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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 11

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V On Monday nighit at Kendal, two mnembers of lst Ruth Weyrich placing the cord on hier daug-hter Deb-, Kendal Guide Company were the first of that group bie's shoulder, Mrs. Iris Fowler and hier daughteri tQ be awarded and presýented with the aittractive Can- Roseanna with Guide Capt. -Mrs. Dureen Carr lookin, ada Cords, the hig,,hest awards in Gýuiding., Taking part on withi considerable pride. in the historic cere-monyv were, fromn left to ight Ms, Mrs. Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 ne w( cSo ctal ancd Our weekend was maide1'su muChl brighiter by a mice lady lin haa formrerly of New-! castie, -faking the ftime tf0 wri teC [C anteU us how muchi shie is enjuy' ing our efforts. Thiis lady mad apotntwih wie tried to make in our flrst articlei - thaf, any. news fi-r hocme (anld Newcasfle is cer- tainly home to miany of Our readers) is ,(obbled up by friends whu atre now l.ivinig elehr.She( says in. part: "I look forward s50 much f0 reading, about the peuple 1 knew 'and grewv up withI1 eyen enijoy reading about theU unes I dun't -know, anyth1ing ,1as Rent a Car for A DAY OR WVEEKEND Ask for Rae * COUNTY CHRPYSLE:R-DODGCE LTD). Saturdauy eveiiing g u e j with M-r. and Mlrs. Jack Cra, j I e Mr . an d iMrs. Hlilto ia st!e/ Peaýock, Port Hope; Mvr. an IMrs. Samn Powell, Doreen a Floyd' c, Nueastle M r. an /Mis. Calvin Crago), Kevin an /< .i-"eso ia Fern, Lelnd nd 'tRonal g -e S0 i I Crag,ýo, ail of Bwavle We mnust apologize for surr rinms bening accidentaille long as it is aboujt wate out firo or accounit of th When 1 look back adtikNwateRcre(ation Figur what iued to beý there and Skating, Carnival. Remnembe what is thore unow, it mke w t Ldyou1the Crn1ivaý1l'i one realize the pr-ogýre'ssth, ue h rtis an oldI town ibaIddu. Onie 1m1re(,we had ever seei? Wedlyo quote we would like to pafs's wîf nou doubt wholeheartedf oin to you aýnd weu do hpeyou arewith tucwheýn you rea willthik aoutit erîusîyi tat hes loelylitie -ladiE is "Eflil the( peoplewh mdeup ouir rinbow: Bet don't 'ph1one i ther nes0BWIerTanya Fonk, Shel knu-w wha ]unelittie phneFa'rrow, A 'nita MýýcKnlgh eal u mans to peoý(ple like , , Robin Kemrp, Kim) Townc yOLu; phoe oluldneyer (luit and Saly Simjpsn. ringing". :MuII tha1toerinMr.and NMrs, Earl 1Robinsci your mmid folks and digest Strathroyv, have been spend it well. The. Staitesma'n, iý 11- ing a few' dayS %with Mr Ivig b niaiorin picked Shrley Brcha!rd. Wilfred an up each Il k brings thatiiIs J. J. 'McCandless. Mn "little bit o home" 'to rmanv ROSs Emrbley nd Sandri of ourfred who have gon e Te n spent last weec(ken to seek thetir forItunies some- with Dore nmother, mir w-here el1se but whose ert arh R oss wasn't wit are stili in Newcastle. If ouV'(i embecause lhe is presentl out-of-town friends lhave scheno ing a tnparound th ai Io 1by)t our village - can't world on) an A r force Missioi we dIo our-part to keep them We wl- %ould ike f'o take tiýi up-to-date on the -news of ou)tr1 opportunity f0 welcome i vil u nd ifs citizens. Gordon AIllen, our new drug 111THE OUNCIL 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F THE TOWNSHIPWOF CLARKE NOTIa 'C-E. The Council of the Munilicipality of the Twsi of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends to pass a 13'y-Law t o close