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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1973, p. 8

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9The Canadian Statesm an, Bowmanville, April 4, w623-3304 FLASHBACK - 25 Years-Ago - B.H.S. cadet (cor is rapidly shapig up with 95 boys and 110 gii practising for the parade May 5th at 2:00 p.m. To DeGeer is 0.C. Captain of Company A Jim Fra: Company B Audrey Sturrock. Platoon Officers: Company, John Cattra-n, Bill Harnden, Fred Tuer for B Comtpany: Lois Fisher, Peggy Dippeil ai Yvonne Ward. Stan Snowden will be officer of t] band. R.S.M. Bob Gallagher, Sgt. Majors A, Dui Phillips, B. Doris Chartran, Adjutant Gerald Marri t t t ' I l t t FLASHBACK - 10 Years Ago - Bownianvillk Bantam Girls defeated Plantation BowI, Toronto, for the Toronto and District Bowling Champion. ship. Members of the winning team are Nancys Edmonston, Wendy Lewis, Nancy Goodwin, Jo- Ann Bronieli, Debbie Sellers and Juanita Tice. CONGRATULATIONýS - ta three Bowmanvil teams h have qualified for Ail Ontario "A Chiampionships,. iMýcGregor Drugs Midgets, Knapp Towving Major Bantants and Western Electric Minc Býantains, This is a rentarkable effort for the tov anid this coluntn offers congratulations and be. wishes ta the teains, coaches, sponsors, parents, fa: and evcryone who bas helped. We wish thero lue ail the way. RECEIVES REPLY - Mrs. Fern Bradley, who sent Paufl Ienderson of the Toronto Maple Leafs, a "G.et WelI" card when Paul injured bis shoul- der, il, the proud possessor of an ackinowledge- mewnt letter anîd an autographed picture of him- self. The reply frorn this busyyoung man was mucli appreciated by Mrs. Bradley. t t t t t JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY - Toronto Nationals defeat cd Owen Sound Greys 7-5 on Friday in Toronto ii the first gaine of the bcst of seven semi-finals. Sev eral from here attended and report that Bowkman villé's Danny Cowle. played a great gaine for ti( Greys. i1 t t t t t R4ECEIVES TROPHY - At the annual awards night, Dave Tabb, of the Windsor Sp itfires re- ceived the trophy for the player who best com- bined athietie ability with academnie achieve- ment. Dave, a nierrber of the Spitfîres, lad a good year witlî the teani scoring 31 goals in the season. He plans to concestrate on completing Grade XII and is undeeîded as to plans for next yea?. A,%UTOFESI PLANS- are uaderway for this year' Autofest Wcek and the Caniadian Grand Prix at Mos- port Park in September. The Autofest car show committce met Tucsday ta discuss plans for tise Sept, 19 ta 20 show at the Civic Auditorium. Committee members arc Tcrry Williams and Bruce Joncs, co. ordinators with Dick Baker, Don Jeycs, John Holden, Glenn Letheran anîd Ray Barnes. This year the show will be hcld two days iastcad of one due ta the large turnout at thc anc -day show last youir. Crayon Tob- acco wili be cxhibiting part o! their large collecetion o! vintage autos. Committec member John Halden î$ trying ta Vo-ordinate a display o! antique firefigit- ing equipinent and trucks. Also slated is a large cross-section of race cars - from the big Grand Prix jobs ta dirt track vehicles and dragsters. There will be display booths with commercial productus