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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 12

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Th ntda ttýyan omnile a.24, 1973 APPriatiOn f the aux- Cobourg AoiaeMme T h ~ C a n d i a S t t e s a n , o w m n v i , a r n e s a t g : i s a\ v t i h i l i a r i e s g o t o M is s C l a r a T h a i n , M is s H re t M G a y N H' iobbNy ih a ih Rein. Stirling, wIl has been presi- Park St. . dent for the past four years, FrîendspadSrlMs and ealIsoointher retiring and M. F. Grr,5 GlorS. ciorrruesponing _secretaries, Mrs. Peterborogi Ltrtr.Ms Durha Agri News Brue Tig, R.R. 3, Camp- GordonMculhR.4 beilford and Mrs. Alex ýMac- Camnpbelfr;GadTdns Kenziq, Campbellford. Miss C1l'i-mn P tr b Bo WatInstallation- of officers for ling; IPresMs(llnTop by Bob Watt ~1973 was conducted by Mrs. son, Baiebr:SpyMs R. J. Randali, Cobourg: Pasi Roger Ro1 tLt8 h AssIistantf Agricultural Representative Peiet Miss Clara Thain, KeY, R.BPtebruh R.R. 5 Stirling; President, Mrs. Lifo MecosiMr.Cîf H. E. Reynolds, 186 Walton ord HalR.1Mlbos Mil Mrkein4Bard tLions or problemai concerning the subject "Pork In the Mar-' you mlkstteen o yurkl n hemonig esio,!StreetPort Hope; lst Vice- Historiena i.A:xMc Fîlmnyorml seeen ryurkt. atemonn ssin President, Mrs. A. W. Allen, Kelzel o 24 ape1 cr;]aýl,îlýdmnquota, this should be an excel- there will be a panel isls ..~ n ie ford; emesinhotPo. tor Êhe Ont1arinlo Mîlk Mrket- lent opportunity to get the sion on swine buildings and1Hivlc;2n ie ing 3ord], bai nfo us ~problem solved. .equipment and ln the afterl 70 r vsi n St r eet,. Bowman- Bayfo io V Ce. oor: Ms hat lie ýUil b e il, our' office M illng Oats Required , noon, there again will be a' 70.vi; sr i cePtre entMis. on- a ld E ndc i, 37 t w at M3 King S E,ý> BomN F Moci D. J. Wilson,, 927 Donegal St., Peteroog;MsHeî vill an he scondThusdayMr. . M.Lockngtn, Pur- Feeding Systems. -SrePtroog;Rcr-Mra,3 ue INr of ea h mo t b gi nng~ chasing M anager of Quaker Farm M achinery Show Sntr e c eterbo r s.gh; Robed- wo dga, N n tn o mt FeraytIMy e i o bOats Co. of Canada, Ltd., that Don't forget that the Farm i* HilI R.R. 2 Brigh4ton; Cor- tee, Mrs. oe oeiMs ni from :30 to 3-0 ip.m. u l'Un is Company is, again, inter- Machinery Show will again bel -ciaryMrs. F Roger Le1i.Roeilo wishto et p pnappintentested in expanding the acre- held this year at the Coliseum .ArmBx43,Cbug ok ie eore esn age to be gîown for miliin l Toronto on Wednesday, . raueMs .A b,2Ms oeh elr p.60 wsuth hlmn, you cni Caî l ahead 1Ti isD of tIrne anddoSa r f o oats. He recommendsthtauryltthogtaat BrunswickAv. Port Hope; PaîkhillRodWPtr wshdrapin dringtue ieRodney'and StormontOats are urday, Eebruary 3id.Asitn esurM.Ro-oouh he s l. f yu hveanyque- he varieties that they would e e,13Buo tPr _____________ like ta receix e as Milling tais itror Oats. YEVT'T T ONTf rop; rsecreresy Afernoo Rnta arfo Maple Syrup Information Day 4, Peterborough; Ex ening A DlYO EKN On February 9th, fromn 10 ItneIr is Group, Mis. Grant Carroll, 9 Ask for a arn. ito 3:30 p.m. an Informa- Onn rdaed fr asIwek Nevin Ave., Peterborough; CUT tienMeeingforMape