16 Te aainSa ,m BLYEV~N-Dck nd ora, are happy to announce the birih of their son, Derk Wil- liam Jonathan, 7 Ibs. Il1¾/ ozs., onlApril th ai Memoial Hos- pliail. A Uitle brother for proud G;enaline. We thank Dr. A. Westgarth and Dr. J. Rundie and Maicrnity Staff for thein fine cane of mothler and baby. 15-1 CLAR-Jo)hn and Marion (nec Cooney) are_,proud par- ents of a dOaughter, IÀsa Manie, at 'Kitche-ner Hosital, Apil 2, 1973. A sister for Steveni. GIÉ' --Wle and Lymn (nec Tyrreil) are pleased to annoumnce the bith of iheir son Tyler on Sunday, Apil 8. A brother for Leanne. 15-1 PATTIERSGN-Bot and Joan are happy to announce the f safc arival of their baby duheJody Michelle, 6 ibs. 8 ozs., Apil 4th, ai Osha- wa General Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mn.. and MN.. Jim Ràuiherford, Orono, and Mni. and Mfrs. L. J. Patter- son of Port Hope. 15-1* PIELS-Ben and Pat (nee (Petenson) are pieased 10 an- nounce the safe arrivai of Brent Gordon, born Apil 5, 19731, weighing 10 ibs. 3 % ozs. Pnoud grandparenis are MVr. and Mns. Gordon Peterson and M. and Mrs, Paul Piels al of -Bowý,manville. Spzcial thanks to Dns. Sylvester and Hub- bard and Maiennrls tyStaf. STAPLETGN-Bob and Barb (nec Johnsg) are very happy 10 anonethe birtb of their fisi child, a son, Michael Robent, 7 lbs., bonn -March 31, 1973 ai Memnorial Hospital, Bo(wmyanville Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Nctonville, and M.and Mrs. Murray Johns, Pot Hope,. Special thank-ýs to Dr. Sylvester, and Dr. John Rl-uniet and maternity staff. 15-1* Engaigement Mn, and Mrs. Earle Rand, Bowanilleand M. and Mrs. George H-uber. New- castl-e, are very pleas_-ed to announce the engagement of their eilcdren, Judlith Elean- or and Genal'd Dwigcht. 13-1 MIr. and Mrs. Edgar Holmnes R.R. 2, Newcasile, announce the engagement o0f their1 daughlten, Miss Sharon Bita Holmres to îMr.- Robert Macey. soni of Dr. and MVrs. P. MNacey of Ridgewa.y, Ota.ýrio, A JuIy wedding is pand 15-1 Mlr. andirvir. Kenneth Whiley, 54 Hîarmoýny Rd. S.. Oshawa, are pleased to an- nounce the eggeet0f thir daugher Joan Eliz- beth iAnn 10MicaelJohîn, soni of Mrs. Vincent NIyers oýf Bow- man-ville canrd the lie IvMr. Mvyers.Th wedding will ,t'Lke place ivMay 19 at K'ý'nox PresbyterinChurch. 15-1 Deaths EIALL, Jennie (Past PresI- dent Canadian Daughters Laualso Lifetimle Mein- ber 0f TrîrnltY United Chunch, Bloo)r :S,)--At Toronto on MUonday, April 9ý, 1973, Jennie <Chick) Hall, late of 16 Glen Morris St., Beloved wîfe 0f the !-,te George Hall, aunt of Violet Mceeters. F uneral service was held at 'Morley S. Bedford Chapel, wedInes- day afiennoon, at 2 oclc.In- terment Mouni Pleasant Cem-etery. 1- HARS-tGshawa G'eneral Hospital con Wednesday, April il, 1973, Boyd Harris, New- tonville, aged 37 years. Be- loved husband of Mytle -Han- ris, dean father 0f Kim, Rich- ard, Vitoria and Michelene. Dear son 0 f Mr%. and MOrs. W. H-arnîs, Nwcsle esting ai Lhe Morris Fune(ral Chapel, Bowmanville, for service on Saturday ai 2 o'clocýk. Inter- ment Bond Head Cemetery, Newcastle. Visiting from Thursday at ~ 'élc.1- IIILL, Mary Eva--At, Marn- wood Nurising Hoime, Bow- mraniville on Tuesday, April 10, 1973, M1ary EvaMCe- land in her 89thl, year, wife of the late David C. HIi, dear mother of LDorothIy L., Mrs. Alfred AlEn <Margarect) and the Ilaie Jackc. Rested at the Nor'niheutt Elîlot Funerai Homle. Fuberai service was ld a :i 1:30 Wýednesdaty ,L>fter- noon. Interment Mountt Pleas- ant Cemneiery. 1.5-1 HUTCHlINSON--At Memorial HsiaBowmianville on Thursday, April 5,7, Pearl Ellioti, Neweasile, in ber 79th year. Wife of the late Sid- ney Hutchinison, dean motben of Gaqrfieldi, Weston; grand- mothen of Gaiýy, sistýer oýf Gen- tue(Mrs. S. Richards) and ih-e Late Lottie (Mrs. H. Gard- iner) and B3ertha (Mrs. Edwin Howson). Serviý,ce was lheld in the MorrisPnnl hpl B o P-anýv ile on Monday ai 2 o'd]Ock. Spring Intermenti ida Cemietery. 