RuIsseli C. Honley, 'Q.C., the former federal Liberal miember of parliament for Northumberland - Durham. bas been appointed a couin- tyý court judgýe for Hastings ýoIInty, Thlc ederal inister of Justice Hon. Otto Lang mrade the annouincemnent, f'rom- Ottawa on Monday. Mr. Honey, a partner in tbe Port Hope law f inn of Honeyv, Brooks and Harri- son, was defeated in the October federýal election byý Progressive Conservative Allan Laiwrenece. He w'as; firsI, eiected to the House of Commons for, tbe old riingif of Durhamn i192andj re--elected ill 1963 and 1965. In 1968 be was elected. as the first MP for the new riding of Nor- thumbenland-Durham. Durin g bis last termn at Ottawa, he was appointed Deputy - Speaker of the House of Commons, a posi- tion wbibe retined until bis defeat in thie October electioin. Since the election the former MUP has made few public appearances in the riding. Hle wenit to Florîda immediately followirg the election for a rest period, returning to Ottawa in JTanuary. Since is defeat there bas beeni speculation as to whe- tber or not be, would retarn to the Port Hope firmn as an active partner. The other partners in the firm, W, Grant.Brooks and ýMichael Harri.soný, annloune- ed Monday that they will cont1-inue to carry onj the practice under t'he firm name of Brooks and Harri- son, wbichi indicates Mnr. (TURN TO PAGE TWO> ~be an4ba u t ttmno VOLUME 119 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONT., WED., MARCH 141, 1973 1.5c Per Copy NUMBER i Althou' gh it ma-y be somnewba-t premnature, the we afbcr bas turned to) Spring and, aal, a young man's fan-cy turnis... well, you probabl know biow the rest of the old adlage gocs. In spite of the fact that it's still early in Mglrclh, the mnild wcatwt temperatures bovering in the mnid-50 cgree range, brougbt hordes of bicycles, mrotorbikes and baseblaflibats out of storage. And, of course, springý baaways h-een the sec-ason wbicb) nourislhes youlg lov e. Mon Senfenced Tu Eight Year in enitnfiay fo .ju4ge Cracks Down Mnly ÇCases Pending $250 Fine for Shopli'fting Article Worth Less Thon $21 Cus Ti'ef Leurnis Smokin Doesn 't Puy 1 A Bowmani),.jlic outb. may have learned flic biard way that crime anid smokingi, cigarettes doesn't pay. The 17-year-old was cauglit by police, allecgedly sipboning -Éasoline from a car parked attflie Fîna station on Liberty Street Southi at approxiafcely 1:00 a.m. Tuesday mornnng, Mardi l3tb. Howevcr, in a fine examiple of poctic justice, somne of flic gasoline spilled on flic ground anid was ignited by flic cigarette flic suspect was -Ismrokýing. Very littie damage was donc fo cither 'fic car ort flic Fina station and flic young mnax was fortunafe to escape scnious injury. Bowmanville Fine Depart- ment was callcd to quencli the blaze but, as Chef Hiayman said, "if appearcd a lot wonsè flan if rcally was." The youtb bias ibeen cbarged by fictohavel Police Dcpartmaen1t withattemptcd fief f. Citiens Express ConernOver IBUS Principal The Bowxmanvîlle Chamber of Commerce met on Tues- day, March l3thi and adopted the final version, of their il-page brief on Regional CGoveramient. The briel re- but will be availabie by next Pa rf Hope Bonk Robberyqurafemirchns Donald Stanley Graves, a ini Port Hope on Fnid.ay, shortly after 2:00 p.m. ofl was over, frmaiien t Rnlp -f l ormer resdent M'c ebY ýry ,h--hevort.K&s , - .~ rsdni- al ~W'ta., ted V61 ed f h iiiéi t;bra nivcs Ont-ce 4 thei EacnVi' & foli ! té dsent vic- cli ars -in f deý4 - enr ._1Irobb.ery of fthc Canadian i ïm- bank anid presenfed flic telkr pr inci pal of BHS, may fol ten-itlary i provincýJilcourt perial 'Bank of Commerce ini a note dcmanding 2.0. elaeretiringPrnia Len Port llope. Th'len, brandishing a pistol, hleLucas. Whvteý point cd oui ~,Grvs, 'wlo Lesca!ped with walkcd Into the bank mana- thaf if appears te have been W om an nurt 80i 2 bills in the h'-old- ger's office, to-.ok fi ee UNT AETO up, gave himrself up to police1 phone out of his hands and-_ _ - Tv'o C w~ inW Darrtniuth, Nova Scotia-. o.rdered the manage.r f0 giveW r Two C ws D e If pledleàguilty in court to hlmi the money. 