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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 12

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 30, 1973 Nqew Bridge Approcch Open fo Trcffic For the benefitý of out-of-town sýubscribers who may not be familiar with the tremendous changes that are underway at the west end a pproach to the town, this photo would give them an idea of what they will encounter when they visit the old home area. This shows one of two bridges that wilIl handflè traffie coming into town or going out on highway two. The subway at the top of the photo goes under the, CPR tracks a.nd will takce care. of the tWo-way traffic. The changes wvill completely e.im.rinate the wýell-known landmark overhead right-angle wooden bridge farther west over the railway that has been a real hazard for years. TYRON E At ,thýe May; th. rmeeting ofi Tyrone U.CW. ver.y good crowd beard Mr A. W. Runiidie of Rundie Garden Centre falkt about "Sprring Flowers in the Gardeni". Mr Rundlc ilusf-1 rachis remnarks \witb 'beau-i tiful olursides, resulfing in an) iformatfive and enfertain- igpresenfation., especially upprciafetýd af this garden- M.rs. Mujrray Yeç presided over the meenetinig. The usuaili buýsiness wus huadled, iludÏ-g inig pesnldn tios0Our Býruzilian foster cîdand1 speckia Lenten offeings (By the wuay, freasurer Carol Souilbwell would bhe glad Io receive t(fe reînaiirmig cards at any ime Aleffer from the ý Norflievs ut N. W. River, Lb'dr was reud, deeibîng tneîr reenti adventures and their work thlere A Collection of ,e'ý HIARVEY (L'IiePARTNER OR,-ONO 98q 3-5206 ESOHOME HlEAT SERVICE material remnants usableý for small garments and quilt pieces is being undertaken hy the Explorers here, for North- wesf River. If was learned thaf the churcb there could use a set of collection plates, if- any wverc available from ýa closed cburch, perbaps. Supply and Welfare aid wus vofed f0 "Streefhaven"', Tor- onto, f0 an indian Girls Sehool, Toronto, and f0 blankefs for overseas rel ief, hesides a local community concero. Good uscd.- clofbing may be 1cfft af the S unday Sebool until (he end of June. The catering prices were discussed and udjusted. Mrs. Stani Hall, who served as our secretary for several years, wvýas presented wvith a smlal oken of remiembrance and good wýisbes upon baving M AP LE lst Mapjfle Grove Cubs On Saiturday' , May 26th the lst MpeGîoeCubý -tcdd !thu OnSIWes- Durbami District Athletic Day ini Kendal. We had 21 boys show up. This was very go'od, considering thc weather we were having. Yes, our West. Durham District rainmuker, wa, there. Thanks, Jack Hart- well, for another rainjob xvell done. Tîm Hamstra, Wayne Ricard. Robhy Van Hemmen, Wilfred Thiele, Barry Wood and Donald Dakin were the most point, getters for Maule Grove. Jn the overaîl standings Maple Grove came fourth. Congratulations to 'Hill- îcrest Heigbts for winning the' Plaque. Mrs. Davey, Mrs. Daigle, Mi'. and Mrs. Thiele and Mr. Colliss drove the boys f0 Kendal, and Mrs. Daigle. moved from (our community. Jusf In the nick o'time f0 inspire us mo thers f0 adjusf our halos, the theme of the devotional was apropos' to Mother's Day. Mrs. Murray Veo.began fthe devoti9nal period, asking a M!ary-Màartha blessing, "'Hap)py thie Home wtsn io i 1hec'wassung, aceomnpanied by M\rs. Gordyn Brent. Mrs. John Runildle read1 seripture from P1rov'erbs chapter 1,dcscribing the attributes of a goodi wife and miother.,,A reading