15-1 KOROBCHUIK, Johin - Sud- dieniy as the resuit 0f an acci- dent at Courtice on Saturday, April 7, 1973i, John Koroil>chuk of Sudbury Lin his 6th year. Dear brother of Stanley, WiIiaïm, VId-or and Jerry. Rested ai the Northcutt Ellot F'uneraI Homne. Funeral serv- ice -,as bield at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. Cremnation. van MUNSTER, Anna-At Me- morlal Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tliursday, April 5, 1073, Anna Valks of R. 2, Bow- m-anivilie, la ber 6th year, be- loved wifPeof josîepi van Mnsedear mother of Mvrs. B Findlay (Ria), *Mrs. H. Lamers (Tina), Mrs. R. Black (Joanne), Petler, Jeff, John, Mrs. D. MUcTrowte (Hlennie) and IMar-tin'. Rested ai the Nothcutt F.liiotti Funerai Home from 2 ocokFniclay. Funeral Mass was heid at 10 'lo-ck -S.turday mnorning in St. Josepht's Church. Inter- ment Bowmaiville Cenietery. Marriages Mn. and Ms John T. Davis areplesed ite announce the forthcoing maniage of their daughter Jac.kelyn Diane, to Rick Waynie For-sey, son of, Mnr. and lMrs. S3. Forsey, al of Bowmanvllle. The marniage ,o take place ai 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 23, 1973, in Tiniiy United Church.151 Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Thomp- son, ýSt. Eustache, P.Q., an- nounce the forthcomning -man- niage of their youngest daughter Bnenda Ruth, to George Gustav IllaszeWicz, son 0f Mn. and Mns. J. G. Illasze- wicz of Cite dce Deux Mon- tagnes, P.Q. The weddlng to take place May 12, 1973 in Cite de Deux Montagnes, P.Q 15-i Cards of Thacnks 1I sincerely wîsb to ibank friends, relatives and Rendal U.C.W. for gifts, cards and flowers; Dr. Westgartb, nurs- es and staff on the 3rd floon during my sta3ý in hospItal. Mabel Ellioti. 14-if A sincene thank you 10 our oun family, friends and rela- tives for the cands, flowers and stenco received on our 2S5th wedding annivensany. Rae and Muriel Aberneihy. 15-1* I wish to ihank my rela- tives and fIends, also Base Line Good Neighbors Club for gifts and cards Drs. Sprouall, Westgarth a n d Ferguson, nurses and staff on firsi floor while I was in Memoial Hos- putai. Anibhur Gibson. 15-i The family of the laie Mns Anna van Munster wish to express iheir sincere ibanks and appreciation to docions and staff of Memoiai Hos- oiial1, Bowmanville, especlal 3r Floor Staff for -the kinci- ness and cane sbown to ber during ber samy in hospital. 15.1* IThe family of the laIe Mn. EpbrinimWright wish to, ex-, press their sincene thanks ti! friends, neighibors and rein- tives forcad and flowers.' Special ibtanks to Rev. Gond- oin Fieko and to the ladies of Pontypool United Church for, the nice lunch. The Wright Family. 15-i Wc wisb fo ibank our reIn- Ives. friends and ncighbouns for aiiending our presenitati -,i in Satunday, Marcb 31st' Special thanks to the Commit. tee and orchestra for makin. it an enjoyable evening. WW appreciate the lovely vacuumi cleanen and, lawn funnitune, Gond anld Lois Morion Lethangue-W wshb e x-i press our heFarifeit thaniks a&< appreciation to frlends, neigh-1 bons and relatives for thein acis of kindness, floral tnlb- uies and donations to Ponty-, pool- Chuncbh, in the sudden passlng of a beloved hus;band.- faiher and grandfather, SpecIai ibanks to rtev. G. Fiecko and Notheuti EIllot Funeral Home. Doroiby Lethangue and Family. 15-1%, 1 would like to take ibis opportunity to ibank the nurses and staff of Third Floor, Memoial Hospital, fori being so kind to -me durnlng, my siay, inluding Mrs. Peters, Dns. Howard Rundle, John Rundie, W. M. Grant. Also mny frienids and neighbors for ail their iovely cards, flow- crs and klndnesses shown and Capi. S. Hewlett -for bis pray- ens. Most sincerely meant. Kay Forsey. -,15-1 We wish 10 thank aýIl thos'q who sent gifts, flowersr and cards on ibhe occasion o! oun Golden Wedding An-iivers&vy. iih special thanks 'o ouri family for making it a veny pleasani occasion. We'd also like to tbank Sister Rebekahs for tiheir lp and Joan Mains for beýr kindness 10 us, as well as tlhose who honouredi us witb 'their -presence. Frank and Gindys Pipier. Woo-We wis io exres our heanifeli thanks and a- oreciation 10 our many dean friends, neigbbors and rela-ý tives for iheir lkind messaigesl of symAlpatby, floral iibutes,1 donations and many obier acta! o! k-indnessý in the recenti nassing oA a beloved busband Êaihen and gandfathier. We "speciaily thank Rey. T. H.1 'iib for bis message of com- fotand hope Dr. L. S. MIkc- os and nunsingc staff of 3nd Eloor, Memroial Ho-sp11tal1; oalîbearensAdMorris Fun- nral Chapel for couniesies rendered itibis trying time. Sug Yi*ng Mah Woo and Family. 