2 The Canadian'Statcsnian, Bowmanvilhe, May 30, 1973 D. Kemp, the Rcv. and Mirs. E. C. Kelloway and Mlr. and BHS 'Vaulter Sets Record Mrs. M. Stacey. adwh comned were members of both Clarke Teaqm Wins Hîigh Mr. and Mrs. Turner's famnil- îes and members of a former cburch wbere Mr. Turner bad School Track -Trophy served for a number of years' - St. Andrew's United Clarke Hligh Scb(oh fielded a Girls events. She placed first Church, Pakcnham, Ontario. ,srong team at the recent in the long jump with a The musical program of the Central Ontario Secondary distance of 15' 3" and manag- evening was presentcd by Schoohs track and fied nmeet in cd a second in the 80 metre members of St..Paul's Senior Oshawa took home. the 'A' burdies with a time Of 13.4 choir uncter the direction 'of dlivisionti rophy, awarded to seconds., Clark e's Laura Mc- Mr. Ross Metcahf and consist- the best of tie smaller scbools. Knigbt paced second bebmnd ed of bagpipe selectioný by Atletes from as far away ber scboolmates in the long Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Fleming, as Hastings, Belleville and jump event with a distance of vocal duet by Mrs. W. Pring Duabarton cýompelted at the 15' even. and Mr. Ross Metcalf, trumn- mneet. Pole vaulting appears to be pet solo by Mr. Don MacAr- Clarke piled up 26 team a strong suit at BHS because thur, vocal solo by Mrs. S. points, two more tban Peter- Rick Conaban picked up a Cohes and numbers by the boroug's St. Peter's H.S. second place finish, clearing choir: On Land and Sea Crestwood Hligh Scbooh from 10' 6". Descending (soloist Mr. Terry etrbrogb onth ovral ri se âMinist6er Russell) - Sanctus - Ail In teamn points tropby, amassiag (rr aeOe nArlEeig n l 822points to beat out Osb- FoHPguOe ndAridh lm un e and O awa's MUcLaughhin bDy 712 A bouhtf ul roast beef dinner HnrdbPamTn ti points.was served under tbe direc- was supplemiented by accom- pots. l' bstsbw tion of Mrs. Margaret Mc. paniment on the timpani by Borravil Sbet--oing MhnMr.li)ie cD - Mr. Mike Wood,- trumpets by at the m1eet was putl on1by aoMs oneMDn Mr. Don MacArthur, Danny Grant Luxton. Hek,ielet;heest aId and Mrs. Kay HaIlowell, Strike and Mlichael Foster, of the field far behind, in assisted by a number of setinga nw rcor lathemembers of the congregation, and piano by Miss Gail junior Pole vauh.t. IHis higtof-at tables -attractively decorat- Thomson) Iiý_' 1" as more than a afoot ed witb spring floral pieces vr. Wm. Btrut expr tesed higher than the second place arranged by Mrs. J~. A. very igh Jtribe to the Re finisher. Barnes. batas o*harei-oTneý r'rihee Chriîs Dwyer of Clarke Higb Following a tast thteSehsosn r- pepre Schooh wvon the Midget- Boys Qucen thre Invocation was by he Sesi po h dîscuss tbrow witb a distance given by thre Rev. E. C. m ountains are the feet of of 128' 71/2,besting the second Kehoway. i place finishier by ahmost five Seated at the bead table wbo brings good tidings, feet. with tbe guests of bonor, thre who pubishes peace, Jim Breninan from Carke Rev. and Mrs. Turner, were who brings good tidings of pic'kcd up a first place ribbon their sons and daughters-in- od la tire Junior Boys 110 metre law Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ghoodihe avain burdhes, witb a winning time Turner of Kingston and Mr, wbo spubho ishe savatonGo of 1.7 seconds. and Mrs. Norris Turner of who igsy oZo, Vu.o Carke's Janet Lovekin was Halifax, N.S., also Mr. and rheigaors. o h rpe a multipfle winner in Midget Mrs. W. Brunt, Mr. and Mrs.ThswodoftePrpt ___________________J. H. Abernethv, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiab, Chapter 52, verse 7, Nelson Osborne, Welcomes Larry. Shank Due to a much appreciated increase of business, Nets Osborne has enlarged his staff and acquired larger premises. The photo shows Mr. Osborne welcoming his new partner to the business which wiIl now be known as Osborne and Shank Insurance Agency Limited. T-he niew office is toc ated at the rear of the Registry Office at 108 Liberty St. N. in Bowmanville. Drop into our new office or cali us to discuss any of your insurance neceds. Osborne & Shank Insurance Agency Limited OsbonIle 108-Liberty Street North -Bo 623-3627 or 623-4551 I ALL CLASb'ES 0F INSURANCE ewmanville Examiner very appropriately may be applied to the coiming of tbe Reverend Hlarold Turner to St. Paul's United Church, ow manville, in Nvmbrof 1949. He bas revealed t o all tbe unselfish nature of a truly gifted preacher witb a deep- rooted f aith and a love of God.