The Canadian Statesman, Bowrnanville April 18, 1973 ~~5kj~~' ~. ...........................................................................: ~.... .................................................................................~'. ~ .~ ~ 9Žnems 0/ Ynterest he Phone 623-3303 York daugi Miss Trudy Noel, Montreal, Que., spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mrs, W. Roy Wehher, Ontario Street. Miss Lynne Piper andi ., ss Heather Brunt bave returned home £rom two weeks vaca- tion in Hawaii.,1 Larry Devitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Devitt, Jane Street, has completed two, years, at Waterloo Universit. REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Churcli Scugog Street Phone 623-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.xn. Back to, God Hour fiai 1l"10 Radio Every Suiday 10:30 a,m. Definition of a babysitter - manvill A teenager called in ta act as third Y( an aduit, whlle the aduit goes at the1 out to act like a teenager. Mr.. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald' Hall and Ka and Miss Nancy Hall, Chatham, Mrs. L, spenit the weekend with his and Yi mother, Mrs. James Hall, Lib- and Mn erty St. N. onto, vL R. Campbell recently retir-erya ed from the Bowmanville Tei plant of Goodyear Tire andi Druga Rubber Co. Ltcl., following 23 who ph years of service. weekenc The St. Paul's Chancel Choir Wit L placed third in their class at home. 'R the -Peterborough Kiwanis rnaking Bowman*lla Baptist Church Nelson St.' Pastor - RZoger Fellows EASTER SERVICES Il a.m Morning Service in jcharge of Young People's 7:00 pm Evening Service Pastor ! -warciec TRNIY UNITED CHURCH mancrto Rev. N. Wesley Oake, B.Th. - Minister ,vhen the, Johin Crookshank - Music Director-Organist- The 0' -P i fholdinga FIDAY, APRIL 20 -7-.30 P.M. i how ti JOINT GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Collegiate in St. Pauil's United Church uhow an SUNDAY, APRIL 22 - 7:00 A.M. qhoes by1 11-C SUNRISE SERVICE !from the Centre. I in the Sanctuary ýthe Fashi 8:30 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast tained by in the Church Hall 576-2329. The sod 11:00 a.m.. for the V'. EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE oilA Allan Lav SUNDAY SCHOOL HOURS ;Cuben Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. andi Russe] B3eginners-, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. at il thumberla Nursery Care in, Church Parlor shovels pi A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE Asr mr h IStatesman -walk-a-tho ST.lJONILIANLICAN kat etl the Ontari tion. Whi CN URateH association, going tos GQOJ FRIDAY, APRIL 2Oth Mig-a-ht a Three Hour Service Mr. List 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. tive Vice~ Guest Speaker: Rev. T. McNear ieen calin EASTER DAY, April 22nd lium." Mr. chosen as1 8:00 a.m. at 'the, Anr HoIy Communion 'Ontario Fei 9:30 am. TSchool As: Holy Communion (said service) !Annual Ba School dE 11:00 a.m. across Ont Hloly Communion (Sung Service) 17:00 p.m.]F 7:30 p..27, 1973 at SungEvenongin Etobicok Sung Eensongter Sinclair April 29th THE SUND4Y AFTER EASTER lions of Cý 8:00 a.m. CBC telev HoIy Communion Nature of 11:00 a.m. - Special Service for Aardva Guest Speakers: On Sund Miss Kay Golbeck of Singing Waters Samuel W. Capt. Doug Patstone of Church Army. St., Bowný at a recept 7:00 p.m. - YOUTH SERVICE approachisý Speaker: iMiss Kay Golbeck of Singing Waters--grancoam gn Thecolm ai .entred w.l ST. PAURS UNITED CHURCH iwie. te Minister- Rev. HL. Turner, BA, B.D. 