Births - Cards ofThank-s E7- R San0 lctn-7Mr. -and 'Irs. Paul 'Miller ly rlinuises er osition wish 10 thank the people who as ciefcomanerin the attended the fuýnea-l of Mis. Cooper hose!ýht ol her new Charles Green,. also the pail- bayszister Tara î-,jcbelle, as bearers, Joe Cuddahee, Tomn - - ,,- Ve rv IWprsorn, Frnp flnllissw Bill cfJruaya very ýistro, rÏ11vu-Lib ý peosd arntsar Lanyand' Polak, James GeddesMarin Judy~(ne Paeen}.ManyMolloy. Mifrity tff.4- A sincereý thank vou to the ambulance drivers, Drs. Hub- GIBSN-Doglasand ar- bard and Grant, the nurses Irar areprod toannunceandstaff on Second Floor for theéria o hi 6 lb. 3 or. ýtheir kind care, also relatives daùgh1-ter, on Tuetsday, anar and friends for visîts, cards 3,17,at MioilHs and gîfts while I was a patient pýif.5 A sisýter for Caî-ey., in Memroijel Hospital. 4-11 Mrs. Winnfred Martin, ________4-1 OWLS-on 01 . and Jani-e1 (peSacy re piroud clto an-! 1 would like to thank mv nounjce he biith of a gir, friends and relatives for their ILrrie Szne b.1 ozs, cards, flowers, grfts, telephone a iserfoSadoJnar calîs and vîsits during my 2,17,,at Brockville Ho-1-- stav in the hospîtal. Speciajl nita.î4- thanks to Dis. McKenzie and _______ rant and the nurses and a nUMMEncA1an and Ju staff in the Intensive Gare, i a ~~~, [eIhtdf0anone h Oshawa Hospital. arrvaicf par o ply- Mlton Wannau, Orono. nle orLaura ýLynu oi n __4___ J 11Urylt, 197,3 - aP. tl sistr, îistn Luise 4 bs. The family of the late Jean 02~ zs and, a 1 1ltebohNge niivciullough wish to M rk ambn, 5 iba.l5-,4 express their sincere thanks ozr~ at emnial- osptal 1 e'tîn.nghbors and B owmanvi-, 1ll e, Proud gad friends for floral trîbutes, parent are Mr. and '-Mis donations and tne mauy acts I~s~ TmbynOroo n f ' ýlurj-,,igtheii ie- ~. arîd iOrland Plumr- cent loss, xwth special thanks n~erBowmnvill. 4!* to Rev. Smith and the New- ________ asle Ladies for ther assist- ~JN~E-Mtfhw i harvvance at thîs time'. 4ý1* 19anucehe ý,arrival of, n Dear Fîîends, Relatives and 15, 173, t Meoor4lHo-lcnis. v Àd îîe 10 con- ptta, Bwmavill. Poudvey my thanks and apprecia- pPrents are Glenn 1and Bî a.a tin to ail for their many 4-i* flowers, gifts,. visîts, 'phone ______i messages, while I was con- fînmed f0 hospital. Also while TI E raýnk, Julý i-andlconvalescing at home. Speciaî A~ti-Maie ishto nnoncethanks to Dr. Anfossi and nurs- tl~brthof helibrohering staff at Memorial Hos-, J~în Dugas wal, 8lb. ital. L2rs. on Wý7. t ensda,1Marg Peris. 4-1 ~p uifi.A nw on or In Memoriam grandson -1,for Mrs S. Thile; JýACKSON-Inlovîng memory ~sktchwanandMi.andof adear husband and father ~Is .C. iptk - WIllam S., who passed away menvlle Speialthan-kâ f0iJanuary 28, 1972. E P .D.Rude .n . .Memories are like thîeads of! ~înde an Maerni~ Stff. gold, 4-f hey neyer taînish or growi old. rngagr eent , -Ever remeinbeied by hi wIife, chldien and grandcbËilds 1~î.an Ms.Dnld J.1ren. 4-1 O~cran, r-oowish f n 1- 1uo h engagemet 'ofMULI-OLLAND - n lovîng, eironl dugherDoînna memorv of a dear father, ~uîs, t WiliamKennthFred Mulbolland, who passed ~lysonofMi.andMi. Hghaway January 18, 1969. A~~~~~~~~ ThiaTouî.Mi htwould -1 give 10 clasI> r1etotake place mn the lbis hand, shmmi. -1k His happy face to see, To he- ý -vire and see hisi