- His is the record of a ricb and full life whose metto bas always been, 'Self last and others first'." This tribute further review- ed Mr, Turner's background and early life in a Christian home, that of Mr. and MIrs. James Turner of Appleton,ý Ontario, a family of wbicb several members were minis- ters of the Cburch. His University training was rec- eived at McGill University. Montreal, from whicb be if graduated with Bachelor of ed Arts and Bachelor of Divinity T. Degrees. H1e was ordained into E( the United Churcb of Canhada, in in Trinity United Cburch, e3 Bowmanville, on June 4tb, 2 1933. H1e, witb Mrs. Turner and p their two sons, Ronald and Ci Norris, came to St. Paul's in ed Novemb er, 1949, and from in then until the present bas at followed a very happy and 01 fruitful relationsbip. B These years have seen T many changes and advance- el ments under their leadership se and ministrations. Many peo- M ple bold fond and appreciative L mnemories of bis sermons witb sl their deptb, bis ready wit and ai humer, which softened the fa rough spots, bis deep concern SE at aIl times for all people, bis wise counselling and bis ministrations of comfort in times of trouble - truhy a Good Shepherd as a Minister and Leader.a Mrs. Turner, oved by al b who knew b 'er, was bailed "Tbe Perfect Minister's Wife".p Mrs. Alex McGregor ex- l pressed appreciation to Mrs.. Turner in the presentation of aE sheaf of red roses.j Gifts were presented to Mr.F and Mrs. Turner on bebaîf ofr the United Cburcb Women by Mrs. Ceeul Dudhey, the Sunday School by Mr. Douglas Hately, the Senior Choir by Mrs.r KennetbHuhtil, tbe Chancel Choir by Miss Debbie Stain- ton, and the Hi-C by Master Robbie Bryson. Mr. James Abernetby, on b)ehaîf of the congregation ofr St. Paul's, presented their iifts of appreciation - a monetary gift and a colored television set, witb warmest wisbes for mnany years of hlappy retiremlent., 1Y The choir addeèd their spec- l tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Tur-ner in a humorous Musical resumne of their lives and appreciation of thIeir se1rvie in St.i '. This was composed byv Mr. Leonard Joncs and Mr. Fred Fleming and accompanied by Mr-. Ross Metcalf. Mr. Turner, rcceiving a standing ovation, and speak- ing on behaîf of hîmnself and Mrs. Turner expressed their sincerest appreciation of this evening's events arranged in their bonor, of the warm tributes that had been paid tbemn and the gifts wbich had been, presented to tbem as remembrances of, the happy years tbey bad spent with St. Paul's congregation. The evening concluded with the sining For Tbey Are Jolly Good Fellows and good wisbes from aIl to Mr. and Mrs. Turner for many happy years of retired life in their new home in Oshawa. NEFWS HELD OV-ER The Royal Conservatory1 1 )f Music of Toronto is pleas- Ti ýd to announc.e that Mrs, c anya Tkachenko of the Board'of Examiners wihl be gr ýn Bowmanville to conduet Î' xamiiaations between May Ju 28 and June 30. d Mrs. Tkachenko began lijer de piano studies at tire Kiev Conservatory, and continu- d at St. Joseph's Conv-nt Ch, in Oshawa. She later studied co at thec Royal Coaservatory hi: of Music in' Toronto with Boris Berlin and Pierre ;ouvairan, aadreceiv-d her I'eacber's and Solo Perform- er's A.R.C.T. in 1957. A cholarshirp student in the Faculty of Music Artisýt and D Liceatiate Dilomna Course hý ire graduated la 1962, and rE not long afterward he"arne it, an energetic member of thre ni faculty of tire Royal Con- servatory of Music. ci &PtîrIingto,%n 'BudgetT <From Page One) a mihîs). wiie the commercialh i and industrial tax wvihl be based on a milI rate of4 13:3.21b (down 2.42 milîs).c There are also a smah perceatage of people in Dar- tý ington who support the Ont-p ario County Separate Scbool Board and their mill rate will fi jump considerabhy higher. r For residential taxpayers, tbe E rate will increase from 111.33 a milîs (thre lowest in Darlington 1 hast year) to 140.47 milîs, an v increase of 29.14 milîs. Com- r mercial or industrial estab-c lishments wihh ibe taxed on the basis of 145.82 mihîs, 22.28 t mihîs more tban in 1972. Spending More, Taxing Less Based on tbe reduced mnill rate, the township wilh colleet $1,200,000 in taxes in 1973, wiricir is $40,000 less than the previous year. However, Dar- lington bhas raised thieir over- all expeadtitures, by over $27,00ü, to a total of $1,633,199. 