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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 4

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EDUITORIALCOMMENT The Heari Fund: A Unique HealthCas it ïis imiportant for .everyone to raiethat the Heart Fund, conducted bere nd troughonut Cnaaduring Febraryis smetingmore than "'Just ant Wrhalhdrie". The Heart ud is uiq(ucly im- portant. stal, ii is a combnined appeal s ýupportijng thle nationwidle fight agans agratcomplnex of diseases and disoder hert atac. sroke, 1highi bloodpressre ad hardepningiý of the artrie, reuati feerand inborn heat dfecsto mecntion nl a few. Dîsea~s ofthe hart and circulation, whîch your Heart Fund dllars hbelp to figh, ae rsosbefoi,r morethan 77,00deahsin Cana,-da -nuhli r.Thait, is mre tan te cm ineotal, resuflt- irg from il other diseases and causes oA death. in fact these cardiovascular diseases ac'count for mor M1. percent of1 Plil deaths, The eart problem t-ris ,no djista1t abtrCIon huhntoa and ~ ~ ~~~~f inentoa nsoe texist's as a painful and costly reality rig ht here in this town,' If yýou have somne doubtS, examinep the obiuaries wich appear hi our daily newý,spaper-s. You will find that our loca mortality experience closely pr llel pntional fgre;that' on the average, abýout hif 0our deatbi notices will m-entlion "heart attacký", "'strokeý" or "er isae.Ail too ofteri thiese ter ms aýre applied to family bread- w'innrls in the primne of Jif e- men in the 30 to 50 year age bracket. There is onfly one prctcavay tq fight heart dîSease, inely by support- ing your Hleart Foundcation's balaniced programns of research, edu-cationi and ini foratin.You Cali do this by contribut- ing HIeart Furid dollars, l, the Heart Fund dleserves a place at the veyry top of your '"givng for hbalth" ILt Our oblectve tAis year is $1,250100. Your local Hear-t FundCavs Lake- plaice during the wekof Fbur l9tb, or dnations rmay be lft at thA Canioai Imperial Baik (if Commerce. You Pays Your Money;... Where's the Choice? The eginalGovefrnmcnl ferment continues-. unabaed . . . and wvili, we suippose, nlil long afler that dealline ef Müe, 81, set by the Ontanio govern- Meeing ae bin ell inmui- poliHrcs lhronghotl the area, MW only smnal rpeebain lbnigan-d beaýrîng the pro and cons of the govern- mnb's proposais explainel over anid over»aain).But, bbcevaue majoriy of citiens anid ratepayers are sitling at borne or alttending to their varions ,regul- lar activities, nol sho)wîng any great amount of inCerest in bbe flood of new proposais that are being baiched aI the presenl lime. CGovernnment represen ta- iesare attending as myiiv sessions as posbebut late1.1ylyhere bave L-een sa nly of themi-, boîlhbere and west of Toro-nno, that il mu4is have been ini- posibclefor them tLn takethem aIl in WAhatL'S going ta cor1ne of il ail, we donm't kinaw any maore thban ypn' do, but w"e van P clale on th)e outcome anfd up t1.bC piresent bhave ,not accu or heard antigthRt wllLecnsru as a corvincing argment for îLe govern- mernt bo change ils already an.noin.ced program. Letwrek, TeGreal Pline Riidgc plan whyel s l he Tow,,nships of Claniee, fHope, HlimnSeymrour and thEý Townm- )f Part Hlope, Cobourg andi CanibehlordJIl bas mnany inbereslting factresnolheretofore brouight ouIt, but if pdaýpte-d voudi een a comnpicte rev- ior of the ,,gavcrnmcnben's anune