14 1Th( Canâa Éin tesmrani, Bowmnanville, Mer. 21, 1971 DEADLIN FOR CLASSIIE Births Cards of Tanks -nMmna orqEet riles for Sale Articles for Sale Hl Wanted Cr o Sale MORGAN - Clayto an Many thanks to ail friends CLARK-In Ioving memory! Dance ait Solina Hall, Satur- WATEE for sl and deliver- 1972"NWOILms XPRECDfarm el the arrivai of a son, Paul ers, gifts and cards and for passed away Mrarch 27, 1967. Avery's Orehestra. Prizes. 29-tf 623-7296. 12-1 11-2 Cayton, on March 12, 1973. vnsits while 1 was in hospital ,Youi are gone but neot for.1- 3 LCR H M V ________________________ 12-1 and since returning home. gotten M LCRH)L V five FEED oats and ixed grain, REGISTERED Nurse and R.N. Jessie Tink. 12-I1 Though on earth you are L.O. 'B.A. 12291 Euchre Par-ty,, years old, $5 Cail 62-7028.1hy ad srw eehn . uladpr ie hn PATTFIRSON - Brenda and no more, Memnorial Park, Mlarch 26th, 1- 2-69 219744.6t Jery reprudtoanouceMr. and Mr.s. David Wotten StilI in memnory you arUih8pm uc evd 0~as E thirt ftheir son, Michael vwould like to thank their us PnySl.1- SDFriueadApi ONtgi ahraddy XEINE arrse -- nc&tn.oPadd's Market, Hamp- er, good condition. Telephone wanitedimeaey.Pae Ran)d,Wednesday, March 14. friends and neighbors for the, As yuawy eebeoevuhePrtNwovletn,2321 6t 6339.1-!hoe6351.1- 1973, at MemorilHospital. beautiful presentation ofoa,-Ever2rememieed2by3siser HalPornday32Mar0192318-1 Bowmnanville, a baby brother platform rocker received at Irene and family. 12-1,* Ladies bring lunch. Éey10 BALES barley straw, in-;LARGE oil furnace, comen EXEINCDmtuepr for Leann. 12-1 the Community Hall, Black- -bd ecoe 21sideý barn. Cl, after 63, withi burner, ail controîs, 20C o o os am rt ____________________stock. 1-1HUHS-In loving memory Hospital Auxillîaritdy 1398 rn.1- alntnk 2-65 21 detsr361(/oTe Can I NDLO A of a dear father and grand- Ta insCnrWens STUDEBAKER, Service, new N oblie ndmt dian Sta1tesman, P.C. Box 190 CM N OKA N FTEECR Marriages I ihù an yra-f neiOEdu1 bdndmt __________ _______ I ishtothak y rla faher Aber Hgh~ wo dyMarch 283 :0 ~0and used p-arts. Graham s tress 1' dresser, 3. old style Bwn___eOt. 12-1 BEFORE YOU BUV' ANYWHEEES, UY MeNAUJL - BILL --Mr.1 tives and friends who sent1 passed away March 24, 1949. ..Eeyn cm. Garage. 1-416-~263-872. '25-tfbiylsnedepr)PheFAME ihfiyreu-GAANED andMr. ar Biligs Oon . cr, folrsad i u - Bautiful mremories are treas- 11-2 ONE Marconi TV set, 21" 1 23-32581. 12-I:' ed for mnodemn beef feed lot annlounce the marriage 0fing my recent stay in Me-ý ured ever sreaot1 yasod1p AN bn)3 etwieeprec1ih ateadm-g lheriauhtr Audrey oflleen oial tHorsptal. A a0 hpy aswhnweDnc oth useofFyright console, in working ord ,hinery ne-cessary. Plhon N19 to Mr. Willam M. McNal 0f specia thanks toDr. Fergu- were together; Adams and the Country Hits e.Poe2324. 