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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1973, p. 7

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Mr. and Mrs.' Roy McGill and Arnold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelly and Linda at Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Bark- ley, Williamsburg, Ont., spent the weekend with his brother Mr. and Mrs. Keith Barkley, Nancy'ý and Raymond, Liberty St. Norithi. Mr. Keith Barkley is tis w'eek attending a course for Ontario Hydro at Orange- ville. Mri. and Mrs. Wm J. Bragg and Janet spent Suniday wth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oswald and fanily, Brantiford and attended t] ýhe confirm.ation, of Miss Lorrie Oswald at St. Matthiew's Evangelical Luth- eran -Church. Mr. Danny Oswald was the soloist for the afternoon service. Mrs. T. Buttery, Second St., attenided the W.I. Provincial Training Conference at Wýit erloo UJniversity last xeek.' Mrs. MWabel Junkin, Bob- caygeon, recently visited witli Mrs. T. Buttery, Second Street- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cott, Brooklin, Were Saturday evening- callers 'of Mr. and REHOBOTHA Christian Reformned Church Scugog Street Phone G23-7407 SUNDAY SERVICES 10 n.m. 7 p.rn. Bach to God Hour Dial' 1310 Radio Every Sunday% 10:30 a.rn. United Church Minister Rev. H. A Turner B.A., ih». Organlst Mr. R. Metealf A.R.C.T,, A.C.C.M. il'am. Sacra ment of Baptism SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a. Juniors and 1ntermedlates Il a.m. Kîndergarten and Primary Army 35 Division St. Bowmnvile.Ontario CRSOFFICERS: Captain and NMrs. S. Hewlett SUNDA Y 9:45 a. n Sundav Sehiool 11: 00 a ýý 1NE0 p.n800î.n Mid-Week Praýver1VMeeting, C01NINU EVENTS: May l2th at 7:30 p. ii. Featuriîg thie fili -S0 LONG J 0EV" May î3th - Guest Speaker Major R. Zwieker Thei Oshawa Salvatioii Army Y.P. Band under the leadership of Mr. Williami Jamies will also be ini attendance. 'lAe are available at VOUR convenience- 000. In today's stahement. the secretary of state's depart- mient, responsible for OFY, 5 terest said grarîts totalling $35.6 million have been approved to ý23-3303 date. John Baker, President of General Motors, Jack Duffy, Mrs. Allyn Taylor, Second General Sales Manager, Osh- Street, after visiting bier awa, Fred Owen, Bowrnan- mother, Mrs. Hosken Srith, ville, and other dealers in the_ who is a patient in, Mernorial area recently returned frorn a H-ospital. vacation at King's Inn, Free- Mr. and iVrs. Wayne Devitt port, Bahamas. and Melissa, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nesbitt Ont., visited their parents last have returned from spending week and attended.the funeral the winter months in Eustis, of the late Mrs . Andrew Devi tt Florida. on Friday. The year 1973 has special Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aider significance for the Mernorial have ret'urned from an enjoy- Hospital in Bowmanville as it able two, weeks in Spain with represents 60 years of provid- the Oshawa GJolf Club. ing health services to the Mr. and l\rs. A. Marjerri- citizens of this area. Because son, *Flett St ., and Mrs. Nellie of this, special events are Harnirnan and Leonard Har- being planned which 'will nirnan, Willowdale. were Sun- begin on Wednesday, June 13 day dinner guests of Mr. and 1973, with special organized Mrs. Gerald Marjerrison and tours of the facilities. On David of Barrie on the Wednesday evening, a special occasion 'of David's third banquet will be giveii and on lirthday. Thursday and Friday open Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Billett public tours of the facilities and daughter H1elen, Missis- wilI be hosted. The events will sauga, werc Sunday callers conclude with a dance on with their grandrnother, Mrs. Friday evening, June 1.5wich A. E. 'Billett, Division St.. is being organized and plan- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- ned by the Employees Social nethy were Monday dinner and Recreation Committee. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Special hi storical displays and Abernethy, Greenbank. MVrs. pietorial bulletin boards will Reg. Titeomibe, Victoria, B.C., be available for viewing M.!rs. Bob Smith, Scarbor- during the public tours. Also, ough; M1,s. Les Johnson, West appropriate souvenirs will1 be, Hill; Mr. 'Ialmage Taylor. available comrnemorating thec Oshawa, xere Wednesday events for a nominal cost. visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jim More specific detail will be Abernethy Mr. and MIrs. fortbcoming in your local Elgin Taylor, Enniskillen and, newspaper- watch for it. Miss Pat Abernethy, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cor- were Friday dinner guests: den, Brown Street, have Mrý and Mirs. Reg- Suttonl, returned borne fromi their tirono, Iv ere Friday ai ternoon wirter holidays in Florida. isitors and Mr. Keith Fer- Howard 'Johnsons m oved guson and David, Enniskillen, into Oshawa Thursday, in the were Sunday dinner guests of Five Points Mal on Taunton Air. and Mrý . Jim Abernethy. Road, with 29 of the 32 ice Mr. and MVrs. Antonio cream flavours which have Acosta of Barranquitas, Puer- made the restaurants a bouse- to Rico, have been visiting in hold word in the United States. Boxxmanviile since the end of The choice of flavors ranges April with Mrs. Acosta's two tromn Apple Strudel 10 Swiss sisters. M\rs. A. W. Harding, Cîocolate Almond to Coffee and Mrs. VW. Maindunald nd BRrandy And guess whats the liusbafid. They have al nec-n rig seller? Vanilla. in Owen Sound to vi.sit with Cablecast 8 will feature \Irs. Kelv in Bunner. also in St. Soilnd Talent 73 w îth talented Cathanines ,ihMn. and Mrs. \uoung mnusicians fnorn the Paul SyuLmns and lamnily. Canadian Conservatory of Tlhey attended a trousseau tea M1usic on Friday, at 8:00 p.mn. in Willowdale at the home of M/rs. W. A. Edger, spent the Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Chandler, weekendin Petenborough wîth whfose daughtei 1-Ilen is, to be her son Mr. and Mrs. W. R. îiarrîed f0 Robert Symorîs, (Bill) Edger and farnily. May 1Yih. Mr. and l\rs. The Miss Oshawa Fair Acosta retîirned home May Beauty Pageant will again be 1011). one of thefetue attractions OnamLadies College. at the Oshawa Faýýi r, sponsored Whii1iby\ iIll hold Open House by the South Ontni Ai-cu on Wensa.May I6th trom mrai Society, July 19 ihhrou),gh 7 9ý pin. \iitoîs are welcoîne. 2,at Al lani- Pak.The lo .('ox 418, Agincour', agan. oni the o i-er Ontart. basbeen1ppointedA 'poputlar atîcton tithe fair conucorol tOc Oshfawa in te1 pa1- is xpected hto Synphony Orchestr-a for tIie draxx;a large nunnber of 1973-71 season. An oboist xitli etisConteustants, must be 1uhe Toronto Syniphony Oich- single aîîd betweeniithie ages of estr-a.lie was assistant, coi) 16 and 22. They must be ductor, fast season for the residents of the souhhern Oshawa Symphiony Orchestia. section of Ontario County as Mns. W.ard Hoffrnan, Ell- well as Port Peî-ry and xood Ci ,,. Pennsylvania, vis- Bowmanville. Entries nust be ited lier nother. Mns. George in to Mrs. Gordon Bruwn, 62 James on Monday. Park Rd. S.. Oshawa, by dune 'fhere il be jobs for :36,152 30. The winner will also ýoung people in 4,334 Oppor- quality ho take part in the tnities toi- Youth OFY pro- Sweetheaî-t of Fains ('ompeti- jecis. it x as aniiounced today. fion at the CNE Tie imiber is up ironn the \lr. Daid W'nýýightL, Univern 29,9541 employed iin sonne 3,200 sity Hospitat, London, spent projeets sponsored by the the we ekend at borne with bis go\ ei-nment in the 1972 OFY parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald programn. The budgetfor thiis Wright, FetStreýet. Frienids summie's OFY program was and acquaintlances will be eaulier estinnated ah $39.970,- pleased to leaî'n that David, Breathe tiot the sins of others so long as thon art thyseif a sinner. BAHAVULLAH PHONE 623-317 injuired in a c ar accident in J anuar- jus coin ng along very nicelxý Union bargaining