by Mrs. Paf Drysdale, shone wifh the aspirationi of a mother f0 be ,able f0o combine Marfha's abilify f0 suceor fhe physical nccds, and Mary's spiritual rapport. iVrs, Rundie closed with prayor. Fancy farts and fea com- 'pleted a pleasant evenîng. GROVE nd Mrs. Va Hemmn re n c-(ooked the hot dogls and maecoffee - a 'o wclI do n e OenSudy Jne3d we will have aDuha Servi;ce utMa moiaPark in Bomniltimne 1:30 p..Any C1uhs wanting a ride plea'se be at the a pLe' roe nitcd Church parking lot by 1 o'clock sharp. On $unday, June 3rd, there wlll be a Group Committee meeting for Maple Grove at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davey's b -ouse, time 7 o'clock. Sec you there. On Friday, June 8th to June 10t.4 there wfll be a Leaders Training Camp at Langley Park near Peter- borough. Maple Grove wiIl be attcnding. Su ppor t Scouting in your area. Akela:, Andy Van Hemû- men. MAPLE GROVE W. 1. The Maiy meeting of the W. 1. wasï held on the l4th at 8 p.m. in the C. E. Hall. The President MIr s. C. Greenham welcomed the members, the 4-H Club girls and their mothers. The roll cali was 'Some- thîng I have learned from the younger generation'. The following business was deait with - The com- mittee for catering toDur- hum Club on June 9th are Mrs. C. Swall'owý, Mrs, H. Prescott aund- Mrs, L. Whit e. It was agreed to again giv-e prizes to the Grade VI pupil showing the miost improvemnent at the two sehools. Also it was agreed ta order the usual numnber of Federat- ed News. Mrs. S. Morton, District Director, gave a most in- teresting report 0f the District Annual held at Newtonville on May 9th. Mrs. W. Brown gave c-the manthly report for the "Good Nelhbors." It wvas agreed tf0 purchuse the book. Histoi-y oý,f the Wo- men's Institute. MNrs. H. Prescott was. in charge of the foillow,.ing program on "Consumer Affairs". IMrs. H. Prcýsco1t told of the danger of color on the inside of lida on many ncw oolingutensils. Most comp anies are Will1- Ing taexeang tese for Wvhite lids.' The motta, "Chracerlike embroid- ery, is made stitch by stich" ascommnented on by rs.S.Doye.She suid phy' sical characteris t i c s arc naticcabie, but nio two peaple arc alike in -char- acter. Each peran hs a definite charractLer that de- velnps lbit by ý'bit. Noane is born) with a bad c'har- acter. Our (characteS ;sth real foundatian of ai rea-l succesful ifie, The 4-H Short Course on 'Knits' was comm.rented on by Rosalie Parr teLling of the vurlous chiaracteris- tics of knit fab!.rics. Miss Pama H-anthorneý sang a solo entitlcd "To- Dayv". The 4-H1 girls gave us a fasio(n show of the ouÉfits that they had m-rade-. One girl even had The~ Civilian Conservation Corps inking unemployment relief with nafural resource conservationî was lauinchcd on Mvarcb 31sf, 1933 in the United stafes by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. YothulModels Show Spring Fsin at Hobb a achngouilt. (Jutflts modelled inrIuded slacks pew, Jean Hr-ss, Dorc fits, uf adreses -1-1-1 -,irls and thelIr leaders forý a most .intcrst1I, ig'e enig. Gifts from tegil wcre presenfed tothi leaders, Mrs. H. ect, and Lynda Vandrg ýaa.st accptcd on behaif ut ber mother Mrs. A Vaîn deýr gaast. The meeting clo,.sed witbL the repeatlng of týhe Cal- Iec in unisan. The 4-H girls along wîth the WlI. graup served lunch of fruit breads -and cheese, fea and- roffe and freshie. ,Naple (roxe UCXX Meeting Maàple Grove 1,CW met Thursday, MaNlà 7th, in the Christian Eduication