1lie fled the flice armed r-obbery chazrge bankc on foot affer being piv-;W ter D S ît did not gv evidencp en the $880. In 401 Crash ' !nfi til Altboug~h Graves' idnttyISf. George St., iAccýording to a s;tatement1 was known within a few Bowmanville, Ont. A Belleville woan as Graves gaveê to police follow- hours of the r-oLb(ery and bisý March 12, 1973 sciusyîj îedo uedyin, bis ýarrest, lie lid hbeen' phofograph iwas circulafted Dear Sir, mh oig, Mrchof -l3t, cwhen "h iglion speedï" af thee ime nationally, lie managed 0 Ianwiin ntehp she Ist cotrol of th eo fi robbery. He said hie eld police. Hle hitchihiked of presenting anoflier side flic easfbound lanle o Iliay badl been a speed user fDrntflic fo Toronto affen the holdup f0e the article 0if Mardi 7 401, near HoifRod.Hr cari pasf sevèen monfis and laiawhr lie dlsposed of flic un entifled: 'Over 370 rp it flic -rave1 shouider, swIerv- d-J P '-eriou 11 rug problem. lie had uscd. Eventually. af- outs So Faýr This Year.' Tie cd theos fi median strip and The holdup fook place I TURN TO PAGE TWO> article was ratier Informa- roliied into the dlitch 01)_flic 11m"(1 sir'-of fithe a.C utce S .ChorY m wa.s aci; 4ittedila faïircondlition toeaniÀospital with C u tc- .S h rW n in1juriesLt e hr ac adface. Dea f tf he aident wr lot. avalbi e j'- from fhe O P Pd % 1 af press fime but if appears drIven y Lawrence Honoey,! Thc Court ice Secondary ced concert on Mardi 29 at Tic Choir will I o p thiýs 64, of Orono, haid to swcvrve ýShool) Choir recenfiy acquiir- flic new B.HT.S. wbca their year's activif les bhy singing at te aivoid lMrs. Poiiscar andi-gW11b h ivrteOhw iaý-1ui also nolied intlo ite dit ch. Twvo cd honors wlien they partici- uefswilb fic Sve h Olaainisui . Creek HigliScliool, New 1Festival, also l n heûmntli cf of tbie cows la flic trucki wcre ipafted in flic Rofary Music iYoýk, U.S.A. May. k-illed but neither Hcooey or Festival at 13-11eville on Feb. The BowmranviJll Senior Roý-ss MfalMusicCo- bis passeniger, Ros)s Brown of28. The choir obtaiaed firsf Band ,vill aiso contibv.te sev- suifanit for, Norflimbrland- Newtnviie, ere seriously phlace wi h ia mark of 84 plus enailecin and,- the Court- Durham Board of Edlucation huLrt. PBof.h men w.ere treatcdi an aw'ard Choir wvill retura f0o Silver is tic d;irector, and Douglas for caf s nad bruises la hospita] The choir, numberi ng 75, are C reek, and give a joint concert Deweli is fthe assistant and and rceaýsed. ýlook1ng for'1ward f0 a comrbla- ithere, on -May 4. accompanist. Scoutecrs Preserît Three Books to Memorial Library Three of abýout 20 people wbo have been charged with shoplifting in connection wt thefts from the Caniaiýn Tire Store on Church Street ap- peared in court of Bowmnan- ville on Tuesday, March 13th. Eighteen-year-old James S. Mann of R.R. 6 Bovwman- ville, pleaded guilty to his charge and %vas fined S250, plus $3 court cests, or 30 days in jail by Provincial .Tudge R. B. Baxter. Man had stolen an article valued at less than $2. It was his first offence. Assistant Crown Attorney K. Stubington pointcd out that the Canadia 'n Tire Store alone 1lost over $ 20.0 ho sboplifting last year and that this k7ind of theft must bc put to ain'end. Thie other twoi shopllft- ing cases which wcre heard on Tuesdayý were remanded until future dates. lin one case the accused person pleaded guilty and was re- manded until March 27th for seatencing. The other person charged pleaded not lleturinfg Offkeér Raesigns Pos t Alter 7 Federul Elections 1 Carroll Nichols, returnng John, M. James was Liberal officer for the fedieral idiin.g MP of the iig sof' Northuniberlnnd - Durham M.r. Nichols, an eclectrýîanI bt as offlcially resi gn ed hiýSby tr2de, resdes along the position affer serving la this Lakeshore fload in H'ope ýglcapacity for1 seven federal Townshýip. He conducted Thle 1electoris. eçiosfrog a vacapnt hous;e cýia notfction a1iX fown-ship. After 'the 9i4ýelc b ace of bis resignation Thurs- 1tctn, lie became refurning 'day. He wias origînaliy ap-i officer for the ,amnalgamated pointed as returning office(rl