151F Tenders _Wanteýd TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE' TENDERS FOR EQUIPMENT Sealed Tenders, plainiy marked as to contents, will be received not later than 12 o'clock Noon on, Tuesday, May 1, 197 3 ai the Road Depanimneni Of- fice, Orono, Ontanio, for the following equipmnent: (1) Ap_-proxirnately 32,000 lb. capacîiy truck as Par speciJfications, equipped with bo.x, snow Plow and wving. (2) Approxim-aely 30,,000 lb. capacity truck as per ,specificatioins, truck chassis equipped with one hopper ty-pe sander. Tenders rmusi be submitied on fonms supplied by the Township. Funiher informa- tion anid tender fornis iay be neceived fromi the undersign- cd ait the Township Road Office, Onono), Ontanio. Low- est or, any tender not noces- sarily accepted. MH. L. ROSSI Rond Supenintendent, * Township of Clarke, Box 57, Orono, Ontario. 15-2 iIn memoriam n Comina Events[fi icies toi Sale 1 articles tor Sale 1 Articles tor baie J- -reip Wdnted LI J L.&.z-t------ 1 - - -j -- -- - - .1 ---- - - 1-- AEMISTEAD - JONES -- In -loving memo,,nisry of dad, inol- en, brothiers and sister. Jusi as you wene you will aiways te, Treasu.,red fonever i our memony. .-Anne, Will. 15-P* 1 BROWN-In loving memory of a dean hugband, father and grandfather, Howard John Brown wbo passed away Apil 9, 1967. Time may beal the broken- hearted, Time may make the wound less sone, But it cannot f111 the longing For the loved one gone before. Who shaîl say the grief is lessened Though smiles Fbide the tears. Memnonies keep the ýwound silîl open With the, passing of the years. -Sadly missed and never forgoiteni by wife Many and family. 1- COOMBS-In ioving memnony o! a dear husband and father George H. Coombs who pass- cd away Apnil 10, 1965. You neyer failed 10 do your besi, Your heari was warm and tender,. You iived your life for thosei you loved And those you loved ne-j mnember. -Lovingly nemembened by wie Mabel, sons Jack and Bill and daugbter-in-law Norma. 15-1 FARROW41-I loving memory of a dean father and grand- father, William Arthur, who passed away Apnil 10, 1954. As lime unfolds anoiher ycar Memoies keep you ever near., -Ever remembered by Harny, Leona, Eva and familles. 15-1 HAYWý,ARD-In loving me- mory o! a dean busband and faither whoý passed away Apil 11, 196,7. He bade no' one bis lasi fane- Hc sald goodbye 10 none, The heavenly gates wene opened. A loving voice said, come. I cftin sut and think of you, I Wonder why you had to diei SWiihoui a chance 10 say good- bye. Stili missed, loved, stilîl You wili live ivith me in miemiory Until fihe end of lime. --Lovingly nembened by wieRosenia, and family. HUBBARIY--In loving me- mony of our dean brother George A. wb--o passed aa AprIl f151h, 1971'. S enestililoves -,youL, Smoesfilîl canes, Somieone still wvhispens your 1 name. Som1.en ay fonget you now thai you'ne gone But we vwill nmeinber you no maiter ho\vv long. -Ever nemembened by sîsier Ros, brother Cecil and brother-in-law Tom. 15-l* MOORE-In loving memory 'f a dear wile and mother. ,Doris Irene, who passed away pii16, 19683. Xsilent tbouagbt, a secret icar Keep mmniseven dean. -Lo)vingIly rcmnembcred by 'husband Jamnes and farnily/ PROT-I loin g memony of i dean biusýband and faiher' Thomras Everso-n Prout who passed away April 13, 1943. Co memory ever dear; If love coula save, thou hast not dlcd. -Ever rcmembered by, wif,ý Jessie and family., 15-1* -P Don't miss Switzer Brothiens of Oshawa Concert and bazaar sponsored by Nesileton U.C.W. in the Recreation Centre, Blackstock,, Saturday, April 14 ai 8 p.m. Adulis $1,50, under 12, 50c. 15-P* Osaca Barn Dance (couples only), Saturday, April 14, featuring the Blue Ligbis. Four miles castIof Newion-,-- ville on No. 2 and four miles norih on County Rd. 6.5 on ihree miles south o! Eliza- bethville. 15-1 Bowmanville Djrama Wo.rk- shop presents "The Madwomn- an of Chaillot", Apil '12 13, 14, 9 :15 p.m., Bowmanville High Sehool theatre. Adulis $2.00, studenis $1,00. Phone 623-3114- for tickets. Senior Citizens invited Thunsday free of, change. 