featurcc and continuious filmi shows- about auto racing. Otheî ev-,ents for Autotest '73 iinclude a soaphox derby, a bcauty pgat a varicty night and the Grand Prix bail at thle auditorium. t Y t î 1lUNTING IN ONTARIO - pamphlets for the 1973 season are available by writing to thse Min- istry of Natural Resources,. Parliament Bldgs., Queen's Park, Torontto. t t t A-THONS We have had walk-a-thons, swim-a- thons, skate-a-thons and now the Variety Club o! Ontario will stage its annual bikc-a-thon on April 8th. The Variety Club is an international organiza- tion o! people tn shawbusiacss and ailied fields, who maise money for haadicapped childrca. Money raiscd in the bike-a-thon wviil go toward financing the opera- tion of Varicty Village in Scarborough, which con- tains a vocationa l school for sevcrely handicappcd boyt.s and the Electronie Lmmb Centre for Chîldren. About 15,000 are cxpected ta participate. ,.()0 CLUB" WVINNERS - March 31st - 22nd week - No. 113 Dorothy James, No. 236 Mr. C. Bradley, No. 45 E. M. Henderson, No. 47 Keith Siemon, No. 291 Dwayne Schultz. WIN TOURNAMENT Consumers' Gas Mites, coach'ed by Brian Purdy and managed by Cal Patter, won, the first Animai A.M.O.S. Mite Taurnament in Coboltrg 0on Saturday. Ken Woodard received a tro- Phy for the Top Goalteader, Mîke Stocker as Top Defencemian and Barry Cullen was chosen as the Top Forward during the Tournament. Congratula- tions Mites.' JHAT TRICKS - iantihe Knapp's Towing Major I-- N am------------- A d----d------re--------s Phone No. -Age Shiift Worker Positions Played. ------- ------ ---- ENTRYFORMMUST RE IN BY APRIL 10, 1973 1973 WWESTERN ýELE IC io atm Ail O(alntarjo a ser'is lag9an t G iis stand t one ___ gineeah wththe ilhirdý garne Tuesday igýht ini Grimsby. Fourth garne is heing played hiere toniglit. ý3WINNERS -o the Seventh Annual Family Tour- 1 nament held at Liberty Bowi on Sunday were as irls follows: lst Joey and Sam Snowden 1782 with $70.; IK, ~2nd Pat Renaudan ry Forsey 1705 - .$50.; 3rd Lora Adair and Bernice Partner 1650 - $30; 4th Dale ______________and Larry Piper 1621 - $20,. Sth Carol and Mike Rob- erts 1613 $10.; 6thi Dot Bridger and George Simp- thkns son 1609 $10.; 7th Marg and Ho'i olrd10 SH pon dn.Young Balil Players Have Their Fi rst W orkout $10. ri ee Wes.in GREAT BOWINU Doris JolI, who bowjg OvrDoailssingle roll-.off :ite o ~a~eo Inaexhiiton gaipla. 'on Snor B orisonSaturday and at Albion BowI * d cdast Tuesday evening nlnaudaDoi rolled a Iovely 2629 fer 10 TorotoIlaptonGarensgames and wons a prize of $50. MnrPee Wees played Don O t roF n l andl Merchants Pee Wees an came out vIctorious 3 [e to 1 Wayde Preston chalked up' A" txvounassisted goals, Jinlio- W e trX, lcrc' p' sj garth one with assIsts go!ng ior1 to John Stewart and Ken e Vn This garne was an allottedl stpractice game as a ]ead Up ta fn r B ntmoi ns the King Clancy Taurnamcnt ckwhieh began Moaday w1th our Minor Pee Wees playing <, Roy.al York Pee Wees at the e e Jod ic os Bowmanvlle's Miînor Ban- end the irat perod at 2-1. tains opened their Ontario In the second, Bowrnanvslle Final serses in Grimsby on banged in thi ee unanswered Tuesday, March 27th and were goals ta gain a 4-2 lead. The M ~defeated 7-3 by a fast skating, scorîng