inteniorn. There is supposed ta Le -an- otherr anc ýuns ahoty a,(thbc IUnitel Con,ýrties couincil. And earlier tâere cere OAPADS stuies, bnief s wi aid ofrpaner rom men-Iy councils in th ee,iai cosbly but probably ,ýl1 con- What Broughti Our ýolleague, FPublisher iKennebh E.Lal f Th,- Reporter came bhrongh with az mrostînerstngeditorial lasI week epning., the fecl thal our lives are being ruleli more an(',.mare by gov- ernens ndcivil sr an a thbb reglabonsthey enact. He tarelwith thie i ncore tax formthe weagree fs rdcbuang imare for bC ordînry taxpayer, and a blsigfor those whovl1 specielize in mak1g0on your returis for a pnice. Evrtry ,bil1ding a hanise, Le askýs? Plainning Boards, Comimill(ees of Ad- hufmn, ulding inspectons, morî.gage regualinsOniteno iaMnicipal Boards, Provincial Plean ne rs, Department of Governmerntai Aff airs,. [He forgot bo in- clude luimbing and eetrical inspec- tio,butwe dron'>l agree witb bim that thee nglabions ae Here bopoec bbe lanI s-peculat1or .in. iman[y instan- csteyhave been lbroumýghb inLcus ofteincomipetent or-sbdy buider or deveboper tà provide protection for the publilc, TJnfrl'na l.alo hs eu loios av t e efocl ysomieone ton ouir Peen rowing and morie power- fnll civil Service. He, could bvegone on1bo dai wil ýjh bbc meany other factors ini aur sociely bLet are Rdding more gvrmn m p1foyeep(s ita bbcpublic peyroll every day, bbc wide range of sebemes sncb as un- cmnpboymrenl instirnce, fl allow-dmV ances,wefegvrmn pensions of ah-i kînds, end so on. Anidbbcheen-Jue joi-NtM. IM ' bibuling facts and figures to the gov- ernmenb planners who thenevle their own proposais, nsingo thet beck- ground. If things keep going uthevwa-y bthey bave in bbc pesb fcw weeks, mosl citi- zens ar oing ta be fedL up b bbetepîh w-ilb Regionel 'Governmenl before il eveir g1els off bbc grounl. Fnanklyý,we f[ee, quibe certain bbc govcrnimcnt bas maIde upil minI, mucb bbc same as il bal 1when il inîroduicel bbc connly sclbool -boa-rd s ystem a fcw years ,;ago. And tbe y will not dleviete fmthiat leciîsion uicess sonene cmsup w a plan so obviouisly vsiperiol.n Iat bhey cennot refuise bo accepb il. Sa fan-, w dtb L ifthat lbas beppeniel and bhey probebýly will prefen ta procce wýiithebb plans alreacly ennauncel end make bbc necessery adjustments haler on as the weekniesses showv Up. We bave somne conceru for those pnite itzens,, not members of any cou ncî ls have put a great dical of moncyý, time and effort mbt organizîng grus sncb as Inipub. If, ler an, tbey finI tLhât ahi their ergy, their stldy- ing andlithir cnlbnsiasm bias been fan neugb, theyvarc gaoing la Le quite lis- illusionel about bbc part non elected citizns play, in this democrabie system. On1 bbc olber banl we conlLe quite wronig in auribtinkîng, they mey just Le able tb influence bbc ivary bower ppinners et Queen's Park Ibal they have somcblhing worbbwbhile bo offen. Time wilbell, But we'rc betting bbc obber wy The go-veprnm-enb bas over tbrec Ycars ta go before il bas ta face bbe eleclolate again, anl by that lime ail th1-is fuss wili probably bave cooel down as, other probiemns eppeer, on the Stateism? departmenits of, ail gvrmnswbo Ion'b fool aerounl wben they bell vouL bow muicb of y\our berd-ennel cash must be bandel over tnta bem evcry, Monbih, Publîsher Ly*evl! deplones Pail !his govcrnmnent inte'iference in aur ives and