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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 6

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6The Canadian StatesMan, Bowrnanville, April 4, 1973 Speaks at Durham Club, Durham MemoriesRecalld y Former Minister in Port Hope, e by Aleen Aked On a mInId Friday evening Feb 23, Týoronto's Dunharr County Club met at the Ed. cation Centre, College and McCaul Streets. The Rev R T F Brain, MC., .D., Lthi rector of St John's Anglicar Church, camne from Port Row- an, Ont., especially to speaP on his "Dunhamn-Nouthumber. land Memnories and Inspira- tions' wýhich originated a Trinity College Sehool day, in Port Hope. Mrs. Gordor Eliiot came from London, Ont. and played such (,,d tUrne far; orites as "Mmois" Tii M oon Shirnes Over thne Cow. sed" and the "Hes;itatior Waltz", relaxIng aýnd muci appreciated lit was a sinlagex- periesce listening to Rev Brain's remninisce-nces, seeloý the growth 0f ama from th( academie schooling, the pranký and chastising 0of the boy; tii confirmation, cuae and faith developing the sinceritý of the man - is sî ncere belii in God and man al',i:nterwov- en very securely on a finr foundation of nmemrories. Al Trinity College School Dr, Petrie believed that as Christ- ians, only the Mail & Empire should be read, each rnorn- ing the editorial was tran- scnubed into a Latin editorial -from tuis lesson camea great knowledge of oui language. Dr Orchard cary- ed knowledge into the boys which was neyer lest. Around '23-'26 w e 11 remrembered teachers were Dr. Pot. Rigby, Mr. Tibbett, the Count,(Mor- ris> who taught physics, Mr, Bolton, Headmaster of the Junior School, Dr. Forest, Col Snydler, the Colonel of the D urh anm - Nrthumberland Light Infaýntry. Ail these as- sociations were with the Prin- Cipals of T.C.S. but there was littie contact ýwith the peoplc outside, mwbicb might havc heen a mistake. "I remembl-er a debate in the Opera House, Port Hope, be- t-ween the Hon. Vincent Mas- sey and Mn. Fred Bowen; the two shops in town we were ailowed to visi, one of ther Mr Budge's" sa.id Reverend Brain "Literature and mus- ic sweetens old age. I liked to; wvai and look at the lake to drift like cio)uds on a laz, Auguist day - 1 remnember the Counit wbocaeoe stroke every in;ý nute h is watcliý for$10 Iren br ii "WHY DIDN'T 1 THINI< 0F INSURANCE?" That new, boat and motor, or sailboat - you %vif] want it insured for ire, explosion, wind damage and gmollision. Most important is llabiiity in- surance for inýjuries to guests or others, availabie from the lames Insurance Agency. James Insurance Agencg Limrited 24 King SL .,E..box 100 BOWMANVILIE, ONTARIO D OUGLAS S. AE Office 623-.56181 ,.i'Z"~ Residence 623.5023( ) Model T Ford -I bought and ing bound te the ciurch as 9rebuilt - mari isi a tool-myak- well as to Society; to God and ing animal!" my brothers, having te serve, in The nature of religion one drawing us man to hims9eif. a- iearned is bound te intelli- As a piest in the armny I id gence, bound te God and to found I becarne more 0f -i Rone another Bitter figbting piest, more of a man; it ne- I one anlother dissipates' our quined the virtues of courage, fonces and destroys the' unity cowerdice - the contrel 0f Vk of man Wandering along ones own feer of fear itself, ,kGages Creek,, alone in tbe the control of turbulent forc- * -tres nd lans.one feels os Figbting behween man cai q- God giving mather. existence be very bitter! Life can be it and life - God givbng man ex- a scething cauidron, bnewed 'S istenice; ;v see in al of us a together in wine we cao sanie- msense o'f justice, love,, mency. tify; the night of life growsý t-Faitto in God is siown by'1. a brigiter, the stars shine andi Vsunbeatm from the sun - oun peint te a rosy down - dawn I'- duty te God, to our fellew dees net corne easiiy; Geil