Forthcoming Thatmear o u t e Mcxniages -Eve) rem niber"d'byme,' Magdaughfer Mre o ~aythcming mrriage fterPATERSON-In xigme- sihug er MriynIene, to mory of oui ýdear wîfe, mother1 ~h ad Sott uigSson of and grandmotbeî, Ona irene, M.arnd Misï. Mcl uresal Who passed away Janiuary 25, ~spowmnvtle.The marriage 1972. t- fake place Maî!2ch 9, 1973 at The year lias passed by but we 4 o'Clockî in Tîinîty United stîll yearn,W Ohurli.4 1'*' For youî happy, smling, face, Deaths"I For in oui hearts there Wîll alwavs be ~.ATRA-As66 ILi St,, Tîeasured memorîrs thaf Bpw nvîle, o Monay, cannot be replaced. .1anuary112n , 173 Aî The ÎOY we knew when we ~odagd 1 yaswf f had you lilafeSideyG. hîta, azorething we'il neyerý Uhîn o cr arie nd Drisi t desus deided ±n take you (1, LS, JaCk ouhey.Mi. So)much 10 oui regret Glirian resfed at ithe Mri ehad to0 let you go, ~ nerai hane, Bwmanille Thogh-e know you are icewas ,held in St.A- hapirpy where you are. drew~sPreshyerian Cuc on! -Sadly missed by Sandy, Ken, W -dnesday t ' 3 .ip.. In- Heather, Dennis, Elizabeth t~mntBomanvilecerne-1 and Blle. 4-1* tory 4-1 _______VETZEL-In lovîng mem ory t 'LA1Toron-to W-,estern of a dear husband, father and r1cspi ai n Mnay auaygandfathei, George 'Vetzal, -2-11,193 Hee Brncwh passed away Januaîy 28, ~Te, i ie 6h yafom 968. asly0f orofowlf 0ffluei Nothing cani take away laf Leoy rui, dar mthe Th loe aheart holds dear, ofGae isaa ae MsFn ~ ories linger cvcry C-4,ron. treefev'ileI SeviE Remem1ane keeps hlm was hdintheMorsun na. e~alOhaelBowanvie, n -oviglyrerniembeied by, Wednesay at o'clck. In bis îfe Mary and famîly. ieý r'crit 4-1 _____ Notice to Cred-itors crNiSudcly'f1ew7NTIE OCREDITORS c~stle, on rîdy JanuaryAND OTIIERS dg 413 ,-,-, bGodfe yne1 Ai dims against. the Estate eR.P, 1, Kendlal: ipr 0rtr ono omn f~hrof Daývid and Robert; ville, lu the7 County of Dur- de2r ý,j) ýle (Mis. Wnn ham, Retiîed Linotype Oper- rneEugland; brother o 0f dceased, who dîed on ordTroiintfwo brot- or, about the.4th day of No- crs nd yrosiserslu n -vember, 1972, muust bc fîled l,nd.Sevcwa held in the with the undeîsîgned Execu- l\~rirFunralChapel, Bow- toi ou or before the 30fh day] îanlî,on Tuesday at 10 30 of March, 1973. Thereaftter1 Creýmat fion.r- the undersigned will distrïb-1 Z~ adcrippld aim Advertiser 344 stock. Maigwîli Fu F aimý-, c/o The Cana dian Statesiînan 62,j 2 1.Lcn347. P.O). Box 190, Bowmanvîlle 5-tf, 4-1 B-looci Donor CliilI-shwa Wed., Feb. 7 SAVEu -at name bhi Lions Centre tae w BOWMANVILLE Broadioo 1:30 - 4:30 Richmoni 6.30 9:00p.m. Phone 51 6:30- 900 .m. BROAD: Transportaion Provided special 'r Please Cali 623-9010 and gree 4-2 9 x 12 $1 -- Genuine T R Y 'ý,VA Y Bradl,, Riclimor TOURS LTD. Cal1 576. SPECIAL 1TO WOW.V.A. IJam.,boree, FebruaLry 16 to 18 and For furthecr information I contactL BOWMANVILLE ALS TRAVEL CENTRE Col' 47 KÎng St. W., Bowmanville Ph( Telephone 623-3182 3-3 Durham NDP Association I ANNUAL MEETING.( ssi Dr. J. Duksý-zta o ay M1.L.A. for Parkdale TOPIC HARý Health Care YeurE in Ontario FR] Sunday, January 28' 983 2 P.M, K byPublic School 24]1 P 1UBLIC WELCOME41 Wanted to'Buy S TENT traîler, good cniin Phone 263-9940. cndt2n n ONE pair childs ski boots,ý sire one. Cali 987-466j1. 4- UJSED Furniture and Appli- ROT( ances. Paddy's Market. Hamnp- UHF-VH ton 263-2241. 