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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 11

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Ms arn Brer-eton Tlewcastle cSocal/ and 9£ersona 1' The first week is behind us King Street East, on Sun tnDiw and we have to admit it March 24. haà been a pleasure. The 'Mrs. Bessie Wright, Toi xnoat pleasurable aspect of the to, and her daughter,1 entire happening was havîng Robt. Innes, King City,c friends, relatives and even ed on iMr. and- Mrs. Cha nodding acquaintances corne Aquilina and famhily on :S UP to US Ofl the street, con- day while on their way gratulating us on a job weIl attend the funeral of the clone. We are, indeed, most James Wright in Peter grateful for these assurances ough. and having beeni on the re- Several people front eeiving end will certaifily village attended the Spo m~ake our task muchb easier.. men's Show in Toronto on We've noticed in this week's weekend. They report amn tlews we, have a U.C.W. re- bigger show with lots nr port - thank you very much! to see and do while there We need more of thi8i You Miss Marysia Majer hai ladies, you know, do miarveèl- lovely holiday! during tous work no mnatter for winter break with her frie hchorganization you are Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rut working: whethier it be Karen and Kevn of Dov church, social or just plain view. funi - and the fine work YOU Our deepest sympathy do should certainly be made the family of the ]ate kflown. What's the saying? - Charles Woo who passed ai "I1t's the z3queaking wiheel last Saturday morning in « that gets the oilî" - for all the morial Hospital, Bowmnani good jhings done there should Mr. Woo had been in ill hei be lots oï congratulations, for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. DalWd Prun- The Newcastle LionsC er and Darren of Kingston have done it agaîn!" spentf the winter break school what?" you say! Thiey b vacati'on withi Mr. and Mrs. put a smile on the face an Ray Pruner and family and iaugh in the heart of eij Mr. and Mnéfr. Jack Pruner and girl and boy who atter girls. the Children's Party they1 Sunday guests, a week ago, in the Commnunity Hall *ith Mr. and Mrz. Gordon Saturday. The children m~ Garrod Jr. and famnily were treated to several cartoor Mrs. GarrodJ'i mother,' Mrs. always laugh-provoking - Rae Friedlander and Mr. and before they left the hall è Mrs. Tim Broýwn, al of To- girl and boy was given a ronto, of goodies - an apple Miss Laurie Rose Cochrane, Easter candies. Another teý Oshawa, spent the winter er in your caps, gentiemne qchool break with her grand- Hià many friends in N Plother, iMrs. Louella Lam- castie will be sorry to le bert and Len. that Mr. Bill Butterill Sincerest congratulations to, again a patient in Sniths P Mr. and Mrs. Ha.rry Jose who General Hospital. celebrated their Goltýen Wed- Mrs. Chris. Thompkins ding Anniversary over thec Toronto, spent last weekv weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Jose her parents, Mr. and Mrs received their miany friends R Majer. 'Chris. spent S andreltivs a thir ome day with the Majersv ànd ûlGive atthr hmeCaroline and Chris retuni -to Toronto SundaY night. Coming Events Weare lorry tolearn1 St. George's A nglii c an Ev. Jenkins is a patient Chuirchi Roast Beef Dinner, Memnorial Hospital, Bownr Parish Hall, Newcastle. Sun- ville. Do hope hie is recul day, April 29; settings 4:30, ating and will bie homne s( .5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Adults Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cr $2,50. children 3-12 years $1,50 recently attended the H~ Tickets available fromn St. Covtinh1 George's FellowshipMembers.rthour sosHotel, 131 Mr. and Mrs. Norman the former Helen Bowený Help Wanted _ Cambray -,,e Sunday eu Murphy and famnily. Library Nw CAhETu% K Some very good none- tion material has arrived thie