FORECL JASSIFIE Dt Births GIBSN-Dvid and Mary tire. pleased ta annacunce the arrivai of their son, Michael David, 8 lbs. 15 ozs., b-ora Tuesday, May 22, 1973 at Me- Inarial H-ospital, Bawmaanville. ?2-1 Forthcomning Marniages Mr. and Mrs. Danald Ten- naînl af Orana wish ta an- naunice the farthcamingl mar- nfage of their youn.ýgest daugh- ter Randa Lynn, ta Mr. Larry Edward Hogg, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.ward Hagg of Cavani. The marri-age Mill take place at -Orna United Church on Saturday, July 7th a330p.m. - - 22-1' Marriages HELLYAR - NOLAN - Mn. end Mrs. Paul Nolan, Toronto, wlsh ta annaunce tise marniage ai thein daaughten Pauli-le Teresa, ta William Johýn Hellyan, son af Mn., and Mrs, Fred Heliyar. Tise mrrniage1 which took place on Saturdny, May 26 ah Saint Boaavenhure's R.C. Chancis was follaw.ed by n recephtion t tise Japunese Caltural Centre,,.- 22-1' Reception Mr. and Mrs. R.IM.Juke- ma, Bothisny, Ontario, will ho pleused ta wlcomo fiends1 and neiglisioans ntise occasion] ai thieinr65thsWedding Anni-1 vensary, Jane 2, 1973 from 2 p.m. Good wishes only. 21-2 Mn. aad Mns. Gardon Shrong, Blackstock, will ho "At Home" ho thein fiends ,nnd. relatives on tise accasian af their 4tis Weddiag Aanivonsary on Jane 2nid fromi 7 - 10 p.m. ut tise Christian Ecatýàion Building,- Blackstock Unihed Chancis. Best wisliss oly. 21-2* Mn. and Mns. Oscar McQaado < wil ho, t home ho hisceir frionds on Maonday, Jane 4th, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 on tise accasion ai hiein 6tis Weddiag ,Aaùiiversaný,y, ah the homne ai tisej daugihoer Mr. < and Ms.Rager 01ke, 52 Asis Street, Part Penny. Best wish- os oaly, pieuse. 21-2 Mr. and Mrs. Robent IMorris invite friends ad neýigiho(,uns ta tise ce-lration, of their, Sth Weddiag Aaaivonsany ah thse Memnial Park Commrun- ity Centre, Liberty Street Sauth, Bowmnaaviile, on Satur-, day, Jane 9th, from 3 p.m. - 5 and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. 22-2 Deaths BAKER, Rich-ard. Irwvin-Sad- donly ah Osliawa Gceeal Has- pitli on Moadu(îy, May 28, 1,973, Richard Baker ai Osliawa (ior-erly ao awfvil) husbaad of Betty and futhen oi Louise, s;on ai Florence and Ray Brley of Asliinad; Ore- gon, U.S.A. Logion ajnd Me- marial servi ce will ho held at the Natiscutt ElliaIt Fanerai Home at 6:30 .mo. on Thans- day, May 31st. Cremahion. 22-1 HENNESSEY, Violet--At Part Penny .H-ospitai on. Moaday, May 28, 197'3, Vilet Hennies- sey arHiiaptoni, Ontario. Be-1 ooedw fitise lute George Rennessey; dean sistronfaiCoa (Mns. Williamn Vale) a)i Tonon- ho; Jennie Dicke-y ai Hampton. Re-sting t tise Dixaa Fanterai Ram, 166 Main St., Mvark- hum, Ontario, anil 9:45 -,.m. Tisarsday, tisea ha St. Putrick's CatholiecChancis, 157 We11ling- ton St., 1M1arkhamn, fan Mass t 10 a..m. Intorm'nenit Roly cross, Cemetony, Tonsl. 22-1 ITCHELL -- At Momnorial Hospital, Bov.mannville on Sun- day, May 27, 1973, Aice Mitch- ell, uged 89 yeun's. Wife af tise lute Ernest Mitchell, dean, maon ai ofCharlotte Clarke, grnndmnohher ai Donothy Lea- man. Service was lin iitise: Marris Faneral Cisapel, Bow- mavleon Taesday, t 3 'clock. Intermnent lB-owmaa- ville Cemeteny. 22-1 CARNATION ,FLOW'ERS -and SEED STORE 33 Division Street Hospital Arrangements Corsages . Potted 'Plants Bouquets Arrangements O We Send Flawers by WIVIre Phione 623-7141 or 623-5577 -17-tf, instructions LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS Now you cao train nigist hoe 1iP Can-ada! Accommn-odationý and expenses pid wliile train- 'ig Taition Tax deductibie! For aplcation aand interview, write: Sa'fety Department, Trans Canada Transport Train- ing, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West, Tor-,onta 117, On- taria, on cal: 416-864-9381. Lost GREY part Persin a ct, male, 12 years old, in vicinity aof Du',ýe St. Reward. Phane 623-3246. 22-1' Pets PUREBRED Great D an e, bidl-e. Phone 983-9309. 22-1 BLACK maie Taiy Pode regfistered, 8 mnoahhs aid, good withchîIldrean; moviag, imust selL. Phne 623-2371. 