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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 11

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Fihe Uanadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 30, 1973 Mrs. Sam Brereton- Phone 987-4221 I.' ARp >l * Rose Pickles Coca Coli AV EPanch Powder fÀÈ JAR[1 "oz Box 8ONT f) S At Q AT RVWGO TORES ONIT - Ar A&4O WEO STOR S ONIVe l P 6 WEO 'TORELS ONE - UNIL SAUTQA lNE 2n 171* NT LSAYUSQAX UN d]UN ?-t 7j TUPTTAY JUEJT 2d, 973 maI -- - ff- Ez-- 1 OAS ~~~~WINOW CtEANFR [UAEUtEO * GrbgeBas SVE* Bn AiSV Johnson Pledge [ÀÈ *P<G 2 z p6' s L Tl O? T1.j.5 * AEROSOL I ARSO INe(9 l/ UNT L SATURDAY' UNEF 193- VA L SATUPDAY JUNýE ?2 8 9SATURQAY lUNE 2-81972)AT& 'OrTRý'O tV" TAPVF1ý0Pý -ý,"r ý)u 1 lS TAE IOSOE O j**UTLA TE E RSO1 MATAPSL TRSOI RUG LLANE FATM:_t. 1 * Glory spray ** Schneiders Chees2 S AVEIL: @ [ed Tea Mix * AEROSOL IN siM. 4 -g RG-78 AR vL r AP Vf7USOE NY AODArA&P SELO STORES ON M Y, SLO ORES ONET, UNT[ ATUPDATJUNE 2n,,191 J * NTIL SATUPDAY, JUNE 2«1, 1"*'* U A 45' UNE 2"d, 973 BORDEN, Att FLAVOURS H* OPDEN, Att FLAVOURS ~ I1 VEAREORENRO Es Popsicles** Ice Milk SAVE Bick's Salads SV VAFQAA1P6 7< 2<1CARTON 74< ý< TIN Z39< UN S UDI 8 3STORES ONtY, L T A&P SISO STOREýS ONt" Il * S AT A&P WO TORES ONLY,7I ù 'T * 2d*19,U NT;L SATURDAY. JUNE 2.d VI1972 E u ATUPDYL)- UNE 2., 1973. - -ma -mM-m - M-D - -z- - M-m- m- m M- - m j ?TELSS CHEESE SUICES Black Diamond SV V AtOAT471'SIO STORES ONU' UNTL STUBAY UNE2,d, 1973» -nmmlm-m caktes SAVE I ini, Biby Ccreif SAVE umb:DR î?r' s si ,ISz2/ 1ý- 0<111 i22< 18"1 I VALOD AT A&P SILOkORS Ot ** VAL0 AT A&P SIRO STORES ONtIVA AT WEO S5TORES ONLY UNALSTLAT JNSL,193UNI qATUiLDAY, lUNE 2nd, 1197J3 SîT Ef,»JU N , 193 SIIN PRKORIOLE BRANDFOGUR VARILTIES, CAT F00D * Heini en SAVE* Soit Margarine SAVE *Ê Tender Vitles SAVE 2 13If25O EU ATAR? SRO STORES ON Y, - - -- - - -- - - AP - -- - - --- L - -- - - -,d-1- SWING ASSORTED COLOURS AIL * orange Crystals SV Desey Toilet Tissile SAVEI* Curity Diaper; Uv * PRG O? f 5 F1PKG $jj 61 1 7I 3T/,OZINVS15<1.E27 50,,I 1 [,jROL2L 5 73 0r? I~ ~ ~k WAFOA OA? SISORES ONLI M VAL SAT A&? WEO STORES ONLY f * At < R E TRSOL UNTIL SATURDAY, JUNE 2-, 93 * UNI E SATURDAY, lUNE 2,, 1973jltSTSAJNE28 17 * Pizza Six SAÀVE1 * Minute Maid SAVE * ara tee Cake E~V' -5-9 CLO'Il -0, * PKG Y10<1 IN 799,AKEw10"1 * VLSAT AIR? WEOSTORES ONLY l - VA DAT A&? 50STORES EI S A ýA? SL TES'2 ONLI9 UiNTL SATURDAY. JUNE 2,d 1973 j * j UN, L ATýUqD U NR I, o* DY UE3 / GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN, WHITE ODA FARMS. FR OZEN * I iSOFBE,~ Bread Dough ** Cabbage Ro Is e~~ aaoi &Cheesc ~È 16-oz SAVE 1o<16Oz 1SAVIE 12-0 SAVEIî~I - OAVES i **G PKWOSOROOL Z < I DA47,'SRE TRS9 N " AS I , ILO STOES OIL? S TAA&P W 19 ME U k, DAUA P E 28 TOF1 EN "'l1N NTUA, iEScS i - 8173 * U SAURAI lUNE 7d2 97im8 Newcastle Sewers Ahead of 'Schedule The gaping ditch in the above photograph is a part of what used to be Church Street in Newcastle. It's presently being excavated as part of the town's $919,OOÔ sewer project. That's New castle Water Superintendent Ed Majer wearing the hardhat in the foreground. According to Everett