plays. were Sarginson Gri'nsby were off to a assista ta Ormiston and .Tukic, M e 'squick start and grabbed a 3-0land Sain Eliott from John t lead after only seven minutes Davis, of play and w.ere wr'l1 in con- Grimsby narrowed; thesor TI old amooth e Gord trol of the gaine for the rest to 4-eal ntetrdbu W ico hadh 1, trile wth ~ I thWfittereiod.ut on the pressure scre f 9126 52fr40 During the second, eachan rgso scored his 60th Rand Beupre cotînod teamn traded good scoring OP- goal af the season on-a pas e his hot streak and had 788 pastuntis ad estrn sem-from John Conboy, and Robert ed to be gaining, an edge -inmatnpt lstrn <28) EtonBrok 79 ad te pay ut auln'tput the slapshot nto the bottomn cor- high siagle 342. Rosa Wright 1uki h net nr n-nt to give themn a 6-3 lead. 724(26) Pt urpy 73,ed wsth Grimsby ahead 3-0. Grimsby, scored two soft Lar P pr 72, Loell ac-The final period started with goals late in the gaine and that Dougal 715 and, believe it or, Grmb aigi-0 before miade the final score 6-5, one flt "1 inle HwadBowmanville began hifngwt five minutes remaining, omela]'715siBude;Hownang'and took oves' contrai of thi Cand the last wîth their goal- 713. gamne Two quick goals resuIt-tneotad ny1scns The Pepsre Rc Calao DiteairBudhadn ed by Robert Ormiston 1fro I left, hh siCla2113ad high Thei- rce gyn as umns a t Bowmanville High onn eao.HrRcrainDrctrBs anng Ron Jukic, and Jerry Johnstonl The best of five series now triple 3321. The Lander Hard- ;School vere busy Saturday morning, as- hundreds of talks to a few of those who p-grticipated ini the pre- from. Ormiston and Sarginson. moves ta Grimsby with the ware teain lias 28 points for youngsters, under supervision af vahinteer coaches,. seasan warmup.WshBmavlepsintidgieonTsaAri top position, Pepsi Cala 15tried out their pitching armin npreparation for the j'lach eimyrae als efor Oean thoth at Mçrial t 3 poins offthe pae, 25lKen' Grîmsb rked aay efor w3 ana th onigh te., Arilt 3eons ofWear 23. 5; j ,3i late scores ta make the finalat 7-,30p. Me' Wear Ppe2 as a 24.v score 7-3. Western's th d pences WPiComm rciaaHocey2Chmpios- pgoal was scored by Ron Jukic SMorley Etcher 236. Hogth.easa on aJh The Mn'sXajorLongu Hogrth.MOTOR HOMES banTheue wilMahorhoLd nay On Sat., March 31st, Bow- 1 fod Motorcecles ýe rth at MemiorialPark. Aliu 100Neandys ona oand gaineeach by 0uthit- blt ese - 2ndseduie bcting and outskatiag the Grim- Johnson 1i t To WAeae - 39 Gamces .e sby teami in an ail out tearn' Outboard Motors v Topr10Pierg24-5,9Gaies effort. Again Westerns were, NWadUe - Roaripet 25, EGon rc out-hustled ai the start and NWadUe mox 237, Morley Etcher 236, wer do:n 2- beforeJrry.Sideinder - Pîncecraf Lais rukCas$29 ~ Te ins L i stal e r l 25re14 25-0 AIorLILAr irWear 235, 6 23H wy. 1 5 Oron I.GA.il S,0 j HlhSngied Pruian30 Lovl 22V 6 29, GeorgAergeDerale 23per MOpn Evieni$gs9-9 Fra7.' 