1-i 0feet lon,. about 30 fuet Lnbten6-8pm Oh a. The marriage was son, and, Tird Floor Nur-ses A dear one one, but cher- ini Janetville Comnmunity Hall , - --high. f0 be takenaay Tele- -e,0a0 o# R performied by Rev. Basi l frknns.ishepd yet, Saturdayv, March 524.$4prRIGTOsytm 3 inch iphoine 263-2567. GRAI194-30.N %J__ 1- Long in Orono United Church. Bertha WVilliams 2- peloved faith- will neyer couple. Lunch served. 12-1ý tractor-dri-veipump , 1,4- "ýA3, esnt Da'" odGo ,314 paudy Mrh1,17.fre.iaid 12 sprinklers, in good LIGHIT, strong adbeui-lELALiprontcabit ;l SatrdyMarh 7,173, 1wforget. hak nve b I AQuiet Day in St. John's 1coniin loHoln rn-Kaiser Alumrinu uligfive mnths old baiby, hoursl $G0.Lowi31eVtrcio-ok39 eas0Ladd9Sl fam:'iwld rlikev hn y vrmmeedby daugh A 8 - 4 ..from Api'il 2 t e 5500i. BO _______famlyrelaive. ad fiens 1er I lda gandchIildreni -s Anglican Church, Wednesday patronwel aisoe, o .Products. Lorne Allun, 1 SMIH -PATERSN-Vl-[or flowers and cards, w±-th a' and Albert. 12-1 lMarcÎlh 28, 9:30 a-rn. - 3 p.ml Phone 263-2754,.21Prne Street, EBwManvîýlle uy s,'er'opia ae specEiES O -_Val- 1 -preferred. Cal after 4 pi.l 1 erie Ann Patterson, daughter tak oD.Mroi ___SstrTeîaAn trod1-6 23 -789. P, _12-970 of Mrf St. John the Divine in NEEDrDCaa pRESSURE rSYSTEM?- VIKING portableig record pray-fBABY-SITTER forivineoichild-, $1195 nat ndROIrt Randolph iOn' 1he SF Floor fortei idh .,DL? A A II A oMranMr.Mree-ndr.. Capbeletand ilrSe ' M r r nng emrvcare 2 * SUMAP UMPS erimn, idl f hldre;rn, ges6 ad 4. Wo-idlikeTAC C Fredric Smthsonof Mr ness during tmy stay i saofada mte eti n ned r. red ,Sith w r w e erl H in. boter -an] ho pssd awy)nle Bn nyii's jamboree, E A R O L A E ls wn6 c mïa n al hur, épre c uld ero Ludcha Pingle. 12-1 Ma , N'rch 26', 196'8 and ,April 6,Sunday, Mariich 2,. 2 pm.weather navy 0coat. SULei12, t on n hr t,ïothIlDeep ma,-roo)n, gold linterior. Eau ulcr united in marriage by oýýRev. 195.Bowmail ý le Hîgh, SIhoo(,,; RVY)ARNE1bthnerlnw. Teepon ndBomnvll.Caîl after iLic E 1,327. Ha1rold TuLtrner at St. Paul'.-I, oldG one, -fro s bttavn etuig"TeRbes," ay8-51.1- :0 .. 2-26. 1- Manse, Frida,-y, Mdarch 16, 197:3. Yiettakmy mm es Adanms and the-Cunty its", iOroxo 93526-Zenith 1462 '2-1 eltive-s and friendcs 1for thei Deth lcan neyrtk wy," akttFml" dms)1t EKýALB SedclCorn 'eAMBhIJOU-S personi to iassist ____________ ovlycards and gifts I wil l',haveon hanid a god supply i salsig lcloea Recptin - cevcdon imy95th birthdiv eois htwl lwy in$. 