Mm': Bruce Tiîlison, Ed,îor hm 9741 Wide ,Vari"etjy of To pics Nwasl Discussed by tCou nei Prcnl -.1 hý fNewcheastlé Thé cld bi th Newe~slé --ThéiM , he Flitoifanti hi j Mon1,y veing iin ca luncîp ge ebou1 l h laye p urcsei i r iýectmy- i7 o f T i Anýpo IL rio aniwf ea f eS xit ev i(rti -and a lP ie nawakîng thé il ,iag , e Côiui io n i (à1i n rtegard taI I Gay Cucior R.Beton t o pey h bAck thé ony Thé té é istian crossovép-iýIprion We r u C sorr taleportthat - i .~i' , ai K Hoar Kéihliooc l de hm asigté o gwythhny assumeti.r rý1M e. >iLnt iIe ubé bis gaini BI.r antiFred couch péetviug Cor- se,ý vme1 tous t conci tat none woli la én aptetiiMmm Théinue éémaibydlasTéRev ugséiysiethater i héHospitaplaniMr, FPrends Tuf- 5 Ib ctl irk Ms. Géci utIé that h uic oui woli talk aca uu re.farci heRé tlybeen admit- m ni inut1 es C, en-é Io Membr of hé giclaum asth Norhubeintiai"Duir- M. andi Mml biMartln' red o séial mééing'c ltit htpoéue hysolihmAsemn ice, Il was Oshawavisitprt i wltbthr an ~ ~ ~ ~~' Jaum 51 2t ni3s.0Wfho.mpreita ditrionai s CI aug ýhtPr anir famîly M. On Jaauajry 51, itbaly A Ipltté ,r a m.CmcetIseiét é airn 92 ni Mme Kith Rgrsi, a Grayas lerk Tréasumér ionn Agaînat thé éy-some ';pwoulti hé thé-meeponsifîlity afsmt DMilbroik on NéWcastle tpoma a sicý7v. ' lti h é emrdi owmth1oclcoui i n i'11973, c éray lt niba Onhi. umy 2ndr h &lonthioboh Jinskyppérlty, Pei'rmissin asgrnttitathmwih sor ozI.'c- membérs cprésen, a 1otIin ashmfieitht o unilrmwupefav o um tces aiti a nrfr éc11é,e1 éni is3cuieti;Atind aiélIcé et I-éAHble w1ls,1(gvù ýltith two goals ,andntile ga taoîiiy commen t on coiînciiP [, gave his mégréts bu tplat eachseor'Il b obi ol- Tcp1Cull0ughqt IllaCe mk- highr, at i thy oui ei ota o inan\tvté Bol n ét ta RobbiéC, oolehen with tpIéalh.have thé lék on1tact ow-réerý cvéti wîh regret anti eti l .J i int Cri OnJaueyr15 wthai1mnvll nti Cuamke Towni hankefr hi sevice ini thé I inébée réen, y7aw732 a ckthn f héyvé a e Gpast, ;aiRonl ulywsFynEdeWavtat wae defo eci ri i p t tuc il h Pdl Dé)! pI. At tis ,limé ,,il wa lamét offcehep nt Fmnotb é f CmmncaIos-wo ae that ané eothéer cmillé w GrLeéywIlapoiét tathétu n ff théle l util iti lsnt comlplé téti, tato tA I11t tRg-sble mîghl give llemaepoS-1ThéetiimyTeck7Faée on dic in W55 iven1 o e souto.1ouig ai ý rq-J, é1 th lapai GeivAtnmént. M islyof Tranisportatiniani Ifýri rnii thç f aily of tIllaté'am at ý7léatSm fismm rU e Corfrniéto s wc réen e al-jc" lNIcCu 11ýlloughi bcrs migit fhé ableé t ated t- ter dies h oncigln étrf o hi othmF Aprýý 2il Ilnd meet ing laý,ii a~~reemént fmom Beever