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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1973, p. 7

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Mr. White also takeq over as1 minîster of economnice and /7 inter-goveremental affairs, Mr. I ~IJIAC~# Darcy McKeough was appoint- îte s t r s ed parliamentary assistant ta -ji 01 the Premier, Vvith special res- P hne 23-303ponsibility for energy policy i Phon 6233303Ontario. This appointment _qcould vault him back to the top of the powier heop la fairly M.Jrry..v Bird, Blritîish Mrs. Ernest Garett, Winnî-I short order. Clbadro1ppeýd ioita the peg, Manitoba, spent Christmas A citizens' coihmittee was sa el ta his fiend t and New Year's with her bra-IFoirmied Sunday as the first step .je ther, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. ni a renewed campaignby Ont- Mrjnd MNrs. K jelvin Synons [Barber, Taunton Road, Osh-laria denturists ta seli false a1)j pd Ia of Port Credit spent Iawa, and was also a guest of teetb directly ta the public, th wekadwith bhis mther, 'Mrs. Ambrose and familles. Twelve people voiunteered at Mr.A. W. Haý,rding, Liberty The New Democratic Party's the public meeting ta serve as Plac. rovincial caucus wiii ioîd dinectars. They include town Mn. and iVIns. Cecil Elliott ýmini-caucus" meeting next Mayor Garnett Williamls of pneBraMrof of Scar- Sunday in Port Hope High nearby Vaughan and dentists brougb, weýre Sun'da9y isitors Schooî. Stephen Lewis, Prov- Dr. Char les Peterson of Lon- it, r anýd Mrs. Alan H.1 incial NDP Leader will rec- don, Ont., and Dr. Angus Blair O-sorne. elve briefs fromn 2-5 and 79.o Bowmanville, Ont. Gordon Mr. anid M Doniald Lee Smitbh spokesman for the :adMr. and Mrs. Terry Lee, The village of Newcastle, Denturists Society of Ontario, Oshrawa, were Sturday even- Bowmanville and area were told 225 people at the meeting irig dinlner, guests of Mr. and. shociked ta learn of the sudden that denturists would. rather Jim AbenethyT. passing of Mrs. Irv McCullough go ta jail than abide by legis- Mrs. (Jean) on Sunday. Sympatby lation that outlaws their busi- ~Mr. and Mrs. Doug Anger, is extended ta this well- nesses and increases penalties. I4~lgstnvsitd bi brthe, knwn family la their bereave- HIe called the recently-passed ,IlaiiMs o ne nment. ilegisiation a "colossal fraud te wieekend and attended the i4oris Anniiversary party. Mr. and Mrs. Norman J . a hoax." Govemament Mr.Chris Cale, London, Scott, Toronto, were in towr spokesmen have said dentunists oîtaria, bas been visiting in on Monday, and attended the are ftee tbcinue sprcacingd Oahaï1wa and on Thursday funeral of the late Donald H utltebhl rcamd afternoon diropped in ta the Williamis. Sympathy of the which they say could take a Statesmnan offlice, while la town community la extended ta Mrs year. The bill forces denturists r~nwin acuaitanes. Williams (Fran), David, Nancy to deal with the public.only, r11ýjewii; acquaitanes. and ta Mrs. Klilstiver (Helen) under a dentist's supervision. and their familles. Trent University geography A1turnout of about 350 at-rcevd a 800 Cna REHOBOTH 1tnddte iiengop a ressor George00, CNadebas Christian Reformed put's firat public meeting beldCunciltheavdmfinistraipa 1 Friday nigbt in Port Hope study nthamnstractieofnan Church llîgh Scbool auditorium. The govemamnt rctur Teeo e Scugo~St!eet audience appeared ta be 100%twnlartan"Tedvop seugot treet la favor of tbe moves Input ment of planned new comn- Phono 623-7407 bhas made so f ar, la particular mnties la metropolitan reg- SUDYSEVCS the1 opposition 'against' inlu- ions is stili a relatively untried ý1 1 a.mSRVCE soninan Oshawa Centred srNaebut he is hopeful jp .m1. Mmio. adMs ereMr that a study of the way these 7 P.D. iMc.and rs. eore Moristowns function in