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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 15

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Recent SaturdaY evening a gradua- ion party as held at the om ofMr. and Mrs. Bob Brwini honor of Linida Maconadand Maria Vog- eljs, wbo ave both received R..sand Bruce MacDon- aid, woreceived is BAat McMaîS teri' S Uni vers;ity, H ailt on. We u,-nderstand Mr.: and .Ors. Wassells and famnily mov-,ed, over the week-end , to thieir new borne, at Norwood. Mlrs N. Morton, of Port Hope andMrs. W. Elliott, wîth Mr.and Mrs;. George Ell!iott and mremlbers of thieilr imminediate faillies, attended GradutionExcercises for terdaughiter, Kathy7, who receied br R.N in eter- and Mrsý1-. Norn Le'e, amra, were %weeck-end viioswitb Mýr. and Mrs. C. R. Faýrrow,, wbile Sunday gusswere Mr. Stan 13owen, I3wmnvlland M.and Mîrs. Everett Brown. of Orono. Mrs. Bourgerie spent the week-end inOsaa with miembers of ber famnil.y. She received word last week of the death of bier sister, la Eng- land. ýhe annua,,l U.C.W,,. Anni- ver-sary ser-vicýe was. wel atneSulnday m rorning, as frliends from far11-and lnear caeto renewý acquaintance witbý Mr. anId Mrs. Roy BýickellI, who were ably intro- duced by President Ms.Bea Jones. Theirmesg in song anid story was certaiaiy ywmuh aýppreciated, and wvill long be remnembered. A Dedication of theý gift of niew Hy ma Books to thýe chloir in mnemory of thle latLe Mirs. Cecil R1obinsoni, was presýented by Mrs. Wm. Ross, her cousin, an-d accepted by Mrs. M. Samnis accompanied the bus load of people from Elizabethvýille-, wbo visited Fabric Center, in Toronto last Tuesday. M'r. and Mrs. Jim Farrow, Don anld Sharon, of Bo wman- ville, were monda-y evening visitors w-ith jMrs. Iva Farrow. ,dr. and 'Mrs. Dboug Rowe antd family, Newcastle, were Thursday evening cailers at Mr. F. Gilmer's. Local people amoag the gatbering la Port Hope's Masonie Temnple, Fri day evening to attend the Instali. ation of officers -of Faitb Assembly No.14,,Rainbow' Girls, included Mr. and Mrs. Ç-ecil Stapieton, Mr. and Mrs. aay Stapleton, and fami-ily, Mrý. and Mtrs. Glen Stapleton, anid faily, MIr. Maurice ()'Neill, and Mirs. Jean Go- heen. M,,iss Lynne Marteli, of Port Hlope, was installed as Wortby Adisor, by Ray Staipeýton., while Ms Lorelei lWarineill asinstalled .as Fnit;h of the Assembly, by Glen iStapIeton. After ithe ceremniry, a deliJcîous buffet lunicheon was enjoyed b)y ail. .Mr. and àMes. Don Owies and f~mlyof rocvilespent the eekendhere wtb Mr. and Mers. Sid Stacey. Thr ç1:3 tables in play ai the Card Party, Friday night, la Comnmuaity Hall, wvith t hese wiaaers, bîgbf-iady -r.D. Laemne, Low l ady- Mrs. A1. Miligan,ý Higb man- WfrdPaeden, 50-50 fDra-w- Mrs. A.Milg. A m-iscellanIeous Bridi Showe r ln honor of Miss Ailene Ch 91ce o1da, was beld at the -home of M1vrs. Reid Wood, ridyeening Amoî,ng those atteaiding the Card Partyý, at Morrish, Wed- nesdayeveai ,were Mrs. W. Býougbe, e1] ms. M.'Whitney, Mr. R. Bruce, M1r. Sid Brown'. Rev. T. Sneigrove, preceding the message from Me. Bickeli Thesentiments of ail present were voiced by- Rev. Snel- grove, as heb expeessed grat- itude to the Biekelîs, before leaving to conduct the Kendai service, where the Orange Lodge was parading.. Dinner guests, Sunday, with Me's. Bea Jones wee'e Mr. and Mrs., D. Drinkwaiter, Port Hope, and Me. and, Mrs. L. Savery, Oshawa, while Me and Mrs. Carman Cornish, and family, orono, weee sup- per guests. With Me. and Mes. M. Samis, were Mr. Peouse ýanc Charlie, of Port Hope. M r. and Mrs.