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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1973, p. 4

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E-DITORIAL, COMMENT T Nobody W ants Metro's Garbiage -Te goodciizen i Port ýHope- and wa) f life they wantl fromr big oz n Ilope TCown;hip, already' coniderably mnent and big metropolitan aréa; for arouWe over the Onaragovernment's some timep to caome. They hke their life plans ta lumnp thm itr a regionai gôv- end their couryide the way it in and ernmewnt with Oshwa, may weil be no doubt YAi do everything in theirC mnarching an Qen'Tark by the end power to keep it that wy In mn ofthe week and Who could biame cas;es, that's why they prefer t-he coun- them? try life. If they swant to, they can drive- On tMonday it as nnounceti that tn the cýities and get 0out aganasqicl ~n aréeenthad been nmade between as possibleandbhack homne Where it i Mé,!tro and the (AR to durmp 400,000 -omnparjatively peaeful a nd the'y tcan tons of Metro graenear theCP.R get somleret lixe that goes through H17ope Towniship, Mvetro has tried to dispose of its each year for the next 15 years. They surplus garbage in seralm other rural can glosit over as miuch as they like loc=tons andi no fla, has met wit such bysgetn it wvould be wonderTul resstnce that it has been furced ta stuiff for land fi ad eventcualiy a glor- abandon isAnsum&W= had heard eariier jous prk, but we doubt very much if that ainvers Township had been meon- they ran sell lb et argument down ýHope tioned as, a po'ssible duýmp site, but aýp- iwey. parently nothing camne of tha,ýt andti we UnsWeCrevry much m1istaken,7 certainly feel there's no reason whyf the foiks in thntat reaa ve hati just Hiope should now have the doubtful about aIl1 the inefrec vith their honor o--f being eeCted,. There's Something About Minorities Lest niht, te Caniadiantapyr reUýceived theýir r ewvva rdcifo r ot quite defeating thLbp ,ibieril gov'erniment in Ottwabutleaving it ini a myinority p0sýfiin where ithi tj' ap attention ta ýwhti the -peopie were after, or give uip power.Ovou ,from. al-i thegoond- ices inclcied by way of rectid incarne taes aiseti pensions et auI, the grive- imenlt does't wa:nJ; ta give uip its poisi- tion ta Mr. Stqntiejd anti his followers cir anybody elseý; itýs ministers went ta ke7ep their Jobs, no matter what the awe lhave Pa wLhole ew bail geme desgnt ,va in friends -for the Lib-' eralsý anti Prime Mvinfister Trudeau, frus- traetepwrhnr Progressivýe- Consera ti n,n over the New Demo- crat ati possibl 'y the Socreds. The bud- get maueif they allre greeted with _great ntuiamby the electorete wili probabiy be tiheprelujde ita an electionl th21, n b clietiat anly lime by ihe Prime instrif hé cen persuade the New Dmocrt'Ota stp agreefing with hi- ni npolicy, We cnote IhetFnaceMinister TIurnier predvits that te budgetwl produe e dficit af oVer füie hnr milins iv hiie tda' lxpyrsiay of v,,oters mîght be wise to ponider Ihe fact thaIt thley*'1l be the onies ta pay for it ini the long rn Hoeer he bde esi ot f or n)ow anticrail iiseieermeý of the fiaca urden ls of a great may folks in the lower incarne hrackets. \We Uina ike the bit PAou farmers being able ta turn over thIeir, farms tan their sans withot having a capital gains tax inf'Icteti upon them. That shoiulIo en- coura',ge mJ-anyý young people ta remain on the farmn with son4e hope, of making t pay its way anti prvide them with a gootiliing. Nowv, we wonder just hnta election- will be celled, and, who wi'll be the local contenders in suchsa batie, Certaqinfly, we Oil epette inicum- betit P.C. member Allan 1Lawr-ence