Srup30 members an1d Gild'herents afMrs F RFS LAIFC' Producers will be held et the thijtdCi,,i . bas o 2,Cior TOFNAULJ H N toe etminsfor Cap]e Sy Iý frth' Gilrls Ornization, Mis.F T0EFTI4A E ZSPLACES I N ew Wsmntr CucteYletnDie hrhGeted 7 utsCe. Wllbridge Hoad-, Belleville Ggathered for2the annual Con- ISTTEED FYUR thus is located noîth of 401. greget.ional Meîeting, precededl FRU O y0l The subjecis under discussion by a pot luck supper. Tt is no wîl[l inelude:pîoblems in secret from even their most Meple Syrup Production, by spriia erato n apanel of maple'-sugar prod-atednereatVea- 'ucers; how the recreationalnysechaYlvtoin aspct au nceas malelove to eat, wilith te resultant syîop producers' in came and ceontinuous "Battis of the (Maple Bush Management As- Budge" a]ways- in progrlss sistance available fro m the The husine-s porionl, chalîed Q~ )Ministîy of Natural Resour- by "General Gerry the ms ces. reverend Gerald Hafstetti Producers assisted by Mis. HelenBu Regi-anal Conference ton as secretary, was apened B Y M 1~~~ tis ear th Qunte with Seripture followed by' PL~MIG Histricold a l'roducrswill prayer, iutsof last yea hod cnfreceatthe Rock annual, meeting, were read Haven Restaurant in Peter- and adapted on -motion. Re- your lifetim and AIR, CONDITIONING ho4iough on Jan. 3lst beginning ports were providled and ac- on193moe eat 9:45 a,. and 'runnigta eepted on blanket motion as TYI~NEONTRO:t,:45 p.m. Dr. Murray Hawkins follows: The church- treasurer Phokne 2 665A 'from t7e University of Alet eotby Mrs. Heeýn Buxton;...r ~.. ________________________wi]J ha1 the guest speaker, with the U.C.Wý. finanlcial1 report of .-. ~ ~ ~ . 1.0W, by Mvis, Doris Rowapn ---the ladies with on]ly 21 gl i members are undoubtedly the eL N LU b~ackbone of aur church who11e $YL finances refleet their ambi- Juegaîden party, catering - to five, weddings for fv SATURDAY NIGHTS AT local brides, and serving avec 800 paying customers at our THE NEW annuel Tbanksgivîng supper, provlding lunch following local funerals, rememrbering sick and shut-ins, and the varions other responsibilities Ut l of ia U.C.W. aorganization, Hatsoff ta oui en)ergete higb1l. argani7ped laie , lThe ., 9:00 an. t 1:00am.aetivity report wa gven by, Mis. Vera Staplesý, No Cover Chargu,,e - No Minimum Thie report fTor- "the Siltri One" ws poviedbyte NoralBa Piss is uero fthe 'aeti e ry Board, Mis, Niman WîLon. The report of the EmLama Heu- Comlimntay sack later inIl the evening. diYeevln uud waýs Infrma, pent offre prkig. uitdinng pravidedby its trealsu.rer.,Ir.l c4 freepar-kCnarenceid Page, order'taen n m i onge until 8:30 p.m., aill TeNmntn eota evnig iiadoii l nigroom. p ce stdby CiekafSs ed nmotion, Sawitb newdsofdo1a, ftftfLILIP L IPIITi chuc iasiss M aiWenBwavil oi- hcilncudsTa r o xtiolnamle 0f a sang Iraeýordied."Inot ta g et b1ishopes too hîgh. onhenwo ii~iUiUuu flU flIMts Jmes Ga;M erP llinti 11Io 6.rennodMIlk,~ l (Lcet aI qt op e..sng t c e pnsive and theremeofouchi W. MUNUU~~~U I trasurers, M.dM isr.etacthyhveaa pCapelvlee ede ndetthe)(,record ilNab-is no guerantee be'IlWin a, SATRDYJAUAY 7thj ca Mor; idesh nmstpepl, fr Ptwo faN Cîta tFahrns