sgst hat the lights of freedom are going ont in Canada as bhcy dîl in Europe in 1939 bthxouigb bbc actions of Hle's sa n-igbt, but better 'ive shol blame most of il on oun-scîves -instealý of bbc politiciens we electel ta office, We insistel bbcy Ling îin meny 1oftes policies ta proleet ns from illness, cr(ooks, unempioymnent and, bbc rest enli werc loul iiinour preises of theinr effor ts, not reelizing t'hat we also wýe r bnng- ing about auýr individuel loss of freldom ett bbc same lime. In rusýh hour broufie, says bbc11-l Ontarlo -)Safcby 1Leegue, carpl'efbrcamovsiebs When. dnj\iinin ilbbc correct hane you bave bbc mental case, and protec- tion of "bln Ir, a sense, sey,,s bbc Ontario Safcby Leegue yoi, are on yonr own property. If you leave bLet lanie youl are cnbcnig someonie eise's dam- ein, enc l Ibis requires pi-ior niotification (a turn si 'gnal) andI permnission '(if allier traffic iscls. Make sure youi neyer trespass. DurharnCouni y's Great FamilF orinei Eiaiihe 19years ega in 15 Aiea Inco>rparati-ng The Bowm anvil]e News The bNewcaisile dpeen The Orono Nw Seodclass mail regis;tratian n Yumber 1561 Probuced every Wýednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 - 86 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario GEO. P. MORRIS PATRICK GOULD 1 BUSrINEÉSSMGRt. SALES MANAGER Phonu t 6)23-3303 DýONAîL Bi)SHOI PLfýANT MGR. cCprih nd/ar property riglits subsittin the image appearinq an thi spýoot. Per-mission tat inrour bwbo&e or jb par and in any orin whatsaever, particularly by photogracphia or otfset poes a apublication, milnibe 0oJtained, ontepbihradth rne.Ayuatoie '~~drinwlt'dba sutebpeliter1nd heecoutrseiy ncttainze $7Î a yecr - 6 moalths $4.0$900 a Year in the Unfited States strictly in adlvance Aiithauqh every precautioo wttt b, taýken b10 7",er 11, eCouadJian Staterma ccept3 advýrerts lmg in its ,cJumrs on the idz tnigthat iil wAll,-flot behle bar any errai in any detemt r, blbsbed hereunijex unters a prool aI such aderisen j rquesbed in rwritinq by the adverti",r and returned ta The Cnanadicn Saeri buinessattofice cul- ,igncH by the -odverti ric d ith .uci ero reitbc't rrniy aatned ai-4 ri1threnod i thaýt rreil -1y eT'or gel nted is a-t horre y Tie7h. dîenStrte",n ite bîbttty sa nt excrd sr aportinai the se ca ýst CI Lh«vstsmnto h pore Drcteiqd by tire -te ejo beors7 to tire wbole spo c rcuxid kyr rarraeet Thursý., Feli. 8, 197.3 Dear SCr An articleinIfir wee's edili orniyourpapet'.-wnit- er doesnl give bis .noe.v Heading of the article "Clarke Cm nMI F av nor s 'United Counte-s Rgo Thlen the wie oaon ta( say "ht tlhe q n ion ilhAt mi 11io0n,,wonld! C have tà le spent in the WVestern Section snch as Whltby and Pickednnga bring these centres up to the standard ni Bowmaci- vill and even Orono."- Why don,'t Orono, Pr Hope, and Cobourg lev Bownianvilie ont oi thePir 49 YEARS AGO hrsaFeb. 