tn take enother run et it but tioubt, very much if Lîberal Russell Honiey wili al- cm, hbs neme ta stand for aOther eni- counter. Hïe certainly hasn'tgvean indication that he wou-ld agein be inter- ~ested, but there's alweys the possibiiityi he might cýhanige his mmdif he conriti- ers th clae is fav orable. WVeli, w'ljusqt have ta Wafitnt sepe wýhat transpires. In the -meantime, wve shah enjoy the tex relieianti won dr if it might be ativisable ta gai eiect a inrity gvenmnt It certaiîn- ly Ihas peiti dividenttis time, Things Looking Up for Farmrers Aihoghf;armers s wualare rmorrng about how long the goond times meiy lest, Lhé lean yeers, il seemas, aeover for nw The Financial Port sas.Bcause of srogdemrantianti higlvprices, Canadals farmoers ean, grow 4'dann earanything tbey want this ye'"Thbis comament fromf a top gov- 'ernmental agicltue cOnomist PX- plains eatywhy s ogn ai otimrism.r a re sproultinig on the ferm.ý Statir-tiesCý;Uaada showr, that ýby ~ Nvemerprices qpaid la farimers aver- 1'aeineacýry 5% higher than a yeer h efore. Grainsliestick anti cash crops l ail sow' ignr af doing et least as well as lest yeer. The heArtigue ncr-opgrwn îIntentions woni't be knlown rfor 'a couple ci othbut ithe basic reaSOns for alil. outfrmngefforts areereedy plain: The ln-sadigCanadien wheat sr plsfinelliy evaprateti with lest year'ýs h-eavy buin y the Soviet Union efler itsdirstruscrop failures. Poor stno caver this ye,,ar for fall-sown wbheat in the USSmeaeseven more pressure aheati n heinriýnationial mrktfrom the Rsan.*The rofficiel "rwal you cen" -, fromn Ottaw camies ;with a remninder ta increese acrage ai cil- seetis anti feeti grain srch as oats anti, hale,-,- Production oi high.protein feetis suich as corn anti soybeanis mey likeiy iincre(ase because ai continuing high feeti grain costs, As e resilt, the outlook for- livestock is lers clear theqn for other sectoýrs. Prices are strangýF; for beef but, Park mayrip in Uthemcndhauf as sup- plis icrese.The tiairy intiustry jr looking -for increeseti proiduction but is; s;tihi ,ncerteini about whiethier Jit vil really happen. A verry poor s!umrr rrlest year cutî back milk, supplies, anti highn feeýdinig osswill cuirb expansion plans. On) the poultry front, egýg producers may, be in for seedier -anti hgher ..pries nnow lhtsupplies are cnrleiby 'a nat- ional systemn of quotLas. Fruits andivg etables, ighysensitive ta seasonal con- ditions, cenrib e countlet i o for moderate 'rowth. Rewrite Our Gun Laws The rie7et1rhsbootig teatbs ai-b(Tor- onto plcmnir a'qdremiatie exemple Laws n nign s. riIn the ityai Tn- onto aoe there azre U0,000 re'gistereti h-ani-guns anti an unnon umber ai unregiseréti aes,(A eb of ai th provinial goernmen 1ai Onaria esti- tr thiýýflere are 120,000.) InCnaathne figur1je jr estimetet1i ta be 6fi60,000. Such aq nn rmuryin the Ihatir ai any per- sas ho wish ta purchase guns cenl be nlothing but Pe serins (ibreat ta the sefety ai thaurantir of people. beThe Canedian Ber Associationi is ta comnt-eti for its stand lest feu on heantguns. Tbeyvwskedi that the Crim- inel Codie be arnendet Iot limît the pos- seofaihanciguns ta police, specifieti ~JA Phono 623.3303 puiblic oficiaiste*g. the ceptain oai a airhiner white iii flight), at certai psensonssncbas Brinks onfices.The wouidaila na uregiteneil fîrm anti woult (ii equire t hbefore a fireenI' cen be reisced persanl obtein a- cet tfîite ai competence ý'in its care a n use.