22-1' COLLIE pups, champion sired; excellent quality and pedi- grees; sable ard white, niaIes onl-y; all shots aad dewiormned; 6 weeks old, VisitLons wel-, corne at* The rTýodruxaer--', Quarter Horse Farm. Tel eý. phone 983-5383 Orono for.mare information. 22-4 Crds of T -hanks In Memoriams Mr.andMrs CeilPascoe, ALLDREAD-In loving me- Oshawa, wjsh to thank ail aur mory of C65180 Private D. A.f friends, relatives anrd aur (Dick) who wýas killed in ac- f amily for the lovely fil'owers, tion May 25, 144at Lini Val- gifts and cards in honor of aur ley, Italy. Buriect at Casino 50tth Wedding Anniversary. Cemetery, May 26. 2241 Ever remnembered by broth- _______ers and sister. 22-1 Our sincere, thanks ta neigh- bors, relatives and friends for BROOKING-In loving, me- the suirprise party on aur 25th mory of our dear son Lloyd Anniversary. Yoüur cards, who passed away May 31, 1971. flowers and gifts, are greatly Today recalîs sad memories, appreciaited. 0f aur dear son Lloyd, Ed, and Grace Hoad. And the ones who thiink of 22-1 him today Are the ones who loved hira Mrs. James (Alce) Hayman best. wishes ta thank friends, neigh- -Sadly myissed by his mother,E bour and relatives for flowers, family andc grandchildren. gifts , cards and visits during 292-1 her stay in Memýoria.l Has- pital. Especially thanking Dr, COWLING-In memory of a H. Ferguson, Rev. Wesley dean hitsband'and father, Han- Qake, Tinity U.C.W. and all ley T, Cowling -vho passed the kind nurses and staff of away May 31, 1967., Third Floor. 22-1 A littie tribute, sinaîl and tender; I would sincerely like ta Just ta say we'll a]ways thank my relatives, neighbours rernember. and friends: the Ladies' Legian -Sadly missed and ever re- Auxýiliary,. St. Paul's U.C.W., membered by wife Nina andi t.he Rev. H. Turner, for flow- family. 22-1*E ers, cards and visits; also Dr. Westgarth, Dr. J. Rundie, nurs- FOWLER-In loving memaory1 es at'd staff, 3rd Floor, Me- of my dear husband, Robert1 marial- Hospital, for their James, who passed away May kindlness and wanderful care 30, 1971. whhue a patient there. Sa many things have happened MIrs. Irene Candller. 22-1* Since you wr called 1 ,vauld like ta thank aIl my Sa many things ta s;hare wîý,,th friends, relative-s, the Orono l'au Masni LageNo. 325, Rev. lHad yPou been hreta stay. Long and chrc rganizations Dvery dayinse small way far their visits, flowers and The memaýries oüf yau camne cards received during my ill1 my way, ness, especially thanking Dr. Tho)uýh absent yau are always McKenzie, Dr. Sproull, nurses near, on Seventh Floor Oshawa Still missýed, loved, always General and First Floor, Me- dear. marial Hospital, Bowmanville. -Sadly misse(' by wife Annie. Gardon Power. 2 22-1* ______KING, Daniel-In loving me-l I would like ta thonk ail mary of a dear husband, fath- thase who helped me so much er, grandfather and great- while sick at home and in grandfather who passedcc away Sunnybraok Hospital. Thanks June 4th, 1962. ta The Royal Canadian Legian Dear usband you're inat for- all, my relatives and friends: gtten wonderful neighbours - and1 Thouigh )on arhouare no special thanks ta Drs. Hubbard moe and CunninghaM, and the Still in mremaory youtare with nurses on, the Eren-tcy U S Staff. As you alays were efre. George E. Richardîs. .Salym lsedby wfeStela 22-1 and family. ý22-1* 1 would liko ta hbunk my1 frionds, famrily and ineigishours for ilaw,.ers, cards, guIfs and visits received while ia Bow- mianville Hospital and nilso otiser aicts af kindness since ne-1 turning- homne. Special tbanks1 ta Auint Elva for koeping tbîngs in order t home. Many tisaaks ta Dr. Hubisard and tise nurses on tise first floar.- Sirl-'ey Stainton. 22-1* Wewui ike Ita expre,,ss aur most sincereo thaiii-s ta Dr. Aniossi, BwavleAmbýu-j lance Service, tise Enîengeacy Dcpartmcent ai Memorial RaIs- pital and tise nurses fanriseir kindness andc consideruhian. A special thanks ta al aur friends and neigihouns for tiseir ilawers, cards and many1 calîs. We do appreiate it £0 mach. Anne and John Mitchell, Tynane. 