The Canadc)ian Statesmnan, Bowmianville, April 18,193 3 Waverleyt A GrwingPlace to Live in Bowmanville Local home builder Maria Veltri Points ta, the f irst homne he built in Waverley Gardens. The home, part,,f which is visible in the background, is one of almnost 200 homes conistructed in Ph4se 1 of the sub-division. One of the more atitractive residents of Waverley Gardens, 20 year aid She-ryl WtlJans, stands in front ef her Cavalier model home. One man who has a lot of confidence in the future of Bowmanville is Mario Veltri. To date, Veltri's construction comp any, Marianna Developments hias built and sold homes to over 200 families in Phase 1 of the Waverley Gardens subdivision and the even larger second phase of the project is already well Linder way. The work has already begun on the first houses in 'Pha se Il' and Veltri indicated he intends to bujild "at least" 100 homes this year. In ail, 34.0 units will be constructed in Phase II and the first famqiliies will be able to move into their new Waverley Ga rdens homes in the early part of June. Twelve different styles of homr)es xiii be available in the new subdivision, including semni-detached models, bungalows, split levels, two-storey single home units and a numnber of choice ravine lots. The price range will run the gamut from $29,Î00 to $40,900. Mario Veltri is justifiably proud of his Waverley Gardens sub-division. People are willing to buy bis homes almyost f'aster than he'can buîld them. Ail 197 units in Phase I have been purchased and, to date, .15 homes in Phase Il have been pre-sold to peojýle who were suffîciently imnpressed with the calibre of the buildings in Phase 1 to buy 'sight unseen'. A report prepared in 1971 by the Central Ontario JitPlanning Board indicated the WaverIey Gardens Neighbourhood area wvill eventually be the homne for, 5,700 people. Whien Phase II 0f Veltri's Waverley Gardens sub-division is completed he will have built close to haîf of the 1,300 homes slated for the area. The completed section of Waverley Gardens is able to boast of such features as all-electric heating, completely paved roads and driveway approaches, sodded lawns and medians and a school bus service which runs three times per day. "And all at no cost to the homeowners," adds Veltri. AIl the Waverley Gardens lots have been approved by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (cmhc) and several of the most respected banks and trust companies were more tha n willing 'to finance the mortgages. To Veltri, the backing of the banks and the CMHC lends strength to his contention that "Waverley Gardens is one of the best locations in Bowmanville." The advantages of living in Waverley Gardens will bc further enhanced when Phase II is comipleted. Included in the second haîf of the projeet are a 2.7 acre shopping centre, which should begin construc- tion this year, a huge 400 x 540 f t. parking lot covering f ive acres and a six acre plot which will accommoda te a public scliool. All three of these projects will fr-ont on Waverley Road, south of what is now Lawrence Crescent. The man responsible for Waverley Gardens is himself an almost classical success story. Veltri came to Canada ini 1953 and began working as an ordinary construction labourer in Scarborough. Seven years ago, and a lot of hard work later, Veltri started up bis.own construction compàny and began building homes in Oshawa, where he and his wife and their three children (with one on the way) currently reside. Since he started on his own in 1960 things have gone from good to better for Mario Veltri. In 1971, for example, he was elected the President of the Oshawa and District Builders Association.' Veltri has built homres not only in Bowmnanville and Oshawa but in several sm-aller communities in thie areaas well, including Hampton, 'Newcastle and Newtonville. The 39 suite Marianna Villa apartment building on Simpson Avenue is another suiccessful Veltri. proiect. Since 1970 Bowmanville has been the focus of operations for Veltri's varyqus construction compan- ies. (H-e is currently presicAnt and owner of not only Marianna Developments but also Veltri and Sons Ltd., V & P Construction and other holding companlies.) "I'm proud of this town," says Veitri. "I want to do more and more for Bowmanviile." Doing 'more and more' doesn't mean merely building bouses. Far from it. Veltri acknowledges to be truiy successful a business mani must keep bis customers happy and maintain their confidence as well as contributing to the life of the community. Presently - Marianna Developments sponsors recreation league teams in basebaîl, soccer and hockey in Bowmanville, as weil as an ail-star hockey team in Oshawa. Veltri indicated that be tries to buy as much of bis building materials -as possible in Bowmanville, not to mention biring many local people for bis varionis building projects, J> ,hase,:One - Now Completed, Ma ria Veltri points ta one of the more impressive homnes in the Waverley Gardens area. This madel, The Lisbon is one of the 112 styles w,.hich \,,ill be available in Phase 11 of the pralect. Wéith Veltri are Sales Manager Ernije Wilson, Sales Representative John Wotton, and construction fareman Sam Porco. P-hase To-Now Underwav Marianna Dev-elopments Sales Manager Ernie Wilsoni poses with campany President Maria Veltri on the site of the f irst homne being buîlt in Phase Il 0of the Waverley Gardenis sub-division. The house, which is just being staked out, will be ready for occupoancy early in June. lncluded in Veltri's future plans in Bow,,maniville is the redevelopm-ent of onie or twio commercial areas in the dononcore oftwn He indicated that one day in the foreseeable future he would like ta build the largei-st commrcil-aartentcamplex in Bawmnanville. But such pro jects are in thPftue Rightnw Maria Veltri is warking fulI-time- just ta keep Up With the dernan dfer his Waverley GaDrdens homes. .Builders and Con tractors of Fine Hiomes Division of Veltri & Son LimnitedT 213 FAREWELL ST.,OHAAON.P NE7305 PHASE ONE t. UNE RAkoA Ù'-'ýSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 723-0575