ý This woulti apply aalnta shnogu,; anti sporting rifles, thUS leSSenin-g th incidence of bunting accidents. Canada's gun laws, asthey stanc are fer stricten than those in the U.S anti they bav-e helpeti ravisfomtci violence expenienced i n that counltryý cities. Greeter restrýict-ions sucb aýs Itho suggestet by the Canadien Bar As ciation are a round step tow rgeetî protection i 01Society antiaithe gu owner bim-self. IIIîhd 1 yas g i 1854 Aiso Incorporatfinq The BwavleNewa The Ne-wccaatle Independent The O£coa News Geon clan 'smai!eiartinnumber -1i561 Poueiever-y Wednc7sday by THE J-AMES PUBLYSHII'JG COMPANYLITE 62-68 King Si. W., Bowmatnville, Ontanio phan)ý 623.-3303 JOHN 1JM. JAM4ES GE'O. P MORRIS PATRICK CGOULD DONALD B-iSHOP FEPTOR)ýMn Tm ns 4s R. SALES MNGR PLANýT MGri. Copylicht und/ozpoeiyE hesbInt iilhi, maq, oppcaring o bspinoôt. Prmsioc týrprouce ini ýbsifi Mr i ot and in an7y faimmwhalsoever,, prtcukjrly by photoqxophlc or ottýst pror,ý,les 1blcinnut be obt,.ned fiam h. publishier and themirner. An7 unouthorzsed $.0a yea- 6 maiths $4.00 $9.00 n Yenr in the LînitetiStates stitly hi adevatw. îA;hiUq vr ýcuio .ni .Y iucSSwji1Ib. in7kn ta nvojd eraThe. CurcdionSaeninocps dcis in in ilteccluxomin In k i2der* idiq in ,1io' be limbl toi aiiy error iii ony deieen pu blýisIîdbere.under un'vis.a viono f esuaiavetseîti r ted i wlxting bhy the. dverfiser eznd rtuirned tIotci. Caodonatesman blsiness offic dly eiqned ,,ii. the isr nd witti suci ,oo ointos o onld in writinq thcreo n O n to t a a.if anly eI rra s tD 15 "f 0 the4pcb 5ae =r.piqd 17 by' rcnted eror ý,iyzUis b lii whlnvleiceoC.Cupied Ith( Founitain Vailley, Ca3lif., Felbruary 1, 1973 farMr. ams Hqaving recenitlyrnee by, subscrîption ta the con- adiain Statesmaan, 1 would like ta add that it is a r- lief ta kn-ow you are ecv erevd lfrom you-r seriaus iii- ness. Tecurrent U.mi iu at'ion (Who Zappedthie 7ip07) delays receipt of ithe ,paper up ta twweks but, like the Readers Digest, th e Statesn-an i, always of great iînterest. Enjoyable arýe Pic.. 25 YEARS AGO Tbunrsdxy, Mareh 4, 194M TJhe Radio Shop, B:owmai.n- ville, propietors Lamre 1Don- ee(n anti Jack El'ston. elc- tnicai l arswit h theAir, SFor-ce jinthlest wAn'l,z yqi oaie aid equipin-ent anti Systein wit001 their igu anti wo~idowdipa bilaty r-feat ureti. IC Garton Coch ines il 11 S commence, on AMeqrch 15, îe 1treetus sr iluWbit- teby anti linking the Bownmn- vileOshawa anti Whby S inter ctybus sriear Ï operateti by Geton's meniskillenr, bas been bhlday- SI iug ith M. ant iMca.Eti. e Caei Ponty pool. er dlay ev7eninig, Februiaryý 27, Mf et a sur'prise panLty fýor Tcacey in honon aiT his bir th- da!. h Bresdley'sCammunity Club r ltiCits Fbuaymeeting iin the chawith Mc. E LI Cmyderma in the -chair. JW At the B.H.S. At Home heli on WdesaFebrui- any 2fM the dance musue wa7 pE,7i.nfretiby Boyti Vailcaanti bisbandi with Shrly atrmer asvPe3 t Mn.Jr anti 'Mca.S._R. Mc- Donald announce the en- ggenrt aoftheir dauightcr Mu nie ernice ta John Rae A\bcnetby, sonaiTfMnanti a. ,J. H. _Abennethytihe marniege ta take place ýonl Marcb 27th. Karnival -anti Cafeteria Tee et the Lions Cominunity Centdre, Thunsday, Marc1-h 11. DrWa t 8 Pm, for 60 valui- ablE plnizes includingtw fane,' quilîtseectnic dock anti Nylons. Mlission EBaud, Tyrone, miet after scýhool, Feb. 26 withi il ciltirenpresent.MiutÉer aor the lest meeting wenre reati by Doneen Rabin. Congratulations to aRlphi Peteirs, son orTMc. aiMr Hfilton Peters, Hampton, wbo wOf, rX theigbhert standing at the KiwaniPMurie Festival. Toxrorto, 'iific r e '18 ai - under andi l '-Thandiunder aEditor's Mail turcs inclug people1 knew a quarter-century ega nd, Of cours"e, the ,prints of sports teamis oË the past and Flashbacks in the Spatlk column. My ýTChicag-bornil wile beats me taothe Clasified Ads suein tacheck on the