22-1, I would, like ta sny thanis you toalnl my.friends, relatives, neigihoars for cards, guifs. visits wiile 1 was in Memaial Hospital. Tbunks ta, U.C.W. Ladies, Hether R e b o k a h Ladge, Drs. MocKeazie, Rundle,, Grant, aIl tise nurses und'staff on third flaor, Rcv. Long for bis plensunt visits. Muny tisanks toalal my f amily for thein kind attention given ta bath dad .ad myseif. Sn- cenely, Huzel Myles. 22-1* Tise famrily ai tise lute Mrs. Mubel Deviht wisb ta, express tiseir thbaks ta friends, neigis- hoans jnd relatives fan Ibein expressions ai sympatby, flor- al tibutos, donations ta lithe Hleurt Fund, ad mny nts ai indness t tise time ai aur roceat boreavemneat. May we express a special tbanks ta Dr. John Rundle ad tise nurses, and staff ai Memorial Rospital for 15cmr excellent cane, ta Rev. W. Ouke for bis comiort- ing message, tise Liberty Street and Jane Street nigihouns and tise Monris FaneraI Cisup- eI ion tisein kindness. 22-1 Wonds cunnat expness lise depths ai aur approciahian ta tise people ai St. Puul's for tise Congreguional Dînner isaneur- ing us on aur forthcoming ne- tiremnent. Tise memony oaiti wili brigiten l aur romain- ing yeuns. Our sincero grati- tude goos ta tise U.C.W., tise Sunday Scliool, tise Sonior and Chancel Chairs, and tise Hi-C fan their lovely guifs, and tai tise congregution ior the éoiaun TV and thein17most genenou; cboque. Special lhanks ta tise Chir and Mn. Ross Mrecali ion a memnorable -prognum oai music, tise verbal tribales ex- pressed by lise neprosentatives Oi thse vaiaus cisurcis onguniz- allions, and ho ail tiaso wiso lanned and pnepancd tise dia- non. Il wns a nigist we will neyer fonget. Since il is im- passible ho tibank ecdisonc persanally, - îcase accept Ibis public exp-ýression ai aur love and gratitude. Siaceneiy, Alile mind Harold Tanner. 22-11 KOZUB3-Iaii oving memory ai n dean isusband and fîatiser, George Kozub wis a pssed nway Jane 1, 1964 and mothor and gnardnmahenNttie Musýa- lack wiso pussed away Jane 11, 1964. Soi tly tise louves ai memnony f ail, Gcntly w gather, treasare Some my forget now Ihat you've gape, Wo w ill pneemben, no rmalter bow long. -,a4i.issed by dtiagiers llachandi Tinla alnd w MOLOY-n oviri n memoryl ai a dean motiser and grmnjd- mother, Margaret, wiso puss- cd away Jane 1, 1972. Peacefully sleeping lies one af tise best In God's own Gardon, she is t rest; Rer 1f o was unselfisis, ion othiers she lived, Not for wisat she neceived 1;but what sjie could give. -Always rnemmered by tise family. 22-1 SNOWDEN -n la ving me- mary ai a dean wife, Ione and gradmathor, Rilda Bessie Snawden wiso pussed awuy May 29, 1972. -_Lovingly nemombered by Frosteýr and ifa1mily. 22-1 WESTLAK.E - Ia loving me- mary of mýy friend, Mrs. J. Weslake wiso passed away MUay 29th, 1972. Ta heur your voice and se .yaun smilc, To sit witis you and chat awisile, Ta. ho hogetisen in tise sume aId way, Would ho miy deanest wish 1haday. -Alwuays nemembened by Mrs. J. Huraden.221 WOODLEY--în mmoay ofai dean wife and mother, Gladys, wisa passcd away Jane 2nd, 1 j 15. We bave kept them ah 830 car'eiaIy, Tise iirst anc and tise last, Thoy iorm a lovely link Botwooa tise present and tise pust. We keco them us memnenhas, 0f lave hha's nover died, A nemindon of how giud we arc Ta have hud yoa by aur side. And, even if thoY disappeur- cd, Foneven last fram view, Tisey une ail recorded la aur hearts, oun memonies, ai yaa. I-Remembered always by tise Fumily.22-1'_ Dead Stock Service Farmers, Attention DEAD, STOCK SERVICE at M1ARGW1LL FUR FARM undon 00W ,Výmanagement and >owýýnenship. Wo appreciate a caî,l ronm you wisen aeccssany. Ca11lccalicot 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73, R.R 5, Bawmanville, Ontaria R. W. BOWERING LTD. Coming Events NORTHUMBERLAND AND DUUHAIM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION PUBLIC MEETING - AT - North Ho pe Central Public School WEDNESDAYI JUNE 6, 1973 AT 7:30 P.M. AiU Citizens of this scisool community are cordlally lnvited ta attend a meeting for thse consideration ar a propopsalint change thsenanme af ithis school ta hanor thse late Dr. A. C. Beatty 22-1l Comnilg Events Articles toi Sale ArtclsFo Sl Fish und Chipýs. AL yau can STUDEBAKER Service, new ONE kitchesi cabinet. Cali at, e'.ery S ah-iunr d ay, $149. and ased parts. Graihamr's 263-2028. 