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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1973, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmaàn, Bowmanville, Mar. 28, 1973 Darlinglon Township News Bsy-Ia-j-w Change rP'lanned To AIIow Sub divisions In Tyrone, Enniskillen The Darlingten Township toe ncourage subdivisions in Council bad decided toeon- Tyrone andi Ennlskillen vrill courage housing subdivisions ho made when the review bas ia and around the villages of been completoci leter this Enniskillen and Tyrene. Dan- yoar. lington Reeve Garnet lRick- Ianother Darllagton Town- ard indicateci that this is a ship News- Clifford Petbick move te reduce the present bas been 'appointcd Warble pattera of random bouse con- Fl Inspecter for, 1973. struction al ever the town- ship. Reeve Rickard said that For those wbo don't know, tbis uncontrolleci sprawl of Warble Flics are lnsects bouse building is extremely w'hich attack the bides of costly te the township iný terms of provlding these homes wlth the proper ser- Vices. The decision te amcend the zoning by-laws in tbis regard was taken la the form ef a resolution passeci et a Dar- lington Township Coeu necil meeting held carlier this montb. Thiis Officiai Plan for t4e Township Is presently under review and the change Orono <PROM PAGE ONE) chairmon George, Matheson andi George Humphrey, ex- piaineci thein brief, Prejeet 2073. Il was pointed eut that al the various proposis for re- gional goveraneat, Inciudiag the provincial soherne, have des1inetec Clarke Township asý greenhbeit andi ogncultural Triput representetive Paul Rilci' valceci bis opinion that estictly aigricultural zening "ýwi]llbolci back development ani te former whe bas ne sonis te take over the terni wili net ho able te soul bis' farm for enaugh meney te buy a bouse la tawn.» The bepies et lacci-use plan- ning andi the preservotien o! farmblanci attracleci lby fer the mest Interest ftrom botheb audience qndi the pefr group. Tepul represeclatIve Riley wanted te knw wbvAal com'penisation the ta rm er s coli expoct if Clarke Town- ship Is ferceci 10 romain pro- dom-inant]', agricultural lecnd, Reevei Woodyard suggested that the solution te tho erni preservatien problems, will have te cerne £rom the pro- vincial levol and ho indicateci Ihat tbey (Queca's Park) bave mentianeci grents te grerbeit ones. Clarke Doputy-Reeve Kirk Entwisbe, who is aise ca mern- ber elfthebcInput group, was, prosent et the meeting, as were Counticillor, Chaton and' Reve Woodyard comma-nnt- ecd 3fe1acs h thctuh ne concrete sluios ee fouinci anci ne resolutions were parseh feit thaýt the peeple whoatalendoci the lhnee heur longm neeting probably gainod a muich btter under- standing et the problcrns andi Implications et regionai gev- ernament. cattlo and generally irritatel livesteck. Warble Fly powderý will ho provided to livestecllk ownors by the township et a cost of $1 per Pound. The contrect to supply tle townsbip with' a neW snow- plaw was awarded te ac Donald Ford ia Oshawa. The 1973 Ford truck, Model L 900, complote wlth a Prink snew plow, and wIng, is vaiued aI $ 19,000. PicIkup Novice Team ýWin Trophy in London Last weekend a hastily uîick-lame home Tbursday night eci Novice teamn from Bow- and returned Seturday for the manville jourmeyed lu Loni- finals, against Lambeth at don te paticipate ia a hockey Stnonacb Arena. _They won tournament. The teem haà the game 3-1 on goals by Dan- only five practice games te- roi Jones, Ritchie Whyte andi gethon, but, due te the bard Brook Bain. Bain scored on work of the playersand five a penalty shot te win the doedicateci "eider boys", Larny "B" sorios. Dewell, Ralph Wbyto, Jerry Team membors were: de- .Johoston, Dick Bain andi Deve fonce, Terny Rîggors, Brookj Reynoids, the 'toamn came Bain, Robent Devey, Tony homo with the winning Tran, Mark McLean; for-I trophy. wards, Steve McGuire, Ritch- The team ioft ton London ie Whyte, Danny McMullen, ai 6:00 p.m. Wedaesday night Carl Chambers, Darnol