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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 3

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Men s Canaditan Club ToId[ Spring WNedding- in Trjnity 0f HilIlsdale Mono r's Many ýFac*lif les -for Aged Folks by Robert Khinear Nomn Don ntnoducedr maried couples, bed or par- T hl c Bewmanvllle Mesth gut speaker, Deug itial bed paitients., spýciai caneý Canadian Club held Its April; Johns, who i, superinteadent -patients, ln(j-In"rm rsideaý-j Ladies'ý Night mieeting recent- at Hillîdale ZManor, Oshawa. LJal cane. Thes pe ail ne-! ly at Maple Grave United Mn. Johns, who talked O ceive 24 heur anigcn Chunch . ,Te meeting wvas senior citizens' homes, opeaed includiag bcd care, speciail openied by Past President bis remanki by paying recog- cane, physical thennpy, Sea1_-tý Wesley Down la the adsence niltion te ladies and the in- treatment, exercises, bain- of President Roniald Blckle. fluences and effeets tbey dressers, barbons, crafts- and The Qucen was sung and a have made on men. Hc told cf othen actities la which they toast preposed te hen. Grace the customis cf homes theus- share and learo. Maay cyci was said by Rev. David Han- ands of yoars ago and how are brighter as they qufît and, ris and a delicieus roast beef thcy have gradually impneved have ton, rend their own dianer was served by the -fnom caves, jils, poor bouses, monthly aeýwspapen anîd sec ladies o! the church. work bouses to the present their names 'In pint. M\1ary A sing seng was led by day modern homes whlcb have attonded thein finit wine Wesley Dowr. The Mobil- were bncught in by govera- and cheese party at 75. Thero Aires banbcnshop, quartet of ment legisîntion. is standing roomn only la front Oshawa sang, several selec-1 He sald homes were noces- of the colored telovisirs onn tiens which recelved, much sary for four ressens, nanme- hockey nights, they go on applause. Gordon Beecb pro- 1y: chronology, physical, mon- weekly shopping trips by bus posed a toast te more tlîaa 50 tai and emotional prablems. and la summen attend picnics ladies attending as guests, to To enter a home anc must be and social events. wsich Mrs. David Harris ne- 60 ycans or oven, unless spe- Older people, ne_ sald, acedj P!licd. îcal cane is need-ý,ed by a more than three meaels a day yugrpersan who may be and a bcd. hc crave recog- Visit tuhe - admTitted by permission of the nition ina'society which cernes 1Minîsten of! Health. Ho said next'te food aad ihelter. We e insurarce statisties dlaim aine some day will ho old and f111 Stleo ut cf 12 womnen will bc thase people', shoos and if widowî and twe of three per- friendi on eilîdreane longer sons entering a home will be requinod us haw would wo S/loppe womHllaen no feel? Se, we should try te Hllsdae Mnoraccomm'o-i adjuit our speed to that of dates 442 pensons lncludirg 24 the older person and do a bit Speializing in: o' f listening for we con leara Ferms - Colors Rent a Car for a lot fromý life by listening, Clairol Wigs A DAY OR. WEEKEND for they leanned long- aga. Ask fr RaeLove and fellowship are im- Latest Cutting'Techniques sfoRa... portant to the home and peo- PHONE 623-5455 COUNTY pie whc, live there - the home 37 Knz S, W.CIJRYSLER-DODGE LTD. of people who-helped build a 37 Kng S, W.nation. Bomnvie623-2586 Mn. Johns told sevenal ____________________________________________hume-_rau.s stenies and was wanmly receivcd. He was 1~~)ii I thanked by Robert Mutton I'l I C and prosonted wlth a gift. le~ a ners fuC« hing O Cnada.edbyei i ng Th0meetngd oea. y ig JÏn aulioîag wp Qaalne nuug was a red hot prospect for a new car. The, prospect, though, kept insisting lie couldan't afford one. "ýListen," liesa, "I'm stili paying instaliments on the car 1 swapped for the car 1 traded in as part payment on the car I'm two payments behind on now,"' CLOTHES CARE HIINT: Prevent contagion -- germs cannot live ln freshly cleaned clothing; have your garments cleaned regularly. CHELQUE OUT A CRIPPLED CHILD SUPPOrt your local Rotary