v- brothers as a Christian nescu- sweeps hoshility away".' Rev. m~ ing and comforting the dis- Brain conciuded, "In Durbami h urbed and disturbing, the tee County I receiVed the gifh of1' comfortabie.1 knowledge, I made many1 C- From hishory we learn of fieods wbose friendsbip I V. ourselves Dr. bleCK of Trio-1 have vaiued thnough thei g9 ity College found a tooti eut-[ years, tiese continue to hoi 'l side Pekin and frem ths con- the f9undahion fer my life and j :s struched the body of the eaniy the inspirations".!1 e Pekin man. We leernotie Mn, Lloyd Peacock express-! id nature and essence of civiliz- ed the appreciation t ev iey Ly atien communicable througilBrain and Mrs. Ellioht, saying, f intelligence. Man is a happyjwhat wondonfui thiogs bandsi vcreature wiose motivation fer could do, bew they work for. ni living holds hum te bigh ne-'us - oaci hreacts differentlv I Ut soive in sociology, tho arts,.1ikï our minds. Rev. Brain's; rand beoes 'tie basis of hîslie mdwrk oetio an( tfaith. ehiors juit cqîit. lie rapt eh-' " The ultimale in lifo la tonl(iniand aslt silence personality, te boliove in1 wihh ne foort shuffing w>qs Josus Christ wio was the [proof 0)f hie interested(- atten-, ihighest personality. Througi tien given the. speakeir. Re-, a dignty, consciousnoss, man h ýfre-sbments were 'served by! ir unequaiied, becemes noar tho Miss Myrtie Tamblyn as con-i 7Angeis. Frein tus duchine' veno7 and Group 4 and Mrs., s. of mani I feeI througi suffer L. Keat, Charman. ~Port Hope -Audience1 iLoo---Jks for Answers - Oin Reg--iojn Propo'Sais is 7e MPP Donald Irvine, the pro- Carrutiers referred ho theI vincial spokesmenn for regien- 1 industriel plans which botb lai government, didn't nmeke lBowm n v.ille and Cobourg 2-much hoadway conviocing ýhave 'b(een using for thie past, Sover 200 Port Hope nesidenhs few ygars te,,attract eW in-I iecf lie monits of an Oshawa- dustry te the-ir area. Ho im- Ocentred region et a public plied that Pýont Hope wouid meeting recently. Mn. Irvine, ho in seieus difficulty con- ýd elong wtb MPP's Alex Cen- corning, their services and 9ruthers and Rtussell Roe, their teix rate if tbey did net ýd were et Dr Powers School on citier bala-nce their assess- eThursday, ýMrci 15th te ex- mont nto or take advant- -y plain thie proposais and hear ege of the assessment of otb- ye the opinions of the local er areas through regional :citizens. government. pe 1: The evening,, aithougi light- Cobourg, Port Hope, Hope, e bearted -and, good-natured at Township and H a il1t onj timecs wes puoctueted on Townsbip must get hogether," several occasions by angry said Cerruthers. "If Cobourg Sheckling fromi the audience. is te get the industriel de- One man came carryîng a veloprnent and Port Hope the sigo wbicb s t a ted "N o residenhiai deve lopment, then OSHAWA THANKS", whicb the bodustnial essessment drew a round of epplause assessmient mrust be sjread to from the people et the meet- cover services in Port Hope. ing when it was poînted out. Let's forget our parochiai Irvne nie teexpaintefeelings 'en oconicerned and Irvie tied o eplai tOfind thie nswoýrs." the audience "tiere is a noed, _________ e real need, ho restructure". Ho added, "you can't.separ-, aeyour -probiems from hie' problems hfo the north and ho ' s s thie wesh". At 'one point Irvbne hohd the audience tiat tbey wouid E 8 K wa. He wes quick to add, NE W UN "however, when I sey thet you must understand whet I by Sue VIce mean. We don't want yeur -Many of the Student Coun- life ho change but thie only cii's activities are net obvious way you cen coatrol it is tethie shudent body but thby truhplanninig." doserve mention and praise. Port Hope Mayor Michael Recently, they denahod $50 ho Wiedyke neted et the meet- bohh he Red Cross and hie hing thet the Port Hope Town îCrippled Chiidren's Associa- Councbi had vohed