Jones, Tboy haci te play at Carling Paul Marner, Jason Jobaston, Arena at 9:30 c.m. Thursday Jeff Scllows, Dan Peebles; mornimg against Niagara Fells goaltenders , Brenke Colo, andi came eut on the short Jamie Collocutt., coaches, endi et a 3-2 score. Geais were Larry Dewell, Ralpb Whyte, scoreci by Carl Chambers andi Jerry Johnston, Dick Bain, Danny MeMullen. Tbey play- Dave Reynolds. Stick Boys, ed again et 12:30 p.m. agaînsi Mike Reynoldis end, Jimmy Waterford and tied 1-1 anci McGuire. finisheci 4-1 on a shoot-eut. The coaches express ap- Chambers scoreci the one preýciatien te the parents who goal. Riggers, Bain and Me- veIunteeroci te odrive andihel,, Guire ail bcdt the geelie on supervise the' beys. Withot soloefferts te win 4-1. They their help this tournament & would net have beon possible. q6ancer Society (PROM PAGE ONE) Cburcb Tuesday, Pcb. 27th,' te the ladies oet "Take e Break" with the holp of Mrs D, Hubbard. Campaign chairman Leslie Coombes stateci a display will ho put in Stedman's Store windew for the Cancer Cam- paiga montb, and Mrs. Loga bas been busy making posters for the different store wini- dows. .Presi dent. Coombes suggested an cd sbould ho put la the local paper each weck la the month et April "howing the Cancer Society's froc services, using our letter- bhead for netura addross. A bItter from Princess Mar- ganret Hospital wcs receiveci aponliing!or the cancella- lien eft'tho conductod tourý 1 orr tbIi,ý year, but will re-1 )pon fosi such tours iia 1974. The membhers et the Cancer Unit wore pleaseci te boar our Planning developroent. Mr, Harry Freeman bas im- proveci sinco bis eperetion,. and we wisb the Educatioi chairman Mrs. Wray Hansel a test recovery. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY respectfully wishes to announce a 10% reduction on ail cerne- tery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between now and March 31 for Spring erection. This offer is made annually in order that their entire stp4f may bce erployed during the winter montbs. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY has an excellent selection of dornestic and foreign gran- ites in rniany, colours frorn which to choose. RUTTER GRA,'NITEý COMPANY is located at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, telephone 885-5216. Ruhbcr-backed! Ourdile ! Stain-rsitant!1 [asy toinstail! $95 Dies fiat. DOcsnt ouri. mlSa. YD. Cari be eut with scssos,W No binding nieodod. Oholce of colors. Great for kitchmn bath, tamlIy room, den, bedroom, basement. OZIT E Rubber Backced Six Colors $2 69 s. yd. Available "2 6ohs USE VOUR'CHARGEX McGREGOR HARDWARE 95 King St. W. 623-25421 Board Cuts EaStE The star attraction at meeting was four-year-o] Seais "Timmy" for this ye olate Easter hunny whicl Rotarians. Beside Robert Hans Snoek of Hampton. Dykstra's C (PROM PAGE OMS) 1tbey did la 1972. Resideats ia Port Hope %vil] -~-~ cnjey the largcst cut la their educationai icvy. Their mil 1rate wlll drap trem the 1972, mark ef 50.16 mills te. 44.36 mlîs Ibis yoar. In Newcastle,, the -educa- tienal milI rate bas been cut ~ ~ by 1.05 mili, down te 59.50 - Smills. Darlington Township >resideats will enjoy an ai- 1menst similar cut ot 1.13 mill.s, 1fromn 76.00 milîs in 1972 ,te, >74.87 ia 1973. The rate for Manvers Township is dewn 2.41 mills te 60.90 milîs. The Townships et Carl- 1wright and Clarke,, however, Bob Dykstra is picture will bave te, coatribute mer- above explaining ta storec ri ginally more per cepite to tfins yoar's education budget. ployee Mrs. Judy Mari, o Thoe rate for Certwrn,,it rosi- of the new health foci 1it dents bias been increeýsec by boing carnieci by Dykstra' .62 milîs, te 85.96 mnilis, wbile Foodi Mar-ket. taxpayors la, Clarke will have Dykstrc's bas recently ir te pa3y an aciditional .38 milîs troduceci a wide vaietyc on their educational levy, health foodi products te thei binging the averaeoMill store. Over 220 linos are boir rate fer Clarke up te 86.51 stecked includiag a largo va milis. _ Evea thougli Ibis yeI4' rS Board of Education expendi' turesarof$,180753 mrmFt latrcsar e li07 re thson i h m F set by iacreased revenues andi subsides, plus unuseci sur- plusos tram lest yeer. th ordsbe for22 9722 vv in R eglu ThsoeBard'sa bdet for,192 but only $22,066,074 was ee- tualîy rapent. The Durham Federation c B o e r di edmiaIstrator Ai Agriculture (DFA) bas toli MacLeoci expiaineci that the the provincial geverament Ibm fluctuations arnong the muai- they "are 1displeased witb lbi cipal rates cernes tram under- lack et importance shown te levies andi overlevies from the basic industry et Agnicul previous years. MacLeoci ex- turc in your tregional govern plaineci ta onc perpiexeci trus- ment), proposais!." tee that an ovelevy occurs This comment came la thi wbea the Board asks a muni- strengIy worded regienal gev cipality le reiso a certain ermment brief the Agsiculturm amnount la taxes but doos net group plans le submit t( requine the total amount. Queem's Park. e An,flUlt4CI-f-ntii-nt-rtD B»enefit (PROM PAGE OMS) stiker-framne bcd. His frac- tureci spinie bas iett hlm par- alyzeci but he bas heen ro- covening some ot the feeling and movemeat ia hoth bis lefIeandi igbt aides. Receatly, Dave was chie te move the teurnb on bis'lctI baci. This is reganchec as a ver' gooci sign because il Is the first lime ho bas recover- cd any movernt on bis loi t side. 1 1 His dedanrs-plan te take X-rays nexl week acd may possibly eperato on the le- juneci spine. An operatian was net possible until Davo's othen injuries, particulanli' bis, shoulder, bcd bealeci. Fniencis aci relatives re- part that Dave is Ie excellent spirits. ,He is eptimistie ad cletormimeci te make a full ne- cover'. FHis parents drive1 dawn la 500 hlm twice a week and bis friencis tram Ibis areai have been partIcularly good' about keeping la boucli wlth hlm. A number of BHS ýgra- duates are atteading the Uni- versity oet-Western Ontario anci, sicce the haspital Is rigbt on campus, drap in ta secl birn trequeally. Deve was the assistent coach o! the MeGregor Mici- gel teem andi they stili keep la close contact with hlm. Ttim Cax makes a tape ne- cardlng oethlie bighlîghts of every gamneadit leissent down to 'Lofly'. He, la turc, sencis bock a tape te encour- age the teom. Apparently, some fnicacis droppoc inlata see hlm ee day aci ho «ras yicg face dawn la the striker trame. Raîher thon speak le, the back of bIs heaci bey laid dlowa on the floor se, they coeulci talk te hinilace 1-0 -face. Dove Wright 1s going bhrougb a pretty rough lime but Il inius5t ho goc te kaow 1ha1 bis frienis ad famili' are wit'mhihm ail the way. HaIs off te ail those people who have heipeci eut aci geac luck to, Dave for, a full re- cevery, cd la the report is that "gon- ercly, farrmons wili rocoive 11111e benefit tram Regional Goverament . . . rural crocs will bave litile influence, on the lhiaking et urban munici- palities.", Accerding te the brief, the DFA effored thoir assistance te the Davis govermont 1wo years cge le help .wilh. tb planning for regionai govera- mont. Howeven, bhey state "we hav e net receiveci an: correspondence on Regional Governent la the pasi 1wo yoars" frorn Queen's Park. The first recommendation in the DFA brief warns the prov- ,mcl goverameit tihat "f ail- Jure ot governments to rtain tîme but, it is expected c i' ~Dd-~fr~, As the repairs ore nôt EDr seals iImm>' a" Rotary MeetingOR exceed sm 3500. Car Basebail Meet (FROM PAGE ONE) I According to Bowmanvilie The Eastern Ontario Base- Police reports, Gary Murphy bail Association was well re- was heading east onl King presented both in the bus- - ~~~~~Street and failed to negotiate ms are nadi h the curve in the road, His delegates present at the 56th ý:dý vhiclecurbe annual meeting of the On- vehile munte the tarie Basebail Association held graed he orc of169 King recently at the Royal York S Street East, and then crashedHte nTrto . . . .. . . .. .into the hydro pole. The car ______inToronto. m then skiclded backwards