agents for Genet-al ?lotors of Canada Lhd. plants were elected Thursday ini Mo ntreal. Steve Nimnigon, now vice-presideni oh Local 22 was elected chait-man of the General Motoi-s totra -Corporation Council, dci eaing Rolly Hag- erman, also of Oshawa. Rob- cnt Longuay, of tle Windsor jtransmission plant was namec ice-chairman. Jmm Mor-and, oh the ,Windso r tnirn plaint!vas narned sc-tr-natrrof theconcl.Tx ohi-t esf( oc hxxo em bers of the 1)ylaw\ýý commihtee weu-e also elected. No oshaxva delegates placed successful bids. Abe Taylorý preýsident of Local 222. Alcý Sinkevich, of Windsor and Jin Conncîl of St. Cathanines. xere named ho the pension ,ornmittee. Mn. Taylor alsc won a position on the Supple- mientary Unernploymnent Ben. etits (SUB) comrnittee alont uýith Pierre LePage. of Ste Therese and Sid Hutton ol Toront o Delco. Art Brown oi Oshawa and, Len Finnegar werc the successful candidat The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 9, 1973 sent ho another one la a rest home. Plans for the annual supper were discussed and tickets will be made by Mary Jones for three sittings, 5, 6 and 7 o'clock, a differenit color for each, and as many as possible will be sold ahead of -timie. At Ieast four ladies agreed to have their telephone numbers used to supply tickets. Amelia Lancaster will order the envelopes for the Anniversary on May 27, when Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bickle will bie in charge of the. service. A donation was voted the latter couple and colfee and doughnuts will be served at the close of' the service. Several votes nf thanks were read, from those who have been remernbered by the Sunshine Comrittee and mention was made. of the bazaar and tea ho bc beld in Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, the same day as an "open House" at theborne of Mrs. Lakîn in, honor of bier mother, Mrs. Bourgerie's birthday. The resident expressed appreciation to those who help.ed supply f ood, afier a uecent funeral, and the Good Friday service. Janet Paeden asked ho be relieved of bier duties in lielping look after the chuî-ch Trhe trophy winning team of the Mýen's MVajor Osborne; baek row, high single winner Larry Bowling League was honored at the annual Piper and high triple winner Don Oke, team banquet on Saturday night, along with the high ip~embersGeorge Bebee, Elwyn Dickie and Pat single and high triple winner. They are, front row, Murphy. left to right, Dr. HJ. B. Rundie, Don Bagnel iirl and AI es fon, the skilled trades comm i ttee. Miss Bonnie Jean Malcolm, whose manniage 10 Mn. James Edgar Bilton took place Api il 7th was guest nf honor ai a br-idai shower hosted at Nos- tieton United Church Ix Mn'. Victor Malcolma and daugh- ters, foi' neughboi-s, relatives and friends * Studeois oh flie bi-ide's Bible class un Kingston presented lier xxTitli a Kenxx oo blanket. AI a duuîoer parîy, Theological college iniends presented thîci xxitb a gui set oh international Suix eux'aie. Mliss Jane Mlacpherson and Ais\innic Speuicer xxei' co-hoshiesses ion a party oh a Kingshoýn Pu'a}er Group xxhen tlie xx re pesented xx 110 aý xx ode crssand purse nif Mnouie, i teaand receptuon IA aM ix10 iuftei hno b the bideY gi-andranthen. Mus S. awa, siat(ed rlecerîtly that the city us tr>ig ho arrange a meeting xxith iederal trans- pou-t ministeu Jean Mrhn sornetime in June aI xvhieh hume 0e xviii present a Ocici drawn up by the cuty planning department showing the econ- omnic pichuîe ci-eated by mnov- ing Oshawxa Airpont. Thc mayon said ithat sonne airpoît u'esidents, xxho oîiginally fav- cired nin îg the field, xxere Ifarthng Jo haxve second thomnclts.'I lex wvere noxx xxorried xx ai ,xould take over thc location, Thc city would like ho buuld a nexv aurpou t. and if Mayou- Potticary bas hîs xxy axit xxould be used by Short Take Ohi and Làinding planes. ('ritical issues iii the edoca- nion of > oung children x;,'eue discussed Ox 270 voe rteachers ah a xorkshop ah i1 iie -a latRegecy Hotel. Ton- donto. on Fniday exening. April e27 anci ail day Saturday, April 2w. The session vas spon sored bx the Federai ion of Won-euî dTeachers' Associations ni iOntario. Attending fron tis n anea ivas Miss Bonnie Me- Bride ni Vincent Massey )Public School. On Fniday dex'enuîîg the delegates vucxxed 1, ilmîs and x usited dispia> ai'cas Ion such hopues as mile pia>iig )f using junk materialsxx'orking xx with x'od, pla> ung mathe- ýniatiucal gaines. uieing10 arolmuni th_ sand anud xxater. 