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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 2

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2 Th Caadia SttasmiiBowmnvileJan. 17, 173 83 HQ-mes HoId fcilOpnng N ewivrù n oSubc,:iviSio0n dijviýjon on Strawith Ciarlke Twp. Reeve 11. R. Wý,obdyard jreidîng ït the apening ceremonies The comp1any plans to buI d 83detachecd Singe fmil homes Thee ar sixbasic wwde1S rangng from a thon! ýbadroom bung'ýalow toa four biedtrom itwo0-7atorey. Each lot t Orno nis dat least '75 fet wide, Teyurecn ,rec-ted tao rono vlaewaler au D r1 y wlth iir 1unrgou nd Iiydro s arvs l andidvidual %eWage diposi sse Walter GivOooPo ,,et Manager, ad"ntî Propare fo.r 1973 Cmag A Caradian Cancer c et <rrluritecr wil harepeet jng the ananî1esd is- trict -Uniitin Tornto at a;îtwo- day Cprnpaign Cnerneof the Ontarno Division, January 20 and 21.ý Mr. LeêsheCobe is 197i3 Bowssmuîle nd fusit Unit es the Cancer Sociey. Volunteer worksrof tSe Cancer $oiety , will 1-e coni- ýing fronrft ow, n id eitie scos nt-as'io ta attend th mieetingsaai the new Fu Seasons-Sheraton Hotel. H1igi-1 lî.ghtinig the ssin ilb eetajled discu,s0îan ofpln for the Socety'fi April cam-ý ainfb»r fundel. Ls er OT'jiÎariO Divisionvounter ,aupport cancer aarhse- Ices tc cancer patientls and iu1ceducationpogas Mn Coombes saîdI, ;ýe re ïmnsdng to roise $8,900.O0in the Bownmanvi1la and District Un Unth sering. AWithph egeneyaus public supprt of n the Cancer Socîty chown i stcarinpaigns, ware coni- deýnt that vwe will iacable lto reach and perliPapavn bet- ter, oJu? 93oîntv DELQITTE', HAI Chartered A OFFICIES IN MýAJOPZ BELL CANAPA OSHAWVA CFNTRI PARTINERS. 0GORflON U GORDON F, SED Budr A R.WA I HNE 7 $ub-division wc have tried to an ai-ldéc s sub-division combina the country environ- This means thaàt ail homes. nment wîth the most modemn have extratic insulation ta building techniques, meet Rydro stadards. Al "Our bouses are bult lu rooms are îndîiidually tcmp- ouri GNC fcoy a oo-eauecontrioiled anld the sýtock as rmoduiler units on a, a Vm7tw11S 1bava spec-ial! prdutin lna a i ît h insulaion stilerd". la test const7,ruictin methds no Estate(s lelocata-d oni sud aactiu qualty c ntrlurham Road No. 1inluClarke- stndrd.Ailhmsmp oubp it adjoinis the vil- C~udia Stndads ssoia-la eof Orono. I-oma Srnithi Lion1 sudI NHliA rqiaet. fiiibelieve that the mrarký- "Aftar shipmenit ta, Orono et for- their homes, wiii be they are înstalledl on -poured people -who w,,ock lu Oshawa, concrete basenients and cou- Bowautvîlle, Pickering, Scar- nected sud fînisbed liy local borough sud aven Toronto. craftsmeni "Onea(o! the more satîsfyiug factures of building îi Orono. was thait as5 the deveioppentý Vou ancIl gel under Way we were aibie to attract locally the hîigh calibre o! craftsmen we need, to finish our homes ta thripO ec aS cýriticai standards we bave setvilwthhexcponfta For ourseives,,. 