20ruc20keCaStading_____ eVTaretyL ts Pins Pts. BeLaver S ai [ narace 2817 2 87"'E ooe47 2 Resaura 5 15 2 5 Mon ,a, ..,' B. Osborne 3114RT1 Mutton .D..5BrOdley HighTrile F Dr057 V, Shl04 2 4F o t r w l f a i g t D n F r c o c u - L o y a i t n i a e o i s n e s t n . D p w3 7 6 1 CawanmPSntidcnt s, thvi1973-C--------- 32195 ertu MasOson E ore--- --h-gSndymiarg or Igaiud s3s1d417 eryBkrStv re wshsuua fiin enty isn-Pake, au Co1h7Bobsef2nc1m rethsDe.onBKr k s 2250146f # #r w Testa s H.s iahro teWle ra u t u iq ___ Rors -------2148 23 ReJl Etate cov. d Th12v8_____ Coronatipn _vecpti inl lt BarOsbLan 2-- -- 142 20 i et ea r a nt 95 6 34 20 tu s--e 5-utteral 98 8 anst fac( Jrgib-----21362109 Laell-H1i 2 1 hot oSilf t rgi:Do Frsy Don MMonc1eloylHaleto, anî ameTWlsne stnHoratina --------2036 l 17A i 6-Ack 13240 17 andiCmachs. oonc encaser; Bolftt ih:RnelRyCobe Brige Ji.,10 H Bl- si . l te egu I c meca egeeuieIe s~Toow iu dpng Stepheas 21091 14 L D O N' Sd an Goidon B. PReali O60attdr theycoangraeulfiiStpare - 'de!i. RaAi brt 2998elSlesc catn 7:hghtils aa snu91 Caion fo teýA wri raiueis atsel l.TryBae tv['re wshsuulef Adaîns 701. lOos 7-1Bpsef nce8-mo2re18 ponts) a' I igh ing---e---22F90 re24 G ames 200 salI O ver oWalteh FWa ltrnk l u - -orfia-e -sbcd ii-mi -ln --iadkerH lgh-C ro gD ouble:o _- 2 4 6 ( 23 D . B r dg r 52 H p an t .R eafuur t (5 8 3 13ow h int).n A f----------21 18 2 Tbedis 425 2 gv ati ar errsay Inlagna close a ehmis paDga ton cae h w lte hf gn 7)ad s a Lavi-----1801852 2E 42,S.Ghadon 39 B. P 2rtner d mae thre c ier~ W dnso asoe 0f5.,ohot, an Co sol thinalereswasa er o. o p A_. erage------M21362L1 23-20.C . na pp 3963219, K. ongegarnes atiatn pn ces Bw avle sam d bc uk oe no h ~ 5 tran n te (tw2,C obgerts-----21 9.0tep1n Haaas 24. S Crîsh 21,tiig ac u wr bwei n Frdy n Stetvi39480g ntanIscrd nsise1t8as wre vraeend 11 S Salt7-0,1.L).H NE 63.56 J. Meyrat209 F.Drapr 28 avr ingtheinasr hse ta egn-tte aietei bsaeutrami ieahadmtce, H nn rhspiltige 0, alo ibon218D36cacla DnPl7 207.A. dms 24,L Ada in m ch esiuî .th sin sor atIth m- fo te lrt iie n he p14e Lerdis. 192, M . Ksiktle,19l.defeat on__ otie, __ile _in__ I dm282528 .S u I the 1 gaine reula BonsO.MH-A-sem-f-a- an-a---a sort t091 as 20e--. D Snle H aw sbue, reall ptut irt aila- a Asre. oz crdbi hr fte Godon 462a18GoI237gthrdniB.h laof OtedeclylPBwaaiStt tete scoancer Cowe 23 R tla 1 M Js W g al 0th ev n p st al'c rees-i p rad c red hs eody o l a g VeC o b s -----ý2 7 2 1 e v c Adma21 FWolcî21 saogmachsfor a oySrcsileooe h CI'-StE. HivilSinal5-427leatI Bo l ale 27503 ght 2e oo 62 -eregonHs).rklotIig t he1:5 mrko te aniieprssrd heyu- Adas 71.s Wliteedrankt cf thed in, eodpro.Wt w i- osl h î iue u Rurs Oal o ngd O fiwrs b voiBwaviieid h zr D. alr22K cil2ft hand U' amoe five minoi the 5 second mark to nar- Thn Sresll tok 5 6 cyl., automatic, radio, less than V8 uoairdo elnc B.Lîd25 .Mri 2,sentences. row the score to, 3-2. Rslph couple penalties andI wîth the 400mle.Frreleoom o' compact. Lic. EBFO54. D. ýWood 219, W. Coomnbesi Waltor Frank vwere withouti Crydernmian scored the goal Hawks playiag two men 400mls o eleooydn 21 J.Cobes 211, C. Good- t he services of oneO o! their a n a pass from Bill Leaman. short, Bowmanvîlle scored,, ms hsac i.EM9.'0V L S A É A O man 210, R.anee20,Jplyf leaders on Sunday,j Two minutes later, Leamnan andI before the secondroa 7'O KW G N A O, Lufma20.with Dave Green (2-8 - l10 cored bus second of the gaine returaed to the Ice the score '72 LE MANS 4-DR. SEDAN 4-specd transmission, radio, a real points), iassiag. Hle, aîoagita tic the score, Dan Cox was tied. Rslph