àcrOss King Street, ending up next to the Used Car lot of Cowan!s R o e y car dealcrship. He suffered onîy miner injuries.W e on s The accident was investigat- W l o e ýk Ï, cd by Constable Bromlay and (FROM PAGE ONE) Cpi. Parker of the Bowman- ville Police Departinent. Char- Salvation Army, prepared over ges are pending against: Mr. 9,000 Easter Seal envelopes this ......Murphy. week which will be mailed to PUC Manager's Report area residents, asking for- The following report of the contributions. à mishap anid its repercussions was prepared, by PUC Man- He also brought along a short .,. ager, Morley Watson. film entitled Good News, Bad ~ at"On Sunday, March 25, 1973 News, which higblighted the .4 , ~ - - ar pocedingeas on ingCrippled Children doos for the - - ~Street failed to negotiatea curve in the road and struck 1,0 rs ae bywl $ Sy- a Utility pole breaking it off bondie this yoar alone. /4 ~ , ~ at the streot level. This pole The film preved to be a supported a threc phase 4160 spr xml fjs o voltpriarypowe un, amuch children with physical - large transformer and a street * liht a wei as ecomdaryhandicaps can be holped. Look- l q pi , a ent.s bood ng fttRe r w th anoartifici a e wires and other associated iga eet newohS "The broaking of this polo from bis knee down, ît's started a chain reaction of impossible'to ignore the im- events shorting eut the prim- portance of the Easter Seal 1last Thursday's Rotafry Club Thrasher, representing the Town Council. Mrs. Thra- ary feeder limas whjch in turn campaign. d Robert Snook, the Eastý1er sher bought the first page ofý Easter Seals fromn Tip.nmy flashsed ovor the protective équipment at the centrolling He's a happy, healthy and ar. He's holding on to a chioc- to get this year's campaign underway. On the Ieft iS station causing a complete out- weîî-adjusted youngst&r and ,h was given to him- by the Rotarian Don Morris, camnpatgn chairman, foi, the age to the cere area of town much of the credit must go, not, -re his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Easter Seals drive. and interrupting the higla volt- only to bis undorstanding par- On the far right is Mrs. Leela cqge 44,0e volt feeder line ents, but to the Society for _____ bak e supply station in Cipe hlrna I Oshawa. Aise affoctcd was a Crp'o hlde's el pe s eath Fo d S ctonS t glargecarea of East Whitby and Without their helRoer N(PROM PAGE ONE) ing thé' Canadian Pipeline bcd case. J te have a sharp crack for al- Company, -; most ovory occasion. On the "ooctoitruto hn of this year's Timmy ~,..~' serious side hc commenr.ed te these areas was of short when your Easter Soals arrive. that "It can be a lot eo'ffun duration duc to the automatic lUs people like you and me who ~~ ~ being a part of romnil'"seclosure facilities at the sup- must donato the money which In recognition of the hiuirdply station. will help Robert Snook, and 4 ~work and many worthýý.ule~ "The outage in thc core ohrsiehm t ea hpy ish said, "I don't know whero one te tbroe heurs with the - this town would bo wlthoutecetone the area ef the ~-~"' you follows." accident whero thc power was nohr otrafis:N 1 After the head table ùeure- off fer seme 10 heurs white I te oar far:N monies and the hockey film ýrepairs were made. This power less thon four Retarians colo- wcre finisbed the fornier failure also ait ected thc water brated birthdays this week. Montreal Canadian, Toron~to system whereby the power of They include Art Ribey, AI M ~ aple Leaf and New. York the autematiecocntroling sys- Witherspoon, Dave l-iggon and - Ranger' star fielded hockey tem at the elovated water tank Jack Lynn. Attendance pins q uestions from tho audience. at the intersection of Division xvere awarded te Jack Lander Although Marshall had beom and Church Streets was ren- adNaeMLanihre lmtreduced as net a particu- dered ineperativo. This causcd - larly good speaker, he dis- the pumping system et the whom have missed a single - playcd as much aplomb and Lake Pumpbeuse te romain la