orstpu the Road Allowances in lte Villag-e of Orono ývthiin the Township) of Clarke, in the County of Durham, following, that is to say: 1. Ail of Village Lot One (1) forming part of the originial Road Al- lowaflce betmeeni Concessions Four (4) and Five (5) across Town- ship Lot Tw,%enty-ine (29) according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, together withi parts of the aforesaid Road Allowance, ail within the said Towýnship) of Clarke, more particu- larly described as follows: COMMENCING at the South-Westeriy angle of Village Lot Eighit (8) in Block "B", according- to C. G. Hanning-'s Plant of the said Villag<e of Orono; THIENCE South 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West Along the Southierly limnit of sai'd TowN'isip Lot 29 hin the Fifth Concession, beîng the Northerly lisuit of tihe said Road Allowvance, a distance of 895.45 feet to the point of intersection wvith a fence miarking the existing Easterly limit of a travelled road running Southterly; THIENCE South 36 degrees 47 minutes East in the uine of the said fencee a distance of 69.4.3 feet more or less to the point of intersec- tion wvith the Northerly limit of Lot 29 in the Fourth Concession of the said Towný-tship of Clarke, THENCE North 71 degrees 17 minutes 30 seco.nds East along the last-nxientionied limiit, hein- tihe Southerly linsit of the said Rtoad Allwacea istnc of87.96 feet more or iess to the point of intersection wvith at Une drawni on a course of South 17 degrees 53 minutes East front the point of commencement; THENCE North 17 degrees 53 minutes Westf a distance of 66 feet more or 1ess to the POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT. 2, Ail of the orig-inal Street Allow-ance lyving hbetween Blocks Eighit (8) and Nine (9) accordingl to C. G. Hfanninig's Plan of the said Village of Orono, heing part of the original Township) Lot Twç%enty- nine (29) in the Fifth Concession of the Towvnsip of Clarke; 3. Ail of the orig-inal Street Reserve iying Ibetweeni Villagec Lots Three (3) and Four (4) in Block "U", according to C. G. Hlannîngil's Plan of the said Village of Orono, exmtending frons the Easteriy lmtof Mill Street to the Westerly limit of Church Street.- 4. Ail of the original Street Reserve lying betwveen Block Four (4) and Block Thirteen (13) according to C. G. Hanning's Plan of the said Village of Orono, extending front the Easteriy limit of Mill Street to the Easterly limiits of the Villag-e Lot Seventeen (17), Rear Range, Block 4, and Village Lot Eighteen (18) Rear Range, Block 13; 5. Ail of the orig-inal Street Reser've iying betwveen Block Thîrteen (13) ani Rlock Ten (10) aecording to C. G. Harining's Plan of the said Village of Orono extentdiîig froin (lhe Easterly liiait of 'Mill Str'eet to the Easteriy,, limit of the Villagze Lot Twventy-tw.o (22). Rear Range, Block 13, and Villaze Lot 23, Rear Rangre, Block 10, SAVING AND EXCEPTING THEREOUT AND THEREFROMI that part of the aforesaid Street Reserve that lies within the lands more particularly design-iated as Part Two (2) according to a plant depos.,- ited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durhaim West as Number N21630: 6. Part of Princess Street and part of an unnamed Street Easterly adjacent to Block, "G" according to C. G. H-anning1s Plan of the said Village of Orono, and more particularly designated as Parts Four (4), Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7) according