Per sonal ,-o lu m ne een though 1 assue her the ad Mi] MtlA e here as it has for: atleast 30 yar.You must hold a ýrecord for the longest running commercial in printing. novevbe WiM be in town tiias in- me(-r and hope- tasep. you hoi, 49 IEARS AGO Th"Aay, Feb,2%, 192 On1 Monday ee inIleh MetadatSunday school monn, de ~Bownianvile Lceues were poivilgt in beaning the Inter-League Debee beweenSaunla anti Newaste. The meeting wer in charge aiT M. Stan- fond HSy-mons, Theafra tive w vas tfaken hyChas, Shortntie, Elgin Talor anti Lyte alor, Solna; the negative iy Eenl Osbovn, Clanene Alun andi Hanry Jase, Newcastle, who won the debate. Judges acee Re.D r. W. Bst, R,.YJ. Mc- Kcsrock(AC.lm.Cannon.F. F. Morcris was tm-epn Mnls. T. W. Caw,ýkec sa-ngtw pleaýsina solosacopne by hec iste M . M.J. Ta mblyni. AtTavloc'sRîk te Junoior O.A. an ewe Peterboougwh antiBwmn ville had te a be cetdue to m? iurisnceietibyReiT- ta, fOC Mmnerern "c nthe orsi,, vilh fsix minutes, to plar antiBomanville leet- ing 5-1 wbrhî tfietithe score on the. roundC. The OHA oreeithegain replayeri witii Bowmnanvýifle losing by ann goal. !Members aiT theý goal,, Glen Mry:left de- fe-nce, HIooper; right de-. fla;left wing, Chartr-an; right wngLuxton; suba, Cameron anti Cowl-e. The foiowing request ta Mnr. G. A. Edm-onistone, butchen, eppeareti in 1the- Statesmnan necently. 1De a)r Sir Saine English fnendis aiT mnine fpel that Canlcai bins anti bacon are mluch supenior ta the Ampencan) bcand. I wush1ta purchase Mor thda ncGunns Smok- Pd Hein'-et 18c-Pur 1b. anti ana- Gunna' >Peameal Beck Bacon, pice, . e 3cper 'lb. Aira one pouniof Scelti Crcam. Pes express tu Ri chýlard ainl1, Dlnverl oord.P.S. Theat- ma.-n wfl 7,,u(çh Itha, t yo'r rafe Un thur deag ywh mue. and il gooti health. Your-s truly, Frank H. Tight. A heeding in the Port Hlope Eveilrg Gujide, Feb- ruary 15, 1973, read : -Russell Must Learii Need for Wh.ole Area - Hea" The Maya r of Cobaourg i,-, quoteti as follows: TeirRussell we hav given uip aur little 'kingdomsý ,for the good or thewoe ec-onoinie area". The port Hope Eveningý Guide etetea that the -Mayor aof Cobourg was replying ta a quesqtiornr at a meeting, on Regionail Government in port Hope. The questioner noteti thp, "zSuISPicion-" b.v Foster _Rus- se1i, Depuity Reeve oF Hemn- ilton Township, that theý politîcians aof the two town.9 (Cobaurg andi Port îHope) wvanted 1 ta retain their littie kingclam-s. My satmettken out ait context, concerned theF Hltcki Plan,' in which thie niaies ofT townrships were Pxücldd in municipalitier, favoreti bv the plan, and other township.s and to-wns were astracizeti, Followinig thý fiTimtlo rd" meeting b v Cobourg Council, et iwhîch the ikele- tori aofthe HbciPlan was, exýplained toacaea municipal o)fficiais ske Sý'd Mr J.Hbic- k'i why Parlingtan Town- shia1 andi Bowmaniýûle wre- ecud.He repliped: 4'l did not communLicate with -Darl- inton an"iti Bowmaniville, They are going taý Osltawa. Idid not wan11t ithei in the plan". My ý-reply wsthat if Mr, H1ubieki had mcludeti ail the ties in the Plan, I would support it. iVyrepfl3 ta the May'or aof Cobourg la t hat 1 doa not favor discrimination ag-aînat any uniicipality ,in Nor)th- Lumberlanti and I-)Duýrbiam. Thlis la thle prime fault aiT th1e Hubickýi Plan which sets uip seperate kingdoms in Ca- bourg, and Port H-ope it pre(fred taýx rates for01the twý,o town>q, and would im- posehave taxes in thes townaips; nameles areas in the r-espectiye -suburbra oi thep Municipalities ofne- castie, Port Hope, Cobourg, Coiborne andi Campibellford. Within the Hubîcki Plan thle narines ofT Clarke, Hope, Hamilton, Haldlimanti, Cra- imahe, Alnwirlý, Percy