unanimn-itiots. ousiy bn fevor of regionai ýTic choir eh C.S.S. is aiways governmlenh but not te go: active but they wene especi- with the Oshawa region. liy busy tuis week. Iburs- MPP Carruthers tod thie day afternoon, a choir from cnowd hoie hd beerd the Silver Creok in New York an- offiions of many people ived. Tiat nîigit boti choir3 who had athended meetings enhertained ho a full bouse et !hirougieut Durbam County. the B.H.S. auditorium with "I have ho look et this thoir style of choral music from an uobiesed point of and al members are to be view," hoe seid. "I have cer- congrahuleted on a truly ex- tain concenns and if these cllent performance. Laher, a proposais wili meet those perhy was ield te entertein conditions I1wibch saisfied." our Amenicen fiends and He sabd ho was concerned thon týic stude7(nts fromr Silver about youog people and jdbs Croek werýe overnigbt guests and about thie iack of indus- ah venious members ofthie trial deveiopment bn Port Courtice Cioir's homeis. Trie Hope. He alse dnew atten- next morning the Silven tien ho the growing numben Creek students begen ticir of housing deveiopmnents in jeurney borne eftcn having a Port Hope and in Hope and short tour of our school. Al Hamilton Townships. - i ail, it wes a- very succoss- "Ahi theso are signs of fui visit alhhougi many stu-, pressure," said Carruthers. dents feit the timo was tee Headded that hoe didn'h want short. Port Hope and thie surroundj- On Wednesday some1 mern- ing area t. become a e rsi-: bons of tie. girls' gymneti 0dential dormitory. teemn travelled te aninta THE BOWMAN VILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP presents TlHE 'MADWOM'AN of (HAILLOT by Jean Giraudoux directed by Wynne Wonnacott and John Amesbury Thursday,, Fridoy, Saturdoy APRIL 12,* 13, 1 4 8:15p.. Bowmanville High School Theatre ADULTS $2.00 STUDENTS $1.o' Tickets Available ai Recreation Office- 623-3114 Senior Citizenç invited to Thiursdaynih perforiiiance freé of charge. Thiey mado a favorable show-1 ýBusiness Directory Accountancy 3M . H. COGGINS Chartened Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvilie Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL, 1B.Comrn. Chartered Accountant 36 V King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 Chiropractic_ G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor 15EgnSt., cor, oDl Hormey St. Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR, D.D.S. 26 Franlk Street, Bowmanville~ (near Domninion Store) 'Office heurs: 9:-30 amn. to 9 pari, including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 Dr. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 22 King St. E., Bowmaxwille 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni. daily Ciosed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DRI. WILLIAM KENT, D.D.S. Pr>f essional Bldg. Bowmanville 222 King St. E.- Suite 106 Office Hours: 11 Weekdays -2 - 5 Telephone c623-7349 ÀALLAN LAWRENCE, MP. REPORT FROM OTTAWA ing for their firat meet with Arlene Keatley picking up a first in Intermediate vault- ih~g. After a great deail of prac- tice and wo)rk, the two one- act p]ays wn to thin con- petition in Cobourg last Sat- urday The Snbxwon Best Effective ndngand Marief Bell won HIonouraýýýblýe Mvention in tie Best Drco and Supporting Actress cate- gories for ber work in The Sandbox. in the Edtor's kMa1 I ansre tha ltose of NIyou who foilow ntoa Maiiing Address: affairs shane rn,,cnwern c/o Secretar, about what hias .been going 29 ChurchSte, on, or more correctly, wvhat Bowmanv ille bias NOT beon go'ng on, in Apnil 2, 1973 Ottawa, these past severe] De' cJames: weeks The memnbers of the Bowv- For many of us in Parlia- mianvillo Museumn Board mient itI, has been an ex- would like te express tlîein tremely trus.tatng time. sincore. thanks and appreýci- To be' fair te the Libera] etion