Brîtain will1 Back l rt G oHur were- guesta of bonor on Sat- provide information which is urday evening at Centeninial applicable ta the Canadian Dia l 1310 adio- Hall,' on the occasion of their situation. He noteci that the 25th wedding annivcrsai'y. The provincial goverament has pro- Every Sunday 10:30 a.mn. party arranged bytheir daugh- posed the building of one such "EveyonoWeîeme" ter Karen, relatives and fiends community in Pickering. He waa attended by over 100 peaO- said that the institution ýof a pie. The evening was a buge public program of aew towas success, spent la dancing ta is an, inevitabie step la the Ernie, Arcber's music and management of metropolitan visiting.,Tbe couple received grawth., Professor Nader bas many lovely gifts. A delîciaus been granted a sabbatical leave Ch rh Funch was served.1 fromn Trent, beginnjing in July U niteda rcl Allan Leal, Chalînian of the 1973l, ta permit hlm ta work Ontari Law Rfor oan his study. He bas also made Miniser mssion, is the next speaker an intensive study of a num- Rev R.A. uj~er in the Durham Colege Lec- ber of Canadian chties and la B.A.,B.D.ture Series. His topic wîl be tbe author of a book c çdl B.D. "Law in a Changing Society', ed for publication early ia Organist Dr. Leal will present bis talk 1974 on the history and devel- Mjr. R. Metcalf in the Durham College Lec- opmnent of Canada's 15 largeat A.RC.T, AC.CM. turc Theatre, Friday, January metropoitan centres. A.R.C., A.C..M. l9 at 8:00 p.m.ý Admission to it aay n okn S UNDAYSCHOOL Dr.Leal's talk la tbe Durham fornemw easry and ong SUNDAY SCHOOL Lecture Hall la $1.00, ta be forggewidesoHrnl:n 9:45 a.m. paîd at tbe door. Other taîkasugsin 9 yers ad ~ in the Durhami Lecture Series, SALMON STUFFED ta be held monthly, will cn MUSHROOMS cern Canadian Writing, 11:00Q a.M. Foreign Affairs, Business, - an appetizer,,but if large 4 t 8yersPolities and iGaverament. mushrooms are available, two 4 to8 yearsstuffed with the salmon mix- The 23rd annual Convention ture make an excellent lunch- 1:0a.m. of the Ontario Weekly News- eno upr PulcWrhp papers Association will be 1cn or3suppe.) ..Slo held at thieHoliday Inn, Lon- B1 can (334 roz)BCSm o don, Ontarlo, Feb, 22-25, 1973 ' Bite-si mushrooms0 Infantl car(> Johin White, 47, was appoint- (apoitey2-0 durig srvie. d tesue1o naro 6oa tablespoons soft, frcýsh bread1 succeeding Charles MacNaugh- cub __________________ iý h0 resignied last week. 6 tablespoons chbopped1 ýî toi- nmushroom stemis THE (ATACOMBS ARE (OMING Special teens evenîng Sunday, January 28th 7:00 p.m. St. John's Church TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Ministr - Rv. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th, SUNDAY, JANUARY 21, 1973 ilam. MORNING WOOSHT ýp SUDYSCHOOL HOURS Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.111 Beginners, Kindergarten an~d Primary Depts. at Il Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARMV WELCOME TO EVERYONE Promote Bowmanville by Attending tl CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE 9nQ~ FLYING DUTCHMAN M01 Wednesday, ia n. 2 Mayor Ivan Hob- Topie - ""TOWN PROGRES Happy Heur- 6-7 p.me Tickets may lbe obtained biy phon.ting Bowmanville Chair at 623-5031 or at ithe followîng Ioca BowanvlleTravel Service Toroffto Domuinion Banljk ÉEVERYBODY IWELCOME An nual EOBA B nquet e!d in Bowman ilie Te Caaan StatesmanBfowxnanville, Jan. 17, 1973 ELIZABETH V LL Rey, J. A. Ramit waswihIary oleta oonoo US on Sunday. Mrs. B. Sýunday nmght. Wheeler opcned the service A nurohor of hei-iorr and continued until Rev, Ram- went ta Mospor i nSudy jit got there. The choir sang Mrs. B, Burton was in ho- a number. pital the past weekad a be home by now. On Wednesday our unit of M orsi mrvn th-c Uniýted Church WomenanhendMsMorsla met at Mr. and