Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1973, p. 15

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GUITAR LESSODNS Rent a studeuit gitar ft)r Ph $1.00 a week NEWC Check Our R1ates First aniep THE MU'SIC Dox bnao BOWMANVILLE PLAZA lt n Phone 8623-5471 prie $ 6eifor au 0f] LEAVIN TO DRIVE cnEci u TRACTOR TRAILERS wîfh Fme Now you 8cap rai rghthom -go atta andexpnse patiWle af$3400 trainingl uto axteut ible! For applicatin1an1ti n-Hgl SqAFETV DEA1MNT plxwitl or ba1Ls ot Site 16 oe o 207 Qi01eensQarWt orono 17 ntrt -- or eau 4u-8-4-938 Dead Stock service ý , tarmes, Atent ont DEAD STOCK SER VIC utMARGWILL FU R FAIt untier newmnagemntanti ué.nrip. W e apprennae a 234 Kig calfroni ou hen eesay Calicoilecf 263-2721 Lic. îNo. 416C7,3 nvr REs, y. Bomanvil utron 31 acreA R. W. BOWýý,ERI!NG LTD lnci y 8-frondbail Real Estate for SAle 52j0. ently locateti 6 x200fDOo sing glass dosfonli-I2ac room, nîghtRollyootikit-. povt r chou, mn xt1 r-asý, $751)1)1 mit avai 'Cali Tiselinia Rîcarti 623-7397 I Teris, Johustor n RAlfy. 8-10 Oono q F(5R SALzE lrt bjeautîfu- double large lel 63-7694, $36,,500. 1-ina gSt. Ep- wanile sel id J-UST REDUCP, ownr home auxius;has urc aseia bs- niet mress luinSamnia. MAKE AN intise OFFER onm this 3 betinooni Andi country iv,,ing tloc. Oshawa Ov a r thi cll V " y COIJNTRY ý' LIVING [IN ilmccc> TrOWN, largo,( 3beioo f efOst brick homedtcet.aaefotstrez exycellenrt for tirire ifanm- graewi er,ï r gartienen. -LETLUS roti.Li SHnOW YOU THS NE". diuing Lroc LOTS anti LOTS cf LTS, jcdition. Cali Nomi rySmith -P0ace at ' BanerriPssant -623-3258 Ihomo, 41 SanlAnnis- 623-7664 nurscmy ,Tga ElieSper - 623-3259 invos-nient RolI Specer 62-769,4 Call Norm ýpepcev --1Newtonivhll M" 34 acres Pr9el Éneenhc S K<_, I kee 1 "alfr REALTURS Orono 5n cr 6Z3-4403 c attIe, gc 92 Aeresr noni heu Mellnt 11p 3miles nortAc TaHnton Asking $( Roatci norÏHmptn. weCaîlBl s îrngs, sonme bush aud grav.- p on pnoperty. Fou bet- Bowmnui reei raebugao ,1goM] Commuecr condition. Sîsil hr.Ex 8,50P0 sq.i cllent iri-nvsient ai 9,0l iii goo( IýeweqSIIean inias SpetleMs3 bedrooni bung- brickhem( fiw l fu]y broatloomect, extr! n~roi large kitchen. Affciseti Camr- tpefs portf1antinily sheti n wrk enis sisos0n i. Cîcuilan riv.icely ie lIscaetifor pivc. ilinA erek srear ar.Acf ai, ~ Ru home,. sdons aki al31 kiýtcisen. 26',x10'swmiiI POOl]wîth 1al the e(xtras soti'Love eqipment. Attaclsed ar- Ihenie witll agepls 3otens Vryquiet ice .priva pivate resiential ares. 1re-s aleai 10 Acres ,$590 We hbave juaf liste(,"i\twc cf I Are-V tise iest 10 acre -parrCeIs lu M:"OVE tii ares, hotis witin 4mis We are é fomiBownianvîlleou pavel roati anti building permits yu hoi availablo. Buy n ýo ant:istrf iii al your diam hmethlis apinsI. $19.900,00 caris. Excellent :c ternis aaWbe.Ai DavidiAlsn - 9746 i MelviHleDal - 23-638A fter9:00ff Peter Clspee p 75-86 ssre ] BeereyDwhîra;t - 7501 omWel R-d wjIMIr - - 75945Ftyeo MikeShae - - 22-801Pale FOus KahlenTaies-723-29)008 Dolo r9 w; Steve SMegal 75-24 Ry Foster Pamelzý(arCr - 28-3734 Phyllis 1M( JarIk ibbs- -723-1352 Bill Tuiraný Eeg. ker - ,75-0201 Jan Ouds] Wrn. MeFeters 725-1726 Bill Suthies 8-1 IFJFT2 FrI1C SSM;pinmetJunior CPlay-Off )~JJ~LL~~J EWS owls Red Eagles Le stcate for Sale 'Real Estate for Sal eTgh 54 Co t t PVATE Sl1rnofo mtYSe V C e tMarkhaîn r iFirst G î la RELO anry rooýnpoflargek ,th ife 2g aountiCoiîeLas &Sunday night lu Bownian-I is 0110 62-5300 - ___ - __c' ~sotbu on I]o 98 561 7 120wek Due. o fCte effhorts cfvcleta 5homen-,tow cowi Bd ageo ulti PRVAE,80 atr rotx aiaicûimteO, haeiby -- loeto50 fnÏswowe111uste bridge the gap. Bow- en STLF: Wltbif 2t10', Trent Rve, near makNnciui, the eeyd,- uno Rt BgesdoptepeCtibt eefnb e r 3 betirony brik ford. Cotae yrvfr otn f scisool ws pe -rf"rt gaieacf heir eat-of-tîbythe tyug g a bl gargeant saclsant siai baf ncudei.Cas. he tu es an iees ofive selles wih rh am y Don Sturrock play eti a 1 jt locatin. AskngPoo639248 evîn.deosrtamzg kl i a uarow 5-4 mrngmni. rong game in goal for the Phniffe67A em ea ant webegntý. 'unie ga in e 1waianeven con-_ Rt Bge oal scorerswre ý900j. Owýner bas 8-2 cmany I -i tes thouhou ani osîti cot BrgosPau'l Forsy ~eady anti is waiting ~ jiAESL heso eent s rmaei foi. siyhv oeete a.wt nasit <gV o por TwioenfBw avlets sniu fmrhalw alhn scorti to Iunauý- Slnlth, 'ian Grub anti tSTLB: Now six Basf Beah u eroi u erson cumit SOUfinoweretigo)als W-ilh BGienR-Iice.________ galo, dnin roni wtb halsion ctrir lSest:e. bis moufýHh 5f a fineiefo ni __ win uc slig oos, -ed on wih - Pce ath, petton lu wich ma)%e st-... . ched gavrage. Exîtrao unc fl aseet.dnt xbb t thir talents: 150 f PhrtceCaul 623-39 .4forinspecti(on, l ute art 1cf baking.Sr i*lr(7s1:I") prlopso>ntP S Two storoy ine roos homne Nostiryn whouneiaby bult sud kepf ut rnfu odois o nking sizeticnes ins bis. Pdi af tw $39 0 wi-'ra lag el teteltns- nTedy, a poeaigJ JATti bIV. ryderman Grade lt11Latin ls pu on he nferest anti n gh$29,900 wîth ternis, 98S- conioorwas oli lu te1me tf-n+lise fi raf art - Tise agedy14 anj, ofe. 47 vnua 4-f'tre sef, a Jhsoi .MaDnadtPerteniTseSnirC.ieu e o f Julins Caesar. 8-1n r, f f c r.Lare e a la or nti stev' aconfd Ford -Sales> Feb. 13 at 8 o'cock in tise Thi as foloeib i GEORGEVAN ~~~L0W weretie iner 'i andisswa 1968, Limiteti, an- LionsConimunityCnr ii heoyAtcas h ls GEOREtheS ? final tes stevlow, ouce i reetythe apit rCwe rstigfrbsbe iieiinfo four I sos -etrius mntof J .Vfa sVce- thermnfl neeting. Oprs Ts u0ctwsts REAL ESTATE - EALTORPdsi u 181 CHIURCU STREET Wtnsas ontosfte rsdn ftecmpu.b aaa a sn.Ms ai o ocsstc lyr f bs cpacfy mVifi il