21D SoS esCeter0fSecr n )aod S - udalIftion('for a newcmany ll$199 Special thanks to Lwec hl pnti at eOsata BroDancrc,)ucoue ds, alIkinds 0f Used IFui- o r ed fete al h ovavî ra ny TEOâýdR MIN ingrc nl, Sturay Mach 4,tur, ntiuesanWApliace 'i one. Ralh eith, x-thoe iteestd i brdoor Mm n Irs Hrry !nd Edith Ashtori, Ottaw, - . . CONYTad.l-( n 1,1dwok Nccslw F eat h oe t td also the Sunse og o ay uslraur'ingthe Buigt adcdlys Mart, Hmpon b ridgý,e 8,52 -3913 ,2 -2 need( applà .Co'l(lct cailîs Ia- 1Silver blue. Runs 1ike -and Srakn e adsrn their f-riends and relatives o tenice birthdaycaes TeyalldJtine, Nrmnand Ruth 14 mileseas'L of Newtonvilie, 263-2241. _____ 26-tf ccpled aftcr 6Lpe.. Wedncs w fterGle ere bt0 ev ei us n amil.1 ' nN.2 and 4 miles foth ol'EIl-Msite, omplte ERFK A"Pnc"aum.dThray41-3539 oin.L.EB,30 the occasiono hi odnConyRa 5 r3mie iigsie -pee hse'alattachiments, ams e.1- wedding on TMarch 24thi, 2 -5Mvaude Babcock. i.12- c___ out oEiabethv"Ir l )le. 12-1 fîeld suite, alBrat9-14)bak n ht osoe W NE esosbe pr and 7 - 9 at their home, Rn ey- hnKo RA-ninmmr oBtceodaySho wonw us d.Sci model I24" televisio-, $45 or uy 0 e E etws, A vrysincere best o ffe(dnig:abewcl onor uliives1ty stuj'den f0$99 only. 11-2>loil mry family, fricnds iand 0 f a darmother wopassed Cor0-dy pesns " ie hoe12157. 31t u roie top, end 0 upris om ad the _______ neighbors for flowîers ,lJ 26gne 1hl'est9EWAPlEI Tr'Iler1Park & approx. 60", 0lhidssalchlrnfomneMand25I0)JueR MU~ M RC Onth ccsin 0 f their s duing rmy ilînsa. A b îewSaesY-r ivrit amleýr bicyc,îl,$.Phone 23-223. 17 Rpyi rtn aAd!- Fitit Wddn Anîesayseca tao uutoTroe hn ewe'eal og1er Yr,6t omavll Hg Taie Dalr Nwan 1- vrtsr 62 /oTh an clatoatc Lc.AY6O Mr. and 1Mr1s. F.Piper Sr. LO.IA, U..W an lubTe famIly chain is lbroke çooTurdy M hilt so rilr.Also truck tops adjainSasa.Bx will býereceivin'ig fricndls and .5,Dr-s. Slon iand Sproile u t iefoee.193,:0 .. Amiso nd tr1Iuckcmes. Hgw P L S190. ,Bow v il ttigrf relatives at the Cen__rtennial nusesandRev. Bpkins eroie 1,.oo 1No. leaýit end of Newlcastl(e. A L7 FO erenceý,ls and îar rv u 1e1i9 70 1J Hall, Queen St., EBowm nan ville,7-51c, Eihlupy.1-1ioinl emmerdb TRBIG AL~l 'Ls.12-1i 2 - 5 p.mc, Surnday, April 1, Percy.ý ,Roy, Doreen and famn-MONS 3ROM E WTON' TTDBI N 10ENR L MO O S N O and neighors for, the lovely,ý Nne Sttin aonA4cy.,atoatcAM72rdi,51,0 Deaths cards, ilts, oney rcadMYR-nlvigmmr Soioa y 1NO DOWN PAe.YMENT6 fiuwers. Special Ithanka .tu in,,of 'a dear ,beloved husband, Ohw rn otal LwMahyTcrmns MPEGOERA eeh riAULTLceAgsiefainily for Ilhe surprise pr-yiahelad rnther, Vn UBLEPAVION Fe eieySUH0 o (form-erly of Ncal)-tand gifts, also thank to teIcent Ross, who )CIpassedawy osHAWA3-fADM FURNITRE12. SRHVNAl