12 ~ CnaianM owianville, Ja- n 17, 19B7U RiK E nOoN, t e 'th Mrs. F. Uardingt, and contented, Mrs. Spires Mrs. Kennedy is survived 'rOvaGrelibthelC hTda sad, it will show ln tle by a son, Donald W . Kennedy, M s . Ta b w s a re e trM.. R a ey e o p nid a d Orva r a d r . Wiza et 011 f 11 o l A L'v i de tolerant, filled with good williRoseînary and Sharon Ken- Swain and family, Hampton. jan and( Stephen, stBowman- nrget fMs .BynUdA pin and the beauty of our ndalo omnil.A MissJ.Beecb, Peterborough1 ville, visited Christa a onTurdy thoughts will shine througli sister, M rs. Roy S iipson T ac er' oleg, pe t h it r. and M rs. Sam Grant Sorr sy e ot M s E c h e jl M gAoro% 1s ealy a rinle(N1e)oR. 2PcnaS weekend with 'Mlr. r. and amily, Zion. Later in Kee, Taunton, is a patient in TATESMAN L ~ I j I j ' 1 t J I I J I I ~ I I L J in si ce o u t. W e s h o u ld c o u nI t su r vîv', s, t B e c h a n fami y h e d yM i . R D a v e y w a s a O s a a H pi a , M s M cC L our lessngs nd e'l1be Se wa prdecesed y a r. nd Ms. HroldMc-dinner guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Kee was a former resident of Pue6330 happy. isister and two brothers, Miss Donald Bow aroildl e - e Howard Davey and family. Burketon (nee Miss Gwen______________ Ont; r. omWeaheillofsupper guests of Mrs. G. Bailey Mrsý. T. Bailey spe nt Christ- 1 Dean).i ialooa col1owne 1and ndden uteafatfrYoung Brian ed by Wapiti Jr. 2nd, who was with two Piano selections, rnbrc ., WadMAth - of onSaturday evening. 18-y ar-ld nia St kesStokes. It was his fis uli sned, in turn, by form er W altz in E Flat, and Green Bun Weathe îO utr, aa Mr. T. HorodtB wm n Yia sto eas on onthe Appaloosa WorlId Champion, Wapiti Jr., Cleeves. William has Musical Thc fuerl oAseri as vMrl T. calle d Mr. an rs of ,rampton, bas beýen aýward-[circuit. frein J-Mar Fanms in Leskard. talent ln rmany ways. H sl bdatte icsFnalrnk oiyd andfail o edg the overaîthel Championsakhipryd ndf m l ýýl1theevFlpýl i7!âtipinnbipand technique was very evi-iHome, Picton, on January 2, the weekend. inth So Cteorby the dent. l1973, and -%as conducted by (Intended for last week) Ontarn oAppaloonsa Associa- f pntsi. t a gr u-1 .a.. The topic-for the evenniglRev. James Cullen. Interment Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho]- 3% à%4 was ably taken by Mrs. Raiph was. in Glenwood Cemetery, royd, Caesarea, called on Mi,, Th hminhpis aýward- Re d. . rms Davis, our Avon lady, and icton. l and Mrs. F. Holroyd Sr. and ed to thie lhorse which blas ac- lher daughter Mrs. Ross Kos-' Pallhearers were Messrs. 'family recently, umltdthe nhighest3 numberi satz, The subject was 'Skin Kenneth Needham, Fred Kot- M.STyo s c ofg ompetti in 15 ateO.A.. dur-c Rà% mmuw-m Cane'. The finst Part was tak- chapaw, Warren Clow, David Year's Day sùpper guest 0 -tioiin 5 OA.. We nm*S 1 âl tuît l Ile en by Pat, She had a number Barker, Leonard Carm;an and Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Bow nooedshows. Over the lof posters, attnactively made, Bob, Wallwork. manville. PCA FE WT L HNS calt ansum der theApaloosa6 BETHANY WOMEN'S ready to have youn pictur teiling us the noies for carîn Among the n anyioey and Mns. D. Gatcheil, INoltUT