26-f ei Apts. ar KROEHLER chesterfield andf chair, hîgh wde armý, 30 yeacsi o)rd, ,ododitior1ý highna-Alok row bck hîgil -ar, 17,1atfoîrn Ailprîcel Kreee ock'er, o nîo rhc Vogelplatfr ocker. high 'wooclen arms-. Phon1e 623-55.45 1L. HA il ouicimunu St. vW., Phone 576-5522. 44-14 up te 60% on brand roadloom. We guaran- won't be undersold. bundle aI Fartory, arn DisI ribut ors, 81 .d St. W., Oshawa. 576-5522. 44-14 )LOOM - Hard twist, purcbasc 0f deep gold ýn. Regular prîce for 169.95, on sale $109.95. baUrgelu. Factory uni Distrlbuf ors, 81 nd Sf. W., Oshawa. -5522. 52-6 ,NDREWS V TOWERS ÎANTENNAS NSTALLE1) AT ..ow Rates 0O SPECIAL ON jour Systems ione 623-2006 or 723-5198 24-If, rSTALL AN ) FURNý" CE HUMIDIFIER or HOT WATER1 HEATERý ments for six months Cai JEY PARTNER 850O Service Dealer KEE ESTIMATES 3.5206 Orono or .enith 14620 H{our Service 41-tf IAWA TV ennas and Towers ,ORS INSTALLED (F - Colored Acrials md Honmes Pre-wired ean-shiiî-,Guaranteed ed to SAVE You Moneor .ne 623-5122 AMILTON, Manager USED truck, '64 Ghev, 1-Ion, address f0:Fo 1 stake body, ncw rubber, good M. A. MacLeod. Business Ad- running eider. Ralpb Wbyte, ministratorý and Treasurer. bus., 623-5252,, res., 623-5213. Nerthumr1ianJýd and Durham 4-1 Counfy B oar f Educatieon, ScuBox 470, D'Arcy Stret North, four whcel drive, wif b hy -___ draulir plough. Excellent conr- Tendes W r-ne dition, $1,700. Cali 728-2985 r lne afInr 6 p.m. 4i O0FBWMN VILLE TED RFRtSUPPLY 0F WHY BUY A GSLN AND DIESEL 011 e Tepnders are invited for the '.n orcorsi ,1970 CADIsupplyoetgasoline and diesell ,ý'a',l al 1970 '4~u±Li.'~... ou-fr use ' n veh icles beiong-.SdB Sedan de Ville ingi t the Corporatïlionofte -nSTE lovr f Bowmanvili. 1 Tenders lu semîrd envelopea 4-Door Hardtop Ial aiked as te contents Gold with brown vinyl top viiibe eceived by the und er- and matching interior? signed until 4:00 p.m. on Mon- 1. Climate Control . daFebuuary lg9th, 1973. Airconditioning Del(-,iVeuy will be te theT 2. Fower Windows Works Yrd, Liýberty Street 3South, Bowmanyl(li1e. Then FoyPéer Seats total annual requiremenîs L, Automatic Headlemp Dim- vili bc approximately 15,000 Ming Devine gallons-oif gasoline and ,000 5. Stereo Radio galions of dbedlroc Ter 6. Beautiful mue aI present euo' e 1,000 gallon 7. Pricetank and one 506 gallon -tauk 7. Frireowurd by Shnl Canada Limit- 1 8. Service cd aI the location. Also two conutter pumpa. MvacJJiNLD i ces shculd be quoed for Large pleasant suifes wtith roio bofh regeler and high grade F RDgasoliue. proofing, rer room, controlledt i-a-vaJ. M. Mc-i(uyA.C.T., Bowmanvîe Cli k- Arin ,,iarator, Includes hydro, Cable TV,.irl 40 Tenîîi ueStrt 623-4481Bowmrauyillr1, Ontario - 4-i' Help Wanted_____ WHITBY PSY"ýCHFIATRIC HSIA PAINTER &. DECORATOR FOÎ ýC)REMAN'J Salary $4.40 to $4.58pe hour (Prcsently under revision) uur ± i cl-'*ii7zor -n Rent_ __ !-se Line, Bowmianville BOB BEERS I7~ O Mothly 137 ELGIN ST. mM~, Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systenus lorcd appliances, superior sound New Work and Repairs Service and Estinietes entrances with infercon. 