StreétF be1rlaýint i anti Dre onyTmba éesl h blt béynt th prkon in ~. Bari a Euctio wcleu~- Rcuetaioswr e- Funi C amrpe ln(Mrcha Couil nt ic ai-)thé cClau woulti hépeyI vtté secrary c araHikmp 4~5 IAfmuyinth Ir lse. treesurer $50 per IImo lh anI wstcaéiin thé Village a 1 etrfrm M 3 rrsolutin1-4 wouii ihé ta psy Newvcasztlé for thépmpose of wvii iityo résE-c ofP, th ahé sx e 1 b ehl Pi lg hi cappéti peaple- 7/NK/N6 E ECI A/il aoice antsiintmgvmnén 250. Per ya.A imotion wIAas ét, rdcie sfllvs OaPHAT/N5 os T/E~ ai Afaie, wn woté oP'Fei- matie aIanéneiýhtér 0f té arwigare caimes of Lthé ema Povncal inerCai- ésluios"passtici tl a poutercnvseswho are T, aï- FONE COF THFM tel rjcîs -,Fuonti, ezlso iclui- motion ta hav e és1rm a écbe néiiei me et AN O T céd théfi e ypartmoire rdm'ls con- -esré a t.uIof monéy Atýrr, -iam , e' BoWje1,Mdle THý 1E,5rE ilné ntépsigof fthé,thhAt thé .planning bf)artlyi té Bi y itaCei n CimIrattwihe apifti hecrép Pies, RBerthe lFics her, VMary 9Thée éuétfor a ona ion Tj t a h Ci a (j PoserInîtCHotiawy, rsa hy thé e St .Joni-l Amýrbulance tar y-tréac er. HP, wels filei. RéoltinA5 es ccpltivi~a1, J nuyHoe, Aima, 1Thé Tnchýip .af Hp e ythé CouLnci1 l, la w ichtép kîs Miynent, 1Alic- of "Ilp Plann ing Bardwcouli ap t p éry, I Vt 1Icky), esnp , b4 H'q P e ccebuldgert ani mii rté for five per cent of thé MillaiK 1972. I lp tiéc 1iet i a ciSbiiinlandi, cl tvliey or Kay Powp ell , Jeln Rieckatid, I9ý2 I Mapi-g Rutbiman, Valérie ui bcitihématcie, ta lea'n 1thépIwastée ani.1an Caa Scîm1rii ,lmargi pumpose rof Ibis rqétbfr nifinrilly coluncil eS ac 1m, G- cé Swngýýh a r , serctiing out fthé copy. cpéia i h lnigCmiTwn ém ebbth, le'tter from t4hé ïMiislry Biarti, Pedopting ithé Bowmanr Jo wiem W m. r. Jou-nstoniofUThé Govmamnt ervceswas a 1ville tadadform of eh-______ 4c ý Motolr Oh - Fuel 011e réindéicir !t htey wul cn- divisinaméêt nt ra.ccl thieirltem seFfor division Mem ,érs Cof thé T lira rY bO SA L coul" P rt as leof thé3o1 f MaiciIBoari weN now réénAet t 1UNAENSALATON TéPilleRtigéTo urcist, meticg taPleéawhehemor AND 1REFAIRS Cuclrqétt w ét a oai eibe bet m niMe letDvy ïkeSts -9- 11 éFapt ran rnqNew-Ippont e mem-rber a hir mihaMm.Pthe nt idMm. cai, hich wouflî behé la thre Brti. -Thery wéPréatCIvi thtbati1joh i jhn , Osheivé, er ____________________________________ -Re,,Bob heynéldbeen p- Sntoyg fes tMr. nd M plointei nt téyité rexy BértJoînson.i Board would hé notifiet o i is MmI, Chris aes omno taceve tc e wéékenti with fiénI t I a- $34)00by MerI1, mf weeite 5 eo lméefie lil 1, twa weuréwketwihM.aiMm.W cars con Jaiiui;lylI