21st, 19Z4 Congratulations t'OMiss Alberta Cole and Miss Fnances Hancock, on pass- ing t1icm music exams. Botb are pupils ni Miss Reta R. Cole, A.T,.M. Alberta re- ceived First Cless Honors in Pnimary Piano and Frances, honors ic Elemcntary Sing- ing. Miss Helen Baker', SalineI pupil ni Miss Marýy Souc(-i, Aý.T,C.M. and AO.C. Mobtàeined houons labb elementary piano exa, eid aI Bishop Bethune College, Oshawa. On Friday eveniing a per-ty oi about 35 gathened aI bbc. borne ni Mr. Sam Gavle 10 celebratLe bis 41 birthi- day. * Mr. E. C. IteýLder,, Station IOAE, omnvle Am- ateur RdioClu ,pemils us i0us ,Iu>esemessages senIt ilaby'iseer IiSta- Ioon 1OAE' racatn.Il is sunIprîsing nUS that pe- sons down Ia Virginia, U.S. A., hear so plaialy. C. Rowe, Cobourg: Received your con- erit loud and clear:,,Fred K. KsrWatson, W. Va, eard Presbyterian Service. Somve distance for 10 watts. Guýy R o ger sCievclad. OlloIc w1-as great]'y plesed bo lune la and be harîle e- cellnt oncrt iven by an ohetaini bbc home ni Dr. B, J. Ilazclwvood. Jiidgc Car Velues by lhis neýw GenrelI Motors A1chiev-emenit A Six Coupe $ý1495 It Moffat Motors Sales Ltd., Bowmaavilie. ReguýIlr meeting of Bow- manville Wýýomcn's Inslitule will bl ieiellai the homeni Mrs. Geo. Biekeil on Fniday, Fel, 2 0. AMrs. Florence Smythl, Supi. Bowmanvilic Hospilai, \will lbe tbbcguesi speaker. Tbinik ni il. -Arebie Tait is sellinig 2,000 l s. of Fresl, Haddlie - nmut,ie t 121/c Lena Hdywere in orn ta Ibisweck ;attendcHing the e1Edif*or"s Pog luinthe Mangcr figî Pgai nsi Reng ionlGve- bigler than Pil cri n g, W'hit by and BowmanvlllJ1e. years blnd.iir So no ltey talk aou spending millions! Ot0 n tb binepbey cen ow findi Let' thm elae ir s set soweal w\ili pknoW Pickering an d -Wb-itby doni't ne fnnial a id from ýIlose, isol alionist s ini île caseopat niofur yRe- if 0hey need fnnilas- 5V;EARPS A 'o, The ruralcurl hd once used 10 ouehss and buggies, witbi a dean1- up parade before thlie annuel fowl supper, bas ta1kea on aï new look and is now 'thep hockey andsktn ern for thke wintc,(rsaon Jack 1d:il1 Cubme Tucsdey ceîgl b Sundey Sdbool roo)m with President Keith Sl(imon op- cning the mein ia sing-song, accomipanj(c!ied b Dornthy Ewers, et the pi ano. Lorr-aine Dewcll vas in, charge ni the devotionai. Byron-Vanstone introduced Dr. J. C. Devitt n r Cecii Carve,!i wh1o sbý oe pictures oni wild l in AI- gonquin Pr.Two de Jlight- e ladies qattecmoe nf Mi-S. Van r])iel, Mrsi f. Stuait ame LMr. .Ail- dread anci ilrs. RJichmoinnd. AI wlrpocmov'd e vote 0f 1tbank1- 0 o ite erisis. Stu Jameýs introduiced ithe membr, mkigevryn Road accèount fonr98 a been set et $46,000, No. 4 Mission Band, C out- kec, opened blheir Fbur metig ith quliet mnisic played by Gwe n O re TheBib11s-o-yvas ?giveni by R~odObre A story n Tmpmnc"by ELeine Se-nko ')and avoa duel b1)vsieDown ýandL Delberl Grill 1s cocde the porm Mn. aendCiMrs Sanc Maicoim 1 anýd Laurece Nestîlon, vsie. n.ad Mrs. WilbertMacol, el- verton. Mrsý. VWP. Roger!Swa OshawaPrsyeilWM Donald Spencue sang on th)e RayPudy"Seard 1C fo Taint"proramon Sundayý The alvaion A n m y heiýd Thnrsday. ý Awmng brryc, violin;SGwerC'an JoanBarcti. ianoduet s2itance o deo p he C irm us withnul a loi il is aot lime lhey sas cd dceveloping 11cm ,ai Tley are yasbehind.L tbcm get wihit. Thiat what Regionai oen is alaot lodS. ~Ô CFTC Telethic Nets $900,00 The C rip ple d CbildrE Thanksgiviag Telethon h during last year's Tbanksg ing4 weckend raised ne@ 5$900,000 for the developo af ntew facilities for physicE hap-dicapped childrca. in( le.Annionncinig thcfi resits ni ofthc Telethon,. M\cIntosh nf London, pi dJent of tle Ontario Soci for Crippfled Chiidren,ç that the telethon was niost. amtionIs and îleý r sniccessfnl ever eld in Ca MVore than 200 'enlertair acd 4,000 volunnîers gave tf services before, during after the Telethon and, at peak