gruy- Dave Reynolds came out of iod as the local Juveniles kept In the third, Mackenziescor- awa's Parkway MVidgets in the ters, Robert Ormiston, Bon his slm bitting 789 (302- Ajax on an evea keel with ed two more goals, thie frst opening game on Saturday and uiSmElotBbBcde llc-ù Bagn neli773 (308)l, s ai g a c e k assised by Dennis Livin1gstonjie the Juveniles will try and get Jukie Sa m Elio ttndBob Bichie 26ector. Baantin e 763 (316- he inng. anB d Bory Gibbs assisted on a gamne to complete the gaines tender Mike Gosick. 263) Dr.H. B Runie 79 Aix cahed n ontwo ow- Andrew's other goal. Bow1T- of the. night, h ethmegm' o (331), Larry Piper 751 (266- manville miscues il!h ec ail' inalol-alreWyntcon on n eTern et oe' awill be 274), Howard Brome Il, 738 ond, and in both instan.,ces'scor- ed by Tom 1 r (23) Td Papy Bgnl e agolBomavilehd b TmNowlan, with as- -spend 1the night ln the local sce aansttWhtb We,,Ta b r7t 729 (305), Bon "Fats" Etcher, chances but-were thw.ýarted atsistDni s abradplce ______a80ianr- Su, Jan 72 22,PalLl 17adteAax doorstep. 2lst at 11:30Pa-,i wth ark the bîgh .singie of the niglit ~~Jim Taylor scoired tu ii<a a s h iîo 3 48. First time we h-av-esengoals ln the gaine andi three otliII lectri. Paul smile this season!. tbcm were scored in thie thîrdý gaine, Randy Beauprie 282,Bowmanvilledidf1av4-ie George Piper 281, Jim Brutocn legs to keep going in the third DI5e cS JaVw a Bowling League 279, Dick Perfect 275. period, but the team hasn't ghhad any real competition for . /i JnayI Colans kiatk wo esi BLo e A jaxaua . sink's Var wietewonbihabout tbree wceks. L tJ V IMreeAverages Conle 1381 wh ih triple Without any games, the 1R t'e TV f x I ,MaDonal Stacey 196, Marg 3689. boys forget some of their fnMaa.cth etr obo ihoeecht er 8,Dorisd 190, Joycez Staccy fu' n Wed., Jr 0h etr obywt n ahtTrY17 oi Tompkins 187, Ah Saman still leads in the damentals and it showed inElcn o atm lydJhso n onHgrh ooh tr 8,Roe avraesat27. av Ryn te am lstSaurayniht hstto Oshawa Sports Villa OnStJlthateAr Woods 182, Olive -Henderson olds has 263 and John Carter The -MacGregor ,Drug Mid- Manr Pe Wes aJMamnia1181tMaie Tith80,Arac 251. gets, aftcr meeting Stouffville ajr Weddwed themo8-r Tomson Ar1a1Weten Marie 180 byndaWi0, srp Frn' ait od onFriday night whe-,they won, Trs a adwe hm83 hmsn Aea etr arw10 y top k' place i eteam lstaon played the second gaine of Th ivrycloe am Electrics lost a widc open 179, June MeKeen .179, Nad ie ing, having a record of 5 wins double header on Saturday for twO periods wîth Bow- 10me7toAjas b the score o Tr i b 172, Peggy Millsonc andony dfet.Pepsi Cola aganst the saine team and manville leading 4-3, but in1-.A hesewud n-171bShrle tl 166, ahy à bnrHdaeand Ken' we defeate8-. the last, the ýone year dif'Ter- dicate»it was a poorly playdbmcr16,JyStcy53 Laner ardareand Kes eredefate 8-. eshoed s 0il defensive gaine by both- teains Marier Davis 151, Karen Cre Men's Wear are all tied at 4 Bowmanvillc was led by ence in agesshuwcdas asha1by wîn. Adrw Mcknzi wth bt- eemd o rn ut f as ndbut featured seme ex,,cellent 147, Mary Topple 144, eBobby1 win. Adre Makeziewit a at semedto u"outof as ndoffensive play which made for Clark 142, Blanche Joncs16 2nd eek 2ndSeheule trick. The gaine was well play- Western Electrîcs banged hnanectgga.Lorieohsn 2,A a (6 games> d with Bowmanville being four unanswered goals to wîn Wetrstaedvysl Snre12,FrncPto- Averages (lfc opportunists at turnes but 8 -3.etrssate,-ir lwSinr'2,Foec Ah Smn 325, D)avethey were just unable to com-Bbr Ormîston was the as Ajax took a 4-î lAda the vicz 112. Renode3-6, oh Crtrplete their plays around the big gna eld h a ihcn foeprod u nte Hîgh single, Doris Ton- 251 Mole tce 23 He cnt. a four-goal performance. Si eodtebosoee pkins 241 - bîgh, average, Mar 1o alnie 4,Hwr Dennhllilbivingstone, opened glres cn o onmcEdi offensively and went to the lene Sac 196; high trînle ,J Bromcil 2,39,1Don Bagpne!)23, orth MGrgo Gu ta rtyPur Enad dessing room with, a 6-5 lead. Mar--g M(aDona;ýld 621. Ai Oszhorn1e 237, Jaýck Bond th1cr o GanGrgrGses WenMrt retriPldles tcam aIlte 40 second mark of Julon Iogarth.' Assisting the The lait neriod wag a 20 BnaaSplit , Te 235, Maure pAnaert2 i4. the erid, The assist went togol wcr--e two by Tcrry ar minulte stop tine and our lads îd 29, Roadrunners 23, Meai LPis ts Gant bixton,,gîn on, onJukic sud JohîVsecmc-rYd to tire as Ajax otFittns21. Varety 5 i61S8 5 Pes oa-5 2 6981 41 Lander Wear 4 2 6745 4 Mutton She1l 3 3 6629 3 Dykstra' F'ood 3 3 6615 3 L.G.'A. ~3 3 6584 3 Coronation Restaurant . 