15-1 - - 1 1 ob d .i.ms WATT-In 1,oving memnory o! FEATURING RENA a dean faiher- and grandfath- 1 e.r, Robent Renniie (B3ob) wh'ý !Fn., Sat., April 13-14 passed awvayApi 13, 1964. DANCING 9 - 1 Lovingl and kind in ahý bis 15-i wa-ýys3, Uprighit and just to the end CH AR T ER S EAT S o! bils days: - AVAILABLE NOW TO Sincere. and kinid in henni and LONDON, GLASGOW, MAN- mind, CETR MTRA n Beautiful mnemonies he le! HSEAMTRA n behind. FRANKFURT. Book NOW -Lovingly_ rememnbereà. Bar- to avoid dîsapponiment bana, Gary, Teresa and Peter Phe 3-82 6-53 15-1 Phne2312-6353 Lost MALE ound black and twhite, tan head. Telephone ,79-9-54174 -Omemee. 15-1 Coming Events Salvation Armay "Funfain", Saiurday, April 14, 2:00 - -4:30', AMternioo-n tea, homne baking »parcel pi, etc. 15-1* Annual Pancake Maple Syrup and iSausage Di nner April 15 MiAIN IHALL 0F Orono United Church SERtVING TIME 12:30 Noon until 6 pa. AduIts 8.75 -Children 81.00 (tinden 12) 15-1 -TRENWA Y TOURS TO BOSTOIN AND Ç4HICAGO WEEKEND May l8th ,ta 2lst For particîllars contact: BOWMAN VILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47 King St W, Bowymvllle phonle 623-3182 15-3, Bowmanvil.te Travel Centre 47 King St. W., Bowmanville PENNY FAIR Saturday, :April 14 3 - 8 p.m. IN SIMCOE HALL GYM 387 Sim coe St. S. OSHAWA Af ternoon Tea Home Baking Sponsored by Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parent Coancil for Crippled Children 14-2 ESCORTED TOURS FOR SUMMER and FALL - 1973 Switzerland, Austria,, Gerni-, any and Scandinavia - 23 days Dcpartîng May 30, 1973 Western Canada and Alaska - 21 days - Departing June 3, '73 England, Seoiland and Ireland 23 days - Depant. June 12, '73 South America and Mexico 21 dnys - Depanting July 4, '73 Maritimes and NewNfoundland 18, days - Dcpantin'g Juily 8, '73 Spain and Portugal - 22 dnys Departing September 6, 1973 BOX 149 THORNHILL, CONýTARIO PHONE 889-5643 15-3 R uG S 9 x 12 from $59.95 WALL TO WýÀLL CARPET from e4.95 sq. yd. Free estimates. Large seection of colors ADAMS FUSRNITURE 26 King St. E, Bwmranville 623-3U808 12-6 THE THRIFT SHOP 1, King St. W. (rear of Pet SI-op) We sell onl eonsignment and ýMany GIFT ITEMS available 13-5 ANDREWS TV TQWIERS and ANTENNAS Low Rates ALSO SPECIAL ON Colour Systema Phone 623-2006 or 723-5198a INSTALL AN HUI DIFIER or HOT WATER ts )0 HEATER No paymenits for six month'i HARVEY PARTNER Vour ESSO Service Denier FRECE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith '14620 24 Hour Service OSHAWA TV Antennos and Towers ROTORS INSTAùLLED ',H'- VHF - Colored Aerinis Xpts. and [Homes Pre-wired REPAIRS Workmanshin Guaranteed ,%t priteed 10 SAVE You AMoney Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager L- ~38-ti, SEED GRAIN TOP QUALITY Besi Variety of Oats and Barley Also high-yielding- FUNK'S Seed Corn CERESMORE FARMS LT». Garnet B. Riekard and Sons R.R. 4, Bowmanville, ont. Phone 623-7150 '73 LIONEL'7 TODA'Y'S BEST PRICED Hard Top Campers iSAVE $ $ $ $S $769.00 Complete to $2279.,00 - 7 Mdl KAMPING U N LIMIT E D Sales - Service Rentais 1 Mlle North on Town Line Rd. (East City Limits) Oshiawa 728-9942 Mon.-Fri., Hrs. 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Sai. - 9:30 a.m. - 5: Pan. Sun. 1 P.m.- 4:30 P.M. 14-4, HIAY, 300 bales cdoyen hay. BOiAT traîlr 500 lb.caciy Phione 623-7504. 15-i S'TRAW-400 bales 'banley stnaw. Phone 263-2060). 15-1 - 1-. Boy Sout Paper Drive, Satunday, April 14. Please h-ave bundles iied and oui by 81:30!,a.m. - 15-1 Old Tyme Dance, Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Aprîl 14. B,1obby Burton and The North- cmn Nomads, $3.00 per couple. 8:0-12:30. 15-1 Tinity C.G.I.T. wili ho_.Ld their wr Tea and Bk Sale, Saiurdiay, APpnil 14 froml 2 - LI pm ,Admfiission .215c. Children welcome, 14-2 The Durham Central Agni- cultural Society Annual Beef Dinner, Trinity United Churcb, Bowmanville, on Aprîl 18, 1973 ai 6:30 p.m. Tickets $3. 14-2 Dance in the Ponlypool Communiiy hall on Saturday, Apnil 14. Music by Fay Adams and bis orchestra. $4,00 per couple. Bar' privileges. 15-1 National Farmers' Union, District 3, Ontario Annual Convention, Parish Hall (Ang- lican), Bethany, Thunsday, April 12. Registration, 9:30 a.m. 13-3 Band Concert, April l8th, 8 p.m., featuring the Bow- manvilie High School Band and Mr. Harold Brasch, ýeu- phonium soloist, 'from Wash- ington, D.C. 14-2 Dance, Centennial Hall,. Queen St.,Bowmanville, Fnl- day, April 13, 9 - 1:00. $3,00 per couple. Bar pivileges. Music by E. Archer. Every- one welcome, 15-P* Reýbekah and Odd Fellow Home Baking and Rummage Sale in Centennial, Hall1, Queen Street, Fiday, Apnil 131h, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For pick-up 'phone 623-3508. 