ridings nf Durham and Nor-, of the former federal ridîng thumberiand -i the federal of Durham ini 1956 whlen: {TURN To PAGE TO :usses School Dropou-ts tive but 1 woncn w-ý,hetlier paýrents and educeators sec flic implicattionis befwecn fhelic uns. Onie lnelinflic article lias irritatcd and angýercd me a great deal: "There appears tf0bclie norhyme or reason fto If" said Mn. Thorn In reference to flic increase in flic number of dropouts. Bcgging Mn. Tbemn's pardon, 1 suspect no onie lias Made an Atfcmpt to aiscover flic rbyme or reason. Oh) sure, somie guid- ance, counseîlor probably asked flic prospective drop- eut why lie was quiffing (TURN TO >PAGE TWO) MBITS0PIECESf NEARLY 10-- On page 10 of thiis issue, 'th-e oiu of Mrs. Joseph Forder aïppears. Shlewas in lier lOOüth year and Carwrgh'solest citizen. As our Nestie- ton correspondent,Ms.Olive Heaslipsuet, after 100 years of loyaýlty to bier township amd ber counitry, iMrs. Fordiercetiy deserves special mention. From ail reports, shie ,ertainly was a wonderful lady. SUDDENLY - Another death of considerable interest occuirred on Monday when Garnet Goheen, owner off Goheen's Hahndy Store on King St. W., Bowmanville, died during the after- noon. He had beenii i at the store ini the morn- ing, but drove himiself home and apparently died while having a nap. ln his 70th year, he had üoerated the smiall store for nearly 20 years. The funeral -will be held Thursday afteriioon from Morris Funleral Cha3pel. MISPLACED -T'he be.ading over thýe story îast week about the Ro)din sculptures stated they were at McaglnLbayiinOshaa. ,,It should have been MýcLaughlin Gallery instead. That was just one of the mistakes that wais brought to our attentioni, there were others we caughnt ourselves after the paper ,was published. r t t t REPRODUCTION - Gradually, the mnany chan- ges are being brought under control at The Statesman. Last week's issue wasn't quite up to what w-ýas expected, but ;hould im-prove as, time goes on. The delivery ime on Wednesday is also showing- sigias of impro-vilg, st> bear wýith us, please. Oshawa Wood Prodiiets has enclosed an intresingflyer as part of this edition. Don't miss it vwhleii you open the inside pages. WATER - The wr weatber and hieavy ra.-inis caused considerable worry at Vanstone's and other aramilis last weed Lake levels are continuing to rise and there isn't too muchi sandy beach lef t, on Lake Ontario. Cottage owners there, and those with homes along the s-wollen creeks are hnoping the April showers due next moünth don't amnounit to maueh or they could be in big trouble. SCHOOLIS OUT - The Easter break fer school students throughout the area begins on Frlday so take cave for the niext couple of weeks when driving alon&g ronids and streets to prevent acci- dents. From what we hear, a great mnany will be taking off on the wveekenid for southerncl- ates where they will probably run into nîy others from here who haven't yet returned home. Must be a bit annoying, thouisands of iles fromn homne on a hoiday and living it up, wheil who' do you run into, your next door neighbor whomn you diol't like very well, guilty and 'the case will rcorne before the courts on APnil l7th. Needs Your HeAI March is Red'Cross ,Month xvhen canvassers will be eallingto ask for donations for this very worthy cause that has- meant so rnuch t0 so maur people over the y cars. Please be as gen- erous as possible, the eau- 'assers are ail volunteers, Just trying to help. Russell C. Honey, Q.C. Whi'tby Mon Wins $2,08! ,In Legion's Feb. 5 0- 50 Draw The monthly Legion Woi- month were made to Harcld Schol 10 anda Heart fare Fund Draw was made a,,K!itley, R.R. , B1, nvllFouindatàin $200; Sol ina the Ladies' Auxiliary Bingo $208 for hi- sale of the win- Schiool for. Retarded (riýlo on Wednesday evening, Feb. ning ticket to0'a feilow G.M. and cmr)$8 28th. Sa.les again increased cmployee; M\rs.<IJean Dev-iÉt, slightly f0 a total of $4,362. 