Jenkins, Newcastle's PUC Manager, the latest figures frorn the Ministry of the Erivironment indica te that the entire project should be in operation 1)y 1 ianuar1y'I 1974,. Orig-il etm tsplaced litecompIletondate at IMay 1974. in addition to installing sewer pipes' throughout the town, a $747,000 sewage treatment plant is being buiît on the First Concession, close to Lake Ontario. Right now, the construction may mean a certain amount of inconvenience but, by next year, septic tanks will be a thing of the past for Newcastle residents.1 lie,ývcas t/e S0cia! and if fook your correspon- deta greaf deal of efforl and concentration f0 write this weeýk's colin.) The reason, mnainly heing because our telephone hasn't been rînging the way we had hoped and expected if would! The ps-aise, congratulations and appreciafion we have recei ved for our effor'ts bas been wýonderful and most encour- neging, but this does nof write colunos. It is very difficuit to compose one s fhoughfs in the hope of creating an interesting conin when one realizes that people are not even interesfed enoig ,n haLf you are Irying i0 dIOo f0pickup the phone aind caji i l heir newvs. Havie you nIlticed the fine uoeîag hc Newtonviile coresondntgives'1 The co-ope(ration lie or she is gtngfrons the Village peoplei,'s magnificent and hook at f0w difference in the poplaton!At least, in New- tovle hepeo.ple are interi- etdenough to beip their, correspondent miake a success of their columnt we only xxihthere xvas the same type of ioyaity, in our fair village. The Newcastle Indeperidenf has been a vital part of the Cainadian Statesman many yerand we hope fcs keep if thatý way but need your hein. N,.CAR, Girls, Bowling TrdaMaY 24 tînally broughf the New-castle Recre- ation Commiittee's Girls' Bowling f0 aIn officiai close for the season. Actually the sea- soün ended early in April, but whaf xith sch;.oo trips. Girl Guide trips and hioliday week- ensif was impossible' f0 choose a nighf for a smaal cielebration whenj the majorify oýf !t girls 3ould be present. Thur11sdlay seeme,ýd f0 fif thaf bihl and as if proved ouf iif was aI ver hpp and successfuh Part', gate by he Recreation CoImnîitfee, but ast year was, fhe liirst for- an organized feas wth ix gil b ach fema he start. heegirls took fu the Newcaesle Bowling Lanies a ai1, n.and Il:*30a.m. every Safuýrday mnorning for- approximnafely 30 weeks. Somewere iongthe lune feil I P-ers o na!A girls f el by the waysîde and 38C girls completed the season. 0f fi these 38, tbirty-tbree attendeda the li ttie celebration. By the ir xxay,- the plaque, prizes and hE food was ail paid for 'by the girls theM~selves! Each week NI each girl dropped fen, cents in ir a can to beip pay for the L celebration and prizes we u: pianned for the end of' the a season. ,I The evening hegan, wîfh al the girls bowling one gamneIV aller wbich bot dugs, freshie e and icecream were served. As Y this was the first year for this a league the prizes were f ew, a but the compefition xvas keen.I The Tddlywinks were theM victors and a loveiy plaque. which xiii he piaced in theC Bowling Lanes in the fali, wasM shown to* the girls fbey tf were very pleased. The ft Tiddiywinks: Yvonne