to a Riference Plan depositedl in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Ditrham West as Number 10 R. 1>1 AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring tuo make dlaimi or to oppose the said By-Law will be heard in oerson or by proxy at the meeting of the said Council to be held in the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario on thie lSth day of May, 1973;, at thr hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening. Dated this 6th day of April, 1973. B. W. Collins, A.M.C.T. Clerk-Administrator of the Municipality. rgtrainon Satuîday su Ti;aainSaemn omnilArli,17 the Recreafion summer pro-, O B 1 T U A R ây TeCnda ttsaBwavle pi 1 93 i gramme caa use the bail pajrk 't0 ifs fullest capacify. CHARLIE WOO0 deceased wvas held, among Intier-Cluib Comapetition at Tlsncwsky 8th; Shelley Brown Mi. and Mrs. Guidon Gar- them offerings fions Clarke Ajax: 9h rod Jr. andl Shawn accomp- Folluwing, an illness of E10 Hig-,h School, Stoodileigh Cnt- Preliiniry GirËls, 15 eom- Juven île Girls (over 11), 8 anied by Mis. Rae Fiied- days, the deafh of Char]ie 1eers and the neighbors, PetItol-s - Colette Pickering com-petitors- Penny Webster lander and Mis. Jili Bîown Woo. aged 8-1, occuried on __________ 8th; Susan Foster 9th. 41h. of Torotlo spent the weekend Saturday, M2varch 24fh, 1973 rlnaryý Boys Stanley ia Smiths Falls wit h Mis. Bihlla Memurial iHospital, Boý- Tiovsky 3rd.y Buterll.fhle'tere they rmanville. 'Figure aes Juvenile Girls (Ilad 11 asvlited Mi. Butteriîl who Bora and educated ia Cen- doe-), 17' competitoîs Nancy ~_ is3 sf111 a Patient i SmIths ton, China, rrie f0ti Feuls General Hospital., ore SgYin, Mail, fheyV a s erT ss _ N tc CongIra tulat Ions to M i s s hed resided a n ewceastile forEL/AL AZD Elaine Stade, Newcastle Pub-119 yeais, comning fhere fio)m Newcastle Fig-ure SkatingU F AEJ !J[c School, whu wvon fiîst lPeteîboroughi. Club's tesk hield on Maîch 10ý NewcastleT/EMA THFO prize ia the Royal Canedian A restaurant owner. hlewsreufda foow:NnyOAOLWL Legion sponsorod province- also a moeru(f Newcestle r P ea, 2ndfoligr;S: eîley nceio I V O %Sý, wide paem comnpetition. On 'Unitod Church.Suivnbe Sunay~as ii Çbarg lanosides his wie re five child- Bion,1s figure, Stanley, Bail Registrations was pîesented with a gold ren'I, Pter nd Her, Tro- lnosk Prelimniiary Fig medal symbolic of her lu;-Jdy <Ms. se Ying Lee), Iure; Breaa Keagn achievemoent bY the Royal Caimpbellton, NB.; William i: Lný at uruayA rl1 'Canadien Legion Provincialland Lilly., Newcýastle.Boz F,-t,; nZ Presden ofOntrto Mi Do Tbefunralwashel frm Lwery, Bronze Fiee-Style'ý WP(,in.eno n's poe, Mrwh'ch e Mi eral Chpeid fu Barbare Gustar, Blues Dance; 1I!2 Noon to 1:30 p. P Wî1cn.E.aite'- pemwl,;ýhý:iiý Fn'al hapl ')Brýend'a Knelangen, Europeun us 1 n aDominion w.,,ido NeWýcastle United Chuich on Specl tak u c- ti NEWCASTLE comrpotif ion, bega this suc- Wednesýday , March' 28 aI 2 Hle1 Wbser and Mary Fos-IC m uiyH l cossful jo'urney at the Bianýrch o('clý)ck with Rev-\- Tom Smnithfer, Social Canvenor. C m u iyH l level of the Bowmenville ufficiating. The oîganist Mis.i Leglon Brench 178, on thlen payne p1ayed a favorite hymn Tests m et o nville oný SOFTBALL u m fu the Zone, District and Pro- 1"ýJesuis Loves Me", Pelîbear-, March 231h: Fiona Burrows, G i l 17 Years of Age V m .Jffs~ vincial lovels 'and then fh'ýeors were Meissîs. Chris. Barclh- Canasta; Rod Payne, Swing; HIARDBALLP.j