meeting since thoy joined the smoothness on stage as ho did service unil the water tank club. Il marks seven years for -:,~ on the- !e. ox-erfiowed fleoding the valve Lander and six years for Th questions got around ühamber under the tank and McLean. Dr. Howar-d Rundle, thard-nosed hockey players rupturing a 12" water line. woi h egigatnac and Marshall was askod what "Repairs te the electrical woi h egigatnac ho thought of Gordie e system, other than the broken capowst aercie Gordie," replied Marshall, polo, consisted., of baving te a pin for 28 years(l) of perfect "wvas cute." He never went replace several home services attendance but unfortunately ~< ~~"id etoe his way to antagonize and service' cables that were the pin wasn't ready. The 4- - a.nayone but, by the same tek- pulled off these homes. Ia ad- attondance chairman said that -~tn ho always let the ops. dition te this, linos wore burnt they considered giving the tiknow h athbosow at several locations as genial doctor four sevons in- e especially in the corners. Ho well, as numereus street lights stead of the 28-year pin, but ~ wlh aandothr sree libtigeqip-decided it wouldnt have been d iety of pure grains, vîtamîo r. Dykstra indicated that smilo ever se pieasantly and ed. Repairs te the water and the same. m-! supplements, dr-ied fr-uits, puýre h tr pnttrcmnh say, with great sIncerity, "oh, electrical systoms are present- Harry Van Belle was given a vegetabl]e juces adhealth, I%( 'm ery"Jly underway nd lexpected to, 10tes.Threar eensoieinesigtig suppýlier s 0f A h qeto eatwt ecmlte n okt o-gift by Knox He!nr, o n bebaîf of eS 'Beauity Without Cret"helhT odst nt that tespoel declining coplt- moal by the end of thewek the club, te emmraeto '~~~cosmetmcs. they have, the best avioî r f refereing in theNL.pe, it is rai ber difficit te rlece-nt birth et a cbildte the V To compiement the now p)reducts. It's probably one oflThe questioner suggested that i'Pve a cost estimai te tlIis eles n- natural food products there the mest completely stocked the Montreal Canadians, lin ___________________________ o are several highly recommcnd- bhealth food ceuanters betwoeenjparticular, get the benefit of ir ed books on the preparatien boere and Toronte se drop in many "hemne-town" calîs. îg ad pope useet ealh an se thse nteresting pred- To telis Marshall replîed, D ng ndprpe ue f eath aic se hee «han yuFote Hwit, D LOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Lr-ifoods. ucts for yourself. TakyuPotr ewt" mucb to the amusement ofChre d Acona s 0Marshall was given a stand- OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN, CITIES alimrmel S Dis vasqeû ~ing Ovation when ho finished, BL AAAB1ÙNý pwhich lsn't bcd for semeoneBELCND BILiN wbo was supposed te be a' OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA I P m.poor speaker. naie ov rn meniPlansf the Ro- PARTNERS:GORDON W. RIEHL, F,.C.A.,91. total of 25 new members BUTR.WTESrCA fboundaries." Like the brief a rise et 25% in property ta-x- the past year. Th t wuld Id prepared by Darlington Town- os in Darlington Tewnship. seem te be a -eod indication PHONE KF 728-752)7 t ship, the DFA indicated that "The Ontaneo Goverament that service clubs are alive " ' e "much good agicultural land must change the (tax) struc- ad well ia Bowmanville. r would ho lest te industry andi ture," says the brief, "and Legion prosident Ed Ma-'.er - I4ousing "if the Oshawa-muni- base it more on the ability ... eclined tû say how many icipality is given the westerly te pay." new membors bis club had 10 lots of Delingtoa Town- accepteci last year. However, Le ship. oen ln te adnc The retention, of large wood- smeed u ltatthe f udienceo al cd areas andi swamp landis in MreeM i ie pta e iuesec d- Meàoun t 87(!) new Legion me- eo order te maintain a souncl es ao omne," waerleelisasestesedb didn't mention it because Iý the Durham Federation's brief P 1duntwn t u hers f ,Tbey urge the gevernmeat of you guys to shame." That re-1 ,Ontarie te purchase suchlancis <FROM PAGE ONE) mr a ge dby a chorusfo ,ior "compeasate owners for re,; green masheci potates for the c odntue ras W atch fo f.tainiiig laad ifor this puirnp.oai- n,1 b«eeh rfsd A I9dntelb uroa tour gooci agiculturai slaud wi , -. -....lwsellrepr.soatng KiwaBrsc mean bigber foodi costs." The o ayW2n orhpSvie1- h l £vsarepr VI. niLRXS.bruce Durham farmers' bief urges on ay' nd t 8 p.rn. la the Kinette Presidont Rena Fisk thointodctin e aLani Ue1 Bowmanville High S c h o0o01and bier busband Fred andi Plan for the Province. "This,"1 Auditorium. This serviceWllD ut Gvenr onMs scys the brief, "shouid have be foilowed hi' sirnilar ser- terson, andi bis wife Ginay. been donc long ego." vices every fir.t Wednesday Past Presidont Lloyd Mc- The brief aIse argue., sîreng- 0of the montb, et the samne Robbie pnoposed e gracîu hi' that "Oshawa must not hoel ime and place. toast te the ladies andcin- ellowed to extenci its present laI the process of discussiag ette President Rena Pisk mesl andi organizing these services capably respondeci on, their the ministenlal toit that vie behaîf. Finst Vice President Ose ad to much la common te Bob Abbett proposeci an inten- Lce mo n% keop use separatoci andi iso- osling anci informative toast te * led frorntone a n o t h e n. the Kiasmon Association whlch A Sj Whatever oun culturel, iiturg- was responded ta hi' Deputy- à% !cl, doctrinal, or denomina- Governor Don Mesterson. (FROM PAGE ONE) tionci differences, what unites The highlight et the evon- aie heaning from yuu at any lus Is our cammon faith la ing was the annouacement hi' time", Mr. Lawrence statos. ad allegiace te our Lord Presideat Bob that Jim Law- The communication combas andi Savior Josus Christ. On ronce had been chosen "Kins- is ' post-froe' address and toîl-J that basis we cen meet bO- meii et the Year" which is an froc telephene aasweing gethor la Cammuniti' Ser-, annuel and mucli covetoci service aumben in the riding. vices et inging, Gospel pro- eward. Kmn Jim was a niost The tederal member apolo- clarnation andi prayer. 1 deserving cheice as ho bas gzsin tbe letton fer net Il is aur hope andi prayer truly' given bis ail ta being a being bl t ccept invita- that these communiti' services goed insman. liens or ho availabie ia per- wiIl bning us te, greater ap- A long lice of draws a son during the week. precialien ton ane another, mcdo te give away the rniia- "With, the curont situation. doser feilowship anci dooper lune green coach candi enia, la parliament,' 1 'bhve te ho commitment te the Lord. tomnsad bouquets- o! green] there in the House et Cern- Insteaci et laviting outside carnations that embellîshiec mens, but most weekends 1 arn speakers, il was decideci that the tables. Kin Dave Crawford. la tbe idiag anci I do- attempt tbe, minister, oetIhe local was the iucky winner ef thé te gel anouaci te as mani' chunches etesekrtedo rze ad a ln functions as possible in btho prpso the speakerS bet oor pasi a on ca se.u limted tim aailbletobecome h et t er acqualateci Presideat Bob concuded the me". ho bold constituents in with eech other. tormnalties hi' thanking Ladies Mh er. wec evae bt Please givo these services Nighl Chairman Kin Ted ho will ho sending out a sonies your hearty endorsernent and E'irey ad bis comnmttee for of eue newsleîters ad publication la yaur particular onganizin such an noal hopes te begin c regular church. eveaing for the ladies. colurna la mo5l et the local For tunther informnation-J, Te remainder of the even- newspapers te, keep constibu- please teed froc 10 connatet ,ng w05 spont dancing t0 the ents up ta date on what is nme, Rev. Guy 'Cervers, RU ,mscof Ross Jackmant. 1R0s- hapenng n ltaa.Guie.Bowmnanville, 623-7111. intenjected a few more Irislii B. J.'s NOW OPEN Featuring. DELICIOUS INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SIZE- PIZZAS, ALONG WITH OUR REGULAR ME NU. We Serve the -Best to, the Best 181 KING STREET WEST 623-3602 I Closed Monduys 'l

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