'l T il'leo h By arrangement ixith On- onipfDalgonBow- Lana Hydro, Orono Estates le manville sud Darlîngton had _2origiinalJy submittad a request NORTE YORK ta thea-pr ovincial çgovernment KIDNAPPING aku that the wheile of Dar- igonbe amalgamated with The kidnapping of North -1howavli rs Yark Mayor Mal Lagtmau'5 wlfe on Mouday raises a Split Darlington question that ln future basj As it le now proposed hy the' ta be of ecucern ta oud goverument, Darlington is ha candidates fer public sPlit jute two parts - sanie office. If tbey are obligad nof the aras goiug ta Bowmau- ta pubuly reveai thec cx- vilýle sud the rest tô the Osh- tant of thb Ir personal aaarea imuicipslity. w4e,;M1h . . andt tey have M, -The affect of the proposad. gooad dai of iL . . thay are PAa r n he tex rate structure jttst baiting LJose wholn of Bowmanivilla was discusscd might considerý kidnapping hut no action taken," said or thrmeans oa! extor- onaysreport. Lioni. Tt ould discourase BowVmanvillc aiso feals that good mcn from centaring tVeh e rpresentativa sitting ou, polîtial araa. bbclocal cauncil j-s not anaugh. Tha1, repart suggests tha.t rap-i Locaiythe idnppin reentatinshould bl-ieincreas- hada paiiterast bp-e- cdou the local levaic. cause of the appearallep cf A number ofqusinsat PpoLice I nspecýtor Aoî is dlu'tha e -part will lia for- Paynieon thecase. ýoriginal- wardcd ta the g0vernjmnt lyV, we undera-tant ic hals omavll i sk thel frmNewtonivilie sud, 5 oermu a arf astate- cordlng to Dick Widdefj(1 - mePintade iu the lra ioualism combe of Haaitn, woerked haIllnook thet says Bownisn- at~ ~ ~ ~ i ah oya lntl il se"slowiy urhauîziug polcefaieha bs beau Council aiea wants ta bava 1onecteti withs oi v i ng the vatiug roedures cieared snily major crimes in tha p onilrswn ako Torono ars. wat ftic numbr aof voitars for ach 11o! the fouýr compaoneuls in th1e Boý,-aw nville aras will be,; whet tha voting is ta E C~L ha ward or ganeral vote, sud is ee to t haheid pas- ~ccountan1s i? l late 1973, ta ha for a ýccc)unt1aoua-year terma or s three,-y ear CANADIAN CITIES trm. 1, BUILEV', (Counicil wili ask the goveru-- ~~k BUlI! ent if the sehooil boards will 9 - OSHAWA ba1 regional or a municipal vI IEUL, FC.A. R.I.A. arsafi. Bowimanville, proposing ta IGEWICK, C.A. bull a ew filtration pleut, ,TERS, C.A. wil ase ark the goverument ifiat rsranluthietown will psy iratiyfor the cast o! the 28-7527 trujctura, cor if Ibis wiilheaa reinlexpense tbraugh tbh Pu ef aanues Bawnianville- PETS oup CABINET CHINA CABINET Skiers realiy dan'l need ta, travýel ail the way ta the Rockies, Switzerland, or the Laurentians ta have some fun and gel In some fine skiing. On the week- end at Oshawa Ski Club near Kirby, there was .penty of snaw for fast skiinig and the crow7d was out iu full force, of ail ages, aud al manner af equipmeut and varying skiils. This photo shows ana of the rape tows in action, being used by kiers goingup for anather run._____ Por HpeHîgh Schoo--l t Thep counicil o! Darlington Township had rcquested Jan.D s 2 that Bowmanville council et-D ,s>Cý a -gloi Pr pa dîscuse the ragional gavern- Follow,,ing is a statemaunt ly Mtra: disc uss pro posed Regîi meut proposai, but the Bow- Staphen Lewis, M.P.P., Sean- "The NDP wiil hoid a Mini- Qovamumeut east of Metro,j mnanvilie repart said "no for- bocough West, Ontario, NDP Caucus meeting on Sunday, intaeeted groups sud ,in, mal actieu as ta the date or Leader, on a meeting ta ha Januany 21st ah Part Hope viduals ara invited ta eubt repasnttin ws akn ie haid ne the proposad uew High Schooi, Port Hope, from bniefe, oral or writteu, ou if, was; the consensus of Opinion Rýgionai Govarument asst o! 1:30 p.m. ta aacly eveuiug,_ta subi ect. thaýt Ibis counceil dîd uaL bave", along with sevéral MI' é-ineugl information available alraady outlaws their opera- will ha there