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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 1

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Newtonville Posimasier Retires Tl.own Cï-ioun cl-c4eptedjasmme -o a25,000 'jsqe .pattopce obe'in b y th e endof1C3' offer n Mnda, Tn. Sth frm acomodae seelwarhousin * Mr. Jensen-,, a reidntofDmr- Jese telLtd, in Osawa 0tof clitidUes. . igtnTonhi ini ate ta o- rid on th e, as ýe lR i Rod Harold etiwe en 3 5-40 polacrigt oae ett .L odTas Jense, nrofJne Sel srlJne, nr f hmwln e pto ae!ie Road ere pur- tht ontrctonwilbegin n the hired loclyv, Oea0nsaee- chsdfr$3M'000. a Inn hodingthe akedal mitd before that, in Ajax.'tobcoeafltieps H. Kely" ane wh Ovrseingthe officiai trans- master Anew Pos Office ai n ondyJan lthfe of dutiesand finne a uligwscntuctdi asace the bPostmaste ot thei onvlle os Ofice aGeo-rge Vice,. Postmaster for NewtonVille in Nov, 98 ion he bas hld for 37 Bwmanville .,and Suprvi-or7, Also rtrn rmtePî At "ilit s MrLunes osnaser or the wa. Office oi or nda, vfa' Mis. Lene adatlet s bc Orgiù lyMr. Lane had a Marilyn -Walton, Vwhowas the Posmate (Pstis- Post Offie inthe ack fbiat- eSaturday assistant,. VOLUME 119 AfAt ne oin.t in tie debai te t larke Town~ slip ouni nTuesday evening, Jn»Lf111h cn- cernaing fthe resignxation ofi the Twsi' omW uap thesitat-bion ay one has to pull in their ReeveWooyrwn uto conhe the Council trec Committee o Adusmenfad to pasYse-iwrefmng the appintment e ofc Rus seli Osb--ore to the ('cmmîtee, The Cnriteo dut ment, wihicue .R Lovekin- ,K.conakrad Mr., Osboîrne, had t endered TURrN TO P AGE FIf ,, 1 Winter orks Grant $180415 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~ý' Mn .Crol omnygnra tr nNwovle elaigbrwl eMs niitial grant of $1 ,15 Works ;Inýcentive Program w ýas Requ sts ,« Y ur D l*a ann'ounced at Monday s council th iity of Treasury, Ecý- St hiS mu gIORU OVt, May 1 - The money will'be used in five different areas of wrk: Oýn Monday nîiht, omn fcuclmmshl , $4 500-to erlploy sx people l ~~. ~~-ille's Town Councîl ' 'iedl3 was made pub"ca' ody, nwrmoa tre an a, s n l 'Orstb 0.several other area mn-regular meting.n rmvl n sr pitis uproposing t-at th Councils f unciaIt'e neance; $1,500 to epo se.,etary or, the to ' adi me regional present tw Cpa ritly,à by p ostalJ, The preport r e ete d Mon i!( epor tht"Coter picalo 'wcross Canada b ol sqmdre irile that includes telc,îmaintenancea te ~vorkrs, ith te blme prts o UxbidgeTownsip, eau alley park areagaag being pac on .Ottaw%ýa _Pickerng ýTownsip;, 1Metro and yi ard maintenance aa1 governmentnegoti a tors oto and regý inl oîk,îance for supervision an who are s -uPposed to have 'AUl internaibudriswr mtras reeecn earller commit- found acceptable býyBo an Mr. Mcflroy's, proposa.,i was inents. TU R-"T PAGE TWO) adopted by oucî Dr. Peter Zakarow Dr. Peter Zakarow, 282 Lib- ~rty St. N., Bowmanvîlle, is a ~s~n of many intenests, ~r. Zakarow who nnactices Oponenfs of Legislatio àf tjut12KngSE, nSiy Su5 îdepeh ndny ouselling lse DEglsawa , bas e e elete Sar staff wmitertetrdecltohepbifr swtà40,mite iRpoaly ietry upr is 0 nanotr epa fala oot ý- turista ard pendent operation be, i n tals 1%fDr. Chanles reonu of Lonment I..ým Dr ÇaL-e Fcilfes in, Hampfrcutom n Excane le ~ ~ ~ or anoyfnK W id toêi c n lu ea u s a o ~stsus utinao 5 utm desiilutardue ie CIfAMBER MEETING Bowniaaviile's Chamber 0f Commerce 'viii be hoid- ipg a dinner meatina ut Tise Flying Dutchusan Mo tas Inn next Wednesday evening, starting ut 6 p.m. Ouest speaker will be Ris Worship Mayor lysa Hobis ~vho will teli tho assembied ~onp abont/the town's pro- gvess, Tickets ut $6 each are avallable trous the Chaus b~r, phone 623-5031, Bow- ~e'~aisvUle Travel Serviee, wte's Upholstery sud 'site Dominion BasiL Blair, ot Bowmauville, told a meeting of about 350 pensons ut St Mîcbaei's College Scirool that dentîsta want deutunîste outiawed because r thene's