l3tpantpth 2Otfh thé e r a te1rvision qetVaekwr Frdy fé- T h &lont,. nO m. .Mln; Pfi.,a1 evénilng - M,,m. ntilI;Mme rH T h e r TepI 22lnt;L té4r Mé, omnilMt Mtwà r xea Arslto foraninéri tx ev of34wain C v. SuiCdày1%1 nnr guéaI min iils, wAs aseiandtfi éatoM.antiMm.AiberI VntiïyK,ý ti o f poostpnti Sunda al an Roati s t îmets fo7ýr r l, ).Mi. ant imc Jo Van- Pnrthdecélié mo P n Vaitt 1îIldrik, Witbye. 1.;rm. i a ott'hXthy M.aaiMe . Vaaéyýk ani colinw apply for1tii rton i ntC irm, A. iiO êé S v r a s u g g sti o n s we , alrb i a y e v é ni i l b y l a v b' y p athé Gna.ewitIl thé 'Sorry to rep)ort Mme. Etilti p in sé a hé Wéspt View Mýurpy(rniaeh a c k la Héig7ti S -,)ilvîiion bi eng nMémor ialJ HoIspÎtil i poa relonCnrite a otia Aa atn hrinTor- becquet .for coachesa héot un(yIrlîganite locl hckey éae 15a nas wére -,unchéc Ur Oééa rq of abawicg thir theak W5 KoenTomrote anih h 400 Uniiversity Avenue--u ugsîn ahm st .Hah. 159 1 repaiep o r iéwan lc Hm ugBmS îî .- 174 1 TootOtroMIA 1V2 gse lit";sédo h .Roea.1 965-251 Néwîî'sLumbr . alg1 Wîlîmn 624"1 Eployment Standaàrds Branch lýeemnsfhepgtoe faou -r1.1c-s3wak.1 3tr3s0 0f getiFos matie wem ta th m U tnist ri OhinCFF natt of hé i -a It wa aieanotet Ilstrei foabour The Ontarig Sali land CrOP 11impt o-ven'mcrit Asscitioni ihp l ;ýtheinnual .eet~ îng rpceritly i nroronto, Area dele'gates vho attended the two=ay esIon eme (léftn taight) Wesley Ylale,~ ,Ensiln usl orsn R2 B3eaverton, presidetSCA; and înentTefyRR1, WavîlThe menirý. bers mneýt ta determine the 1973-iitis ortesocain ___Photo by O nîaMèdniy fAgriuture and Foodi NE ST LE T0N Mr ani MiS Nornan Sni anti 'Mrs. OryVeuning At .Ca-ý boconk, e Sundannemr gueste w ih Mr, andMr.WledVn 'Pegt 3Mititiion, rdona n'à Brucp elîsisag MmI, antiMsdaie c Gi, R.R.JnPilwr aid mme, .R iaksnc vîsiteti ,'forSU ndiy evenrng On Saturt.iyMl atiMe dalle, weme lunch an guet a ti with, lhem,,pavrnts, Mm, a'nti , Mm . a nti7,M1e1-3, wreinr Cooletigppspnt Thmay av %M Sunay with hem ste I mpThnpsnTmot, who re-tumneti home tthem. Mm. ant-idMe.Don Frw nti Mr d anti Mm. Mumay Shea me- tumneti on Tusia Nfem, Spending a. ïi"1,st tOhmééeks vacation i n Flitia, (mati 1wîéathem favoreti t hem alil the for an ca-n sin Shaw cwobas reécntiy me- pamani a ri an, Jaso Walyneé , cirn f 3Miranti Mme. Wa, My ne Wigtwr baptîzeti lon S'ud Rémnember thé CWmet ing nrThiuSda;y (tonîght1) lan, the- CE.iHall at 3 f00 p, in IS M-r. and Mme. Er Tie SaMr. anti MeCaya v'iéÎitors -with ftheir Cous7ins -.Mr. andC Mme, Dou1glas Joice. JThé Mpie Grave eewlnà club mét for the'scati tnle an "e. e.7th