8The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, April 11, 1973 ra &I FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago - At a meeting of the Dariington-Clarke Township Football League, the executive for the comnfg year was eiected as follows: Pr-es. Harry Davey, vice-pres. Tom Baker, secretary-treag, Jacki Reynolds. First game of the ,seaso-n will be piayed May l5th. t tt FLASHBACK- 10 Years Ago - Winners of th.e Local 189 hockey league were tihe Cornets. Memibers of the teamn were Bill Elis, 'Harvey Rowe (winner' of goaltender's trophy), John Fowler, Ted Faimey. Grant Fiintof.f, Dan Gir.. ardi, IMoe Richards, Bob Abbott, John Lunn, Capt. Fuizz Marjerrison, Fred Cowling (most sportsmaniike player>, Mort Richards, Howard Quininey (miost valuable player), coach Tom Pearson. WIN FIRST PLAYDOWN - lIn the city wide 700 teamn King Clancy Touriinament which covers teams [rom Tyke te Midgeý-t, Bewmanville Hampton'Gar- dlens Miner Pee Wees won their first playdown against East York wt an overail two game total of 7 to iL First gam)re played on Tuesday ended 4-i, for Bowmanv-iIfe. The score in Thursday night's second gamne was ;3-0 for Bowmanville with goals scored by Greg BErunt, Scott Clif ton and Scott Sellers with assists geoing t; e Dennis Sobil, Ken Cowle, Scott Sell- ers, Steven Franjk and JTirn Hogarth. The Miner Pee Wees piayed at the Ted Reeve Arena on Tuesday eveingi at 7:15 p.mý. against either Downsview or Ted Reeve. î Ïi COURSE OPENING Accordinig te an advt. on this page, Newcastle's Golf course will be open for play on April i4th. Bowmanville's course i net expected to be playable for at least a couple of weeks. WVIN THOMAS ADAMS - National Classified - The ladies team from Liberty Bowl won the Eastern Ont- ario Championship at Peterborough on Sunday, April 8th. Teams were entered from Scarborough to Que- bec. the Bowmanville entry bowled a nice 3216 triple. The miembers of theta are Fran Ells, Donna Ken- nedy, Bernice Terry,. Onie Etcher and Doris Jo11. They now advianýce te the Caria n Championship roll-off in Calgýary, Alberta on Mlay l7th and return hom--,e on M 2nd.AIl]oln fans wish them well and we know thy i(ll bring back the Championship bo Liberty BowlI TOWtýN LEAGUE SOFTBALL - Anyone inter- estedl in playing Townri League softbaii, contact Frank Britton at Frank's Variet.y or phone Terry Baker at 576;-7173. Last year's players miust aise subm-it naines before Sunday, April 150h. CONGRATULATIONS -te Spenicer's Real Estate on winning the Cmecâ Hockey Leag-ue Champ- ion-.ship bydef-avng he Walter Frank Real Estate team., MleGREGOR DRUG %1DGETS- won the first gamie 4-2 against Essex in the best three out of live Ail Ontario FialJs here o-1 Satiirday. Sec- ond gaine gees in Essex on Saturdlay, third g-aine in Essetx on Sndy.Fourth gane' j»BewXMai1. ville. Saturdiay, April 2lst. "Go Bowmnanville Go."> CONSUMERS' G AS MITES were eliinatedl frenOSMIIA.playdowns by Oshawla on Saturday eveninge. The Oshawa squad won the game 4-1 and the series thireegÏamres te one. Oshawa new meets Ajax for, the Mite Lakeshore LeagueChampionship. Thie CnsmesGs sqù-iad heads te Port Perry on Saturday te take pat in a Mite Tournament there. This is the fir-st appearnce of a Bowmanville Mite1 *.e teamn in thistuna n. Let's Go Bowmanville! 