library. The new bc 31ioLIldrv to be very hi Comm nit Hal ! iving.Chýck the a3nd see ifl' t cari use s1 ýEqLipMent supfliedi informat,)inn the fo!llom fields: Aeroýbics 'for Won Appiy, stating age, experlence Mi]dred Cooper; Singr and salary expeeted, tb ing Book, Gladys Cunni bain; AIl About Home Wir NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY Floyd Mix; Fishermnan's Ha HA,ýLL BOARD book, John Power; My Serear-Teaurr Memorable Games, Bc c/o Fischer; Fix YoLlr Volksv ,«S. M. BRERETON en, Larry oJhnson; Fix Y~ NEWCASTLE, ONTAR10 Chevrolet, Bill Tobolat; cyclopedia 'of Baby1 and CI A-pplicationSw4 lil be recelved Cjare, Linda Smith;: The C up te 6 p.n. APRIL 2, 1973 ýadiaina Cookbook, Jehane INSU RANCE KEITHI D. BARRIA.IC INSURANCE AGENT Monroe St., NeWcastle, Ontario Phone 987-4202 OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE GOOD RELIABLE MARKETS AVAILABLE FOR ALL CLASSES 0F INSURANCE INCULDING LIFE INSURANCE Residential - Buisiness Industry - Farms NEWCASTLE RECREA FIGURE SKATIN proudly présents if* 4th kafùtm'oq Saturday, March 3 Sunday, April I NEWCA&STLE J Guest Skaters: CATHERINE and CARL 1of the Oshawa Ska Themes: WonderfuI Worldc Moods in Mt Admission: Aduits $1.00 iday ron - [Mrs late ýbor- ort - i1hý non di thý ends t M. iwa: Club "Di1 hava ridà v'en rded held lait vere and each ba and !ath ew- ail Phone 987-4221 Skaters Prepare for Ice Carnival ianvlilie, Mar. 28, 197e The Canadian Statesmna, Bowmi second'were beaten 32-24. SO LIN A Open House was held lasI Wednesday, March 14. Both Mnr. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe,lson and Christine, Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. Ronl Broome s'-tudeats and teachene par,- Broughamn, were Suniday sup-Iwere Sunday slipper guests of and Kelly, Bowmanville, and ticipated in demonstrating and per guests of Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tînk.. Mn. and Mns. Bob Black~burn explaininig a numben of dis- Knox, Mn. and Mrs. Iva Elljctvtt, wene Monday night supper plays, faceilities and student DensYeîîawlees epent a FaevlO were Sunday visit- guests with MI'. and Mrs. woe ntre the areny a few days last week with the ors with Mr. and Mre. Ernest Bob Blackburn were Monday wclding shops, thc greenhouse. Hap amrfmiy lç-Iockaday. night supper guests with Mn,th Ralh armr amiyBlak-Wc wish Mr. Lamne Keïlîct and Mrs. Frank Westîake and te.science dcpai'tmeat and stock. ased eoeyflwigKvnth latrclbtn varions others. On the whole, Wayne Yellowlees speat a asedrncvr olwn eitelte ccrtn the eveniag was very success- !ew days holidayiag wîth Bill sungen>y in Oshawa haspital. bis eghth birthday. fui and drew the largeet Melcaif, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mis, Chas. Lang-- Mn. and Mrs. Pcrcy West- crowd ever at an Open House. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- mnaid and Faye, werc Sunday lake and Mn. and Mrs. Frank Friday, the last day before iowles vsitd o~ Fniay vening visitons with Mn. Roy Westlake accompanied Mn. andwtrbeate scn evening with Mn. anrd Mr m Gll Enniskillen W ish Mrs. Clarence Avenry, Ennis- anrual Grease Bail Day was I{aoldYeiowles ndJohn Mrs. McGill a speedyrcvr killen ta Greenbank 10 attend he'îd. Many students appear- Onoro, aaid on Saturday cven "e she is a patient la Oshawalthe 501h wedding annîvensary cd la costumes straîght from ing they were supper guests e o! ospital. lo! Mn. and Mns. George Rahm the liate '50's, wth grcascd- Mn. an d Mns. Ralph- Lai-nenMn. and Mrs. R. Frasen which was held on Saturday. back hain, rolled up jeans Blackstocký ývisitcd on Suaday with Mn.,>Mn. Gordon Westiakc, Wat- and bobby socks. At lunch, a Misse's Brenda Yellowlees and Mrs. Stanley Long and enloo, spenit the w0eckend at two hour Sock Hop took and Nancýy Knox and Mr. fainil', MIssssauga a-nd Mn. home, place, featuring Scott Carpen- Grant MýiIIFson wn atrip to ànd