14-2* CHESTERFIE LD and chair (French Provincial), valued 00- like new, selling for 3250; also bed (double) ex- cellent condition, steel frame (no mnattressî, selliâg for $35 .965 Slmcoe St. N., Apt. 15, 0shiwa, On-t. 15-1 SNOW BLOWERS - ibree only 10 choose fnomi. ST1800, "(q $134 D5, now. $94;95; ST200D, R"g. $169.95_ now $119,95, 20", 4 h.p., reg. $26499 now $189.95. Drop in today. Mc-Gregor Home' Hardware, k65 Kng St. W., Phone 623-2542. 15-1 FARIM EQUIPMENT7 ynt.érnati<'nal Tractor, Mod-l 656D; International Plough, Model 540; Massey Ferguson Baler, Maddýl 12; Massey Fer- guson Mower, Model 31-, Mas- sey Fergzuson Raite, Model 37:1 Geo. White Hay Wagon witb Baie Body; 30 fi. Bale Elevat- nr with 4 h.p. motor; 16 fi. Grain Auger. This equip- ment was purehased new and bas beeu well mainiained. It, can be inspected April 14, 15[ and April 21. 22, ai the Watt- less Farmn whieh is loeaied 2 miles East of Orono on the Sommerville Rd. <Con. 5). Each item wlll be sold for the hi'nhest cash offer.' 15-2 USED EQUIPMENT CH. B414 D TRACTOR Live P.T.O., 3-pt. bitch, comýnpletely overbnul -ed $1850 1 H. FARMALL Super "ýC" TRACTOR wiih 2 row Seiffler - Excellent condition -------------- --- 850 T Hl 3-furrow 3-pt. hitch PLOW, nanrow botiom-s 135 DVDBROWN 3-furrow 3-p)t. hitch PLOW --.----10- 0 MvASSEY F. 4-now mounted COEN PLANTER---------495 JOHN DEERE FERTILIZÉR. DI STRIBUTOR ---------75 JOHN DTIERE 15-run Comibination D1ILL - 350 MASSEY No. 1 HALER 265 CASE HALER, woring, condition -----100. J-MAR EQUIPMENT Co. 1341 Ring St. E., Blowmanvillie Phone 623-5689 15-3 jLOYD baby carniage, navy and white, excellent con- dition. Phone 987-4242 after 1p.m. 15-1 USED Furnilure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- toýn, 263-2241. 26-tf STUDEBAKER Service, new andc lused parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-If, TIACTOR, Massey - Harnis Pony, nc-w tires and, moton. Hydraulic controlled impie- menis. Phone 623-2996. 14-4 NEED a PR.ES1SURE SYSTEM1? sUeMP PUMPS REPAIRS,- TO ALL MAXES HARVEY'PARTNER Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 1462û 141-tf DRESSERS, Beds,- Chester- fields, all kinds 0f Used Furni- lune, Antiques and Ap)pliances. P a dd y's Market, Ilampion, 263-2241. 26-tf BEDROG-M suite, complete; dining suite, .9-pitece: chester- field suite, all Burma ieak- wood, new. Must sei. Sacri- fice, Phone 1-241-5971. 31-tf NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & Sales-Your district Rambler, Trailer Dealer. New and used irailers. ALso truck topsý and truck caýmpers. Highway No. 2, easi énid of Newcastle. 987-5131. 7-tf z Rloms COMPLETELY FURNISHEDr NO DOWN PAYMEINT Low Monihiy Terms Free Delivery ADAMS FURNITURE 26 King St. E., Bowmanviile 623-3808 12-6 County Broadloom 17,42 Broek St., South of 401 WHITBY -, 668-8895 The Lowest Prices Anywhere 2-year Installation Guarantee Beautiful Warehouse Selection 4-tf "'Our previously owned.ears and trucks are toially recon- ditioned and guaranteed. Yoit may inspeet ihemn, drive ihem, or have your mechanie cheek them before making us an offer againsi our asking price. We always have a good McDONALD FORD BOWMANVILLE - 21q King Si. East - 623-4481 'Where friendly people meet' 14-tf For Rent FURNISHED bedroom. Tele- phone 623-7402. 15-1* G-NE bedroom'aparimeni, 130ý Liberty N. Phone 623-2848. Available isI o! May. 14-tf TWO bedroom apanimeni, up- stairs, central, $90 monihly. Apply 63 King St. W., Apt. 10. 15-1 25 ACRES producing orchard and 65 acres of workaible land. Write Ralph Hilîs, R.ýR. 1, En- ni skillen., 14-2-* LARGE one-bedroom apart- ment in new building, adulis only, $142 monlhlIy. Caîl 623-5512. 15-i 01,NE bednoom apaniment, stove,. fridge. Availa-ble May isi, couple prefenned. Phone 623,-7360. 15-1 PASTfURE f'or up to 12 biead of caille, with water, east of Newcastle, Phone 728-1469. 15-i CENRAL lageone bcd- room apariment; stov'e, fridge, heai supplied. Adults only. Phione 623-3230. 