viewing bour, volunt. hiad bolie turned eway fI tIc, CFTO studios and sw-itchboard a1 E a1tn's caiuse vlner on ear sh)ifts wr euatoile, their j)o'Si Ï. AMn. Mc.In paiid tribute nt only 10 vounees ho lad aný portnni t srvbuti bý, lbose wmhocon-,tld not given a chance 10 pa,ýrticiçp T,.he final figure nif $890, i5 short of tle total figure neaiy $1,000,000 whichN aoniounccd et the-close of, Telethon. Thc difference lw,ýee thc anonnced fi figure and the actual fi total, is due in large pa)ýrt bbc fact that many conitri t.ors w ho pledgcd donati byý telephone subsequie took thecm donations10 ' CETO 0studios aid LIb'si s e ,-d in e double counnlofI I doain.Unhonored pici weeonly a bout 1.9% nio t otal iamo uiiraised. Thc Telethon iwasunuiquc blet 100% ni Ihbe proci went to tIc OnOtanlo Soci for Cipplcd C!1uîdren wv, ont any deduction for adjr istrative expenses. Tra costs oi brinigîtngeebii Toronto, pini ting and ot costs Vwýcre underwritten bt gronoof ni Ontano businessr Television staff and stu facilities for thc 48-hour TE thion were donatcd by CF' ThcecuieCommitteE bbcf Soiety is currentlyc sidýering a number ni devel meont projectq for, sponsors by Telethon fuinds. ,These 1e1ude new or cxp,(Faoded, trE me(-nt facilities in Thun Bey, Sarnia, Windsor'Pet borough, Mississauga and bawa, Reghiar Society servi( such as district nursinîg, cer ;ing, provision ni artif.( limbs- and othen eqnipm( arýe tiunded by', the annuel ]lz er Seeil campaîgn. rVWORALHOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT Wof n Feli. 5-11 inclusi Adimissions ------- rths--5 maie, 3 fernate Dis charges -------- M oropc1":tionýp------ Mio peraions----- Vuziting bua l8p.m. laî Sugar and By BihSmiIey 140W REVOLTING Break CA,ýN MAN CET? day! Ag As mranyý a sage bas remarked, man lowed by ifcrusaqinmal. He0is the only spe-, cerea, ti cies t1hat w,,ill liothers of hds own ty-pe few slic in eitber hot or cold blood, And he is by a coul the only animal, including the much1- coule of maliged lhog, that will eatlanything knows wt anddrnprccal anything. ready tof Carnivores eat imeat. Hlerbivores ivorld Ion eat herbs. A f ew, species Iike to vary the, ýh e n diet Wh somnie, ripe carrion, But were rai, man willcetaning, th at grows, walks, quite a fE swimis or fLies, including himnself, if he's rat popu]ý h-ungry, enough. mander,1 1Thus we have a proliferation of posted ai such delicacies as seal flippers, cod's body caut tongue, canned snake,, fried grasshop- will be, pers, .fogs' legs, bees and ants in choc- boys wver( olate. What other species could stomacb The F hirds' nestsoup or year-old eggs? ýNot shops. S to mention haggis. nothings Prince Hamiet said: fried dog, What apie of work is mnan! how in- whole sh finte ini faculties! in forin and inoving part oi'fti hocw express and ad1mirable! in action Ah East hiow like an angi naprehiension half-shie[L hiow like a god! thte beauty of thie %world! 