s-, Yýoung reati tie mnteof 'Li-e The subject:()grLnih acn ibl o heooainscÏat etn. Announceiaweoupoeit efnnis 1awa, i,ý1ti 0C 1 (c)b28 aa drnt e hy i a Has gootiiAgardeniug cTheP I woPirt iig McDnl Amso ti ette frasueI' sofi paer or 1)a of Oroo.aJut 1/2wileecnteotuas Thratisy even huis I chmegner anada LJu miet! i l . esMs.Prtrfri g roup anti 4, a e is rh Make u an ofer. tratei fist she oulti suri îf h amu 'ts nt atpci m. atc lomwre Ths as olwPib i prosu c cecapon la0i Stneous Frd n e c r ck te again f0 Sthe ts ofpt sifsI, eg hlie s, ~ ~ So 5rlin omt rCRS cfoi h pur um lthe B apr lon um \Ti ait is lub ms. Snd emrs atEmng ui pies thaf de- sutatir iewgoot une- 2,00 fot o Bniiv astet. mmube of ise ssocatio of M" SH Cmtie wendreprtedIoveopetmlot-gaaninithe ldîng perm i vil- e o r n ocaygeon. FulOter leven s fia linalFoosontEgnesoftef c i iebsia. a nip rens etinp: vo ei rono ý83-580l oy 3¾ACe LOTn am Cl fonshaw, ud0is fort. e r Ja mes an i Ms nfahrcreshm n Teris Ca i Ofwif ri b cut at wscs ws wn y Oàsaa ham er fonduy ane irWa ul ch arg ue ePpecedl, A fûn uf Mketies atni vow= . AtGerBr t mini, ise "dbyscfandt mois lnchtimromtuon ime aor park buildng po- ________ ___ on_ f Se S. Jhn1ue Jk,, at ore grsi i s iser wP ondmulprf an ue sisie. Askin $25,00. ~ ~ Jr, Mariln Kilens, heryl Mac- lub 2 e fnisers meetnh tsu oy 1nt sne grs hP^T erap0 ie ev nn a Caîl oy Fot orDonad ant Dian Hinnianat Com un i y e Te onRotnb cenfhe ys'psi ise lîttbeaidspeut lu aîgccim.M h5801. su,-ýd yP re A EST0A Ej b isy oleceagran4i. Vc- sdotRu iy rsif ht ngs.IHry, .Mrs, hvanti isGer t GENERA INSUANCE jtotalcf 3,08=orage antQFot ofwas nwWh caird Theepîyweemtepbvgupsveiielncfo oni brick buglw,5 in;thWich avil uhr oînuefw innrssîb ît t--s, "oor.$îns ittler____________________________un-____ Voa t, roaiEemà-tonu62won3 eroLina VtzaKtas fseunowiani clhrpeaet cec rooni wif n heaie\barM Bya, Tom Laugathi anýt nnt' uch Ati 'boLods raer II Excellent value atipSoOW 3 hedronni1somi-detaacteng Ternis. Caît jro h o ofncelot .3ý ndNni Ts'ialcLea 15.at preei b ieabec sonmo 983-801 Wamti Sp acî, mde, 11/2 ougweigh-uosand one Tiem oh- cf tise treasurueer, Mrs'vJ '111 clset, goti. negisiors ani hi estip a ie- conbnti'rao'repot. It al Polwic ee sle DefSast elivoýý, thueriesh toachldngpr-E esLh, Sue M Carrol , M.iefohr earyore isin hestiaetiide lot welue~fun- 5 CREFA M!! Selut- ctul ota ws 52 ounis Thak e artis oecrend 17,liniorv ebc acie T ereo eee ilag eoyfElzt-ig! Ielfrts "Rk w i ci " ekneasd etnd iatsr tise ecait CrrIeti. h Cb on, d te ial oys'gparsnoin the iile eA i WLy won0. Tri, rts eunofnr eu c loset. fecebecn 1 set orMay iMre p la rs 3 pors n eein- Ford. -lu. Fotr Ooo 93-tAl L on or ond! o l in s orts, t el an Ptulas inl e on a i r ad uree i anti 7 er soidEupbviare nsr d th u ncyo c up e a mpeteti nd thP wtih, a