'Caîl 623-2641 iido parking for one car, etc.3-t 2G-0575 or 725-97501DAV 45-If Plumbing, Heating 1~-1 and Electnical .L'M 'J e KINDERGARTEN EGISTRATION Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital has an opportunity fer ai for Fainter & Derorator with a Depertment of Labour certifieate ~r- and ability to supervise staff and abilify te lay ouf work Ha pti .. ~-, .iray, Jan. 26 assiguments from verbal and written instructions. 193 - 9:00 nm, - 12:00 Fringe benefits inelude three yacks annuelvaaio;ail xEniskillen PO*S. - Wçýednîesday, Jan. 24 statntory holidays; attendance credits; cyci"al salar 1973 - '19:00n,,- 12:,00 ions; subsidized life, heelth, medical and itrepoeto icelsC resPS rdy .2 insuranre plans; and generous -pension 'Plan. Please apply to: PERSONNEL OFFICER WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL BOX 1270 WHITBY, ONTARXO"- i Lot and Concession Number required for bus routes Chiltiren mîust ho 5 yenrs of age in 1973 Pr-nef of ugo je required hy Registration Card or Bsrth Certifiçate, COMMERCIAL INDU STRIAL and RESIDENTIAL FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 1 Orono 786-2471 - - 33-tf DRY WALL B. A. POELSTRA CONTRACTING Drywall, Plastering, Textured and Acoustical Spray Ceilings Free Estiniates Phone 623-2277 FOR (CLASSFE Tujesday, 4:30 pm Comin Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Nýotices R oom 'and Board r Auction Sales Eu-Échr aîy ewovll W-wheboxt-ailer, . E 1000 BALES of oat 'straw. Dr. Wm. Rudeil and Dr. OM adBadaalable, V 'le ityLd HalFidy Jnar 6,815 0iceWo,107 Liberty St.S Phone 263-2088. 4-1 Wmn. D. Keane (Dental R.R. 2, Newcastle. TelephoneW le - ityLd Everybody, welcomc.1 Ladies 4-1* Surgeons)' wish fo announce 786-2606. 4-1* Auctioneers - Evaluators 41 1- 1PORTABLE humidifier. /Tel -e ___________ bîing 'lunch. 1-.- 4 WATER for sale and deliver- phone 623-3896. t4 e re1oening of their temp- j~ Livestock, Estate Sales There will be a dance lu cd. Caîl Cliff Pcthick 623-2313.3"SOE odcniin orary office~s aI 22 King St. E, Vanted to Rent Blood Herses Soia ominty-alSa-29t 3"STV, od odiin,1Bouýmanville. Ca11 623-5790, For *Professional Service cali Solî, naCmunty Hal,7a- ______________2-t $40. Phone 623-5063. 4-i _ 3-3 APARTMENT, oue bedroom, STEVE LIPTAY uvry, Januctar 27. RaPLE wood for fireplac, 72 440 TT 8hp,30mls PUBLICMETN couple only, by March li; R.R. 1, BOWMANVILLE 4-!- use: delivered. Cali 987-4496. TN,3 ..33mie,ý,HEK: Crwgh Rc, reasouahie. Phone 623-308014626-21 Dance, Newf,,onvýille Hall, ___ ____ -21$750. Phon e 786-2543. 4-2 WHR: centre Re,4l1-2 -21 Satida, ebraî 3i. 3 ONE used M-F PTO manure WE:Fbur t8p 8t per couple. Woods' Orchestra.970SNOJET, 19 h.p., with rordr . .BonWEN eray2 t8P1 Eveybdy e4-me 2,1972 mofor. Phone 623-5:226 speaer1. . ron Rent Evrbd ecm.11 4ý623-2610. ___ 4~WIIY. To brins nomto g__________ Auction sale, private estate Y, S- 1 ithat we have been unable1 BACHELOR apartment, adults fromr Oshawa, fo be held at Valentine C-ard Party, ANUL matS aîeMcINTOSH, Spies, Deliclous to obtain about the forth-iouly. Phone 623-5044. 4-1 Stirtevant"s Auction Hall, ?7 Joseph's Hall, Tuesday, Feo -;N U hî Rrt SPhe and Cider. W. T. Cox, 11/2 eoming Reial oer-UNIHD IOM wfhHll trt, sawTu- 13, 8 o'ciock sharp odpu- Whytes NorthyfoneT.S. 4 ment in THIS area.l aur256pm:Re es.r Lnhsre.Amsin623-5252.9', __ 3-2 Cmiles Nor4,h62f-905T 4-2 es.Lc h 4s UEDFuniur addppi-PINOs$00oasogod uyWO: A special speaker, Mi rg. C4 fer4 2-05 day Jaatryf25,ze6 p.m. Re-) 75.'