de y, Bruin, Nancy Parker, Lynu f Couroîx. Monica Manning fr and Pansy Patton were each presented with a hall point pen inscribed "Bowier ofh s Distinctigii!" Mrs. SamNs Brereton, the Recreafion iý Comm. representafive, then H gave each girl a Bowling Pin K Key Chain and Rain Bonnet asC a momento of ber involvment A in the league- Mr. and Mrs. R Merle Henry, Betty and a Linda, were invited as guests. A but oniy Betty and Linda xvere Iable f0 be, present as MerleB had another engagement and ' Giadys was stili hoiidaying inV England. MIrs. Brerefon pre- sented Befty and Linda wifh lovehy bowling motif broaches A and asked fhem f0o give Merle and Giadys a very preffy desk pen set with a bowling figurine, on if. These gifts said "Thank, you" for ail their heip, - patience and undersfanding. ý Tli,e, feams and girls fakingC part are as- foilows: Jetsons, Panthers, Bombers. Fast F'eet., Teddy Bears, Ding- alings, Tigers, the girls: Sandra Jessup, Christena Çrockef t, Pameia Blight, De bbie Langstaff, Befh Cou- eh.Donna Langsfaff, Sandra Dennis, Irene Brerefon, Aud- rey Vanderstoop, Lnda Lang- staff, Sheliy Farrow, Dariene Glover, Georgina Bligbt. Dar olyn Bender, Lori Farrow, Rosie Nicholson, Wanda VanII derstoop, Coheen Powell, Me - anie Clingman, Audrey Sun- day, Annet te Welter, Debbie deSIruin. Marilyn Van Dyk, Nanicy de Bruin, anet Brown, uîane Pidgeon, Vicki Mann- ing, Beverly Patton, Julia Sikmna, Lynn 'Parker, Edna Sunday, Debbie Nicholson and Aimee Brerefon. Next year the Recreafior ,Comrn. is hoping to operafe a mixed youth Bowling League as a lot of> interest bas beer indicated in having a biowling league for young boys. We are so.rry f0 report thal, Virs. Chas. Cowan is a patient S3ettiers- Meyer Levin. The Settiers Set in Palestine from the turn of the century, The Settiers, emcornpasses over a quarter of a Century ou turbulent events. At the core of the novel is the Chaimovitch family, fleeing trom the dangers and brutal- ities of Czarist Russia f0 the uncertainties of life in a strange land, ruled by the Turks. The head of the famiiy Is yanked, patriarch, stern fath- er, loving husband and un- successfui small trader and horse dealer who dreams of putting bis hand to the plow, Around the Chaimovitch tamily theî'e moves a whoie worid of characters: Sara Aaronson, who becomes a spy for the British in the First World War, Moshe, who re- turns f0 Russia f0 fight for a new flfe there: and Feigel. Yankel's wife. No, writer before bas cap- tured the events and drama oi the Jewish dream tulfiiled, the power and realization of the Zionist dream. Newcastle Cub Pack New s On May 21sf. Newcastie Cutis met down by the lake for' a fin-can cookout. The follow'- ing cubs fook part and froni al reports an enjoyable f ime was field by al. Kevin Chaimers, and bis visiting cousin, Mark Long, Michael John Chariand. Neil de Jong, Richard Dillon, Geoff Halsey. Lenaird Hart-, tord, Harry Hirschifieid, Cecii Knapp, Gerry Morin, Rene Morin, Timmy Oke, Paul Peters. Shawn Robinson-, Donald Ryner, Glen Schrnid. Mark Tanner, Clarence Ton. Brian and Ronnie Verbeek, John Wind and Jeff Woodbeck. Athletie Day Athiefic Day was field at Kendal Bal Park under