and SevmoUn would be Ibat his- toviCplly and ta poaterity, Will Cobourg anti 1Pont lHocpe sacrifice thein names? YN ! Contnry ta0 the caption in ffie Port HpeEvening Gýuide, in which the Mayor of Cobourg la quoteti as SaY- ing ta Ila muaýriitleara thle neetis of thne whole anea", mayv 1 submnit Ithe act that the Mayo'r ln sponsoring the Hulbiki Planr is favoring a p),foriofiTthe[tlnited Cotin- tiesiiwile 1I support the býroader aspect of the Unit- edCountira asa regio. Sueythere la the cncept ariT myopie in the Hutbichi Plan.1 The aot iTCbar n l PotHpl) the deaýire tarti hEJir wïieart und 'Spice By Bill SmiIey BILL, TELLS IT LIKE IT IS M'e ail have tao stanid up atiibe countetisometlime, even ithouigh w mnage ta duck ont ai it unlltil. the lestÜ trumpet sounids. Peopie who expre-ss therir honest opinions ané nIot aiways populer,, but 1 neyer aimietifor that, sa hene gaes;. My opinions on rame ai the bnrning issues ai the day. Open w"inters. I'm in fevýon a tem We've heti a beautyv this witlen, wt only a few coiti snaps, oni'y a f ew feet, i snow, a peechy January thew, and lots ai sun), I'ti ike ta sýay My heant goes ont ta the kir anti snowmrobilers, but it wouYlti be a lie, I don*t can-e if their snawv- mobiles sit in the back yard andtisut> or if their skis w-.arp into pretzels. 1 have niormnally maoveti about 'welve feet of snwfrom anc place ta anothen by thîs lime ai winter. This yean I've moveti onlyv about threce feet, anti 1'il settie for thaRt. Men~ clthin. Mdemtr'entis nans- ete mci. There's niothing" in the stores but y ellow anti purpie shirts, hideous lies, that -would go with niothing except a ein' ees, anti checkened pents with a flaned _bottom., WVhet even baippenedti tathe wbitc shfirit, the modest single-shatie tic, and the welil-cut gnay flannt-els? Mort ai ail, I bat'e tbose greatLfat lies. T'hey'ne about four inches wide anti matie ai stuff as thick as a grteet- coat. Trying ta tic one in an elegant knot is about as easy as ýtnying ta laice .youn shoes with bl-icrope. Nieces ant inephews. I'm il11for them. Wýe bati rame ai ours for the wveekend antid it wevs a dclight ta sec Iheir mîntis anti talentstieveloping. Jen- nlie anti Sue playeti a t-ipping flinIe dulet, as well as their pianopics Little Ste- yen spent the weekend chasing our cal, Who was Just as, anxious ta avoiti bis caresses as be was ta give themn, Finehily, in perplexity, he raid, "Hey, Uncle Bill, do you know -wbet kinti a ce this iF?" J mutteneti somnetbing vague. "Sbe's e scaeretiy -cat" bhe stetet Irtiumrphently',v Toilets anti tires. Tt neyer feuls, but THEY do, nearly aiways5 when yau'rec expectiag gue&sts anti necti bath. Str day mnnoing, armeti wvith huge hp ping list, went ont anti founti a fiat tire. The garagemnan raiseti bis ey es wbcn be badttaimber aven two loadetigl carts la geettai m-y spaeeinFeuay 'Sundav onng ihsev-en people onoi deck, thie toilet b)loc!ked. No plumnbers aveilable. No'w thatwee dealt with major The Un7iiitetiStates has just aurnaunc- etid thatI it bas spent more than $26 bil- lion on temejnnet space pragram in thle part .15 vearu, andti tat it plan)s ta s;pentia f'urt-her .