and hiss riderM totalledsin.Shesai b65 lralg1neîlciFO AEO poij sinthirShw at- Tenetan[Woenp - 105 eah.giewb* 't t baut -loaltoen e dnc o te shwawee uetsofMn- OO TKEUTORER Th ehnSTITUTE tak- os e as by rs.forouskîn. She foîîowing esteem in wh Îch lthedeceased andà Mrs. A. C. Stephensýon - 'VER $5.00O-REC VE RE gony, ~~~stitute met in the Unît.ed The guest sekr Hans ruIes: propen diet, rest and was held ,veictoefo t n aiy *, Chunch Sunday School Hall Mortiz, was .intnoduced by leep, encieeim rin e1atindC 1s n ted urlch Wloen Mn. S. Grant and RJamese M -of I ~ on Januany 8th, 1973, wlth Mns.,Cari Ponteous, convenor .1 1 anlfeedm 'Smex ad, CentrailPlîc cholcaîîed on Mrs. R., Davecy on'11: à ~~~the president. M1rs. Addiso'0of Education and Cultural cessive tension. She also toldSafBwNn i ew Year's Day.,OFREPRSJNAY3s,17 Scott, pnesiding. Membeýrs"Activities,. Mn, Moritz i15 a us hat urEsinIiESealy aMn. nd m. Lelie1aylo ~4OT ADSAR LJ(ETEL: answened the roll cali býy professional commercial art- protection to uswer.recndinnen est ofadneathoeoratLou LADetAeE yIu GaIEens, our delicioudinfordgwilt iKNTFtoErilz_ naming thein favorite topic ist froso Peterbonough, andi Isohel continued with nmore R RA M. ni Mrs. Douglas Taylor, asur you n your hmeyor apiLotasa rdxeen, ud WHNHYLS HI. for a 'picture. lhe spoke on the basics of ueonsica.W mt TEMPRTIEYARWORT4LE% It was announced that a gond phectognaphy of people decide what type of skin wveMnadMr.C Coc, special dinnen will hee eld in and still life, as a profesiobvtoko htkintiof M r no, s.SudyC.b Cioo.U. hppks"FRFATSEVC honor of Dr. Hobhs and Dr. He stated that photograph creams we nequine. Fis M liII tVrs, W. Bryan. Wrgt ohMillbrook doc- mieans writing with lîght. the cleansing, then the freeD heHahl fmiy adTae.Ou o 1LIitons, on January 2th in Mil- Mrs. Jim Kloepfer thankIod ening and stimulations, andCheistmiynn t te hme then .the CiistHomediDeliverth brook, and an afternoon tca the guest speaker for a mostthn h softening, coni- " i Januai-vy 9th or Mrs. Hamblys daughten ;inHm wiil also lie held in their m1*fonmative insight to pho tio îng andi moisturi7ing. We , PHONE, may have oily or dry skin oùr Team i Pishawa. honor on Januany l9ti, nmf r apyeomweein hetween.Y Th i '119 rs. Hambly, who opemates I 2to 5 o'cock in the after- so>cwer in, 623-5583I Cs 19 6P noo. SOIN-!,,hSigt cneams can. help usMale G nove 611 the- general store, beiti a New Mn. H coSoro ae aIN STI UTENo enom skin problems ani Russels 6038 4 Year's party for bier fiends 8 6 2 report on the District meet- The finst meeting of 1973 preereth e f-esh--oom of---em561 2M7 3brufl yo.Dntoso oe.orfrSln oesIsi ut h. IRurals . 46 iss J. Beech, Petnbrog in.<~atte eosrae .eEnsiln . 5341 2 Teachens' College, witb Mr. 62 33 oniiabeationes of o l n e forsolîncatWoe hl n's ansttute ontrte Tyrone--------- fl142 soitale aticls VoheipIn te washeidat te hal onJan.cleasing f be fac2andndlia . 596L2and ns. . Bech ad faili' foi.rnshings of the Elanti Lep loth. Miss Pearl Leach, pne- 5658 0 ]Vlrs. T.hTaylor is spendin B P-%MHomesteati would he appre- sident, was in the chair. Pearlthn aplit te a ions single, H. Raiiey. 