14-tf DELUXE Wood's Tent Traîler, $50,00 a week. Reserve no'v for summer mnonths. Cal 623-2544 after six. 15-3f APARTMENT for rent, three roolms and bath, conveni- ences. Possession Milay lit. Phone 623-3197. 15-1* ONE bedroom apantment, centrally located, pnrivate back yard and enirance;, available Apnil 30. Caîl 623-3259. 15-1 SPACIQUS 3-bednoom, town- ho.use, wiih necreation room, stove, nefrigerator, washer, dryer încluded. Reasonabiy priced. 623-4234. 15-tf Wanted to Re nt PASTURE for 12 head 0f cate. Phone 263-2137 be- tween 5 - 6 p.m. 15-2* URIGENT! Two or -heebd-ý room bouse, Bowmnanvîlle on Newcastle area, desined by MVay, Isi Phone 987-5110. 15-1* 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ L -,0 CESwra land, within 15 miles of New- casile. Send replies to Ad- vertiser 365, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bo,ýwmanvile, Ont.' 15-1 Wanted PERSON Çto -shane furished aparnimeni with ownpive bedroomr. Fo)r details- cali 623-5345 andi ask for CrystL2. FOR (LSiFI9llE D T ue sd ay,43 WELDERS. Apply i person to Nestlng Furniture, Orono. 15-1 REGISTERED Nurse and RN. A. Full and part time. Phone 987-4441. 6-tf HOO VER !spinnier-d(ryer, lk new. Phoneý H. Lise, 6G-7807. TE7pee-d mani's bicycle, good conodition. Phone 623-3687. WTATER for sale and deliver- ed. Call Cliff Pethick 623-2313. 29-tf- CHUEST Af drawers, bedlights. drapes and' bedspreads. Tele- phone 623-2940. 15-1* ONE 8-pce. dining room s2uite, walnut, good condition. Tele- phone 623-3196. 15-1 19711 CORSAIR, travel trailer. sleeps 6, used once. Cal Newtonville 786-29166. 15-1 DINING tent and platform. panel door 28" x 78", 54"' spring maitress. Telephone f9ý87-4923. 15-1 zGAS TC5 International Crawl- rer with 4TNI bucket; also log 1fork, all hydraulie. Phone s983-5256 Oroýno, 15-1 30"; MOiFAT range, '71 Apollo snowmobile, 27 h.p., needs work, best offer over $60ý. Phone 987-5156. 15 1* MARCO _NI record player, auLtomatiîc changer, good con- dition; also 8-track tape deck witbh' tapes. 623-7545. 15-1* ANTIQUE Gun Show and Sale, Sunday, April 15, Red 3Barn Auditorium, 172 Wayne St., Oshawa, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 15-1 SCREENED and unscreened Ltopsoil for sale; also sand, grave and f111. Piýck up or delivered. Phone 623-3412. 15-8 APÉLY I'N PERSON 13-31i PART-TIME Waîter/Waitresses required for EXCLUSIVE DINING ROOM EXCELLENT GRATUITIES SHORT IIOURS For' interview Phone 623-3373 between 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Flyiîng Dutchman Motor Im Bowmanville Northifmberland and Durham County Board o! Education BUDGET CONTROL CLERKý Applications wlll be receiv- cd by the undersigned until April 17, 1973, for the poszition o! Budget Control Clerk for the Boand Office - full time. Commercial on business education a necessity lnclud- ing typing and general office procedure. Coding expenience preferable but must have maîbemiatical aptitude plus theý abiliiy to get aiong witb People and be able to work from verbal and wrîticn in- s;tructions. SM. A. MaeLEOD Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Durham County Board'o! Education Box 470, ;Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 CARETAKER Applications will he ne- ceived by the undersigned until April 19, 1973 for the position o! Caretaker ai the Countice Secondany S.;cbool, Bowmanville, 40 houri per week. Knowledge o! cleaning mn- tenis and canetaking pro- cedure pneferred, ability to work fromn verbal and written instructions and with other people required., Reply in writing stniingý ýqualifications, address and telephone numnber to: i M. A. MacLEGU Business Administrator and Trensurer Mortbumberland and Durbami County Board of Education Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario, K,9A 4L2 - 1 and Applianrce Service Commerci.al and Domestic Refrigeratioit - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days -623-5774 Nights -623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 1-tf D A VE 'S Plumbinq, Heating and Electrical COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL and RESIDENTIAL F R E E ESTIMIATES R. R. 1 Orono 786-24,71 33-tf COURTICE SEPTIC SERVICE Septie Tank Cleanlng and Commercial Pumping Don't wait unil you itavt, probiems Service Requiremnents should be 3 - 5 Years Phone 725-0302 Dead Stock Service Farmers, Attention DEAD STOCK SERVICE at MARGWILL FUR FARM under new managemcent anid ownership. We apprecia-te ,.a call from you when nccesoary. Caîl colleet 263-2721 Lic, No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, COntario R. W. BOWERING LTT' ii- -l -1. SEED CORN A f ew bashels of Warwick, Stewarts, Pride and United Hybrid BISHOF SEEDS LIMITED JA. ROSEVEAR 263-2095 Cars for Sale7- 1970 MUSTANG "Boss" 302. Lic. FBD283. MacDonald Fond, Bowmanville, 623-4481. 