Mrs. Joh.n Menneil, Ton- Mn. and Mrs. Percy West- ter from CHUM. Thea. 10 Ottawa through the 4-H and anto. jake and Mn. and Mrs. Frnk top the day off, the Oldtim- a'ttended a session of Panhia- Mn. and Mrs. Don Taylor Westlake were ,Sunday even- ens' Basketball game was held nient, saw other points of la-, and Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Cryder- ing visitons with Mn. and Mrs. which was foliowed by a terest and were dinner guesîs'man are the hostesses for the Nelson Fice, Port Penny. dance, The Grease Bal o! Mn. Allan Lawrence, tWisnext card party a lite ball on Receat cahiers with Mn. and Boogie Band set the mood of heinag sponsorcd b>' the Dur- Satunday evening. Mrs. Frank Westlake wene Mn. the '50's again and everyone hian County Mihk Coimmrittee. Joann Cryderman, Zion, and Mrs. Carman Wcstlake, of had tua reviving the hait- Mrs. John Knox, Mns. Geo. spent several days witbh hn Osbawa and, Mn. and Mns. Doýn tongotten dances sncb as the Knox aad is Marilyn Knox grandpanents, Mn. and Mms. Westlake and Candace, Lon. shimmy or the twist. were visitons on Wedncesduy Evenett Cryderman. 'don. witb Mrs. Robent Kerr, Acton. Mn. and Mns. Rose Kossatz, 4-H HOMENMAKINO RN ANCEIE Mr. and Mns, Ken Pascoie Shelly and Kevin, spent a few 4-H Press Report WOGMNCEIE Brouighnrm, wenc Suniday call' days last wcek with Mn. and The seventh meeting o! the1n A fr'ont page story in last, ens at Mnad Mrs. John Mrs. Maurgan Kosatz, Pela- Solina Leftovers was held on; week's edition of lte States- I Knox. wawa, and on Sunday Wene Manch l9th at the Solîna Com-n man lndleated îib lte e i Mnr. and Mrs. Wes HIs andAdînner guests of Mn. and Mrs. munity Hall. The meeting was port onmlte cost of te pro- family wereSua> dînnen Chuck Fochuk, Puslincb. opened by Deb Drew and we guests of Mn. and Mns. David! Walter Taylor spent three repeated the 4-H Pledge. Cnaig, Tyrone.1 days as one of the delegates Joycc Hancock nead her min- .Mrse. Jack Marks, Scarbon- fnom Durham County to the utes pf the last meeting. WVe ough, spent te weekend with iunion Farmers' Confemiince had the roll raIl which wais and they accompanied b>' Mrs. and on Saturday eveiag Mr. nessing?" We wene asked if F rlare Allen, BowmnanviIllc, Ind Mrs. Bruce Taylor and oun commentanies had been tý'ere Satunday evening calIers Lawrence and Lorne Milîson handed la yet and: Sally Lang- You are invited to a witb Mn. and Mns. Harold attended the banquet and maid's comn'tentary was read lliowlccs and John, Orono. dance., to gîve us sonie ideas for our Mn. and Mns. DougFengu- Mn. and Mrs. Joe SnoWdcn owa. Mme. Watson asked about ___ d Sher-y. wenc Sunday sup- mnilk for, Achievement Day gneeted ail their fiende. per guests of Mn. and Mrs. ed we al bld ber what we T e Mn. and Mrs. Spencer ne- Doug Flett and in the evcaîng, Wanted. Mrs. Taylor handied d y ceiveti '1 sum of monley fnom Mn. and Mns. Artitur Young..-ýac oun books and gave us tI thein family, ne-igihons and man and Betty, Tyrone, werc !a few general suggestions. We a fiende with witicit thcy pur- callens. iWere then divided into thre chased a colon TV, which they Gregory Bray sppnt the groupe. Each leader showcd Parîsh Hail, St. now enjoy. They also receiv- holiday wcýek visiting relatives hen gnoup lte diffeent hem cd many floral arrangements la- St. Catharines. finishes mentioned, ia our in Newcastle and pottcd plante, sorte corn- Marie Smales, Oshawa, spent membens' pamphlet. For the ing, from Mn. and Mns. l3avid evra days with Catharine remaining lime, we eiher Hum-e, Ottawa; Rev. HI. R. and1 Baker. workcd on oun garments or Mrs. Hayne, Newcastle; St. Jonan Glen Cowling of wrote our commentaries. Alten The topie cf dis, George's Anglican Chunct BowmannnvIiie were Sunday our commeatanies wenc baud- Choirs, Louise Hancock and visitons with Itemr grandpan- cd la we were dismiesed. " Elevn-yar-od Selle Brwn fom ewt N ormnlle