big money lu dentures,~' and not (TURN To PAGE TWO~ because tire dentists are con- Education As wor-h .pr.oceeds on thoe extensive addition and ai- tertinsatthe -Bowman- ville Bneh of t ýhe Toronto Dominion Baki is be- coming obyljùos tha, wea completed t wiI be ne the notatatv build- Ings l;te ra .Th oË scheme of te itriri different trousth4e smr atmesphere ofbak se eral years ago.Mnae John Pogne is prond as8ý punch of the cagsa well lie might be, G ets 'New Executive ire Board of ý-et,in elcte anw hira adVie-hirrn 17 newCiaîman AtiurJ. Rowan, tire boardtrusee fom cartwnihtend Man- vte, iro defeated tireotirer nineesn wwmemerDr[In ilson, from Coi-' ourg, b a 10-5 marghn, Ontire ! 'L , sG- .Wi'feL'nwlctdVceCar lra of tie Bard, lrI rprsert ava wadSouthronagiran., 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1973 Clanwastheonl pic f al nthe post-offioe box 0on-Tuesd23ay enen ing ani a couplerdf owm anvsile Goodyear employ7eest the front pagein grand style. Mayor Ivan Hobs:cmpl.ete with cirain oft office is looking ms infe in tire ornatemars chair wie new Cucin Paul Chant is-standing alongside. Both are Godyear employees of 'long t Î. t t MOi.vEDr bLast week, itwas MotherMos Mateialswhobadl moved to new quarters o King St, Weýst n as sona er equipmeént and prodctahadbeenremvedfrom 12 Silver st,, it was tîý1,ake ve yColli,,ss Electrie whoiare now iM the proceaso gtin ettLd in their ne lcaioThe lteFaa 7rydermýanad t t t 1tt RETIRES - Oeo omavlescitizens-wio over tire past 21 yer rs aeaternendous voluntary contibuton t tirptow ' plannîig cannrot ire alow es to retiemts u oerconto.H sArn Cle ofScogSetanfomnyoGoyerio town maps 'ndotre ppes fgreat value. e r pleased to salute m in eek anid wisir mwel inii eeet irile t-,hanking hm for iris usn 20,000SNOWITRACKS -The snowmobile tren,d is for from on the tdcine, if a story in thiîs mont's oodear ingootClaýn isany idia tion, It mestions that te Bowmanville plant wil bgi podctoninMadiona 0,00snw- mobile track order for Outboard M1arinei Peerorogb, wbsch wîll be good news for tJe men îin thýat eatmn nd others. t t t t NEW W,,ADEN Apaetyevrtrnwnts expetuet ctir eiContiek ouclmetn den for11973. AAclst-inute enty, Lutirer Olan cf iCavar, Tocnsiripwae defatnedsCousCîl willcotinu thiei dliberatsutoday on.other attern. Reeve howdtu t n mt t Undet the N Go ca N ADA - Youna ' g h o cke wpl yer fro Brmala, ruatod,LîCaaibLlford,JWGulph L It ,Jav c'in, ni be a bumogeneous, hke-mind- ed groip, Even at thisfîrst Thetwo en wbo re meeting, tresixne-wlyeict T --3O AE TWO) 5# PeeCop n eBE 'Some Drivers Stand., Some Sit But They Al Go Like àad At Bosch Races Ths itue tkni'ne thre Bsh nitainlSombieo atit trss unwhere teewr eea rcu Races over tireweeda opr ak hw ievrossacshr-akdsraeAtretrgtr un iecus e asumdbydivrsath lgsinasa trtotritsrente ha ifel p. Jtr ak no hergua tak t ie at i utit er wa,ý qite a Jeoob member waison the Jb RecodingStar RHere --Sunday '1lst, lu the o m nill uonHallAuditorum at 2:00 Th unostartist swiib Easter Ontanooyrea The Jambree4 regu-oLas Coyle wiii be on hand. Kiwanis Present Shuffleboard Bowmnviie KîanisClub' has rYetycmpee eo cill Lîbur , icl di g ir Losrcinoiasufeor nigrt ae lod arer w olowingatisu rnttiM didmoa oftir capenrylu-tir Kiani Clb rture to ciudîssg ~ ~ U -0 m tiesrfieoruue ieCsi Hl frt rda racir l tire poto; Gerg uemetn adtistreld Vice, Postmaster sud memberUtY tie PieRdeSiolt c i eetngPromises Numerous 11, give np an'd head hoýr whn iebeantotuurmy Sessions in 1973 voicesfs ve' ýral fiands uroneela 'the phione wee ýlbarely re- _t$Bb ensn i0000 oeain kon se ebr eecapn cognfi a-lTe1 e adoewmnteNotubnadDrbmu b ialittie over.-cager -~ ~for197-74at ownforther frmsad in particular, to on Thusday an, ilb, Th factthemeeting Il IC Sneuai etnlnCbUnrdc edu rmini BITS",acet of the new bord aun oti te r ndnt was, mmediately apparent. ~ ~ , 15e per Copy

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