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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmaiivilla, April 11, 1973 Winners. cf Preston Trophy A&P POLICY AIw»Yt do what la honesttand fuir' for «Vary eaimIomar. RAINCHECK: If a dveaiiad apetill il aver ,old oui, osk the, Manager, foi' a Raincheck, Il entilai, you bIolth*aime item et thé, aime ipeial preea the foilow.nq week. Or If you wigh we'l give you a comparaoble itemai thie amapeci*1 prit*. GUARANTEE: AU offai'n&,,ancn ditional monay-bick gUEIattl,,. No Miltaer whit Il il, ho mater Wh*a makis Il, If AUP 8#111% W; AU gMrane It. Awards for the best rink through,)ut the season were presented at the closing mixed bonspiel, Sat, Mar. 31. The Preston Transport trophy is beir, g presented here b Maurice Preston to skip Ron Manning and lead Joycc Weeks. The other two merobers of the winning rink, vice Mary Syer and 2nd E'v. King ywere ablsent. D..urhar.m Agwri IVews by Bob Watt Assistant Ag ricultural On tuesdfay, Ari l ilth a Wveed SryrClibrto nd CornilanerCliie will be beld [rom 1:0l0 ar.pito :00 .mat 01.- OrunAren At, this workshop tvr ifi (be demon- ,,,trati'ins XA ith Spxayers ,ai, Corn lanýýiters un hw tu make ,certaiiinoretarnounts ut' hercide are -beîng used and alothat «yýou aeplaniing Ib îleird plani t stand i! ofrm You are SKed [lo lbrirý ng orow luconf ofe îlb 1uppid aI [be nuonI boum- uwart an hvean ait cet. nu onmu yed u aise on ADAVO 01t EN Ask for Rtae COUNTY LII). JOHN E. FIREP and AUTOMOBILE ~3 KING STI. C. k0 MAN VTILE Representative eucs t ofproducîng the cî'op. It is hoped [bat Iis will ha a very practical worksbop, wheme y-oua will ha able te gat an'y problams vou mOIgh ha,.e solvad le this area, s(ili i [buafor Youeg pulaiiiDur'ham tuutiiiIxvWill axeup ie [ha irst ol .\a;,%te) ha rist1m-dfor the 4P umm AltîW, present imew. b IrsI meetling ý-for eacb et the ifamntclubs is being carmiad ouf su [t cou areo who mgbt ha 0 ie a'std n joining [ha 4 -il Agricultural Clubs thîs ,ear, pleasu av [hem cîitcl.The Onta rie Mieis[i'y of Agriculture and ou.623-3:148 as sooria 1 osibe.s thal [bey will net f miss tee much nut the yaar's jctiv ilbias iti ni bat' ut [lads on miilk recoî'ding liie ha Annual Repoîofut[ha, Dir ýl( ( iard Impruvent ASsso riiatin, ls[ad eainleresting statitieson [a o[Llnbar uj hc'd n ik 1 raeeI'di'l i IIIwrbowc Ihal thorar wara 48 bardmýs wenred ndar Iia Dairy Reor thPumi-Lnce. h34 cstiltof 11w Commercial P,ï nIsun Mlk d onring.. It is- liiorthuîn57bprlan ad3 Peterbor'ough 46 parý cent. MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM, FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL B1OWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 16838 DX "-fFUEL MO"IL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, C'-OURTEOUS SERVICE Announces New Appointment for PLANNED BUILDINGS DI VISION eeaver bildinigs are