D n ldor Providence Villa Hospital 00 commrîittee, Gwev(nï BarrisABette Mai'ch l9th 1972.NNURTIIG EOE Tuesdayl, Merch 13th, 1973, Collier, San-dre LeIs and Oesad and id onely yerha,,s Clo d:u!nar flm iP St. E., BomnileIURE LIVING a23-555 Luc:ie Augustine Brault, der Gorge Gray. p asse d. NoPlclf Bde ,iil be 6330 26 L I aut f uc Her o Bw~Alecia and Tom Spencer. Since ,our gret orr!ow 1feu, Shov nTint hRhHal - . R. 4, Bowm enville11-2 219 ing St.Eaist 6348 Morrt' tllvisonI F.unscal Hme o- l~*The grief that we recei-vucdFridaly. arh231-d U ty oadloorh 1riva -o ________ inerl o eTo ilthet dayp.mn. for y outh and adits. 174'>E AIîr r onto. Funeral Mass vaýs heldOusneetaks0th No oneca ever tel!. Fewlofrn. Everyone - B!ý ruck SSt., Sotf 40i East of the Zoo ù,perenee i cryi and FrRn inou ad efmaCurhPclcwhosp po!rtedOur God gave uslstrengthf et ccm.Alsorsre a- . I 6-89 O PNEaarel Spraying. ScroogFiaMarcb' :CommunityE l6t a 9 .m Iner ent 'ort sIn n lvFeir, to the bus- i raApril 14 for MusieThe Loest Prices Anywvhere F1-ST -SN -1 iAl Com--paniy Bentefits, Drug Hop Unon emter. i s1 monatedvho so gerolyAnd couragle to . the C(lioncert -in lTrinity ChLurc. 2 i-year Installation GuaranteeSUAME - RO Plan, and Coveralis Suppliedi - dortpri, f Btthe ;1t tblow, l3lseyn eattiful Warehouse Selection! and WOODS Apply Jack %Whiteman iA bIU A HOKNChe-ser-At Osha- horg azatosertcipdAng f0 But wa fmat 0l ouTeAnuiMeig n -f TRAVEL TRAILERS COWVAN PONTIA-BIC wva Genjerel Hospifel on We-Fair such ea success. No onewill eve'r 1know, NocTUhÀu'berlend-Durhem Lib-11 t WITEELs LTD. neayMrch 114, 1l173,Ches- 1sf eand 3rd Bowi nd It's lonely here w'itholut yuealAsociaion -)-beheld 124, et28 Cole Ave. Bwmn-TRUCKCAMPRS&CAPS 63-96Bwavil fe osins 0f Burkefo, in GuideMter'Association. We miss you rmor Le ech dyc ttePrtHplofCu vhl:Nn ieewlu i-and HARDTOP CAMES12-i bi 7fhyer.Dearunce 0 12-1 Fori' ife is flot the same f0 US, Moda, p il 2d, 8 p. m 1ngroom itcibdhe-eeYuate JohnSicai.Rested t hc______Since you %were cailled away. Dlgt f0.Oteria Lib rîl,5dac wlu 41 pre' ho)w CIVIL ENGINEERING Northicutt Elliott Funcrel Mnhnk -al h o ,bd Snoi etfae rl edrhi ovnto ocoffee -taýble, end tbl TUDENTS Hoe.Fuerlservice was sent ards it, flwsor wcll, , wil nisoabe eCodvetnthio mp eamkicentblWatch for Our Grand Op)eningSUMEREMLOILN terment Ham pton Cemeer' r1SeeDr Cn inghem You ere gone hbefore __meeting._boy-- bike.12 I1* , ut e enrolcdin either -n meey.D. pakr*Cniifi-i,...nee )ý'sbk. Nus eono corner of msnAe - mondal lBowmanviîe 'i'in% oly God Trentw ay -t erai HOspifa-i on Fid y arch 1,frýiends a ýnd nihos ni o olg. Apyh'lte e 16 173 re E uton 4 nd M t uiicerwh But you id.oIgoaionie, !a k rm$.91s.y. OFCE sac ,lMain StreefoeApi 97.f Prince Street, Bw avilkindly t,(ook selecftion of col1-ilroo p.12 Lmie, PO Bo 59 eged 82 yeers. Beioved bus- in~~~~~~~~~~~to their home whii: onTeday, God called vyou YknADAMSFUR PRMNT eta.fic obuE n. 9 band 0f Margaret Mawel, ws e a t ork and for IaililAhome.R ______P__PO.