3The ke> note speaker or Saturda> xxas eariy childhoor cducation specialust Sylvia McPOee ni the Ontario Minis- hi-ty oh Educat ion, Wonkshop sessions on Satunday were lu dex'oted to critîcal issues in ;0 kinderganten education. un- ecluding caris admission tn nkindengarten. parent un- x' olvement, recordung pupil epiugness, beguuîoing neading in ofkundengarten and the hazards ofof eariy labelling. Thc Honorable Leo Bernier, Ministei-of Natural Resounces SMOTHERS: Here's the healthy pure water ingredient for baby's formula delivered to your ,door. Th-e perfect mix for juices, coffee and drinks. Great for cookirig, soups, sauces. Find out more --phonec or wrie- OZOPURE LIMITED, P.O. Box 473, Oshawa, Ontario - TELEPHONE 725-0566 PLEASE GIVE ME MORE INFORMATION AT NO OBLIGATION. NAME ADDRESSPHN ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- NEWTON VILLE Mn. Fned Henderson bas heen iak'1ing a special tele- phoine course un Toronto, tOc pasi txvo xeeks. MIî'. Marie "frini xx as Monday. on lien va> home frora wonk. Fotunaiely, sOc suffered non broken bones but1 0cr car xvas deunolshed, we undenst anti TOc aniunai meeting of' Lakeviexx Cemetery ('onint tee xvas lield apîii 25 at the1 home of> Mn. C.Ai..Jones. 1-eports shoxxed tliere w ere h1 iuîermeuits dui-ng tlhe past '1ear. and se'enilotsxxei-e soid. Total expenditcures flor l10e x car xxeue $5,20.90, iii ouc lucuu xith 10e atterut u uteresiing f)to unieti onu tOcj) houns nilaoar"Gti. .1luanks 1d0 gîc~oi soîne oh those i charge Wha othei coimmn it>i a on ate ini is choîce ni personnel?" A special hequest oi $5 0<10 troin thc estate cftOchelaie Airs. A. AI1 Joncs was î'eceix' cd, sn theue is a substantial balanice. TOc committee con- sists oh Jas. Adams, chair- man: C. M. Joncs, treasurer, and C. R. Lane. lMn.aand Mrs. W. B'oughcotj atended tOc 60th Anniversany ni Ganaraska Lodge last Monday evenung aht DurhOam Memorial Temple. Thusxvas a banquet, tolloxed by an enjoy- able concert. and served as a celebrahion honrAirs. Boughen 1also, whose biîthaday was just the day betoue. Mn. and irs. F. Gimen xere entertainced ah .dînnier, Wedncsday, ah the home of MIr. and Mrs. P. J. Ro%, Janetvilie, a elated Ibut* enjo> able obserxvance ofhbinth- days thc Gilmners had both had, the latter part of Aprii. Ah that tmme both xere ententaun- cd Ox Mn. and AINrs. Philip Gilmen and hamuls ho dunnen., complete xxth bithday cakes. fcanudies and gond wishes. When ut carne ho blowing out tOc candies, the senior mcm- ber won,. li spite oh Women's There w eue 8 tables in play ah the card paîrty in the hall iniday uighit xx hO hese %vin- ners: Hmgh lady, Mns. Dines, loxv lady. Jeani Perrun, high mian, Jne Jilisco blow nman, WelinurgtonoFan-ny , 50i50 diuaxx. irs. S. Gordon. On Saturdav, txxn eau oads of local ladies drove ho Oshaxwa and paid theïr-ne- spects ho Mrs, Boungerie eand Mn. Alcx Caruthers, nM.P.P. lor Durham, announce [the approval oh a provincial 0grant oh $12,000.(0 ho thue Town of Port Hope ho converta il municipal park unto an Ap- nproveri Park and ton the sdevelopracot of sanie. TOe park comprises txvo acres of land lying astride the Gana- raska River ithhîn the nonth cr0 limits oh the Muuicipaliy, It nciodes sonne :3,50heet of shorclune oui cach sude of the ix er un an aiea reierned to localîx as Corbetî's Pond. The Alunici pality proposes ho dcx, elop this park as a day-use area. Thc developnîent work xill include iuïprovcment of tOc beach anea, shncan batik coýntrol , coostruction oh uoad, clpathxvays aîd -panking lot, construciomi ni a change- honu,,e and washnoom, provis- ion oh pienue tacilihues and (ohr genera1l developmenii ava11able undenuTheuPar xvhose 90th binthiday xxas i celebrated aftheO home ofhber damghter, Mrs. Lakin. Narnesv 4i the 'ladies are: Mrs. f Margaret Elliott, Mu-s. B.e Hendenson, Mrs. M\., Thomp-t kins, Mns. Gladys Brown. Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Acey Farrow, Mns. Amelia Lan- casier, Mns, Bea Joncs and Airs. Mary Wade. The latter ive xxent on to Albert Street Unied Church Jo attend thc bazaan and tea, thene. Local Boy Scouts held a car wdtsii, Satunday. on the drive( w.ay oh Mn. J. Mýarhell's home. Oui ) Sunday morning churcbL sexieinciuded( an addreuss 'MiMn Royal olo.np' sfntiniiAiTechoirandsDru Couîcnns" e SustesctOc imdporancdof p' ai esponsible aiindsundaetDuantingang ane byCouu Hari abottcthe- pin, nds hoolseton eils Ocahaonrtlthionpopthe latin a.Ttacichoipr sang and hOu-cevn tladies, Michr claee Bnns, Cahy Curni and Mrghsar Duransang anie ad th ViekiB rs a t pi,r.and MEd. LHo n uiar. ofi aoreet ec s for guhe Stpletnu saa.ti en O Pge str ahndCbyo xvi'e d. âon td Octers tak aim lessoon Saudy Mu's Band Ms. enox Vsey pni PoteNicol e t Wter- Meekendwith MrWaandcMnseW. Penn>ofW ebswoth erand una-o liendersio s itd Pathi Lunn 1Mani~Bid a B. endgesom- iii ofWNwastle were n visitons. Sunday evening wihh Mr, and Mrs. F. Gilmen. U. c.W. Nexxtouvlle U.C.W. unet un thc Sunday School hall. April 25 and President, Bea Jones "The Lord 's My Shepherd,7', hollowed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. M\inutes of previous meeting xxere read and approved and tinancial report given. Flow- crs trvom the church wene taken ho one local lady and 'I flowen beds, and Mrs. (jard- iner agreed ho take ber place and eall helpers. Marlene Stacey 'and Shirley Martell have been repairing the hyrna books and will complete the job;, any expense connected with the job will be paid by the Society. A donation was voted the Cancer Fund, also a new' refill for the caretaker's mop is ho be purchased. Our nexh meeting will be held May 23 with Mrs. Florence Farrow's group in charge. Devotional and pro- grarn for the evening was presenled by Mrs. Marlene Stacey assisted by ber daugh- her Evelyn and Violet Gilmer, closing with a hyrn and prayer. Twelve boaves of bread are ho be made into sandwiches, May 21, h o send to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto and several ladies agreed to help with the preparations. Af ter the Mizpah Benedie, ion, lunch was seî-ved, Mary' Wade kindiy assisting the two ladies on the group. Lucky cup was held by Mrs. A. Milligan and the attendance was 27. Evelyn Stauey provided sev- eral enjuvable , uubers on the accordion w,.hile lunchi was being prepared. _____ A "waterS8hed" is ail land that drains into a single a s. LEX McGRECOP rugs 5 KING ST. WEST 623-5792 Treat other ta Dinner ON HER SPECIAL DAY We have a Special1 Dinner Menu for the occasion from noon 'fil 10p.m. Roses will be given to ail Mothers Bring the whole family.. they'1l enjoy it! GOOD FOOD fREASONABLE PRICES -FULLY LICENSED JýS U N DAY eMAY1-3th' FOR RESERîVtTlONS PHONE 1-983-5001 Six Miles North of 401 on 35 & 115 at North-East corner of Taunton Road, AUCTU ALL BENEFITS TO WEST DURHAM BOY SCOUTS SA.,MAY lIth 10 A.M. - NEWCASTLE 21RENA Frank Stapleton, Atictioneer TO DONATE GOODS CALL 9 9832-9.2 19 623-7195 -987-4723 TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Rev. ýN. Wes1(, Oake, BTli. - Minister John Cr-ookshanmk - Music Director-Organist ii A.M.-WORSHIP SERVICE Topic - "The Canadian Home', a special miessage for Mother's Day. SACRAMENTO0F BAPTISM SUNDAY SCHOOL HOURS Junior, interniediate and Senior Depts. at 10 a.m. Beginners, Kindergarten and Prfimary Depts. at li Nursery Care in Church Parlor A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE UJ.C.W. Bake Sale and Talent Display Thursday, May 17, 10 arn. to12 Noon, ÏR~ the Church Hall.

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