Sotvle)rc. arly order bonus discounts wlhelyo i Ted 'Spenceley, 2 yî.rveloemloyeescengive iitaashaýd boises ini this cruiTh eLyceI'stals areýl- ati off witb agree OnabetrolaeromePafrnwfates 5.ap ,o errn, aotfvemlsmntst rani o isfît nîshings or convnecsthat yiirIlomi oe ing ight with Dates claîmed lncludied lie moutb. fdiOLiflu wberanie orit frs [June Garden Party, Fidy TiewînSot ednn1 i a nitr utencw iloni Bwavilrace, Scott says, To date bis enjoyable 0 Save you money an mortgaeitrs '~TH CAVLIER" IJne Bh; Fîl AnIvesar~the canvay or bhaitLd aîmnettaktee eata As-ifor sped, 1 appears thbest year was 1969, when Miss *Loeordwpymnadiitl nsmnt ( T E D O S S F U R P I C E B A D ) (u r t ; f a u A n rr n l a dDy y e t b o k s D w s I o t a e 1 m II" In tw r 1o I in t es e n fiv "e 1 C rle n e A n a \on 10 race s o n 10 n vo et ga e o d o a y.,a id n ÇE O5 U IC 3N church~), Sept, 16, 1973 e ;nd -n the ieb, bave bosesonthalin t1bIld o il has il scodsi ayaistck tfetiteGode.o..so r~owl Supper as usuejl: , harness racine circuit, 1hat'stefiltslkaclbbueyetursbennrtagt anesacg noMky Thanksgiîg Monday, 8 mar, over a'recent weekrrr]nld, n îîg om"nm iwth a 25 mrk anlidMouse operation. The drîx- Gsi full details tram the ElvrHm oslato iiyu 9t. tebo-isesl came up with I Raîng isIts a-hare of liedbeed itUwîb the est std, ais have ta lie Icensed end nearest Beaver Store. HE NE UT H OV N rnreiýr.eti~e l ,ai?) aIicott's bois, Tîu-Iay3îs -uUoIdoo Thf Scot's bars- the eîr e are gond (a w daged aRAyN RT E iv,ýr1wb el 40 ofor3 anothertheeri aid $1,79 ta in, $5.70 to knecrilgan injuîy that eauIffordcit," haaded sulky costs about $400,RA r-,h 6 mlesnoth f 01 n wySa& 15 nd owrd alolmanl~'plceen $320tao11riw. takIs tunýe ta haal Ttedie cotfesthe beginuer Howaver, Lycatt and Scot Not- tCre f Taunton Road haîf of -thaseciet, la yetsentry, Kniea Boots suffcred a broken coller bone must guard ageînst leara butno bsd oforases". andthelsulky wasia)wrie- pointient. "He baset few well chosenvvword, thankl,- paîd $15,60, $8.40 li and th4,20k, off rit CALL 1-98'3-500 for Reservations ad Jerry andCaoieorSt wnfurbssanAI f 4JI New 1973 Homes Ctlou cub u cmmntan ,t-PrtHope, along itb veloped dots lu bthuglerIý4n v1.W I vr4 oel ihf o 60neeci af cIe. His son, vains whîlcb euadthe ee nRachMilir-,e, ineeor2 toeydeigs pieauleit il!î pomis ofWayne, 24, ruas the faim, ta swl i endonî'îspne-I IIýr - -- - -- contnuig srèi Scott slerted witb Goodyear efter e tilijta thevtri-IJacV(t5qi IIIi %1 Metig dTh eed folo - s1 tcehuld'Ftoro ta er oieg e G el hfrdee catalogue W .D M, * -Fr oucfeocaalgu ecmpets ada aindiscopoai ug bnIief iscsion a Pait- Pantin11940 and joined the îat s foreamet."We ofi teeuclmitnac y n14.At waî 's end, could feel the dots by unli- ThIe enu lmeeingiL0fo the ,Evelra e tan part in h 1dy Beaver Lumbar Ca. Ltd., Planned Buildigl iiin I uidng ndg'onsec.h wohaek tan Goodyear, but ning our i hands along thileteiboionugh iesb ltanlgroups thlithhe e d af te70 Harrop Drive, Mîlton, Ontario. Town o Bowmaville changd locaionsHe likad neck and every daY ' ie oeusssoay Socîav booIet Tucheci By Fire" INAMEI O BJTfUAIRY end hii, )çýtr avigcountcry settig, la