35 Janie Street, Bowmanvilie, FORMER WARDEN DES First prize 0fl $2,081, was $10 for the sale of the 100 j, Hartweli Lowery, 81, won by J. J. Redko, 68 Scott ticket. died on Tuesday. A citizen Street, Whitby, wlth his tic- During the month, the fol- of Clarke TowNiship for ket No. B2343 . Second pnizo lowlng 'donations were mnadc inany years, he was a formi- of $100, went to Mrs. Edna from the Weifarc Fund -er Reeve, and Warden of Baker, 79 King Street Wcsf,-Legion Public Speaking Tro- the United Counities in 1953. Rowrnanville, with her ticket phies $250; Bowmaýnvillec- Mr. Lowvery's funeral wl No. P'297.key Asscriation,, Beniefit Fund, be lheld Fri;daly -t 2:00 P.rn. Sellersý' awards for the $200; C oiu r t ieu Secondairy f rom Kirby united Chutrchi. ,Whitby Amalgamation Retrograde..ý Proposai (From The OhaaTimes) fion)s adsome arcoul i ones ii) the dr4-f t of tb'e city e'ar iona1 diapon ifaCtor in if its ithat it re- fleets1t!e samie old inflexible Spirit ifor expnsoneast and wcst sobatnl displayed 1at cifbail by the 1971-72 Far beffer tbings were expcfed of lie incumbent council wifb its new faces, fresb ideas. Despite ifs immatur- ity, if at least had the advantage of biindsigbt. If it did its bomework hai as wvell some of ifs officiai spokesmen alege, some thhings would quickiy be- corne apparent f0 if. Oshav.a's ill-advised expansionisf campaiin in 191'2 not oniy fell on deaf cars. If did as maucb as anytbing cise fo rock the regioniai boat precariously, spiit the area's municipal family fromn Pickering Townsbip t6 Port Hope- Tf was inciedibly, stupid and sborf-s--ighted. So whiat does tlie draft bncif pro- pose? The cil-, stili waffis f0 amalga- ma e Wthibifbv. Nafuraiiy, it repre- senits a hiorrendous proposai, for Mlîayori 1Desm-onid Newmain anýd his consfifuenti-s. I's aisobihiy distastefuIlfor, tbousandis in Obw b wanftheliir city, geogra- pbIically at least to remain preftY rmucb as jýif i. M ayor James P ohfiary - affer' calling thîis "a logicalsfep" -tncdto soffen) the blow by adding,: "But wve're n)ot g2oing, to push if nigbt tnow." Wbf ouncil sbould dIo "ri ght now" la amendi the brief 50 as f0 eliminate Ille Wib amalgïamation reference complctely. Thus ,ý if WOuLd Cundo mucb(! of the daImag'e areadjy donc'b'y ifs in- clsin.Whli'[Îs ma ing aendIs. on Cil hni fLirthe-r and, also elirmbnaie ~ recnxm.cdatf n it, l'if Te cty ast- cmn b-oîîndaries be cxtý'endecd to inluiLdel anadiioa 12' lots of Darlingfon Townshyp It will take corge ut if isn't too lafu efor tfl iadermien tf0 gef the cif'yes bri£backon flic right frack. The Province on more than one occasion bhas made if explicîtly cdear Ibaf àif prfers a reasonably even bal- ance bAefween the municiplitlies in the nlew" set-uip -- most import'anIt of ail, if, woid dt (iscourage any move to make one muntýiicipality dominant over the others. (wbicb iýs wbaf the Osbawa- Whitby marriage would achieve for T11e ]VIdýtnr City). The nrger and ex- pansioist proposais can only serve as a futher ir ritant in an alrcady fnoubled area, wbie giving support to the off- beatrd cry tbat Osbaiwa bhas a "hogtown complex." The bifouLintiies the dcity's other areas of concern. They are over such îhng ,s jrsiioffisewers and roadis, thIe provinc-ial plan for thýe pro- posed international aiirport and flhecaad- jacent rnunicipality of 250,000 The bnifalso iasks that rgonlgoverament implem-enfation be dciayed until Queen's Park-; makus ifs plans kaowni on the set- up of thie ncwunicipaiity. copies oif the bni are, available at city baiiil. If sbouid lie carefully sfudied by fthc rafepayers before nexf Thurs- day's public meeting.__ Abitibi Employee Speaks f0 Rotary 1Bowmaanville Rotnary Cluib leading one of Abifibi's bro- Fan from 'ravaging provinca president, Biih Wilson (left), cure.pals'ad rpngficfret' and Eric Izzard, a represeaf a- Mn.i- Izzard had spokien to thfl Izzardsugtdti, throigh tive of flic Abitibi Paper Co. cu about sorne of the proli- good -foresf maýnagement, thc who addrcssed flic ljocal Rof- IlerroS iwhil face fhl forest iii- pulp) and pap)er companic7ý are armaias lasf week, foundsme dustny t hese days3, much. of ata prcs>Eýrv.ig and en- thing f0 mutgti about wiIleIwhC isluduc te "lad pes.nchn aa io' noestE, Hone