ge tPIilwiVb t iingfe nc, le We Ac anan neeStMe pir "e 3roneucrng touise week. Aginat j"Aot aVe tncin",icudn Icarecfflln i a brick om , P bik hoe lu23-215or eary euis 'Coue n MondaytherS. oes ave ailane lute rmi tte cn fa GnriMtrsdaesla mhae. 12 acrepis b fr a sh ERI Huy1!1,' -"! Eyseni os lsahermé antch smetl . s Ra Fts u ccdntat t' Uere0naa th baylofen ae ti ' thpror eridca he irgnes nTosat se e ent ra ecOt a lnocfoficrs alo P ee R7i e mntsofJnur c zing oe 6 ~ 'boAfe ors - Clot t)anis playThe Robertas ac aniappar e. go daienesiatos faaucune is am eni nims 12 u xR4oxeletJy Bro .23309gOeil Tse Juoners héwo ie Iucsws evtck bîb 3wr raene1f0a erafo dut $52o9001Teris. . Beech - - 623ni'-5125 mathofgahnat Roberts anti tise Saa ý(bchp q o eniwa orsaa ne t h lofi s th1 elyt i wbip T es o coff1e anTihef t,7 coîm onialtfsl ligdyJ .Dfy Aïi lss od/rlbp,,I soiastatwapelyoiinwlfl amg cmpaits vcepestint sungnea mes- -1 issortee nt Roor s iimwerdsing p1 eron li' nvîains da. Teewr 2 aet Paunton. bedloonie- CtiJniors on eue mTh Club 2 are iaving s theî yeam l, lioe ti whiAC EFA I!ý )C(u- cul teno rs52wondals oial nitcf ts w eotsa tiMivtng comains.ccpiedents5 s yam 1arden cot. Goites aisat hsterouche prty thsaaurdjay hee as1 Juocc enl- t a cranitckdlv pmoperty ,and 1 occurrencelof\ctmparet111t.29 18,510cen ts Robents 15-12esudt5-11, Mn. antizMrs s, sreai, bsh. 2 - tem wo ovr Fie RtigeMr1 e Sliefr abaMore par 7 es cha prgeti wît Impir-n t r 429is er bungalo,0027Temx 100 e uuieWea- dnoesda ih. Ts.coe M aL n.Ivn Sap t nvlg at ,7 Mncs p2. e sV i pl o n as ihgtp ser. O n Tsurs bwer aunay dîiner spts ps ekae as folewsb rc otlwsanwal Tumway. ct1& ,r- 1 csIth da, entaC oe ti t e hmeec the loyd pAsiso famiy. A ept. ws eelei inierecor delforicJan ar F ow*nnvCptle - compact bFicDe ing b s wnthai tes A Mn. ante MrsHaIo e.i Wgi T he eb th tc ag e locr-u"ise level of csmer i- tesehr ie eti nt, wii pv te wit isaedscoebets 4-onn vstoa m.a nti rs.aetia t i n t y o redat trogle sain. uf )ot1 e12 ax. rvgrae eaa ednu 6 The Jniors ,Taesar- Rsa sisons. Et 3ywgietiby, p rOgi an"hsye ll ent an lu se 14tih, x re oin , ati euu.Akfn g aist bffeebert i dtish .Gea nd s ist Ionor Water- opn aot age 7 wlow ltb i Jaury li ayursw.llDor tie 6990 wtstensiomnile-lte beti- ma g ain oTh enors iseput bspe htiewekeni at bis x0scre dîvr.Tie ukcnatcptt eod s a l 8- 0a ThuMm.RolntiThoips n iizeser o n liuor atioiscft y hr Pr 6sRn cia o pet wt information. OînrsFnisda nigi Rotis a-se i n M. ani rsE. R. dinksantiape oare o u aved wih.2 ft. facto nyaae, Nwasl 33 bednoîe e u i rs wance on ie lati Bomaivll, issaigforpaibnt by partr th srw ocs ie P Wsadostisy f thesono f pl fgmag a et ýade centrelt.6 12, suns f anc ahilti. is euce hinisStud' The e ws1mwev nh u:TNew Pesandtruck iv uens' 3M bieion i paienti yr, o ee i lce S nifersalaniw s M*MR y soisn. Les- s toleüýen. Ofst l of 1,5 n'9ue7 r e . T eaa u roi aacs er40ebut angiter-iîîe ek. .sn uSntarobrawd nFb. lhwanre o.