0f course, the reasonl for, the increase in spening and tire reductLion laiitaxatioýn is tire fthtirI April's p1rQviniah" budget inchuacd n ber of ewor increa,,sed grants to munciahtis.Last yathe township r-eCeived $ý*265,000 in contributions fromi otber gov- eraments. T1iis yýear the figure is $357,000i, wbicb represents a $92,000 increase. Tire "Other Revenues" cat- egory aiso reflccted an ap- preciable addition to the township's treasury over 1972. Tis year "otirer revýenues' are up $32,000, to a total of $80,000. Treasurer Bryden indicated tirat Darlington bas been selliag off some of its land, wbicb accounts for a large part of this increase. Wbihe the township's total expenditures have gone up tbis year. not ait categories ot spendings bave increased. For example, the County's levy is down $10 000 (tfo $191,000), the Board of Education bas asked for $6,000 hess tbis year ($7832,000) and Darlington's Financial Expenses bave dropped by alf (down to $9,000). The latter decrease is due to the fact tbat: the township will not be.borrowing as mucb moaey this year and hence iaterest payments will be correspondingly lower. The biggest single increase la ýexpeaditures bas been ear-marked for the Roads budget. The township wvil spend $440.000 on roads this year, as compared t0 $387,000 in, 1972. Police *Faced (FrornPage One) store wbie Mrs. Siemon was alone and removed over $600 ia cash and cheq'ues from an open safe in the sub post office la the back of tire store. Store owner John Shemon returned maaaged toescape without a [trace. o4 Apparently the * nen- ten to1 tha age pha gly con car nor Gei i hai "ou idel led Barron's Gift Shop in ampton shortly before goinýg Enniskillen. Lt is suspected ît the number of people in, [ store at the time discour-' ed aniy holdup atempt. A similar incident took ice ini a store in Aurora irer the saine day. [t is reported that a "band of psi's" were quiestioned in )nnection witb the case at a mi.-pground near Milton, ýrtb of Oakville, on Monday, ýy 281,1. Newcastle OPP Constable erry Kozak interrogated the ,spects with the help of an îerpreter but no charges ve been laid to date. OPP )urces indicated that positive [ntification of the suspects s been next to impossible. he investigation is still- ntinuinîg. The Department of Immi- ation has scbeduled a hear- i for the group in Toronto on nie 4th. Lt is reported that a eportation order may be )ugbt. Iopefulhy that bearing wvill 1--r away--s_çe o afusion wbich surround the B Associa-.tion iarre case. (From Page One) iag course, which accord- Durhm Reion ng to Mr. Davis hias done R much to educate teenagers (From Page One) and prevent tragedies. Tbe westerly 10) lots ofý Fears Fragmentation )arliagton Township, whicb One of tire major con- md been slated to ire transfer- ceras 0of the Northumber- land-Durham Tuberculosis ed to tire Oshrawa municipal-, and Resphratory- Dîsease yhave been lef t intact in tbe Association is that tire as- ~wNewcastle municipality. sociation mîght bc frag- Altirougir not mentioned spe- mieatedi by regionai gov- fically by White on Monday, crmnient, according to tire is assumed tint Cartwright aIssIciation's new presi- r,,-p wllbeunited in a dent, George Haynes of wp.wil beCobourg. -nuaiicip-ality witb Reacir Twp. "Tirey might fragment ind Port Perry, as laid out la us to dcath", ire told asso- be original proposals. ciation members, "but wc AIl of Manvers Twp. bas can't worry abou-t it - wc ceen re-aligned witb Victoria just have to pick up tire ýouny wile ava andSoih all and rua with it." ouny wil Caan ndSouir Anotirer I mp o r t a nt lonaghan Twps., and tire, change, wiic wiîî come Lwn of Millbrook will become about la 1973 is tire change part of Peterborough County. of the ame -of tire asso- Tire other major swîtcir ciation to "Tire Lung As- from tire originally proposed socintion," n name wirich regonis ha theetownships coavcys tire extent, of tire egin i tht treeassocation's work.1 nortir of Oshawa, Scott, Brock Ehect New Officers and Thorair, plustire towns Of New officers were elect- Bcaverton and Canaington,_ cd at tire meeting. Tire yull be included la tire Durham aew president, G e, o r g e region. Scott Twp. will be- I{aynes takes over fromn com prtofthene mnii-Don Retallick of Port :om pat ~ tre ew unîi-Hope, who iras been presi- )ality of Uxbridge and tire dent for tire last two-year townships of Thorair and term. 3rock as well as Beaverton Tire first vice-president and Canningtoni will form a for 1973 is Murray Ratir- nunicipality cahhed Brock. bone, and tire second vice- ThePikerngairor , om pesidet' is Mrs. Anita Tir