Mrs. Ken adb n Ms Trew's home with about 10 to go ta Florida fr awle Menlbers attending. Mrs. The bowlingtens er Wheeler opened the meeting bowling on Thurs;day as us- and Mrs. M. McAllisted had ual. the devotional part, taken Mr., nd Mrs. -ernon Pa from "The Observer". Mrs. cadi spent the weekend wîthÎ- W. Banister had the study their son, Mr. Alan Peacoc1 period and we bagn the study and Mrs, Peacock and famrilye, of India, taken rrom a book- Bolton, let from the department. it Mr. and Mrs. H. Thieke,-on isý a very interesting subjec. hbad Mr. and Mrs, J. DeKokecr, We had a word square as Uxbridge, \M s. Westher>ý well, Mrs. Ken Trew read and Nancy Fowler onSudy the minutes of the hast meet- Mr. Geo. Palmer went on ing. A report from the Sick a trip south last week.M. Convenor, Mrs. LU Muldrew, Palmer is visitîng friendsý and wasý given and a fin ancial re- relatives in the area, port showed that we had giv- Mn. and Mrs. E. Eiott, en .$209 toward oun Mission Oshawa, were withM.an givings. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Quantrihl on, Satur- Mrs. Muldrew. day.n n rH unrl Mr. James Muldrew hasn't Mr.enedthMns. CWQa-r, i got away ta Australia yet, dut ere hrs .QaniI. i~~ - ta 'Plane difficulties. Oshawa, on Sunday. Ji-Shw. pot Eio for right, are, Jim Shaw, iLs Wr e of the OBA is just out of mean an improvement of base- Te oo ear.Kn n abeude h bgwy This Week in Oshawa, is pic- ship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, who the picture on the f ar right. hall in Bowmars.uvilanle at ahiýr '- -ý tured (above) speaking ta the welcomed the guests from as Awards were presented later hevls.iTesoiation hopes al 100 delegates at the annual f ar away as Kingston; "Dujke" in the -afternoon and they ilto s.Tihe ascatillevels, meeting of' the Eastern Ont- i3nunt, president of the BBA fduded the Arnold Wade Menm- of opetihta inta e extfe aria Basebahi Association held and a directai of the EOBA; orial Award wbich was pre-oi h nx e last Saturdav at the Flying John Ry an, president of the sented to the. Oshawa Legion- years. Dutchman Motor Inn. The ÈOBA, Father Heffernan of St. naines as the champions of the1 On February lth an OB.A banquet was hosted this yearJoseph s Church;, and Bud EOBA's Senior and Intermed-Isanctioned Urapires' Clinic i by the newly formed Bowman- Fannîng of the Bowmanville late leagues. b'ing held in the Bowmanville ville'Basebaîl Association. Recreation Department. Spero Mr. Brunt indicated that the Town Hall and a. turnout of 7U In the photograph__left to Anns, the Secretary-Treasur- formation of the B3BA wi1l 125 people is expected. or any regional office of the department. YOUTH ACTIVITIES Quebec Young Farmers Association $ 1,900 ta this association of 4-H clubs for English-speak- ing rural youth la Quebec, ta belp theni set up an interpro- vincial and international ex- change prograni. CULTURAL EXCHANGES Moncton provincial centre for cultural development' $15,000 ta enable the Feux- Chalis froni Moncton ta tour New Brunswick with a puppet show called Animation-marion- nettes., Les Voix du Printemps, Saskatoon' $2,600 ta enable this choral group ta organize and carry out a tour af seven French- language communities la Sas- katchewan. La France Choir, Tracadie, New Brunswick ,$1,450 ta arganîze the Ton- ka-de-lik festival la Tracadie and a concert la Moncton, and to partiýcipate la, the Saint John Festival and a choral rally. NRS .CULTURAL CET S Comite culturel de St-Paul, Alberta $8,265 towards the coat aI openationis, tours and theatrical performaânces 6f a travelling [LaChsse Glere~Toireatp $1 ~5,00, C;taI uthi clpt pl- teaspoons finely minced tre ta cover part ori b Yeiieral onion operating expenses. teaspoons finely chopped Le MAT, Gravelbourg, parsley tseSaskatchewan