te neceivea to do -so." ions - until lahe lest year fl dl<discuse briefs sud sulimissio _____________ wbeu l{ealth Ministar Richard Mal Swact, vresident Of1 PotIer, a madicai doctor, or- ONDP sud a' member o! danad the raids tuspendad ~ I M W Regionai Council of Niaga T ow n ~whila ha drcw up bis new i ilmk am au legislation. <PROM PAGE ONEI commente du the affects Udcc the new law, dentiste youugeet dentist ta bave hald' ragional govarument lu ai b xpecled ta hire dan- the job, hae said. Niagara area sud ils in3pli tuncss ad supervisa their Dr. Zakarow, Who sys hae ions for communilies in (PROM PAGE ONE) .nawly desigustad area cas' manufacturing o! dentures. muet admît 'he's a "damu good Matra". cèrried about thé public's The work on the patient wiil dentist" was finst alected ho Everyaei ecm liaih.hapefama b ta esit. rapresent tha aine counities iu attend. For additional Io The meeting was callad by The Ontario Dental Associa- the Oshawa area knowu as information, contact> D thc Dentunigs' Sociaty o! Ont- tian has pledged . ta speud district numbar two. i Moffatt in Orono et 983-5( aria ta culiet public support $20.000 a moutb ou newspaper1 At an election of officers foor 9-32. foc the rapeasio! the Ontario advctisements 'telling Ontario the RCDS in the province t _____983-538___ law. It was cxpectad ta ha rasideuts where auyonecacn a meeting la Tarante, ha wae RIT BY' COLUMNIST procîaimed sud ta take affect et a ful set o! dentures for eiacted Ontario presidant froni This morning the Edif within- two mionthe.s . nine presidents, represautiug c'ecUrbs6n i Thelawpi-vids fue~o! p~The deuturists have said 77 the cight other districts lu1 day, rc evd -w artiE] ta $2,000 and jeul ternis Of UP asud they repeefad et the rac- Ontario. fron i bddng oum ta six months foc deuturistsenet meeting - ibet tliey wili The main objeet of tha RCDS wiia waats to write forT wbo make sud fit falsa taetb go ho jail rather than work for le ta ensure e high standard Statesman an. a waaf withou,,,-t thak supervision O! a dentiste, o! dental cara ta tha public, basic. IHa seems-to be dantiet. Co mmenting on the prolet Dr. Zakarow said. Tha organi- happy type, in bis sixt CLINICS RAIDED meeting, the prasident o! the zation licences dentiste,. pro- alowh calis biseif Thie dentuniste hav'e beau Ontaria Dental Association, vidas discipiinary action, for «sexagenarian'. Wa di making sund fttiug dentures Dr. Warren Heaslip, rapeated unethicai dentiste, and pravid- know if ba's con! essing for about $150 e set, comparad thc dental pnofassio's conten- as e curriculum o! studies and withi about $280 cbarged hy ini that danlurisîs arc tecb- educatien for Ontario dentiets. bcagging. He alsis hie dciti1,ýilor he amesevic- nci nent qualîfied ta deal Dr. Zakarow is s member o!lumon 'The Sweet Lif e' a dentstefocthasane srvie, îciusthe tirst Lwo deel with et The deuturiste' clinics N\ere direclly with the public or bo the Osh awa Chamban of Com-tni- ow oncgrte& a-idad rae-atediy - undfer parforni thea1fitting work On a merce, the OnLario Dental etin hedo wno iates n the Otaia Denal _Adi, - wih patient. Association, Canadien Dental coffeatetoiesn Hae aid dcntîsts will be Association, a mnembar sud prominent in aur dailirdi wiliing to hira the indapeud- former president o! the Canuk eut deutunists sud that hae Club, s member o! St. Johu's f ~~~hapas for a