-'UE uniue ndApi PAO 20;as, odby George Mathison.I 4-pce. bedrooni suite (good TheApua Metng0fth ace. ady' MîktHa -on 1971 Yamaha, Al condition,.. ROO-M available un Waverlcy cniin,9pe iîgro Cee nral Aetigicutr ants dý kton,m2-f36 b.p. Phone 786-2245. 4-i* As Mr. Mathison aud hîs Road v7icinity., Cali 413 suniton,(pect cditi onl Durham' eta giutr e,2324.2-fCor111umte (Input) have doue 623-5715.t onitin) Society will bu heild lu the STUDEBAKER Service,' new COMBINATION Fleetwood considecable research in some bd-boseChromne suite, fable lamps, orona United 1hi-fl radio aud TV, excellent of the aras already formed, THREE beroombue Sollua radio, floor lamps, child's Orn ntdChurch. Hall, and used parts. Graham's1tbeadcais ek ig Saturday, Jan. 27 at 1:30 p.m, !Garge 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf condition. Reasouable. Tr e ie be lli be able to fr11 us some Road South. Phone 723r62,581al n his ek ig 32-- phone 987-4808 after 5. 4-1 of the problenîs il bas caused after 6 p.îîî. 4-1 pong table, books, swivrl Dance to the music of Fay TROOMz!et,1' 4 1972 MOTO-SKI, 30 hp,,. mot- as, 'weJl as 10 answer oui APARTMENT, central, fridge rmookrs, mdrpe, kstep- abe, Adamîs and the Counfry Hits uto anNwovleor, less than 200 miles, new qetos.adsov.Autsol.Tet-msilsmrrosr s, ten lu Janelvilir Community Hall, 78-24c8t over, bell and balanceof Reiduf of other munici- phone 623-3303. 7t tnis rses eeiin Safurday, Jauuary 27th. $4 case of oil, $625 or brsf oiffer. palities are welcome. ONE bedroom apartment, ity sale. List not complete. per couple. Lunch served. TWO beige Acrilan rugs and 987-4010 aften 5:30 p., -1 i* DO nake a Special Effort to fridge and stove suîîplied. 1Terîns cash. AIl furniture 4I-1* underpads, 9 x 7 and 9 x 101/2,PLRS-larne~17 Attend as this Concecrs YO(Tý Phone 623-2694. 4-1 wielcome. Salesîoom open ewateLosCuDacalso one pole lamp. Phone PLRSCerneo 9242 623aste3198.Clu4-1ceChargers at, cost. Electrir 4-2 ONE bedroom grouud floor evrry evening 7 - 9 p.m. Myle -ecsl omuiyHl,- strs g $2.5 aparfmenf. Central. $110 per iRing. Auctioneer and Carl- Saturday, January 27. Danc- ANTIQUE Gun Show and $649ý5. JT & M Sports, High- RepWa tdmîntor, etr 623-2453e,'5-75. 4-1 __ îng 9-1 f0 the Royal Ambassa-: Sale, Sunday, January, 28, Red way 11.7, Nýexcastle, 987-4887 Ratr 2-43 - 'dors. Bar privileges. $4 per ýBain Auditorium, 172 Wayne ____ _ ,____ I AI!TE'R wanted. Apply lu- UPSngteCon coupe. _ 4- Sf, Osawa 9 an. 2 Pnî OTTS Ued Frniure - prson te Queen's Hotel, New- riorTAIRS, furnished bach--."nrnae oury Auc- coupe. 41 S., Ohaw; 9 .m4 2 .m. lorapaîlmnent, suitabîr for fions", rr-opeuîng Tnursday 4-icastir woikinegentlean. Fie evcnîng Fbuay sI t7 Hospital Auxiliary Mcm- Antiques - 73 King St. E., near okn etea, re ,Fbur s beiship Tra at Mis. E. V. LADY'S dark bîown, cloth IGA, Bowmanyille. Bed chest- CORte take over kitchen. parking. Ph'one 623-2746. p.m., located 4 miles north of Hoar's homle, 158 Rijng St. E., winter cotfx fui coller, erfield and chair $65; 54"' box QÇ,ùuens tl, Newcastle, 4 (i ougf N lo. n tIih a)onaRdml Frlday, Februtariy'2, 2 to,5 p.nî. 20"i 2i neyer been worn, sprrng and mattress, new, Wai 984684. 