ge, ase mc* ents, Mvr- anadairs. Tom Baker- -AnnIette -Ta ylor-",- w-a olisoevof theany o ngSerow c etnvleGorge and Mrs. Fenning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome Press Reporter with tas on f ate nyy gss who will dispiay their Other gifts includèd a 10ovely!and fainily attended the Johns a top notch corn herbicide with no residue. talets n sktesthis weekend in the Newcastle Ice paperweight from Mr. andýf amiiiy reunion at Solina Hall Mrs Earl Walton; ceramie'on Sunday. Coeadbrn or egPurfre su Carnival. Shelley will play the part of Heidi in the Christmas tree and beer steîn1 Mrs. Mary Brooks, Oshawa, fre nian the children in the Newcastle area have put the show Kelsey family -picture trpee asa iSn od Bomeherrtw cfiorao.OuloaSel that together and are making ail the costumes this year. vs from he gn dnaandch'rb Miss Pearl Leach was a'Sun- A ager Miss Barbara Gustar, a skating instructor fromn Orono, Hazel: r b candle hoîdei7 day sper guest of Mr. and I ~ represeritatiye wiIl be on hand Ie give i is coaching th ounseîs. Tere wî l e wo perform- frm . an vr. FrnkIEW Ref a.,,reshments Re.anMr.RJ.Se-ORIESE.COLapeefaon ipe. ances of this year's edition of the Ice Carnival, Satur- Havwrd.rnnt were served meane.'J Se- ORTC ;oi day, March 31st, at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, Aprîl lst, at by the relatives: Mlrs. Mabel win and family, Picton, were by Sue Vice rago 2:00 p.m. Thé admission charge is moderate and it Cobbledick and Miss Doris Tuesday visitors urith Mr. and On Feb. 28 the Bantam B1j faira h'- al ot ei Spencer poured tea. Mrs. Don Taylor and f anily. basketball team ended their CERESDALE FERTILIZERS 1 t hould be aso lw ort-veîn. twas so nice to sqee every- Thursday callers were Mrs.seonwta400tiagnt To e e) h a akBoI ain eeal afre one corne out and help Tom SanldY Abernethy, Ellea, Ruth Pine Ridge, The ooigLT er (ed); The13ad and BAoeciaicelebrateyi fohie.and Jean, Manilla, and Friday Fniday, thcy competed forith Lec Jerry Way-,ne: Fieldfings Trav- Among, the dozeai of topics auspicious Occasion in spite callers wene Mrs. Morley Gil- chamnpionship with P i ne of el Guide to Euroe-Tml icse are:' Plumbing Fix- of inclemnt w ,eather con-i roy, Brooklia, at the Don Tay- Rig.l h is ame th e ests Fieldings; Beginniers' Guide to turcs, Water Closets, Drain ditions. l___ or home. ýCougans won 49-38 and in Éthe _____ lter Bridge, Norman S q îi re; and Waste Pipes, Vents and ___ __ Plumbing ILnstaillation, and Re- Venting, Building Drains and pair,,H. P. Maniy; Furniture Sewers, Pipe Cutting andI ý-tic Upholstery and Repair, James Threadiag, Hot Water Supply, ~~E Ii Johnston; Foder's Europe - Care of Plumbiag Systcmns, 5WlU11fUlUIUIlU1IW55liILl3Ml(lhAIIUrU UI8JILUU o.k Coplt covenage of ail Plumbiag Repairs and Septic, %elv- Euro-_pe, iacluding the latest Tanks, s f "la" spots for the intelligent .1,Ror om gettih roa-t fqDr you T(NwateTîitc vinmony he Ltetinform-La- Church Womrea held their ne1 tion on the two best ways to generaL imeetin.g Wedncsîday 3- sec the Continent by car and eveniang, March 21st in thie iang by train. Suggestions on Sunday School Hall. 'iag, Special Intenest Trael. The The President, Mrs. Jeanà and- biggest selection of Europe's Rickand, welcorped the guests ~hotels and restaurants accord- ance n n pnc h I ~ UN E~ bb: ing to pnice. Bobby Fischer, meeting with a noem "Things ,D vag My 60 Memonable Gamnes. Ia Wrorthwhile" i.uiinx; w¶îuErînîhem1si ïmut this book, Fischer analyzes Trhe first part of the mneet- En- his most important and ne- ing was the dedication o! 14 *hild presentative games, showiag hyma books ianrnemory o! anthe strategie considenations, Mrs. Reta Fliitoff who hadl Be- the tactics and somectimaes the been a veny diligent worker la Fod- bluaders that occur duingiý the the U.C.W. They were pre-BL À>D AY Hie assesses his opponents' K. Powell oni behalf of