ý-ipe wh1,50 nt Froutag on1tw-Hwy. skirg135,110 Mrs.PnW. Mat-nCs Tont cf coveret haon aeti tis e aied iLE *toal Pff 91I lie The,000 ancofBars tBaine-hop-tl-ntiisaftis Snse dy n Ry.40iner ave-rW IDandec ~~~~all~~~~~~~o PiylsMRe-pnet Rnyn wnbs a... LtgolyRai Bowsncanvile.g clau 3 e ls! Sant buh, mes.a2nckba' ifb a iguwon J raPn Ridge Mrs. J. etai a ain t lu pnrosarge r ite Dnllng- ew regla,0faos ,cameento onnalwNo. 1012 High-aymgt.Testsorte Ferry HosIv anhaingtonTwpearsapnnqu5-174 e t rJa ucy. 6 197. ins;3 cRbanra &2 DlRM r. h inaan antitrs nAr isrTe-ati1,a e bm hy aectes bi es f ts 41 e0autly imusonbeisaos-27ar s tpin, )nTur- w iiliSun" a nti Pau ve 1n Meposs esion c f p ,tab e tukfa a e H c I y aCufc bre etreo eLiv so aiy rpr ,,a eev c an gc esordefi ai wisn dons )wnerin - transfenred, I propMiyaidh croek anti lots i<1- - ,),d nry and 9 26 Tm, unor, ri hrd r auso -cnoe n n c . neu sing pectes, so e ffect' Ssoul. Frire $ii,400. Sntherlanti. sSchool Are& 3bedrooni ti larvge kichen anti te bark lot. Gooti os. Asking oniy cl Kay Bon Du Consen a 1 or TRANSER ? 1 qipedta thiandil e needs anywvbereý ada and U.S.A 7astt?,Càa9 lar - 622»8-563 -Sy O- - 6293-3077 bc- 623-3965 - - 62 - 3 10 r , Mril98-59 Mortgag-es Wanted MoRPTGAG Es WYANT TO tSLL OR ARNEAMRGG CALL ME TODA!ýY %ITH1OUT iOBLIG;AION WILLARD REALTY IC lI(MSUIOE ST., OHW 6Of bushi. Ver'y privateý. AsIk- On Wednesday, Feh, î4th, bîrthiday cimlneýr guestS OrfiMr. ing 01500 wih tri. omnvleSkating clubrIanld 2Mys. Wialter'Love rid ge, Countiry lvn ~nhsyeblitheir Test Daynoyaind Chlarte<s, Tyone 1o 4bedrnoom brickbuglw on The following cebjîdren were -dy elbaigJy l'ove- il, acefpoet wt ucsfl Ui Wih,,tridgeis birthday. large creek and cedar bush. Figure andi Willow WAlIz;IMle andIlrs.vaRusseiAI- Asking $61,000. Cynithia Vîvian,' Dultrh Wal:s; rson ud3i11, Porl oe Newtonville aeau 3 vp acrnCeryl Anciyan11 , a tn a s tawr udyvisitors atithe with bauand 3 bedrooni Danue; Try Badour, ilathe r'AtrTewnbne hous, ceekon ropr3yAiAnyanc, Joan at yet ikMir, -uAWI Ms. tRoy cau good Fening.Askiïng $31,500. the SwiingDace Jnn l- in aniDebbie.,Baktok gahiani, illw Waltz:Deb- Mr. RusseilOmitmEns Oroino - IliiLmmute 3 'b0i-1be Raih0t1eati nd dîlen re LstSunaydin- rcoonibr.ick "bungalow in teCil TnFo ane Jclev gussof 1Mr, 2adMrs. sovuheni, lias garag, ,,colli- CnilitpFutenSo osAho Barbara, Beth, peeyfînishei candpaeled At MAlan anid Giant. Tho üc- tiftiishrbboy ati andca- tst,u Mrïs. SireTnnnt, rs A.Thniponwa in.Asking 534J1.,Mr. GIjl Pres"ton, Ms.b Wdnsaydnnr sto grboham Anti er. aA hUttAMr. aMs E. R. Thonipsn,l LloydAtchs 1, 05 i-9 32-70sve a doudous unch toBowmanvîlle. Ala Rsit.