'Quick. Th( Misses Gall Oranst- r.R.Mtclf AR..TA.CC Malcolin,h Mr.Harpei GOOD FRV% T Crant Brol in.Guests IL pe, Newý Trinity and St. Pauil's join for i'orship Nef tieton. « in St. PauI's. Speciai Music. Oshawa an( Palm Sui Speaker: Rev N. W. Oake, B.Th, .ll- 'inty Un* Ilconduted C akassiser EASTER SUNDAY ibers ofh 11:00 aMm.Clas 1,1Che! 11:0 a.. Ut,."~-1 ah Public Worship with solos by Mrýs, K. Hull, Miss Cindy Ayre and Mr. Len Jones, andanthems by the Gxeat Choir Infant Care Provided Sunday SChOol at the regular hours A IHEAPrTY WELCOME TO ALL Festival. Fouir choira ýed in this class. Bill Smae, soof Mr. rs. Les Smale, returned eek from. several montha gland. While there, Bill isited the continent. Betty Spry, RR 1, has been elected Reg- Vice-President for East î>. il Ontario Region of the ian Red Cross Society. Ross Metcalf was the cator at the Coldwater tret Annual Music Fes- ruesday, Wednesday and lay, April 17, 18 and 19. and, Mrs. Harold Gib- R 2, Bowmanville, have ed from visiting in and North Africa Wtdh Just outside the Walls of the old city of Jerusalem is ýniversity of Guelph an eroded bili that bears a resemblance tu a skull, 1. and is called Golgatha, It is simid that upon this bill Jean Leentjes and baby stood three crosses the day that Jesus was crucifieçi. iting ber mother, M119- That agonizing day that Christ died is referred to eColo, and the other s, during the months today as "Good Fniday". pt. Leentjes in on duty ESERARL2,1 3 Wus. ATRA RL2,93 Hayman, son of Fire Ma th e 28 -1-9& nd Mr&. Hayman, Ont- Street,, bas completed Mark, 16:14-20, from Thme LIVING BIBLE years in Specialized ss Administration at Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was University, Toronto. dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went Stephanie Devorski, out to Jesus' tomb. ër of Mr. and Mrs [bibodeau, RR 03, Bow- Suddenly there was a gteat earthquake; for an angel e, bas completed ber of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled ,ar Honors Art Course aside the stone and sat on it. His face shone like University of Waterloo, lightning and his clothing was a brilliant white. and. Mns. H. Hatherly The -guards shook with fear when they saw him, and aren, Oillia; Mn. and mrry 1-athenly, Duaine fell into a dead faâint. .rMississauga; Mn, Then the angel spoke to the women. "Don't be s. Syd Chambers; Tor- fnightened !", he said, "I know you -are Iooking for, sited Mrs. Annie Hath- Sunset Lodge. Jesus, who was crucified, but he isn't here! For he' mlambers of McGregor has corne back to life again, just as he said he would. Midget hockey team Corne in and see where his body xvas lying .... lyed in. Essex on the And now go quickly and tell his disciples that he d, called in to see Dlavidha isnfo tededadtateisgngo in New University Hos- hsrsnfo h ed n ht'h sgigt London, on their way Galilee to meet them there. That is my message to teports indicate Dave is them." progressý.11 The women ran from the tomb, badly frightened, six mayors of Toronto but also filled wvith joy, and rushed to find the dis- ,five Boroughs in Met- m Toronto will lead the ciples to give them the angel's message. And as they of celebnities agreeing wvere running, suddenly Jesus xvas there in front cipate in the "Walk for of them! mi-als" to raise funds new Metro Toronto Zoo "Good morning!" he said. And they fell to the 'day, june 2nd., ground before him, holding his feet and wvorshiping ta1lowing employees of hlm. r TPire and Bubber Co. Stilil later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they we reacbed the mile- eeetn oehrHerbkdhmfrteii of service with the wr aigtgte.1erbkdte o hu yas follows. 