110W TO SAY '1'M STIIANDED" The Mo- orist whose car breaks down on the highway 'il et faster help an create a minimum of road hazard, h.y takin)gthe, folloving action rec- oinnmended hy the Mnitr of Transportation and Cotimutnicationls: Pull comietely off the road entoe esoleor ente a cdriveway ý,or lot. ý' Turn the em-lergencey four-vvay fiashiers ont. *: Lift up thie hood. * Tic a wite handkerchief te the antfenna1 or door handfle.* Use flares if yen ave thesuaalbe OSHIAWA H 1AWKEYES - Junior Foo)tball Club recently aniinounced thc app)loitnment of Bill MeTeer as hlead coach for the comnig seaîson. The25yaod London native adUniiversity, of Western Ontarioj star has ag,_reed te take over the coaclingi position v-acateci ),y\,Mike Kirkpatrick. Hie has played higli school footbl-l,. fo-ur years with the WXestern Mus- tanigs, one yeaýr with thie Colts aridihast season mwas with London Lordis, ind was assistant coach for the 1 freshmani team aýt the Uiversity, of Mentana. The ed new coaich is empnjloyed cIat, Centen nial Cýollege2 in Tor- ti ente as a phy-s-edî superviser, and is in charge of the de mIa-urlr)rito iad sport 's club pregrams. f.l Mcerindicatý1ed he woldgie a lot of time te foot- in bail basicýs and buLihd bi,-,jc skilhs irrto the system the, a team- witll be usiing. Uc indicated his team wouhd be ne EIIRINI OPN Early Spin golfers were eut in e full for-ce On the weekend, with Erini Golf course on TutnRa eu tog Manager Les Smale asr was on the job auid those who gave the 18 holes a n whiriwèreqite deigýhted that the fairwrays and o fro greens were in suich geoOd cotndition . . . and com- lan paratively dryý. Applications for memberships 'are' the cýomi9n lda afast rate, se beýtte-r fM11out a form now G. and be peae for agra season of golfing. Sec-eOU' the advertisement on page iaine for details of a spe- wO cmlwekdy ffer, it's a great bargain.T Leaman and Crydermari Score Hiat T ricks, Agaînst Paris Bantams ThAt lèft, BýI Leaman rejoices as he scores one of the three goals he ceun-ted hursday ugtini Par-is te give Knapp-'s Tewîng Bantanis a 6-3 win in thieir sec- ond game of tie Outanie finals. At. riglit, is Raîpli Cryderman who aise scored ahatic here in Satur ay' gi that ended 7-1 for Bowmanvilhe ai-A put themi aed trec games te noue. Look Oui, IYOU Essex Midgets, We're Coming Through New'ville-Starkville Bowling League, April Sth Top 10 Averagei 'Marlene Stacey 194, Doris Tompkins 191, Marg MacDon- ald 190,, Joyce Stacey 188, Olive Henderso.n 186, Dorothy Stark 185, Rorie Woods.185, Marie Trim 181, Grace Par-, row 179, June McKeen 178. High single, Doris Temp- kins 250; high average, Mar- WINNEBAGO MOTOR 1HOMVES Honda IMotorcycles 100 New and Used Johnson Outhoard Motors New and Used, Sidewinder - Princecrat Aquarian Boats Fibregiass Ski-Fiee $100. Mini-Bike $199. Truck Caps $269. S Installed >Best Deals at ONTARIO SPORTS î Hwy. 115, Orono 983-5444 Open Evenings Thiis action shot, taken at the Midget Ontario final penetr'ate the Esse-x defence and score. Tbcy made iti hcre on Saturday ni glit, shows John Wood (11) and tee), because Bewmanville's M,ýcGregor Midgets won 