-- 725-0353 the jutiges andi the contest- Mr andi Mrs. W. Biack- Edwin Jeans-215 ns. h urmCarolDa&eand Neil Mac MeDoonald 623-3911 Mri. and Ms.Doug Blackburni, WVlIf Bawke- 983-5274 Wibwore Sunday dinnorl ts of M.andArs. ayn 13enMDoa ) 2 3 -39 11 S ou ENAM ad guesîI -ttire occasion ,being susan's Focbruary I 8th t,, 250h, îs 5 bmhdy GET CASH TODAY "cu niGieWe" FO LDAFIACS This is the weok we, holti e ach STATES 'MFA. N var lu memory of Badon T O CLA sS F, 1)S Powel, founder of Scoutsz. The week starttioffUwmuh Sovra lcl yO yougI FINE QUAITY IMostWoW-h" astemn part of1 peoplo attndeti a3huse- 1.1NU1MFNTS AND 1heWdistrc tedn hrhwriga(t the lovely new mAKESinNowcastle ýneOf IMr andAti Mm.s.Da1-: <%~ &Lb~O.~@ of Scouts at tuis earvic, bi- day night. ~ "~' caseonFiday night a bus- Miss Donna Challice w- mi STAFFORD luot fthn enCoDatitmpnct or nLtsyMat BROS. LTD. I W intrT[Camp at Raliburton. weekevvý though he teeratuvlre Mmani rf.M-e Ade was35 blow ter wee o Osaw were weekcud dusorid mshas o au kntiant th guWtsuf d .ant r. Bert Dt!f outing _1 was ejoyti o tho(: Grant antO-i! ll. noit her smoboy cllei ucdonaî.'we have ail ~xauor DroIlers teni. ehre in the village we; >Dumig %R r weu thne h,,vehatiacase of mwuchin'P Dlonnuments wiop be tisulys hy toboys.horsopor that is. Tho cars Lookfor them! uoived r et Grant's ti LIMITED- Thenek wi ýi iici wt n Dr wugratryau Ml-I Box 133 ot1 hrh aaei ow1a1 elo niback 1POu MR8 DWPdasSt. E. - Whbty mnil hsSua.ta.Cn cu imagývine tA, Phono Whitby 668-3552%GrenmcQlibamtoig'teatLook plae h- _______________________ istrict ,SrviLu Staff. fore _the deal w'ient t 'ough he ascertaineti hat the boy7s'Otai farmer s anti foete-rs, nati stlen heradio froni a]says F.,L.McEwen, Depamt- Mar parket outside ourt~iment of Enviromental Biolgy, Secondaryy shooL. The radio n"vriyc ulh ,ws rcetumn AiVo ItsuhtudL iei. fGsh owner anti notioubt e boys-There re 2800psice rPeoivedtA hir puniý-hm1nt at products solt ifnOntamio, rang- homo. iung frôni householti aersol, An mahintnance shedi at theuspays f0 hsghiy concnfrafeti Ennlskîllen Cons e r v a f i 0 n formulaions usFeti y externi-, IPWI waslemsedP. inators. The chomicals have into on Feb. 14th, This break-be lsiidicodn ote lu a eyuuul because ýhazards invýolveti in their use:1 thle wuly item sýtO1er1, w&as Ithe itoxcity fo fho user, reidues, entreti V heugb ý' 'aanti persis tence linfthe ertvironk- 1A youth rrm Newcastfemet was severey reprimandet iantiQue group of poristentpes- no tIubtwll loe is wkyticides,niucluding such chenil- alowance for some finie. Tbi.s['a15as altirin, are inclass A meosuteti aftem the youf h hati anti canonly ho useti on spe.