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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 10

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The canadcian Statesmaii, nowmanvil1e, Jan. 17?, 1973 S Durham AgiNe ws by Bob Watt Ar cc f;i ntAcrri+i iireil Egg oar Authority Igarments to be made is aimost xeddlut Ontario unliîmted. Leaders and girls,j ýVnrai m. A. Stewart, alike, will learn much. A Miitro1 Agriculture and The 4-H Training S'choo for1 food fl or Otro annouuced leaders will be held at the 'L're peetto of a new Ontario Ministry of Agricul-ý EggMaketngPlan for Ont- ture and Food office building rîo effective January 1, 1973. in Bowmanviile on Tuesday, Thie new planex.,tends author- January 23 and Wednesday, ity t o the Ontario Egg Produe- January 24, 1973. The hours ers MaketngBoard to allo- are from 10 a.m. to 4:00 pm. ete quoýtais to ail Ontario egg each day. produicers' Marketing Board. If you are interested in -ln akiug ts announce- startbng or joiuing a club, ment He inister uoted that please contact Mrs. Karen this mv was imperative if Kitzsimmrons, 234 King St. E., fltrois to beP in a position Bowrnanvilie or phone 623- ta ~ ~ i patcpt uthe National 3348, EggMeig program wiich f Junior Farmer Talent Festival wýas rp(eetly ,pr-ocla1imed. On January 2th, the aunual At thïe sAmne time, Mr. Stew- Ontario Junior Farmer talent ataoucdachange in the festival will be ield at the sttre o, (f ithe Ontario Egg Royal.York Hotel bn Toronto. Prduer' aretngBoard. There are a number of differ-i Tus Bord, whicuh up until eut competitions rauging from1 flecember 3,i972 ýonisisted of square dancing to vocal, art ninueletedproducer repre- and photography. The events ~nttivs, as een expanded will start at 10 a.m. Durham to i2 emibers; the three County xiii be represeuted bu mebrnf the Ontario Egg a couple of the eveuts. Every- Quonta Allioca'tion Commission one is invited and siould find beiug âappoin1ted to the Board. thisa very iuterestiug day. "Sewvers" Alert! Horse Numbers ~Ther 4-H1 Homemakiug Club On June 1, 1972, there were iProjeet in Durham Couuty estimated to be 349,900 horsesý this witevili be. "Sports- ou farms, in Canada, down wea,ýr from Kits". The sewing from 353,600 a year earlier. ;ehbusAre imple and new. The estimates are based ouý Kuited alrcs re easy canre farmers' replies to the Statis- sudcomortble Th cilceof-tics Canada semiannual farmi New Caýûf-o p President 15 Fa irme r in Simicoe Tyso Lanmana simlcoe Conybeef and hog farmer, Kbas been eetdpresident of Unitedi Co-operatives of On- itar, he povinc,.e's major farmi and uran supply, aM Uamr ketngc-operative. Also ecud to UCO s fur- anexcecuive at te 25th vonto recenlyws first vice- Dresîdent Gordon Jack of ~,d~gt, HroldSchmdtif Bad-, ~b, nar Ktchenr, ad imu- n mediate past peiet rc IVlcutchon)f Proton, near, Uundak. The mee(-ting, aýlttended b eoe4w0deeatsfr acros heprovinýce, aiso eleted a nwdimrctor do the 12-inan GOboar-dHle is Ewaldl Lammerding of Grand VAl- 1e. HeSUCceeds Fr.ed H-amn- -nt nipeyeas onlthe lboaIrd. A by-law eallng for the stramlinng of Cethebg co- opertives brnch ontrol struturewasapproved afterý a lengt discusson over an ameulCdmenýt to it proposed b UjCC.lO Kenay brandi chair- man, elMGah of Chati JOHN F. General Insurance FIE and AUTO-MOBILE HRYVOERMAN 32 SOMNIL F. ham.