$7 billion duihe coming five yeers. Addi I tis ;the -bil- lions spent on mnanneti space pogr,)ljam-s and space reseearch by other great pow- essuch as the Soviet linion, Biitaïn, France, Japen anti China in recent The(-n aedtiitathese figures annuel costs of nýew weapons systerms ati tiefense gnrel.Althou[gh it, ise rough est imate, 'militery experts h-oW, believe that. the annuel total bhas, passeti $ý250 billion ant i wll soon reach $300 billion. No'boti preteniis that either-, re- serc nto the universe -through whiclh our plenet hrir or na-tional. defense are not valiti expeniditures- g -,iven the conditions iq rhuman society today., What ce e uestioned. however, are the astronoimicil am1ounits. knd sare etmtn t fanm adominant two-towýn regian. Tbey are support- ing the vcry tbing wbCih tbey conden lu the "Osha- wa-centeetMPan". Tt wauld be prefenabe, accorn g taConsultant Derek Litiletta restruictuire tw-irgaverýinment ilu the UitilCounities. And iimay I point Out that theý Uniteti Coutlies biliýing e Ca- bourg is mioden antiaate- quate foir e seataiT region- ai gaverninent. The cx- pense aiT restructuning ne- giocnalgvemetwtn the~ ~~o faeokaTtheUnt cdi CouiCes will be mini- al. Surel,, thePrpjov\ýinc 'ýial Goveninet, wichdaily jrý goigdeeper anid deepeni lutý) debt, ahoiti be con- cerneti. Tbl-e word"rsrcue cen pýrove tai be a mirnomer ifecanoiny is dirregardeti. Wblle the two Miayors inay flot be in accord with the abave thesir, they coulti be lu agreement writh the premire whicb Fallows: Unitedi Counties Cauncil- ions wene electeti lby the vaice aiT the people, electeti ta serve theur respec-tive municipalities for two yeans. anti t be loyal ta the Uniteti CauLnties, 1 bave taken isue wit th,- Provincial Govmemninenmt which proposes ta deny the voice ofTthe People ln dis- inisSng aiu mayor, eeves antcounicillora froioffice au December 31, 1973, ln order tLa estabhish regional govenment, Jeuuany 1, 1974, If te vote OFT te pe'e tHie popular vote et the muniiicipal levrel. la destroyý- nd by oui'M be n i' Par-- liamnrt in the roicl GoveumeIll~e fïedQ1m ao issues, let's ta;pke alook ai. lthe minor onesý, A greait deal of ink, and hot air ir bei-ng, squandered the'sef days onto of themy: the IMontr,ýeal Oymiq ndlcap-. ital punishment. VIm against thent bath. Fisthe Olympwies. Isn't it rather significant that the last two Olympics,, have been held ini the countries with the most boomning economies ini the world, Japan anti Germany? Mayble they could afford themn. Canada, in my opinion, cannot. Ourý population is ton srn ail, at aur niational debt, too bi, t o itake on an'r international ex.travaganz7a noteti chief.. ly for its, biekering and bc-itn.Not to mentioni murder in Mxioanti Mun- Who needs theOypesaywy It's a great Spectacle, but so wvere the Romnan gamnes, with their chariot rcs throwinjtlg lions to the Christians, and such thrilling events. Canada neetis the 01lymn-pics abot as muchi as it neetis anather set of rock- ies. Atiieyý'd cost about the samen, and be of as nu ch use. The chief di'ffere is that the Rockîies remain; aindi wecn look at them. The Olymplics will be here toda, g',one tomnorrow, wih oth- inlg ta)Show foril but a bi'g, atbill. We had aur day,' wýith Exo. e showed the wvorfd that vwe coufld pu)tt on a reall'y big Show. And we're stili py ing interest on the money \IVlayavr -Dra-. peau diddled out of the fedra5gvern.- ment for that one. You don't see Britýaint or even the U.S. scrarnbling ta, get the urne gamnes. They can't afford 'e-m. Noýr caýn 'Me. Primie 1Minisýter Trudeau has ai that Montreal will not get more than a, token support fram the F14ed1eralgven mrent.' That is sa3 much you-knowý,-whaýt. There aïre wa 'ys and means and the wil.y M. Drapeau, knows ail of them, anti same that hav\en't been thunk up yet. Andi the whole concept of amnateur- ismn jr an international laugh, what wlit h totalitarian coutntries emnploying tý heir best athletes in the armiet for ce,,er they ,Cani train a1H year ruund, It'S probably tLoo late ta stopt1he jugogernauti, but it's not too) late ta throwvý srme santci