in fthé C.g. Ha1l wih 14 girl présent, 1This wék th e uesin f mai1l cciws htcolor ani' ki1tiafnitemaltii ou gt? Thmm, waS no busnsPo wc steti tan eut aut aur autfte Econaiet f ror tbme land and umam viitet u ai(in ti ane weýrécd somé ecfof 1 aur questioins .onrh; cusesw An wISknité. On WednéstV1iiay, Februry 7th, ,,hé Mjap lGaveCue, ha lathé xctn Pievénng oee sfoioe ae aneli ald Daiglé; lané thrée, Daug Sluiagéb em; lafr, obr cIa; ane sixRSsel Pecé aulbti ita tkhe an-(c avm.Maso.Ti nt, me. Hog Jreomn Me RélMe . Va fýn Hemmre nt s.Vao n, On Stumtiay, Fbuary W lthw hati anoh sucéeful ape Mm. . trnpl, M. euwsMm thé ,oyspk uHe papérs. ténai frorn Pîne Woodli th,ériý (i~knxt yankeé OnFrar Dy l8th utPb i étThé Maple Gravé Cuba 2un aIMpeav e . h pbl th ubysd ai makn umr thé yearî Evry-ané, w-i . 1 - corne tr. 1 am ear 7h ti tumnet nom BowManvillé ,Ten NestlCýienW,! nienbr pnsatal, ýahdti15 guées romHaîpa Monday aftemnonnanti v- VW F. pet àn théPrebytemiF ning vîsîtors wîh Mmr.atiChurch on WtnsaF M"e. Brui:qcHaeipwem Ms 7h Mlleon Lwon însyM. wn t lieté ot ànd- Mmej. Gardon Stmang,0 ri eAMme.H oea1 p, thé ré-- ; ~iackstock, . tent, Mmc9CW, Witand t% h ,mm. &.A. Cawke rpr teaumeMr.R.,Dvon nstîttes o Ontmia o Thum- Mm. Bé De-JTni,,let Vic héi public meeting unter the Iweiconet thégueseaftr thé Ontaio Mnismyof Arcu-Oping Oude wa urig aniH tore anti FoAti, helio àthr théMuary Stwart Coict wae Goverrnmenti, lding i innt-rpaéiin WýMnion ay T'1Uhe SretrMme. Joie The meeig a r)an invita (-Pdi, eait hé-inutes a1f ion tainteétt épi nieJanuam eeting whîchi vmgan [otion n-aicommnt nn wéme ,approveti he aualty anti réevancer.o '%Mm, Dewe.1 i' fHnptn 4inistmyprogramentW -i ér tetaînd th lades iin w mouîliy tA sere n àtimr 0 Ioey pian ostrumentas, én- apiti changpe. 'Thé eeig et y aul-. va caretiab rofN.R. Téof mepotnlmetib Mm., anti Mme. Ralph Cawkem, legeMay let, 2nti, rt, Thé! Ehantime anti Jaan.m îilr0kpal1ing fée 0f $'5 Fmuet hé bp iemé dinnerguesSudy yFéb.8h. Mmre. Il. Maleoim ast attthé Caýwkem famm. sugeted 1that wé seCnt ilath Mr. antci mrs. S. Cakr alngfeat ppofint .al N~etlpton% caleti nnMm. at eat aewhich %asi ban!>ecny ýlétter fimom the Fý'.WIO Pei Mr. a 1ntMCiordMooé, intMme. Nohiltcnet E~he1 rpntSauriay1 afi ie tr- uchi nfrmato.In th Wchuams anti rémeuétifortmm - Wîl b Apies sablé- (erjbnng dnnf.OterS ,u - rpro rae, h e ae ea l'misFAliS andtiboys, Bow-jamimiesymtemand nt i t l; nenvllé.scrie tathéCanadien can- ge t If vou 1aven't alr eadyreivdk . il-e ne Xt few days yo'l alibe gtig .new PostaI Code in the ail tsntvr exciting e l ie at ,lt!