- Neil Stapieton, of Scarboeough were weekend visitors with M r. and Mes. Don Stapleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton were visitors, on Sunday. With Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones,, Me. and1 Mrs. Roy Bickell and Me. and Mrs. Wm. Ross were dinnier guests,wbile Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Port Hope, weee supper guests. Local people amnong those attending the "At Home" for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthvea, in honor of their Fortieth Anaiversary, Saturday, la- cluded MIrs. Mary, Wade, Mr. and Mri-. S.Lancaster, Mr. aad.Mrs. F. Giller, 'M\r. and Mrs. E. Waikey, Mr. anid Mrs., F. Hendeeson, Mes. Bea Jones, Me. and Mes. M. Jones. _Dinner guests, Sunday, witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, were Me. and Mrs. George Stapie- ton, MIr. and Mrs. G;ordon Martin, of Bowmanivilie, and Mr. and MIrs. Alif. Graham, of Newcastle. With Mýr. an!d Mrs. ,W. Bougben, supper guests on Sunday, wýere Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gordon-, and Russell, of Soli. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignail, Newcastle, were Visitors, on Suniday, with Mrs. 1va Far- row. With ýMrs. Myrtie Harris, and famniiy,ý Sunday visîtors weee Mirs. A. Green of Westpôrt, Mrs. Gerald Quinn, and Chris, of Lakefield, and Mr. 'Geo. Alford, of Detroit, the latter an over -night guest. Mr. and Mrs. Jack El1liott were Sunday visitors la Tor- onto, with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Soules. and Me. and Mrs. Herb Soules. Thursday eveniag caliers with Mrs. W. Elliott, wýeee Mr. and MVrs. Ken Castie and Mes. E. His of Port Hope, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eiliott and Linda, Oshawa, and Me. and 'Mrs. Robert Eiliott andfaiy gue-st with Mvr. and Mes S. Lancaster and on Suaday,, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard 'and girl's, Newcastle, were dinner guests.* For sometime, the grass plot adjoining our Cenotaph. bas been an, eye-sore,over- grown with weeds, and long' grass, interspersed withi bro- ken glass feom botties of various kindçs, altho' itisthe property, of our Township of Clarke.'ila despera 'tion, early« Friday eveing, alocal World War One Veteran hieed bis young grandson to puýsh the lawa mower, and lbetween them they cleanied upi)the rubbish, anld eut 0the grass, rnaking it presenitaibe, onice more. We are stili mnsour flags, but at least, fte place looks respectable - how ,ion i wvili remnaini so, depeads on the natives! Appr-oximýnately one la five forest wiidfiees la Canadai result from recreation. Graduates <.Stanley Arthur Vounid son utAir. Artbiýr Found, R. P, 2, Bcx'manxiiie, and the late Marie Fcund, îee lly grd- uated xx 1h hunurs frcm theL1 [.'niversity ci Gue,ýlh aI Sýprîîg Convocation held Max' 251h 197:3. H-e receivxed the deigree Bacheoer i S cience in Agri- culture xxi1tii a majur ii AnimalScenc. SanatLended S.S. Nu 4 anid SuhCeurtice PuhliCe SehooJ' l ad Ceurice seccondarx' Scheul. loie i îw inxoix'ed ii)i active tarming la cu-uperatîca witîm his father. Paul R. MIcCullotigh je -z On Saturday Jne2nd Paul R. IV, CulloIugh, Ccurt- ice, rdae from Queen's son of r rs ap Univel sity la Kingston with Larmer of B3lackstock, grad- a Baclor o ýf Atsdegree uated from ýlMMaster -Univer- in Geeýlogyý. HM is ýteaching sity on ay25 rcevig is at Lake \îsta enorPublic Baichl1or ofArts dgrein Sehool in Osal. Pu Gorph.Jhnwl cniu ,the son of Mr. i,, J Mc- lidtisl ,ý1ýp -.il01a i Cul]ougli and teltJa t udios îiext yeaî at Ontar McCullough fNwcsl. olg