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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 5

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~'rospaer TY O N EBreslin'"s and St. PauI's UICW Sponsor "FashionsfoSpn Tyros pape d ivell be Unitedi Church. East Labrador hed atrdyAprîl l4th, Mission is very thankfi to Rev. DavIci Northey of Tyrone. North West River recelved There were 13 table-s at their Gestetner from Tyrone the he party E riday ime2 WE ARE PLEASED TO TNFORM OUR CUSTOMERS-THAT LenoreTraves HAS RETURNED WITH US FOLLOWING HER STCK LEAVE Spring is here and Easter-Time is near. Make an appointment for your Easter hair-do NOW; also for your perm, color, wash and set. 71 King St. E.- Bowmanv ille FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 6U23-5019 DidD yo ur f umac Iet yonushiver through ithe winter?, Then NOW is the time to change your furnace to Natural Gas. year's rentai of gas burner. installation. With a sh-shiver-y winter stili fresh in your mind, act NOW to make sure your furnace doesni't let you down again next year. 11Right NO W you can convert your present furnace to Natural Gas-without charge- and no rentai payment until September 1974. The Natural Gasburnercan be instaîîed in most types of furnaces-forced warm air, gravity warm air, hot water boiler, or steam. Installation, service and maintenance are absoîutely free. Or, if you need a new furnace, you can get what you need NOW with a space- saving Natural Cas model that's clean, quiet and economical. With burner or furnace, you pay for Natural Gas only as you use it. When morthly 'rentai payments start in Sepïember 1974 for the gas burrier, they can he as low as $1.95. Don't- shiver through another winter, make sure your furnace can handle the coîd, with Natu rai Cas. Now. phone 728-7367 Wendy Anderson Jackie Davis nlght. Winnerýs were as fol- A ] low: rs ErlPrsctt M. Ill , Address Bruce Bright, Mis. Lionel Byam, Mis. Doris Manns, e Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mrs. a a inC u Laverne Clemens; 50-50 draw, C n din C u Mrs. Carman White.1 Mr. and Mis. Jim Derrett vislted friends at Smith Fls Several local girl friends- of Sonya Derrett enteîtalnedý bride-to-be to a miscellan-1 eous showeî March 2lst in Tyrone. Mi. ai-d Mrs. George Ail- dread attenided thie Terry- st. United Çuch, c..Oshawaiý Satuwrday, Ma.rcbý31st. and thie Wheon Slv Creek Hg School choijr visited wlth Courtie High Shol hoir on Thursday, Marcb h <9b house gue,-c. witb Bla-I i and Blain Vaney'k were Jeff par- ker and MieBraxton o Silver Creek, New York, Mi. and Mis. Stani Gylytiuk, ~uwUd1vU5,entertpIned Ka ren Richiardson, Silver Creek. N.Y., and Dawn Vaneyk, Ty- rone, Thursdlay nig-ht. CongýratuflatJions to Sonya Derrett and Llndisay Deweyý who were married in- Tyrone, United Curh arch 3i by Rev. Gervis BlaýckI of 'Manii- otick. as-sis;ted by Rev. R. C. 111opkins-.Recception was lheldI iii the Communityv Hall. i Mr. and Mrs. George AIl- dread wýý.ere Sundaiy supper guests of -Mr.Land ,Mrs.Ja'c-k Mr. and Mirs. Clem Raihm. Bjih anid Melody w v,ýere Sundal,,y evenýing- cahiers of Mr. and Mirs. W. IRahm. Mi.andMrsJimReyenga Gel Cash Todîay For Oid' Appliances S TA T ESMA N Phone 623-3303 STOP and SHOP AT THE DAIRY BARN STOREO MAPLE LEAF DELICIOU BACONCOTTAG E BACONCHEESE 991b 41c - EGGS BUY QUALITY. Our Homo MiIk GRADE "A" LARGE Guaranteed 10 % Richer than minimuma 3 $1~~ ___9__ 3 DZ$1.9Ontario Standards. Open 7 Days a Week DAIRY BARN STORES 7 a.m. to Il p.m. 215 K-ING ST. EAST 0F LIBERTY BOWMANViLLE Rorald P.. Malis Consrvaionof ouri natural i aýýnd historic heritage- Is be- ýcomning a concern for morel andc more Canadians becauseM. t hýs icitage la a part of a Cani-an way of life wbicb caneaii slip away. This 1 concein is îeflected in the numbera of visitors 10 oui 50,000 square miles of Na- rtional P1arka. Visitera to the National Parks have