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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 15

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~own League Finals Lanny Burns Scorewth O-nl/y i Second fo Go in Game To Keep Counfy in finals ')y JuinClarke Lanny B3ucus', game wlr nig oa1l witb only a secon reminJr,ing last Thursday' overtime session,' a 110o w ei Cnunty Chry ' or ton daim 4-3 vtoavec Locke-'s T' it was zhetransfusiion nàeede( ta ee Coun ty v e in th, best of five ebarapionsbil final that Lckes lead 2-1. Durnb' vinner camie wit] nec second romalnxng an inthi SUN WORTHY Decoratoi BookieZ Win valuable riizes Conne on down righî now, and collect your copy wltile suplies last. "Sunworthiy livroet"is erarnmed 'es odecrte ,sour home for Lucky Patte1rn ( et fui!t'i sýls .1 the treat Stnwortltv Lucks Vatterts (tst olor -,evisisons, stain- les ýteci eutferysts and valu- able cash cuchers îosvards ',unwor vilcnvrins uit ne v s'ou bet ýc ejune I st. 1)o't et this p Iort nit' li y, ABERNETHY Walilpaper & Paint King St. VWest TOWNSHIP TUE TOWI Betha APRIL 1V at 8: Please brin1 above fBy-1 ton minuto ovectime period. four of Locke's last seven - It was tbe second goal of the goals. id contest for Burns andI bis The fourth game In the ls sixth of the, playaffs. fidnals gets underway at 8 pr. d Loekes wece beblnd 2-1 a£- flua Thursdîay evening. a toc two periods, but struek V, for twn early third period ýd -narkers ta, move abead 3-?2. e Ray Pickell's second goal of M v 'M J R lp the finals at 11:1l3 tied thle score and set the stage for bh Burns' clutch counter. Barry BOW LING le Virtue connected for Caunty's other score. Ernie Perfect set the pace Burns opened the seocing, with 787 triple gaines of 269- combining with County's Vie- 262, and, 256. Others topping tue, to beat goaler "Smokey"l the 700 mark, Beenice Buday Hayes at 1:32 of thie first. 747 (283), and 'Bill Joli 715 Thoy took a 2-0 lead when (251-251). Denise Annaert bad r Virtue clicked at 14:46 of the high singleo f the night, 290. m'iddle feamoc. The TV erowd's Othei' gaines 250 and over:1 Scott Burgeas boomed home Don Begnell 273, Rnss Wrighti bis first of a pair, af toc19:,b 251, Jack McNulty 251, Peggy on~~~ 'Bcy uhs ps Haynes 276, Maurice Annaert County's Randy Thiele bad 278, Karen Reid 270. non 'chance on thie smoking 11Teain Standings blue lino bomb. Çhryslec's Joli 25 '40597 John Adams was off for trip- Coole 25 40396 ping.1 Patfield 22 39991 The Locke outfit zippeci Haynes 2 1 ½1 39279 home a pair of qusekies at the Reid- 20 39429 .29 second mark, (Ronnie Sheehan .....20 390c0 Simopson) and at 1:14 with Suteliffe --- - 19 40494 Burgess striking foc bis fifth Buday ------ 19 39009 playoff goal, ta take a 3-2 Crossey'-- 18 38787 edge. AIJnn Wright 171/2 38050 0111ialsAI JnkIn and ray ,7 38711 Mike Cornoîl should have Vandenborgý 14 37947- chapped lips following Thurs- Tope 10 Averages day's penalty litterod affair. eie i( ,Perfect 240, Doris County ehew 10 of the 15 Jol 239, Larry Piper '230ý violations, with Luke Prout Peggy llyo 228, Ollie Pat- drawing nine of Chryslor's field , Ross Wright 224, penalties. The vtoran hasher Don Blagnoîl 220, Beenice Bu- was on a collision course with day 219, A-Ibert Saman 2118, the nearest Locke TV player Jirn Beuton 216. alI evoning. We have four wooks romain- County thýrew, up a sturdy. ing in nue schedulc and look- defonsive siold for most -of ing et those tearo standings at their shorthainded dhores, î.1- thîs point It is still just about though Looýkes managed two anyhody's hall gamo -, anme power play scores. The TV finish this is going f0 be. club wore wvithout George Salr'sbury and Larry, Perris, ýwhilo County's Don MeMur- :econ: match, hnld o 19-71 R N r-'oing edgo aftor thcee' ,games.Bug.s's l'e Rent Carfor ORWEKED Mes. N_. S. MceNally return- ADAY O EKN ed home on Wednesday of last Ask for Rae . . . week froro visiting Mr. and COUNTY Mes, Albert J. Dance of Col- CHPYSLER-DODGE LTD. borne. returnedhoefo lrd - L05 week.hm, rr lrd Mes. Hlester Long, wife of 0F MANVERS the late Mn.WW, A. Long, moth- or of Rev. Basil E. Long, pasa-1 od away at Bancroft on Mon- day, April 2nd. Funecal servi1ce1 was on Thursday. mocnng fe-om the Hendi on 'Funeral Home 'Lakeflold. Intermnent at Cou HihiCoeer.Among the relatives and fiinds whoat- tendod tîiçe funecal fcm Ono veore Mr. and Ms.Donald C. So M.anda e.Pr ua ýind Mrs Josephf] àW. Staples,1 THE CONTENTS Mrs. Wm, Reid, Mes. C. S. McLaren, Mes, C. B. Tyr-reil, VNo. 15115-72 IN aiso Mes. Angus Louek- of Leska cd. 