303; the wintem in Vancouver witb -b ia oeet Tetolwrcd PL MIG&HAIGciateti. Enqoinies may he senti openeti the meeting witb a creams anti make-up, even Vo hgh triple, R. Laird 762. lhem daugbter. -h is oeet Tew oe n to Mns. Margaret Zoeiier, NewYear'g; poem wbich gave eye make-op. She certainly Top 10 Averages Mr. T. Holroyd, Bowman- B-The second miust be even, that is; alni AIR CON-DIT TONEN G The Elanti tee Home, R.R, 1, us iticals to strive for in cur mteabatfu oe.h- H. Bailcy 242, R. Wright 241, ville, visîted with Mn, anti movement one must flot protrutie Rîige Roati, Stoney Creek, organization. Aiso one: for us bel toiti what Pat was tioing, R. Laird 231, W. Coombes 226, Mrs. F. Hoiroyd and famiiy. C-Thc third tberthen the two IlWENENE' TYBNE OTARIOOnano o emember n idcrivînig our ahse tatm.W eeD ir 216, B. Brown 216, We are pleasetit rpr movementcosik utb Phon 263265 ~I1P' Te mtto Thepublc ev1 as. Te Od wa sun ani akc to sec the tispflay M1 C. Goodman 21.1, D. McDon- Mm. Garnet Dean is homeDTcfotbhtio> he am fi5 Tinsmtamto e o blics e oleThepOe a urtAni.Te out 1)ý,mte oawy b;olc.rpae.skiin cane lotions and otheriaid 211, D. Reynolds 211, W. after a bnief stayin Prt tvheetsplne. Mns. Helen MillIson, secre- prodocts. Eacb one could have] Craig 209., Penny Hoapitai, mucb i ipn-r,- Pat R 1 Lany-tncasuren, gave the min- tainly don't needti t appear i________ di elh utes and financial sfatemecnt, tirab now., Botb Isobel a ti Many thank-you jnotes Wcnwe Pat cmphasizeti that we maini- mEI eati. A Christmas cAdl y bring out our natorai . ood several copies of Homie anti ponits anti try ta camouflage Country wene passeti arounti. pur tiefects. We dan't neeti Thèse came from aur sistern t, bring in professionaîs Vo bnanch ln Bilton, Eiglai. take aour topics; Pat and Isobcel The presidepnt anpnouniccd werc fie exampies of wbat that pur spnring lunchen they were teliing us. would he on March 2lst. The Lorraine thanketi al who/î entdertaîiment wvill lie a Pot- assisteti on the prognam, anti P U B LC -AN NOUN CEM INT tcny Demons,,tration b3' Pot turneti the meetting back ta Te':Tickets wili be av. )11- Pearl. Peai announceti an able ai, ith e b. mneeting. We executive meeting in Febmo-F The Vanaian Rdio2 -eeiin Comsi wili soon isentii Calnpa rk-1 aryanti closeti with the annonee th feIowng eelioneffctie ~anury ers lbes way for the pcoffcc Qu'eco. Dougbnuts of ail vanj- the fPIPý%'ÏZ rci,:î_àiefectve annry maker premiuM.Ay memb'l eties anti tea weme serveti 4th, 973.havig laels icas to ite bower hall, by Lorraine DECIIONCRT 731 Vothepreitint.anti others of the village ______ -__------ __ Sinice the 7th An)nivesary graup amiti mucb social chat-i of aur hrainch i l this year,1ter. OSAAtOIVMANVRJLE, WIIITBY, ONT,.uh icuso olowed on, ____ 7109150how we can celebrate thlis. Salins Branch _rtal stanteti on JRn,. 