15-1 60 BELAIRE Chev.. good runningc order. Cail 623-7545. 1967 MUSTANG G.T. Fast- back. Lic. DZE468. Asking $1395. MacDonald Ford, Bow- mo.nville, 623-4481. - 15-1 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop, mechanically excel- lent. Caîl 983-9295. 15-11 '65 HONDA 150 Twin, engine coinpletely rebuili. Askîng $225. Phone afier 4, 623-3194. 15-1 1966 PONTIAC 4-dr., 6 cyl., auto., safety checked, painted. Lie.,EBL944, $895. MacDonald Ford, Bowmanville, 623-4481. 15-1 1969 PONTIAC two-door hard- top, vinyl roof, bucket seats, 350 motor. Priced to scîl this wveek, $1300. 987-4249. 15-i 19170 PONTIAC Catalina 2-dr. HTý. Rich maroon with gold upholstery. A great buy ai $1995. Lie. EBL327. Mac- Donald Ford, Bowmanville, 623-4481. 15-1 '65. PG-NTIAC- 2-door, 283, 4 barrrel, four speed; '65 Ford Fairlane, 2-door hardtop, 289, four speed. Phone 623-5756 or 623-7112. 15-i 1967 RAMBLER Amer 'ican, 6- cyl., automatic, good running lutile car. Safeiy checked, $795. Lic. AEY65O. MacDon- aid Ford, Bowmanville, 623- 4481. 15-1 '70 FAGO luton, 6, stand- ard, radio, step bumper, white waiis. wheel discs, 25,000 miles (certified); also '66 Dodge Polara 880 2-dr. bard- top, V8, auto., power steer- ing, radio, f good condition). Phone 986-5068 (evenings)., 1969 MUSTANG Grande, 390 V8, loaded with options in- cluding steneo radio, tilt steer- ing wheel, speed control. Goes like Jack the Bear.- Lic EB'M724, $2195. MacDonald Ford, Bowmanville, 623-4481. DàI-NING room table and four chairs with upholstered seats, excellent condition. Askingj $65 or best offer. Telephone 623-5563. 15-1 FARM tractor,' 550 Cockshutt with front-end loader, 3-pt. iich plow, new chains. very godcondition. Phone Orono 983-5931. 15-1* 1969 CORSAIR trailer, sleeps six, gas electrîc fridge, gas Ifurnace, electric brakes, awn- ing and many extras, $3,200. Phone 623-3654. 15-1* COCA-COLA Cooler, holds 32 cases 0f pop; large white fridge, 10 ft. long x 6 fi. bigla, siliding glass- doors, Phone 786-2926 Newioniville. 15-1 J.D. TWO-row corn planter, 20i A.MIH. grain and feri. drill, 2 row O.K. potato, plant- er, 14 fi. pI'atformn and hoîsi. *C. Curtis, Pontypool, 705-277- 2850. 15-1 DAHLIA b ilbs, 5 for $1, nursery e~ock, evegreens, flowerrng shrubs, white binch, weepin wvý iiows, imapies, etc. G. Hartemiânk, R.R. 2, New- ensil 987-430.15-S hand) plus accessonies, excel- lent condition, asking $419; also Ariens rdn ow,,er, 5 hp., A-i condition, $250. Phone 623-2661. 15-1* LONG mauve dress aând hat, size 10, worn once, electric blanket, single control, new; Philîps 19" black and white portable TV, like new. Phone 623-2544 after six. 15-if DWARF apple trees, 2 years old; Î6.000 M9 Mclntosh, 1000 M26 Meîntosh, 1,000. M26 Red Delicious; $1 per tree, mnini- mum order 10 trecs. Cal Roy Trudeau 623-7176, 15-2* SNWMOBILE UNIT - '70 I ephiyr, 25 h.p., long track. -aachine cover, fibreglass sleigh, double bed trailer, 2 , ie1mets, gas can, $65000 comn- ,lete. ýCaîl 623-2544 alier six. 15-if 1970 OTTO Prospector hard- ýop. camper trailer, fully ~quipped, including pull-oui unit with stove, sink and cup- bioards, canopy. 12' Icartop aluminum boat. Both in ex- cellent condition. 623-7658. L EXPERIENCED full time help for dairy farm. Telephone 623-7620. 15-i PEÏRSON to babysit in my home or your home. Phone Mrs. Walker 623-514,2. 15-Pý BABYSITTER required, pre- ferably Waverley Gardens larea. Phone 623-7794. 15-1 MALE and female help want- ed. Apply in person to Nest- ing Furniture, Orono, 15-1 PPRSON to babysit two pre- school and two school age children in my home. Phone 6-23-3417, 15-1 DiRICKLAYERS wanted, top wages paid. Phone Oxford Bricklaying and Stone Mason 983-5606 Orono. 