enineered for your safety and protecti-io it xp)ericince based on the Save Safely With the ieilp of a Specîaist Thle BEAVEIR ROMKE STEL PHONE: B0W. 623-3388 W HITBY 668-5818 RES 579-0260 Conisideri the total province, tha ax erage wmas :31 per cent t herds ontest Even thuugh our Counity is uensidar-ably aÀboya' [ha average for the province, it s still bard tu ex plain wby, dloser tu 100 per cent uft ha Cuýunty ,,farmars are net using1 one oi [basa .IlkRacording Sysste heýol!p [hem lentbei imus tb-11omi 14ws nf thaý a .cul twek.w[ sa ilt. tisbcohgmr anld muri- mp)ortant [bat thos and dircl r eing te' have ;ýtelleh tir loun stery. Conid r [hblieihood ut a large n iumber et1peule bcb teimpNortant toi' us te just si't :by and acre pt atvrae BETHANY Conratul ations rte MIr s Evalerina Magce hoCelert cd hem 8fflh 1blrthdna, ndy Apritl st. A srpisirthiday dlinne-r was held at th hom A hiem daughtaýr andsn-- law, M. arid Mm 1r ,. KHectf e11 Morton. Thonse atnigwr gee receeved mn gits nd car ds. MIr. and Mrs. CLciMKGI1, Toronto, and ,Miss ï val wlth r. and Mi icn MrPat Maia cwas pes ed to receive a visit irom hem(, daugihtam E velyfn nced grand- chilâren, M r. and MIsi Pss Carr visitad with thvir son ad ifamily, Mmrand Mi rlh tom- Carr, Plcton,. m. and Mms. Georgýe AIme, Baiker ced famlly ef Coulrtice. andc Mr. anid Mz . ia Hwsand fail, shawa. ÈiÉted with 7yMm . cln10Mn. Pete flerow. Plans for the VItoria Day weekend me e vl1 ner 'dIt 1--,hoped te> have a fireworks disphayagi ths yeaýr. A dance is plannied fo, May SbihWth the procceeds belng ,uted te purchase theý fireworkg. The Bethany men's hock ey tani have won the Lake Sc-ý gog championship. Trhe ceachc- ewere Levi MeGl and Moe- The 1Mc's .scier softhall lEagu7Le of North Durinnc Clint Endicott. Oee:Vc 1 sîenJoihn V1Va WeîmC The followingmiemibi s o t-he boy' imldget 1basebal 1 ,1t mýccttdance ,held jinthn Yhis I<oaýp ' em, t le M1 T i ilGer M'Cilt 1 *l Wayetimcn.r a crs dsor,- ika Wiffer. Score keepo' ,o Kthy loepfem ssfa futuecre aefrt. he ýeaches We"1 Saveral m eetigs har en township garage at 35Hx' A group from the amevna coin- mltt.ee lhave inspýlecd armna In l'enelon FaCanneingtrrn ind Bavron fhe mo5t ýin- teeit wais showii in thle lBas- vrton Arena. At thie April, counci meeýting theco it tee gave apogesrot prid they hope te have s2- eral estima tes prepared with-1: tn the next tinrth. Bowling 'News - Mîxed Bowlting Leatgu -J Ladies' highi sing1le, Arlenril Wilson 343':ais ihti ple, Cathy ha,,dîuiek 68ï:me' bxgh slnýgle, Lloyd Ijavldsoniý 295; men's high triple, Earil 200: Jaîek Brage 218-25t), Dl-ý anme Wilson 2420,Dorisý Reynolds 200-220, H1e at h e r H-ora.lin -26, ÏBeulah R obîinsoný 2118, George Scott 215, Heidi1 Porna200, Teaintadgs for firsýt night ef playQffs,> total pinis: Drgltss3140, Ailey Cats 304M, Dlngbati-ts 2,Q86, Hlappy Gang 2877, Hfope-1 Freshu Chicken