h so big one - the Dominion comn- aid, Sami Breret on, Chas 'Stanley Tisnovsky, Sw inag;ýýlueLau)frBy Gs MtrOt. ulO potition. Gond luck. Elaine. Cowan, Hanry Jusoý, HwadSu.se Wgr Fiesta; Rose- (os ege o os a oo l ulOî o'c vi wth ey Tom Smîlthil mary Tisnavsýky, Fiesta; Jean-' SOFTBALL anSd Grease Ineren ws u out te agrWilo;1hele oyýs t11 Years 0f éAge FURNACE INSTALLATIONS GET CS TODAY plesnCmeeyTooo Brown, Wvtllow and Ton-Fax; i BYUIGMany beaiutiful floral f ril- Nancyv Tisnovsýky, Willow aadà Registration Fee to I-S AND REPAIRS T fESMAN utes were rce(ive(d aîîeýsîing Ten-Fox, ol.e later Nwate - 9751 CLASIIES u te stemin hih he Resutsof thse Pîno Ridge 15-1 _____________ p~m m - *m mm m~ m m m ta I ILIIL11i4 IliiIII~JJ 1IlIW L g DO-m IT-YOURSELF CLASSES LEARN THE BASICS 0F CONSTRUCTION FIND OUT HOW TO: *BUILD A COTTAGE *ERECT A FENCE * UILD A GARAGE *APPLY ROOFING *INSTALL WINDOWS- DOORS -SDN *BUILD ASUNDECK -CARPORT AT WAREHOUSE LUMBERLAND '" MONDAY>I APRIL 16 end 23 100 BOND ST. W., - 7:30 p.m. CALL 728-1611 OR 728-1617 FOR RESERVATIONS WOOD FENCING - Top Grade MeAteriîaIs 1 Sakrete Concrete Mlx sts gist, f0 the village. Mr. Allen,! igo Who is pnesently corrmmuting ,on from Toronto. has purchased* nd the Lorne Johonson Drug Store ýnd business and will shortly bo nd making his humne her e. Mvi. nidc Allen is mnarried and hasfw- ld childien, Mvar-k and Cethyl . . Mis. Allen, a lab tchniciani,i- ne;will becjoi er husban d e f is the business here neer the, ýh end of thse Mo-n111 however, ~ neý the childien will romain in'; c the city lu finish thescuo Ao em A'very warm welcomne Mv f0 you and yours, i. Allen' ou Re2cently, lthe Gutide s lBrownies a, agerssent (nd ouf caîl for "Help)". A oes ladies' auxiliary or- mothers'M th auxiliary is ugnfyneeded!E ebythe( NewcaýstleNewt on- if, !ville anid Bîownsville Comr- or panies and Packs. To thîs end a bter- was taken hume by e ach Bru"wnýie and Guide f0r d- hogiven lu b ler moîher. Thse sreIsponse was somnetbing cisc' id Lio1ld you believe, ONE rBruwnie moîher shuved up a, for thle meeting called for a nd week ago Monday? oke* rs. Mother ! That's pretty hai ith lu believe - unly ounemothser L cuuld find the time f0 attend se tise meetin g. Thse leaders of n.L these youlh1 organizati ons ýis s pend a lot of thei limie and Ir, talents (nultrit mention Ig- 1Patience and un-eislanding) on yo(ur daughters and should- l'ot have In co-po with theýR proiemns of funid-raising for- speciai evenits or trips. Per- haps it is timo a good long; iook was ta ken tu sec whefh1- or the lime epended fu fhese yuuth organlizations b 'y the.se dedicated leaders is really wnrthwhile. Cerlainly some encouragement and co-upera- ltion fîom parents is indicated. There are su, many fhings fise leaders anid tise grl would like fe, do, but fhey alcs mnoney - su If fliseeg p ient going 10 have help 1rais- ing rmon1ey thon il Must fol- low, lisepient 'il., have tf0î pay! In an1Y 0ftisese organ-- izations, tripping, camoping and fun are tise mode of ftho day. but aune 0f Ihis can be dune wvithlout mioney and the lead-1 ers just doni'f have tise fimce f0 wresf le wtistiis problemn. Tise youth are forfunafe in having a lady whu, is vif ally M ineetdi ii rganizin, and haigup an LA. Tisis lad,, waýs devasted by the lack lof inlterlest showvn last week. Whlsror not another org-1 iniatinalmeeingwill be held atnd wisetiser or not tise urga,:nizaltions for youî daugh- er'benefif and(j fun will con-: tinu,, - wu will just have f0 wvait and sue: If you are given anotiser uppoîtity lu hoîn f)Ihese gruups - Doni't hrk--But Accept Your* Responsibility. Mi. and Mis. Harper Kel- --ey end Sandra affended the f 3iI1ton - Malcolm wed inî Nostîcton last Saturday. 