tub a salve in that tJhey )7 W wheld111 1u - y llublsbecl b--the Cannjain_______________ f1Vtepo arm, found nio difficllinl took tha bhoise beck foir a Chuîch, CobourgPeîea fluke aud Acts ini the Tlo- nCT OTLZN.. NOIC 0 B-LW ocenig hepr-returnýing. Ha endled up at chekup 0tbey couldi'tliee i-ssClaie Ihaîn opend hada sEnglîsh Vert nFur CIY PO posed cosngof theorfiginal Road Allowance RGNL GE omavlePleut, il wa)s ithe amle boise, il , ltied moning session witb ea'tatailes were axplooad: Iiba Lest i PHONE__________________ Regmld ardn Gen 3 iSctt nedmits ha xneay have îmPîoved somcl" o'-shio and prayer Dao-Sin,' The idi Man an Id LzTawnabidnglto roet hetee oigialTonsip ot 8and9 n he described by a fniend as,,the hroken aven ta this point., 'To Lcatand bis brother-, Don, lions wee conducted i.by i.arus, ThlicGood Seartar Fis ocsinof the Town of Bowman- "dean of arganists and music"'1, me money,. you have ta race stacted'wliere their lae, fatlil- Peter Greatbeed of te Ta-he Pliariseeaend the 'f'ax col 1 I plan ta buîld a naw home during 1973 E aforesaid by-law to authoirize lthe sale of the said Rotaiy meetings. He joined 2v, ppthprs orgnl .IIe Rotarians Ina 1923, the May 2,T Us P Oiiilroad alowance Obw Hymas for the day wr 5iwT a hpkIc"FRFS EVC teth autin;ones.clubi 93.7sunig frai Ithe new 1972-Ra- Mr. Gesa was bain Mardi vised Book 0f Preise. Tk-Oto 18, 1889 la Belleville, the sou om The popose by-aw aid pla shoing te teds ofthe lte M. sudMisFollowing luncheon, a shortj§ioeDlvr ,ýoîgtelns Alliait L. Geen. Vwes conducted by Mis. AlaxHi afectd may e see in My office at the Town IMnKeaie.»; 1 fiN lu'923 lie maved taowa MKissDre yKleaia'-.6 35 8 Sound as an orgaist sud zeducaMissolrhellerso- Hal 0TnprneSreBowmainville, Ontario, leacîci-, adsu n duainlrsrc î lu 126 t Th Cunilwllher nperson, or by bis or lier Guelph., He cerne b O îlîewe We w~ant you ta see for yourself Jsey,-Peterboraugli endBarie, that3 bisrnsi tacerexplained Key '73 and thli - 'prsnwo am 623-3 7 ot i IC-itor, any p1932 ash eaimssandteacher .that, Vega is trulà, the little caipatnefevroebc- or br teds ill bprejudicially affected Ha Was ncedeceased hy tw o ta oe*vrthn el.igiaovd uIi1nwcn Grteen, sudanssteandPeMis.C-ceto evueim.Ii a 1y the said by-law and who applies to be heerd. Grothnars rnst aad rcîel -DROP IN TODA!,-, cles ofeave0sdnom inatsions--Ii is oeet "h w oe usil'I tines Steele, towerds B 3P -The isc o enn T et ol red o csStie ,ree Uite rch aul1 anDflV ITflii ii o1i must lie aven, thal is; DA TED thiis 8th day of Januery, 1973. Srie me ede u IC OSsdo'an izîtian i Nothaveeceoalir,"su lie ali "el urCni-movement ans must nual pratrude Jani. 22nd at 2 pl..Cedar eut ta Christ", Shie said we 1.1W,, Itel Ver "te tw JoehM. MlOroy, A.M1CT. Mtoi Lde ildmasneYu hcrlîOdmaieDae1ne l ae ie aCritmvmnhopsticks must lie sxd el uioirecionfin-D-liesourlibieldan ie ain ClerkAdminstratr serice Slurda avanug etHlm.Chrs udlt ha movemuth pl ne." the saineN 7:300 1aAl.N 1lJvIilPs1 COURTICE stndidfo Crîtinsunai Hiler.asut la te5planM."VILLE eemeîer , j_______________________s___________tanaifr C iri slils i

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