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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 6

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6 The Caiînadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, Apnil 11, 1973 PUC eotRcmed Sharing Watermain ,ýCosf Wi*th Two. Local Companies The Bowm-anvýille?,LC rec- proposed new main is $15,000. "the Commission looks upon ommendd to own Council HeSice, the PUC would coi theBo anieFudyan this weelc that bbce cost of a tnibutta $5,00, as would each the Hlollingshead indstas, two extrcmiely valued cutomi-ý proposed eight. inLh watcrpmain Of the industries. ers." For that reason it was; to serve tlie BOwmaivi1Ie' Hollîngshead and the Foun-- rcommrended thiat cniea Founidry and the R. M. Rol- dry would he the 0onl bO ion should he iven to the liatgshead Corp)oration sla9uld users of the propoýSed lunýe. 'shared-cost' ar-rangement. be shared jointly by the PUC They require the larger eight Councîl rccecived the report and the two companies îi2volv- inch main to maintain nde- at their Moinday, April 2nd ed. quate fire Prote ctiOn, meting b5ut did not act upon The estimate--d cost of the The PUJC report stated that it" at that lime. ______ Daring n ri*e f Insists 10 We;,-stern Townshî#.p Lotis Shouid Not Go t'O Darlîngto(n Towînship's sub- terests and be better equipped miission to Qýueen-'s Parik con- to serve the needs of rural cerning einlgoe etinterests." "strenuouIsly ojecs oth It was also noted "the inclusion of the westerly 10 lots majority of the residents of the of Darýlingtoni Township inArea 10 lots who have expressed their Munciplit N. 3(Osawa".opinion, wish to be part of The brief goes oni 1 list no less lVunicipality No. 4."ý thani eight reasons why they feel that the 10 lots, which include Darlingtoni's Council was aiso Mitchell's Corners and Courtice conccrned about losing many should remain in Darlington. ,"community facilities" located in bbc 10 lots. These community "Much of btc2000 acres in facilities, including three parks those lots ispr-ime agr-icultural and playground, orie seeondary land"," the bnci'f points out. 'school wth 1,000 students, five1 "MuicpaltyNo. 3 will bce lementary schools and five prcdominantly u-rban oiented, churches, serve residents in whcreaýs àMun-icipality No. 4 other areas of Darlington as (Bowmnillcji, Newcastle, wcll, said the brief. hlavebaancd rur,-uran "To a large extent," argued ______________________the report, "these community facilities have been built and -IT WAS ALL paid for by the residents of Darling ton." MIS FAUý,LT!," If the westerlyC,10'os, itaj population of 5,000, are leftin1 Darlinigton Township, then the bief recomnmends that Muinici- p)ality No. 4 should gain one additional representative on the Regional Council. This would mean there would be four regional councillors from tbisj 5 arca, rather than three, and' that Oshawa would have'10 regional representatives, rather than Il.E "Municipality No. 4," argues9 the brief," should have, one more regional counicillor, with the resuit that the balance of power is more evenly distri-t buted." Liability inistrance not only pays for 'personl iniury and property damage ,-,to thers it also pays leg-Ial and court Or 11ot. Get adequawte proa liabillty coverage from rathe James Inlsurance Agency. 