- The 'amendment was defeated. The meeting reviewed the 1972 financial operations of the province-wide business, own- ed by, the people- it serves. Gains were registered in every area of operationso, with the exception of grain marketing, reflecting the generally poor cr:op year in the province. Biggest gains are made in1 stor.e sales, livestock market-j ing, fertIiiîzer sales, and poul-1 try processing. Sales wereat1 an aJ itime high of $134 mil- lioni. Savings at $1,6 million, were almost double last year's figure of -$860,000. Outgoing president- Mc-ý Cutcheon noted that the co-, operative's capital structure was under study, with a view to stiengthening it s"~ that it cotld better serve as a base for futuriý,e expanision. He cit- ed a possible link-up with the newl-megedOntario Co-op- erativýe Cr'edit Society and the Ontario Credit Union beague, now -with assets of close to 10o mi-illioin dollars. Fetrdbanquet speaker, R;R. , rny Baxter, presi- dent of Cicago-based f ertil- nzr anufacturer, CF Indusý- tries, , owned by UCO and il UFSregional co-operatives, predicted an upcomîng fertil- izer shortage this year. He outiined the operations of the huge co-operative, whici last year liad sales of $183 million, and savings of $20 million - some haif million of, which was retifrned to UCO. Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae COUNTY eHRYLER-ODGELTD, 'i. I A îpublic mei(etingq will be held on Mon. dayJanary22nd, 1973, at 8 pari., in the Com munrity Hall, at Pontypool, Ontario, for the purpocf discussing the Regional Gov- evrnmentý proposi, whereby the southerly two Concess5ionscof Maniversý Township, would become a patof the -Oshawa Region. Ail rresidents cf the Township cof Manvers are requested to attend. Harvey E. Malcolmn Reeve Ross Davidson Clerk DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWANVLLECUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE survey and the census count in 1971, together with data from Agriculture Canada. The largest number wvas in Alberta, 88,800 in 1971 and 89,000 lu 1972, followed by Ontario with 79,900 and 78,000 in 1971 aud 1972 respectively. Egg -Board's Authority Extended Honorable Wm. A. Stewart, tMinister of Agriculture and Food for Ontario, has aunounc- ed the implementation, of a new Egg Marketing Plan for iOntarlo effective January 1,ý L1973. The n-ew plan extends sauthority to the Ontario Egg iProducers' Marketing Board to iallocate quotas to ail Ontario -egg producers with flocks,0f 150,0 bîrds or more, and to re- quire tliat ail eggs from flocks of producers to wiorn quotas have been allocated be either Ssoid to, or throuigh, the Ont- 1ario Egg Producers' Marketing Board. In makiug this anouncement the Minister noted that this f move was imperative if Ont- ario is, to be in a position to particîpate in the National Egg Marketing programn which was recently proclaimed, Mr. Stewart aiso pointed out that this action follows closeiy the principal recommendations of Judge James F. W. Ross in his 1972 Royal Commission Report on the Egg Industry in Ontario, >At the sa-me time, Mr. Stew- art announced a change in the structure of the Ontario Egg Producers' Marketing Board. This Board, which. up until December 31, 1972 consisted of nine elected, producer repre- seutatives, has been expandedý to 12 members; the threeý memnbers of the Ontario Eggi Quota Allocation Commission, being appointed to the'Board. As of January 1, 1973 the Board appointments are: Harvey Beaty, Thamesford; *Edward R. Hoover, .582 Cedar Ave., Burlington; Jos- eph Hudson, RR 2, Lyn; John Hyde, RR 2 Dundas; James Johustonie, Box 698, Allîston; Eric S. J. Kaiser, RH 3, Nap- anee;ý Albert Langer, RH, 3, Proton Station; George Lind- blad, RH 1, Guelph; * Bernard R. May, RR 5, Belleville; Wil- liama L. Mickle, Box 183, Hen- sali; Robert Murdoch, RH 1, Essex; * James, Pilkington, Mount Brydges. (those identi- fled witi * are the mnembers of the Ontario Egg Quota Al- location Comm-issioýn). Edward R. Hoover, Burling- ton has been appointed Chair- man of the new Board. In commenting on tuis devel- opmeut, Honorable Wm. A. Stewart had thîs to say: 1"In recent months we have had continuing discussions with the Ontario Egg and Fowl ,Producers' 'Marketing Board on how Ontario egg producers could be beàt'rep- resented natioually; how