More Pictures of the Victoria Day Parade in Bethany Manvers Nursery School depicted "The Old Woman Who Lived lu a Shoe". There was a wide variety of costumes and decorations as the bikes camne into' their own. WESLEYV ILLE- The last SLOIday of M"aY %VSwas fa'from bimy but thec, nanýy, mnyspring birds feasting on thein- 1seots of trees tnea"r windJowvS poi ed a clourful pcueto view from the warmjjth 0of thle bouse. WarbIIIlrs of every kin1d are a'lch-allenge to idntf, witb their quick movmens. cros te vway two wocukunawarec of a5n audince, layedtag Up iidcldown a rail feace. People have been îbus;y tblis past week putting in gard-.- ens even if tie soüiJ is stili coo, Mrs. E.,arwlog e turned h]ast usa oo ing trom ai visit in theOtta wa Valleýy wheûre the weaV-), ther was w vet andc,,i Farmers weret greýatly dlis- couraged frniany of their fields were lyving under water, a repetition of ]?st year's disastrous wet cn ,itions. i H. O. P. E., the citizensi' group, bas been very, active tbese, past weeks scrn help for their opposýition to landfill in Hope Township and met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. W. Scul- thorpe on Thursday mora- ing, May 24th. The hard-pressend Faýrm famnily of the Murray Payne's, found (,];elief lat Monday, May 2lst itth arrivai of their ae,.farm manager, and bis vwifeý.Mr and Mrs. Donald-Lwi formneriy of New Zealand, had been in Engiand for a time and justco lte a rnontb's tour ofEuoe 11ev. and Mrsý.Kerk Sharpe aýiicd on thoir fricnýd Miss Clara Darke u ne dayu iast weelk. Mr. aadnr( Sharpe were formeriy1,1fromi Jamaica and for the ,pastd tbree and a haif yeaýrs hv been workîng as- isin aries ijn Nigeria. Teyare in Canadla on furlougli-. .Mrs. Arnnld Thi'iorndvlýke who has been in a PFLee- borough hospital. was bor-ne for the weekend but xviii h returaing for furiher treat-t ment. Mr. and Mrs. Brian.ý Eydey, were home for thie ceived the resuit: oflie music oupils hatest xai ail of them ucesfl iTeather and KristaMc- Hoim bath recdved ffirst class honnurs ini gradietwo: Nanecv Waiker. hionours in gzrade nine: AndrPw Clarke. honourq in grade 8. anid Marie Trivin î"as ruc'ess- fuila licnarialgrade nine? cheerful sunishiinet% there wuas a good attJeridance a(,ý%' Welcomene Uxited Church for, the 92nd Anaiv.ersary of(t)' present buildingý there. Thec guest speaker f or the rn- ingý was VMr. John Blacek, Q.C.'of Kingý,ston. Past Presi- dent of Boy of Quinte Con- ference. TÉhe subject of his sermon was "Encountering God'". in the church, in the world anîd in voureelf. h choir sang "Bless the Lonrd, 0 My Soul" and AFear T'Hou 'Not". Baskets of large sprays of apple blossoms ad brîght tulips mode beantyif spots at each side of thPront (of fTh-e church, tulipýs and narcissus we-re in, the a-ltar vases arnd wiý,,th a centre-piece of ll-fte -aly Il provided alo- Ty setting for this service of worrshîp. The Cajnadian Sta tesmnan, l3owr. OBJUAY1 TERRY DAVID LEE A resident of Os.hawa al bis if e, 1Te'crry Davidi Lee died Thursday, May 24, 1973 at the Toronto General Hos- pital, 1tollowýing an illness oýf severa'i mo1Ynths. He ived at 323 G ibb St., Oshawa, ,Api, 1. Hle was the son of M!r. anid Mrs. David Lee of HeFa- br Jan, 17, 1950 laOsaw and was mar- ri edý Augut 28, 1971 in Sim- coew SIreetUitcld Church, He atteadeduc Waiterloo Uni- He is survived by- his Mwife, the former Wendy Smith; bis parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Lee of Oshawa, two brothers, D. Wayne Lee and Kim Lee of Oshawa; his graadmothers, Mrs. Alice of Oshawa and Mrs. rnnvilie. May 30, 1973 3 VraAbernethy of Bow- inni e. Mvr. Lee rested at the ArmsrongFuneraIl Home. Service was inth chapel oni, Saturdaiy, May 25. ln- terment '-ji i thieOsha-wa Union Cemnetery. Rev, j. L, Visit the Specialîzing in:- perms - Colors Clairol Wigs Latest Cutting Techniques 1h the ýEditor's aiVîl AN 0OPEN L ETT'lER TOTH E cITIZENs m0F CARTWRIV1GH'I ~.Žeof the citizenis of Cartw-right hiad a il ;Iimpressin about somre of rny dieclsions and opiiJons. 11 make1 no excusesfor my deci,>sions, 1 puiblic place a resident ol' Blackstock said (o me 'God, don*t you tbiink thait Nestkiton desrvs ayting'~and a Nsetnres.-ident cheercd, se ' 0t1seuasthatthePark at NestIfitun is ti subjeut (Mal -olm Memnoriai Presbyt,,erian Park)."To start at the begin- n,'ing, a group of Foresters from iNe stiet--on came 'to coun- cil la 1968 withï a rcquest for money for materiai to build a back scre en. 1 ti,,)hougibis deserved cnieainbut before they left thecy said "What about the lighits", tu which the Reeve produced a plan ,ithfi oodlights aýnd obetd irst to the wyit was bcin g ,trmed to be pusbed through, sec-ond the Park was too smaii ýa good hit quite often went across 7A bighý way), third, the Park didnt belong to the township and last we have recreation board or (Parks board) and 1 thought any 'dcvelopmnent should be donc thiro)ug-h hemi. Only through thenican we get a grant on such projects. There it stoppcd for a time and I feel 1 acted in the intcrest of the township. 