'NSHIP HALL Congratulations to Me. and alny, Ot oit 7th 173623 3303 .00 poin g yoUircoC0y of W NA .aw wvith youil Ross Davti7dson MOTH PROOFING O N ANY ITEM DRY CLEANED 0 F F > WATERPROOFING ON SUCH ITEMS AS SNOWMOBILE and SNOW SUITS - RAINCOATS ONE JACKET WATERPROOFED FREE WITH EIGHT POUNDS 0F DRY CLEANING (Specials good until April 3Oth) QuH àan 237 KING ST. EAST- BOWMANVILLE (IN THE DOMINION STORE PLAZA), ï Â On Satuiday at Bowmanvillé Curling Clubh, the anniual pî'esentation (if awards took place follawing an all-day mens'sbo nspiel won by this cink, froni left to right, lead Ken McQuaid, skip Bob) Moircowan vice Roy Trudeau, Garth Leader who played 2nd was absent when the photo was taken. Aflan Lawrence Claims Food Pri*ce-Report Un fuir Allan LT-,vrince, M.P. Nor- sary .government expendi-iwi1comed by Canadians be thumberland-Durham finas la- tures. cause it would be part of belled the fedoral govern- According to Mr. Lawrence, long-term plan to eut unexy ment's approach to food t.he Conservatives would use pinymnent and combat Infis prices as, discriminatory and the 90 day fxeeze period to tion." unftir to ail those in the food consuit' wlth the provinces, Mr. Lawvrence attacks th~ Industry - fromn the- farmer labour, consumner groups, far- committee's' Interimr report thrnugh to the retailer. mers an~d business organiza- saying, "Thcre, is onlyone r Mr. Lawrence, the chairmnan tions to develop a comprehen- commendation of anyý signifi of the Progressive Conserva- sive, co-ordinated cojst, stabil. cance In the report - thiat re tive Caucus Committoe on ization programn. . lating to a price reviev; boar( Consumer and Cotporate Af- "We believe thaýit such a and that proposali s tonthiese fairs, announced Monday that temporary freeze, wouild be yet complicated and Obscure.' the Conservative members, of the Special Commons tom- L mittee on trends In food prie- A Y DO0N os were dlsassociating them- selves fromn the interlm re- Mr. and Mrs. clfor r-OrsoEnsilon Mx port tabled in the House of win and Maý.rk, Bwavle oraEryhToniuto; C ommons. were Sundfay vsior f M.adMrs. RssA1hto, Bet *"We believe the problem Is and Mrs. Artlhur Trowivn, XV11-ýi- Barara Allan anid Grani flot only rlsing food prices, haro and PaulteîeSudydinnier guests o: but rising prices In all sectors Mrs. Davýid MalcolmScr- r.and 1,Mrs,. Lloyd Ashton of the economny," Mr. Law. borough, is holidlayiig wt Ronald nd Ray, tbe occasin' ronce said. Mr, and Mr11is. Arthur Trewýin i inM1lL . Ross Ashtop's anc "Only a comprehensive, co and boysý. j[Mc. ]Russel] Ormniston's birth. ordinated set of economie M.anir. vi hr, ) ys poilscnda ihteLinda a ,nd(iJanlet, Mr. Rissel 'Mr. andi Mts. Louis Ashtor cost erisis facing Canada now." In a release froro his Ot tawa/ office, Mr. Lawrene suggested that if the Conser- vatives -were forming the government they would: Jm pose a 90 day freeze on in- R comne and prIcos - exeeptln only "food at the farma gate". (the price pald to the farinerRe for raw, fresh, unUeesd_ goods; eut certain sales tax.