SaIt t tast $1,500 ta this.cultunal centre tablespoons melted butter ta caver part of its general Grated Parmesan or Cheddar operating expenses. cheese. Comite des activites culturelles .1emve tem frm msh-de Cheticamp, Newv Brunswick ooms, chopping stems and $4,50ta meet part of the Mix snmon operatîng expenses of the three eaigcaps. Mxsl orgnzton hc cnttt )read crumba, chopped stems, the coitec Les hCoansue ;asoning, and parsley. Cook dtheacmtre LeseCetimp ,hoppD ,Ioion ln melted but- d Lhat Coup eoth club, ýr for 3-4 minutes. Add to aL T haloefracai lub almon mixýýture. F111 caps witbdLedTheatreonci ils mixture. Sprinkle withdEmno ither grated Parmesan or $15,000 towards the cost af ,rated Chedidam cheese. Bake nent and general operatingi it45degree-, F. for a . iexpenses. 425el approxi- ues.INTERNATIONAL îatey 810 inues.PARTICIPATION For a ]iunchieon or supper dish. Centre de cooperation culturel- singlag muabirooms,. dou- le et sociale and Centre* le the salmo fing mixture. d'accueil canadien Katimavik [akea appmoimatelyý 4 serv- $20,000 ta alhow approxi- nga. mately twenty young people The secretaryoaIstate, Hugh (directans of cultural, centres aulkner today aýnnounced Il and projects, or students of tants totahling $8L'i85 award- cultural mecreation) ta com- Id under itbe social acltion plete, their training by means cogramfrroýfficial-lnguage oaI a study prognam in France ninorities. Grua vo wish and Belgium., oundertake thîs type of pro- SPECIAL PROJECTS et but necd financial assiat- "L'Acadien s'exprime", tire macy obtaîn more laf or- Halifax nation fromn the information $1,300 ta the program coni- ervier of the depamtment of mitteýe of the sym-cposiumn le s ýecreta ry o) state, Ottawa,. "L'Acadien s'exprime" ta, pay part of the cost of organîzîng thcsy.mposium. and having twvo specialista participate. the Annual H Y O ,'ýE Miss Linda Sharp, Ennishil- len; Mn. and Mrs. E, White, Bowmanvihle; M r, B oy d Werry, Malton; Mn. and Mrs. Michael Strenge, Aginrourt;' M r., Ross Ashton, visited the e Lloyd Ashtan family. Master Gardon Sharp, En- nishîllen, spent Saturday with Allan Ashton. ft * Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- [Û R I N N burn and Susan, Orono, wr Sunday supper guesta af the W. Blackburn famîly. Grant Ashton spent Fniday E fl 7 3and Saturday with Mm. and I Mrs. Michael Strenge, Agin- 4l, 97 court. Mn. and Mrs. E. R. Thomp- son, iVrs. Hoopen and Noci, Bowmanvî]le, spent last week- end, with Mrs. A. Thoinpson.' i Mr. and Mrs. John Joncs I!and býaby, Bowmanville; Mr. aind 'Mrs.i J. Joncs, Sm., Tom and Sandy, visîted Mm. and iMrs. Jini Joncs, Secarbýorough. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn ss" were. Suaday supper guests of Mn. nd Mrs. Murray Tabb, B owmanville. MmT. and Mms. Tom Patta and Dinner 7:15 p.m. (Chanlene were dinner guests of the, J. Patta famîly on Sun- day. iMrs. W., Martin retumned home froni Memnonial Hospital Mber ef Commerce on Saturday. Best wishes, Mrs. Martin, ,tions Mns. A. Thompson was guest afIwiMn. and Mrs. Gardon, Tay- lrindfamily, 'Enficld, on, Su1n1clay, celebrating hem grand-j dau ghtfer's birthday.1 Mrs. A. Thompson visîted Mn. a nd Mrs. F. Osmond7, Bow- mai-nville, on Fridamy. Mr. and Mrs3. Michael PRICE $6,00 EAC 1- FStenige;, Agincourt, spent the wýeekend wîth Mn. anld Mrs. îRosz Ashton and tarnly, NE WTON V MLLEý Our felicitations to, Mrs. L ena Ovens whose -92nd birth- day was observed last Wed- nesday, several neighbors and friends calling in to congrat- ulate her, as well ais, members of her family, among the lat- ter being Mrs. Ken Ware andi daughter Mrs. RociGlmu of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane were recent supper guçests with Mr. and Mri s. Bill Lane, and girls, Port Hýope. Quite a number of our local