0, inturest is lise faict fiset bath the bride and groomn are trai n- ilu o eU-nitedCisurcis mi1n-- isters aI1 Quoen's University, Deepst ympeisyis ex.- 'ened o lsefamnily of tho atMI Parl Hutchison Whou uasdawav Th-ursday, April i in MeuilHospital, Bow- mianville. Sriewas ! iel ')nMna wilh Spnln11g inte'r-- 'no(nt et IdaCmeny seasSon beh1inid I(, thetsNeM caîeR(cufi(on Commîte s 1i0W planning ifs summer, urugrmme.Already applîca- lions have been called fori swvimming instructors and now theyv are 10 the throes of ; eting Up their bail pru- grame. Tiis erif wlll ho 1 liff le different and shouldM i fford evoryoao the opportuin-M fy y f0play, There wil hoea oueleaglue foîmed for boys, hai-dball atnd an oldpr girls ram wll hoentoîed l isei I Rce akeSofîbaîl Leeg'ue.1 i Xcfually if enuugh interest isi sh1own 'e boy' s ftball feamn niay,'hoeentered in e RiceLk League for boy. 's., eite ltion in ah ceegories Wîll beý hleld Ibis Satur-day In theI Commnunity Hall as per tho - edvert,isement appearing els e-1 where on this page la rdor lu operate all these feemrs coaches are desperateiy need- ed. Let's nul, have the kidsM rua the stroots all sumr. - but let's insteýad give them ,tise opporfunify In have some I worfiswiileeerie By oËff- ering your services as coacis of a baill ban you wil! be do- I ing jusf Ihat! At thsepos ont lime soccer bas ifs prob- lemns as there seemlu be n suitable playing field. P e r- hap3 one 0f oui readers cn carne up wif h a solution! I you roemor, prsoccer lanew f 5! 42" ' g 48" fligh $9.98 roill $12.99 raoll S14.992raill WE HLPIFREE ESTIMATES Bring Mus the m easugre m entsof yoryard. Well be pleaised to givo%, youI a fast (estîMlatoof inaterials for -mr yor ew ,fonce. PROM CANADIAN PITTSBURGH Save 3Ovàm OFF LLPAINT AT OUR COURTICE STORE UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL l4tb Portland cement and washed sand for fooinigs,, iýIksss, steps, 90 lib. Bag PVC VINYVL PANELS Transinzeent, decorative, shatter. resistant poly-vinl panels for iii- doors or o1t, Choice of Green, Whlite or YeIiow. 26"ý x 8 Feet. Per Panel $1.68 I SAKRETE BLACK TOPM DRIVEWAY SEALER Recfînishes old driveways, As. paît base thet seels, you just pour and spread. MUakes youir drive- way look like new. 5 GaljlnDrumi Covers 500 Square Feetm $7.65 OLYMPIC WOOD STAIN Best Qunlity - Lests Longer Built Ili Wood Preservative Penxetrating Type or Solid Colour. Quacrt $3155 Gallon$9 5 Oval Head Fenea and Sildïig Nails Galvanized to Prevent Rusting $.PZ07 box of 5 lb.' 2 CON VENINT LOCATIONSM N.. WY. WEST OSHAWA WOOD -e - 'M o ~ BOWMAN VILLE e, l~j COURTICE YARDI and SALESROM. COURTICE 3ROAD AND BLOOR ST. Zliff WAEOUE WAREHOUSE LUMBERLANO Mp LUMBERLAND ~, MýeMýillan Drive BN T W 10 AY'-~O40 IH A Do-wntown Oshawa :OURTrICE 728-1611 WAREHOUSELUMBERLAND 728,16171 ~ii~mw~uirnimmv~iiii El See our new pre - planned, fenicing d cesigns and choose the one y'ou like - simpl to build, heautify your h.~~ IProerty and add fins'tant sh-ade and privacy. As' Low * Runninig Foot Plus posts GALVANIZED 13 gauge chain linik wt 2" mesh) 0'rolîs only ý dl, Mà Mmm", Il

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