policy o! "con- nhdxCuclIeOhw u tciunanciliatios, not confrontation,"rtGofosud urliClubtheFsiawa i, LOSS 0F TEETH ietyB o r Paterson, who lei on tha Dr' Zakarow, bis wife B u mg" staff o! two London bospîtals Me'rianneansd Ibrea daughters (FROM PAGF ONE) sud jesa spacialîst ou moutb arc avid hanse feus. 1naminated fo-r the _ost 5 0infections, said denturiets is daughters, Dianne, 16, Board Chairman la epitoai should ha h censed ta practica pamala, 14 sud Sandra, 10, are the two camups within iu îdapaudantly. members o! the Oshawa Pauy board, Arthur J1. Rowan, Ha bold the audienîce ltaI Club, bas beau e board niember 'ail o! yau as citizeus muet Ris Bawmanvilla home j7e on sevenal yaars, represent work for the recognition Of a 140-acre farm wbecc hae Cartwright sud Manvers, ( A L ~dantunisîs under e deutunists trains 13 jumpers sud standard- polaed new memrbar Dr, lu ei nai." 1 sahfef nlei i elected Coboung Irlunie In au interview later, hae ber o! the Oshawa Equestnisu The ibrnp Cobourg mcmbl I DR A y ai dentiste have iabbied for Club, the Staudardbred, Race Dr,. Wilson, R.' J. Walker thea«"anti-deuturist legisîstion" Hanse Society, tha Haras D. R. Cook. ail uew ta th ýbhecause "tdetures are the Horsame's Association o! bdard, spaa-rbeaded sevt bresd and butter o! dentistry." Ontario Racing Commission. attempîs tho) initîiLe verl Blair, a dentiet foc 37 years, ,d 2 tLd The Star that his Col- referrmesu cubk. :00P.nebi legisietion "bacause there's the thick o! thiing. Theaf .0 Kbgmonna lu dentures sud ex- Local 74 of the Canadienae' o h aedu fe tractions. The dentist fande it Union o! Public Empioyees election o! thýe chairman marc lucrative ta lace teath adviscd Town Council lu a vice-chiairnmn was a see KSNr than cave them,, sud I dace latter ou Jan. 151h that iL ofý ýpint any dautiet 10 denv that" proposes ta amend the ex- -uglyroutie motol BO DANCING --Toi-enta Star isting Collective Agreemepnt prove he ofii with tha town. satme sd inh L DRIKS SUFERS TROKELocal 14 repraseuts the iereuaiosfon h .LDIN SSUFRSSROE Local WrsDepartnýtviuyar Ris, former friands lu empioyee-(s sucb as Gairbaga lui Most situations this it town wili ha sorcy to icarn Collectoiý nsud Roads 'Staff. watild have reccived ruhb tha WaLa Brnd, pr- The latter froni Local Qrsl'stni pproval but Ccbo sonnai dîractor o!fiËttinge de&nt Robent Clarke indiical-mmb, R. J. Walkcn, mo Ltd.l, Oshawa, sud a former ed thlat the union is stili in that iiecoammttea ha forn city alderman, le lu Toconta thflicprocese a! draftiug the ta r vie teentira P.0 Ganara HoSrpital. -Ha Su!- c'nctaed ins they ook, 'Mr. Wlker's met M tr 1nil ferad a'possible -strokaet wiil 1 e sdwiwi present hdovasybcndcaf Wadnasday, but is makig thase ta Council atI a later pnrior ta the meeting. IL ematsfatory progrees. 1daýte. ipear3 the new inambers1 ltoc,1 Inist The Mly a f a 1 yor col- and eut- and iost o! Iheý ba aing sd the and loa tha- m-d bver uM be-en dolng somne homeworkc work on a reglonal goveriv issue lnvolvlng thr ip !rI Wallrar prirfacec i lsWn brief. : ture nf $700 to sponsoùr Mr. J motion vith a few remarks tii "Ilf you go along and suiply W,. Raid, a boaIrd adinillistra- the effect 1that, mnypayl1IXP- sa", ,'leav7etHie îUnited Couni- tor, for, ai two-waekeduca- re and parecnts feel estranig- Lies'(duain) budaistionaIl ladnrshijp course ilr ed frenm thais board. of eduý- a teae' ou