4-1 BOWýAMAVLE -Sal2sotofWtvaeonAon Anor iteroestd u 4os-2a allergie f0 fui; $100. Phone $59; desk, $19; TV, 21" Fleet-! W1AITRESSES wauted for bedîoom anartment, $ý125 Rd. Openiug Night Features: wok ecm.42263-8448. 4-1 wood, $30; TV, 23" Electro- part-time. Apply fo Mis. monthiy plus hydro, Avail- Burd walnut iiano, set of4 ONE nly 24 Mofaf -en home Console, $135, China, Nooue 983-5536. 3-2 able Feb. 1. Cr11 983-9165. baoo bmkcirdnu MONSTER BINGO OEol 2"Mfa age, glesswaîe, dishes.___ 4-1- - TE troSrt ___ ebdîoo m sukchies, carved THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. perfect'condition, $110, usedSchol aia, tricoola SNtreromfrmt.huetstcpie amirpn i only, 23 cu. ft. freezer, re colaetosho-g N ero o et os-stepn rorpn Spnoe Y$4,8fr$3.8 enge County Broadloomn cil -,ee4 1l, 'n yor' kerpiug and liviugroom puyv- bimuknt box, pine chnsts of Oshawa Miner Softball Cîesf Hardware, 36 King East, homo or my homeii. 623-7028.1 linges. Ladies preferrd. drawers, harvest table, rockiug Broc St, Suth f 41 ïïýË]fÂT-- -Phone after 4 p.m., 623-2685. and occasional chairs, fables, .IUBILEE IPAVILlAON 623-5408. 4-1 174Z rc tSuho 0 MEIT openiug for ex-4-wasads folfeto OSHAWA 30-tf RALO De u- WHITBY - 668-8895 perîrnord sccretmry with ac- 41wssadtie es i Take noticethat the annual urlous shag, many colors, 9 x The Lowest Prices Anywhere curate typing abilit y and BOWMANVILLE -- One bcd-lma ls u hn nld mneeting of Producer Members 12 sire.Rgua$199,o2-erIsîatnGaate shoîthand, for position lu room patmnent, central, $110 ing Cranberuy, Mary Gregory, 0f theDurha Couny Hog ale $9.95.Huîîy! Factory Beautiful Warehouse Selection ,oa fie Poe6344.mor'thly, heatiug included, auu auvl of heDuha Cý7"YH0 sle$9995 lca ofic. hoe 2344.1 ë 'dm- ocpacy alFlow Blue, etc. Brass, Cop- Producers' Association will Biomdloom Distributors, 81 4-tf 41 ied83-9165. 4-tf per, varlous edocks, primitives, be convenrd t the hour Of Rchmond St. W., Os'e ,BOREE-Tpe-Rcp blue flowered crocks, and 115 p.m. EST, on Feb. 9th, Ceit 576-5522). 52-6 THESE 2-pce. -chesterfields are tioniat for Municipal Tax CENTRAL, large eue brdroom many other collectables. Auc- 1973 at the Agriculturai Office- floor samples (selling below office.1 Duties t0 commence suite, one-yemr-old, modern fioneer's note: We feature an- in the Town of Bowrnanvillc REE'D A PRESSURE SYSTEM? cost). 2-pce. Kuoehier, nylon Februaîy 10, 1973. Apply only building, $152 monthly, aduits tique aud collectable items for thýe purpose of the proper SUJWP PUMPS fabric, $319; 2-pce. Kroehler, in writing t0 W. E. Rundîr, ouîy. Telephone Mis. Gebenrs, every Thursday night. Evcry-1 business o-f the annuel meet-,REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 100% herculon, $295;- 2-pce. Cleîrk-A,'dministrmtoî, Dmrling- 623-5512, noon or eveuings. thing arlîs without reserve.1 îng, the election of officers Simmfons, 100% beiculori, $280; tn Township Office, Hamp- 41Trma cash. Henry Kahn Auc- anud the election of substitute HARVEY PARTNER 2-pce. suite, oniy $295; i onI lt, Ontrlo 4-21 LARGE -2 b-edr-oorn- apartrnrnt, tien Services, Phone 668-6189ý delegates. __ 4-1Orn98-06-Zit142 sofa (loose pillow back) $19.DEPENDABÀ7,LE Man who cen snif-contalurd, central, Wel- or 294-0426. 