o dcainrUi r Youth Bowïlers Nasiý - igh trpleBev. The Bowm'7,'anville Yoluth 7 22. Rgh sïmngl, Judy owngLeague helcL its Hoîroyd j299, onn e Mars annuý,al ba2nque2t Friday, May 279.g 2,5th at the Legion Hal -nn àg unir; Bo Pys, whe)n 165 bowlr' apstaff Wining enoeda dlcosroast vrei any Cape beef dinner. Jf cr'o- A chqefor $10 asJef dmodsnHo Kn, p-resentecd by the 1Lad(ies' Mi! ,k ý'"I'e. Hht(pe .Auxilîary to Chlief Super- ïJerry 77y179, i Ga'ry viser Harold Bennrett for Lae71.' i h ingle Gar Bowmanvýille Youth bowl- Co-ombes 33_,Mk en ers. ods 321. Jr. H-ighl Aveýrage, Troph.ies presented to theGayCobs1. wvinnjing te-am for Bantam Sr Teai inersWy Girls: Julie HayneTs, Wilrnýa Mosrf , Vickie , aTer soan Van Goor-, Debbiie Reýndeil, efcGryMses Vivian i ves, Shýeila Camp- lePasn bell. High double trophiies 82gh triple.onasBrad- Linda Richards 425, 1Bobbi ev82371ff roks 57 Ana Firey 430. Hlig Wayne Coombel)Ps77.Hg single, June, Luxton 207, sîges ida Witha Leenn ilatt 25. igh28, DleGrav. 324, Johin average, JuppLxtn14. Catr302. Hi.gh average: Bantm Bys'winîngDonna , ad1y236. High team: Brett ichrds Bran rnge forte ier bowled 'Terry, Craig arwe C ar- w1t th legue. Susanf net~ GisoRichar' Ib-Davey 344.Hghtiefo ne ison, onRoea. igh -1 -e year, bowied wîth the doules Drin Caswel eague. Cindy Cow,&le 800. 399, Tra-cy Hlîman 2l 84. Hligh snlBynBruce 235, Majurice Benoit 200. InheE to' Mail Junior Gn rs'Etetm wîn ners: Heather GrayV, 0 May 281973 mac Hlrey, Lida Cnn Kendal. Ont. aghjan, Shiaron Mî4chelson, Dear Edito r: Abbi'e Blanchard. Helen vc- (ara ti tm ThleCadinSaem, Bowmanvilie, May 30, 1973 p iJuvAnne6Basebullugb el-ets Belle ville Saturday For Their First Gome ut Home Loca baebal suportrs iring. shut off the ithreaït. oe nte hî n will have anil]cpportunity thlis tueParker. whohtad tripied( SaLurdaxateroo 1 xil the third, smashed a drive Bowmavîlf's hand 0w l deep leit-centre, scoring .hui eni l1ulî tSoper Creek)(bot) Pote Nowlan and hmef at ~ ~ ý 2:0) intehve thle Juvenliles behliad Belexiie îffho osiagIbo7 6 Th axt three men weret loalcub adtepialyers adrtîcas IPort lHope manag - managment re hping(or(a Iohhold off the arouLsed goud turn-iotIa:s Ih joueniIes Bwmn i gng O0NE IL wiiî i h etrnn ini their al rsywenI ithe dis- offci] hmeuperlnce an!ld ippear-ed to gin lSINGLE-VISIOI In xxuawa ganes Hu~ sî-egthand conifidenýe as the nîaixilo eroshdd7-G) bygae rorssed. Coach L-- Port Hope, but departed from rn Peristse 17 playeurs la$ Fi-aikfdî-d 86wn6s Thiteclub)s fir-st matcýh la their seba nd was set squirnM.as Darktunessiottduingy, 2~ selhd aki Po i e nMay 10 es m goping ou Box man 11egalaaiyl)atld ato- sx ramneslast Thursday hack flum Oo efc pae ee in iiFrankford, a's Joifiuatamc Caltcher Jilil3unianliville ý,cfaiimed ii 8ý-6 THIS PR Buricl h sfamed a humer1in ic tuex aCHOICE 0F 65 BASIC FRA the si7tl* sarItf)cx Illke ,- Ccm-nelf colfected tie e oYOUR PRESCRIPTION, IN maviieuleno e tre iunJue i'rst triumph ioflcf te eONE YEAR REP.-LACüEMENI l,ýi!1% Prcullecw od voung 'seaýson anlld was o111y% e YOUR CHOICE 0F CASE FR( rali. Prt Hpea 4 0Z. BOULE EYEGLASS iheir hui ion Ilifil iwho bltum cf trouble ilu the i!st anild futh *4BIFOCALS IN KRYPýTOK, FUA 0vilm o nap-al l inanx 111e fou-behi MO i cumcitale7 3 dg. cwlmening i-mebu h'Id aîs md admJa nmanvijlle hange-d euta big L dealrthe.I xs72 atest oandta hiuw 1 lu esxohas fthefol1lviag 3' 'iaaningsf,.but Lowet ricemopei .vnlstriilud 74 'ith flm" Fi-ankfcr;d spranlg te li te n la ., thetpics on se h)ases il fui aîmd cie swa. Pot fuulh. sccr iî hee rualls te irail 7-5. Afler