Pikeingaipor c M eLaucirlan. Tire honor- -auaity, originally envisîoned ary treasurer is Grant Me- as a separate municipahity Millan. witin the region, wihl be Chairmen of tire varlous joined with Ajax, tire village of commîttees are: Dr. Throm-. Pickering and Pickering Twp., as Hnwke, 1973 Chrristmas Name Ca BeChaged Seal Campaiga ciairman; Nanes an e Craned Mrs. Gorman ,Young, vol- ln bis announcement, Whrite unteer c h a i r m a n;- Dr. stated "alh tire names of Charlotte Horner, MOR, munciphiieswe rcusing la medical ndvisory commit- fligsIatJon can bj cirngedtee cirairman; Mrs. Gordon îettl wislles offtire local Mciicaefidng rs. tohicetstir D. H. Gear, rehabihitation resdens."and social services: ýMrs. "Provisions for this will be ade in the bill," he pledged.t Decision is "Final" At the Tri-Level Conference held in Peterborough, White is quoted as saying "we have now, modified the proposals according to the wishes of the people învolved and this is our, final decision." "0f course," he added, "iti won't please everyone, but nothing -would." White indîcated that 87) per cent of the legislation for thei Durham Region bas been completed to date. The first regional governmennt bill, dealing-witb the Halton and Peel Reg ions, will be introduc- ed very soon, be said. Then will corne the bill to estahlish the Durhamn Region. The bill dealing witb the Hlamilton-Wentwortb Region, which created so much contro- versy and led to the expulsion of H-amilton Mayor Vic Copps !rom the provincial legisla- ture following the announce- ment, ,vill be the hast to be introduced. DELQITTE, HASKINS Mary Darkins, parcels; Corporal Ralph Tremilis, transportation; 'Mrs. 'D. J. Dillon, health education; publiclty, Lawrence Hall. Returns Higher The Association's an- 'nual report on finances showed a five perr cent in- crease in contributions la 1972 over 1971. The 1972 campaign reached an ail-time hlgh of $283,200.14. in the over-, ail Ontario report, there -wns a 10 per cent' increase. l'ocally, the association hadý 3D.8 per cent of the letters returned containing money, representing .29.4 per cent of the population. The return per letter sent out averaged 94 cents and the return per contributor averages $3.04.- Picke ring Mon (From Page One) Junre draw (June 27th) will brinig this total back ln order that the ist. prize will be at least $2000. Br. 1783 Royal Canadian & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA BUILDINCè OSHAWA CENTFRE - 'OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHLA, R.LA. GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, CA. BURT R. WVATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 li TUNE-UPS * SAFET-EK *BRAKES *MUFFLERS Now on Sale ut MacDONALD FORD Get Ready for Summer BODYWORK and PAINTING FAST PROFESSIONAL WORK AT PRACTICAL PRICES Your Esso Agent is havin*g a Youur Esso Agent takes a special interest in your business or farming operation. And he's having a special sale to prove it. He's giving you a chance to make big savings on a product he knows you need. Pistolmatie Gr'ease Gun, Put the pressure on those hard-to-get-at grease points with this flexible hose, trigger- action grease gun. Takes those famous blue ,Uhitol grease cartridges. 8000 lbs. pressure. Grease gun regular Esso price- $8.80. Special Sale1 price $5.99 Take advantage of this special offer at participating Esso Agents. OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 3Oth, 1973 A. H. Sturrock & Sons Ltd. Sturrock Road, Bowmanville 623-5516 ess Performance. Count on it from your Esso Agent. E-xtra special Get a free oul spout with the purchase of a case of any Esso lubricating oul. Legion needs everyone's 814 port in this project to eu"' the local Legion to keep Up ý work they have been perfornr-< ing in the community and the surrounding area. Lt is-report- ed that this projeet could use- some ticket sellers, hence if any person orpersons would care to assist- - a phone caîllto either the' chairman or co- chairman will get tickets delivered to you. You may even by our next winner, or the winner of the seller',, prize. Since the April report the welfare fund bas made the following donations or contri- butions: - Bowmanville Hîgh School Band $150.,Clarke High School Band $i50.,Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal $200., Kinsmen Club "Cvstic Fibro- sis Fund" $200., Poppy Fund $175., Pee Wee Basebaîl $75., Bantam Basebail $75: Gordon McCullough, the winner of the May d'raw gave a donation of $50. to Br. 178