- es and provide incentives to small business;:e-o'inat tax ion arif, tâbor .ta- hon, agriculture iand mn power policies ta stabilize-W r prIces; and reduce unner- -Mrs. Russelli Oshorne on their I 50th wodding annriveý,rsary last Saturday at Trinity United Church Hall, Bowmanville. Jus% a ren-ýinder f0 mail y aur a40d Easter greetings early as there wil be Po mail delivered inJ the districts sorvedl by letter carriers froni Thursday, Aprl i9th untfil after Easter. Orono Post Office will only lie closed on the Gond Friday. Miss Susan Bail of Toronto with ber parents, Mr. and Mrt. Ken Bail over the weekcend. Unîit 6 - U.C.W. meeting was' held on Wodnesday afternoon t, the orhom of Mca. Roy Thorapson of Leskard and Kirby U.C.W. meeting was:,on Tusa -ieraonn at their church. Miss Sadie Brown bas been .WË apatient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Mc. and Mrs. M. W. Dowvnâ hatve returned home froro spending the winter wt rela- .a d tives and friends la Clifornia. At the regular service on t n Sunday morning at Orano U11cittd h Rcey. Basil E. Long baptized Mary Elizabeth,M0 m- dagtrof George snd Edith (nýeo K-il3ptrick ellamy, and Sarah Lanle, dauighter af John and Sada(nuee oin Bai- loy of, saa fllwdbyý Reeton of Mebes3Y Pro- »Beauti-Tone « -a nfessjin of Faith aný1dRecceptiloný tHm adaeSoe 'of Mem1(ribers by Leer fatHm Had reSre îand 1obrtr011l!Every cnof Beauti-Tone of, LockhMaLt's 'Sc.ool Roaduiis gaate yyour Hor %we-e amonCýrg the oujýjt oftownguranee b gesta at theil, sfr-ok Beauti-Tone ismade eSPE Church, Osihawa. for Canadian climaàtes. ville is staying with hier! granuioherMrs C.B. Tyr-! reîl. Mn. Grant Mfft nd,ïson A' ~.Exterior 011 GlIoss Vr-ano of Oakviile, visýited Mr.1 Wrn S Mofa, r. and Ms Gallons - $9.38; or 2 fo John. ioftadsn nSn Quarts $2.78; or 2 fo Mr. and Mrs. Doulas flrd ofWhity visited ber parents, E tro ae Mr. and Ms. Lawrence 1HarrisýE tro ae I~. nd Ms. ougls AlenGallons - $8.88; or 2 f( Mcî. and i s Gordon Atkins -Quarts -~ $2.78: or 2 fi and cblîdren, Mr. and Mrm. Cha, Stplto ave reeently ieturaed home from -the south- Interior Latex eru States. Mca. R. Baxter of Peterbor-T fV Gallons - $7.98; or 2 fi ough spent, the weekexfd with < 4 Qat -$2 8;o2f ber mother, Mrs. Wm. E. Am-Qurs,-$ .8 or2f strong. A Joyous Easter to you anldIteirS m - I yours. ne orS m u" o LONG SAULTQurs -$ .8 or2f Mr. afid Mrs. Robert Camn- eron and family attended the Petci-borough, wvere Sundaày Tite Canadien Statesman, Bwavle April i1, 1973 ton guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lesie eabn.Mc. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, 1Mci. !and Mca. Wayne Black- Peteabocouügh, called o n 1Mc. burn and Susan, Orono, Wereand Mca. Arthuc Rend, on Sunday evening caliors af Mr.Sc a eeig anxd Mca. W. Blaekbucn!s. Sudyoeng Mc. an Mes.A. WhtmeeMr. D. J. Cameron and Mc. SM OK'H Me.eand, r A "turda C.Garrard, attended the Vimy Newcstle wer Satrda dinnter at Bowmanville on Sat- IT'8 A RECESîIb visitorsi at Mr. and Meis. D. J. Lurday niglit. ITECMT M Cameron Tm atand Mc. and Mes, W. Blackbhurn, NEW CA9 !EVR Mr. and Mca. TiiPtsýi Dale and Neil, visited Mr. ana TOW TIEIR6 Charlene were Sunclay dinner Mca. Doug Blackburn, Whitby, TOBA guests wîth the J. Potts aia- 'on Sunday. ily. Mr. and Mca. Roy Paterson, Mrs. W. Martin, Sunset Debb'ie adBin aldo Lodge, spent Sunday with her M. ud rAnldcalae o dlaughter and son-in-law, M.r-MAjand Ma. And adager, and Mes. J. Patta and faily.'Ajax, on undsofMayd weî'e Mca. Martin eelebrated hec Lyni 1ae, Oshawa. bicthday on Thucsday: Con- Mes, Lloyd Ashston acconi- gratulations Mca. Martin. panied Mca. Wilfred Bôwinan, Mca. J. Ahbott,' Steven and and Mcas. Milton Stainton and Susan, Bueketan; Mr. and Mca. atfended a trousseau' tea given E. R. Thompson and gcandsau ln bonor of Miss Eveline Nool -Hooper, BowTnanville, Brown by hecrnother, Mes. B Y A M were recent visitoca at Mrs. Evert Brown. Tbompson's. j There was a good attendance PLUMBING & IE M.DK.Thompson, ow- at the social evening an Sat- mniecalled on bis mother, urday at the Community Cen- id IR'NDT Ma.A. Tbompaon, on Sunday eeIL h man Tom Jones, Low Mr. and Mes. Tom Patta and mn mEcue Tapple, Higli lady TYRONE, ONTARIO Charlene were Sunday suppM es îîoLwld ay Phoqne 263-2650 guests of Mr. and Mca.*L.Patta. Door prize, Ernie Top- Christensen. ,I1pie. USE YOUR 'CHAZRGEX, AT McG*regÂoor Home Harudwaîcre PHONE 623 2,542 KING ST. WEST - BOWMANVVILLEý MUM - y'e F REE

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