15-1 HAIRDRESSERS requlred. One part-time, one full-time, gýood guarantee plus commis- sion, Cutting experience pre- ferred. Phone 725-8710. 15-1 SINGERS required for "Gold- en Legionaires", Tenor I and 2nd Bass. Rehearsals, Sun- days, 8:45 at Legion Hall. Con- tact President A. Mavin, 623-3433. 15.1* WITNESSES to sehool bus eastbound from Van Belle Gardens on No. 2 Highýway, Tuesday, Feb. 13, approxim- ately 3:40 p.m. Please Phone 623-2069 after 5 o'clock. 1,5-1 FLORAL DESIGNER Full or Part Tinie Must Be Experienced Apply to VAN BELLE GARDENS LTD. Phone 623-4441 15-1 NURSES AIDE Experience Preferred Phone 623-5555 Strathaven Nursing Home 15-2 Due to Expansion We Have an OPENING FOR A LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR'S HIJLPER and NURSERYPERSON Apply to VA1N BELLE GARDENS LTD. Phone 623-4441 15-1 DIESEL AMECHANIC Applicant must have prevlous experience In the rEpair and maintenance of heavy diesel eýquipment, as w,,,ell as a cer-- tificate as a licensed diesel mechanic issued by the On- tario Depriment of Labour iand bave a com-rplete set of tol.Pleas.e apply in writ- ingb t. ars CrnntCom- Ontario.--15-i- VOYAGEUR RESTAURANT Hwy. 40 1 Newcastle REQUIRES: FULL-TIME Cook Steamtable Cook and Dishwashers PART-TIME' Bus Girls or Boys Take-Out Personnel and Dishwasher We like to, train as weIl as retrain. Don't be afraid to try it - You'll like it B>OB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating. Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimaies Caîl 623-2641 33-tf FRANK BRINK TrenchIng SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION R.R. 1, HIAMPTON 263-8155 NO SUNDAY CALLS il-tf Hielp Wanted Reief -Desk, Receptionîst Re.quired- 5-Day Week INTERESTING WORK GOOD BENEFITS For interview Phone 623-3373 Between 9 ani. - 3 P.m. Flying Dutchman Motor Inn BO WMAN VILLE 15-1 Work Wanted TUTORING by former teach- er i ail subjects up to Grade 5. Call 623-4126. 14-2-* 1Weli Drilling. Cath mar Well Drilling Ltd., Pontypool. Phone 705-277-2504. il-tf CUSTOMcorn planting with International air power plant- ter. William R. Cox, Phone 623-7189. l4-44- ýMOBILE Welding Repairs bo construction, and farm equip- ment. Len Benschop, Phone PROFESSIONAL paperhang- ingand painting undertaken. Free estimates. Cali Vince Moore_623-3568, 15-3* WATER wells bored, 30" tile, Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 3.2-2030. Representative Harry L. Wade. Telephone 987-4531. 16-tf WATER wells bored or drFli- ed. Canada Drilling Company, Phone Oshawa 576-60014. re- presentative Harry L. Wade, Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf DAY Care by expe,.j,(rienced mother in own hm.Ex- perience also with handicap- ped children. Reasonable rates. Caîl 623-4126. 14-29' COMMUNITY TREE REMO VAL TRIM - CUT and REMOVED FRIEE ESt'IMAT.'ES FuÏl l Isured5 REASONABLE RATES 728-0456 OSHAWVA 15-1 AL G. QSBORNE Carpet - Uphols tery Prof essionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 BOW MANVILLF JACK BURGESS OIL BUR.NERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONIR HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address:; P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvillo MASONR'Y Brick, Blockx, Stone CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Phone 623-2176 49-tf Don Brooks & Son Custom Builder of Fine Homes Specialists in Interior and Exterior Repairs and Remod- elIing. Yoit name it - we eau do it.' For Free Estimate Canu 723-6176 or 623-2301 8-V* Li 1 -1 - ý-1 -- - 1 -1 -1- ý 1 .-I, - 1 L ; 1 -1 , MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Spesored by Oshawa Miner Softball1 JUBILEE PAVILION 2nd Bowma-,nville ïBrownie and Guide Mothers are ho.ld- ing a "lLuncheon is 1;erved" party, Thursday, April 19 ai 1 p.m., ýSt. Paul's United Church. 'Tickets $125, may be obtained by coniactinig Mrs. Betty Lobb, _623-3891. 15-1 WHAT'S YOUR HOBBY? Registrations for Pine Ridge ANNUAL HOBBY SHOW must be in by MAY lSth For information write 27 HORSEY STREET BO WMAN VILLE or Phone 623-3587 15-1 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE [MONSTER BINGO NEXT MOND'IAY 7:45 p.m. RED BARN -ý WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf APPEARING AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL NEWCASTLE -1