almrostLid Tennant tripled in the past ten years- audi they exceeded 14 million j 197 2. Mr. Ronald P. Mallislbas a M Test S y SftE,!M to been involved in many as-e pects of onr National Parlas - piogram sInce 1954, He xvasP revent Irnpaired boin in 1933 and received bis Bachelgi 0f Science degîe I Civil Engineering from theý University of Manitoba. Hie F 0 m tal~iIIIIg a Ca is now Assistant Director of National Parka. A different approaich to from driving."' Mi. -Malis will present a preventing the- alcohiol orl "It is easy to deveIla de- unique talk and audio-vlsual drug-impaired driver fromlvice with a higbh intoxicated presentation 10o the Canadian ataîting his car was explain- rejectio0n rate, as %eI s a Club of West Durham In Tri- ed recently by Dr. Jean A. high sober rejectiein rate. The nity United Church Hall on Tennant of Gencral Motoîs intoxicated failure rtswel Tuesday, April 10, 19ý73 atEnierg Staff'aýý Electronî i have attained were obae-rved *8:15 p.m. Please note tibàis l Conro)l Systema. with ne seber rejectionsý," he [a change of date fromn oui ThPle experimental system isaid, or1ýin1 anouiceent Ths makea use cf the car.s aer Mr. Tysen explaîned that a rsigia aounement. Tis -ing wheel andr ure àte key advantage of this auto- iy cneated and preducied by; driver te paas a 1 -second miotive version of a criticalr theDepartmi-ent of Indian and test by controlling, the mnove- tracking task - othur vrin North'ein _A\iarl'o 1r showing ment cf a needle on ain inst ru-, have been used in testiing a-ir-, to Canadian Clubs la 197'3.! menl panel dial before he cao c ýraft pilots - is fltati okeaý The topic is "The NahannI, aIart bis car. Up te newIbý ýî is ue of CXis tin vhiesyten Kluane and Baffin Island! stcering wiîcel takn aksc as tho teu n be Canda' Ne Na ti 0n a1bas proved moreefetieand a gauge oni thein ýstru- CaarksN Nati nathan any otherepeim nta mnt pane(,] ic cooid serve Par~ .interlock tested or deyelo)ped 1alsoý as tbe fuel l el auge. This h., Oui Iast meetingý by General Motors in,,ani effort; The sse wrsthis wa'y: for the season and xiii be te immobilize intoxicated driv (Wbcia iver labebind open to the general public. ers. t1eseeig he and turnal Admssin I be $1.00 (at On the basis of apecial tLhe giinè dial lights on! the door) and students free, studies, the National Saet Iinsruen panel showing Council bas reported drinkingla rneedke thaýt beg:ins te o ve a.ud Lînda spent two weeks' la indicated as a facto)r in latiback anid forth, vacation with ber parents, least haîf of the 1971 fatal1 The needieP resýponds teU on Mr. and Mis, Sam Borna, motor vebicle accidents. irlmtin f h1tenn Florida. H. Blair Tyaon, direcîpfi 0f whceelaad the driv-er tries te Mi. and Mrs, Donald Borna. Elect renie Control Systema _,keýeo thre [ne-d1e fron swing- j'[who appeared witb Dr. Teni- in 'outside edag ate aea. Ottawa, Mn. and Mis, ' nant at a meeting of ne(ýws- Thus action byv theý driver is Borna, Enniskillen, vlsited men at General Motors Tech-' like keping Ithe car on the Mi. and Mis. J. Reyenga. nical Center. said a duplicate road - eening in , ua way ana- Mr. and Mis. Grenville prototype sirnulaton of the logous te rvig Byam, Laurie and Tim -e ritical tracking task (CTT)l if the driver aucceeda, a turned home a Lften a vacation system bas been turned over green ligbt markcd "pesa" in Floride aind Tennesase. to the Nlational. Higbway Traf- turna on and the car cati be Sympathy la extended to fic Safety Administration for started. if the needie wavers Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Cook on evaluation. 