__rîý 19 dear fther of Ted. Privete their1hcýl-p silice -(oming home. i-Lovingly remembered, ev,ýer A »26 RingSt, E., riwmnvile stve.ndut onl. Tee- 1-2 serlvice was held in the -Mo- Mary Ann Innis. i 1 lve b îias. sons FRoss, 63388 12-G p-ohe 6233303.N47-t ris Funerel Chepel, Bowmani-Mjchael, len ayn, da"h, CastT RALESTTECAEE vileon Saturday e.,- t 3:30 pin., The family of the Le te Jfrjo-Anne, daughter-in-law i \Vaters1Sports).i.-iavn bcdroom epertmcntr 13 Ijnermn(ýît S.JhnsCene- Hartvell Lwr are ver Margaret, iado Dve. .ru e GUNS - AMNI!l-NTION Liberty' N. Phone 623-2848. W aeoelg o ae .L, ' ty, ToInto.12-1 greteful to thI ayrele-114*Wespecialize in Skeet and Available 1sf 0f -April. 8-f e1esntaipeious cx- One bedroorn 01___ eihor n By Air, Motor Coach and Ta Amnio and Guns APARTMENT, three rooms!cnpferie fosntiucsain-' ______ ive, fiens, VERY, Jemes A.-!n loving Cruise Ship TrEaDIN COMPONENTS and bath, tiled fior n a ftracniuu MCM-ý,ULLAN - At Memnorial fraternel oagdncon-îins for REIraADINGApplicantswiho Two bedroom $1 7 500M n l Wedsdeyl, , Mtachi4, 1973, carsof rj-(IILeembrnce and ds eghtr Kath flee n s air-idDeparts June 25 & Aug.Il HUNTING CLOTHES venienices. Phone 623-3197. now liveý and would prefer to e WenedvMac) l 17.,ca-U f n dulierKF ishing Equipmnent - Caaoes 12-2 1wýork in town and rural areas! s MàrgLiet Mo 19enagd 67 'ondolenice, beautfiul flo)ral ille MNuly wo fpredCeas- For further information 8 A ea n asset. 1Unlimitedl adver- Large pleasant suites with colored apinespro on ycrwife of the lete lHerry tribultes ind dnton eeivd hber fter8hesar onat hmpson AV. WAR-EBOUSE storege space'. tîsing in Metro and local par- MeMlln, der oter fCdO dur i c, he illness and They ,vfed ed a way likI e staAr, 5epICXiati 'o500 o ur FiodReda;siter f slcah -f l, ig ubad, 0fthMromin, O MAVILEfetPhneJ.R c62-20]ers, direct Toronto line. TOP Proofinig, rec room, controlled entrancswt necm Leere ochan Ms Cai- ahe. radateranarnt-Ldig herhiht0fte RAELCNTE es HA. IPARIK r62-242 -t Çomisins Cnidnte 623-3957 - Storei6234500.-W__P________ -interview, please eall WilliaM fEncludfes fhydro, Cable TV, insidepaigfo on crec menill. rivteseric wa tankBe B.Log fr is u did they pess 1from1thle 47 Ring st. W., Bowvmanville 11-_3 ILAND-35 acres c7lIivaù ii, MeFeeters et 723-2265 of Scho- C h ap e , Bo1anvllepncinMssoDora Morrs fo Onl' re embeed b2-ha ]2-tfthehCLASS _______________________of___________________3182 ipemetCam el or yms b~ws copaid hyshi ecPhn62 mised yoas-h_____________$_____ Cemeteri'. 