the thinkidng as well. Each gamne Cliff Flintoff farnily. They has, in addition to Fîschc-r's wenrc accepted by the Presi-I I LrEj tJ ow.n annotations, an anialyvti- dent and dedicated by Rev. T. f cal introduction by the Inter- H. Smnith. This ift had beca M Evans. tions by mnany of Reta's, Plumbiaig Installation and friends.. i Repair-This book is intead- Mrs. Marilyn Martin, asait- ed for use lby those having no cd hy Mrs. Florence F'erguson ii'l T patpnon epecial knowl- devotional based on "Steward- M~_1 ~ F edge of the requiremeats, but ship". aLiBjT whowih o aan istal miMrs. Hlelen Rudeli introduc- .tj maintain simple plumbing m h paes0 h vn I PATIO DOORS> systes laaccorancewithing Mns. Evelyn Redpath, Past m9.L.BA- good practice and withaut President. and Mrs. Margaret / .,' WOOD, ALUIMINUM orm violating the rules and regu- Dowvn, incoing Presidet ofl1{ MILLENIUM- gave a most. interezting and S eil I -- -- Ç ODER BEFORE MARCI4 31si Reat a Car for informiative t-aik on the Stew- M e îlOD A DAY olR WEEKEND airdship Semînar they attend- -l I&AV 1 Ask for, Rae ... cd at 8,5 St. Clair Ave., Toron-m to. Mrb. Marjonie Pascoe mov- COUNTY edavote of thanke to the CHRYSLER-DODGE L d.'les., A~ The President coducted* O nant nf the business while ~m __________ unch wvas being prepared byA VE mlinutes of the January meet- ,$,JnfH R WR and the treasuner's reportCU I given. The President an- nouaced the Easter Thank-I I H ADWR off2ring meeting le 10 be held April 18 at 7:30 p.rm Dr.' "~"F O V o O LI Ca L u B ~~Service o! Lindsan, who wag RMK OL1 a Medical Misioaary la i India1 Y will bc the, guest sýpeýaker. WeIî A ne eel we are fortunate la hav- "NOW ing ýthe iopportunity 0f'heaning ' " hlmi speak. Other announce- lu mente ere the Annual Pres- - ~ î~ Save 1 l ~O byteni;al metnt Trinity - j y' ' V E *10 0/oL Unîtedl Church, Bowmanville. À; v Aprit 4 and the Annual Bay 4 of Quinte Conference. Aypril ed Chiunch, Oslhawa <" ,4. PAfte:r a cupn of tea, cakýe and "<"< , v I VI IL V V D E __ ~~~~ice creamî, the minutso h  " h ~ . o i .~~~~~~ exective meeting in Febru- E \'N L a d IN" 0.V - ary wene' read and approved -A ru i'm.r~ h u I o .f. The 1973 budget of $2675001,) ' 1M MULofl a d R was accepted. The, allocationsn raisd t $l00)G. The Salaid 2 P.m INnîn-bter ï. tset or fo'* 2Thigh Shop Either Convienent Self Serve Location to make býlaves of sand- -ny2.9 iIn wiches tor the Fred Victor, QR 1!N AMission duing the month of - 2 eît May and ta cster ta a wedding3.0II f~fif U in AugutThe meetingzWaSi only3.0 ludi 1WAREHOUSE LUIVIEKRLV then adjurnred. 4Oûth Ann1versary TOh March i lth, Alecia andii n B N T P T W S O UUN~~~AU 401h weddinc anniversary by olYJ.7n"CUTC receiving their friends an" cgi ~ ""~ n~ NO 2F.ST couRTICE RD. neighbors at St. Georgea' ' l 1 ClbAnglican Panrish Hall. Wehl1- ol 80 \; s ______ wishiere camne from Tononto, <j 34Cçi S OR Oehýawa and locally to bestow w congriatulationts u po n t h e EAST CXT7 _ __ _ _ E S f HO%%LIDAY INNi spencers,.n &r XT7 _ The people were greeted at the door by Tom and Alecia's granddaughters, K a t h e r imeg u uo uuu~r m w u ic theandrmere ske o n*g he lc QURTICE 728-1611 WAREHOUSE LUMBERILAND 74-2 8l 6 1710 Guest PBook. Tomn and Alecia, acconnp- P be Shoo Cilden O~ anieýd by thein tw,,o sons Rollyi and Ernie, their daughter-în- _____________________ aw Elsie and grandslon Allan, tE R SI1 nttend a meeting on April 3 the George's Church at 1:30 p.m. cussion wili 6e posed addition to the Dow- manville arena waa pre- Pared by Recreation Dlree- tor Tý A, Fannlng. ln faci,li was Building Inspector llowýard Wight who subniitted the report. Apologies are offered for any Inconenience this may have caused. Wvm. P. Johuston Gias - Motor 011 - Fuel MlIS and Grease F~URNACE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Çeweastle - 981-5111 lm i - i

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