0utaide the designated limita, the sudden passing oflber Acodn teplmnaya red lighit tojnsna n and the brother, Mn, Ted MeBride, data," Dr. Tennant said, "h starter is iroiie.If Brampton, CTT bas indicated a 50 er ecssry tedriVer bas two Mn. and Mis. Don StaInton, cent intoxicatcd faîlune rate dtoa tries 10i complete 1 Mis. Ken Crowells visited the! among persons with a blondftt tst. funeral chapel. Brampton,.In alcobol concentration (BA) ECb Seuence ýtakes 10 rcspect to the late Mn. Ted Of 0.1 per cent or more h scnsattcm at, ad' MeBride. limit cf Micbigan's imîplied ttcsing thua fan bas indicated A bouse warnîng panty was consent law - and a 75 per iltnigbt even be shontened tb hed t L'e om o M, dcent failure rate at or aboe5scns beld at the home cf Mn. andfthe- Mrs, Johni Rundle, Saudytheu0.14 per cent BAC. Par- ý1"Il diinteue0 x nightwhen 2 wenepreset .lyinpresaive ila azerolisting automnotîve hnwr, fno Osawa Bowmnvilepe cet filue ate amng D-Ir. Tennanýt indicatcd, "such fro-iOsaw, owanilesober pensons or pensonsý prierimcanzto f the test ap- Ham-pton and Tyrone. tedin, ii".p carýs 10 o rrelate readil1y with The -monthly meeting of 4"These r(,esulta,"h xan h e driving tiask - mrese the Ur.C.W. wMl be held Aprl cd "a1re fanreecuaigtn any othen a ystem we 111h ir, P.ra. in the C. E. jthan jresuits wt n te aetried. IL resem-ble b Winig. Gucat 5speaker will be itxcte rvr testingnodtakgprinreu- iMrs.Lend Stainton of Eni-:tc-hique to da-te-. 7The heýav- ed in drnivingýl". nik in, andsh-ow vpicture 'si lest penality that cudbe en- "This is an ipotaýnt issue cn Alaska and the Yukon. ~cunteýred for tIbisý type et de- in t'he devellopmnent of a per- 1There wl be an excbange cf vice -would be the preven)tion foîmrrance test to be- iimle- bulb oî lip of lant. ci capable, saber inàdividuals! mented as an ignition inter- The Canadian Statesman,* Bowmanville, April 4, 1973, E NNw1SKIL Several worshippers proved Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor their quality was nêlther were Wednesday din ne r "sugar nor sait"' as they brav- guests of Mr. and Mis. Char- ed the mniserable weather oin ley Taylor, OCrono. Sunday a.mi. to, attend morn- Mis. Marie Tobiný, Cobourg, ing services. Reý.r. Hopkins' was weekend visitor with ber Message was rewarding ln his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dra- f irst of a pair of sermons in per. this Lenten series on the Mr. and Mis. Laurence 'Trice ol Man"' fîom two Wright, Toronto, IMaster Dar- viewpoints, viz: (a) ours, (b) ryl Muller, Hampton, were God's. Like the story of w-eekend vIsitors with Mr. Maîy's extravagance in the and Mis. E. Wright. anointlng of her. beloved ' Mrs. Edith Stainton Is visit- Lord's feet and Judas Isear- Ing witih Mr. and Mrs. C. ,ot's betrayal for 30 pleces, English, Bowmanville. wýe are stili just as prone to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gregg, put simîlar values, so oui Cardova, Maryland, are visIt- minIster warningly suggested ing among the Sharp families. that we be on guard agaInst Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry such price decIsions. The Si. and family were Sunday af- choir gave ýa pleasing rendi- ternoon callers at 'Mr. and1 tion of "Beautiful Saviour." Mrs. Tom Sobl's and Mr. A special Easter Service Is Arthur Stainton, Taunton, planned by the U.C.W. on later they were supper guestsi April 8th, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. wIth Mis. Ross Lee, Kedron. Guest speaker will be Mis. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Lamb Munday of Brooklin, and Lesley attended a birth- The S. S. session was in dlay party for Mrs. Lamb's charge of thîme members of mother, Mis. Rachel Graw- Sharon Werry and Dale' Me_ Grawbarger celebrated ber GUlI in the pulpit assisted by 8th birthday. Congratula- Linda Sharp at the piano. A tions! brisk first practIce of the 'S.S. Mi. and Mis. Ron Clemens Anniveý,rsary Service music and family, Mi. and Mrs. took place under the capable Murray Axford and family, direction of, our choir leader, Mr. and -Mis. Jim Muller, Mis. Ulah Chambers. Little Richard Worden ]'S spending a f.ew days with bis grandparents, Mi. and Mis. 0.membAsstand Several couples from oui frlends) attended the annual Saturd ay Night» Ladies' NIlht on Saturday nîght at thie Lions, Centre, Bowmanvile(. Also ln attend- T ance were many of our U.C.W. as caterers. and waitresses to ilaunt their gourmet abilities in a compliment-provoking CA B1;A I hot roast beef dInner.FieDneB q We are pleased to report Fn ac a Mrs. Roy McGill is homne from - Ifoma hospItal. We wish ber *Ifana speedy recoery. 