35 years unbelief-thcir stubborn refusaI to believe those Harrison, Office, C. 1, vho had seen him alive from. the dead. Plant, 25 yeans, B. S. And then he told them, "You are to go into ail the Office, 10 years.,. -r adpehth odNw ovryn vr- in Legionnaîres sang at odanprahteGoNestovryeve- ýrborough Kiwanis Fes- where. Those 'vho believe and are baptîzed will be M Fniday and were saved. LBut those who refuse to believe wvill be con- 1first place with a demned. S86. They wena învited WenteLr Jesha fnied alngwt t the l'estival of Stars hnteLr eu a fisedalngwh on Sat., Apnul l4th them, he \vas taken Up into heaven and sat down at :y wene well received. God's right hand. Dsbawa Jaycettes are And the discipies wvent everywhere,,(- preaching-, ndl a Children's Fashin, the Lord wvas withi them and confirmeýtnd what they is week at Eastdalehe iaiethtoloetermsag. te. Fashions for the said by themrce htfloe hi esgs se being provided. by Tots & Teens and the Class joining the United 1known on five continents for ,Kjddie Kobbler, noth ,Church off Canada and Trin-;its ductiocalap se Oshawa Shopping ity Congregation on Profession' musical s an Information reganding of Faith. The naines of the educational programs, is rom- doný Show may, be ob- Class members are as follows : ng to Oshawa to perform on ypboning 728-0868 or Barry A. Brunt, Carol J May lst at the Oshawa Civic Carlson,, Murray D. ooke Auditorium One hundred and t was turned Saturday Çindy Cowle, Velma A.%Dick. ten, hîgh school and college- Vincent Massey Mem- v., Manlene L. Downey, Sharon aga youths, îepresenting 12 7na inx Bewdley, by A.'Gordon, Randaîl W. Gough countnies will he living with wrence, M.P. North- James W. L. Lewis, Janet ï. Oshawa famnilies during tbeii id - Durham, Alex focke, Deane D. Mclntyre; visit in May. Up With People rs, M.P.P. Durham, David McKee, Carie, L. Pear- us a two-hour kaleidoscope of ell Rowe, M.P.P. Non- son, Terry M. Severn, John M.original music, combining the [ad, with special Sheridan, Allan D. Slute, test ofcountry, rock, jazz and pîinted golci andi ail- Cheryl L. Sweetman,, Dale folk, with choreographed stag- he oc~casion. Switzer, Donald Switzer, David ing. The show bas exgited ntioned before in the E. Sylvester, Beverly Taylor audiences from the Arctic Cmr- i thene have been Linda Taylor, Cynithia Thomp- cle to Japan f0o the athletes a ons, swim-a - thons, qon, Donna Vefroni, Debbie the 1972 Summer Olympic hons, hîke-a-thons and Whlite. Gamres in Municb, Germany, Lai the base-a-thon to One of the three internat- In two extensive. tours of 3oedinl Ontario by ional casts. f Up With People, ErpU îhPol at xi Baseball Associa- gave: over 125 Performances: &re are the women's .itayed in 3600 homnes;, appear- n, and when are they C ed on national televisiQ» in sposorkni-a-hos, fl~~auaiuii Italy, Spain'and West Ger- )ns, bake-a-thons, etc.? rnany; and also 'performed for well join the crowd.Arui Itaîy's President Leone an?ý ter Si 1nclair, Execu- mmy Cnown Prince Juan Carlos oif Pres. of CBt, ha 35 Division St. Spain. After sengý a perform ed "Canada's greateit Bowmanville, Ontario ance of the cast in Brussels in oui newest mcd- CORPS OFFICERS: 1Belgium. Jean Bey, formeý rSinclair bas beeni Captain and Mrs. S. Hewlett "'hairman of the European the keynote speaker 9:45 a.m. Common Market saici: "Tbenc nual Banquet off the Sunday Sehool for the is a picture, of a dvnaniic 7denation off Home & Whole FamIly searching. young wonld that mocition. Th 54h 110î) .m.Europe needs to see and un- 3socat for.Hohe &t 1:0 ..derstand." Tickets are avail. anqet or ome& "The Challenge 4ible, at Jury & Loveîl Trave' [elegates from alI of the Cross"inowavle tano wllbe eldat7:00 p.m. The Goodyear Tire and Fniday eveaing, Apnil "TeD ari oth at the Skyline Hotel "TesDyame cthe Rubber Co. Ltd. plant in Bow ke, Toronto. Mn. Lis- ResuretiGon" id.