ar-(- not go- Banîff Agaiin it wa Dr. WIii cation and that 'the lac[c of iîng ,,to ge ay-1 r,"Thlorn' son vWho speaýrhealded thep. communication wiith the Jpub- wPrned, "A srngrbricf oiinof this epan1iltureII lic bas lied b a ýè Of iifi- ieaui ible prepared arter you " antvote fori- ex- dence in thle board, epeill hv achne o sas hepedtuIlnes l'e e- iu thaset.imes of lig,h du-i lie of theland"c." port fromi somnne wi ha cation eoFts.Whtwoldwid wtou ahen tis course FýpreviouIsly Til eoncern about the lc ueurtI aduîu f5 e aieI Ll ,of homncto etwecn 1any o! theLi oardmemers3wrthwh i use If tet the board and the public was o l_ýtx -voiced severa1li~s duriqwere the east 1resentfl of plyers'money,-," lie ad the meýeting by varlous ihaingan-ofth in dpils- UfotnaeyI sds menibers. B oth D r., Wit tvenep1Il 1oYee ak0p oedthat aca lon ad and G. T. Wh'tiiin the irnds, for, then1i, Mc lto Ila mada m aey t c sndvie-baîma ¼Th om)will udu1dyli u ne tedaln or 'aDpJi- field. tIe represeutative framvlabe mooth inlng heeLint fthe ýcouse1, Chir Cavari and South MýonaIl han,] bumpsoi-s. liir made reference toý the prob- ouitof upcomnin eet- mn Rowan carillad Ifor a vote lem of accouiiLabJIiLy tuthaI gs. Iand eouh ember5s weéroe br taxpav5r-s in their nommila- As m1ntijoneýd arlie, tlle lvor toicrrythemoin ton speeches._1Mr. Whitfieldl, frs4Ie oard mmas But, before ]\,'r. Rowan ct-uld who defeated C. V. Johusiýon' 'er, a littIe oe-eaosal, maya on lto the Cnet item nin' from Alniwiclk for 'the poi- tme WhnIL, camne imre for' theagn, Dr. Wilson h-1, tion of vc-haraspi d1the inew board to enldorse th e sis, ed thaýt ha waulted tho, that. the lboard wilî greatly 1972-73 staff aalary conctscol rayvote taken ni Com1pouud (ILis probiems ýzif thea 5;aswell as-th prevouslycold ha o(n record as ops parents are uaL bLLer l-I ind Wtacs fr uhing "!le epnitr.ACou fo das ta whiat the aboard thi a raorain and astakniudDr. Wîisoni ladong srvceDr. Wilson roade a a lngtwithth to thêr .cn,- 1\i Walker's nmotion te ro- motion to review ailthese borg c merD. R. ok view the board' policies a 'greemnents first. 'LIt was anld R,.1J le, cast negaZ- evantuiily passed but not he i- nLd outbybv oard chiair- tiva votes, as did Kean Lysil fore It wals amanded, largeiy7 man R-wanthat Phis approvai from Newlcastla aind r. ,G due to the efforts of Bow- was erely a frait ie Ïyh rom BrightannTowni- manviIlF-Da1rlIngton board re- th-e board is lagally bound Ilt 7shlp, hoth- new Ilemes presýentative, AI Strike, lie hon1or such ticont 1racts until heafive mnl napperar U propoaed that thýe wholahe xie at thieend of lie the cca of the zePliaus boarci shoulidme as a cocOi- JuJne. ni-pndr. Som-e peapl mîtejin a saaruee tin g ta isnwtde i na'w iwteuas5eares ravlew t h Ilpalicies, rathaer i Lin 'butInled omniin ouSI Yly the gurdians of t-he puiblic than a thiree or rive mamb)er that ha relish)es tha ppr-purse . Ohr ilsaLe committre a s Waker lhýd tn t o exa)ine thilse ,sal- asr, atioar, timlýe-o n- or aiely sgestd ary cotra ctS, palrtici(1a r1y ing o rclss Anthrmaorbttetook thosa of thle lppar lev-1ai ad 011u- thiug ,,appears certaIn. placeovritemIL, a n 1the nii'tlratjion heNrtubrln-Dra agendaý, conicerning thIle 0- Thesplit bLee he two oard of Educatin i rll su called Ad liocCmmts. factions on the board cytl hoe oelnlvl u The original m rotil , ýion was lze aOund Clai inratepd