in the wheeis. If the citizens of greater lMontrea.l were tolti that they, personalil, hati to.d foot the bis for thegmeMDrpa. would probablyv wind u]p at the btot af the St. Lawrence River, with alil th9- other sewage dumttpeti in it. Oh, yep. I'm agÏainst capital ui. ment, too, but I've run oýut of spa_-ý1ce. Maybe next week. Take the fairIy cfonserive7L fignr*r of $250 billion a yeer for tiefense on a: worldwide as. Thatis i-almost fi~ times the annuel 1,grass national p)iroduiet ôf India, where a bout '560,00()0,00Pýjeae lIve. -Because ai por rein,Indueis sor5 Of foodi ant i i plnning D-ta pay ,bjetwýeeJ ,i4 milion anti $5 million ta im)porý; grain. Aninuel costs for wveapons anti< defense wouid pay for these shiprment37, 50,000 timier! The world's priarities ar'e outl of linc, with reaiity. hVfst of thewrlisnt ions no longer neeti nuecar weapansý.' They neeti mare footi, better housing, a1 higheýr quality oF hf e. Anti the myr. tenies af the u-iniverse are fer les-,,imn partant than cleanîng up aur poiiltci, air anti weter, Much Stijl needýtistoe~ donc on aur troubieti earth duing this. troubleti century. Let us begin by dit- er-ting iurgentiy needeti funcIs from the weapons industry iioamare usefui, more lastinig endee;vors, t hi> who hdeocratic: pro- c esa jr dîminished.èl Fosten MV. Russeil, Deputy Reeve, Townsbip oai atniltn, Nontubenlantianti Durhamn. AN URGENT APPEAL Dear Edito: The ,\rti>ilitis Society la lu urgent neeti aof funcuis ta sî,ppoct rereercm prognama anti servie taofind aconhto for arthnvitis. Lt us unfortun- etce that et this timne the wbhole community oiTBow mnville cao flot becen- výasseti Wc éare seeking 'e tota] l'T$1300frointhe> town of Bowmenvilewbh uaa imds h n e he iTigt againatn the nRtion'ýs mort srnoua bealtbpob- unim ,. ,painfulanti nippling erthts Ouy ne haithmis ernaunt hem been collectet ta date. if you wet r anc who con- tnibutetipase acccnt aur heartfet thanks, If yau weenot woulti you please- senti elong your contribu- tiontA CNAERS., c/oThe Royal Baik aof Canada, Box, 280, King Street, Bowmen- ville, Ontario, as; soon as youl anc abe ta do so. We ace ncitical financial atraits this year. The full support expecteti ram Bow- meuprville jr vital, t ,hus this' lest minute anti urgent apelfor your assistance. Kiuim dcate if yon wish a rweept foryour ie- came é,tex purFparer anti it will be maileti prnptly. T'hank youI veny sïucen:ely anti mey 197;3 be ha-Ppier' for you because you have hel>,peti us tai continue ta, fhelp those we erve sincecly,1 C.B. logan, High Pollution' Ai -plltin jir an i1 -l >a f amni lrail e mena Ce. Buýjt arinither spr9ingSfar. Fria sur puisng source IMounL 11t a inicljmmnber is, sek; ing raanng ensaion, ar hep- îhe scle.Atthe Grand Tetonl National park n Wymg thus ruminer, anersyI he Lci nyrt ri rm h peak e w ith "kak fi i juink." ithln decae, th 4e00u At in the ite Moun-, has be e nnaing 30 percent each year. Tbnee mile s upon oot tcash dump coveing an aceaý aiT N0O squarefeet. At rucli a- titudes, whlere, thc air is thirn andi iTczn even ormll biodiegradiable Stif w:ýiIIllnot ieca.y. Anti helicopters cannot- go uip that bighi for cieanuip work. Climbers lin the White Mouni- tains are no0w asketi not tp camp mare than 4500 feet p Anti rangersaet McKinfley talk ta, even-y cibî exe i uirgjng them ta bning back Mal their ga-rbage anti evn tanick up e-xtra litter, along threwa, Yorlocaýl tubenclonsirsund rpespiratl'ypi s sscain la hel1ping tna ke Usa-c of that pllution anti wha4 can do about it, I The Wasted Billions -4 and Distant Past From ithe SaemnFiles

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