24 King St. E., Box 100 BOWMAN VILLE. ONTAkRIO DOUGLAS S. iAMESp~ Office 623-5681 Re5idence 623.5423 ." e TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMIENT CENTRES r, DRESSINGS *MPAN REUIEVING DRUGS This extra representative for Municipality No. 4 would bc even more important if the numors that thePort Hope and Cobourg arca will be left out of the, Region arc truc. Darlington's bnci w %as in accord witb the brief prepared by the town of Bowmanvil le that bbc size of the local council sbould be increased. Bowmnan- villes brief suggested four, rather tban thrcc local council- lors, wbercas bbc Darlington submission, seeks five local council members.. Both Bowmanville and Dar- lington Councils feel that a ward system 0of elections should be used. The fil lb and final point in the Darlington brief suggested that the- Committees of Adjustment ishould be a function of tbe local Sarea municipality, not a reg-, *HOME NURSINC SF.r. fUE *eHOUSEKEEPING SERVICE * LODGE ACCOIýMMODATION AND HOSPITAL eDIVERSIONAL VIS IT! NG 61 . ACTIVITIES Canadian Cancer socîety BOW1,'ýNVlLLE Jd DISTRICT UNIT Box No. 42 Bowmianvi, Oni.arjo wit.h,, a man> you cantrust He's youýrTexaco Farm Distributor. And he's an, ,expert. Trust hlm tolheîp you keep your equipment in top condition with top quality lubricants. Hle'I give you the mnost up-to-date information on equipment mraintecnance. And he'Il do ail this with excellent products a ýt good prices.l Peoplei trust theiîr Texaco man. That's why tbey keep comning b-ack WNe trustyvou wiIItoo. HAMPTON 263-2282ý O shawa 1ional responsibility. "Committec members al the local level are more kenowl- edgeable of local cniin, epindthe brief. NESTLETON (Intended for last weck) 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent, Sundridge, spent the wcckcnd of March 25 and 26 with their daughter'and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs. The Kents brought along their usual quota 0f' that golden liquid, maple syrup. It found ready sale as ib is a very sca rce commodity in tbis dis. trict. MIrs. FloreceoThomps whlo 'Sl)(nt 10 days varati with fier sister and husbar' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Co edg2, returned to her home, Toronto during the week. M and Mrs. Cooledge remain2c for a few,-days return visit. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Met- caîf, Miss Elaine MFv,-ealýf of Nestieton, _Mr. and Mrs. Dou. Metcaîf, Port Perr iy, and Mr. Bruce Fish, R.R. Blackstock were recent Sunday dinner guests 0f Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMaster, at Zion. 1On Sund.ay afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. Garry Beatty, ail 0 f Ottawa, and 'Mr. and Mrs. James Kent, Orono, visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Victor ;,Malcolmn. Evening dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm and Jodie. Mn. and Mrs. Richard Dayý isoýn were hosts on Sunday for a family gathering to honor their daughter Margaret (Mrs.ý Carl Elliott) for a pre-birbh- day party. Other guests were Mr. Carl Elliott, David an-d Kimo, Leaskdale; Mr. and Mrs. Doug Davison, Scott and Neil, of Peterborougzh.' Congratula- tions, Margaret! ilendýs reg'-ret that M'a Wmn. Bolan is a paitient in Port On Sunday 0 f last v;eek Mrs. Vera !MJountjoy accomp- anied ,IlvIr1 and Mrs. Harry MLgin for evenýing din- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemion, at Hampton. Weekend guests of the Lawrence Malcolm famlly were their daughter Bonnie, Kingston, and fiance,. James Bilton of Gananoque. They attended the communiby show- on on Frýiday cvcning and the reception on Sunday in their lionor, at thie home of Mrs. S. Brooks, Bowmanville. Miss JTanpý MacPherson, Belleville, waq also a weckcnd guest. On Saturday, cvening Mr. and Mýrs. Ralph Sadier and Mn. Nd rs. Robert Wethera'lof BowmiarvilIe enjoyed even- Lng dinner at Conway Gard- ens. Port Ferry. This was to lionon Mrs. Weatherall on her b i r t h d a y. Congratulations! Later, they visited Mrs. Robt. Sadler in Bowmanville.-. Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Sadlen accomipaniedî by Mr. Wllfred Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard MacKenzieý and Claire attended the baptismal service for their granddaughter Jen-,, nifer Scott at Cannifton Unit- ed* Church on Sunclay mnorn- .ng., Foll.owing, the servic,; they joîned other membens oý the famlly and spent bbc dn- with *Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott Charles and Jennifer at Cor- yvville. Business Dîrec tory i Ac countacin cy wm. J. H. CGINS Chýartcred Accountant 115i Liberty St,. S., Bowimanvill hoe623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 6½King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 7,25-65391 Ch iroPr actic G. EDWIN'MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: co.fHosyS 15 Elgin St., cr fHre t Phone 623-5509 Office Fours: By appointment Dental DR. ANGIJS M. BLAIR, D.D.S. 26 Frank Street, Bowmanvill, S(near Dýominion Store) Office hours: 9:30 arn. to 9 p.m. including Saturday 1Telephone 623-3181 Dr. W. M. RUDELL, DDS 22 King St. ;E., BowmnanvîlhŽ Office Houirs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday ai-d Sunday- Office Phone , 623-5790 DR. WTLLIAîM KENT, D.D.1î Bowm-lanville 222 King St. E.- Suite lof, Office FHours: Weekrdays- 9 - 5 Telephone 622,-7349 Thursday, March 29bh was the foaI day of curling scason for the Ladies section of Xhe Bowmanville Curling Club. Following a mornîng of curl- ing and a luncheon at the club,' trophies and prizes were awarded. In the front row of the pic- ture are the four winning skips and their prizes. On the left is Mrs. Mary Syers with the Prcsident's Trophy. Beside her is Mrs. Vivian Cowan and thiThelma Beerthuyzen, Mrs. Bank 0f Montreal,' Trophyý' Denise Hopkins, Mýrs. Ma-,rion Next to her is Mrs. Ellen-, Orm-- Ray, Mrs. Agnes Lewis andA iston with the Ken Nicks Tro-, Mrs. Ruth Rogers. phy. On the right is Mr s. Shirley Robson holding thei GET CASH TODAY Roy Nichols Trophy. FRODAPINE In the middle row, are Mrs.TROG Peggy Rowe, Mrs. Hele-n Glaýs- no peil, Mrs. Ede Geering and S T AT ES MA N Mrs LeLeader.'l C LAS S 1F 1ED S In the back row are Mrs. PHONE 6Z3-3303 Voice of the People Why Do We Send ' Our iChildreni To a C bris flan'School ? 1Why our children are goingi to Christian Schools is a re- suit of a promise from us to God-at their baptism. There1 we promised God that we would bring.them up in the 1 fear of the Lord. That also( includes Christian, education.i We must select a' school1 where ail the teachers are dedicated to God - teachers who teach our children thet value of 'God's. love and1 promises. That we flot mere-1 ly came int" beîng, but werei created by God in His im- age. God entrusted us with BURKETON Miss Judy Beech, Peterboro Teachers' College, s'pent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. L. Beech and family. Mr. and Mrs.' C. Cooper, Orono, spent Sunday witht Mrs. W. Bryan. With Mr. and Mrs. A. C.1 Stephenson and family were1 Mr. and Mrs. David Gatcheli,1 Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephenson, Orono., Mr. and Mrs. -M. McGeary and family, Mr-n: and Mrs. Ed. 'Patfield, Mr. and MIrsý.Roniald Stephen- son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephenison, Port Fer- ry, Mr. Stanley Taylor. Several attended the Fash- ion Show ai Blackstock Re- creation, Centre on Fridayý evenlng to dlsplay thelr ,work in sewing, upholstering and chair canIng. 