citizens have been in hospital, recently. Mrs. Ken Fletcher, a patient in Me- rmorial. Hospital- the past couple of weeks, was able -to return home on Friday.. Mrýs. Emmerson Jones, alýso in Bowmýanville for tests, Miss Linda Peck, in Port Hope for a tonsillectomy; Mr. Býoyd Harris, in Oshawa for further tests and Mn. Jack Elliott in St. Joseph's at Peterborough, where he underwent surgery last Thursday. Mrs, A. Austin of Canton has returned home, after hav- ing spent the holiday season here, with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Toxtpkins. Our congratula- tions to the latter, celebrating a birthday today (Monday).. There were Il tables i plýaY at, the carc!aryFrijdayI night, in Commuinity Hlr lall, with these wnnrsiigh lady,ý Valerýe Partridge; lomi lady Mary Caswelh; high mnri Robin Alldread; low man, E. 1 KENDAL While snowmobiling a week ago on a side-road, west, of Kendal, Mr. Donald Rougli- ley had the misfortune to be hit by another snowmobile. HIe suffered a broken leg and is a patient in Oshawa General Hospital at present. Sunday afternoon guests with Mrs. W. H. Foster were 1Mrs. Jerry Byers, Dlane and Scott of Welcome. Thie January menieting of Kendal U.C.W. was he]d on Monday ,vafternoon, Jar. 8th at the hoime of IMrs. W, 1. Foster with a very good at- tendanice, [t beîng the fîrst meeting o4 the year, Rev. T. - Selgoveconducted the in- stallatîin of officers for the year 1l973ý. The new President, Mrs. Allan Downes, then took the chair, other officers re- marined the same. It was de- cided to support the saine two Live Lýove Projects as lasýt year, they being the Avalon Presbytery in Newfoundland and a Mission in Angora, in, Africa Miss C. W. Stewart crew uýp the ne- schedule for meetings and convenors. Rev. T. Snelgrolve closed the meet- ing with prayer. Mrs. Gar- land Cathcart wias co-hostess with, Mrs, Poster who served a delicious lunch. The Fcb- ruary meeting wIll be held at the home of Mýrs, R. Elliott. Mr. and MVrs. R. Elliott' were supper guests of Mrs. Irene Richardson, of Peter- borough on Wednesday after- noon. The Decorating Course in Lh*quid Embroidery started on Thursday evening. The meet- ings'are being he] d in Kendal School. Mrs. M V, ellof Oshawa is theisrutr There were 1 aispeet The installatïin 0f ofc of Orono Masonic Lýodge a held Thursday eeîg ai llth. Mr. John Fonk la thle new Master for this yeapr. Mrs. M. E. Poster aoccomp-1 anied by her grandson MVr.i RýeidPFoster, motourdta Bufi- falo on Saturdîayý. Mrs.Pot er remained. to visit Mr1s.: George Russo and alsovit friends in other parts becforeý sheý return . ' Mr, and Mrs. Harland Seens of Bailieboro spent Sunrdayý after-noon wîth Mr. and Mrs,' R. Elliott. The world of bhunxilanoty la like a garden andfthIle various races areth flweswhich cnttt its adornmlenît and PHONE 623-31171 Caswelh: 50-50 draw, Bnian here, with Mrs. Mary Wade, Caswell; moat bac bands, land Grant. Camai Stapleton. Mr. an4d Mns. C. R. Farrow Local people among the werc supper guesta with MmI.1ý 2,000 attending the, Annual and Mrs. George Buckhe, Shouldice Surgcry Patients' Newrastle, on Sundnay. Reuniçin at the Royal York Shelly Gray af Omono spent1ý. lIotel, Saturday evening, la- the weekend with hem grand1- cluded Mr. and Mrs., W. parents, Mn, and Mrs. C. H Boughen and Mrs. A. Yeo, Lane. with Mm. and Mrs. T. Hender- Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughcn son, Mrs. Mary Wade with werc Sunday supper guestai Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wade, with Mn. and Mrs, Jin Ga-ý' Newcastle.