0f cl the para.gon of aniiimais!" touch sue Wbaït a piece of' worqk inideed! Man to such t: will eat ahything from guIts tbnuts. igof gi For rmany, there's nohing tasier toe nails than fred liver, baked stuffed heart, toe nailsv kidniey, pie and - almost unh-elievabjle ThisY -- trpe, tat exotic dlih made fror the great issi ining of a cow's stomacb, t'unot bard it's a lot to figure out where thie expression glance. "Tbat,'s a lot of tripe" camie from. I beg Those are just a few categories in when ,on the guLs department. At, the other end spent ",2 of the Scala, among the nuts, are such up north things as hickory, hazel, chest, wai, pea mice. Il and swveetbreads. canit No seif-respecing goal wud teat drooling, aýnt drink sýome of the fhng lte "Para- spit? Cai gon of animis" stuff s into bis quiver- ing to bw ing, reluctant stomnach, Dill ickles, kip- motise, ivi pereil herring, cod longue, hot curry. cedar bud Neyer mmnd the juice of fernaenledi Cany grapes, and cheese crawhing wilh mag- drumnslick- I gots. No vwnder wve smneilpcir to Or " other animais. Ever noticed 'how dogýs housewife andctssnlirffus and walk away with rump iiýroia a disgued look, roasl, or Hox caalirlywýe reatthose long- Ar Ai sufferhng stonahs of which we are vus going issued oniy one for the duratin. Filet of r em. Mark iBircotherhoQd î's As Brolherhood (iWcek mnarks its munity. et25h yer,in andai is impnIortantl to missins look ahead and direct thoughts to tHe theat ng. t fialqurter ofthe 201h century. Broîh- Iemo erhood We(,e1k serves tb focus teatten-Chiia tion andl actions of man toward his fel- ruary ta >n low m-an. erhood.C ) i Oh sae a as electronic guid- tbroughci )o ýnUe sytems end en tc civilrfri ae' ndl return tbem safely to earth the organizýat 11 spirit engendered Lbro bn itenedcic 3giv- to ,guide men toward the bettermnent of each man ýarlY the vworld. An important aspect of 11f e is imnporfi Stoday is Ibhat bbe world is a large comn- fulfilmaer O- R.Conscience -A Harc r.si wiety Wle do not envy the i esponsibility of society. ' said the those comparativeiy few Canadians who cities WEi tnost are sitting in the House of Commons laie at ni !ana- trying to make their décisions about No w theý neswhether or not convicteil murderers jungles heir should bang. United Si and dndat the Non is their decision made any eas- potn deai cer is fer Ly the fact that no'less than, three pots frn Tononto'policemen bave Leen shot in as ms i Ne- miany weeks- two of them tfataýlly.,Ouir thiose wh iier elected represental1ives k now they mnust, h n VRsx at least in ;omne cdegree, r efleet tbbp wi sh1- "Ill' es of the con stituents -an a good the penal the )ccs ùp mnaniyvoters are iià n mood to demand mighitLt aiso the return of capital punishm.-enl. norpi lie' epi Pa tef. The dilemma of Ibe- members of be total1 1,000 Parliamrent bas not been made easier by tion with e( of thle conduct, of the Cabinet during t he es e was ls e the past five years, says The Wingbiam tional ci, bie- Advance-Times. At thal time non-capi- - such, altal mre was the chargZe laid in eacb a person S t instance of a kilhîng - except Weeponisibilit ibu- the victim was a policemain or a prison cas;es inj ions guard, However, Cabinýetme es have soundm the notbeen able to make thie decision to Ceris S;uit- take even a, murderer's life, su0 mocst erate thé' e of ship nder 1ter- 01- ,ices, imp- Icial cent, ,ast- ire 6 0 TUE SECRET 0F SUCCESS Aio*Ife's bighway wve offen spedr Pasi bbc crowl, somnetiimes alone, In 'seanch of wba eb wc bink ve ineed, Be it bonor, wealbb, or a slepping-sbonc.' Then, as we work 'tii bbc scbling sun, We panse a moment jusl b lbhink, To aIl up bbc credits anc Ly one, To throw bbc dçbits aven bbc bnink. Wce've livel bbc ycans, some goal, some bal, And well over baîf a century we'vc ponlerel, Over bbc joys, bbc fun, and Ihîngs a utIleý sal, And wc've summi-ed up about wbab wc ve wondercl. Thje real secret of' succcss is like e spike Thait secures bbc wýork-worn rail aoew, It's abdo vwhat ever we like, It'sý ta icaru bLikewhlat we must do,! .