metinsl 93 merely ta hava ethe rnma of ____________________________ the comittees changad frocm 'Ad lime' to 'StainTg', b-- causa commllttees such a, A Trans:portatin dTeaching, Staff Salaries are obviou.siy N W O pe4.n I{-owever, a) group led by Mr. Cook fromn Cobour, and imoved to add a standing Fin- The T hmf S o ance Commîtteea,,swel asFi Curriculum Conittee. Sev- AT REAR 0F PET SHQP - KING WEST erai of the incumbent merm- (OId Royal Theatre Building) bers arguad that.bbc board as a whole setis as a ,Financel SOEHIJS Comuiittee, buý Dr. Wilson, SOE OU - et ai, were not satistied that Thurs. 1-5 p.m. Fr1 1-9p.M. S 0Si P1, ýoua or two speciai committes of-Lhe-whale meetings wouidý ý éI lý1 c lie sufficiant La deal with the Intricacies and finite details Iof a $22,000,000 budget.,îot "' it required two, lot o ig . dcentical motions, but avent- %,g iually the board aoproved the FEBRUARY7 i 2th - i 7th i ,r.ýtblihmntofFinance andi Curriculum Committees. Once againi the original motion DC AFI was aitered so tiiat'the new E NG LIJSl PUBR vvEE . committees include ail the faurn A IA CT members of the board. fauig - A Iý CT Procedures and debatas ati"uenoiheParis the inaugurai meeting were «ue ofte IIa]cý often loose and dlsjolnte1,ý but this Is ta, be axpectedl .wiLh several new and ar members and a uew chairmen. I LL U Things wili, lu ail probabity, U ~ 7 hecome better- orgauized as time passes but, lu the lu-M TR N Larim, there Is W. Fraukl Thom ta steward 1ýhe caunicil Saloug. '"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONI, As Direetor of Education for Nortbumbarlaud-Durhamn, Mr, Thom sits iu on ail the W THT I PC board meetings. Ha bas oh- W T HT I P C viously beau tai mauy more FR RA T AUS board, of education meetings lu In is Lime> than most of the W I O present mêmbers sud, iL rcaliy1 EKI O NT sbowed up on Tbursday nlght. inatw kdnboyIfUchm is smooth professional paer- in showekidbas a f t e Lh oue formauce wheu filing mmn- shwAnd we seathauttellousei bars in on points of informna- oAn wes tath bugil L ion, or Lactfuicarrectlug predaodugy ithe board éliairman on proper Some do-it-yoursalfers WANT a iprocde, -or suhtly convinc- bargalu home that neetis work - ing the board on certain ma- but mast folks don't. ýThey'd ike a ters, was a Joy ta watch. h solid, well-kept bouse that doesn't At oua point, several board naed a major invastmeat linLime Emembars, led by AI Strike, sud mouey - sud we sac that thy fwera cager ta prepare a brief. geL it. au o the regional goverumeut For informative heip, came ta - proposais as they affect cdu- ecation toi Lake ta a meeting PE ERfl AL_ f aiser thigmanth i hThomnas P T RK W LA Wells, the Minister of Edu- Realtor sud General Insurance but Thom fially convincd 52 King W., Bowmanvlc 623-2453 the board ta, wait until aftar 5the meeting wIth the Minis- 0 tcof Education 'ta begîn____________________________ f OTHER, NOW OD 80 King St. W. ATERIALSBOWMANVILLE FABRIC SALE ON MOST 1Olo 0 FF ARE WOOL WOIRSTEDS -- PLAIDS CECKS - KNIT-S UP TO /3 FFON LARGE i PALAZZO *ALOL PANTS SIEE OUR FINE GOWNS REG. $26.(W0 SELECTIONRE UP TO $40. $1 UJJ 0F$12.00 PAT SKID ROBE LADIES' RedAN-ea LAK SUITS m l -I As&laSirs Unbelîevable Al ie $15.OO Prices!$$1 NOTHING OVER $1500 IN THE STORE ftftL'T UD~ETOUR NEW LOCATION 80 KING Si. WEST uun 1 ruKuci

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