22-11 A1cres Restauat Taunton Rd. Garage. 1-4116-263-8172.,-ht SHEEP munure, well ratted. 22'LEISUlIE, Living, Bawvýmani- Pick up uny quahity. 623-5817. Po ntypool- Anniversary, Sun- ville. Phono 623-4700,. Youri 22-1 dany, June 10, il a.m. Guest Sun Kamper Dealer. Now ,-andWAE fesaendeiv- speaker: Dr. C. W. M. Service used trailers, rentai units. Caîl Cliff Paetanick 623-233 of Lindsay. Special music. complote lineo f recreahija i .anal if eti 2-tf3 22-2' veisicles. 2- Old Tyme Dance, Tyrone SEE J. & M. Sports for ira- TObcce o ae a' 'Hall, Sahurday, June 2. Bobby vol trailers, truck caps and 28", boy's 26;". 987-4827. Burton and the Nortisero No- campers, hent trailers and a ____ -_._"22t" mads. $3.00 per couple. 8-30- full lineofa Chrysler boats QUANTITY of c-dar -rails. 12:30. 22-1 and, mohars. Highway 115, Phono 263-2311 Hamptan or Plan te attend Yelvertan Newcastle. Open ta 8 p.m. 623-7276. 22-41 Garden Party on Friday, June daily. 20-4 STROLER hghchir-cib,1 8tis, starting ah 5 p.m., foliow- IRRIGATION aluminum linos; play pen, batisenette. Pho)no, ocd by- a variety prograni wihh couplings, diesel mater: soîl 623-7228. 2- Jacketh Family, Admission complote on separate. Also NEW Holland haler, No. 268 S2, children$1 22-1 spraying unit,' tractons, stawjand bancher, gond conidition.ý U.C.W. Unit ý-7, Tinity U'nit- and misceilaneous. 263-2305 or Phone 263-8330. 29--l1 ed, Chancis, Annual Caffee '865056 after 6. 20-6* 15- -NAgodcodtin Party, Wednesday, June 6 ah BROADLOO.VI SALE-S rida man's 3-speed bicycle. Te-le- the homo of Mrs. A. Strike,, 8 cabanrs of No. 1 Acrilan Plush-. phono 623-3194. 22-1*1 B3eecis Avenue. Everyano wel- Regular $16.95 square yard- camne. 10 - 12 arn. Display Sale $895 square yd. Fadai y USED Furnituro and Appli- af old china. 22-1 Braadloomn Distribatars, 81 ances, Paddy's Market. Hamp- ï-Richmond Street West, Osisa- ton, 263-2241. 26-htf Osaýca Barn Dance, couples wa, 576-5522. 16-8 OEtedeswn ahn only, Sturday, Jane 2, featur- OEtedeswn ahn ing "The Blue Lights", 4 miles PARTITIONING and above and one wringer washcr. Tele- cast of Newhanville on No. 2 the floor ABS plamrbiq.g and phono 623-7360. 22-1 nd4, miles nerth on Counhy tubiog. Installod recenhly in CMLT ero uti Road 65,, or 3 miles south of temparany office. Will be Elizabethvîlle. 22-1 available about middie of very goad condition. Asking CeeeyJune. Call 6237412 or writel$100. Phono 623-4376. 22-1 Cartwnigist Union o n d a y, r advia 368, c/o TiselLAWVNMOWER, 2 i_ h.p. eng- Annual Mýeeting, Monc ' Cadn Statesman, P.O. Box ime , réel type, chain drivon, ,laoe 11,_8 p.m., Nestîcton Pros- 190, Bowmanville.- 19-6 ased 000onesammor. Telepisone bytenian Chancis. Plot' own- ----63717 22-1 ors and interested public pieuse SV-IMMING Pool Chemicals-637l7 attend. Romember Decora- We Discouint Ail Chlorines- SWIMMING pool, 15 x 30 x 4' tion Day. Juoe 24 ah 2 PH - Inireaser - Redacer. with filter, sandecks and 22-2 A lgban and Stabilizers. Forvacaam. Aisa Fair-Isle hait- _____Paol Cisemical Bargains ge' e n Williams piano. Cal MONSTER BINGO on our mailing lis. e won't263-2976. -egn 22 THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m. l1o Ditniater, 8 Riis-dnivn Spansored by nmond Street West, Oshawn ultyecihiiexeln Oshawa Minor Soitbali 576-5522. , 1-8cknditiofl. Always starcd in side. One ownor since new.1 JUBILEE PAVILION ANDREWS Phono Oshsawa 723-9981, 22-il O S A A 3-hfORCHARD equipment: Kin- SUPPORT TV TOWERS elden s p r a y e r,exlen Wate Saety Wee d NTE NAS shape; Bashog, 1,000 apple W trS ft ek andA T N A boxes, laddors, picking bask- ýFREE ]FILý4 NIGHT INSTALLED AT ets, etc. Peter Sikma 987-4507. ut Bowmunviile Public.,Library Lw R ts1DOROTOR -12-1v TuALSOuSPEC,.AL ON /Polypropylene wavon face Tuie.aln e 5,. 8aFren ALp.m. ALON with dense rubiser back. AIl Corn nn Bnng Fnend Colour Systemns coloars. 