for the fine publicity mnembers of the House of and news coverage nf Commons, 1 think there are Museumn evonts and attrac- man f hemn who share tions given in The Canadian the ,,conice-no0f those of us Statesman in 1972,.in theCosnvtieParty The Museum lias made about tie ýpresent state ef steady progroas since the (lui'centry u unfontun- oeoning in 1961, and bas aitoiv, thie Libenais' don'> mairtained the high queiity seem ite beu able te do any- of its collections whule mnak- thing abouit it. ing important additions to This is net 'a very pleasant them. time for anyonec in Canada. The Museum oaci year Unemploymenh is sili a liv- piays an ineneasing cule in ing nightmiare ho many ef previding materiai for bis- those who want work bhut horicai researcch, in educa- can't find jobs. The rate -4 tionai epportunities for inflation appeers te ho runl- sohool classes studying the ning almost beyond any- life and history of the acoa, oe's centrel. Thet is and as an attraction for fightoning te everyone, but residents, their visitors, and parhiculanly te those eider traveier's froi many prov- pensons on fixed incomes. ies and the U.S.A. Prep- who watch, the purcbasinc arations are now going for- power of their canefuiliy ward foc the 1973 season. saved dollars sbirink away We groatly appreciate day byý day -And ]as the ,nci youn interest and support. resuit -i' inflation, we bave Yours truly. a cesh of lvigcrisis which Bowmanviile gro;vs worso with each Museum Board, week's grecery bill. Elsie Lunney, I could ho accused of cry- Pubuicity.1 ing don and gioom, but I governmcnt hasn't brought ts bill te a voe. Wo have discussed Viet Nam, but the government wouldn't per- mit M.P.'s to vote. We icard the 'budget speech over e menti ago, but we arc still wQiting te debete even THAT legîsiation, cev- ering thie mesi. significant asesocts 0f tic budget. In- credibly, some measures. from lest year's budget, on the basis of wiich somfe of you maey be e igit 00w wonk- in, utl your inceme tex for 197 ,2. have yot te pass Pes-liamen' a n d becomo la;v. Wc in the Conservative Party bave on several c- casîons pheadcd wihh this g0ei erncnîte bring for- ;vecd its poicies and logisla- tien hoieip thie country tisoughitis cornent cisis. Wc have offered te limit debato, and assish the gev- ernmoent by shopping tic tahking. Tic eoniy answon we gel from Mn. Trudeau and uis Ministens is poniaps e ;îisecrack or worsc stili, in this situation, deaening silence. Wien 1 first arnivcd in Pariament lest Januery I was inclincd ho think tiat penihaps Mr. Trudeau was playing e waihmng game - tiat ie wantcd us te shako eut eus- positions. tien he would move in dramatically witi uis own plan of attack. Pine Ridge L.O.B.A. 1291 Marks l8th 1Birthday Fine Ridge L.O.B.A 1291, Tyrone Bowmanviile, celebrated their After supper, a social ev l8th birthday on March 26 1973 A delicious roast beeî ening was spent piaying supper xvas served by the euchre and bingo games ladies of Memorial Park As- Winners of euchre were Ruby sociation, to lodge members Lane, Wayne Lowery, Lorna and their guests.1 Richards, Ethel Goble, Helen Grace was said by Chapain Shantz and Eva Weeks Win- Sister Marian Henning. The toast te the Queen was sung ner of the most games of by ail present Worthy Mist- bingo was Leah Henidren ross Sister Holene Wallis wel- comed everyone and cut the A penny sale was held also, birthday cake which was with rnany winners 0f ,some nicely decorated in lodge col- very nice prizes 0ursýLunch was served, atter ours which ail left for home ex- Guosts were present frorn pressing their pleasure for a Vimy Ridgo,, L.O.B .A 139, very pleasant evening, and Whitby,ý Queen Mary LOB.A wishing L.O.B.A 1291 many 97, Victory L.O.BA. 83, Osha- more happy birthdays wa and Unity L.O.BA. 1244 ________ don",ttisnk I1;vili be"I h- j(lieve thes(- matters