Easteýr Seal Campaign Return Your Pinkk Envelope - Be Generous CLEAN ERS LTDO IGH SCH-iOOt BAN4D SPRINE (ONCER T Wednesday, April 18 1973 8:00 p.ni. HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Guest Soloist Harold T. Brasch, Euphonium For 20 years Mr. Brasch was the feature soloÎst of the U.S. Navy Band in Washington, D C.. -ADMISSION- Speda" ls ' ALL SPRING DRESSES lOoO FF PAINT SUITS ami (Discounts Effective uritil April 21 st) LADIES' WEAR TEMPERANCE S;T. - BOWMAN VILLE (Closed Ail Day Wednesday) of the register and these were, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April il, 1973 3 Un ited Chu rch immediately extingulshed. mnil.mn olr lc mariag by ber fat er. The The couple left for a hou n a orchid corsage. T1ýe organist vas Mrs. Kelth Bil day in Washington, D.C., hehpycolewlrsd a lett (A.T.C.M.) of Bowman- bride travelling in a mauvel the groom's homestead farm, ville. and thcse o ws Mr. Èpld wQol suit with gseyl Roseneath R.R. 4. Terry Russell of Maple Grove Thle bride's gown was whlte pletr satin, in an Emp4 re i A-llne style, detalled with an ! ~ E l E Vriee ae ntebdc overlay of peau de sole cm- of te de sand thc lace de- front. The poltd ievshad acuff of sýca-loped-edged lace %,ith pearîs. A ýlovely cathe- drl train of the same fabric AT1 coplemented the gown, I vwàalsos embroidered mwlth M e lace and pearîs. The head- plece forrned a crown of A e organza nd wrscen-I c rg r IDArg v;nich held' an clbosv leaves, King St. W t 623-5792 Bowmanville veil o silk illusinn tulle. She e carried a cascade bouquet o!ý red sweetheart roses with hyacinth blooms and a wee rpring of Scottl.sh heather. The brlde's attendants werel MLýrs. David Weldon, Oshawaj cousin of the bride, as niatron~ of honor. Brldesrnaids weret Nlis Bonnie Bcec, Bowm ni-I -ille, sister of the bride, Mrs. R'onald lMack-lln, Rotýeneath, clasîniate. 'h littIe flower rgirl was Miss Si Eey aged 4, nieracf tc goom The ring bearers were identi- cal 4 year old twlns, Masters Seani and Steven Barry, the, 1grooms cousins.,,lcrr Best moni, was Mr. James, in hclt g..eiee G1ibson, Hastingsz, and the~ in hclt tý!-rs wr Mr. Frank Lar- uy our Easter Bunny-on Easter Sunday mePort Hcope, the bride's~ cuiand Mr. David 'arY' An entry with every photo order left here April 2-19 Toronto, cousi;n of the groom The bride's mother recelv- WINNER* DRAWN- Thursday April 19,1973 icd wearing a floor lengt'h gcown of polyester peon crepe, !in Amenican Rose color, wlth N E, 1 1a corsage of pink swectheartBE T F I TH roe. Assisting was. the I O E FA IILV g,,noomi's only sister, Mrs. Paul Emr, Peterborough, %who *\MNSJFR MUIST CORI 0CLY a SR SÎ, LT ESTV1,jG QUFSilON 1was gowncd in flowered chif- Sfun wlth a corsage of coral sweetheart roses. The reccp-1 îý tion was hcld in the Nlghtin- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John Fanninig PON YP OLOn March l7th, 1973 at fouri ed in marriaige with Mr. ttci marriage vows wereRv. Te raa asrtund ; Trnity United Church,I Thomas John Fanning.cl Wesley Oake an a H elf- hom afer penin th wl- sttn ilo, Ont., was t he son of the late Mr.adMs nnc t oeph's Church. termonhs n Pteroronh for the pretty double- Ambrose Fanning, Roseneath At the conclusion cf the cere- trmnhe in feeinrgch ring I wedding ceremony ofi R.R. 4, Ont. mony a single candle wasý He says lei eeigmc Miss Janice Maxine Beach, Taîl standards cf yellow1 jolntly ignltcd in the centre bete ad s ooin frwrdelder daughtcr cf Mn. and shasta 'mums and lightcd] cf the Communion table byl te the cnmmiicenent.of the Mrs. Gordon, F. Bcech, Bow- tapers enhanced tihe beautylthe bride and groom by twoý harl.sand .JonV manville, Ont., who was unit- of the altar. Officiating forilighted candies on -ither side1 Wieingen vis;ited with 'M.u ' and Mrs. Rick Shakespeare il!M rid n 1lmî o STARKVILLE Toronto over the weekcnd. farJ in H îlo Mn. and Mrs. Northey cf . Mn. and iris. Gordon Trirn Oshawa have purchased thei visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave home cf Mn. and Mns. P. Mcl- Rutherford, Orono Sunday. Cabe.Miss Beuflah Hallowcll spent Mrs.Ivion ee, mencethe weckend with Mn. and was a Sunday visitor wîtho Mrs' Si Hlle. Om al Mrs. Helen Brown and Dan- Mn. an Mrs. rme Faitlîsi ise. 'IliCan Mn'I.S Canlos Tamýnblyn, Our local fine brigade wsOeo called to a grass and tree fine Mn . Cordon Trim. Mns. Jim on the west boundary on Sun- Stark and Mrs, A. Dobson day afternoon. attenided the Preshytenial Copies of "The Township meeý,Lting at Tinity United of Manvens Land-Usc By-La iChuLrch, Boxvmianville, Wad- No. 1515-72" were reccntly nsals ek received i the mail. An open m iss Doris, Robîinsoni, Peter-' meetingfo discussion on teM.adMs olyRbn above by-law will be held in Bcthany Town Hall, AprilMnan rsGodnP - l7th at 8 P.Mi.... r, Orepo, ereGdinnr. gueits Mns. Margaret Curtis fe-ý ,wt Mn.rn, Ir mStak Mnairnd Mrs. Gordon Fali, Toronto, were, weekenýd visi- tors with Mns. Gae il and family .April 6th On God iday Apil Oth, .~ . 4 Ladies -High single, R. the YOung-1 people of Bethany Nlan 311; hlgh triple, R. No- ain.ý, i Pontypo l Walli be hol- an 800 -(311-203-286); high ing hei Anual alktho.......................................... average, P. Potter 208. This year the walkers wlll PnalPs bae etan a 730a.. . R. Westlake ---- 41507 7 and vwill arrive in Pontypool,78 for service ai acock.AIAil Van Murph 400875318 yugpeople arc invlted tA.Vn or 017 5 take part. M. RozelTia ------ 39339 531 M.adMis. Jeffrey Eiad J. Robinson ---- 39374 51i Fontypool U.C.W., Meeting The Apnil meetingwas held on Wednesday, Apnil 4th at 7:30 p.my. in the Pontypool Commuilnity 1Hall1w ilanat- tendance of .90. Mrs. Betty LmiPr orleadter of the Eplorens, was; present with some cf the girls in b er group so that they ceuld hear our guest speaker, Mns. Bakshi. Also present were visitons from Balyduff and Bethany. A short business meeting took, place 'finit with Mns. Fiîk presidlng. Cornespon- dience was deait witb. A ]et- ter was. receivcd, from the Hon. John White, advising-us that the Township cf Man- vers wiil be ail placed within Victoria County. A letter was rend from Mrs. Ficko who hs ln Vancouver, expressng ber appreciatien for the gift she reccs-veýd from us. A donation and thiank-you note was ne-1 ceived. from Mns. Lethang-ue ln appreciation for the lunch senved following tlic funeral cf ber late husband. A dona- tion waî also *receivcd from the family cf toc late Mn. Ephrlam Wright for the lunch served On April 3rd-. A letter was neceived frorn Luncheon Is Served Canada Limited. This organizatien will prepane and serve a meal and charge only a nominal fee. We wouid have te saîll a minimum of 80 tickets, set up tables and, wasls the dishes. There was some discussion as, to whebher or not wc could seli 80 tickets, at a suggested pnice cf $1.00 te $1.50 pertic-ý ket. It was mnoved by Mns. G. Fallis and sccondcd by MnS. Finney that we resenve a date in September and thisi would be thc date for ou r September meeting. Since this event will be for ladies enly, we hope that ail the wemen ln the communIty will support us in tels project. Our Sping Bazaar is te ha held in April at the COm-ý munity. Hall, due te lack cf space and tables at the churcb basement. Iii was rnovcd by Mns. Fln- ney and seccnded by Mns. Anderson that we sponsor two chfilden te go te Camp Quîn-Me.T.,ac this sumnmen. and we wlll pay haif thle cost for eachi child. Mns. Preston was appointed te, look aften the selectien t-f tee two chil- dren. iIt was moicved bY Mns. Y. FalîILS and, seconded by Mns. ýChallice that we gîven a don- atIon to the Chamben of Com- merce fer the use of thein Hll this past wInter. We have beeen asked te eter for a wecdding reception on Saturday, Ma-y th. and On Saturday, J anuary 27, 1973 at 3:00 p.m. in Burkholder United Church, Hamilton, Rev. S. J. Hlershey united in mar- naeMartha Jean B1oyd, the daught,.er of Mr. and Mvrs. F. A. Boyd, Bowmanville and Jeffrey Edwards. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwards, Hamilton, Given in mari iage by lier father, the bride was attended by Mrs. Gordon Boyd, Oshaxa; MissLynn Johnston, Oakville serve a smorgagbord supper, with pies for dessert. Also we have been asked to serve a hot turkey supper for a wed- dling anniversary in Sept.,, Mrs. Challice gave a report that.the date for our bus trip to Torohto would beWen- day, Maýy ;0. We will be visit-1 ing the Scott Mission, a gu1d-ý ed tur through the ,Allen Gardens, and possibly Chan-ý nel 9, Agincourt. Thursday, April l2th fromi 8 a.rn. to 3 p.m. will be col- ]ectio;n day for the WVhite1 lphn.Sale to be held in l3thanvL in May. Anyone liaving articles to donqte Is asked to phone someone on the Planninig Comrmittee for pick up, The devotional was In charge of Mrs. G. Fallis, open- ing with hymn 'Rejoice thc Lord is King". :O poemn "Il 1 Foý"rget" was read. The scrip- turc reading was Mark 16, 1-8. Mrs. Anderson gave a reading "The Risen Christ" relating. to the resurrectioni, and she closcd with prayer.ý ýWe then sansg "ro Hivin wtth Many Crown s"i Co)llection was taken ,and a-- brief treasurer's reportwa given, by Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Y. Fallis wa.s In cag of the prograrn. She Intro-1 duced our special guest speak-ý er, Mrs. flakshi from Lindisay, Mrs. Baksiii is a Grlade 3 teache,ýr at Ops Elem,:entaýryý Loons a nrhmsrms, lots, cottge, commnercial bljdtngs. Money for home im-provenents, consolidation cf b in fact for any pur- pose. Write or telephone collect to 10 P.m. todoy. 2A - hour local service. Prompt lnvestmenit Corp., 330 Boyý St., Toronto, 1-4 t6-366- 9586. Evgs, 1-416-2 39-4913. and Miss Susan Philipps, Ham- ilton. Boit man was Chnijstopher Philipps, ushen-s were ichard Reiso and Mike Rhnoail cfi Hamiltoný.1 The rception wmas heid ho the Cecil Rioemi, Cecil Roborts Restauraýnt, Hauilton. The happy coumple are residing at 68 Chipman, Ave., Hamilton. The bride is a Lab Technician at Hamilton Goneral Hospital and the groom is emiploYod at General Electnrie._____ School1 and ber husband is a Sineteacher at Lindsayý Collegiate. The Bakîhis are f,-ri India and came te Can- ada In 1967. Mr.s. Bakshi is- a warm, f-liendly person. She was weaing a oît attractive sai1and expJained that most Indin wmcnov.n bctweenl 20 aind 3 0 saris,, as they arc quite, simple te mrake -,nd are e xtýr em e1y comfýortable te wcan. She began b.- gîving a talk on the cuistomi a7nd tra- oten f India. Thi1s was fol- lowcd hy slides, taken mosmt1y tn New Delhi, when thie B -,;Is returned te Iodla in 197 1 f lor a visit. Mn., Chalflicci thanked Ms.' Bakihi fer her :nerstngand informaive talk and presented ber with a gift asý a token cf our ap- preciation.l Moved by Mns. Normnan and sccnrded by v ehnu thtwe caneour May mieeting ý,,fromn Wednlesda,,y te Tbndyte iccommoid-ate our ueitspeker.Mn.Chal-: lice wllle in charge cf ýý4tho orograni n as Invited as ton PwersfreinitePn- costab Curh a ilbro te be our sekr.M.FIa- ney will h'oclanchange (cfthe: deoton licThemeeting vil1 ha hedb bc , -hurch baze mont oni Thursda-y, May 3rd, at 8 p.m., L'unch was- served lb" Mnr.ý ~neron rs. Letha-ngue1 rnd Mr,,. Norman, aýnd a social tuie foilowed. BLACKS,ç3TOCKv Mliss Grc 'Van 1Ecd ean, Ho,1lad, niece cjf Mn. ,nd Mn. ýPC-ten Hoogeveen, 1h speading soymc ttime with On Weednecday Mr n. d:ad Mn.fisManliwiood McKee acconi- piaoied by Mrs.Frn Lawscn !of Nsîtavlsited 1Mn. Biih oa'an f ono. Mnr. and i4sManweoodMc Keý atcddthe ýSilver Wcder- ding nnvcsayof Mn. ,ind Mns.HayMce held a)t thee Cannough Club in Oshawa o)n 1s4tunday evening. THE FIRST DO-IT-YOURSELF SYNTHETIC TURF - WEATIIERPROOF - WATERtPROOF RESISTS MILDEW and INSECT CHEMICALS. LAWNSCAPE HAS, EVERYTHING NATURAL GRASS HAS EXCEPT WEEDS and WORRY. OOOD FOR Patios - Porches - Boat Docks -Play Areas- Anywhere ln or Out PROFESSIONAL, APPLICATORS AVAILABLE Seo I Tc ,,,,at'.ON REQUEST Use Your "CHARGEX" McGEGOR ADWA E 95 KU.NG ST. W. 623-2542 BOWVVM AN V L L E CLEÀ1II 84 KING ST. W. "We Specialize In Shirt Laundering"1 623-5520 Aduits - $150 Students - .75

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