àrynet en'r~ And iCs relly flot as complicated as àt loôk&a After nvo years of studyîig thc bystemas of mOst of Itle countrieb cf tie ,world, h eshow we dvlpdPsa Codes for Canada. lie map r cueOe n the rigalit realy are ou mill be rcîiga Postal code Pak- age. it conitaîns youýr code, intucinso Law te use k,4 a hand y address book,seia ,*Postal Code stickers for A-:your enivelopes, and card S ffat You shou;ld Send to y(-orfns ~ ~îi«~zu.-..If you dnthaveeouh you l.can get asm man pas ',î Yeun need at your nearesât - -. ?oâtiOfficae.rmeae, a1%e J-1 eý< à il, urCoide does-n't mû~Ve yý oujr mail Unleaa ,ouifrPends use i. And iîf yen Uhavn't re:eivtd rcuit Code V by March l2th, pleaneeau lyourloal dPosýt Ofic. ewil ai f 0 î0 mnediately./ Lt i posibl hewver thatyou are nlui- the CE NTRAL ONTARIO P OSTAL net have beencee yf Gette t ]lâ en A' 1.XIC '..anaoiAn ~LaLeuTnafl, DrJ'sn~ 1 une.A 1) nrniséri f Thîrrk i therm a letter aneJ receîpt fro"m1 had hea exernses sent ta "Save theChire' Eyes5' in h- Gea. a that MerGeôrge' HreaslipYhéurrérenttv an théP Faike Board,ni car- ýCue;s for V011" ý wjIli héMniInh icI t 10olck !n téP~s intresetiis elcmeto at-I Mrs. 1. MiclrW et resoutna to eep he - tndrnity Wamd Port Pery tio Mwi ch 1was scodti b Miss Rth Prott nticrre The maoil cil was nwee hA Peachlady tellng àabout ber of arniy nd onsmerAf- chirSAokChargentofpthé et ing anti clleti on Mrs. rBen De Jorg for thé 'lTopic, :She c gave us the reason Why cofee M8 sa expensîveand staeti thit hae been oived rver aipiip Tf cafe 'Tonve mny h goo-d hin t hoqppers speak- ý1i1 ofGfoai, s -e3tàte-dJthat, NOTICE MEETING, 197,73 p.m., Clarke Township Haill Oronog A nw studCy Is n prM r ;-ctofiiid the b s oainfor -the-, tWe i ransrflie-siO At Ibs eary stge Inlb. tud ïgl Tit-meting bas benarngdb Codes. f-ceh da 4à bysiat=cf- R2n- o à91 e7mtùL- noe, K2P: -Y- R2P Ç0P4:, And b L- Ldihe Mor a " eabcea w an Ërýigwe-t 10r oe naau -Oýr:a eoenyrha meelme largevalu there s 14o ne le -that i l healh fodscar be r~~é by niny ote(' cea-Ler foOde whîch re jua as niitritoôus, The ottafor hé da- .theg hf e you lve îa thelessori u Daes he e ýndr-et- "MnyCan't Buy" kand '~A Prayer prsentétic their peozra-i. Mrs, ~ rosrrad "Today's Mod- -ilr-n ari BSo Gayt". Mrs, Fiat ni r.CRàverly ut andi She" mn Dayer thançed thet Hampton osdes for 40,i rslnî rogrâl, ani the rIeetr-de wth -"0 aia- da" anti bc" "Institute Gac", ý"Lunch was sè 3rveti by IMZS.1 13e~ ~ ~ -i Jagsgou fdMrê. ,Geco, tioli to those who ýhati econ- trîutai t avcry tileasar.t Mr- Cvel hak4thi A DAY QR IWEEKEND Ach lor Rue . , Id new w, ay to