- nanville bas its own dam on r bas delighted mil-APnil210thGoo FIda7 Barber'sCneek to create a Canadians with sucb Atn11:00 A.m.n resenvoir f0 supply the plant ýviionprg"An s heosArun with the million gallons oi viit p'gasa he Crose","Th water it uses every day. This rthenre", and The Tuesday 8:00 p.m. yean's runoif was heavier than Thina", nd " 1 "HRome Learue" uua ndte usig re duan ther nn atr uda Th -a wa-ost reall sbaing ,on behaf of the 9:55 a.m. sdningta w"Tht par ofif there was aow a Sunday School so fast, il smashed an oil drum derstanding of the agalnsf the dam so bard it fChurch member- 11:00 a.m. bounced up andi flew right over dloser relatioasbip Wrh srhich would mnake Wrhp the dam." For the four men ?r memnbers of the who worked soiveu hours to I vlud mmbrs7:00 pà.. dean the, debns, Apnil Fool's' Mrs. Marlena Far- Evening Service Dycmsolneog Pinedale United Everyone Welcome GET CASH TODA-Y swel comed on Cer- BY USING Transfer and re- REV. H. DAWSON, Pastor S T 'A T E S M A N vows with the miSFID Cburch was tificafe of newed .ber 'I "Foro God creaf cd mani for time off ail. Jesus Himsel.f tcl 1immortaty, and Mwade him tbe disciples to "BEHOLD 1V From the image of His own HANDS AND FEET, THAT.l eternity . . . IS I MYSELF, HANDLE M The'souls of the righteous AND SEE". We note that th are in the baud cf God tact off the empty tomb wa Andi no torment can toucb fOllowe1d by the exhortationc thern". our Lord to reach out ai fhom".toucb Hlm. Ho wants us to I (Wisd. off Solomon 2:23 - 3:1) fully awane of the fact that H The message of Eater ap- is Bison. peals to all people because it remincs them that their great- We Must al face that fina est nem ba ben dfeaed.horizon off 1fe, but our out est nemybas eendefeted.îoo on life and on God wi Ia a real sense, it commands ei hw efaet.W m, us to "Come and see" why thedihowe face if W et muho Church fmakes Ibis time of ifs facyhe 1rvl, e i year the most vital and joyous anW e beyoad the graVE WeMay face it with deep sor GROUr row because Death býas eclip sed the Light that should givi MAPLEus Hope. We can face iitiun On Saturday, Apnil l4th thehantly owing oustht Chni MXaplo Grove Cuba had anotb- bsbogtf stego cr succeaful paper andi bottie Off the Reaurrection. Eacha drive. Assistance from Mn. US must face our pivate dead. Wood, Mn. Mason, Mn. Bubar, end Street. In doing tbis, w( Mn. Vanson, Mn. Russell, Mn. MuaI find a f aith which wil ieuwes and Mn. Davey1 was enable us to see beyond th( deeply- appreclateci. At Ibis deaci-enci of life to Ihat OnE ime I would also lîke to Mea- who is the Way, the Trufh and tion one gentleman ln Maple the Life. If at the oaci offlbE Grove who does thnee jobs in road, wheu we face this finai one. He goes bicycle nidîag horizon, there la uothing fci to keep in shape; two, ho us but the unpleasant' truti, picks up ail bottles andi don- we wîll be "found out", the] ates them 10 the Cuba: tbnee, it is no woader we do nct he figbts pollution. On Apnil want to "face death", l a ib 28th th1e appreciation dance moment off timo we must stand and , dinner will be helc Inl befone the One who bas creal. Orono. Wo would like f0 wel- ed us anci who knows ail about came ûfiss Bevenly andi Barb us. Easter 'reminda us that Daigle as