9Guaranheed% Na. 1 BOB ADAMS _ qaality. 9-1 -Sil$3595. nnd The lueRive Bos" P one623-006 Factery Breadloom Distnibu- ýan0"TheMueRive Bos" P one623-006 tors, 81 Richmond Street wiiiho layig a tis or723-198 West, Oshawa, 576-5522. 16-8 Q U ENS OTE ___24-tf,TEHRIËF ohp - Da yau have NEWCASTLE farnitare, appliancos, bikes, JUNE lst and 2nid STE"NART'S baby supplies, etc. for sale? Lot us sl 1h for yau ut 34 taa1 Ct' - 9 t 1..T ing 'St.W., For information WOODVIEW COMMUifNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7 :45 p.m. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA, 21-tf Everyono is invited ho the Commrunity Worshiip Se-rvice on Wedneýsday, June 6, 8D in bowmrlanville 1igh19hoo Aýuditorium,. sponisored by tise local Ivhinisterial Association. This 15 an informal service whicli will ho enjoyod by aU, including a sing-along and specialý numbers by local quar- tet "Thle Beauxmon". 22-1 Trentway Tours, TO WWVA Jamboree (Wheeling, WVest Virginia) JUNE 22nd ta JUNE 24th Show Stars Lynn Anderson For details contact BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTRE 47-King St. W., Bowmanvilt Phone 623-3182 20-4 Courtice Secondary School Bands PRESENT THEIR MAY CONCERT at the School with, GUEST CHOIR and ARTISTS Wednes., May 30 at 8 p.m. Tickets - $1.00 and 50e 22-1' Kiwanis Auction Saturday, lune lBth ARTICLES W AN TED Do yau have aay unusedl articles ciuttering up an attie, garage or basement? Doante them ta Kiwanis Auction FREE PICK-UP No item tao big or tao small Help Us ta Help Bowmnnville Caîl for Pick-up . . . 623-5215, 623-5610, 623-2738 or 623-4266 22-2 Wanted To Rent TWO - BEDROOM ap)artmenrt wanted. Phono 728-0775. 22-1' TWO or tfiree bednoam house on duplex. Reasonable reat, couple with anc child, 623-5138. 22-1' (nao children, pets), seek Iwo- hedroom apanîment lino].der hom, Bmavle..a reoa. TWO or three-hednoom house on uipartmeait by first ai Jane or July in Bowmanville. Ref- enences availuble. Telephone 623-3905 afler 5. 22-1' THAREE-BEDROOMbouse, vi- ceinity of Bowmanville - New- castle by reliable f amilY with twa girls, 10, - 12. Will look Liuften it as my own. 987 -5110. 22-2' Early Mattnrinig, Higi YieId- ing, Fast-clrying Varieties HARVEST BEFORE M'INTER '77 - 100 Days MANY VARIETIES' NOW IN STOCK R. BRUCE TAYLOR: 263-2741 Enniskillen, R. R. 1 17-CI O FURNACE BOILER HUM'%IDIFIER or HOT WATER No paymients for six months CaIl HARVEY PART NER. Tour ESSO Service Denier FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith, 14620 24 Hour Service 41-tf OSHAWA TV, Antennas and .Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHIF-VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-wiredý REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed Al priced ta SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L., HAMILTON, Manager 38-ti SEED Qats, Barley and- Corn lAifalfa - Timothy Brome and other fnrm seeds. Phone SWAIN SEED) CLEANERS AND DEALERS .986-4331. SEED GRAIN TOP QUALITY Best Variety of Oats and Barley, eAlso high-yielding FUNK'S Seed Corn CERESMORE FARMS LTD. Garnet B. Ricknrd and Sons ,tRR. 4, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-7150 e 11-12 RUGS e 9 x 12 fromn $59.95 rWall to Wall CARPET 3 f rom $4.95 sq. yd. e FREE ESTIMATES -LARGE SELECTION 0F e COLORS ADAMS FURNUTURE )26 King St. E., Bowman-ville 6234,808 22-61 ca , 63-2042 or 623-7037. 2- SHTIAG BROADLOOM O- .,- Special1 parchase - Mediumir engtis -1 dense pile sisug in. 10 popuar1 cabanrs. Roguar $10.95 per yard - for limited timo only $ 7.95 per yard. Fadtony Brondlom n Distribuhors, 81 Richmond Street West, Osha,- xva, 576-5522. -1- SCREENED and anscreenedl tapse11 fer sale; alSIsad, grveqnd f111. Pick a po dýiielere. Phiono 62,3-342 __ Il-5-8 NEZWCASTLE Trailer Park & Sales-Yaur district Ramrbler Trailer Denier. New andý usci trailors. Righway Ne. 2, Nwcastlc, 987-5131. 16-tf NEED a PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKESý 14ARVEY PARTNER Orono 983-52,06 - Zenith 14620 41-tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, ah kinds ai Used Farni- tara, Antiques and Appliancos. P a dl d y ' s Market, Hampton, 263-2241. 