4-21 F. . KemoFunitre td, work \ifhout supervision. lington Strect, Bowmanvile. WOOVIE ,41-tf King Sf. Eest, Bowmenville. COMMUNITY CENTRE 4-1 Eern $14,000 lu a year plus Suitabie for young or elderly Saturdmy, Januery 27th aI BRO ADLOOM - Remnants --- ..-- - bonus. Contact customers lu couple. Availabie Frb. lstý 11:00 a.m. - Important An-ý MONSTER BINGO En, f Roils. Retail values ~Bowmmnville ara. LimifedlIPhone 263-8450. 4-1 tique Auction beîng hcld ati NEX MODAY te$185 pr ard Onsae ato ravl.We rai. ir ailSPCIOS fwn"Herongate Country Auc-1 NETMNA o.$89 e yr.O aeLivestock For Saleauot-vl erinArmilS CIU 3-bedrcoom tw tions"' - located 4 miles noufh 7:45 $4.95 per yard. Facfoîy Broad- S. O. Dickerson, Pues., Sou th-1bouse, evailable immediafely. of Rouge Hll on Altona Road REDAR - WANEST lom Distribufors, 81 Rich- TEREE sows due f0 farrow, western Petuoleum, Box 78-q, Nice ara, close te dovrutovru. (off No. 2 Highway) or 1 mile IRDAN ANES.moud St. W., Oshawa. Phone Phone 263-8426.__ A -1* FI. Worth, Tex.. 4-1 Stove, fridge, washeî and dry- South of Whifevale. Featur- O SHAWA, 576-524-4 HORSES boarded - box stalls, ersnaieWetd rJcue. hu 2-24 ng in part: Qualif y glass and ý-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chesteci- reasonable rate. Telep Dhone To crý11 on livestock farmeus. Special puice if rentrd before china, including Cranberry ficlds, ilkinds of Used Furni- 987-4039 Newcastle. 46-tf An mli Canadi n y Frb. Ist. 3 If, c-î-uli, tc) Mr THEtuc, ntqus ad ppienes Jese -whih-asben in businessI OLDER, executive-type homer, Gregory, Vasamuuina, Bohem- Bos Paddy's Market, Hampton,.RGITERD 1s.,Godfo,; y ieas and1the terr- 4 bedmroom, 1l½ baths, yr, aLoef, Satin, Cobalt, Sat rý,ee Boys 263-22,"41. _1_1_-26-Ifrj n Jauuary 3tory ha(ýi lis b n l lokdclose 1te sop i nd achool]s. îessed, GuI, Meissen andi ____ ________ Ireors,6% test. Fîanmk Sf en- af" u eîsuaie r vial ac sf. VWrite nother art glass, hangîng lemps, diun19pcc;chester-!oletb wd Hotelsuit, Buma tak- _____- - .~C'CdIîil epytSdvLe ainEaLLsmnaLi, P.Box ýzand jbayonefs, lamps, pine fesuite, al -Euma342, cL/o The Canaudian Sfatcs- 19U, Bowmianvîlle. 3-2 chesta cf drawers, washstands -NEWCATJLE wvood, ncw. Must sel!. Sec Cas le Man, P.0, Box 9, Bowman- icuigmrl os ag S ,ifce. Pone1-241-5971. 3 tý ar .fl- Sa ----ville. 3-2 BOWMANVILLE, priva-te, fouü-r incuigmrl os ag Fn.- at,, Jani. 'I'-27NDOOR OUTDOOR-Heavy '65 CHEV.,28K, aufom,-iafic, CARET 77Z ingmomable TV,1'eth PId arkI n cphads cbioe -L -ri, -be Vresoabechairs, apinning wbeel, cop- DANCING 9- rubber back, seven bright col- tinte d windshicld, radio. Phone rsile cok bl, 4 -' ors, 9' x 12', only $35.95. Fac,- 623-2545. 4-1 Applications vîiii be ureceiv.- rut, immediate possession. per, rsslecokbls tor Boeioon isribtosed by the undersi.gurd until Çashfindcr -& Ce, Real Estate pictuucs, frames and many Membrs ad Adcue t orf BiRhodmD St. W., osw, '5FR arae50XMouday, Januauy 29, 1973 foir & Business Developers, 14 other intercsting collectebles. Trinity United Churcb are Phone 576-.5522. 44-14 390 V8, convcrtible, good coni- the( position of Caretaker, .12 Div ision St., Bowmauville. Auctioneer's Note: This is a invited fo the Gongregational - ____ ___~ - dition, $400.