Bowmianville Possiblu jadctgans n duwa il1-2 3. the uhomte- Nestj4lo. DvdRhe tr de a lune rai thir 986-5580; Jainût,:;lle, Haîeyfhail te fifth t ro vithe Malcii 1m 986-4759:e pScugoop. GlnW < ~377. a.I3cmailepckdu 23 BON D ST. PontvoolJini cKce277- hg iuracerua lfil the sixt HUS:Frdy - 2570: Kedroný , Dug Wiibur an ýod tcrail iiiiited Ihie losersMudaCl 728-7660 GBum ketunj. PiB 11 i eaî colsnl atir fina Sterihenson 263-2269. chance. abare the mierchants outfit- ting tbe Juveniles and the club is g-raiteiuI for their support. While the Juveniles aýwaitL the new togs, thiey wi>,ll be per- forming in the Locke TV Electrons uniformis of 1972, through the gene-rosity of Harry Locke. Mlany otber peopie have made donations or assisted he team ini other xways tbat bave hielped consid- erably. FOR CP 71I77 S tarting June 1, 1973 dîi one fast number to unzip our whole bag of servicecs: CP Rail CP Air CP Express CP Hotels CP Ships CP Telecommnunri cations Just identfy your zone on the map. rFoïr Great Summer Fun ýé, on the Water 2" CANOES I DEAL FOR CAMPING 1AND I~FISHING HEAVY DUTY FI BR EGLASS. STURDY PRAME -3 KEELS, BUILT-IN AIR POCKETS,-ALU.MINUM GU NNELS, ALUMINUMSEATS- LITE WEI GHT. 14 ~A9 FOOT 14,9 PADDLES LN FOOT ~599 ATED'i GLOSS FINISHI LSEASONED WOOD 48 nch$3,37 54iî-,,$3.47 60inchi $3,97 A VA ILAB LE AT Hardware KNýG ST. WEST 623-2542 BOWMANVILLE "Use Vour Chargex", (, go o owaniletosee imposible o loat'àe ee ca,. We aas gix'e these as avvads for Sunday Our U.C.W,. pays for, these awards but ik od oher Bonwmanville the shelves areharo. May 27- Nos(,tletn atScgoan poo l atKedron, June 3- Scugog ai bpRlsteton Bu ketoa a t Jaeile Kedro-n-ai lPontpo .Tmie 10- Scugog atlernPny poo! l a uktn eteo at' Jaaetville, June 17- Kodron at Scugog, Burke- ton at Poatypool, Janeiville at Nqesteton. -Tune 24- Pontypool aiJanetriîle. Nestieton ai Kiedron. Scu- gog at Burketon. Juiy %_ Janetvilie at Pontypool. K"ed3ron atdNesttIPon. Bur11ke- toa at Scugog. Muy 15- Buktn at Noýstietonm Ponty.ýpool at Sncgg Kd ron a Jnevile July 22- Nesitn at Bureketon. S3cugýog a otpoJn etville at Kedron. JuIy 29- Pontypool au Nesleton, Kedron ai Burkon, Seu- gog at Janetvile. 'Agust 12- Buktoitlero.Janret- ville at Seugog. Augusi i9 - August 2- If youlive within: Vouir Ottawa Customer Service Centre number round-the-clock is: Zone A (Area Code 613) 1-800-26r7-1310 TOil free Zonle B (Area Codes 514/416/705/819) 1-800-267-1330 TOli f rCe For those areas where direct distance dialing i5 not availaeble ask your long distance operator bo place your caîl, If you are presently usinig a local telephone number for CP Services coninue ta do so« Telex subsciibers may continue to reach CP Service Centre by dialing 053-3-144. For travel arrangements, you May also caîl your local Travel Agent. CP services onecinAwl or- tbe second gaýme n arow. Tesed captain ho u Jhe Juveil 1es shudbe one ofthledr thisý ean.Sixteenplaer sýaw actionin the colltest for Bomanville. TeBowml-anville outfitare awaitIing the arrivaI of their new uniformks which are eýxp cteýd in a few w eeks. Jeffrey's Superette, Graiham's LGA., Brock's BP and Pab's Vric Wilîirid newman son cf NMe. aaid Mes. Wiifrîd Bcwinma, R. R1, ,Ennîskiliien, received hbis degrce cf Bacli- cIr cfScieninAgriculture, wh4 hoi's, at thI Spîn Corîv(.oatin cf Iheuniest cf Guelph, Frîda,, y25h Hoe maýIjc-'ed la Animai;cinc andba reîuraed t the lamiix farm te ciicw fils chusen profession. Eric is a graduate cf Bradiex s Public Schccl and Courtice Secuadary Schuci.

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