'Ia Mayý 1970, the c-ouncil authorizcd the purchase of more laia the back of the Park. ila July 1970, represen- tatives of the Nestieton Pres- byterýian Church made it clear they wcre nut prepared to tura the Park over to the township andafter some negotiation we signcd a 20 year lease. On May 4, 1971, Mr. Oliver Rohirer ziAdMr- Davison came to coýuncil and iasked cuclt aiipprI wrrtor fncit h glad to second the miotion to do thisý as we nnvw had a 20 year icase, and the local people wcre doing the work. Council- lor Mat-s offered to do the welding on, the back screen. Councillors Fewand IMairs were authorizedC to go with them aipurchase the miater- jal. The summer went by and they neyer came to get the material. la the spring of 1972, they came again with a price for a back screen fully inst;alie-d for somethinig like $ 1. 7000. 1 was flot in favor of this. For one reason 1 feit they shouihwd have gone ahead with th0e previous agreemnt fand if we were goiag lu spend thlis imoniey it should lbe,-donc thflrough the recreation board as that is their job. Thîs was done through the rceto board Thank You 0 0 - 6 %N'L VVIS1TO lTliA1'lURl1 VANY CUSTOMERS FOR COMING IN DURING, OUR OPENING. W,%E LOOK FOR WARD TO VOUR CONTINUED PATRO'NAGE IN TME FUTURE. Adamn & Eve Unýis.ex 21 TEMIPERANCE ST. (Just Off Four Corners) BOWMIANVILLE PHON ME 623-4191 OPENINSPECAL on PERMS (Prices Effective Until June 3th) $10.50 Perm - Special1 $ 8.50- $20.50 Perm - $15.50 Perm - Special 1 i1.50 $25.50 Perm - Special $15.50 Special $20.50 WASH SET 2,50LADIES' SCISSOR CUT Regç. $3.00O...... NowS25 Reg. $1.00...Now$25 SNow Introducing.. GAYEHUBBARD to Our staff. Our Specialty is ... THE NEWMODERN CUTS a. for MEN and WOMEN NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY This youngster fouiid the going a bit tough, until a helper gave a hand. aad a contract xvas signed and for Nesticton> re a W99 year it is being mstalicd. lease or purchaise f alo4 Then thie question of thie hall Memorial Par'.k. , 1 seconded Il came up. The Foresters have thîs motion)ý. ïThea there2 was a been plaaning for, years to motion to ag-re to expend , build. With thie Province $30,000 in 1973 1 opposed this ,..\J- rulrag (bat these halls cannot motion). Before- I agree ta bce exempt from taxes, the spend taxpayers' moacy flie Foi-esters called a meeting park has to be eceared up, 50 wi'th invited council. Tbey wc don't end up w,'Ii a hall and decidcd to ask thie couricil to no park, also T rnnot. sure take over the old hall and the that we sould spend tis raucli lot at North Nestîcton with the money (they are talki ng about sec fit to move the old hall or that large so il could have a tear it down and build a hall on bowling alley) - Now $30000'üu the lot. At this meeting I plus available' grants of per- suggested that 1 feit the old haps $15,000 on -this size hall was not worth moving. I building miay leave a lot to be feit the best plan would be to donc iii furishjiag and equip-SC sei tlic lot, tear the old hall ment later Cëan we couat on cr down and salvage aay lumber. local participation whea they SPK (This would be where local -oeuld't build a back screen or people could lielp) - As they wiîl the towaship havec to put were talking about a small la more in the aext few years? '"" hall- where the local people ,I do not feel I1arn agaiast k could play cuchre, etc., .1 Nestîcton and if people think I thought the best place for thîs arn 1 can't help that. i arn for S hall would-be at the Northwest Cartwright and 1 think wýe corner of, the Malcolm Mcm- shouîd progress in a way that orial Park on the land that We the most people will benelit own providing it could be and no local group is goî-iag to proved th at this Park had to pressure me into tikn remain always a park or we otherwý,ise. couid get a 99 year lease on it. On May 1, 1973 it was Rights (o buy Crow-n timb)er reported (liat the tlie recrea- have been granted to pulp anid (ion board liad passed a paper companies, on 213 per motion to approve coastrue- cent of Canada's publicly tion provided the present lease owaed forest land. is extended, and asked that tlie township designate funds White As h is an ideal wood available fromn the township. for basebaîl bats anid ol There wa;s -a motion to handies because(, of ils S 14AVEON1 approach i Cadmýius Presbyter- strcagtli,-stiffness andsotl MI ian Churcli Manîagers and wearipg qualities. SID Trustees (this is(lie official enï î - Hi cc-, .j-D Dy - - - -n-t - -t - -d - - - - - - -3- E AEI yGI lccoo CHRd~ O ME O$3 DtiNJECTOR BLADES S$1291 w$A&ý.mI1WITHIIS ilt M OUPON'- $UGGý LIST This =p, good.t D.A.Dog "TAN HAWAI IANI' Tannmng OU or Sunta Lotio *93 3o THER iDEMONST RATOR RAZUR QQ MITTHMIS ~ COUPON 48 TABLETS tes SUGC, LIFT S' CASITH TMON LOTIONI 5 KIJN G S T.VWiE S 623-5792 W e SESEUV pli pou-e -ý j. ! ý!!f! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.vwnmmzmm 6215792 -