Hall xxith 17 î-nembers and 10 visitors present. Presi-dent Florence fieeý UICWm ' m! ,ber uis anId read a Mi its % pril imeeting were ead ndI approved. Treasurer Joa4,n lRuýseIl gave a f inancial reuport. Supply C 1hair- mani Merle-eHoifby îead a lette-r fonMis. Taýylor, Preshb, fe(rlai Supply Chair- man, asin;or a donation for the Hoiý me for dia Girls in Toronito to beu sent by Jupe loth. Shl dso meintioned the parcel for Angola, the need for money and el ofhing for Streef Haven, înoney for Overseas Relief, and food for processing for Oshaxwa Men's Hostel. Moved' by Joan Russell, secondcd by Merle Swallow, that a donation of $5.00 be sent f0 the Home for Indian Girls." Carried. A leffer of thanks trom the Committee of Stew- ards for finanelal assistance was read. A number of ladies volunjï- fcered f0 m,,-ake sandwiches on May 23rdI for Fred Victoýr 'Mission. We xvere reminded ow our special eburch serviee on. May 27thi at whieb Mr. and Mrs. M\Iilton Arnold fromn Zambii wo (uld be the speakers withmui by the Junior Choir. May 31Isf we have b een invited fo0 meet with Ebenezer iCof hear Doreen Van- Camp adse a film on India. Theee of the Worship Servieu, peefdbyMyrtle Bradley,\ Audî'ey ýHurrie and Margaret Brooks, xxas "A imofher's pow'ers do not end with ereation," Tanya Russell sang twýo lovely solos accom- panîed Wy Edna Laird. Maî'garet Down, Presîdent of Oshawva Presbyfery UCW wbo hiad jusf returned thaf alternoon from Bay of Quinte Conference in Kingston, gave us sueham interesting accouint of the, addiresses of the speial speker, hem-oderaýfor and the OrinationSrictaft we f cît we had affended ourselves. The meeting elosed with:fhe Benediefion. Lunch was serx - cd and wc cnjoycd a visit with Court ice ladies. stuiçnfsatM.J. Hobbs enior1 PublicSeboola! aptn Picure abve r beo te:8girls wbo f ook part ini the, shoxxý On the lf isNancy Wbite kneeing is Cathy Afkison ndon fhe î'ight, is Th irsxho modelled ftice fasionms 1have been taking an eleecfive course called Ladies Only ibis yearMis. Joan H ilîs, the librarian at Hobbs, bas been superv,ý,isinig>flic course whîcib bas aimed af fe-acbîng thirh a nalural iook in e1ltesad nkeu The youngp de aeree cd instruction i i ox V fo udgetý for' their wardrobe pand how f0o ù1t,.s dccOîw1gî 1w15,. ~aLSUits them, rather than following thie latest trends, said Mrs. Hils A professional model, a cosmetician and a hairstylist were brought in f0 offer the girls some inside tips. By the poised and styiish.looks of the young ladies who participated in the fashion show, it appears that they have really learned a, lot fromn the course, For the fashion show, a special stage and modelling ramp was set up and the Hobbs gym was attractively decorated along a spring-fimc I berne. ENFIELU Intended for last week> Mi% and Mrs. Stuart Samis, June and Lmda Barrett, Centralia, \vere w'eeken ,d vis it- ors witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis. Mrs. TFerry Smith and Sean. Kemnble, stayed a week ait the Samis home. Mir, and Mrs. Roy M\orton, 1\1lorris and Shelley visited Mr'. antd Mrs. William Grant, Queensx ill.e Receiît xisitors wxith Mr. and M\rs. Don Griffin, S. Side. xxeie: MI'. and Mrs. Fr-ank Sliarpe, Picton: Mr, an-d Irs, Franîk Finn. Aïr. and Mrs. James Curre\. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grabaým, Oshawva; Mrî. and Aîrs, Wilfrid Griffin and famîilv.' Columnbus, and Mr. and.' Mrs. Don Lee and failv The Rex\. and Mrs. William Wells. Ci-,g and Robbie, l>eteî'boi'ougb:i Miss Myrtle Taniln Toronto; Mr. and N'sý Llo\ýd Avery and Kevin, Mlaple Grove. Mr. Roland Bowman, Welcomre, and Bon- mie and Nancy Wright werc Sud i ,sitors at Bowman- Mr, and Airs. Frank Small- wood and Mr. Stuart Glass- tord, l3eaverton, have been x isiting at the Catton home. hîs 9th birfhdayvin Februa' seems f0 be enjoy'ing iife drove bis car until he d'> 90 and int en-ds to get a bi cycle(. He bas eut down his ,ýdaily \ýwalIk tLo two miles a day. 10,î didn't find ouf what his favýorite food is. Mr. Cliff Morton, Pefferlaw, bas been visiting the Morton family. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Lloyd and family spent the wveekiend at fheiî' cottage on Lake Mazinaw Mr and Mrs. Carl SargentL and sons, Ida; Miss Eey Cunningham, Brantford, Mr. and Mrs,. Warren Sifhil and, sons, Oshawa, visitcd al the Pascoe home. We are all vers' pleased f0 have Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barry, Kim and Christopher move to our community. They will occupy the house owned by the lafe Mrs. T. Taylor, Weicorne back Linda. ,,r. and Mrs. Wallace Pas- eneý weî'e guesfs at a faminily gafhering at the h)ome, of MVr. anid Mrs. Godfrey Bowman, Bowxmanville, a xedding an- n\ioi'ary dinneî' for Dr. and l\Iîs, Harry Mellow, Oshawa. This is the time ot year whenl nat ure seems f0 try and o)uf-do berielf with bird' sonigs and blossoms amnong other things observed by nature loyers. Try and iniprove on a warm sunny day with an orchard in bloomn occupiedby a cardinal and oriole that sccmi to be v.ying for vocal supremnacy. 0f course we do have dandelions. About 14 per cent of Can- ada's harvesfed foresf s are regencrated by arfificiai mefhods and the balance by nafural means. Dutcb Elm, disease was thought f0 have fravelled to Canada from the Netherlands in a shipmcnf of logs about 193f0. m Studre nts at M.l J. îobbs Senior PubýJlic School puen -a fashbion show on Wedniesday, Maylth anid two of the stylish ande. good-looking youngsters to take part are pictured above. On the lef t is Grade Eight student Gary Coombes, one of fu young men who participated, and, in the fetching two-piece bathînig suit, is Nancy Downes, -ilso a Grade Eight student at llobbs. 1Photo by IraGodnt Wîe ùaecclebatiq ouri Oth Year in our present store. 0/ O F DURING OU R CE LE BRAT ION A LL FU RN ITU RE and OTH ER ITEMS SPEIA BR TIDAY DRMAW FOR Stereo Set RADI - APP -LAY,'ER - EADPHONES - SPEAKEI (oný displiay în our store window) Ai coupon wifilbe issued for every purchase of $100.00 or more to entitie you to a chance to win our stereo set. Draw to be inade June 22, 1973. Bîrthday Sale Specials Effecti ve May 18Bto J une 22~ MUL D ER'S HEADQUARTERS FOR SCANDINA VIAN and CANADIAN FURNITURE C1,ARPETING -BROAWM!OM -DRAPERIES Mt M s L5 .Needto Iosed litte The Mi~ Diet PIdnCdfl mdlýe d d'Iference iîn just seven ddys. The New 7 Day Milk Diet Plan gives you seven days of reduced calorie meal plans-Yet because the diet is designed by nutritionisis and built around the goodness of m ilk ail1 you lose are the calories. -Look for tChe diet in your news- paper or send -your name and address, wvith an &~ stam'p, to: "The MiIk Diet Plan" 345 Flint Road, Downsview, Ont. M3J 2J2 àMilk. The Beautiful Food that makes beautifut sense. IF fiT1?CS ý 9 È %J Q A total of 250 peuple appreeiativcly wafcb(,eda fasbioîî showstgd as Wednesday, May l6fich, by the

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