< don, Sauina. "The AbouoNeest f Mn, E., H. Lane (better> God" was aur miniister's Sun- known as "Kelly") our well- day morning topile, pointing known local Postmaster, mc- out the fart tbat wbile we tircd on Monday of this week, may consider ourselves self- alter having semvcd, officîally, ï sufficicat, theme la always a for aven 35 yeams. A lti time wben we must ely on surprise farewell- party %asI a highcr power. The Choir staged, at the office that d1ay,, sang "When the Ral la Caîl- by variaus intcrested frienida cd Up Yonder". and pictures were taken by, Mrs. A. Milligan and Ber- bis brother-in-law, C. M. neice were supper guests with Joncs, which we ahl hope ta Mn, and Mrs. Bill Taylor at sec at sanie future date.' Lindsay oný Sunday, We weheomc tihe new Poa-; Mr. Doug Wade, Newcastle, mistress, Mrs, Joyce Camil was a Sunday supper guest 0f' Kendal, ta) aur mnidst. Consumers Ga 4te ,Win 1T"wo, RLose neJ"- On Thlursday evnnJnp nStudyeeiga :0 Isumners' Gas Mvites tralvelled ta skating panty at Newcastle Little Britain foi: an exýhibition Amena. A huge crowd attended game with the Lindsay Mite and a vemy good ture was' Ail-Stars. Bowmanville, wonl enj oyed by evemyone present.1 by a score or 6-1. Mardy thanks are extended to In the first perîod, Jeif Logan the parents af the teani froni started the sring for the Gas the Manager, and Coach for crew, assisted on the play by the tremendous support given Rod Plain. Defenreman Mike ta, the tePan duing a vemy busy Stocker made it 2-0 when hie fcwwek of hockey action.1 skated through the entire It is m-fucb appmeciated. Lindsay squad an a tremendous omvle'.nxga i solo effort. Ricky Erwin scored Bwavhesnx ael with the assiat going ta Bll an exhibition tilt against theý Hogarth. Lindsay scored a goal LnsyMtso a. a.2t ta nmmo th marîn a31. at 6:00 p.m. la the Memorial Barry Cullen scored Bowman- Amena. ville's fourth goal just befare the end of the flrst perîod, the 1 lIent a Car for assist s going ta IHogarth andl A DAY OR WEEKEND Erwîn. Ask for Rae .. The second stanza was score- Icas, with bath goalteirsj COUNTY called upan'ta make sanorie fine cHRýýYSLER-DODG-E!LTD. saves. Im2-28 The Consumerai Gssqa scored twa more golsin the- third, the firateanc goýig ta Billy Saiasbur,asstdb Logan, the finaoal scoired Plain, assisted b-y SainisburY. Ken Woodard' and Brianý Ruddy shared the goatltending- duties. On Friday cvening, the Bow- manvilleConsumnera' Gas Mites tavelled ta Cobourg for an' O.M.H.A. Mite Lakeshame I eague game and skated toaa close 2-1 decision. There was no, scoring in the first period an the second, Ero Plain finally connected for Bowmanville after be-in-g set up by Billy Sainsbury. Cobourg tied the score la, the sanie period. In the thîrd perod, Jeif Logani scared the wianing goal for Bawmaaville on a beautifuLstr e seomîng play. Mike StockerU ik7 assistcd on the- play. 1 Ken Woodarcl and Brisa. Ruddy shared the goaltendig 2 z duties and bath lads had ta b very sharp ta keep a asl REGULAR $2,39 impmoved Cobourgtan oi scoring mare goals. On Saturdaiy eenng te Aena for ai6:00 pm. Leagu gaeand %wanhy a close 32 miargin. Oshawa opeaed th1 sanng f near, the eod af the fiast peiod when thcy scored a raýth,erit r rstee goal. Jeff Logan scared Ithe Snst Bowmaaville goal la the sec,- ond peiod ta tice sco-re, 4~ Oshawa went aheaýd aanon another goal of the, "soIt' EGULAR$2,2 variety. Lagatn again 1ý(1ledte score 2-2 an n nice rplay set pjj by line-mattes Rod lainan1d C !Billy Sainsbury. $1v goal Tn a thîrd ,periodbrak awaynthat gse e od ard stopped but ObaDiba-g !Ville put out a sixt atahe but wcelna-etascreth sqaed btis belin theirthie.- Mary 'TC" Shoppe 48 KING EAST - BOWMANVILLE WEEKEND SPECIAL PANTI-HOSE AIL SALES FINAL NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES Listerine 73C ECONOMY Regular $1,79 SCICK Blades Double Edge Il'-, lE, $1.59 :ONT IN UEDLNE 5O0o OFF REGULAR PRICE irgrID.. r 623-5792 Bo0wmaen'y"lle -mmm-- oîjvla

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