__623-5120. 4-1 hour/,i-,week at Shaw's Publice__ 2-4 inhe collection of antiques iPot Luck Supper on Wcdnes1- YES, we have our own Serv- - , ,ooî- - and collecf9bies with neerly day, Jeu. 3lst et 6:30 '.. ce Man as weli as 011 for 1966 FORD sedan, mecan- oo kowndr f chool BOOMS TO RENT by Moath25itmelwofy f foliwedhy nnual Meeting your bouse. 24 bours - 7 deys. cally good condition, certifîcd1, Icrta ru rocýedure an dTeeiin-Bt-Saa yoiir attendance! Wo't you in the Ghuîch- Sauctuary. 987-5111 ou 987-5143, Wrn. $450 or hesf reasonabie offer i cîieanjIiu methoda, Abilîi te oIndoor PoollonuPvewFdy - Please keep tî dateopen. Jobuston, Newcastle., 51-8 '623-4234.,____4-1 work fuom vra and wrîîteo, enîng 7:00 10 10:00 p.m. Ternîs The ncw Illiimlnatcd igu BROADLOOM, 9 x 12, Hard 1967 CHEV, station wagon, instructions andc abîlity to gel LIGDTHAtah o rsre uc 'Iii be dedîcafed during the Twist, in beautiful dark green. 9-pessenger, 3 27 engine, pover' along with 0 thers. MOTOR INN available. Henry Kahn Auc- worhi srvceon Sunday, Normai rosI $180. On sýle stccring, brakes,.$675, Hamp- Please appl- in luwîîîîng stat- Phon 623-3373 tien Services, Phone 668-618 worhîpscuice39tf r'24-026.3- January 281h, il ar. - 4-1 $119. Facfory Broedloomi Dis- Ion 263-2154, 3-ff gqalfctinand experi -_____or_94_426 C[UT LJj:U:eU1LUi U Auction Sales WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES at Durham Couaty Sales Ar ena Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m, Selling Horses, Cattie, Swine, Celves, Sheep, etc. Charliâ Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- prietor. 23-tt BOB and FRANK STAPLETON AUCTIONEERS Specializing la ail types of SALES and ESTATESý Phone Newcastle 987-47 or Newtonvile 786-2953 16-tf Auction sale et Pethîck'a Auction Shcd et Imydon, une mile eest oif Enniakîllen on Setuuday eveniug, rebruary 3. Large quantity ef furnilure aud thinga. Special: Teea wagon, Ivre uew ingle beds wîth maîtresses, dressera, TV, loads of articles. Sale lime seven e'ctock. Cliff Pcthick, Aoc- floeer. 4-2 Work Wanted WATER veýlîs 'orcd or duiii- ed. Canada Drilling Company, Phone Oshawa 5'76-6004. Be- presentative Hrrry L. 'Wade, Newcastle 987-451, .'2-tfc AL G. OSBORNE Carpelt - Upholstery Prof essionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 JACK BUEÎS OILBUNR - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONEIFIAMAPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box 43 Bownianville FRANK BRINK Trenching SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION IR.R. 6, BOWMANVILLE NO SUNDAY CALLS 623-7201 RAD REPAIRS Valve Grindingc, THIS AD 15 WORTR $U 1,00,ýf to yon if presentdcd nri our NEXT JOB Phone 263'-8849 TYRONE Crawford Heat-ing OIL BURNER AND FTJRNACE INSTALLATIO:N 24 HOUR Emergency Service 141 Liberty S., Bom7manri'Ile Phone 623-7534 DARLINGTON* MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEFS & FIREPLACES Phone 623-2176> _49-t2 JOHN McEWEN Carpentry Work ALL GENERAL REPAIRS AND REMODELLING FOR FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3984 4-4 Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestie Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER, Days 623-5774 Nights -623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC