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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1973, p. 7

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Mca. Gordon McLeacî visitJ and Mrs. Carl Raby, King ed tin Toronto last week wittî St. East. Mr. and Mrs. Chiacles Brlggs, The Oshawa La Leche Lea- Toronto. gue will hld its monthly Mc.Vivian Thompson and meeting at the home off Mrs. Mca. Barbara Courtney were Victoria Pcrkins, Bowman- wcvekend guests of Mr. and ville. All women intcrested Mrp. Gco. Dilling. li n nrsing their babies 'are Mr. and Mca. Joe Cuddabee welcomc ta, attend. For in- returned last week from a formation caîl 623-2987. vecy enjoyable holiday' In Betweeal 30 and 40 parents Hawaii and. soutliern Cali- visited Bowmanvblle Nursery fornia. Scliool last week during Open Mi,7ss Bonnie Beach accomý Hoose. A special visitor was panied liy Miss Sharen Whal- Mca. Phyllis McGregor of ley, Toroto avrjrndC entre Street wbo brougbi frorn oa two week holiday ba ler pet gerbils and gobe ea Frceport, Grand Baliama Is- p.st eiltUccudei land. A lovely surprise party was Mýrs. Lorne MeIQuarrie and hled at fli Legion Hall on Laurbe, Highi Street, Mca Jack Saturday, March 24th, ini Roughley, John- and *Paul, bouco f the 25th wedding Fredenlrck Ave., spent the anniversary off Rae and Muriel wbnrter holiday break at Free- Abernethy (nec McDonaad). port Grnd. ahaas. About 125 ffricnds, family and part, rand Bliamasrelatives attended and pe Mc. and Mrs. Jim Aber- .ctd hm ih roe- nethiy wcre Tuesday dînaier csoe tecea. ha ov gucats offMr. and Mrs. Fred cnole Wme. J rw n Daye,. Blackstuck. Mca. Ruth MC. Brwn, tw.nsrohn and St. Johin, Scarliorougli, was a endyBrontw, weJohwcen- Friday dinner gucat off Mrc ny týwwr ek and Mca. Abernctliy. end guests off their mothers, Mirs. E.*Harnden and'Mcc. J. Mr. and Mre. Doug Raby, . rown. Mcc. Harnden, Col. Montreal, Que., arcived lastý and Mc. Brown and children weekendfor a week's visit and attended the marriage off the 'Mr. and Mcs. Bob Cuthbert- formccr's gcanddaughtec, Patty son, Toconto, spent 'lie weck- Tullock, and Don Thompsd.n, end with their parents, Mr. on Saturday in Bobcaygeon. REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Phone 623-7407 SUNDAY, SERVICES 7 pn Back to G od Hour fiai 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.ni. "Everyoqe Welcomie" st. POUF'S United Church Milnter Rev. H. A. Turner B.A., B.D. 01%anlst Mr. IL Metcalt A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. Il a.m. Hloly Communion SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.,45 a.m. Juniors, and Intermedlates iarn Kindergarten and Primary 7i w an ill Pentecostal Church 75 Liberty 'St. S. Ap)ril Illt to 22nd OUTREACII CRUSADE Rev. and Mrs. DAVE TAPLEY Gospel in Word and Music Week Nites 7:3"0 pan. Sun day 9:55 a.in. Sunday School 11:00 a.în. Worshipi 7:0 .mi. Eventing Seýrvice EvroeWelcone REV. Hf. DAWYSON, 7hastor Killeen of Shaw's travelied to Belleville last week when lhey attended Open House at Loyalist College. Their guide during the evening was Miss Donna Glbank who will soon graduate from her Early Childhood Education Course. She plans to complete her student work at Bowmanville Nursery School, A uýne-day Christian Ash- r am, organized by a committee of concerned ministers and lay- persons in the Bowman- ville area vias heid in Trinity Urnited Church on Sunday atternoon, April 8th. Those taking part included Rev. Tom Gracie, Rev. A. Barnes, Mrs. Byrnes Fleuty, Rev. Dav- id Harris. 'Rev. Wesey Oakc off Trinity was the host for this service. Family relatives and fr1- ends off the John and Ann (Congdon) Werry famlly are planning a two day WArry Family Centennial Picnic to be held 'at Blackstock Com- mitiy Rëcreational Centrc thîs summer, rain or shine. For information contact Dr. i _ _ The light of good charcater surpasscth the ight of the suni. B3AHA'U'LLAlH PHONE 623-3171 The Salvation Army 35 Division St. Bowmanville, Ontario CORPS OFFICERS., Captain. and Mrs. S. Hewlett 9:45 a.ni. Suuday School for the Whole Family 11:00 a.m. Fasnily Worship Guest Speaker: JOHN HENRY 7.,00 p.m. Salvation Meeting April 22ud Presenting the play. "THE CHALLENGE 0F TUE CROSS" euesday 8:00 p.sn. 'Home Leaguell for aýi ladies Wednesday 8.00 p.m. Training in Personal Evangelism IlWe are available at VO UR convenience" TRINITY UNITED (HURCH 11ev. N. Wesle(y Qae, .TFh. - Minister John Crooksban- Mniic Director-Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1973 11 A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE Receptioni of New M1embers hy Pr1ofesýsion1 of Faith anid Transfer Certificates SUJND',AY SCIIOOL IHOURS Junior, înterînediate and Seior Depts. at 10 a.w. liegininers, Kindergarten and P1rirnary Depts. atiIl Nsry îCare in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO EV12RYONE Saered, Secular <nd Classical Concert ai 8:00 pm., Saturday' , April 14 in the Sancutuary. Reserve your ticket today. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN (HURMH PALMSUNDY, ARIL15 8:00 amni. lioly communion 1.1:00 am. Iloly communion 7:30 pan. Evening fellow.slp (under the leadership of the Church wardens) GQOD FRIDAY, APRIL 20 Tfhree Hlour Service 12:00 Noon - 3:00 pan. Ouest Speaker: REV. T. MeNEARt EASTER DAY, APRIL 22 8-.00 a.m. 14l ol Comunion 9.30 a.11. IIoly communion (Said Service) 11-00 amin. Hoycommunion <Sunig service) 7:30 pJli. Sung Evensong ,S y teesin a osibe, o-ASTHMATIC CL1NIC a4,r.HrcyYhole 1Plained'Lions PesientDon- ldPritchard1. Mr. Pitchard, The Northumberland-DrimTbruoi a n aiy Iddeýd that eve h trr piratory. Discase Assoiation eSpnorn hysical udyclrswtM.ad tion off the 1lirsescaotd- conditioning classeis for asthinatic dhldren, heginning on Mcvs. Everett ryermn ece place the eena a-ab April 3001 atthie Bownianville Library, 7-S;r3O p.m. MNr. and Mrs. eco, Bitner and ecîng dmntrtofOllOwed Tîs'ere is nou char.ge, but the forai, printed below, ifltsst aiy Mr. and Ms John bthe meal off pancaikez an be filied out liy yossr family physician. Lge and 'Mc, and MrS. Ken syrUp that is available büth cin LnaadRobe I dayS. lI addition, the elobl ,,,ut saa offers a Sundlay breakfast'roff Appica~ion FoiI~rII r ad c.SaiLn n pancakces an-ICIsausages wbch aiiiMs sscugaIweLo n n is becomling a tradition lin fsi-ý1a eeSn itsell, allowiî g famriies to -NA-------------- day dinner gucsts out Mc. and start the day in the unlikcly X AE UjjjTMc. R. Fcatec.,. cnviro-iniett f the suigtr SEiAE EI, - ----- - Mc. Bob Fraser spent the bush lucated one nuiiu south weekend with his brother, Mr, of M1illbrook on the Couinty NAME 0FPARENT -- -- ----------- GenFae- uduy roaýd. "We are ;>cttIjjg arger Gl'brurina irry wl ae nuni-ibers eaich year fro;ni as ADDRE;S TheLEPHONE - bu open t roin 2 3 p..on far away as TorontoTand Saturdc0ay Pe!ternlOon--»s. m o Belleville"," Pritchard SIGNA11VHE OF lsr n r.RselV Said, aclding that line-ups and ýr;- J'-MselVc Wciting pe2riojda stili wcre not w re Sundayvisitorsý with Mr. a problei a t the Millbrooki AVTENDING PIIYSICIAN -------------- -----. --- anld Mrs,. larold Jebsýon and festival. Ol""he r attractionsl Dorothiy, Beaverton. have included a îSale off home A--D-DR------------------------------ -.---c.ad rs--s-elwl Ibaking and mnaple sugar, and r n r.WsYlole were Sunday dinner guests of The Can adian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 11, 1973 7 Mrs. Johin Marks, Scarborougli Mr. and Mrs.* Don Taylor and faýmiI yv were Sunday supper W îns ,vuss Mvaorette litie guesýts of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichoils, Bowmanville. S., George' Werry, Oshawa. Mr.App ree y nfoat on dCelebrate- Golden Ann iversary Mâýr.at Audr-yfoattold. eý avallable as a committee is . liard at work, assemblingma terial for a thIrd edition 0f the WerXry Famlly Tree.M John Street will shiow, lis lrawings, and sllkscreen.s at thc Robert McLaughlin Gal- i. %. .. lery ln a show starting Aprfl...' 4th to April 29th.,Cliristopher, Q. . ._ Bert will show lis drawings 5z,'i' . andwatercolors, and a third g artlst Judy Currelly will pre- Ms sent lier- canvases wliich she stains witli acrylic paints, \ i' 5' using scrub brushes. She -als does silkscreenpit whicl ki are partially secened and worked on afterwards, while the Ink is still *et with tur- ipentine, water and brushes. Q. Wliat Is bilack strap mo- 'e . lasses and sliould it be taken as, a spring tonic? A. Black-: ýtrap molasses Is a liy-pro-% duct off sugar refing. It is a source off available iron but ioffers little else. Other sourc- ies off iron sucli as meat, eggs, and green vegetables are just n s good and son4ehow more appealing and at the same 1time superior sources off other -nutrients. There Is no proof 7for claims that blackstrap molasses can cure ulcers, can- 1cer, varicose veins, artliritis, 1or "spring fever". The resuits off the Remem- lirance Day Literary Contest at the District Level are: Junior Poem. Elaine Stade, iewmstle Public S c h o ô01, Grade 8; Senior Pesem, Ther.f esc Brown, Courtice S. S.'I Grade,13; Junior Es.kay, BillylA Francis, Cartwright Public School, Grade 8, 2nd 'prize; Senior Essay, Stewart Smith, iCourtice S, S. Grade 10. Pro- vincial Level - Junior Poenî, M.adMs rn ie Elaine Stade, Newcastle Pub- Nr n r.Fa, ie r lic School, Grade 8; Senior Poem, Therese Brown, Cour- On Suiiday%, Aprîl îst. 1973 Johns Church in Bowmanville. Pouring tea were Mrs. A. tice S. S. Grade 13 Their entire marriedlife has. Piper, Mrs. C. King and Mrs. K. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piper Sr. been spent in Bowmanville. Nickerson off Bowmanville and On Sunday, Aprîl 8th, the celebrated their Golden Wed- Receiving with them on this Mrs. J. Van Quik of Oshawa. Layrnan Service was lield In ding Anniversary with a recep- special occasion were their two Serving were their grand- Trinlty United Church. The tion ai the Centennial Hall, daughters and three sons, Doris daughters. service was conducted liy Queen Street, Bowmanville. <r.Rs ecr tOoo Lanny Cooper assisted by Mrs.r.RssMrei fOoo Thos. Rehder who gave the On March 31st, 1923, Gladys Connie (Mrs. Russell Carter), Many beautiful cards, gifts, Scripture reading and the King, daughter ut Mr. and Mrs.1Frank, Les, Charles (Joe) and flowers and congratulatory prayer by Cecil Morrison. Clbarles King and Frank Piper, their wive, ,al ot Bowmanville. messages were received trom Adam Garson gave a well pre- son ut Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Also in attendance were their oui ut lown friends and relatives pared -talk on "Chr7istianlty ln Piper, were united in marriage grandchildren and great-grand- as. well as those trom Bowman- 1 Human Relations". The choir bv Reverend Poslhelwaîte at St. children. vle under the direction of, John Crokshlkorganist. sang an anthem, '"Cýomfort, O Lord." Foers in the sanctuary were placed there through Russell Osborne 'who celc- lirated their 5th Wedding Rural Ontario, Remember, the price of his commer- Anniversary, on Saturday. 17.ca etlzr pa hmcl April 6,17.garize, weedspa hmal It's time to take that an- and macbînery isnot stationary and nual walk back through On- tario's colorful history. Tlie Dear Mr. EditOr: neither does hîs insurance,.gasoline paint's dry - the last picce off fuel, hydro, telephone, veterinar and' furaîture rcpaired- the farin It is extremely annoying to hear tax bill remain the same. Why s ould animnais groomed- everythingp 1 .. read foropening day at e p eriping about the price of meat tbe farmer's inc9gme be stagnated so Black Crcek Pioncer Village, an d talk of boycotting beef prices. 1 tbey ean enjoy low food prices while at The Village officially opens have absolutely -no sympathy for the same time they are receiving to the general public this Deople who think they can't afford at ANNUAL INCREASES' în salary9 year, on Monday, April l6th Ifeast 17b cents more a nound for their Perha ps it would be interesting to tae at 10 aj.. lack Crcek Pion- eer Village williec open to roasts and steaks. It's o vius they like a survey to dfiscover just how miany the public weekr-days from to have their cake and eat t, too.Inuthis farmers'BREAK EVEN! 9:0arn. to 5:00 m. for the case, they like ta have their steaks and Mr. Charles Munro, President of, balanc off pril nd th the Canadian Federation of, Agricul- monthîs off May and June andmneto on w-eknds and'liolidays Do they realize how little the ture stated, "Total net farm incarne in from 1j0:00 in. to 6:00 p.m amrersfr asn hs n- Caada wvas lower in 1971 tha n it BILack Creek, opcrated by, mals? Did it ever occur to them that averaged over the years fromn 1965 MetroCnera ion s locat- I cd at Jane St. and Steelesl the farmner max'i receive anly 8-10 cents 1969.- No wonde.,r 30 farmers a day Ave. in notwetMer ore a pouind (at the present time) for leave the land. Who is goinig to farm in Torsio.his animal whd ship»ed? If the'y tune anlother W0-20 years? There are More th1,,5,,, attenided' in their radio ta CFRB - 1010 and hlisten hunidreds of farmers selling aut in S. the Pctei)rborough Kwnsto 'the Farm M\1arket Report at 12:20 Ontario every year and they are beîng Concert oni nda held at eachi day, they'll hear how muctjh Mr. replaced b)v specuflators who use the Memnorial Cnte.Eolowing l-il Isa is of iner i vrinsLFarmer receives. farmns f or s1kl-uo05 or harses or jus,. as a cslss: Recorder rSolou(1 Mr. Andre Fortin, the Social Credit retreat fromi the cities an weeken-.ds. years and under), 1. Nancy M.P. for Latbiniiere stated, "The These people are not going ta produce Aluin, RirLy. Recorder Solo consumer is deceived bv the false food. Sa I hope the n ext time Ontarians (12 yciar and'under), 1. Donna Crcighton, 13owmanville; 2. publicity as well as by the middlemen si t down ta a hearty mleal, they do somne Riodyn Heard, Hampton, à. between producers and consumrers, so seriaus tinking as ta where their Patti Larmner and Alison much, that an itemn which should hav fure easrec infam Tamýi-blyn, butlh off Bowman- h't erylitieinthufise lae i oa farers sou .be rged t ville. Recorder Ensemble (13 cs eyltl ntefrtpaei oa aressol.eugdt ycars and under>, 1. (th,,,- finallY sold at an outrageaus and défend th-eir cause by speaking out-and way tic) Mitclicll'sý Corners Ibuiepce because a whale series af' by wr.itïing newyspaper articles for Schol HmptnM.J. obs1middLemen took their share of' nrotit ignorant, complaining, consumers. Senior School, îHampton, and wtottkngpr nte rdei hey should NOT be sitting back Cartwright Ce r nrl School,' ito aknprtithpouc i Blackstock; 2 ' (three_ý-way tic) With mieat at its cuirrent prices, a quietly wile becoming the recipients M. 'J. Hobbs Senior Schoal, smnall beef farmers' incarne rnight be of undue Criticism. Hampton, South Cavan Scliool increased from $500-$l,000 -- the Farmers are simply attempting to Wetiliboo1 and M 3ple Grve FIRST INCREASE he's had FOR obtaiîî their fair share of the economy SuhCourtice School, 130w- YEARS! Wouldn't it be interesting ta and 1I sicerelx' hope they will continue ilnile zand Courtice West know how man~y of your Readers have ta demnand it. School, received a raî'se Of $500 (or more) BUT Farmers MUST explain... 'lhle WorsýhIp Service at St. AGAIN this year? And dont forget ta clarify-.- inform! Pa1l's United Churrh o nI include their'generous Pension Plans Farmerette. 5ud~,April et.h, included y oe no one ever boycott or the reepltioni off new-mcm- i and. Fringe B3enefits. These are also P.S. . Whyde bers. Thiose recIVcdve: dnid tbe Farmer. grpe abouit the încreases în the prîce of By Certificatu off Transfer: How ecau people be s0 selfisb as ta fýiquor, cigarettes, clotbing or child- Mr. Stephen Cules, Mrs. AI- begrudge the larmer a decent incarne? ren's toys?? __ ',Io 5 KING ST. WEST Mr. and Ms. Bruce Tink were Sunday supper guets ut Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fergusun, Newcastle. Severai trom the community atten ded the tea for Miss Cindy Thompson, Oshawa un Sunday. i Mr. and Ire. Lawrence Motta t and Tammy, Courtice; Mc. and Mrs. Hacol d Potter, David and Allan, Hampton, visited with Mc. and Mrs. Alex1 Patter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bray wece guests ot the Albrecht- Smith wedding at Kingsview Church, Oshawa,,on Saturday. Mi. and Mcc. Chuck Fochuk and Karen, Puslinch. wece weekend visitors with Mc. and Mrs. Rocs Kossaiz, and tamily. Mr. and Mcc.Rap Davis were Sunday vicitors with Mc., and Mcc. N. Grills. Canniington. Mc.'and Mccs. Bruce Taylor attended the annual divis'ion meeting ut C.I.A.G. at thle Continental Inn. Barrie, on Saturday. Mc. and Mcs. Haccy Knox and tamnily were Sunlday supper guests ot Mcc. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. ENFIELD Mrs. John Catton. Annie and Clyde'are spending a few dayc wih Mc. and Mcc. John Mca.y, Beavectun. Mc. and Mcc. Don Lee, Keith and Kim were Friday evening visitors ai Mc. Hon Stephen- con's, Enniskillen. Mcs. Norman Lee and Robect, Litle Britain, have been visit- ing wilh Mc. aiid Mcc. Rimer Lee. Mr~. William Malley, -Boxv- manville, visited Mc. Normian Stinsoîî. Mcc. T. Taylor lias ceturned home tcom Vancouv er whece she speîît the wintec with Mc. and Mcs. Reg Titeombe. Sympathy is extended tlhe Johnson lamuly. MVr. Acthur Johnson died at hic home in Flocîda and sevecal froin hece aitended the tunecal at Toronto last week. Mr. and Mcc, Gordon Taylor and famuly visited Mr. and Mcc. Walter Bcidgett, Bowýmaniville. Mcc. Tercy Smith and Sean, Kemble. were Satuc dayv xisitocs with Mc. anîd Mcc. Fred' Samîs. Miss Colleen Taylor s-penit the weekend with Miss Heather Taylor, Oshawva, to help celc- brate Heathers lBth bictlîday. Kevîn Avec 1y, Maple Grove,l was a weeýkend visitor vwith hic gi'and pacents, Mc. and Mcc. Wilfrid Bowmnan. Congratulations ta Miss Lii- lian Lavender, who came tirsi, in a Judo tourniamni for Central Ontario held at Por-t Hope mi I REGORDg il If seven-year-old Cindy La.ngford continues to progress at her present rate, ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langford of Mili Lane will soon have to add an- other room to hold ber trophies. She already has about 70 of thern. On Saturday, March 3lst,- she comnpeted in the midget division of the NBTA at Bramalea, win- ning the titie of Miss Majorette of Southern Ontario as well as takîng fi-rst i advanced solo and advanced strut and second- in advanced military and advanced basic strut. Considering she only began competing in April iast year, she certainly is doing extremely welI. She, now is looking forward to competing in the juven- ile seven to 10 years juvenile division as sbe juist had ber scventh birtbday. TRINITY UNITED'CHU RCH Bowmanville SACRED., SECULAR and CLASSICAL Saturday, April l4th 8:00 pan. in the Sanctuary Outstanding Toronto Choir, Two Talented Pianists, GoId Medaists, Several Awards $4.00 Couple- $2.50 Singles - $1.00 Students ChateraysCo. Ltdo REVISED BUS SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE MAY 7th, 1973 The experimental haif hour service during peak periods between Osbawa.and W,.hitby wiIl be discontinued, Téhèse are trîps 13571.71 on the Monday thru Friday schedule. Tis4- 10-12-14-16-19 on the Saturday and Holiday schedule. The hourly service between Bowman- ville and Whitby wiII remain unchanged.

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