12-1 by Mrslý] 1. Stil o rt jon whý ole cs ucedd W OVIWTV T ' 'E SWht Ivlsgae il aprecate. Aso avesow, andANTRENNS romIprletscod23orI-duni1Fid2' eror0 ____7293-0________ MONSTER B 1-NGOaprivati n trance; aduîts pre 1973 foAr heoinÇat te RO A TH RER 11ea h H o s p i p el T c s , m n' s s o cia to n I _ 1 c K ir b ' t h eirlab u 1- ,_ _ C o m ' incOA N I Q U S & C O L E C T B L E M ac b 20, 1973 Nel ie 12es, I -I C hu ch a d thar o un A d ersc e m er d i'7: 5 .m L w R t e 1 -1-ai.C a et kb , O - 12-" f miy e d g en cbi dned S Nand on 2- edr om $1 0 io n.' ar , ;1 MUTNelli (s. Rvalph ________te _____"es C1cyai m Syslm Tms 1,ci at NEW LOCu R0 14A TO TF JN SRE couer . t y--Resf ing et tndMûr-eQ NNEY m nvR atesa d Distrct begi risFuerl hae, ow-h ýealHNOICE foTcOui CR-es eDiR RfaDerhAbRN ad-fthWAerYNsEsunpTc.;avil-M.A. MaEicLe or Bsiness - aoNelMlGaioh rc e hsTRS er Cyr Sdlvi who pass wied awyosesdy Mrh 7h,730- o 723-5198N oe,bleroi s. Bo watr Ad iilo adTeaue OP oie iev-iewNPaa.gh y2 anvflBe r s rvce on 24-ffOSH WAclon. Suit two rspns 1il Nrtu eBnitendODr- malent Bo mn vileen-BETNMCLO G Asilcntouhta ecette21-nitOfie, fomelythead is. Phne 62-2234. 12-1 e m onyBad0fEua,2î tcry. 12I thToro nstopanf Derhin12 n Keeps our memoies ever Nurses'Residenc 0f Mempial 12- ceaed;-Recmbredhi'wie AiceandQuen Srets.Anyne URNCE oare kitch3-d2ni4, roniand NrhWm ortAgesIOnNe Eni eecd Welde te Lmif- agi nst he. stae 0f Robet tanPilne ideDistrict Hbelh lOTiW TER onthl. Pone 983-5550 ýchor iMANA ERt0F ed-AfuOsawa Genaeral Os_-BrnOtonCulgl O EDte 0 f aciNo]btices'nd Unti-t, 63-51. 1-2IJATR roo 12-1t D ýJATA P!Ic,,RcES sin rý(poiePnve pif al on Wednesday, Marcb i y, theL r To1'21,wnship330 r 723518 bl Api of. ot vDarAdmningtonan TeauA mn.Il ormanviclin1is1edon:r3bou th l6b h Drield Tus opamnt orsxththeA Ghadfo en.PotAplcainsae nicdfom WNTT SL O'RRNE ORGG ThuA,,, ai :30 pm. Intday hEoESidaysT MarcRO ER17 166Apr i t OfCfice om rv t Perri areat , CarSittworghton - pe;rsonsumb erl perinceDuin 64f ye r. elo ed -nse- of Jn uari1 97, mu st be 1.fid sincrl usi e.1-2T ashepret35 acres. Good fhOe ncîng d 1 -1ý atn C u Bard ofng. Eeiece A LMaOA-T O T O L G T O of e al nd Ron-fTornto efoeTh hdyo f Apri be cosf rm ensdy ARTM S ambe rt, NSTLa .1L TÉJ.jL ey, Woo f arm BFg~ ould 70be CanurgssOt. ic a edo ctra f sst ftesid estta be- OFFICE space uenStees Aýoe FRNC lr e t 08 lîcri n trolin copertion wiV fenon.Crmaio. 