rainy skies and the leaders wanf f0 thank the foiiowing boys who came out and parficipated under flie moist conditions. Outstanding boys for the Newcastle Cub Pack were Mark Konzelmann, who pick- ed up a perfect 28 points and close behind was Ronnie Verbeek wifh 24 points- Cou- gratula tions -boys ! Participants were Tinîmy Oke, Neil de Jong, Cecii Knapp, Martin Henderson, Ricky Dillon, Shawn Robin- son, Kevin Reid, Angus Fenn- el] Donald Chard, Michael John ()dharland Mchal Dm- cr, oc ake, Marik ;onz"ei m-rannaKevin Chalmiers, Jeff- î'(-y Woodbeek, Hiarry Hirsch- fied, Brian Verbeek, Clarence Èon, Lenard Hartford" Ronnie Verheek, Glen Schmid, John Eikins, Donald Ryner and Geof f Halsey. There was great co-opera- tion from the foliowin)g who suppiied transportation D. -lalsey, C. Toomer, W. Dillon a and E. Hirschfield. 1 May 28th- The Newcastle J Cuh Pack are holding a Scavenger Hunt so when you n heard a timid liffie knock on a your door do hope you gof al t hose extra hfttle items ouf of ri your way. Speaking of gefting grid of those, extras, the Newcast le Cubs and Scouts twiii be holding a Bottie Drive ton, dune 2nd. in Oshawa General Hlospital. Last Friday Mrs. Cowarl ELIZA underwent extensive surgery Mr. Gai and af fime of wrifing she is in, London ai Intensive Care.Gerhr Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Greer ho VIrs. Nora Coiwill, Mrs. Flor- to-da ence Tilîson, Newcastle and Millbrook VIrs, Mary Wade, Newtonvilie Ken Trexs attended the 4Ofh weddingu, ksnï anniversary celebration of uasîng VIr. and 'Vrs. Edwin Rutbven, Miss Ai Nelcorne, recently. Mr. and M Newcastle Canadian Cancer the holida Campaign chaîrman, Mrs. Mran Mdadeleine Williams sends in Hore anc this report oF a. most success- Hlope wer ful canvass. Donations f0 fuisMndy year's Cancer Campaign in NJewcastle totaiied $703.00 up from h ast year's total of" $,548.00. Those canvassing in the Ot/RGA,,tS£ village were: Jean Rickard, T'HE BFS "Jel Yates, Rita Chard, MVar- PROVIEN garet Gray, Vicky Lesnick, TS Hihda Cali, Mabs Barr, Mary Kean, Doreila Chard, Betty ihard, Noreen Martin, Joy Abbott, Florence Webb, Carol R{owley, Mary Margaret, Bon- athan, Paf Parker, Daphne St, ASmand, Vailerie RuIman, N'arda Hoogkamp, Mariene " Elogerson, Marjorie Paterson. Vlarilyn Kent and Madeleine Williams. Libraiv News New books in the Lîbrary' v . AIl Creatures G'reat and Smaii -James barriot; A Woman's Gas -Moi Critical Years- Dr. Ailana Fromme: Elephants Can Re- FURNACE mem ber- Agatha Christie:; ,Bella -,Dorothy Eden ,; A Winferwood- Dorothy Eden, wase Cathoics- Brian, Moore The- ýBETH VILLE xry Fowler went to, Ad brought Helen ne and she goes back id Mrs. A. Trew. and Mr. and Mî'ls- wmotored f0Kap and visited wifhl Mr. J. 'Peacock. sn Irwin, was, wifh rs. 0. Mercer's over yV. id Mrs,. Reed, Port 'e in the aeaon P. Johnston Lor 011 - Fuel Oils and Grease EINSTALLATIONS Df REFAIRS CLIP THESE COUPONS CLARKE ORIENTEERING CLUB'S SPRING MEET Sat&urday, June 2nld 1973 For Informationt Contacýt: KeithHiansen ClarkelHigh Sehoiol 987-4842 Lars Carlson Cliarýke 987-48412 SBow. 6372 Lgt efreshmients Wlif Be Avaiilbte c

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