Crydermancnmvwgn ie B48 i th Wilson providedý Walcri and Ted Puk assîsted on the from Cax antI Leaman, scar- Fully equippcd, low mileage, soidLi EB48 Si Joseph's Mixed F'raak's with moat of stheiri scoriag. At 7:18 of the perlod, cd the first of the two power and serviced by us since new'. '69 CAMARO, 2-DR. HARDTOP icoing oomiPh throughout the! Bawmanville were assessed ý play Loals and, Leamnan scor- Lc.EF 5.uly qup dow ieg. 3. Bill Holroyd -- 68 ,,,2 sployoffs.1 inar penalty. With the etI the tylng goal wlth -Ted Liec. lyeBF483d owmieae 2. Les Hunt -- -- 51 3559 While Perris antI Croughj Puk asslsting. Before the per- i EFP3 1. Jin Fair -- -51 3S2wre Spencers' offensive stars 1 isi odedd rdra bn- 7-B IKSY A K2D . 8. Mar'n Vanstuane 42 34793 during their champians]hip Ha ks dionded, Chrdermath bng- '72 B euiCK SKYlow laK -D. HT 68 DODGE DART 4--DR. SEDAN 4. Geo. Charland 40 34219 trek, many lesser lghts madtel -P gnt t-i cd in h ist la13 o!.,atmairairelg 7. George Gibbs - 40 34200 big contributions. Bria Rowe, Highi single, S. Haisma 284; lestI. Dan Coxand Jin Hut- Lic. EBF057, cnm a i B24 5. Allen MacLean 40 33264 a, standout in the semi-finals hibgh triple, D. Ogden 651 ton assisted on tihe play. cnm ca.LeEB2, 6. Mike Kennedy 32 34235 (5-4 - 9 ponts) in four gaines,j (241-214-201),.'la the third period, thbe '71 BLJICK LA SABÉE CUSTOM '67 BUICK SKYLARK CUSTOM -Ladies - High triple, Mar- was a hustier during the fia-' Team Standings Tawlng crew lacreased the Ion Vanstone 594; hlgh single, aIs, although heltI scoreless.f K. Ralabon --- 35,662 34 score ta, 5-3 on a bard shot Fully cquipped, ineluding air-con- FulIy equipped, sold and serviced Doris HoJroyd. Evans andI Baker, another pair C. Bruce --- 34,011 271/2 by Paul Sobil froin the face- ditioning. Lie. EBFO58. by us siace new. Lic. 61779A. Men's - High triple, George o! steady types up front. werel B. Wlbur - - 34,714 261,/ off cirele Inside the blue Ue. Charland 666: high single, solid defensively asý well as! D. Ogden ---- 34,067 26 With the period about haif Convenient on the spot GMAC and MIC financingZ ike Kennedy 260. chipping in with four and two K.Capel 3.76 2 payLs Campbll scord Ovr25playoff goals respectivcly. Qle- B. Smth 34,065 18 for Streetsvlile on a beautiful Weldon Brown Mike Kennedy 260, George fenceman Ken Ashton, ance1f Averages (180 over> goal. f e Charlad 250-219, Doris Hol-Ithe league's moat consistent D. Ogden 196, C. Bruce 195, Tease - moments followed, ruce Lath ng eý,ý'IIIPý1 royd 246, Bill Holroyd 238. defeaders, aloag with R-yL ipr12, A. Saman 191, but Bowmanville hung on t.o rue inin 'George Gibbs 233, ArnoltI Crosubie, Tain Wilson a4d'K. Rîbn10 B. Smith 188, their one goal margîn to win W Brlnklow 233, Rose Marie Wray Readeil, provided net-IM. Trimble 188, J. MeLean the gaine andI the serles. A PRESIDENT, Tom Cowan- Conay22, ui Fir22-23,mi -e Veitch with a steut, 1188, K. Campbell 187 B. Wil- sixth goal by Kirk Kemp a SLESMGR, Daryl omrscle 22, oe lulin bigae.bur 182, A. Burgess 182, F. sisted by Rlck James was ew r o166 KINGç ST' .62-3 Seta 228. On behaîf of this aeason's Dykstra 180. caUled back as thbe referee de- __________________________________________

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