2- ig egardous0theh antedntýiewfou n tndlnd 983-5206OLrono iSt.n., Bowmmvfomerlbti DurthummCorleged0fappDuhaem734 DAENTD etrBowiunvihle COUPLEnorNisingle personlf0 22aDays - DeepoepHrtsDAugERilor ocupiaed hi' he Coties Art ad chofo Ey.Ap- CARNATIN th gis 2theda f arh1973 exehange iight DitrctjanitorrielWATR ontI FLaio an Se EDSTRcM rartKahie rvy fr.Dci on in, rent 0f apart- r-iý Pot Executix, b ber ohicitrs. mnt. Wite P . Aox 1 8as epa Turs No&29 4 oSri ifrmation Phone 623ý -371 wé optrbigcn 0ICES.NOHW I\ 3 D-aivisinSre Bre, clo r ad ut K elly, 28 Rng oyv ornurhoun-122 sidoe n aitionf0oer-n oti- r eoe sïtidi-C .ý ýCie aniryle 973ntartlo. 12-3 cotact Appi'oin wrii to e R aiE tae o S l Plants NOarfater tICunE R.iedITnor PComingL. Ev et B WM NVLL O H A A T VFA M OU E ndi gned sfting euafion, _ ___ ____ ____ME____ ___ ____ ___ ___ W ca ding AN»011'l OTHERtS 21. Lyou li ilcuden Bowma,nvilRc Dram Work TRVELCENRElntwna FO RET h' 'on1 Apri , 3. _a je Bruc'9:ý th raete Tilhson. woa n of C4 il1 t, ACPpriET N I2.ND 6z ES- Sevic Tel JSt us idf B w avle Ad iiteo n1resrr 4arso 4,81p..Boailleers Norfhumen',and end DufrbAc- ILADiH DATE et ewcat le O treicdin feeding five hors- Insrutins tarlo this 7th day of MerchCayn ,esen Canada Oats and Barley cte e'm! we, uing RfrneN.TS 8 ...~I 1973.utionsAgawa Cayoinweter monfbis. For full in- Tenders will be receivcd for C~~II..~~ AE FR1V7T3 . AR. vekin MackinacK9S GUIT A LESONS .BR. rois n olctr G Il 21 DaysAsoig-elngFNS formation, concerning rent, the above until 12:00 nooni 9, D~acinc sla deprsJI ,9&Set 0 Se oetc,,apply in writing, stati,,z E.S.T. Api 4, 119731hi'thePELRREESTAIE references, to Advertiser 360, Ontario Housing Corporation,,E R e n t a s t u d e n t g u i t a r f o r N e w c a s l e , O n t a r o ,F e u t e i n o m i nC E S M Re P r h s g O f c 1 h $1.00 a week Soiitors for the Executors. For further information FrPr.r nomto C B S O E c o .h BoCanad.en oStan-, 10. oo tareeesToo- Wes a e inrsted lcarleralein pelewoaeete mePO.Bx19,Bw ant0 Otei, lasS P8, c/o the aireadi' licensed, or have passed th Itouto oRa Check Our Rates Fi1n3conactconac 113 BoMaNct r-OMA VLL ARMS ville, 11-2 ChiefPrcain ficr ilhEtate ny ciesance d e p eopeneipl.W THE MUSIC BOX LoMtTRAVEL CENTRE TAE ETELT.PtRpcfcain a'b bti-oanyuthdaiiisad epncsaytoer xeln Garne B. Rchardand Sns cdor t len 6-30,c-Ineomie. For personal interview cal Bh Meetes BOWMA NV LEPLA1 ZA MALE -Sieese cat, chiqoolate 147 Ring St. WV., Bomnile4 igSt,. 'W., Bwmn i .R.F, B"owmanile, 1Ont. p ;P E RD S-alpiknt Sim- en i 9,quin rfrec Phne63-41 îc~rdî~ hne62-18 hoe62-18 hoe623-7150 esikuts, 1i3wccks old, bave-tnuniber ais bove. holie Days 723-2265 Eengs7512 6-tf phone 623-3145. 12-11131- 11-12 . ý35. Phone 623-316. 12-1 accepf cd. 112-1l "ESTABLISHED D6 I