9 * Complimentary Late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Av- ery and family weère Sunday FULLY LICENSED evening dinner guests of Mr. and MIrs. Joe Rekker andi Corne to Dinner - Scott, Newcastle, the occasion of Joe's birtbday. Congratu- NO C'ýOVER, latIons! lock system. Any such-task T J sbould exercise those faculties T E ÏE that are considered dominant fE N W in driving and thus have a significant ýcorrelat ion with Six Miles North of 401 the driving task.", He also explained that dur- at North-East Corne ing the test the driver is aiCall 1-983-5001 f ways pushed to bis limit, re- sulting in a rapid learning rate.- -"The. nature of the to stahilize the output of a dynamically unstable system as its ebaracteristies become" progressively worse." He compared it with a man halancing a billiard eue or basehail bat vertically in the palan of bis hand and imag- ining the length of the cue be- com-ing, progressively shor)iter - the shoitrte-r the stick, the more difficult 10 keep il in equili-1 Dr. Tennant said that in addition to the critical track- in, task, Electronic Control system is experimenting with suchothe alcholcounter measures as hreath tests and centinluous Imonitoringfdr- ing performaince. He discussed,( briefly thel eanliereLuato f the Phys-1 tester, a GMv experimentai, ignition interlock based on aý Predriving performance testi involing a small viewing or readout secen and a numers-ý cal keyboard. In a report at the October conference of the American Association of Automotive Medicine, Dr. Tennant and Trevor 0.' Jones, director cf GM's Engineering Staff's Ad- vance Product Engineering, pointed out: "The Phystester develop- ment and evaluation program provided invaluable data in the area of alcobol counter- measures. This, information 'has been of the utmost value ýto cur continuing efforts." Hampton, were callers at .-Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright's, Sunday. rMr. and Mrs. Norman7 Howe ainFd famlly, Whitby, were visitors wlth the R. Hewes and family. Miss Elsie Oke, B.aowman- rville, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Oshawa, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor Lwere Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and family, Soflna. Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, was Frlday luncheon guest at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mathews, Bowmanvllle, Mr. and Mrs, iA. J. Werry enjoyed the din- -ner and entertainment Satur- 1day evening at the Masonlc Ladies' Night at the Lions Centre. ,Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tay- lor, Bowmanvllle, were Sat- urday nlght supper guests of -Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor Rent a Car'for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae . COUNTY CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. 623-2586 d from Cobourg *~ Free Parking Snack - GREAT FUN *Stay for Dancing NO MINIMUM ~UTH OEN I on Hwy. 35 and 115 ir of Taunton Road for Reservations - I A DIVISION 0F MOTHER MOD MATERIALS ANNOUNCES THE -ARRIVAL 0F OUR New Spring Fashions SLACKS PANT DREtSS"ES ALL COLORS AND SIZES SU IlS $6-00 7.00 - 8.00LATEST STYLES t an ~ 0annd 15. $15-00 MISSES Si.ZS SPECIAL LiMIÎTED QUANTITY JEARNS BOYS' DOUBLE KNEE WHILE THEY LAST PA AT $6,00$1050pair Hurry to Sr-ki*d Robes 80 KING ST. W. 623-282 BOWMAN VILLE Don't Missc Oui on thesel Low Low Prices!

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