26-hf BàEDROOM suite, compiehe; dining suite, 9-piece;' chesten- field suite, nîl Burma teak- woad, new. Must soul. Sacri- fice. Phono 1-241-5971. 31-tf County Broadloom 1742 Brock St., Souths af 401 1 WHITBY - 668-8895 Tise Lowest Prices Anywhere 2-year installation Guarantee Benutifai Wnrehouse Seiection 4-tf REMNANTS-Ends ai Rolîs - Mill-ends - Rage Selectian - Ahl Na.'1 Quality - Ahl 12, foot wide - Lengths fromn 2 foottho 20 feot. Values ta $20.00 per square yard. Oun Clearance Prico 4.95 and 5.95 square yard. Fuctary Broudlomr Dis- trihutars, 81 Ricismond Street West,, Oshsawa, 576-5522. 168 A PP LE S Mcîntosh Northern Spies SConîrolled Atmosphere TED 'WATSON Phione 623-7252 22.1 31 ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED NO DOWN PAYMENT LOW MONTHLy TERMS FREE DELIVERY ADAMS FUuRNITURP"E 26 King St. E., Bo6wmanville 623-3808 22-6 USED EQUIPMENT I.H. B414 D TRACTOR Live P.T.O., 3-pt. hitch, completely ovenhuuled $1850 I.H. FARMALL Super 11C" TRACTOR with 2 row Scuffler, - Excellent candition.---........... ..... 850 DAVID BROWN 3-furrew 3-ph. bihch PLOW ----_100 JOHN DEERE FERTILIZER DMSTRIBUTOR _ ---------75 JOHN DEERE 15-rua Combinatian DRILL .-350 MASSEY No. 1 BALER 265 J-MAR EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E., Bowmgnvile Phone 623-5e89 22-1 ' Articles For Sale Help Wanted ÏGIRLS' bicycles, almost aew, REGISTERED Nurse and RNý. Phono 623-3872. 22-1 A. Full and at time. Phono AVOCADO green stovo, 24",98-41 6-tf new, noeri used. Reasanable. EXPERIENCED waiten/wàit- Phonoc 62:3-2859. -ý 22-1 ross. Apply The Acres Res- ONE bic-ycle, bay's or gilr's, taurant, 263-8421. 22-1* 24", CCM Scramble, excol- FULL and part timo waiter/ len coditon.623507. 2-1waitrosses wanhed. Will train. SMALL John--Deere Model M Phono 983-5560, Coach and tractor, Forguson mower, New Four, Orono. 20-3 Idea loader. Caîl 263-2578 71 22-ï* NEEDED - boys or girls who are self-relient and self start- 30, F1IIGIDAIRE eloctric ors who want to earn goad stove, navy blue, Frenchs aven manov over june, July, Aug- doors, $60. Phono 623-4390. ast and September. Caîl Gaad 22*Humer, 725-4818. 22-1 STEEL doars and building TRUCK DRIVER, preferrably panels, ideal for garage or Cot- witis knowledgo of tho MeUtro tage. Fireproaf, d ouhle-wall- Taranto area. Pleuso applyin lJed. Priced ta soîl. 623-5817. writing ta Advertiser 373, 2_2-1 c/o The Canadian Stahesmun, -11TT N P.O. Box 190,,BowmanviUe. CARNAT2ON - 1 Notices Dr. A. F. McKenzie will be an holidays May 26 ta June 3nd inclusive. 21-2 Anyono who cashed choques at Sleman's Store, Enniskil]en, wîthIa the last two weeks, pleaise natify John Slemon. '263-2621. --22-1 L. C. Mason, Q.C., "Law Office closod May 2nd ta June 3rd inclusive. During this time will be in Office Tues- day evenings, 9:00 - 10:00 p.m. 17-6* Dr. Tom Reis a will begini thse practice af dentistry ini association with Dr. Win. Rudeîl at 75 King Street East an June llth. Call 623-5790 for appointment. 22-2 NOTICE to Property Owners DESTROY WEEDS INotice is hereby given ta al persans in possession af land, in accordance with tihe Weed Flowers and Seed Store 33 DIVISION STREET a Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 S FE CI1A L .. .. .BOX PLANTS Most varieties stili available from 3 for $1.00 ý NOW IN... No. t HOTHIOUSE TOMATOES 22-1 Tenders Wanted--P Township of Clarke, Tenders for Trucks Sealed tenders ýeaerIy.mark-' ed Truce4k No. 1i or Truck No. 2 wil he reeeiv4d by Vie under-S signed until 5 p.m., 'ruesday,E Jupe l9th, 1973, at the RoadC Department Office, Orono, Ont.q TRUCK No. 1- Approximately '32,000 GVW equipped with V-type so plow and wing. Trade-in 1 1965 Mercury Model 950, chassis and boxr TRUCK Na. 2-,a Approximately 30,000 GVWr .equipped with n ,Hoppero Type- Sand Spreader., 9 Tenders must'be submitted0 on forms supplied by thse Township. No others will ber accepted. Tender forms or information may be received froam the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarilye accepte& 1 M., L. ROSS, Road Superintendent, Township af Clarke, Box 57,, Orano, Ontario LOB 1MO. 22-1c Notice to Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND (ITHERS t AUIldaims against, the estate of ALICE MARY JONEFS tateo f the Township cf Clar-ke in the County of Durham, Widow, who died on or- about June 28, 1972, must be filed with the undersigned personal1 representatives an or boforo June 22, 1973; thereafter the undersîgned will distribute the assets of thse said estate havingc regard only ta the dlaimns thonI filed. DATED May 23, 1973. Charles Melville Jones and Mary Kathleen Jones, Executors, Newtonviile, Ontario. 21-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Ail dlaimnsagainst the estate of LENA IRENE CRYDERMANt late af 120 Qucen Street, Bow-t manville, Ontario, Widaw, wha died on or about January 14,' 1973, must be filed with the undersigaed persanal repre- sentative on ar before June 30, 1973; thereafter the undersign- cd will distrihute the assets of thse said estate haviag regard anly ta the dlaimns then filed.1 DATED May 23, 1973. r NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY LIMITE D 32 Simncoe Street Souths, Oshawa, Executon 21-3 14 and 20, tisat unless naxiaus H1ARDTOP truilen, slee-ps four, weeds growing on tiseir landslin good condition. C a 11 within tise Municipality af tise 263-2149. 221* TOWNSHIP 0F USED Furnîtuno aad Appli- unces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- DARLINCTON han 263-2241. 26-tf are destroyed by date af BRASS beds, stonewunes aad JUNE 15, 1973- antiques. Caîl us, day or and throughout tise season, nigistTise Frieadly Flea Mark- tise Municipality may enter et san 7598., 1- upon tise said lands and have HIGHEST pnices paid for tise weeds destmoyed, cisarging cars, trucks and tractons. tise cashs against tise land ia Phsone Ackenmnn Auto Wneck- taxes, as set outinlatise Act. ors, 623-5756 on 623-7112. Tise ca-opematian ai ail citîz- 15-8 ens is eanestly solicited. WE have cash buyers waitiag WEED INSPECTOR ut aur weekly auctions for al DELBERT O . GRILLS jtypes ai merchundise. Wbat Munieipality ýhav yu Call collect New- Township of Darlington csî 46 987-5151 or 987- 22-1 5161. 21-6 -1 PART-TIME TYPIST Typist needed two - three days weekiy - Good speed and accunacy essential.. Write P.O. BOX 190 c/a Tise Canadian Shatesman ý1 Bowmanviiie 22-tf REAL ESTATE CAREER W e are interested ln inter- viewing people wiso une cither alroacly licensed or have puss- ed tise "Introduction te Real' 1Estatef ", course, Applicantsi who ne iivo aod would pro- ;fer, ta work in hown and rural areeas ,an assot. Top commis- sions! Confidential interview, pieuase caîl Bill MoFeeters af SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED, Renitor 360 King St. W., Oshawa 723-2265 20-4 !SECRETARY- Treasarer for B3owmanv ile Chamber of ICommerce. Mast ho fully' qjualifiod in typing and short- hand, receiving and answer- inig correspondence, g oo d knowledge af bookkeeping. have own transportation for errands and be free for evea- ing mnteiîigs oe nigist penl montis, AIse, must ho avail- able for Ltelpise(ne ,calîs during regalari busine(ss heurs in your own home. Apply in wniting giving reforences, te Chambor af Commorce, c/a Ralpis Wiyte, 9 Division St., Baw- manville, Ontario. 22-1 CARETAKER -Applications will ho recoiv- cd by tise undensigned until Thursday, Jane 7, 1973, for tise position af Carehaken ut Vincent Massey Public Scisool, 10 isaurs per yveek. Knawiedgo aidf lcuning mn- tonials and pro- cedure proforred. Ahility ta work fromn Verbal und Written sastraction and with other R inylawriting, siting qualýifications, address and telephion-e number to: M. A. Ma.cLood. Business Ad- miistý-rator and Troasuror, Nortimherland nnd Durham Cauîîty Board af Educutîoa, Bx470, Cobourg, Ontario. ______ _____ ____22-1 HEAD Carehaker - Applica- tions will ho roceived by tise undersignod until Wednesday, Jane 6th, 1973, for tise position of Hend Curetaker attse Lord Elgin Public Scisool, 40 hours per week. Applicunt must have practical kaowledge ai mecisanical und electnical ap- paratus. Good working know- ledgel af carehaking pro- cedare, tise ability ta wonk isarmoniously with. atiers, tise uhility ho organize own wark and work with others. Reply in wniting stating qualifica- tions, oxporionce, address and teleps nc number ta M. A. MacLeod, Business Adminis- truton and Treasuner, Nantis- umberland and Durham Caunhy Board af Educahian, Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. 