3 3 6395 3 Beaver busuber 2 4 6729 2 Jury& bovell 2 4 6585 2 Nels Osborne Insurance 2 4 6485 2 Cowan Pontiac Buick 1 5 69 111gb average, Nyhl Shee-i han 228; hîgh triple, Hilda Sirnnîck 663; hl.gh single, Rul- da Simnick 260. Teans Standings Pinfal Pt BEruce--- -------- 5654 4 -Sheehan 5652 4, Suteliffe ----- --ý-5377 21 Partner------5332 2 ZOO Games Hda Simnick 260, 207,1 Bernice Paýrtncr 257, Mary Gray 2,12, NyiT-7lSheeban 23, 218, 208ý,JenBro 233, 205, Fran Bruce 224, 21r), IreneI Whitney 222 212, Jean Suýt-' chff116, Diane How,,arth 212, 210, Argela Saman 211l, Grace Murdoch 209, Lînda Downey !208, Grace Downey 205, 203, Dcise Annacrt 204,i Mary Wete.i.ver 201. 4Av crag eS NyýhI Sheehan 228, Irenei WhltnUeyý 201, Jean Burton 199,1 Fran Bjruce 195, Bernice Par,,,- ner 195 (3), Joan Sutelîffe 195. Hîf.lda Simnick 190, Mary Gray 189, Mary Westover 186,j Grace Downey 178,. DiiiDeegn...Iaay0nS 4-t-S m,"drgon' wn'tletyouunwnd.Thcy>re the what-to-serve-for-d inne, and Oh-whilere-did-the-day-go? Every weekday on CFFB the most-hstensd-to radio station in Canada, Bill PDeean cornes to the rescue. Hes 'slays,0 frustraticnswith h ris m humour and amusing philosophy. He sooheisattered nerves with easy-to-take music. Fromn 'Deegans- Diary" he draws an endless supply of poems, philosophical notes and jokes-alf desîgned te help you relax. You'Il aise hear these special featu res, on the Bill Deega n Show: Percy Salîrman and the weathier; Henry Shannons bird's-eye vieýw cf traffic tram the "Twin Cornanche", Bill Siepenso'si'portîews; neswi HBo esketh. Gordont Sinclair and Jack Dennett. and thceontroversial "Dialogue" RECREATJIN HOCKEY LEAGUE LEADING SCORERS as of Saturday, Jan. TYKE LEAGUE G? Stephen Martin------8 Drew' Kearney 8 Brad Clemens 8 Jimmy Hogarth 7 Robbie Johnson 7 ATOM LEAGUE Brooke Bain 8 Mark Roberts 7 Jeff Sallows --- -- - 8 Stephen Maguire ---8 Jason Johnson 8 Danny McMullen -------8 Mark MacLean------- -- 8 PEE WEE LEAGUE Dean Rutherford------------- 9 Jody Ross --------- -- 8 Leonard White ------ ---8 Jimmy Murphy----------- 8 Joey Nowlan 8 Kevin Woolley ------ 8 BANTAM LEAGUE Tim Jones ---------------- 7 Frank Leach -----~-------- 7 Don Childs 7 Bob Shantz ------7 Glenn Martin ---------------7 Doug Hutton --------- 6 MIDGET LEAGUE IRusty McQuaid ----------- 9 Bob Shackleton ------- --9 Tom W reggitt ------------- 8 John Turner --------- -- 9 Stephen Jackson ------------- 8 George Bowen----------- - 8 îth, 1973 G A 14 4 17 0 16 0 4 6 4 6 Pts. 18 17 16 15 13 12 Il 18 16 15 13 12 i2 20 19 18 15 14 14 25 18 17 16 12 12 PlM o 6 5 o 3 o 6 12 6 3 o 3 8 12 6 3 18 3 15 7 0 0 2 9 il o 5 8 6 il Friday Night MixedI Ladies M. Richards 604U H. Single- D. Konopackl 280 R. Selleck -- 5928 6î High Triple H . Brock 669 G. WIlcox 5767 f6 H. Average - L, Richards 234 e., Brock 5809 . 1- MnG. Piper 5811 2 High Single - M. Ri 0ad %36 T. Millson . 5621 lIigh Triple - M,.ihrs' M. Etcher 5531 2 H. Average- M. Richards 251'lrae Team Stan)dings M. Rlichards 25,P, L Rrlii Team Pins Pts. ards 234, Arn i. 28,D L. Smale ... 5902 12 Reynolds '25; H, Bock 23 D. Orme ---- 7- ,8 6 12 D. Ormne 222, KE. flickenls 2 19 D. Reynolds B. 066 E . rok21, .tele29 D. radle -5899 0T ilsn28 WE WILL FIX YOUR CAR OR TRUCK Quickly Cour:eously Reasdponably Wbere Friendly People ýMeet"c 219 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-4481 l.iatan ta ~1II Desgan:weekdays4to Sp.m. <Aise Saturday momîngo, 5:30 tolO a.m.) 'Il . ÏMI