assistant leaders for there is a WAY ouf. It la pos- the laI Maple Grove Cuba. sible for us tfa stand, bofore Support Scouting la your area. God, forgiven ihrough the sac- rifice Of f is Son on our bebçtl: rITmT z.V~~VForgivenessa menas that God Of.IUAlY' accepta us as we are. Whata joy it is 10 know lm b ere MRS. ROBERT MOASE andi now, but more than thi:, to know Bis gift off Life Eve:. The lat off her famlly, Mrs. lasting! The only way we can Robent Moase dieci Friday, handle- the tensions anciun- Apnil 13, 1973, at the Oshawa cerf ainflea off life la fo be as- General Hospital, followlng a a.ureci off the fact that what we 10-day ilînesa. She liveci at 322 caîl "The Enci" is really thb Jarvis St., Oshawa, andi bnci beginning. The Christian faith formenly lived Inl Columbus. aaserts la no uncortain terni Bora Sept. 28, 1890, in Eat that wc have "LIFE IN htby Townabhip, the former CHRIST". Lucy Elizabeth James was the For ail of us thero lsa daughf an of the late Mn. andi choice; we can- bellevein Itermi Mns. John James. She was off these wvords fnom a poon educated lu Eat Wbitby, by G. A. Rohinaun: Hon fînat husband, Llewel- lyn Guy died inluI127 anci ber second busbanci, Robent Moase Fivo brothens, Harny, Bort, The earth is but Howard, Edward andi Anchle, andi one sisten, Msn. Clarence one country; and Hayes (Aima Beatnice) d.ted before,.hon. mankind its citizans. She Is surviveci by rnany nleces andi nephews.- Mns. Moase rosteci à th11e à i4 Mclntosh - Anderson Funen-al AHA U L A Home. Service a th chapel -on Moaday at 3 p.m. UL Intorment la Oshawa Union PHO E 623-3171 Cemefeny. Bey. C. B. Newtoný off iclateci. OR we can sing at £aster this glorlous hymn: "The po wers cf death bave done, thoir worst But Christ their logions bath dispersed; Lot housJo Hl jh outhu rne i - rst St.leAudrahs Bresy Jaes Gilchst of bed ASTHMATIC CLINIC HIe The Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Res- piratory Disease Association is sPonsoring physical ia conditioning classes for asthmnatic cildren, beginning n it- April Sth atthe Bowmanville Library, 7-8:30 pj.m illj There is no charge, but the form, printed below, must ay be filled out by your family physîcian. Lt re. W- Application Form r- n- NAME OF CHILD -- --- --------- ------- SEX E RE T ------I-----H1..... ADDRESS SIGNATURE 0F ATTENDING -PHYSICIAN ADDRESS TELEPHONE t :t : TUNE-UPS fi SAFETY-CHECKS e BRAKES tne MUFFLERS NOW on Sale oit Ç MacDONALD FORD Get Ready for' Spri ng BODYWORK and PAINTING FAST PROFESSIONAL WORK AT PRACTICAL'PRICES 623-4481 Ifyou tbWacar, we oproide a *ý And flhe Ieans. There are lots of places that will lend money for a car. WelI, we can f00. But we can also give you something else. It's our free "Buying a Car" bookiet with useful information on depreciation, i-nsurance, running cons, and more, Ail of xhich may save you money. And we also give you a car comparison checklist to help you compare the costs of dif- ferent cars and optional equip-. 117t= ment when you shop. One more very important point. The interest rates on a Commerce Bankplan'Loan are bard to be at. And, getting a loan from us is really quite simple. Just drop by your local Commerce brandi, tell us how much you need and we>ll work out a repayment plan for you. Without putting you in over yorhead. And, Bankp1ain Loans are life-insured. So if you want to buy a ca, talk to your local Commerce branch first. We can provide a way. And the means. CANADIAN IMPERIAL 13ANK OF COMMERCCZ I Ask about a Cmec a1ua Loan, and free car-buyingais ----------- ......... - -------- SEX AGE IIEIGHT WEIGHT