22-1 STORE MANAGER Required for long estahlished retail busi4ness loc.-ted ia grwh area of Sauthera Tise applicant should have a provea recordý ai sales ex- perleace in one or more ai the foliowing: hardware, fuami- hure, appliances. Ability ta manage staff and averaîl operation important. 3This position wil pay you ,n base salnry af $14,000.00 Plus profit shnning. if, you are "a'1ur persn", within three yenrs you wiil have tise oppor- tunity ta participate in awner- ship. Please forward complete resume inciudiag address, tele- phone number, pre-Viaus ex- perience and aay otheir pert- inent information. Ali replies 1will ho treated in strict con- fidence. Advertiser 374 c/o Tise Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 22-2 'Wanted to Buy USED office desk, approx., 60 x 30. Phono 623-3568. 22-10 witis waten- suppýly, loadinig v-amp and- corral, Newcastle area. Cal 987-4423. 22-1 CET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THRItOUGH S TA TE SMrtA N c LA;ýs 1F 1E p PHONE 623-3303 1 ýÀïrrle uiryn+£%A WELL DRILLING. Catismar Well Drilling Ltd., Poatypool. Phone 705-277-2504. ll-tf ROTO-TILLING. Free estim- ates. Pisane 263-2307. 20-3' WINDOW cleaaiag and smnall odd jobs. Piease Telephone 623-4294. 22-4' SMALL Carpeater's work and woodworking repairs. No con- struction. Cail 623-2921. CUSTOM. lawn cutting witls ISOw equipmnent. Walter or Lawrence Taylor, telephane 263-2741. 2- EXPERIENCED RNA laok'ng for emplayment la physician'"s office. Please caîll nter 4, 623-4875. 22-C' MOBILE Welding RLepairs te construction and farmn equip- ment. Len Benschap, Phone 705-357-3510. 14-tf WATER wells bared, 30" tile. WadsWeil Boning. Tele- phone 3.2-2030. Representative Harry L. Wade, Telephione 987-4531. 16-tf WATER welis bored or drill- ed. Canada Drilling Company. Phono Oshawa 576-6004. Re- presentative Harry L. Wade, N1ewcastle 987-4531. 22-tf LIGHT trucking anid odd jobs, cleaning yards, basemneats, attics, etc. Reasoýnable rates. Free estiînates. Telephante 623-2337. ---22-4' AL G.- OSBORNE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned, FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 BOWMAN VILLE 31-tf VINCE MOORE (Cymur Decor) Paperhanging - Painting Carpentry HOUSE RENOVATING 247 Liberty N., BowmanvIlle 623-3568 22-40 JACK BURGESS, OIL BURNERS - FURNACES, CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address : p.0, Box 13 - Bowmanville 30-tf DARLINGTON MASONRY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEYS & FIREPLAGES >ýPhone 623-2176 49-tf BO0B -LBEE]77à7RS 137 ELGIN ý;STUEET Plumbing - Heating-- pressure Systems New Work nnd Repairs 1 Service and EStimates Cail 623-2641 Don Brooks & Son Custom Builder of Fine Homes Specialists;lain nteniar and Exterior Repairs and Remod- elling. You ame il - we cul' tdo il! For Free Estimate CaiI f723-6176 or 623-2301 BI1L L 'S GL AS S nnd MIRRORS LTD. c7 Division St. - Phonoe 623-5187 Bowmnniville, Ontario sheet and Fiat Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Fiat Mirrars Pntterned and Céoared. Glass and Glazing 17-tf Mountjoy Backhoe Service Trenches . Drains Foundations and Septie Tanks Dug and Backfilled IVAN MOUNTJOY Blackstock 986-4737 22-1 Refrigération and Appliance Service Comercial! and Domestlc Refrigeratian - Miflk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days -623-5774 ho liye in. Phone 623-3504. For RI-nt TENT trailer leps 4 ta 6, by week on weekenid. Caîl aiter 6 p.m., 623-3103. 22-2' THIREE-be-dnoom rcottage an Lake Kasshabog, 20 miles north af Havelock. Phone 983-5144. 22-1' -p 1 1 1 1; il,