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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 13

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Does This Look Like a Sickly Marel? Mrs. Faye Corby, of RR 1. Blackstock, sits in an Englishi side-saddle atop her 8 year-old haîf' Arabian mare, Tammy Jeanette. Based on hier per- formances in competitions last summer Tammy was namiedj Reserve Champion in the Costume Class for Eastern Canada by the Arabian Ass- ociation of Canada,- However, things weren't always prize ribbons and good health foir the Arabian mare. As a foal she wvas considered a culi by thie other horses and took more than heu share of kickings. At the age of six weekcs she camne down with pnieumoýGnia and colic and it wias touich and go whether she'd iýve through it. Witina, week of recovering, Tamimy was found lying down in a field, the victim of a secoind bout of pneumonia and colle, This time the veterinarian offered to put ber away. Her owners refused how,- ever, and once again she pulled through. It wasn't until she was three years old that a special high protein diet put some weight on the Arabian mare. When the Corby's began trin,,iing Tammy forcompetition lots of people thoughttei efforts would be wasted. Although intill trrified by the croxvs, Tamy man- aged to pick up a few ribbons rn hier first summeniýr of ýîn'petition. Nw seis a -,..rse to be, reckoned wý.ithi in riding arenas in O0ntario and Quebý-ec, as xeil as New York State. When you look at the big, .proud horse in the picture it mnay be bard to imagine bier as a spoiled and ill-tempered animnal. But all the attention she -,ot as a colt tended to B yAMA PLUMEING & HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING ~TYRONE, ONTARIO u Pione 263-2650 make her expect to be babied. In ber younger years Tammy bas been known to throw herself down on the ground and flail ber-feet in the air demanding attention. That's alI in the past now and this summer's competi- tion will probably be the last for Tammy before she is bred. Her linea ge goes back to some fine Arabian horses so she sbould produce some valuable foals for the 'Corby's Cotton-f wood Arabian Cots stable. This year's h-orse show season is now getting under- way and you'll have a chance to sec Tammy Jeanettec and other fine horses at the Haîf-Arabian show on May 26th at Oshawa's Alexandra Park. t is billed as the biggest haf-Arabian show in Canada and a'pork barbeque and beer garden should help to make it a fine afternoon for horse fanciers. Application Forms Available Now f or Area Prolect SWEEP The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority is again operating Project SWEEP (Students Working in an Environmental Enhance- ment Program) under a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. The Cen- tral Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Autbority covers an area of some 250 square miles fromn Pickering Township on the west to Clarke Township on the east, north to the Ridges. MaIe anýd feýmale studfents, 18 years and older, will be ired Iýs laborers comnmencing in mdue.Their duties ,will iinclude cIueanup along roads, streamisides, and lakesh-iore, as well as; development and maintenance in Conservation OPP R The following motor vebicle collisions and occurrences were investigated by the Newcastle Detacbment of the Ontario Provincial Police be- tween May 7tb, 1973 and May l3th, 1973. Fourteen motor vebicle-col- lisions wvere investigated in wbicb threce persons were ifijured. As a result of these colsosfive persons have been cbarged with driving offences under the Highway Traffic Act and one person has been charged with a driving offence under the' Criminal Code. The Newcastle officers also completed 107 general inves- tigations. There was one investigaýiti of attempt mur- der-, four break and enter finvestigations, nine tbeft, five wilfuld damnage complaints, two domrestic complaints, one assanît, one attempt arson, one trespass complaintl, one missing personi report, and eight driving complaints. PUBLIC AUCTVION (No10Reserve) Saturday, June 2, 1 P. m We have beecomisioedby Munteani Movers & Storage CO. to sdIl at pulic auction t, the highest bidder the contlents and household effects removed from storage onovre accounts consisting of frdestoves, TV's (color .and bàlack & white), hoisehold fucrnture, antiques, collectors' items plus mi-anyvarticles too numý-jerýous to mentfion. Termis Cash. Snacký bar on premises. Clarke-Durham Auction on Hlighýwty 115, 3 mle north of 401 (formerlY The Furnîture Discount Barn) Newvcastle 98-5151 or SatrdaNigt -9p.m. tol1a.m.. Ted KOSS and the Cavaliers Thispoplarband returlns to the Newi Dutcý-h Ovenl to provide an enngof great dance îîtmusie. "Inormi" Penty af Free Parking Complimntiar-y Late Snack You Na me It! -'They Play It! Flly Licensýed Cov-"er Ch"arge $1.060lper person Si Mle Nrth r o1010,onqvwy. 35 anI 11,5 at ot Es ore f Taunton Roa-d Cail 1-983-5001 for Reservations Areas. Public education will be stressed, in conservation practices, and enviromnmetal improvement activities. Laborers will be paid $200o per hour, plus vacation pay', and will work a 40 bour week, for a period ofI at least ten weeks. Bowmianville students will be working out of the Harmony Valley ,,Conservation Area, on the east sîde of Oshawa.- Application forms for Pro- ject SW\EEP are presently avabl the Central ILake East, in Oshawa. Appication must be made by June 8,th at the latest. E PORT There were five reports ot lost property, four reports of found property and three investigati ons involvinig the recovery of stolen property. There were eight persons charged witb criminal codle offences, six persons charged with iuor offences. four persons cbarged witbi, mpair- ed driving and one person chiarged withi an offenic under the Narcotic Conitrol Act. The following is a summary of somne of the occurrences inivestigated during the past week: On May 1Oth, 1973, sbortly before,8:00 a.m., a shooting incident occurred in Ne-wcas- te on King St. West.'Tie victim was taken to _owmrYanI- ville Memorial Hospital in apparent sati'sfactory condéi- tion. The estranged busband of the victim, wowas arrested sbortly aftLer the sho0oting, has since ee charged with"AtmtMr On May 12, 1973) an investi- ga tion was commnenced into an alleged attemnpted ar-son in Clarke( Twp. As a resuilt of this investigation one person has been chairged uinder the crimi- mnal code with'Atmp Arson"'.- On May 11, tbiree vehicles were damiaged while parked in Newcastle. As a result of investigcation three youths have been cbarged it "il "Lock, Yorar" - Drivers! Doni't tempt a car thiil Whlen levin our car, always imake sure y ouïl ock -tle dobor's. AlSo, n rleave valuable items sittjing on the seats. The'r just a temipta- tion for, someone to break into Drivers' Don't tempt a car thief! Wben leaving your car, always maesure youL look the doors. Also, neyer leave valuable iessitting cjon the seats. They're just a temlpta- tion for someone to break into your car, Put al! valuables in the trunk or cover them up when leaiving y ýour car. But remember -.-you re mc less likely toý lose your car if you ALWAYS lock the doors Two-thirds of the United, Statesplwodproduction originlates in their southlerni States.

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