Pci CHICKEN HALVeS LEC URTR BREAST URES l MIXED QUARTERS i CHICKeN wHO(LE Cul Up 8URNS 5BRANO, STORE PACK; DREF A POUK Sastsa ges SX, BT7l NO B ULK, i VARIETES t(HOT, SW[îlT,1 SX ý B' ,DNIAGSýRA, COIL IX BRAND, SI.CÉD, FAMILY PACI< Coked Meats PLAN, GARI 16-ox vec pe 1-lb vat pa E*aLoWPjdd AuhxrIa NêCe Pork Bock Ribs COUNTRY STYLE IrtS Spore Ribs Pork Leg Roast Pork Chops lbM8 Por-k Hocks 6y THlE PIECE, END cuis lb g<Side OBacon NEW ZEALAND, SHOULDER lb 98< Lomb Chops OMSTEAD, 1'RoZyb WHCILINER, FROZEN, Mi ATTRE mc 6< BotonBlueish 14-o.1 4 FLAVOURS A&P Fruit Drinks b$1 .28 1b 98 lb 88Y lb M8 pk 49< pkg79< M îzwâ&COnomm B e an CIffee n 83U WlSAT BRAND, VANILLA, CHOCCLATE RlippL, BUr7ERSýCOT.CHII RPLE PRICED LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO IeCem v alnCro 8 CANADAlý GRAýDE "A',, EV!SCERATYED IFOg R fRYNG' ROASING OR BROII.ING) . ~ jBLR MILD, l ROCZSiý FRESH, 2. TO 3 ibs AVERAGE 9 C es ue -zk 9 ID SPAGHETTI OR MACARON NaIpoli' Postas 2b pgI 'HC K E N 8CARLTON CLUB, ML LAVUi CASE 0F 24.1L *19 10-FL-OZ YIN ~. iP'7 Sere ualtyJane 'Parker Baked Goods and Save! JANE Pt RKER lTart 'N Sweet 'N Good t. Rail) (ACTION PRICED> Cherry Pie fuît 8-incrh, 24-oz pie65 JANEý PARKER ISPICY RAISIN RICII) IACIION PRICRO> Spanish Ba '1r Cake'21?--z cakesl9< JR.NE PAR"ER ISAVF 10<) Jelly ïRo:îl gnt î-lb -'oz cake69 JANE PARKER Chelsea Buns JANE PfARKER, F?1JIN OR SUGAR Familoîy Donuits JfJNKE PAR"ER Hot Cross Bunis 1ISAVE 10<) (SAVE 6c) pkg ?f 112 499f IPKG OF 4 43ç) pkg of 12 79< Discount Prices Plus Weekly '"ActolinPriced" Specials!i CHILI TOMATO DINNER, BIEF 'N POTAIO DINNER, RICE ORIENAL, NOOD0LF STROGANF Shirrff's EEF T up 8o k 3 "lm lPAc DP 2 A Soft Mararine 8Z Tubs r i ID <ACTION PRICEDI Red Rose Tea Bags pkg of 6088< A H n' crstis POLY PG OF 795 Alln's~rstas 1/m.OZ ENYS'79 Flee-cy 64-fI-oZ plaistic jug79 TUCI< BRAND Gaï!ba9e -Bags 3p~ f1 A&P BRANO, CANADA PANCY T'omoto Juice i JN'ED Premn LUNCHEON MEAT 48-fl-oz tîn 37< 12-oz tin 59 4844 fIlin 29 e I SUPER - RIGIIT RED BRAND BURNS CAMPFIREShrRbRos OO N, POT ROAST l Shoulder Roast Sid'e Bacon iD ON EOE Blade 7 Roast lbM8 iOR BD LING 1-LBBrisket Plate lb 48ý VAC Prime Rib Steak$ lb $12 PACCross Rib Steak jSUPER,- RIENTr QUALITY PORK ALL PRICES Sl'OWN IN THIS Ab GUAR.ANTEED EFFECTIVEI THROUGH SATURDAY; APRIL 141h, 197S. SLICED, 60% OR 100% WMOL WI4EAI, CACEOWEAT JANE PARKER 324o f ISAVE 8c) (UPCAES pgof 635 JANE PAIKER, MERINGUE (SAVE 10<1 LEMON PIE full 8-inch f 22-oz pie FWR~~~~rZA,EDSîo -/ 9 CAN.\DA ~ ~ ~ ~ ,M Npe RAEOTAI l t USGR N IAL 5 PPLE, CRAýPOGE, RECONSTITUTID Fruit Juices carton of six6-fl-oz btls 59< E NSiTI'l Ketchup 32-fl-oz btl58 PARILY SXIMMED 2%ý Bord n's M ilk 16-f1-oz lin 18< Window Cleaner 15-f1-oz plastic bîl 49< il si illicille lilliiii 111"1 111 , 1 1 1 illuisolaim imma Mao Umm ma 1 MmMMýl

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