-Marion Taylor F~ord Make Th You are BaIlles h Andeau, ie Lfast. What a way b start lass of icy orang,,e ]uice, fob- y sca]-ding coffee. Thensom he rougher the better Then " off a pig's Lum, accoàmnie ple of bens',childien. To:cs 1'týaa fvitamin pis, with dear-nly- ihat poisons in thcm,anwer face the world No onethel oks pretty grim. m 1 was in prison caýmp, ten ýts about. The (lermans keptý-1 few cats around to co trolth dation. One day bcca mp com, who had a senise ofhuor notice in eachbarcs"Ay iighb ea-tinig long-tailed ,rabbits severe1y punished," -Yep. 'l'li re ea.ting the cals, French have horsemeat butcherý 3ome Asians consider bhere'.s sweeter than boiled, baked on g. Some Arabian bribes cook a 1ýçeep, and bbec most succulent lie ineal is sucking out the eyeF, rnversion of oysters on the ch tig.Wecilconfine ourselve ýreat1s as s'he-pherds" pie.css. gro und-up, used-up sehrs and all. At least they ýsem(,riike whcn you crunch dçio onine. rnay ail secin irrelev\ant b th 1.e (es, of tb day, and ,it is.Bu tdeeper than il eesat frt ,gani tbinking eofimansiut )mebýody bld me(,capLa dasor something in1 a cab1in ýand 1had suirvived by atin was an inbriguing b- houghl. 't u see him sitting tee ,as hie turnedai mou se on a lno ndrtn him dcl âve at coldlul,:ncof lban nch, o v11h a salaI ofineeies an,ýrd riserved onbicbrk ousee bim ucng ios kfor a Led-lime nak ,vorrving, like n erlxd tst of îmous, ,or astadnl. bot sie os oge dec-idinig tebllwt l e gCI bo splurge topgl)ad havF mouse! ib bogýgies the mini. Week Came-ras :on bbe retcnt Aol havme crystalizel thie idea of ah rising above bbthorzno is anid Jews, sets, awe n e ommuityand ntina vent,3 'uit the weeýk arisppoteb aternial, labor andLisn(î tions. The esltisasteg concern o ebw ai bl cis nivdlsil]nntuei ýtan1t to remember ail strivýe fo)e nl of dem aa n mbitions.i The Isîreets, of most Cnla ere safe for pedestrians --even aighl - until a few years býck, ey bave begun 10 resembleth of steeiland concrete in bbca States,whr violence and sud- (th bave reachel epideroic pro,- it is obv-ious fibat our lawmaker,- .ci somne method-of deterring,- 'o take bumran life sn cheaply, snag lin elurn b anin a ally for murder is thatïon rar is an innocent man orwoa a cected. Once dead bhee i ave. Thie oniy alternative woul li.fe im.-prisonment icrea ,hout any, chance of parole un- evdneis dîscoverel, Ecp pses mg be give-n preference, as, al muLer -committel beforýj-p is olI enough b bo 'ave fil res- ly - or, of ,eourse, he wmanyi,1 Swh;(1 icbth urerri ol qýe« lid. ainlly sociely can- no longer tol'. eincrease in crimes of vioïeînc-, There mus,ýt be hope for bo-morrow, And bclp aiong the wey, Let us gîve a ercss bo sorrow, And biave e gildfielbey. Ilear aurprayers, 0OGold, Wcapons faiu and so do b,.ombs, Histany cen neyer appiJ cd Nations loden with bomb s. MaeThe Peace work, O Gol, W,,orks of Man may ever fail, Give Nations your fisbing roI, And, Youn bimmest finest sai. AMMî -ainTaylor J1 -~ '7)/47~ 72A~-AN~-//~F/" and Distanýit Past Froni the Statesman ilies

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