4-2, Girant Luxton' (12) making a deternained effort te éand these two lads pLyed a major role iu bbe victory.] Ontario 'A" Finals ncwho cornes ta the prac-l shake at making the Inter- Imediate squad. If you wisb te ercontact him by phene, you McGregor Midgets WinOpen esdsa can do se by dialin- 623-2669. Defeathng1EssexeHere onaSa4ur Du-d atin Ess il ýr au çdal forming the balance of te four team league. The Bow- manvIlle club returned te le- by David Goheen itncrease their output but Mlidget, "A.ýS", hope to win the termediate combat iu 1968 were unable to get the puck Ai Otae Champlenshlfollowing a iengthy absence. McreorMigt As ned1past Steve 'Slip' Rowe who.this year. The Essex team is Since that Initial season asý ed enly six minutes o)f 5Spa a fabuleus garne in fast and rugged and wîth thel the Merchants (transformed tained hockey on Saturda,.y to1 Bowmianvilie's net. next, two games at home 1 týàs the, Locke TV Electrons In defeat Essex, te lead the bes t Bowmauville's top line will nýot golng te bc easy for t'he 11969), the Bowmanvlle tep.m three eut of five Ail Ontarinlo ave te Iget on- track if the McGregor teamn. h las provlded their loyal sup-ý fmaisý one te zero. They play porters with some' exciting an Essex tbis Saturday nilht e, D I ,baebaIl. Much of il as a re- nd Sunday afternoon. ý0ayesui*tof clashes with their The, next home game .,,'If vi e yU l! I suu heecmettrsmnto needed, vill be Saturda, Ifhthe com etos'enivnl- April 2lst at 7:30. - abv e. ts Elcrns'rial-,t 7bw r ,-athe chilppy for tbJI O i ie u vv r O u s Port Hope, il hs only slightl1y rst two pnosand 14 immi- Ti ss ' o fthan ti n matches1 real lyhokypo A. L J promiýseste'haneclln tes, as neither team wautedl h1 Lý' 1 1with lKendai and Oshawa. il Jng te get ile ohrp A ters jj â gh S cfio wej %VI season for tise folewers et I 1htieir. stick., Abner Dýoubieday's creation In Tie"î"heo ayCox, by Jim Clarke weeks away, the Electrons this çirea. The Interm edit o'ým Nola mad Douais ha oteshdl llapa ntl a nint as largc aýs thse Locke's TV Electrons' man-j are Itching te edb tesieue ilapa uIi ssex pl1ayers they wo,-re up ager, John Staînton 1* issuing, baiiyard. Despite the efcetppra ena ti vi- ti-o4nst, heid tiseir ow,ýn. They an open invitation te aillui- 1 work of the Recreation DIe-abe hecked 11 tle bigger pDlayers at teresled bail players te attend pS rIment at gettlng thse dia-, _______ ýery meve, and raî stageldlthe Indeer workeuls beIng monds in shape, a. helping1 wt aieof a hockey gamo.> el2ld every Tuesday evening baud frem thse weathe rmanI~s Ç Joseph's, Mîed I Thse defencemen kept Es- zaI 7 p.m., lu tise new High D I5e necessary befor th ex at bay ns tlhey wrent Schsool gymnaslum. You are Locke, TV club car ventuire' le el eeman shtsaskecl te brlng a gleve and outside. B wigla u ývay after thjey ba;d carried:running shs Manager StaInten, mnaklng he puck acrosýs our bliu lino, Witb opening day for tise; h17 dabut aqs thse Electrens' It took ni five i-inuies Intermediates only some fIve bocss main, stiresses tisa, any-' AprIl 8th nd 18 seconds beýfore Dar, Tem Standings 1ills gel la front of Stevej t.Pn up' Roîwe and depesited it' LISUPinsîN olind hlmi. Assists went teLISR LVN 3. Bill Holroyd -- 75 U04111 mrr Martin and Nlom K err.1 1. Jlin Fair _ --- 56 373991 Seven minutes hater" ,1t1eî2!Il~ I 2. Les Hunt ------ 53 38472 aie was tied as Johin Wood:~MI ~ l* 8. Mar'n Vanstone 47 37445 ored, asslsted by Grant O P MN H O U S E 5. Allen MacLean' 47 36080 ,xton, :7. George Gibbs - 42 36677 The score l'rnaalned Ibisi 4. Geo, Chnnland 40 36588, aiy uintil thceleght miniue FREE COFFEF. AND DONUTS 6. Mike Kennedy 32 36612 lark of the second peniod Men - Higis triple, Jim'Fair ben Mark Miller scored FREE camping accessories up te, $50.00 1740; high single, Jlm Fair 278. rm Dn Mîhîs te put Essexý Ladies - Higs triple, Elleen îen. -wîth each new camper puirchased. Hfickey 692; higs single, Mary Ilise "kid" lune again shiow- Ciem20 ttheir scoring pOWeÂý-r ihen CAMFERS 29 imr Newian lied tise g n", TRUCK CAMPERSA DE Over 220 Games sited by Gary, Coit and Den-';A R Mary Chlsholm 290, 'Jean Is Bamber. Tet-iesc TRUCK CAr-,S Holreyd 286, Jizp Fair 278- nds iter, GaryéCx scored 'RVL RIER 4 1525AMr B kow 24 rm hi.,inmaesTom Now- FITAV EALES L-o275, Mary B3rin1low 274, in and Dennis Bamber for *FFT HEL ionelhkey 632 61, Faten hiey le go-nhead goal. OTO HOMES 2p57-eU pm. Frnk2i2 HlroydH255e Grant Luxton put the game 25-22, Bl ood 55,e ut of reach with th"e fourth 'ai, tise assist geing tiD johi1n R.R. 4, 1Bowrnninville - Hwy,2Fast of Zoo) MacLèain 237, Rlichard Klimer oed. 224, Martin Molioy 223, Jim TiseE.sex ouadtrid ~Jeffreys 223. in 1 Team League by Jim Clarke , home g'routnds.,vwith most oit The Bowmanville jtlvenil(,s, their localgae to be playýed the town's newest baseball on Satuirdayv and Sunday. entry, will be competing in a: ten team league this season. Coaches Larry Perris and Jklm Clarke were Bowmanvillle's TH Juvenfle representation at a0OS recent schedgling me e tîing held' in Port Hope. The teamn's TH T"ZAI"TY maInager, Murray Bate w1as G LENEGA unable te, attend.1 î'r 6,H S Oshawa, Peterborouýgh and, Betlleville will operate Mýidget N TI~O H "A" Major clubs latheMd- MO ER 9RICK get-Juvenile I ea gu e an should provide Bowmanvill zLA YER wlth severe tests, Aja.x, W7hit-ý by, Port Hope ad Cobouirg ý will challenge wWlth Midgpt 'A"' squiads, while Orono and Frankford entered "1C" teamns. Deseronto will suit up a Ju-_ venle 11C" team, lThe Rotary Park (Soper. Creek) will be B3ownianville's- lene! Stacey 194,; bigh' triple. Marlene Stacey 661. e 200 Gamesu Doris Tompkins Z50, Mar-D N S lene Stacey 235-213-213, Joyce SH L Shl Stacey 21r), Marg MacDonald hi 211-208, Lynda Willsher 210-Seve 200, Blanche Jones 204.Sevc Gaies Won Banana Splits 61, Roadrun- 180 KING E. nes49, T' eety Býirds 42. O MNIL ýFlinstones 36. BW ANIL GET CASH TODAY PHONE 6213-5662 BY USINO 'DonM cin - Don Plain CLASSIFIEDS ___________ Newcastle Golf Course, -18 1HOLES- 1i mile east of Newcastle on Hwy. 2 Golf Course Road Opens April 14th Pay as you iPiay orMebesp P.ONE 987-4851 '~LOOK WHAT YOU iAN WINa t the NEXT KINSM1EN SUMPER CAR This Fridajy, April l3?th in the Pceterborough NMemorial Centre Sig 'BiS"gaHldampeil n -, fNosd(tamLL>r000 0BIg ("BONUS" Gaine AME (or 2,000.00 Cuuh.) bOrts 7:30 p.,, e B sesaItt e ýr, D- e tcCoL. rausfo Il e t nuaflbleho ue üWr igîe a IIOEE$100 i u1iCr Cnt ~~la