quo- tas can be faîrly and equitably allocated in Ontario,- and how th-e Egg, Board itself could Jimove îinto the larger responsi- bilities entailed in this plan with the most effective admin- istrative organization. A com- mittee of three members of the Egg Board has been twork- f sg with the Egg Quota Allo- cation Commission and the Ontario Farm, Produets Mar- keting Board during the past twp months to assist lu the We waut the Egg Board to have the beniefit of the valu- able experieuce and expertise of the members of the Egg Quota Allocation Commission, who have acquired an intimate kuowledge o)f the. production and markettig patterns of all Ontario producers. The Egg Quota Allocation Commssion has completed its studies of the data that resulted from the producer questionnaires; and, as a resuît, the new Board wili very shortly begin to ai- locate basic quotas to iudbvbd- ual producers,. Weekly Report Weeçk of Jan. 8-1incusv A dmi ýssions 6f)5 Vîsiting 1iQurs 3-8pm aily WA AGREAT WAYXTO STA TT Mix or match! JUN',E BRAND 5~T PARINE 1ibîub LIBBY' RED IDNEY 4 for,$1,00 I % ' MIX& ATCH- THREE FRUIT MARMALADE, APPLE JELLY, GRAER RED PLUM JAM WITH' PECTIN (ACTION PRICED) JA S ST. WILLIAMS 9-fI.ozja LIPT'ONS SOUP MIX pkg or 2 envelopes O U T Q U E (p K Gs F 7 5 > KLEIEN EX NAPKUNS Ilanson Rec..stitutec <Action Pricesel (32-fI.ox botîe) ORANGE JULCE 6 VARIETIES(IR ICD HOLLANDIA COOKIES 3 1s10O I Bakery Savings! I JANE PARKER (TART 'N SWEET 'N GOOU TO EATI) All PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEEd EFFECTIVE HOG SATURDAY, .IANUARY 2tb, 1973. Always do whof is hoesind fr f oreer customier. If on advertised speciol is ceer soldouf, ozk iie Monoger fo-r a Rincheck. It entitles you -Io the e item of ýtthe sume specAo price the following weF!k. 'Or if you wish we il give you ci com- GUARANTEE: parable tem af the some speciaI l piCe. A&P offers an uncondifional money-bock guaranfee. No mte what it is, no motter who makes if, if A&P selis il, A&P guaranfees if, OURS<ATO PRC) ASSORTED COLOURS, FACIAL TISSUE (CHUBBY BOX> <ACTION PRICED) BOUQUET (REGU'LAR SIZE) KLEENEX 5 boxes of 150 sheets M0CS>MR OPpk f9br SANITARY NAPKINS <rEGLUR,, PLUS, SUPER, KOTIQUE) 1<0TI E'x 2 boxes of 12 s 0 !A hîe1 s 5fr10 1CHERRY PIE full 8-inch, 24-oz size .5 9< ýiO M~R EGTBE TN 10 JA(PREMRNGE (AE1e ACTION PRICEO) A M N7VAýtns . 0 OK WHOLE KERNEL CORN 6 7.FL.OZ TINS $1O LEMON PIE fu 8-inch, 22-oz size 5 9< JANE PARKER, VANILA (BUY 3 PKGS - SAVE 29cq MACAROON CUP CAKE 3 pkgs of 6 $1,0 UER0r' JANE PlRKER, IE (BUY 4 - SAVE lâc> ) vsmIitUBAN ~D~ I SLICED BRAD 424-oz îoaves9<S O TRB OA TA" EEfi JANE PARKER <(SAVE 14c) BONE iN P) OS ,CINNAM-ýON ROLLS- pkgs of 839< H U D R O S ! JANE PAFKER <COFFEE CAKES>F5 (SAVE loc) DANISH RASPBERRY pkg of 6519< OE JANE PARKER, FROSTED <BARISc fRl DAILy BAÀLL DONUTS. pkg o63Q< ROU D IN TOMATO SAUCE -10c COUPON ON LABEL c î HEINZ BEANS ~5 î4.îî.oz tins SOpyBA, SUN ulp ~~~pkg of 5$10 HPyBAD ORANGE (-R BDIcv9 SWISSSTYLELS 3i/4oz envelopes 69< ERQASTI1I» E" SWISS STYLECANADA GRADE "",EVISeCERATED FOE GAY, LEA YOGURT 2 6-oz cartons 2 9< O S I &urài 4T RSAEA POWDERE DETERENT 2216 boxes $100uu 'IEL J A SUPERB BLEND 0F 100% BRAZILIAN COFFE S RADVSKN7" IEIC 8O(OKINSTANT COFFEE 10-ai jar $1.19 BO O NABAND, FAMlLy pACK, LIE SXBRAOLVCED 1-lb pkg 35 OKDMAî 6o k DETERGENT (8-OZ BONUS PACK) <ACTION PRICED) îi PALM LIELIQUID SIDEBACON vpac c98< X RNDe4,ii SX R"A 7N ' FRO EBEF PATTIES ORIT A IA N A S G plastic 6 BEFSTA1TTS21b box $1,78SX BAD ONIETLSTYLE iLRLL LEAFSMOKED SA USAGEIF b>! WIENERs l-16 a,-p',68 IX BRAND, POLISI. RBAWRT< BR, NEDRBRD,3VARIFTIES (BEEFCHICKEN PORK) 51 UAG ,izf,. 10,MEATc PIESz,8oz pkg4 Ce Zd Orangesc Caros 3-bba 4935 PIZZA PEPPERONI 26oýr pie 98< Cello Spinach '0-",. 2 101r49C î' ý'T' RenresentàtÎve

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