-ý throwna snowhal ith a cnal permît. Other pesticides i rock ie, at, a parkod ci;arclass A anti casas B are es- inNecste The estirntitrictt f icens1iexerdn darnage Vo t.he car xas ap- ator"s antid pîaoricui proximnafely S60, ing farmers antifd ses On Pcb.L7th a veebWe Clas C checls are avait farrtuer froin the Mnaple Gov alef0the general public' a r ea dicoveetiPxtenslve theY ;are- saf e if useti accord djamag15e Vo vegetablos storetirîg to dirdeton.The Most iu- in [lis fruit cellar. Unnw ouu he uclsCha neiýro(s) enteti the fruit those founti in semosol prys cellar antri novemýeciail thýa're in l'Ca-'SsD ant iare wideiy vegetables, causing then i f soILti freezoandi be dostmyed. Thk Olylicnstidealersca foollish _prank coat th aie 3 pesticides in Classes AB an estirnateti os of â0 or 60 anti*(C. Guitielnes have also dollars. Ibeewndicateti for the proper *"Tips for 4Wintee Drivinx" sgorage antidpspluy of such snrprisec. We have if evcry - year, anti erlh year UV bringsD'TT" rT Mr speci-al dniving jýrob1enis, -It S LT O N aiso plcsmore rsosbl ity on the divýer for bis ownt safety anti e of f)thETs. At fimes driversý are r-F W quiretii fo travel On rem-oce UÂ oon»tyroatisanti Ouen dUr-ý ,in, the wite months the! drivlng e cnitions ;are poor.MULTIPLE LISTINC SERVICE carF 0ru% svch as a shovel, RIeciEstateBor par of Sandi tre chains or tracon plats coltisvd o tufrustiration at nsb Oshawa & District a bow VrUCk btih,___________!__ ces f olutindeieaitciesin l se niD cae uý,st kep recordis of sales for bhedioet of ii~niuii ass A ani B ciýhemicas. upr, ea fcaseA anid Farmerswul have fW verifB chaeîal huid contach ait checmicals will be usd n M ntr f te nvronp huer home fans or rett cnen ncntainer disposal. nyd. arrsdoing eso etiîe r n itega p=rig, mstbe licenrsed and part f podcionori'aj veed by the Ontarlo in îfAýmersan- oeser ow-' try of the Envrirnent. ever, tbey nuit beusued cas~ Disposai of p1estîcide cnnAin~ iul oaot osbecn es has always been apo-tmnto o h nnnet iAccordng to the nwe zsPoesrME LUAS AR0URS 591;1 Breakfast ýý 7ý c N TOASTMA11STER White Siicd 2goz Love PRODUCE DEPARTMAENT SPEC-IALS!! No. 1 VINE RIPE DEMMONTE TNo. FES C1 I LargJ CRU*ISTY OLD IWORLD Dspoabl Tridder Sz Bo Save 24eSave 20e FOR YOURFRER. QUALITY STEER BEEF FRONTS 2d PORK Whloraf 75lb CutWapdanjr~e teork Seiiain DEE-P DISCOUNT PRICES!! MODERNE - 6i Roll Pafk Sv 4 TOILT TISSUE 75,ç ROYALE -2 MOIl Pack Salje 1E. PAPER TOWELS59 PINEAPPLE 4 for 99cç YORLK c.CICE - 1-zTnsSve1 GREEN PEAS r99- FELS -- Twbn Païck - 24-o, ttî 1a- O Liquid Dtret fr9 SUNLIGHT -SAVE! Lig 5o.Pg BETTY RO ER-7ozk. Sa, 1 2et BISQUICK 47t ICE CR EAM A RGA R NJ-E 7 Assored C2 Gai 4 -l9W 7 HOOBAGS 87c HOMO JUGS SiC PlsDeposit ' Gai. Homo 68c Quarts#-Homo 35C Choc. ïMiIk Qt. 38C Haif and Haîf Cre 2% ýJ U G S Phius Deposît! Whip, rem45z Table Cream 3ô5e ~am Qurts65e » DY K STRA' Mi Fond Mre us - hOM0 F ,1,01'QUALITY 'ati ERIE a.-

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