'CORNEOBMilF UUL '75$ MEAT ~ : SPED ~ 22* IGA ~ . KE4HP1 PUDINGS , AORS SIilWOf4x 59 children and it, Is our re- of us it was or Is tough to sponsibility 'to 'tell them of make ib, but God has neyer His love, and thus send them let us down yet, and He neyer to schools where 'they are will. He is faithful to the taught the same. We don't end.: Even if we're flot so have a guarantee that our strong in our faith. That's children will turn out to be why we have to psfay daily for models ini society, but when faith and strength. And they go out into this troubled above ail, our teachers, need world they will have a solid oufr prayers very much for the foundation on which to build special task they have bo do. their lfe. They will have On behaîf of the Knox learnied that God is the su- Christian Schooi Publie Rela- premne ruler of ev erything tions Commlttee., and that nothing happens Mrs. Susan DeGroot. It's flot enough to just read from the Bible- and say a prayer. Although it is irn- portant to start the day's work with God's Word and by asking a blessing upon the /fjkÉÊ/r ri/lN ayswork, as teacher and A Y£AFIIZO students. A school, where ACAE/1INALf Jesus Christ Is the centre is a ~ NA/V O D thank God who has made it possible to have such schools in Bowmanvllle and for our teachers HE has provided. Ha provided jobs for us to be able to afford -such a school,Z even if it means/to have to do without some thîngs we would » like to have. And for some Rei A DMY Ask for CH.YSI WEETABX CERaux 55$ OPEN SUNDAY for yourshopping convenience "SitiQQs und hoNrs numierslisted anY.,"ly th*se "Ilciet match th.e - fD ý i.e g en rdu o e tiIA pur».l h cictt Nidctd thon y.u ceuldib. a teck>, $100 If i Le firsi tfrée finisW.9homesiteeions and 5 nuberson your "Pie> the Herses" icke.t -etrh Ithe officiel fie/eh/ng oEder et thse rim "h'ree. Is5Ne se IGA PFrme fer th. date je. dicated, thonflyeN could b.e aIQiL>, $5 wiffnne. BARTLETT PEARSN dm 001ER SPONSOR NCG PRODUCrS N F-00 A SY D VAAILIiES) ROMAR90 2 '53K AINATION COFFEEAE ,79 aNEX (ASSORTEo COLONS) APR TOWELS 66 i7 -UE OW 551M:T(ASS T IE TIES>g POWSERED A89,DETERGENT $49 St IÈLACK IAMONo O NA NONUïVENE ON 5/ CHEESE PORTIONS cJ1~ ent a Car for X OR WEEKEND' 'COUNTY ER-DODGE ' 623-2586 LTD. emeHA RV EY PARTNER ORZONO 983-5206 ESSO HIOME HEAT SERVICE IGA 24.01. APPLE PIE AIY$2 DEPTROLL ONIONROLLS 2Olu CHRISTIES COOKIES', CHIPS AHOY 28.OZ. ç0 PRG. 8 CHRISTIE$ REGULAR,SALT A VINEGAR, OR B.BQ. FLAVORED MIÎNI CHIPS 2 79$ WILLARD'S WILL-O.PACK <ASST'Do VARIETES) CHpOCOLATE CANI>Y 2 8OZ.891 'ltIh& BeaulyA! sped#4»s REGULAR C* EXTRA &H. 3OLD J0AWIý1UI ADORN HAIR SPRAY 9.09f REGULA*.RY EGO OR 011.1 IGA SHAMPOG CRMERRS L ML 57 BLACK DIAMOND MILD.MEDIUMNOLD WHT RODCOLOREO CHEDDBAR CHEESE or 1 M PERIAL SOF- SRAD (100% VEOITABLE CIL 11. A« AC MARGARINE rnNPozyqt SCHNEIDER'S CRispI CRUST PURELARD 4 TMrzen Food Specials" BANQUET BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY MEAT 8- a PIES 4 PXGS, 01.0 SOUTH FLORIDA CONCENTRATEO GRAPE FRUIT JUICE OL 22N CHOCOLATE SARA LEE BROWNIES 1 5$ G0RAHAM'S 77 KING ST. EAST THE CANIADAN CANCER SO CIETY HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER 1AND IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE * HOME, LUSCIOUS RED CALIFORNIA riTRAWBERRIES TENDER FAORI CANADA N.:iGRADE Calo CR TS .29lý AREZONA VALENCIA ORANGES GE$1ZE7 2 8 PRODUCE 0F .S.A. GARDEN FRESH R~ CCLI N8CH 39* CRISPè CANADA FANCY GRADE Mc NTOSH ji

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