are Ixvorry--iing ai] l hhinking Can- adiensl. Ilîcre ýi, s efeeling of concern. deuspa3ir and befeetini !e 1and-. soesteho ding anytiing, and ,ti', situation is con-. tnngte dete-riorate., 1 tiinýk thiat mu-ch 0of the bmefer Iis m ust go tho Wh.iio tliese coniitions I1 i hae dscnbed and tic I poophe of Canada cny -ouit fer action, tic Trudeau gev- enomnr. las done vintuahiy nething since thie lest dc tien. Parhiaent bs been in se.ssion nwfor smo12 weeý,ks, anid il aspasscd oiy ono miner p 'iece of legisiehion - an ameicdm,,ent le ticPiotge Act - - a Vcry mnerpiece of legisbaLehincosidering tie state of thie couintry. But liai. is althecoinrte h eg- ishation Pliaen as nad. Tiere bas been much telk by tie Trudeau govc'-nmenh 'full or sound and fury, btsignifying notbing," as Shakespeare once put it. And tie govcrnmc.nt has encoýuraged dlebate on a number of mettons wbici, iwviic' quihe significent, have neoi-cal bearing on thie main concerns of lie people of Canada aehthie resent time. We have discussed capi- tal punishmont, but__tic_ HAÀR&RVEY ~PARTN ER OBONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE OUE M-m AMBASSAD)OR PORK LUNCHEON MEAT 1201, 3â7 TIN v IASSORTED VARIETIES), FAN CY À 0L AYLMER su rs4Me Z INS69* PURINA CAT FO0D <ASST'D VARIETIES) TENDER VITTLES 3 1 KITTY PAN I-e CAT LITTER 6 IGAý iNSTANT SKIMMED POWDERED MILK 53 MONARCH TEA BISK 400Zt AU Box 4 "Bakery Specials", CHRISTIE-S (MPG. 5c OFF) CRUSTY LOAF 32402 .$1 DEMPSTEF-S (PKGS. 0F 12) OLD WORLD ROLLS 2/791 WESTON'S REGULAR OR DOUBLE CHOCOLATE m WAGON W E S 1402 7 PLAIN GA POTATO CHIPS P30 59 NEILSONS FAMILY PACK) ASSTD VARIETIES CHOCOLATE 3/9U' BARS 3/RS IMPORTED DINNERWARE BY ENOCH WEDGWOOD (TUNSTALL) LTD. Staft collecting your set odayl Onee petia piece fectured ead, week THIS WEEK: i Saucer OL4 WITH A PURCHASE 0F $5.Do OR MORE 77 KING ST. E. ~ BOWMANVILLE For Your Convenience Mr, IGA for that 'tHealth& Beauty Aid Specials" KOTEX REGULAR PLUS OR SUPER PIE; SANITARY NAPKINSoîci4 FAMILY SIZE BROMWO SELTER 89 DURASHINE ACRYLIC FLOOR POLISH P'L LBi 119 AUTOMATIC TOILET BOWL CLEANER SANI FLUSH' 12-01 YIN "Frozen Food Specîis" BIRDSEYE DRINK AWAKE ORANGE 2oz59 B LUE WATER FISH KRISPS 1 PK-0749s FRASERVALE fANCY LEAF SPINACH 2 ' 49* DO WNYFLAKES WAFFLES 3 pk01 1 RASPEUR OR STFLS OR IGA i Anm JAR 9 '"Dairy Specials" MONARCH 100% VEGETABLE Olt. PARCHMEN 4 $1 MARGARINE q SCHINIERS FARMiER'S CHEESE' -z79$ MIL OR N PPY PROCESS o 7 IGA CHEESE SLICES 37 F B 1 UNSWEETENED PROM CONCENTRATE 2F ORANGE JUICE 3 OZ ITL ~ RED or WHITE WHOLE BEAN COFFEE HLORIDA, MARSH SEEDLESS SIEYOU GRIND IT FRESH AT TIME 0F PRHS 148 Ii[1 lISIlfV BOOKS No 1 only 4 Volume 4 (Volume 2-15 $1 49 each) Unique volume-pii weelc plan iSfuly bound volumes comletelyclocumented beutifuty illustroted Stort your ollecton 00w! SWEET & .tUîCY$ PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. No 1 GRADF FLORIDA qO CRISP STALKS DOlZE2 ORANGES 2, . ELERY29 PRODUCE 0F US.A. CANADA FANCY GRADE TASTY ~ oz CRISP C/A McINTOSH f a~m10,0, , L SrrNnwi 3PEGS 7 PPLES A I(M 1 Wei, thie Conservahive Party HAS staked out bts position Wc HAVE told tie people of Canada what \ve would do te ielp them eut of this econemic crisis. But stil thue govrnomont is sulent, erd thrce mentis have o gne by This Trudleau goeonment is a "do nohh- ing" gevennment: se fer tuis session, Ibis Parliement has been a "do netbing', Parlie- mont Ih is quite apparent te me, as I hope 1h is te you, that thie only way the peoplO 0of Canada wihl get any action ah Ottawa is by kicking the Trudeau government off its epahhy, and repiec- in, 1h ah thie eeniest oppor- trînihy with a Conserva- tive administration led by Roecrt Stenfieid, wbici will govonn effectivei.v for thie geod of ALLT Canada, net just certain regions of Tbank yeu. !Ili

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