10I was culy EB1ENE ZER Appictin y IN E RIDGýE CAiLE TV LLMITED suggested ha Ms.Raipb to amen its cal tleision licence for Oshawa, Davis aniMs Tomr, Baker Ezenezer U.C.W. Bown;livll an r1rtsI tie qwnnfwhiby Or', jgive Imuch fthought taithis Twenty-mine ladies attendc- Bemavilean prtofth TwaofWhtb, nt, ni camre op ir ,th îiicas at cd the finat afternoon UÎC/W toaMth itbto tIlCKS=FM H1ailtein, Ont., oui r\et meeting, meeing f 197 at benz, otk '16,0anMoe iv lunteer Teleader, Mrs. RobentiM irTORCAN B ASEBOA4) RD HEA&T ER S Hoeseai "qghs on the NewI r11 in 3,5A'117 Ill M1an.ti eele '17iu t agija le ï' mA thermostatically controlled, portab1 l hater that liecsion APROVE IN ARTMrs, Tom Baýkerrpreio ooe.provides fan forced radiant heat where yoi t it ',ai the Solinas sebool bell. Ms. Te amiar"Lni f e Thepat t te ppiction t addCKDS-IlM Russel Best aânouniced huglmgaai"wsnet ywhen you want it. 1500 watt capacity, Safety tip-ovcrPi theLlnareBani metngMnsBrokiPfrc t se te 24W PUHE tone foBr teo tioý' nal Mrs. 1rswîtch. 7" hîgli x 38" wide x 5" deep, flainilton, On. la deferrcd.would be Montiay, Jan.lthSmoRoesgaehecir 2"Pseramaero MaqeCoupai. The ral cal. "How cariw anitr natiing hfmom theh secr tarýy. improve Pur Cmnit"f ir1l Ca1 9 fThsaln-bright rust-reitn iih loeVnau ele ug n r.Peance gave a Comfortable gcsted things such asPlan- edtaion îtbthoughts on belivin belng-plastic "D" anti keeplng ouf, own on-îngantibecaming", anti then $3,99e raundinga attractivp ecnti td, ld:in prayer. The hymns24 AIIAIIIA The presitint tur-ne<t te wne"Dean tardanti Fathen 4'A Canadin Co--il de la meeting. over t'Mv.Hmr fRMnrli, nt Fr h RaîoTieilonriFadio.-Téiêviso Knox, Assistant ladrof thiMraniThy Grace". Mns,' loi924" lightwegh ah inri Comisin Caadenegnoup on Resaltions. tr abnscioseti the worshiniso1111" 8 raine callet on) b-s, Evenett Pensoti&th a suggestcti list Mof:ipifsaher îs ribe fr sdd Spresfnthe Commecnts on resol0nutions bt-itaroundt- te E is tiregth. Coiotae th1e Motta, "There is no o- statement '4T()ay I wiii not' P",gpUI!patc'D waste my timec".hade 1Mrs. Pearce introduceti ourr 1il IleA iad. guest svecaker Mns. MltanALrPRPS Arnoldi, wha with ber buabanti--AL andti tbee chiltinen, are on STEEL SNOWSO E furlouch follawÎn 4 years 4i 1/"hgicro wîhthe Afnican Evangelîcai telld o tegha A V ~~~~Feliowship Mission, sel ld E A V aMrs. Arnod delightecl uE long weàr. jEu iUZmbaTheM MilAMt ype handie. toagr anie sth f eon Wl O VDMukinge Station where thene WUI STEEtSeOWSHiV- a150 bcd haspital anti a sec-1 171/2" high cro te WHEE I 15nctyoeurnd o Saurtay,0f armairconroietiby rovis ties cllnorr ac , opet eormane.fo Deebr30, 1972, at athermott usumr tien anti wiuter walking *but in ovenflow pratec-16x2"x" hanmea FthlwS tee tagb Masuhemst15. In de, 6 as f a Methdiat mnisther, BEAVEdeep anti 13 % "hîgh., 10 lb. bag J 1 .49 leess steel caver for fulRgla 9 t r o a - M t o i t m n s e . 0 E - 0 4 r a MR e g u la r $ 1 7 7 7 c r e s s îb îl ty . R g the late Rev. William J. Wea-20M.ba ndunqul euipe] theIiantindunoleuelykeequippeti8 thenii, ati Volet .e'p4you77 2u b.,a;wth the AutoFlo "Convain- The tieceaseti hati resitiet i-k t$49 la Bowmanvî!lle sinre 195,5, ______mil___________ aenou anti thnaugh th-e years had onorwn * also liveti at Singhampton, Ravenna, Mynile, Prince Ai-ý hent, Enniakillen, Enterpnise, Ivanhoe, Frasenville, Camp-Str os. beilforçi, Nontbpont, Demoneatý-StrHor P HUNE 23-5901ville, Bibtnanti Coibonîîe(. A school teacher, she taug-ht mon. te Wed. 8:30' tii at N1orthport in 1913 ani at TusFi :0'i Afiecurs-623-2891 or623-5610onStiig ti obmn, Unîteti Cbuîcbanti3h0n inter